Vaginal microbiocenosis and factors influencing its condition

The human body is a very delicate and well-functioning system. It is inherently unique, but at the same time very vulnerable. In most cases, it is the female gender who is worried about their health. Since a woman is not only a representative of the fair sex, but also a future mother. Most often, young girls are concerned about questions about the reproductive system and pregnancy. In order to find answers to your questions, it is important to understand the structure of the genital organs and the condition of the vagina.

Vaginal acid-base balance: what is it?

Before you figure out what vaginal acidity is, first of all it’s worth considering the concept of microflora, with which the first test is very closely related.

Microflora is a separate ecosystem, which is represented by a whole world of microorganisms. When the reproductive system is functioning normally and in the absence of any pathological processes that contribute to the deterioration of the microflora, over 40 types of bacteria are present in it. Of these, the most numerous and useful, and therefore very important for a woman, are lactobacilli: their share is 95% of the total vaginal flora.

These microorganisms synthesize lactic acid, due to which a slightly acidic environment is maintained in the vagina. Such specific microflora prevents the penetration and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms - bacteria, fungi, etc.

In addition, lactobacilli produce antibacterial compounds, which provide additional protection for the reproductive system organs from harmful microorganisms. In general, stable microflora indicators are a kind of shield, protecting a woman from various types of infections and maintaining the health of her reproductive system.

But when the number of lactobacilli begins to decrease, this is immediately reflected in a decrease in acidity in the vagina. The number of beneficial bacteria in the microflora is influenced by a huge number of factors, which we will talk about a little later.

When the balance of lactobacilli is disturbed, a microflora disorder develops, which in medicine is called vaginal dysbiosis or bacterial vaginosis. This disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • itching;
  • burning;
  • copious uncharacteristic discharge.

Classification of discharge

The female vagina contains not only lactobacilli, but also a lot of different microorganisms. They can be divided into several types:

  • The obliques are bacteria that are considered opportunistic pathogens, but at the same time pathogenic ones are also present. This flora helps maintain the body in normal condition.
  • Facultative microorganisms - they live in the reproductive organs of women individually.
  • Transient organisms are bacteria that enter the female uterus from the external environment. They are also called “random”, as they can be entered in a variety of ways.

But the most important inhabitants are the Dederleins, rods that perform regulatory and protective functions. It is because of them that an acidic environment occurs in women. Without these microorganisms, a woman begins to get sick and serious disorders occur in the body.

Causes of pH imbalance

Normal acidity levels in the vagina are 3.8-4.5 pH. When this value decreases below 3.8 units, an increase in acidity level is observed.

So, vaginal acidity levels can change under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Using hygiene products that are not suitable for women. If we are talking about the daily use of gels for intimate hygiene, then these should be products with a neutral pH level. If you follow “grandmother’s” methods and wash yourself with plain soap every day, then the risk of pH imbalance increases.
  2. Prolonged antibacterial treatment based on antibiotics. These types of drugs have a negative effect on the microflora of the entire body as a whole. They destroy not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also beneficial bacteria. Therefore, while undergoing this type of therapy, it is very important to adhere to all doctor’s prescriptions. As a rule, taking antibiotics is supplemented with special drugs that support beneficial microflora at the level necessary for the full functioning of the body.
  3. Excessively frequent and intense intimate hygiene. If you frequently douche and take a vaginal douche, this can negatively affect the acidity level in the vagina.
  4. Regular non-compliance with sleep, nutrition, frequent stress - all this also affects the pH balance in the vagina.
  5. Hormonal imbalance. It has been clinically proven that during pregnancy, before the start of a new menstrual cycle, during menopause or at the beginning of puberty, the pH level constantly changes.

Standard options

A healthy vulva, which includes the labia and vaginal opening, tastes and smells like a “healthy vulva.” That is, in women it can be sour or sweet, metallic or bitter, salty or spicy. It might even contain faint hints about what you had for dinner...

The taste may even vary throughout the calendar month, thanks to your menstrual cycle. Blood can affect its taste, as can the white discharge that usually accompanies ovulation. But as long as you don't experience any itching in your vagina, no unusually strong odors such as fishy or something disgusting, your aroma and taste are considered normal, whatever they are.

Low vaginal pH: is it dangerous?

At pH levels above 4.5 units, alkalization of the vaginal microflora occurs. A reduction in the level of lactobacilli leads to a weakening of local immunity, which can provoke bacterial vaginosis.

And if the symptoms described earlier are observed, then in any case we are talking about disorders of the reproductive system. Therefore, you must seek advice from a specialist. Do not self-medicate as this may lead to undesirable consequences, especially when it comes to reproductive health.

How to reduce vaginal acidity? So, with an increased level of acidity in the vaginal environment, unfavorable conditions are created for the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system, which can also interfere with conception. Indeed, if the microflora in the vagina changes, it will be even more difficult for sperm to reach the egg in order to fertilize it.

In this case, only a specialist should select a method for adjusting the acidic environment. This will allow you to quickly and correctly adjust the pH level in the vagina, thereby speeding up the onset of pregnancy, if this was the only obstacle in question. In this case, in advance the patient must undergo a series of studies and undergo some tests, which will give a complete picture of such an atypical manifestation of the functioning of the reproductive system.

In turn, I would like to emphasize once again that home methods such as douching with soda or washing with laundry soap can aggravate the course of the disease or the condition of the vaginal environment, which, in turn, will lead to the development of more serious problems with a woman’s reproductive health.

Causes of acid in urine

When a person has an acidic urine, the reasons can be varied. First of all, everything depends on the general condition of the whole organism. It is recommended to remember that an acidic environment does not always arise due to diet. Problems can be hidden much deeper and indicate the presence of serious diseases. If a person has changed his diet, but there is no improvement, it is recommended to undergo a full diagnosis. There are diseases that can cause acidic urine:

  1. Acute renal failure.
  2. Kidney tuberculosis.
  3. High temperature and fever.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Overvoltage and stress.
  6. Pancreatic diseases.
  7. Poor functioning of the adrenal glands.

When concerns and suspicions of any disease arise, you need to immediately consult a specialist.

Determination of acidity in the vagina

To understand that changes in discharge and discomfort are really associated with a violation of the vaginal microflora, it is necessary to determine the level of acidity. Today there are special test systems that are designed to determine the pH in the vagina. They are designed for home use and do not require going to a medical facility. They can be purchased at any pharmacy.

In appearance, these are paper test strips of gray-green color. To determine vaginal acidity, you need to apply the test strip to the vaginal wall for 2-3 seconds. The exact time of analysis is regulated by each individual manufacturer of such products. After this, we extract the test and compare it with the color graduation, which is included in the test system kit.

Is it possible to determine acidity without tests? Yes, but for this you need to contact a gynecologist and undergo the appropriate tests. You should not trust all sorts of homemade “grandmother’s” methods. Such manipulations can negatively affect the microflora of the female reproductive system.

Composition of vaginal discharge

In order to understand which secretions are normal and which are not, it is important to know their composition. It is generally stable, but can change due to the influence of various factors. But you should always remember that an acidic environment is good for the female body. The secretions include:

  • Mucus is produced by special channels that are located in a woman’s uterus.
  • Epithelium, it often falls away from the walls of the vagina. It is the epithelium that gives the discharge its whitish color.
  • A variety of microorganisms - viruses, fungi, bacteria. They are found only in the vagina. The uterus, tubes, and ovaries are considered sterile.

All bacteria and viruses are present in small quantities during normal functioning of the body. If a malfunction occurs in the body or immunity decreases, pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms begin to develop.

Acidity in the vagina during pregnancy

As mentioned earlier, vaginal acidity levels may change during pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother to ensure more successful pregnancy, labor and lactation. At this stage, increases in vaginal acidity are most often observed.

Changes in the microflora of a pregnant woman often lead to bacterial vaginosis, against which other infectious diseases can develop due to a weakened immune system. This phenomenon can have a teratogenic effect on the fetus, which, in turn, increases the risk of developing various types of defects and congenital infections. In the absence of qualified assistance, this may be one of the reasons for miscarriage.

How do candles work?

The use of suppositories after treatment of thrush to restore the microflora allows you to reduce the acidity level to a normal level, which varies between 3.4-4.5. Vaginal suppositories are a probiotic - a product containing live microcultures.

Candles may also include the following components:

  • lactic acid;
  • vitamin C;
  • herbal extracts with anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties.

The presence of additional components is necessary for the restoration of tissues damaged by pathogenic bacteria. In turn, lactobacilli, which are the basis of these drugs, react with the mucous membrane and begin to produce acid. Probiotics also contain bifidobacteria - live microorganisms that have an anti-inflammatory effect and help strengthen the immune system. For this reason, after taking antibiotics, doctors recommend that patients take medications containing bifidobacteria orally.

Bottom line

At the end of this publication, I would like to say the following: in order to protect yourself from possible pH level disturbances, you need to carefully select intimate hygiene products, adhere to the doctor’s recommendations when undergoing any treatment, and try to exclude from your daily life all factors that negatively affect the microflora.

Have you or someone you know ever encountered violations of this kind? If so, what methods were used to solve the problem?

Vaginal pH, video

The doctor decides how to reduce acidity in the vagina for faster and more successful conception. At the same time, he prescribes a series of tests aimed at examining both partners. Home methods of reducing vaginal acidity (for example, using soda douching) can harm women's health.

To protect yourself from possible pH imbalances, it is important to select suitable intimate hygiene products that do not negatively affect acidity levels. To do this, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the washing gel for intimate hygiene. Thanks to its balanced composition, this product maintains the physiological level of acidity and at the same time has a delicate cleansing effect.

If you already have an imbalance in your pH level, you can reduce its manifestations with the help of the intimate moisturizing gel "Gynocomfort". It was developed by specialists from the pharmaceutical company VERTEX, has undergone clinical trials and has a package of necessary documents and quality certificates. Testing of the gel, carried out at the Department of Dermatovenereology with the clinic of St. Petersburg State Medical University, showed its good tolerability by women, the absence of side effects and allergic reactions. The product helps to cope with vaginal dryness, itching and burning - common symptoms of both increased and decreased acidity of the vagina.


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Doctors have different opinions about douching with soda when planning pregnancy. Some consider this method a medieval heresy, others consider it a simple and effective way to solve certain problems with conception. Nevertheless, many women are sure that it was soda that helped them get pregnant.

In order to protect a woman’s internal genital organs from ascending infection, wise Nature has provided many means. One of them is based on the principle of a chemical barrier. Pathogenic microorganisms prefer an alkaline environment, but an acidic environment is destructive for them. Therefore, in a healthy woman, the environment in the vagina is highly acidic, which is achieved due to the presence of “beneficial” bacteria there - lactobacilli, which are also called Doderlein bacilli. The product of their vital activity is lactic acid, which creates an environment unsuitable for life and reproduction of harmful microorganisms.

Male sperm thrive in the slightly alkaline environment of seminal fluid. The normal acidity (pH) of sperm is at least 7.2 (the higher the number, the more alkaline the environment is). Most men's ejaculate has a pH of 7.8-8.0. The acidic environment of the vagina, it turns out, acts not only against pathogenic bacteria, but also against sperm. Sounds awful. But if this contradiction were insoluble, then humanity would have died out long ago. Fortunately, the woman’s body itself regulates the acidity of the vagina depending on the day of the cycle. If on an infertile day, high acidity stands guard against pathogenic bacteria, then in the days before ovulation, priority is given to procreation and the environment becomes less hostile to sperm - less acidic. In addition, the acid of the vagina is neutralized by the alkaline ejaculate of the man; some of the sperm “give their lives” so that the required amount still gets into the cervical canal, and from there through the uterus into the fallopian tubes.

Who can benefit from douching with soda?

It happens that the acidity in the vagina does not decrease enough during ovulation, and the seminal fluid has an insufficient pH level or the amount of it itself is not enough to neutralize this acid. Then you can rely on artificially neutralizing the acid with soda, since a solution of soda in water has a pronounced alkaline reaction. Your gynecologist can determine the acidity of the vaginal environment using test strips. Some doctors recommend this method if the postcoital test is negative, i.e. when the failure of pregnancy is due to the fact that the woman’s cervical fluid immobilizes or kills the sperm that have entered it. Douching with soda washes out some of the cervical mucus, and it becomes easier for sperm to pass through this barrier.

Douching with soda: Recipe

In order to reduce the acidity of the environment in the vagina, a weak soda solution is sufficient. Add a quarter teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of hot water (not boiling water), stir to dissolve the soda, and let the water cool to body temperature. Do not prepare a lot of solution - you do not need to pour liters of it into yourself. Take a douche and inject the soda douching solution into the vagina about half an hour to an hour before sexual intercourse. You can use alkaline mineral water or ready-made pharmaceutical solutions - soda buffers.

You should not overuse soda douching - it is not recommended to do it more than 1-2 times per cycle, in anticipation of ovulation. To more accurately determine on what day to use this method, it is advisable to carry out ultrasound folliculometry or use ovulation tests in such a cycle and remember that sexual intercourse has a greater chance of becoming “effective” if it occurs 1-2 days before or on the very day the egg is released. The effect of reducing acidity can last up to 3-4 days after douching with soda .

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