Delayed menstruation during menopause: signs and etiology

In this article we will look at the reasons why menstruation is delayed during menopause.

For women aged 40-45 years, symptoms of delayed menstruation are normally characteristic as a signal of the transition to the menopause phase. This phenomenon is normal and even correct, and therefore does not require urgent consultation with a doctor, testing for pregnancy or any disease. However, all of the above cannot be excluded, just as one cannot ignore the changes in one’s body.

Many women wonder whether menstruation can be delayed during menopause.

What processes occur in the female body?

To understand what changes the female body experiences, you can imagine a flower that grows from a bulb, turns into a bud, opens, gives its beauty to others and soon fades.

A similar cyclicity is observed in female reproductive function:

  • the time of puberty is the appearance and opening of the bud (the arrival of the first menstruation);
  • flowering period - flowering, maturity, when the body is able to fully continue the race;
  • withering is the cessation of such female ability.

How long can menstruation be delayed during menopause? This is a common question.

Closer to the age of fifty (from 45 to 55), every woman experiences a delay in menstruation, signaling the onset of menopause, when the full activity of the reproductive system ceases.

How to cope easier with the cessation of menstruation and the onset of menopause

Menopause and the onset of menopause is a difficult time in the life of women and not everyone is able to overcome this threshold with ease. The burden of worries, previously acquired chronic diseases and many other reasons can disrupt the gradual transition of the female body from one age category to another. Throughout the entire time, this condition, which is essentially a natural physiological process, can be complicated by various physical and psycho-emotional disorders. To prevent this from happening, every woman must prepare for this transitional period and meet it with dignity, armed with the necessary knowledge. To do this, you need to try to lose excess weight by visiting the gym and health groups. It’s good to find a group of like-minded people in which, in addition to physical recovery, you can get emotional support and take your mind off sad thoughts about impending old age.

Endocrine system

The endocrine system ceases to produce hormones (progesterone, estrogen) in the required quantities for the functioning of the reproductive system and the ability to conceive. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to get pregnant, since the ovulation process can still occur. In addition, the period of menopause is quite long and normally “occurs” gradually, gradually depriving the woman of the ability to continue the birth. There are three main stages of menopause:

  • premenopause,
  • menopause itself,
  • postmenopause.

Let's look at the symptoms of delayed menstruation during menopause.

Menstrual cycle

Menstrual cycle

- a set of changes in a woman’s body aimed at the ability to conceive. Its regulation is carried out using a complex hormonal mechanism.

The average length of the menstrual cycle is 28 days. However, its length in healthy women can be shortened to 21 days or extended to 35 days.

Ovulation is the process of release of the female reproductive cell from the ovary into the free abdominal cavity. This event corresponds to the middle of the menstrual cycle - days 12-16. During ovulation and 1-2 days after it, the female body is ready to conceive a child.

Menarche is the first menstrual cycle in a girl’s life and marks the beginning of the reproductive activity of the female body. Typically, this event occurs between the ages of 11 and 14 years, but the norm is considered to be from 9 to 16 years. The time of menarche depends on many reasons - genetics, body type, diet, general health.

Specifics of premenopause

Menopause mainly begins between the ages of 45 and 55, but if it happens earlier, then we can talk about early menopause, that is, physiological characteristics or pathology that require medical attention. On average, premenopause lasts about six years and gradually a woman loses her reproductive ability.

A delay in menstruation during menopause is noted precisely at the beginning of the period, that is, it is regarded as a symptom of the woman’s body entering the menopause. There can be several types of delay:

  • Delays in menstruation occur in a smooth increasing sequence, there is no sudden absence of discharge and recovery after. In the menstrual cycle there is almost order, as in the reproductive period, but with a noticeable decline. The discharge becomes smaller in quantity, becomes scarcer, and then stops altogether. This type of delay shows the healthy functioning of a woman’s body; it is observed in the predominant number of representatives of the fairer sex during menopause.
  • The regularity of the menstrual cycle has noticeable irregularities, and delays constantly occur. Menstruation has different uncontrollable intervals; it can be both scanty and abundant. Thus, imbalance and “restlessness” of the hormonal system are expressed, and therefore medical consultation is required.
  • What can be a delay in menstruation during menopause? It occurs for a long period, for example, 3-4 months. After this, spotting appears and disappears again for quite a long time. This indicates a sudden transition to menopause and a hormonal surge in a woman’s body.
  • There is also a one-time delay in critical days, after which the menstrual cycle stops. Menstruation no longer returns and goes away completely.

How does a delay in menstruation manifest during menopause?

General description of the pathology

There comes a time in the life of any woman when biological aging begins to occur in the body, which is accompanied by hormonal imbalance, deterioration of the reproductive system, and so on. This cannot happen in one day; the process itself can last several years. The following stages of menopause are determined:

  1. Premenopause

    . Celebrated at approximately 45–50 years of age. Processes occur in the body that are associated with the work of the ovaries. The ovaries are responsible for the synthesis of the sex hormone estrogen. Under the influence of estrogen, egg maturation begins to occur. In this phase of menopause, the amount of this hormone begins to decrease over time until it is fully produced. The duration of this period is approximately six months.
  2. Menopause . The menopausal period is expressed by the absence of critical days 9-12 months after the last menstruation.
  3. Postmenopause . At this time, the functioning of the ovaries ends, estrogen is no longer released, and eggs are not formed.

If we consider the question of when women’s periods end forever, then doctors determine this age to be around 55-60 years. A later completion indicates the woman’s predisposition to oncological tumors of the breast or genital organs.

Menstruation at the beginning of menopause

The onset of menopause, that is, premenopause, lasts approximately six years, and the onset of this stage is characterized by normal menstruation, but with delays. The possibility of fertilization still exists due to the incomplete cessation of the activity of the reproductive system, but only extinction, and therefore we must not forget about protection.

A delay in menstruation at the beginning of menopause is the absolute norm.

Over the years, and sometimes even at the beginning of menopause, menopause may already be bleeding due to the use of hormonal drugs. It represents pseudo-menstruation.

In addition, the uterus, whose walls are weakened and injured due to loss of tone and vaginal dryness, can bleed. Bleeding in excess of 80 ml indicates health problems and is not within normal limits.

Women need to be careful about discharge if it is too long or excessive, as it can indicate various diseases.

A delay in menstruation during menopause at its onset is not an explanation for their duration or abundance. When delays increase, scarcity also increases, the duration of critical days decreases, which is a normal indicator of the menopause period.

Body changes during menopause

At the turn of the 40th birthday, a woman’s body may increasingly lack menstrual-type blood discharge. Such a lack of menstruation indicates the onset of menopause. And the older a woman gets, the more often the absence of menstruation manifests itself, and the reproductive system of organs increasingly loses its reproductive functionality.

But despite the fact that the functioning of the endocrine glands is reduced, and sex hormones are produced in ever smaller quantities, the processes of ovulation and maturation of an egg ready for fertilization still rarely occur.

Therefore, the cause of the delay may be the onset of pregnancy, and menopause and its manifestations may hide the presence of this factor.

Therefore, it is necessary to be attentive to your health status and the symptoms that appear.

It is recommended that in cases where there is no menstruation for two or more weeks, and changes are observed at the psycho-emotional level, a pregnancy test is performed. If the result is negative, you must contact a medical center to determine a further treatment regimen for the upcoming menopause.

Menopause is a fairly long transition to old age, which is divided into three main phases:

  • premenopause;
  • menopause;
  • postmenopause.

Let's take a closer look at the signs that contribute to the onset of menopause.

Postmenopause: what is its essence?

Postmenopause is a period of menstruation in which critical days have not occurred throughout the year, and therefore a delay in this situation is excluded.

Thus, a delay during menopause is normal if everything happens gradually. The slightest hormonal changes and uncontrolled discharge indicate problems, in which case it is important to contact a medical facility.

Is the delay normal?

Delayed menstruation does happen during menopause, and it is the last one. After such critical days, true menopause occurs.

The methods for determining the last selection are as follows.

During menopause, the delay of critical days ranges from three weeks to three months, and therefore their absence for longer than this period indicates the real arrival of the menopause.

All this indicates a complete cessation of ovarian function and female reproductive function. This period occurs from approximately 47 to 52 years.

Reasons for missed periods other than pregnancy and menopause

What are the reasons for missing periods if the pregnancy test is negative? Almost every woman asks this question at least once in her life. Even the most effective contraceptive methods do not provide an absolute guarantee, which is why any delay should be a warning signal for a woman and force her to take a simple pregnancy test. The menstrual cycle is disrupted, and the reasons for the absence of menstruation can be different:

  • frequent weight fluctuations, severe dietary restrictions;
  • serious emotional shock, stressful situations;
  • climate change;
  • starting to use hormonal drugs for contraception, switching to another method of birth control;
  • hormonal pathologies;
  • recent surgical interventions on the genitals;
  • obesity or, conversely, underweight;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary organs;
  • performing abortions;
  • neoplasms of the ovaries and uterus.

Long periods during menopause

For most women, menstruation stops, but after a while it resumes. After this, severe bleeding is very characteristic, which can last for several days, and then stops again. If the cycle has ended, then this is, apparently, uterine bleeding, and not menstruation.

This may be caused by eating disorders or bad habits - alcohol or smoking. There may be several reasons for the tumor; it can be either malignant or benign or another pathology. In this case, you need to immediately consult a gynecologist; he will be able to tell you the reason.


The main reason for delayed menstruation with a negative test is cycle failure caused by hormonal changes and stress. If such a problem appears periodically, then we can say that there is a persistent violation of the cycle. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a gynecologist when he receives information after a comprehensive diagnosis. Upon contacting the clinic, the patient will undergo laboratory blood tests, examination, and ultrasound examination.

The sooner a woman seeks qualified help, the sooner effective treatment for cycle failures and detected diseases will be prescribed. You should take information about past examinations to your doctor's appointment. Sometimes experts ask women to show a calendar of critical days, which reflects the duration, consistency and other features of her cycle.

Diagnosis methods

If any abnormal bleeding occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. When the discharge is quite abundant, you can put a heating pad with ice on your stomach, raise your legs to the top to prevent blood from leaving the internal organs, and drink more water. These manipulations will help restore bleeding during menopause. If the patient's condition is very bad, then you need to call an ambulance.

To establish a diagnosis, the doctor may suggest the following diagnostic methods (this complex is individual and will depend on the specific condition of the woman):

  1. Transvaginal ultrasound. Allows you to determine the presence of abnormal changes in the uterus, as well as processes of enlargement of the genital organs.
  2. Visual inspection. Using this method, the doctor will be able to determine the condition of the pelvic organs.
  3. Biopsy. Produced to detect the presence of pathological cells.
  4. Blood test for hormonal imbalance and the presence of tumor markers in the body.
  5. Ultrasound of the reproductive system. Additionally, the bladder, kidneys and ducts are examined.


Women have recently taken the periodic absence of menstruation lightly and lightly. They postpone a visit to the gynecologist, which is why treatment begins late, and the result is disastrous. Often benign formations grow without discomfort and pain, but sometimes they disrupt the cycle due to hormonal disorders.

If your period is late and the test is negative, you should be concerned. The regularity of the female cycle is an indicator of health. If alarming symptoms are missed and there is no close attention, problems with conceiving a child, pregnancy and childbirth may arise in the future.

Special Recommendations

During premenopause, a woman should pay special attention to her body. If the course of this period is not accompanied by a number of severe complications, then you can use the list of the following tips:

  • The daily diet should contain only natural products. You should completely exclude foods high in carbohydrates and fats. To maintain your body, it is best to consume fresh vegetables, fruits, natural juices and whole grains.
  • Daily moderate physical activity through walking, gymnastics or cycling has a beneficial effect on the body of a premenopausal woman.
  • Sleep duration should be at least 8 hours a day.
  • Yoga classes can significantly ease the course of this period, as they also help strengthen the entire body and relax the nervous system.

Hormonal background

The female hormonal background reacts sharply to all adverse effects: antibiotic treatment, stress, alcohol consumption, climate change and smoking. Menstruation may disappear if you get involved in sports, under heavy loads, especially when combined with diet. Cycle disorders often appear on vacation if a woman spends a lot of time under the scorching rays of the sun and suddenly switches to a new diet.

Menstrual irregularities almost always appear due to malfunctions of the glands involved in the regulation of the main functions of the body, and imbalance of hormones. As is known, the latter directly affect a woman’s condition - her mood, beauty, life expectancy and performance. The longer menstruation lasts, the better the woman will feel. When the production of sex hormones stops, the risk of arthrosis (joint deformation with age), arthritis (articular deformation regardless of age) and other joint diseases, as well as pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, greatly increases.

A delay in menopause is the initial signal of the beginning of a woman’s transition into the senile period of life. Menopause refers to changes in the reproductive functionality of the reproductive system of the organs of the female body, characterized by the complete extinction of the functioning of the ovaries, the cessation of the ability to achieve fertilization and the development of pregnancy.

But menopausal changes affect not only the female reproductive system, but also other systems in the body. Therefore, a delay in menstruation during menopause is only one of the signs of menopause, which requires close attention.

How to cope with hot flashes easier

Menopause is not only a delay in menstruation. The process means personality changes, irritability, aggressiveness, weight changes, rapid aging and changes in appearance. The decline of a woman’s reproductive function is accompanied in some cases by hyperhidrosis, or water retention during menopause. Poor health and hot flashes are often observed.

In the normal course of menopause, it is enough to monitor regular food intake, proper weight loss, and nutrition with a sufficient amount of vitamins, microelements, and minerals. In such a situation, active recreation, light sports, yoga or fitness are recommended.

Going through menopausal changes with painful manifestations requires mandatory medical supervision, individual recommendations, and medication. Often, the doctor prescribes hormonal drugs that can alleviate the condition to a significant extent. But their recommendations exclude diseases.

Causes of delayed menstrual flow

  • The main reason for a delay in menstruation during menopause is a change in hormonal levels in the body. Involutional processes occurring in the area of ​​the central sections of the hypothalamus contribute to a gradual decrease in the level of sensitivity of this section of the pituitary gland to estrogenic influences in the body. And this is a violation of the regulatory functionality of the hypothalamus in the flow of reverse regulatory processes.

An insufficient level of stimulation on the pituitary gland leads to an increase in the level of production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, which, in turn, leads to anovulatory cycles that are not accompanied by the release of an egg.

  • These processes provoke the onset of the development of specific processes in the ovarian region, characterized by atresia of the follicles, destruction of the encapsulated membrane, death of the oocyte and preservation of only the stroma, which contribute to a reduction in the level of estrogen secretion. This in turn contributes to a pathological change in feedback from the hypothalamus and the manifestation of even greater pathological changes.

As a result of the processes described above, the level of hormonal substances in the body changes. Along with this, their sequence in alternation before the onset of the next menstrual cycle also changes, which leads to the fact that menstruation is delayed, and then menopause occurs. It is these reasons for hormonal changes in the body that lead to a delay in menstruation at the beginning of menopause.

Signs of the onset of perimenopause

The appearance of at least 1 of the following signs in a woman of the specified age category may indicate the beginning of the premenopausal period.

The main symptoms of suppressed menstrual function include:

  • the presence of blood clots in menstrual flow;
  • persistent sleep disturbance, up to insomnia;
  • feeling of heat, increased sweating, redness of the facial skin;
  • decreased libido;
  • causeless weight gain;
  • increased blood cholesterol levels;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • the appearance of discomfort during intimacy;
  • a significant increase in symptoms characteristic of the premenstrual period.


Among the first signs indicating the onset of menopausal changes in the body are a delay in menstrual bleeding. During menopause, menstruation is usually delayed first by 6-7 days, then by a month to a month and a half, and may not appear for longer. Blood discharge during menstruation significantly decreases in quantitative volume, becoming increasingly scarce. Such symptoms become more noticeable during the premenopausal phase.

The onset of menopause, along with the lack of timely bleeding, may be accompanied by other pathological symptoms, united into one scheme that characterizes the entire process of menopausal changes. These manifestations are divided into the following groups:

  • disorders at the psycho-emotional level of the state of the central nervous system, including such manifestations as increased irritability, apathy, tearfulness, frequent depressive states and various phobias;
  • endocrine changes, manifested in the form of dysfunction of the thyroid and pancreas, as well as the adrenal glands, causing chronic weakness, lethargy, pathological changes in the joints and active gain of extra pounds;
  • changes in the functionality of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by the appearance of headaches, hot flashes and attacks of sudden heat, dizziness and increased sweating.

All groups of symptomatic manifestations of menopause have a pathogenic effect on the female body. This is another reason for delayed menstrual flow.

The onset of menopause in the female body, in most cases, occurs at the turn of the 50th birthday. This period is accompanied by a complete cessation of the menstrual cycle and the extinction of the reproductive functionality of the genital organs. With the onset of menopause, the occurrence of an unplanned pregnancy becomes impossible.

But until menopause has occurred, it is recommended to use effective methods of contraception to prevent unplanned fertilization of the egg and its further development.

Let's take a closer look at the main features of the menstrual cycle in various phases of menopause.

Delayed menstruation in the premenopausal period

Pathological changes in the nature of menstrual flow and the manifestation of delays in the premenopausal period begin to appear after 43-44 years and can last for 5-7 years.

During the entire period of menopause, the menstrual cycle is characterized by periodic cessation of menstrual-like discharge and the resumption of the menstrual cycle, with changes in the psycho-emotional state of the woman. Delays in menstrual flow during this period become increasingly longer, turning into symptoms corresponding to the menopausal period.

Menstruation in menopause

At the onset of menopause, the absence of menstrual flow reaches its peak duration of 12 months or more. With the onset of menopause, the menstrual cycle stops completely and periods will no longer appear.

During a year or more of absence of menstrual flow, ovulation processes in the ovaries also stop, which leads to a full transition to menopause itself. From the moment of menopause, the female body begins to prepare for the transition to the next stage of the menopause – postmenopause.

Menstrual flow in postmenopause

If, with the onset of postmenopause, rare bloody discharges have not yet stopped appearing in a woman’s body, this may indicate the development of serious pathological processes that are dangerous for the entire female body.

If such symptoms appear in postmenopause, it is recommended to immediately seek the advice of a qualified medical specialist and undergo the necessary examination to identify the cause of the bleeding.

Timely treatment of pathological changes in the reproductive system will eliminate the risk of developing a serious pathology and prevent its transition to an irreversible stage of development.

Signs of approaching menopause

Menopause is not affected by the start and end of menstruation, the date of birth or pregnancy. Bad habits and hormonal contraceptives can additionally cause menopause.

The most basic sign of symptoms that indicates the onset of menopause is a delay in menstruation. The first thing is that the menstrual cycle is disrupted for varying periods of time. First it's a week, then a month. The intensity of discharge decreases. This does not indicate any deviations. But there are also pathological disorders that are divided into 3 groups:

  • nervous - mental. There is an increase in irritability, a depressive state and various phobias appear;
  • endocrine. Characterized by impaired functionality of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Due to changes, fatigue, obesity, joint diseases appear;
  • cardiovascular. The most common symptoms are headaches , dizziness, swelling, high blood pressure, and increased sweating .

Any disturbances affect the functionality of the body and delay the onset of menstruation. On average, menopause occurs after 45-50 years. But there is also an early manifestation in a woman under 40 years of age. Menopause occurs earlier due to heredity.

Types of delayed menstrual flow

Cases with the manifestation of delayed menstrual flow, characterized by a sign of approaching menopause, can occur with varying intensity and nature of the flow. Based on this, the following types of delayed menstrual flow are distinguished:

  1. Irregularity of menstrual flow, occurring with a gradual increase in duration and decrease in the volume of menstruation. With this course of delays, a gradual decline in the body’s menstrual ability is observed, moreover, periods become more scanty with a smooth transition to the cessation of their manifestations. This functionality of the reproductive system is considered normal and manifests itself in most cases.
  2. Delays with disturbances in the regular cyclicity of the menstrual cycle, characterized by manifestation over a longer period of time, but affecting different time periods. There are hormonal surges that affect the nature of menstruation, which can be either too scanty or too heavy. In this case, it is recommended to seek qualified medical help.
  3. Delayed menstruation, which appeared once and led to the complete cessation of menstruation and the extinction of the reproductive capacity of the female body. This is a fairly rare phenomenon that requires specialist supervision.

The menopausal stage and the cessation of menstrual function in the body is a kind of stress for a woman. Therefore, in order to avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to prepare for the onset of this period in advance by studying all the available literature in order to meet hormonal changes in your body at a decent level and promptly apply the acquired knowledge to alleviate your own well-being.

Menstruation as a marker of health

The time before menopause is difficult emotionally and physically. Nervousness, poor health and fatigue caused by hormonal imbalances become constant companions. And the changes taking place in the body only increase anxiety.

Women whose age is approaching 40 years old should be aware of the possible nature of menstruation during this period. Being aware of normal cycle lengths, regular bleeding times and volume can help avoid unnecessary worry. And knowing the signs of deviations will not allow you to miss developing diseases

Sources: -pri-klimakse.html

Why is there a delay?

The main reasons for the delay at the time of menopause are presented in the table.

Changes in hormonal levelsThis is the main reason for the appearance of delay at the age of 40-50 years. In the central parts of the hypothalamus, the level of sensitivity decreases. There is a change in the level of some hormones. Eggs gradually stop being produced.
Decreased estrogen secretionChanges in hormones contribute to the onset of the development of specific processes in the ovarian area. The rate of estrogen secretion decreases. This provokes the appearance of a number of unpleasant symptoms.

The above processes lead to regular delays. Over time, menstruation disappears completely. At this time, the body is at the stage of active restructuring.

Menstruation becomes irregular and delays occur

Menopause often occurs gradually. Rarely does a woman have no idea about the development of menopause.


The initial diagnosis of premenopause is made through an analysis of the complaints presented, as well as on the basis of laboratory analysis data on the level of sex hormones. When prolonged or heavy menstrual flow appears, a woman needs constant medical monitoring of her condition, as well as undergoing special diagnostic procedures. Long and heavy menstruation during premenopause requires such diagnostic measures as:

  • Clinical blood test to determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.
  • Coagulogram. This study is one of the most important, since heavy menstruation is often caused by a violation of the blood clotting function.
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs for organic pathology.
  • Cytological examination of a previously taken smear from the cervix. This study is carried out to exclude malignant pathology.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • To confirm the diagnosis, diagnostic curettage and hysteroscopy may be performed.

What symptoms accompany

The first symptoms of menopause often appear after the age of 50. However, sometimes the condition can change earlier. This indicator is purely individual. At the onset of menopause, menstruation is usually delayed, first by a week, and eventually by a month. Sometimes her absence can be longer. The amount of discharge is significantly reduced. Bloody smear is more typical for this period.

A woman experiences changes at the psycho-emotional level. The fairer sex becomes more irritable. Mood changes often. Apathy and excessive tearfulness predominate. There is a high risk of developing a depressive state. Against the background of psycho-emotional changes, a woman more often begins to think about various philosophical issues. There is no desire to do anything.

The functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands deteriorates. This provokes a decrease in performance. There is constant weakness and fatigue, regardless of the number of tasks completed per day. A woman stops getting enough sleep and may experience sleep disorders in the form of insomnia. There is a change in weight. Most often, body weight increases.

The functioning of the cardiovascular system deteriorates. For this reason, regular headaches occur. The slightest rush of blood is felt. A woman faces a feverish condition. Sweating is increased, and the head is constantly spinning.

Shortly before menopause, women may experience a variety of phobias, which may be a reason to seek help from specialists.

Burning and itching may periodically occur in the genital area. During sexual intercourse, discomfort manifests itself.

Urinary incontinence is common

The period is characterized by urinary incontinence. When you cough or sneeze, a small amount is released. This causes the woman significant discomfort. The condition is accompanied by an increased level of sweating. A woman has to change clothes and bed linen several times.

Symptoms of menopause

Symptoms vary. During menopause, a disorder occurs:

  1. Thermoregulation - increased sweating.
  2. The general condition of the body is lethargy, apathy, dizziness .
  3. In memory.
  4. Moods - changes, changes in emotional background
  5. Sleep - insomnia .
  6. Sexual attraction.
  7. Performance.
  8. Menstrual cycle. In the presence of illness, discharge may occur together with pain.

At the last stage of menopause, other symptoms occur:

  • deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels;
  • osteoporosis;
  • metabolic disease;
  • rapid weight gain;
  • high blood pressure;
  • decreased immunity;
  • excited state of a woman (anxiety);

How to distinguish from pregnancy

Delay is characterized by both menopause and pregnancy. It is important to be able to distinguish between these two conditions. The first thing to do in the absence of menstruation is to take a pregnancy test. This method is not 100% reliable. Therefore, if the result is positive, you need to urgently go to the gynecologist.

During pregnancy, gagging appears only in the morning. When menopause approaches, nausea is not due to any time frame. After conception, a girl's taste preferences change.

During conception, unlike menopause, there are no hot flashes. Also at this time, the expectant mother experiences a large amount of vaginal discharge.

This video will tell you about the signs of menopause:

Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy

Often, girls do not protect themselves during changes in the frequency of menstruation, especially when a long period of absence of several months passes, thinking that the possibility of conception is very low. However, this is absolutely not true, because if pregnancy is not planned, then it is necessary to use some kind of hormonal contraceptives during the entire period of premenopause. Why is this required? This will reduce the risk of pregnancy after 45-55 years, and can also help cope with other unpleasant clinical symptoms of menopause.

What types of delays occur during menopause?

Delays during menopause vary. In the first case, they appear in a smooth increasing sequence. There is no sudden disappearance of discharge. Their number is gradually decreasing. The body as a whole works satisfactorily.

Otherwise, the regularity of menstruation has significant disturbances. Delays appear constantly. Bloody discharge can be both abundant and scanty. Delays can last up to six months.

There are situations when menopause manifests itself instantly. In this case, menstruation may not be delayed, but disappear immediately.

Too much discharge

About 25% of women have heavy bleeding (hypermenorrhea, menorrhagia) during perimenopause. Their periods are so heavy that even huge tampons or pads cannot contain the discharge.

If you have had heavy bleeding several times, anemia may develop due to blood loss. During a heavy flow, a woman may feel weak when sitting or standing. This means that blood volume decreases. During such periods, it is useful to drink salty liquid (tomato juice or soup). Doctors may prescribe ibuprofen every four to six hours until relief occurs. This will help reduce blood loss by 25 to 45 percent.

Severe or prolonged bleeding should not be ignored. You should always consult a doctor.

In such cases, doctors take a blood test and check iron levels. If necessary, additional doses of this mineral are prescribed.

Another treatment may include an intrauterine device, which reduces menstrual bleeding. Removing the uterus is an irreversible step with many consequences.

Heavy bleeding during premenopause can be due to the following reasons:

  • imbalance of estrogen and progesterone;
  • enlarged polyps (small, non-cancerous growths of tissue that can occur in the lining of the uterus);
  • fibroid growth, especially when it grows into the uterine cavity.

If very heavy bleeding persists despite treatment, your doctor should check for all possible causes. Sometimes this can be a consequence of certain diseases.

What to do

The first thing to do is not to worry. Menopause does not pose any danger. It is only important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations. You need to see a doctor who will select appropriate hormone therapy. Medicines are selected individually. In addition, the doctor advises:

  • avoid drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • alternate physical activity with mental activity, and also give preference to an active lifestyle;

Doctors often recommend taking vitamins

  • lead a full intimate life;
  • Healthy food;
  • take vitamins;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • give preference only to positive emotions;
  • get proper rest and sleep for at least 7 hours;
  • focus your energy on strengthening your immune system.

The recommendations listed will help normalize the condition and ease the onset of menopause.

Other violations

The completion of the synthesis of the hormone estrogen, which is responsible for the formation of eggs, may cease due to disruption of the ovaries. The causes of this condition may be:

  • treatment with chemotherapy or radiation during cancer therapy (the harm caused is assessed, and recovery is quite possible);
  • the use of medications that prevent the natural functioning of a woman’s reproductive system (after abandoning them, after a certain time the body recovers itself);
  • surgical intervention that involves the removal of the appendages or uterus (further hormonal treatment is necessary, but the function of the missing internal organs is not restored).

Most often, normal functioning of the ovaries (during minor damage) can resume a year after completion of medical operations. However, periodic examinations by a doctor will be required to monitor the progress of all processes. Do not forget that the use of any drugs can only be done on the recommendation of the specialist who performed the diagnosis. Otherwise, the harm from self-medication will be colossal.

Menstruation at different stages of menopause

Menopause is divided into three stages:

  • initial – premenopause;
  • medium – menopause;
  • late – postmenopause.

Premenopause is the period of time from the first menopausal symptoms to the end of menstruation. For different women, this period lasts from 2 to 10 years. The decline of reproductive capacity can be rapid and intense, and sometimes completely imperceptible. At the first stage of menopause, a woman notices pronounced or unexpressed disruptions in the cyclicity of menstruation. Menstrual flow varies from month to month in duration and abundance. But short and light discharge is considered normal during premenopause. Prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding usually indicates pathological conditions that require medical attention. Common symptoms of premenopause are weakness, chronic fatigue, memory problems, deterioration in appearance, and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Menopause is the period of time that is one year after the last menstruation in life. The work of the ovaries completely stops, and the body experiences an estrogen deficiency, since only estrogens produced in adipose tissue remain. There is no more ovulation, therefore the woman cannot become pregnant.

Postmenopause is the final stage of menopause. Any vaginal bleeding during this period should be regarded as a pathology.

How is the medical examination carried out?

A complete examination may take from several days to several weeks. First of all, the patient is referred for blood tests. When they are ready, the results are evaluated. If there is insufficient data to clarify the diagnosis, other procedures are prescribed.

The most informative types of diagnostics:

  • hysterography;
  • Ultrasound using a vaginal sensor;
  • MRI of the pelvic organs.

In most cases, diagnosis is possible already at this stage, but there are exceptions. The time that the examination takes is due to the fact that each time it is necessary to wait for test results. In addition, for medical reasons, it may be necessary for a certain amount of time to pass between two procedures. There are also types of research that require preparation.

When a doctor prescribes more and more new diagnostic procedures, you should not immediately suspect the worst. There are different situations, for example, the pathology occurs in a non-standard way, or it is not possible to establish the cause of the discharge due to the individual characteristics of the women’s body. Thus, you need to completely trust the doctor and not worry until the diagnosis is announced.

Causes of long periods in premenopause

Long periods in premenopause clearly signal the development of a disease of the reproductive system. A woman should be wary if she has prolonged menstrual flow that lasts longer than a week, clots are noticeable in the released blood, long monthly cycles take more than 20 days, and blood appears during sexual intercourse. The following pathologies are the causes of long periods:

  1. Myoma is a benign uterine tumor. The tumor grows slowly, so it does not appear for a long time. In postmenopause, due to the lack of menstruation, fibroids usually dry out.
  2. Polyposis is a harmless uterine growth. The only possible manifestation of polyps is prolongation of menstruation.
  3. Polycystic disease is the formation of multiple cysts in the ovaries, associated with disruption of the endocrine glands during menopause. The disease is accompanied by intense bleeding from the vagina.
  4. Endometriosis is a pathological growth of the uterine endometrium.
  5. Adenomyosis is the ingrowth of the endometrium into the muscular uterine wall.
  6. Blood clotting disorder.
  7. The use of hormonal contraceptives, due to which hormonal levels fluctuate, vaginal bleeding occurs.
  8. Installation of an intrauterine device.

A woman who has had her period for too long since the onset of menopause should undergo a full medical examination to determine the factor that caused the pathological phenomenon.

Reasons for early cessation of menstruation

Premature decline of reproductive function can be a consequence of various factors.

  1. Genetic abnormalities. Early entry into menopause has been genetically fixed in the body since the girl’s prenatal development.
  2. Mental disorders. Today, women constantly face stress, are nervous , cannot keep up with the accelerating pace of life, and as a result suffer from depression, mental and nervous system disorders. And this condition inevitably leads to accelerated aging.
  3. Chronic diseases. Diabetes, heart and vascular pathologies, liver dysfunction, and cancer deplete the body and provoke premature aging of the reproductive system.
  4. Living conditions. Women who live and work in favorable moral and economic conditions, having everything they need for comfort, later face a decline in reproductive ability and maintain an active lifestyle in their older years.
  5. Climatic conditions. In hot countries, girls enter puberty earlier. Consequently, if menstruation comes early, then it ends earlier.
  6. Features of sexual life. In women who regularly and enjoy sex, menopausal symptoms appear later than in women of the same age who have problems with intimate relationships.
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