Treatment with Duphaston for endometriosis - how does the drug work and how to take it?

Does Duphaston help with endometriosis?

The active substance of the drug is dydrogesterone, similar to the natural hormone progesterone.
It is not a testosterone derivative and rarely causes the development of side effects characteristic of most synthetic (androgenic) progestogens. Duphaston is prescribed as part of hormone replacement therapy - when taken orally regularly, the tablets act on the inner layer of the uterus, preventing the risk of its excessive growth. In what cases is it indicated to take the medicine:

  • endometriosis;
  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • habitual miscarriage caused by diseases caused by insufficiency of progesterone in the body;
  • irregular monthly cycle;
  • secondary amenorrhea;
  • painful premenstrual syndrome.

Observation Also prescribed to women diagnosed with endometriosis to stop the effect of estrogen on the inner uterine layer, which aggravates the course of the disease. Duphaston does not have a contraceptive effect, does not suppress ovulation, and supports menstrual function. Taking dydrogesterone makes conception possible and promotes gestation during pregnancy. Helps cure endometriosis, especially if diagnosed early in the initial stages.

Why Duphaston sometimes doesn’t help

Sometimes dydrogesterone does not cope with its task and does not help cope with endometriosis. There are explanations for this:

  • Significant spread of endometriotic lesions. Gestagens are effective only in the initial stages of the disease. With severe tissue damage, more serious drugs and surgical treatment are required,

Duphaston can only help in the initial stages of endometriosis.

  • Special localization of endometriosis. Observations show that Duphaston is ineffective for retrocervical endometriosis, deep damage to the uterine ligaments,
  • Incorrect treatment regimen. Skipping pills, unauthorized dosage reduction - all this reduces the effectiveness of the drug,
  • Short course of treatment. Duphaston is prescribed for 3-9 months. If the patient stops taking the drug before three months, dydrogesterone does not work,
  • Low quality of medicine. Counterfeiting of the drug cannot be ruled out.

It is important to understand: Duphaston is one of the mildest drugs for the treatment of endometriosis. It effectively relieves symptoms, but cannot always cope with the cause of the disease. The medical literature provides various data on the action of dydrogesterone. Many experts point out that Duphaston is not able to completely suppress tissue proliferation in areas of endometriosis and slow down the progression of pathology.

Like all hormonal drugs, dydrogesterone cannot permanently rid a woman of the disease. It only suppresses the growth of lesions for the duration of treatment. The effect of using Duphaston lasts up to 2 years. But there is no convincing evidence that the disease will not return after treatment is completed. Clinical observations show that relapse of the disease occurs 1-2 years after discontinuation of the drug.

Operating principle

Helps slow down the proliferation of endometrial tissue

Since doctors consider endocrine disorders in the female body to be the main cause of the development of endometriosis, the drug is effective in treating this disease. It lowers the amount of estrogen and normalizes hormone levels.

How the medicine works:

  • the active component of the tablets affects the mucous uterine layer and endometrial receptors, slowing down or completely stopping its compaction and growth;
  • preserves the chance of pregnancy, since it does not depress the menstrual cycle;
  • reduces the tone of the uterus and stops the contractile process, increasing the body’s ability to bear a fetus;
  • eliminates pain caused by endometriosis by reducing the production of prostaglandins (these substances cause spasms in the capillaries).

Duphaston also makes menstruation less painful, and most women diagnosed with endometriosis complain about this symptom. The drug reduces the risk of overgrown tissue cells degenerating into cancerous ones, which is another advantage. Thanks to Duphaston, you can not only cure the disease, but also prevent dangerous consequences.

How Duphaston affects the course of endometriosis

Progesterone drugs are the first-line treatment for endometrioid disease. Leading gynecological societies recommend gestagens for the treatment of moderate endometriosis in women of all ages.

Action of dydrogesterone:

  • Blocks the work of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, reducing the synthesis of hormones in the ovaries,
  • It directly affects endometrioid lesions: it causes differentiation and secretory transformation of cells. This leads to reversible endometrial atrophy due to long-term use of gestagen,
  • Activates the enzyme 17b-hydroxide dehydrogenase type 2. It converts active estradiol into estrone and thereby reduces the concentration of estrogen. It is estrogens that stimulate the growth of endometriotic lesions,
  • Inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandin E. This substance plays a key role in the development of endometriosis. Prostaglandin activates the production of the aromatase enzyme and triggers increased estrogen synthesis.

The positive effects of Duphaston are observed when the drug is prescribed continuously. Its distinctive feature is its selective effect on endometrial cells. It not only suppresses the growth of lesions, but also prevents hyperplasia of the uterine mucosa. It is assumed that dydrogesterone also reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors against the background of endometriosis.

Duphaston helps reduce endometrioid heterotopias.

Expected effects of using the drug:

  • Reducing the duration and volume of menstrual flow,
  • Reduction or complete disappearance of pain during menstruation and on other days of the cycle,
  • Normalization of sexual life,
  • Reducing the risk of complications (including uterine bleeding, ovarian cyst torsion, etc.),
  • Correction of anemia by reducing blood loss,
  • Restoring reproductive health.

Clinical studies show that depression often occurs due to endometriosis. The use of gestagenic drugs improves the general condition of a woman and reduces the risk of developing mental disorders.

Reception scheme

Many women, when planning a pregnancy, undergo examination and for the first time learn about the existing disease, since the symptoms are erased or completely absent. Endometriosis can interfere with conception and even cause infertility, so expectant mothers must be treated. Patients planning to bear a healthy child should take Duphaston correctly if the reason for unsuccessful attempts lies in progesterone deficiency. According to a special treatment regimen, you need to take the drug for the first time on the day of ovulation. With a standard cycle of 28-30 days, this is 15-16 days from the start of menstruation. But it is not always possible to calculate the right moment on your own, so it is better to use ovulation tests or perform an ultrasound of the ovaries. The standard dosage of Duphaston is 2 tablets every 12 hours. How long to take the medicine depends on the severity of endometriosis and the general health of the patient. Doctors advise drinking at least until pregnancy and continuing after conception. This is explained by the fact that the effect of progesterone is not only to accelerate fertilization, but also to attach the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. If there is a threat of miscarriage, take 40 mg of the drug immediately, then 10 mg three times a day until the symptoms disappear. Read: does Borovaya uterus help with endometriosis.

Endometriosis is a hormonal disease

This disease is very insidious. It may not produce any symptoms for a very long time. However, endometriosis often causes a woman considerable discomfort and knocks her out of her usual rhythm of life: it disrupts the menstrual cycle, contributes to the appearance of pain in the abdominal cavity and mammary glands, worsens the condition of the skin and causes infertility.

The disease must be treated immediately after its detection. It is worth noting that this diagnosis is not so easy to make. Before this, a woman will have to undergo a lot of research and take a lot of tests.

Depending on the stage of the disease, the method of therapy is selected. Endometriosis can be treated surgically or conservatively. Complex treatment is also often used, including surgery and hormonal therapy. Recently, the drug Duphaston is often used to correct this disease. How effective is this treatment?


The product is considered safe because it contains a substance similar in composition to natural progesterone, so it can be taken for a long period.

But Duphaston still has its own list of contraindications, and before taking it, a woman should make sure that they are absent:

  • special sensitivity to the active substances of the tablets;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • serious liver pathologies;
  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • fibroids of the sambucous type;
  • severe extragenital endometriosis.

If, due to hyperplasia of the uterine layer, a woman has already taken Duphaston and has noted the development of allergic reactions in the form of skin itching, redness and peeling, she is not recommended to take the pills. In order not to cause harm to health, before starting therapy it is important to undergo an examination and identify contraindications.

Contraindications for treatment with progesterone drugs

Duphaston is not prescribed in the following situations:

  • Individual intolerance to dydrogesterone,
  • Hormonally active neoplasms of various localizations,
  • Vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology,
  • Breastfeeding period

During lactation, treatment of endometriosis with Duphaston is contraindicated.

  • Liver pathology currently or in history (if the indicators of functional tests are violated),
  • Hereditary diseases with impaired enzyme production.

Duphaston is not prescribed to girls under 18 years of age - there is insufficient data on the safety of the drug. Dydrogesterone is used with caution in the presence of risk factors for thromboembolism - previous myocardial infarction, stroke, thrombophlebitis, autoimmune pathology, diabetes mellitus, etc. In the premenopausal period, Duphaston is prescribed after consulting a therapist. After 40 years, diseases of the cardiovascular system are often detected, which can become contraindications to the prescription of hormones.

Duphaston is used for mastopathy – a benign pathology of the mammary glands. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to exclude malignant neoplasms of the organ, especially with a burdened medical history (presence of first-degree relatives with breast cancer).

Instructions for use

If, when planning a conception, it is indicated to take the drug from the 16th to the 25th day of the cycle, then for women who do not yet intend to get pregnant, the standard regimen changes. Start taking Duphaston from 5 to 25 days from the start of menstruation at a dose of one tablet three times. This amount of dydrogesterone is prescribed in the initial stages of the disease, but advanced pathology requires an increase in dosage.

The course of treatment is determined by the doctor and depends on the improvement in the patient’s condition. In some cases, Duphaston is drunk for up to 6-9 months in a row. At the same time, a woman should take into account that she can become pregnant. The drug restores the normal functions of the uterine layer and increases the chance of fertilization.

Carefully! An integrated approach is important in the treatment of endometriosis. It involves the alternate use of several hormone-based medications. The standard regimen involves taking estrogen-containing medications during the first two weeks of the cycle, then stopping them and starting to take Duphaston 2 tablets per day. The course of therapy is determined based on the results of the examination. It should be borne in mind that this treatment is only suitable for women who are not planning a pregnancy in the near future.

Prices for Duphaston

I went to the gynecologist with pain in the lower abdomen and irregular periods.
After the examination, a diagnosis of stage 2 endometriosis was made. The doctor prescribed taking Duphaston for six months. I took pills according to a certain regimen, after 6 months the drug was discontinued, but the cycle was disrupted almost immediately. The ultrasound noted that endometriosis had moved to stage 1, but remained. I’m taking Duphaston again, and at least my cycle is normal. I won't cancel yet. Endometriosis is a serious disease. Unfortunately, I was given a similar diagnosis. The doctor prescribed Duphaston to normalize the cycle and restore the normal layer of the endometrium. The drug was required to be taken according to a specific schedule, at a specified time. The daily dosage can be divided into several times a day; administration does not depend on food. I want to say that I tolerated the medicine well, there were no side effects. The weight also did not increase despite the fact that it was hormones. A follow-up ultrasound scan six months later showed that endometriosis was gradually going away, so I am, of course, happy with Duphaston.

Saw Duphaston for endometriosis. Or rather, I started drinking, it lasted me for one month. I don’t know how other women drink it, it gave me severe headaches. In the first days I endured it, I thought that it was just my body getting used to it, hormones again. However, after a couple of weeks it became very difficult; nothing could relieve the headache. I went to the doctor and explained that I could not use this medicine. She offered to replace it with someone else. I continue to drink it now. I can’t say whether Duphaston helps with endometriosis, because my treatment with it lasted only a month.

Duphaston is an excellent remedy for endometriosis. My gynecologist advised me to take it when I came to him with pain in the lower abdomen. A diagnosis of stage 1 endometriosis was made. The doctor selected a suitable dosage and regimen and said that I would have to drink it for at least 6 months. Then you will need to undergo the examination again. A control ultrasound showed a positive result, but the gynecologist advised me to drink Duphaston for another three months. As a result, I got rid of an unpleasant illness and improved my menstrual cycle. Thanks to the doctor and Duphaston.

After the birth of the child, the menstrual cycle was not restored in any way. I went to the gynecologist, he sent me for an ultrasound. It turned out that I was developing endometriosis. The doctor said that the disease is quite unpleasant and it is better to treat it on time to avoid unpleasant consequences. For medications, I recommended taking Duphaston. This is a hormonal drug, an artificial analogue of progesterone. I started taking the pills as prescribed. The cycle became more normal in the third month of treatment, but Duphaston continued to drink. Five months later I came for an ultrasound, my condition turned out to be satisfactory, but the gynecologist advised me to take the pills for at least a couple more months. I was satisfied with the drug, there were no side effects, it was easy to take, and the results of the treatment were positive.

Saw Duphaston for endometriosis. The medicine was of no use. Yes, the cycle became more constant, but the disease remained, the foci of inflammation did not even decrease. I think that all this is advertising aimed at increasing sales of this drug, but its price is not low. It's a shame to spend so much money and not get the desired result. I am being treated differently by another specialist. I don't recommend Duphaston.

Endometriosis was discovered by accident. I perceived constant pain in the lower abdomen as something permanent, and practically did not pay attention to them. The disrupted cycle didn’t bother me too much either. I came here when I wanted to become a mother. I went to the gynecologist, had an examination and found out that I had endometriosis. They prescribed me many medications, including Duphaston. You need to drink it only according to the regimen that the doctor will select due to the fact that it is hormones. My treatment is still ongoing, of course there are changes, but not quite as much as I wanted. I have been taking this drug for nine months now and I hope that it will help.

Side effects

Discontinuation of Duphaston is required if the following pronounced negative effects on the body occur:

  • intense pain in the mammary glands;
  • dizziness;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • itching, urticaria;
  • Quincke's edema.

The last three side effects when taking pills develop extremely rarely, but a woman should monitor the body’s reaction and seek help if negative consequences occur.

Consult your physician before use

Side effects

Many side effects begin if the level of hormones in the blood was not determined before using the drug. A normal level of natural progesterone is a contraindication for taking Duphaston, and artificially increasing it can cause many side effects.

List of possible adverse reactions, which is included in the instructions:

  1. Quite rarely, individual intolerance to the drug may develop, which manifests itself in skin rashes, itching, and urticaria. An extremely rare occurrence is Quincke's edema and swelling throughout the body.
  2. Headaches and migraines are among the more common side effects.
  3. Extremely rarely, under the influence of the drug, increased destruction of red blood cells may begin, which will lead to hemolytic anemia.
  4. A rare occurrence will also be slight disturbances in the functioning of the liver, and the woman may experience weakness, malaise, jaundice, and pain in the abdominal area.
  5. Breakthrough bleeding may occur, but it can be controlled by increasing the daily dose.
  6. The sensitivity of the mammary glands may increase.

In addition to this list, women taking Duphaston for endometriosis identified the following side effects:

  1. Rapid weight gain.
  2. Before and after menstruation, the appearance of spotting that did not disappear for a long time.
  3. The breasts increased in size and began to hurt.
  4. Myoma and ovarian cysts grew.
  5. Hair loss, acne and pimples.
  6. Sudden mood swings.
  7. Nausea, stomach pain.

Perhaps these side effects are due to the fact that before treatment for endometriosis there was no test for hormone levels, perhaps these were unpredictable consequences, because hormonal treatment is very individual and what suits one person does not suit another.

Endometrial treatment

Since Duphaston in most cases needs to be taken for several months, women are interested in whether the drug will help with the disease and whether they are wasting their time hoping for a positive result. The drug helps inhibit the growth of endometrial tissue, prevents the development of neoplasms and has a positive effect on the functioning of the ovaries.

To achieve the best effect, the patient should increase her immunity - take multivitamin complexes, eat a balanced diet, spend more time in the fresh air, and limit contact with infected patients. It is also important to avoid hypothermia, treat concomitant pathologies in a timely manner and follow medical instructions. Since conception may occur while taking Duphaston, the woman should be prepared for this.

If you manage to get pregnant during therapy, the specialist conducts an ultrasound examination and assesses the condition of the endometrium. If there is no threat of miscarriage, Duphaston is gradually discontinued, or it is recommended to continue taking it for preventive purposes. You can take the pills up to the 20th week of pregnancy.

Advantages and disadvantages

Artificial progesterone in the form of tablets promotes numerous useful and necessary changes in the reproductive system, resulting in the restoration of endocrine balance and the creation of adequate conditions for pregnancy.

The following advantages of Duphaston can be highlighted::

  1. Excellent healing effect. After taking the drug, secretory changes are observed in the uterus, which are so important for preserving the life of the embryo.
  2. No negative impact on ovarian function. The active components of the drug do not disrupt natural ovulation and do not suppress the production of important female hormones.
  3. Absence of harmful effects on the female body completely. You don’t have to worry that after taking Duphaston, extra pounds will begin to appear or the functioning of the endocrine organs will be disrupted.

The drug also has disadvantages:

  • to obtain a positive therapeutic effect, Duphaston must be taken for a long time - at least 3 months;
  • the high price of the drug is 455 rubles.

Reviews from specialist doctors

Expert opinion Borovikov Olga Duphaston really shows itself to be effective in the treatment of endometriosis. If a woman takes the drug strictly according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor, improvements are already recorded within a 2-3 month cycle and the patient can become pregnant. If you do not want to have children yet while taking pills, it is better to take additional protection, for example, use Pharmatex cream. You cannot quit therapy on your own - if you abruptly stop taking Duphaston, especially against the background of conception, the risk of spotting increases. The level of progesterone in the first 3 months of pregnancy is maintained by the functions of the ovary and only after 12 weeks this volume stabilizes. Then you can refuse the medicine if there are improvements in the condition of the endometrium and there is no threat of miscarriage.

Is it possible to do without hormonal therapy?

Dydrogesterone is used in complex therapy of endometriosis. In addition to hormones, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, herbal decoctions, vitamins, and probiotics are prescribed. But all these remedies do not affect the cause of the disease and are not able to suppress the growth of lesions. Only hormonal therapy copes with the following tasks:

  • Inhibits further progression of the disease,
  • Reduces the size of already formed lesions,
  • Reduces monthly blood loss,
  • Prevents the development of complications,
  • Restores reproductive function - allows you to conceive, bear and give birth to a child.

Hormonal therapy for endometriosis is intended, among other things, to prepare the female body for a successful pregnancy.

You cannot do without hormonal drugs in the treatment of endometriosis, but Duphaston is not the only remedy. In some cases, the use of other medications is justified - COCs, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, etc. These drugs are not prescribed simultaneously. Treatment is carried out with only one selected drug. If the prescribed therapy is ineffective or the disease relapses, the tactics change.

Reviews from women

Irina, 27 years old: Girls, I was prescribed Duphaston for an ovarian cyst. They said that it arose due to a lack of progesterone, as tests showed. They prescribed a course for three months, but after 45 days a repeat ultrasound confirmed the improvement, the formation had resolved. They advised me to finish the pills in order to stabilize my hormonal levels and avoid a relapse. I’m already finishing the last pack and I’m happy with the result.

Anna, 31 years old: I want to share my experience about this product. I took Duphaston after removing uterine endometriosis to prevent the tissue from growing again. Before this, I couldn’t get pregnant for a long time due to illness. Prescribed from days 16 to 25 of each cycle, plus immunostimulating medications, vitamins and diet. Three months later I became pregnant! I am now 18 weeks, the drug was recently stopped because all tests were normal.

The effectiveness of the drug "Duphaston"

In the early stages of pregnancy, hormonal treatment cannot be canceled. This can lead to interruption of embryo development. Only your doctor will tell you how much Duphaston to drink in this case. In most cases, the drug must be taken until mid-pregnancy. Only the effect of treatment will be maximum.

When choosing a traditional correction regimen, you need to take the medicine for six months. If necessary, the period of taking the drug can be extended by the doctor.

If combination therapy is chosen, such treatment can be long-term. Until a woman wants to give birth to a child, she can protect herself using this method.

The effect after surgical treatment should appear immediately. The drug "Duphaston" will only maintain hormonal levels in a normal state and will not allow endometriosis to again affect the woman's genitals. Hormonal therapy in this case is prescribed for a period of six to nine months.

Duphaston for endometriosis when planning pregnancy

In our difficult age of chasing education, employment, and career, something important and natural is being missed: conception, long-awaited pregnancy and the birth of a child. The reasons why pregnancy does not occur in a healthy woman are numerous, but the main culprit, as noted by gynecologists and obstetricians, is endometriosis.

Endometriosis is an abnormal process of benign growth of endometrial tissue beyond the boundaries of the uterine mucosa, provoked by hormonal disorders, heredity and other reasons. This pathology is detected when a doctor examines the uterine cavity using an endoscope and is confirmed by the results of ultrasound and histological examination. When a diagnosis is made, it is imperative to carry out the correct treatment, which will help avoid complications of the disease, such as impaired reproductive function. Conception is possible even with such a pathology, if you carefully follow the instructions of specialists.

Cost of the drug

Before taking the drug Duphaston, the instructions, price and duration of treatment should be analyzed in detail. The annotation must be studied in order to know about the composition of the drug, side properties and method of storage.

Each package of medicine contains instructions for the drug "Duphaston". The price of one pack ranges from 500 to 600 rubles. That's how much 20 tablets cost. Depending on the region in which the drug is sold, its cost may vary. Also, different prices are set in different pharmacy chains.

Planning pregnancy during the treatment of endometriosis and its favorable course

Endometriosis, or rather its consequences in the form of extensive, constantly growing lesions, prevents the penetration of the egg into the uterine cavity. Infertility occurs depending on the stage of the location of the affected tissues for the following reasons:

  • formation of ovarian cysts;
  • adhesions and obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • damage to the uterine cavity.

The coexistence of untreated endometriosis and pregnancy has been scientifically proven if the egg has managed to implant. During the period of bearing a child, the process of tissue proliferation stops, since natural hormonal therapy is carried out.

Impact of endometriosis on pregnancy

If endometriosis was detected during pregnancy, then it is necessary to understand how existing disturbances in the functioning of a woman’s reproductive system can cause a risk of miscarriage. Doctors do not recommend pregnancy in the presence of pathology for the following reasons:

  • increased chances of ectopic pregnancy;
  • early miscarriage;
  • disturbances during egg implantation during IVF;
  • the consequence of an abortion according to indications may be uncontrolled growth of the endometrium;
  • threat of miscarriage in the second trimester of pregnancy;
  • threat of uterine rupture in the last trimester with adenominosis (internal endometriosis).

When the embryo reaches 9 weeks of gestation, the placenta begins to develop and the risk of miscarriage decreases sharply. During this period, the impact of pathology on pregnancy ceases to be threatening. Natural hormone therapy begins:

  • bleeding ends;
  • symptomatic pain characteristic of endometriosis disappears;
  • the discharge of mucus and blood from the hindgut stops, if such was the result of pathology.

Pregnancy with this disease is not only possible, but is also a natural therapy, and a huge advantage is that the pathology does not spread to the child located in the placenta.

Despite the possibility of conception and pregnancy, doctors emphasize that endometriosis should be treated before pregnancy.

Treatment options for endometriosis

Planning pregnancy includes mandatory treatment of pathology, especially if the disease has reached stages 3-4. The strategy for the treatment of endometriosis is developed depending on the situation and nature of the disease:

  • if the patient already has children and does not intend to plan a pregnancy, in the absence of painful symptoms, the doctor uses expectant management;
  • elimination of foci of endometrial growth using laparoscopy;
  • hormonal therapy.

The main principle of hormonal treatment for endometriosis is the constant suppression of estrogen.

Indications for hormonal therapy

Duphaston treatment of endometriosis is indicated in the following situations:

  • Internal endometriosis (adenomyosis) is the growth of heterotopias in the muscular and serous layer of the uterus. Prescribed mainly in stages I-II of the disease to reduce the volume of menstrual flow and relieve pain,

For adenomyosis, Duphaston is prescribed to reduce pain and the volume of menstrual blood.

  • External endometriosis. The use of dydrogesterone is justified for endometrioid ovarian cysts up to 4-6 cm in size. Heterotopias on the pelvic peritoneum and especially in the retrocervical tissue do not respond well to hormonal therapy. Duphaston is also prescribed in preparation for surgery and after surgical treatment,
  • Extragenital endometriosis. Dydrogesterone is used in the complex treatment of heterotopias of the bladder and intestines.

Duphaston is rarely prescribed for a significant spread of lesions - large ovarian cysts, deep tissue damage to the pelvic cavity, grade III-IV adenomyosis. When the process is advanced, it may be advisable to use stronger drugs - gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists. In some cases, surgery followed by hormonal therapy is indicated.

Duphaston is prescribed with caution in case of combined pathology - simultaneous detection of uterine fibroids and endometriosis. Clinical studies show that dydrogesterone, like other gestagens, provokes the growth of myomatous nodes and leads to the progression of the disease. For now, this issue remains controversial, and doctors continue to prescribe progesterone drugs for fibroids with endometriosis - under mandatory ultrasound monitoring of the growth of the node.

If endometriosis is accompanied by uterine fibroids, then Duphaston is prescribed with extreme caution.

It is important to know

Indications for hormonal therapy are determined by the gynecologist after examining the patient. It is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis, understand the stage of development of the process, assess the state of the reproductive system and select the optimal treatment tactics.

The ability of duphaston to help in the treatment of endometriosis

The main active substance of the drug is the latest generation hormone dydrogesterone. One tablet contains 10 mg of the active substance of the hormone dydrogesterone. Its structure is very close to natural progesterone, which gives it unique properties:

  • does not have a wide range of androgenic effects characteristic of synthetic progestogens created on the basis of the male hormone testosterone;
  • has thermogenic activity - the ability of the drug to streamline the cycle, maintaining the ability to get pregnant and save pregnancy in the event of a threat of abortion;
  • treats progesterone deficiency, which reduces the threat of recurrent miscarriages;
  • reduces the effects of PMS: reduces irritability, nervous excitability;
  • evens out dysmenorrhea (cycle irregularity) and does not interfere with menstrual function;
  • indicated for the treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • does not affect hemostasis, carbohydrate and liver metabolism;
  • does not contribute to the occurrence of edema;
  • does not suppress ovulation, as it is not a contraceptive;
  • does not affect the health of the fetus.

When taken orally, the drug is instantly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, reaching therapeutic concentrations after two hours. Within 24 hours, 75% of the drug is excreted in the urine, and after three days the drug is completely eliminated.

The main indication for use is progesterone deficiency caused by the following conditions:

  • endometriosis;
  • infertility developed due to progesterone deficiency;
  • frequent miscarriages;
  • PMS, dysmenorrhea, dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine fibroids, polyps in the uterus, endometritis;
  • mastopathy;
  • disease of the endocrine system.

General information about Duphaston

Active ingredient: dydrogesterone.

Pharmacological group: gestegans (progesterone-based drugs).

Release form: film-coated tablets.

Dosage of the drug in one tablet: 10 mg.

Price: 500-700 rubles per package (20 tablets).

Dydrogesterone is prescribed only internally. When it enters the digestive tract, it is quickly absorbed into the blood. The maximum concentration of the drug is observed after 0.5-2.5 hours (the speed depends on the individual reaction of the body). Dydrogesterone is excreted by the kidneys within 72 hours.

Hormone treatment: how to take duphaston for endometriosis and planning pregnancy

Hormonal therapy is prescribed depending on the lesions of the endometrium, most often these are the first and second stages of endometriosis.

Thanks to the features of duphaston, i.e. Due to the similarity of the active substance with natural progesterone, the drug is prescribed to patients with the following conditions:

  1. During the period of pregnancy, the drug maintains pregnancy by maintaining normal levels of progesterone in the mother's body, which significantly reduces the chance of miscarriage. Reduces uterine contractility and muscle tone.
  2. In case of a threatened miscarriage, the woman immediately takes 40 mg, then 10 mg every 8 hours until the symptoms completely disappear.
  3. In the treatment of uterine fibroids. Reduced portions of the drug can affect the depletion of nodular uterine formations, but larger doses can cause the growth of benign tumors. Only a qualified gynecologist can prescribe the drug and indicate how long to take the drug.
  4. During pregnancy against the background of existing fibroids. Bearing a fetus, complicated by myomatous formations, is supported by hormone therapy, which allows the egg to attach to the endometrium and develop into a full-fledged fetus. A dosage of the drug of 10 mg twice a day is justified until the 20th week, at which point the placenta already produces progesterone on its own. If the risk of miscarriage is still possible, the doctor decides to reduce the dosage and continue therapy until the patient’s condition improves.
  5. In the treatment of infertility, the cause is a symptom of luteal insufficiency. Daily intake of 10 mg of the drug from the 14th to 25th day of the cycle, the course is continuous for six months.
  6. With the formation of myomatous nodes complicated by endometriosis. Hormone therapy with duphaston helps in eliminating mimomatous tumors, under the strict supervision of the attending physician, who, based on indicators, determines the duration of treatment and the beneficial effect.
  7. For endometriosis. Dydrogesterone stops the growth of the endometrium, reduces the activity of estrogens, androgens, and corticosteroids. The daily dose (10 mg) is divided into morning and evening doses, the drug must be taken on day 5-1 of the menstrual cycle and completed on day 25, or take a continuous course.
  8. When planning a pregnancy. The drug normalizes hormonal levels and, without having a contraceptive effect, does not suppress ovulation.
  9. Correction of conditions associated with the menstrual cycle. The product relieves irritability during PMS, evens out cycle irregularities, and reduces dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

The drug can be confidently recommended for planning and maintaining pregnancy. It gives tangible results in the treatment of endometriosis when the patient maintains a constant regimen of drug use prescribed by the doctor.

Symptoms of endometriosis

Heterotopias (foci) of endometriosis bleed monthly in accordance with the menstrual cycle. Since the blood does not have a way out, inflammation of the pathological and surrounding tissues occurs. This causes acute pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lower back, rectum, or thigh. The lesions gradually form cysts filled with dark liquid, promoting the formation of adhesions, which can further lead to infertility.

Endometriosis develops against the background of increased levels of estrogen and progesterone deficiency, also possible causes include a hereditary factor, a weakened immune system, infectious, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

Symptoms of the disease appear especially acute in the extragenital form and have a blurred clinical picture in cases of internal damage to the uterus and ovaries. The main signs of pathology include:

  • painful sexual intercourse;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • intense pain in the lower abdomen, intensifying during menstruation;
  • discomfort when urinating, defecating;
  • very heavy periods;
  • spotting before and after the end of your period;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • premenstrual syndrome.

How intensely the symptoms of the disease appear depends on the location of the lesion.

Reviews from doctors on the use of Duphaston

The opinions of doctors regarding the beneficial or negative effects of using the hormone are completely opposite and are divided into two groups.

The first group of doctors gives positive feedback regarding the effect of duphaston in the treatment of the following conditions:

  • the presence of myomatous nodes, which often decrease in size, which makes it possible to avoid surgical intervention;
  • pregnancy with uterine fibroids;
  • with a combination of nodular formations and endometriosis, the hormone helps to restrain the growth of uterine tissue;
  • normalizes the condition of the uterine mucosa, creating favorable conditions for conception and gestation, resulting in the birth of a healthy child.

A negative review of the use of duphaston is described by the second group of doctors regarding the following conditions:

  • Incompatibility of the drug in the treatment of endometriosis complicated by a disease such as uterine fibroids, since large doses of the hormone can cause tumor growth;
  • The effect of the hormone on the growth of latent tumors.

All of the above proves that the decision in the fight against tumors with the help of hormone therapy can be made solely under the weight of such factors: pregnancy with a threat of miscarriage, the effect of the drug on endometriosis. A qualified doctor has the right to prescribe a hormone, since taking hormones under the influence of other people’s advice is dangerous.

Endometriosis is a common disease in women of childbearing age and is characterized by the growth of tissue similar to the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) beyond the lining of the uterus. This disease can cause infertility. It is for the treatment of such a disease that the drug Duphaston . It is especially effective for non-advanced forms of endometriosis, as it is a gentle medicine. In severe forms, surgery may be necessary.

Duphaston is a hormonal drug (an artificial analogue of progesterone ), which helps to replenish its deficiency in a woman’s body and stimulate the regular rejection of endometrial tissue. The most important thing is that this medicine improves hormonal levels in the body and actively fights endometriosis, and does not affect the ovulation process and the ability to conceive a child.

It is very difficult to determine the amount of progesterone in the body, even in a laboratory, and therefore Duphaston is most often prescribed in the following cases: the likelihood of miscarriage, bleeding in early pregnancy, pregnancy disorders, endometriosis and dyshormonal uterine bleeding, treatment of infertility due to hormonal imbalance, disruption of the menstrual cycle, relief of menstrual pain and relief from premenstrual syndrome.

Rationale for use

Scientists classify endometriosis as a mysterious pathology, since the exact mechanism of its development is unclear. In this connection, endometriosis is considered a polyetiological disease, the causes of which can be many.

It has been proven that in almost every woman there is a backflow of blood into the peritoneal area. Under favorable conditions, it is possible for endometrioid cells contained in menstrual blood to grow into the tissues of various organs.

But with direct damage to the inner surface of the uterus, the endometrium grows into the underlying layers, the structure is disrupted and its functioning is difficult. Since one of the provoking factors of pathology is an increase in estrogen levels, ovulation cannot occur and, accordingly, the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone, does not form. That is why doctors advise taking Duphaston for endometriosis to create the necessary three-layer structure and prevent it from growing into the underlying layers. Hormonal drugs for adenomyosis are necessarily included in the treatment regimen.

The function of the endometrium is to create conditions for the implantation of a fertilized egg. The functional layer grows during each cycle under the influence of sex hormones. If conception does not occur, at the end of the cycle the functional layer is torn away and then excreted from the body in the form of menstrual flow. The basal layer does not undergo changes. Its function is to ensure the growth of the functional layer. Duphaston is taken to normalize the structure of the functional layer, which is affected in this pathology.

With reverse or retrograde blood flow, the ingrowth of endometrial cells occurs due to dysfunction of the cellular immune system, which allows the endometrium to grow in foreign tissues, including the myometrium. The immune system reacts to pathological islands of cells, so-called foci, forming adhesions and cysts.

The endometrium, which is changed due to endometriosis, and the presence of adhesions and cysts prevent pregnancy. The problem is further aggravated by the fact that with endometriosis, disturbances in the production of sex hormones, such as LH, FSH, progesterone, and estrogens, are often detected. These hormonal fluctuations lead to persistent anovulation, during which conception is impossible. This is why it is often recommended to drink Duphaston for endometriosis.

Among the factors for the development of endometriosis are also called:

  • abortions causing endometrial trauma and changes in hormonal status;
  • excess weight, liver disease, leading to increased estrogen levels;
  • early, late menstruation;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions, especially living in areas contaminated with radionuclides;
  • lack of treatment for inflammation in the pelvic area;
  • concomitant benign gynecological pathologies.

Women are prescribed to take a number of other medications to completely eliminate the causes of the disease and associated pathologies.

Scientists have developed several theories that explain the mechanism of endometriosis formation.

  1. It is assumed that the disease may develop as a result of metaplasia or transformation into the endometrium, which is possible in some tissues.
  2. The discovery of endometriosis in girls suggests that the disease is congenital in nature.
  3. During surgical procedures, damage to the endometrium is possible, which leads to the penetration of its elements into the myometrium and then into neighboring tissues.

For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to take into account the causes of endometriosis and, if possible, eliminate provoking factors. In many cases, further spread of lesions and the occurrence of relapses can be prevented by taking Duphaston.

The clinical picture may not be sufficiently pronounced. A woman experiences pain and discomfort during her period, but does not associate it with endometriosis. Typically, a visit to the doctor is carried out if it is impossible to conceive. The patient is examined and one of the forms of the disease is identified.

If the pathology is detected at an early stage, the woman is recommended to take hormonal drugs, for example, Duphaston. In severe cases with multiple damage to organs and tissues, complex treatment is necessary, which may include surgical techniques.

Common symptoms include:

  • severe pain during menstruation;
  • spotting before and after menstruation;
  • changing cycle length;
  • bleeding;
  • infertility or miscarriage.

An examination for endometriosis involves a consultation with a gynecologist and an examination in a chair with the obligatory performance of a pelvic ultrasound. If endometriosis is suspected, as well as for the purpose of differential diagnosis, blood tests may be prescribed to determine the level of sex hormones, CA-125, MRI, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, colposcopy.

Duphaston operating principle

The essence of the action of this drug during pregnancy is to normalize the level of progesterone in a woman’s blood . If, for any reason, the corpus luteum produces insufficient amounts of the hormone during pregnancy, the pregnancy may end or worsen due to possible bleeding.

With endometriosis, blood normally leaves the uterus through the genital tract, but in a closed space, endometriotic formations easily increase, creating painful sensations . By medicinally increasing the level of progesterone or similar substances, strong growth of uterine tissue (endometrium) does not occur and the unpleasant sensations disappear.

In cases of disorganization of the menstrual cycle, Duphaston are prescribed if there is a deficiency in progesterone production and the 2nd phase of the cycle is shortened.

Duphaston is also for dysmenorrhea (pain during menstruation) - progesterone in high concentrations has a relaxing effect on the uterus and unpleasant sensations disappear.

Recommendation for use:

  1. Luteal deficiency causing infertility
  2. Possibility of miscarriage due to lack of progesterone
  3. Premenstrual syndrome
  4. Menstrual irregularities
  5. Repeated amenorrhea (used in conjunction with estrogens)
  6. Dysfunctions of the uterine system

How to take Duphaston for endometriosis:

  1. Consult a specialist
  2. Read the instructions for the drug
  3. Take the medicine in accordance with your doctor's instructions (this depends on the form and severity of the disease).
  4. In most cases, Duphaston is taken 10 mg 3 times a day for six months. The maximum period is 9 months. The medicine is taken strictly from the 5th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle.

Taking the drug after surgery to remove lesions

The effectiveness of Duphaston in the postoperative period is extremely low; there is no point in putting a strain on the liver and taking the drug for months. Even with the use of this progesterone, new foci of endometriosis will appear, including cysts on the ovaries, and the remaining ones will progress. The only effective drug is Visanne.

And here is more information about how contraceptives work for endometriosis.

Duphaston belongs to hormonal drugs, gestagens. Previously, it was actively used for the treatment and prevention of endometriosis. However, recent studies have proven its extremely low effectiveness compared to dienogest. Duphaston, when taken for a long time, puts a significant load on the liver, which is also not an advantage.

Not every doctor will begin treating endometrial hyperplasia without curettage. The thing is that this is a diagnostic procedure that allows you to most accurately establish a diagnosis, exclude oncology and choose the best treatment option.

It’s quite possible for your periods to go wrong after Duphaston due to changes in your body. However, this may also indicate an incorrectly selected dose of the drug, pathology, or other problems. Why didn't they come on time? Is it normal if they came earlier and were heavy and painful?

Not all contraceptives work for endometriosis. The best ones are those based on dienogest. Such tablets include, for example, Visanne. There are other treatments available. For example, the Mirena spiral.

Duphaston is prescribed for late menstruation exclusively by a doctor. After all, only he can accurately determine the dosage and select it in accordance with the problem. Self-administration may disrupt hormonal levels.

Reviews from doctors.

To verify the effectiveness of the drug, just go to a women’s forum on the Internet and read reviews from real people (a fair majority of them are positive). It is also worth paying attention to the recommendations of doctors, because it is not without reason that doctors consider Duphaston the number one drug when prescribing the treatment of mild endometriosis. The drug has been on the global pharmaceutical market for more than forty years and has been approved by the Ministry of Health of most countries. The cost of the drug at the time of writing is 664 rubles.

Gynecologists speak positively about this drug and often prescribe it . In general, reviews from doctors are very, very good and recommendable regarding Duphaston, but there are people, especially on the Internet, who write negative reviews. As a rule, the reasons for such a reaction are:

  1. Lack of preliminary examination and identification of the true causes of the disease
  2. The instructions for use were not studied before starting use
  3. The drug was not prescribed by a doctor, but was purchased solely based on a description taken from the Internet

Any drug can have both benefits and harm, especially when it comes to such subtle things as hormonal balance. Therefore, before you go to the pharmacy for Duphaston, contact your gynecologist and get the necessary information from him.

Reviews from doctors about the effect of the drug on the course of the disease

The opinion of doctors regarding Duphaston is ambiguous. Gynecologists note that the drug is well tolerated, but this is often where its positive properties end. Dydrogesterone is not able to cope with advanced forms of endometriosis. It is ineffective in cases of severe adenomyosis, damage to the retrouterine tissue, and peritoneum. It is often necessary to change the treatment regimen in favor of stronger drugs.

Despite the shortcomings, Duphaston has found its niche in the treatment of endometriosis. It is used as a first-line treatment for identified pathology. Often, the manifestations of the disease can be managed after one course of dydrogesterone. If the drug is ineffective, the patient's management tactics are revised.

Useful video about drug therapy for endometriosis: the principle of action of the drugs, their pros and cons

Duphaston and pregnancy

A pharmacological agent is often prescribed during pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that Duphaston contains a component that replaces the female hormone - progesterone.

With proper use of this remedy, a woman is able to restore hormonal imbalance and prevent spontaneous abortion, which occurs due to a decrease in the amount of progesterone in the body. In addition, Duphaston is also widely used to treat abnormalities in the reproductive function of the female body and very often, thanks to it, a female representative finally manages to conceive a child, and in the future, carry and give birth to him without all sorts of consequences.

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