How to take acyclovir tablets for herpes and is it necessary to “duplicate” treatment with ointment?


Almost the entire population of the planet is a carrier of herpes viruses. They are transmitted both by contact and by airborne droplets. Once in the body, they quickly integrate into the genetic apparatus of nerve cells, where they “behave quietly” while the immune system is working properly.

Not in all, but in many children and adults, when the opportunity arises, they begin to actively reproduce. You can fight this. Among antiviral drugs, there are those whose price is cheap, for example, aciclovir. But this does not affect their effectiveness. The main thing is to know how to take acyclovir tablets for herpes.

More than 90% of the world's inhabitants are infected with herpes simplex virus (type 1)

Features of the drug

The herpes virus lives in the body of 90% of all inhabitants of the planet. But it manifests itself only in 5%. The reason for this is a sharp decrease in immunity, hypothermia, prolonged exposure to a stressful situation, or the presence of serious illnesses. Taking antiviral drugs helps to cope with the problem.

The most effective remedy is Acyclovir. It belongs to the group of synthetic ones and is an analogue of a purified nucleoside. Does not have a toxic effect on mammalian cells.

Acyclovir prevents the appearance of rashes, reduces the likelihood of complications, and relieves pain during exacerbation of the disease. The active substance promotes the rapid formation of crusts at the site of rashes.

The bioavailability of the drug varies from 15 to 30%. It spreads quickly throughout the tissues of the body. Metabolized in liver cells. Three hours later it is excreted from the body in the urine.

The dosage and treatment regimen are selected by a specialist based on the patient’s health condition. The location of the virus and the age of the patient are taken into account. During a primary infection, the dosage of the active substance must be high, since the body does not have a sufficient amount of antibodies that fight the disease. It is also allowed to take acyclovir for the prevention of herpes.

The drug is available in two forms:

  • Ointment. Packaged in tubes of 2, 5, 10 and 20 grams. Contains a 5% concentration of the active substance. Additional components: chicken fat, polyethylene oxide, water and emulsifiers. Thanks to them, the drug is better absorbed by the skin.
  • Pills. The dosage of the active substance in them is 200, 400 or 800 mg. The following auxiliary components are used: lactose, starch, calcium stearate.

The choice of a specific type of drug is made taking into account the nature of the disease and the localization of the virus. On average, ointment costs from 14 to 50 rubles, and tablets from 170 to 190 rubles. There are many positive reviews on the Internet about this drug from people who drank it or used the ointment. This once again emphasizes its effectiveness.

Rules for taking Acyclovir

To achieve stable remission and overcome unpleasant symptoms, you need to know how to take Acyclovir for herpes. There are other acyclic nucleosides that must be correctly combined with each other in this form of the disease. This is due to the fact that in medical practice there are varieties of viruses that are accustomed to the treatment of herpes with Acyclovir. The dosage of tablets should correspond to the following scheme:

  • For 10 days, 200 mg per day. You can take a maximum of 5 tablets per day.
  • 400 mg per day, washed down with plenty of clean water. The course of treatment lasts 10 days. It is worth noting that this regimen of medication is considered the most appropriate if a primary infection with the virus has occurred. In addition, this dosage will be effective for rashes on the oral mucosa, as well as for herpetic proctitis.

In order to minimize the negative impact of the medication on the gastrointestinal tract, Acyclovir is best taken after meals. If, after completing the therapeutic course, the effect is insufficient, then treatment can be extended for several days.

Many people are interested in how to take Acyclovir for herpes in order to quickly eliminate uncomfortable symptoms and transfer the disease to a stage of stable remission. In this case, experts note that it is best to give preference to the simultaneous use of interferon drugs. The main advantage of this treatment is that the protein contained in it prevents the reproduction of a dangerous virus.

In order for the effect of the therapy to meet all expectations, you need to adhere to a few simple rules throughout the entire treatment course:

  • It is necessary to avoid exposure to sunlight, and it is also advisable to avoid visiting a solarium. The main danger lies in the fact that the active substances of the drug increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation, and this can lead to the formation of burns. Of course, this does not mean that you cannot go outside during the entire treatment course; it is enough to wear natural clothes with long sleeves.
  • It is better to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. Taking Acyclovir together with alcohol is fraught with increased drowsiness, as well as a sharp decrease in visual acuity.

A quality drug, Acyclovir, is increasingly being used to treat painful blisters on the genitals. You need to take it for herpes in accordance with some recommendations:

In order to overcome this virus as quickly as possible, it is important to start taking medication at the first stage of the disease. The tablets very quickly penetrate the blood and spread throughout all tissues and cells, which prevents the progression of the disease

The presence of herpes can only be determined by ulcers and severe itching. It is worth noting that if you take the Acyclovir tablet in a timely manner, the appearance of blisters can be avoided. When using the drug, it is important to drink plenty of fluids. One tablet must be taken with at least 150 ml of clean water. In addition, you need to make sure that the body receives a sufficient amount of fluid throughout the day, as this will help avoid negative effects on the kidneys.

Doctors recommend taking tablets only 30 minutes after eating. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid the negative effects of the drug on the gastric mucosa. It is also worth noting that you can take pills for genital herpes while eating a hearty lunch.

During the entire therapeutic course, you need to carefully monitor your health in order to promptly prevent the development of adverse reactions. In addition, it is important to consider the compatibility of Acyclovir with other medications. You can find out about the interaction in the instructions, which must be studied before starting therapy. Only a specialist can prescribe the optimal dosage of medication for the patient and the duration of the therapeutic course. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. To increase the protective function of the immune system while taking Acyclovir, you need to include in your diet those foods that contain vitamins C and B. If any signs of an overdose are noticed, you should urgently contact a medical professional.

The drug is in tablet form

Acyclovir tablets appear to be an effective treatment for simple and genital herpes. Shingles can also be treated with it. It is often recommended to take it for moderate severity of the disease. It copes poorly with severe forms due to low bioavailability. Only 30% of the total amount of active substance is attacked by the virus. The rest of it doesn't reach him.

The components of the product enter the bloodstream, where infected cells circulate. Viruses produce enzymes that help them maintain their vital functions. Acyclovir reacts with these enzymes and transforms them. The substance loses its ability to integrate into the DNA of the virus, which leads to its death.

The virus settles in the nerve ganglia. This area is not accessible to the immune system and to the drug. Therefore, Acyclovir effectively fights only viruses located on the surface. After completing the course of therapy, part of the infection continues to live in the human body, passing into a latent form.

A course of treatment with the drug allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Rapid healing of herpetic wounds.
  • No new foci of infection appear.
  • Unpleasant symptoms are eliminated: redness, itching, soreness.

After treatment, the disease goes into a latent form for a long time. A sharp decrease in immunity can provoke an exacerbation. Therefore, special attention during and after treatment is paid to increasing the body’s protective functions.

The role of the active substance in the treatment of herpes on the lips

Acyclovir is an effective means of combating the herpes virus, since its main component of the same name is a synthetic analogue of a purine nucleoside. Thanks to this, the active substance is able to penetrate directly into infected cells.

Damaged cells synthesize thymidine kinase, which modifies acyclovir into a triphosphate compound. It interacts with a viral enzyme involved in DNA replication and breaks the chain necessary for the synthesis of new viruses. Against this background, the synthesis of daughter molecules that ensure the emergence of new viral generations is suppressed.

Acyclovir for herpesvirus prevents the growth of rashes, reduces the likelihood of infection spreading from the main focus and generalization of the infectious process. In addition, the product promotes the formation of crusts, reduces pain in shingles, and also relatively stimulates the body's defenses.

Herpes is one of the incurable diseases. This is due to the fact that the virus penetrates the structure of the central nervous system, remaining inaccessible to both the immune system and medicinal substances. During the period of relapse of the disease, the virus “descends” along the nerve fibers and enters the blood. This circumstance determines the effectiveness of Acyclovir for colds on the lips.

This drug, based on a substance of the same name, suppresses the replication (ability to divide) of the pathogen. This happens due to the fact that acyclovir comes into contact with the enzymes that the virus produces to ensure its own vital functions. The described process gives the following results:

  • the main symptoms of the disease (itching, burning, redness) disappear;
  • no new rashes appear;
  • healing of damaged tissues is accelerated.

The drug is not prescribed to patients with immunodeficiency caused by systemic diseases or chemotherapy. This is due to the fact that the body of this category of people does not produce a sufficient amount of enzymes necessary to suppress the activity of the pathogen.

Application of ointment

Modern pharmacies offer not only ointments and tablets, but also Acyclovir cream. Many people believe that cream and ointment are the same thing. Actually the difference is in the composition. The ointment is based on fatty substances: lanolin, petroleum jelly or others. The cream is less greasy, due to which the active substance is absorbed faster and begins to act.

Herpes has several forms; scientists divide it into 7 types. The occurrence of watery blisters is always unpleasant and painful, but both patients and doctors call the genital form particularly painful. Traditional Acyclovir for genital herpes not only has an antiseptic effect, it effectively relieves pain and blocks the appearance of new rashes.

With the existence of a significant number of subsequent generations of drugs, Acyclovir remains the most popular and effective. Take it, observing dosages and restrictions, otherwise you can significantly harm the body.

What is better to use ointment or tablets?

How to choose the right form of medication? What will work faster and more efficiently? As a rule, the result of taking Acyclovir is approximately equal

According to the opinion of consumers, the following conclusion can be drawn: firstly, you need to strictly follow the recommendations of a specialized specialist; it is also important to pay attention to the degree of development of the disease and the area affected

If the doctor gives you the right to choose, then you can think about the issue of comfort in taking or applying Acyclovir. It is worth noting that in most cases, doctors prescribe an ointment or cream to treat children or for lesions on a small surface area. Tablets are prescribed for more serious inflammatory processes; it is worth taking into account the location of the lesion: as mentioned earlier, ointment and cream are not used to treat the mucous surface and internal genital herpes, as it is ineffective. There are also cases of complex effects using cream or ointment and tablets, which gives faster results, but it is worth remembering: it is better to entrust any prescriptions to a person with specialized education and work experience.

Numerous reviews from consumers of the drug are a solid foundation confirming its effectiveness, but in any case, every medical drug is not universally effective for everyone in need of treatment. If you need to choose a medication based on this operating principle, you should carefully read the instructions and strictly follow them, because the consequences may exceed your expectations.

This is a potent antiviral agent, however, if frequent infections of this type occur, it is unlikely to be able to neutralize it, since the virus may become resistant to the main component of the drug. This fact must be taken into account in case of relapse of the disease.

Overall, Acyclovir is an excellent antiviral drug with an affordable price, but many consumers and healthcare professionals consider it a drug of the last century. This opinion is mainly due to the many side effects and contraindications, as well as the lack of long-term results with frequent manifestations of this type of infection.

Another disadvantage of Acyclovir is the frequency of administration, which can cause some discomfort to the patient, especially if we are talking about an on-the-job illness. Doctors have proven that it penetrates not only into the affected areas, but also into healthy ones, thereby causing them some damage, which is very undesirable in the modern world. When you stop consuming the drug, it immediately stops blocking the source of infection, thereby increasing the risk of recurrent diseases with low sensitivity to the main component of the drug.

Analogs of Acyclovir presented on the Russian pharmaceutical market:

  • Valaciclovir - has some advantages in the form of a higher concentration of the main substance, which allows you to get a faster effect and reduce the frequency of administration,
  • Penciclovir cream is a potent drug that allows it to act quickly and block the recurrence of infection for a short period of time after the end of the course,
  • Famciclovir is one of the leaders in the treatment of this type of disease. It is several times more effective than its predecessor and preserves the human body from a possible relapse for a slightly longer time.

So, there are a large number of similar drugs: some of them are more effective, while others are somewhat similar in their results to Acyclovir. Undoubtedly, for many buyers, a significant advantage in choosing a drug will be its affordable pricing policy in conditions of systematic inflation and not always justified price increases in the absence of wage conversion.

Features of herpes

According to WHO, more than 90% of the world's population is infected with the herpes virus. Among viral diseases, it holds unconditional primacy. Penetrating into human cells, the pathogen integrates into its DNA and then lives there. Scientists have not yet figured out how to remove herpes from cells.

With good immunity, the body binds it and keeps it in a latent (sleeping) state. When a person’s defenses weaken, herpes becomes more active, causing painful watery pimples on the face, body, genitals, chickenpox, shingles and other manifestations.

Signs of genital herpes

Genital herpes is caused by a type 2 virus. Its manifestations are similar to those on the nasolabial triangle:

  • the occurrence of redness and pain at the site of pimple formation;
  • painful watery pimples;
  • the formation of crusts at the site of opened blisters;
  • drying out of the pimple contents and secondary infection.

All symptoms occur in the groin area, on the labia majora and minora, sometimes on the edge of the cervix, the inner thighs, around the anus, and in men - on the penis, scrotum.

The acute form is accompanied by severe pain associated with unbearable itching and difficulty urinating.

Genital herpes is transmitted sexually and is considered the second most common among such diseases.

Other transfer methods include:

  • from sick mother to child;
  • during blood transfusion.

It is impossible to recover completely from the disease; frequent relapses provoke nervous disorders, disruption of the reproductive organs, diseases of the genitourinary system, even infertility and a complete lack of sexual desire.

Properties of the drug

Acyclovir is one of a limited number of drugs that can influence the development of viruses. It is effective against herpes and a few other viruses (it does not work against influenza and HIV). Its structure is similar to the components of human DNA that herpes uses to replicate. Having penetrated the DNA of the virus, it disrupts its division, which significantly slows down the process of formation of new molecules and stops reproduction.

Acyclovir has an analgesic effect. When taking the drug, pain decreases, old blisters dry out, and the formation of new ones is reduced. The exacerbation passes much faster.

How to take Acyclovir

At one time, the creators of Acyclovir received the Nobel Prize for this discovery. Today, newer drugs have already been released, but Acyclovir remains the most effective for herpes.

The pharmaceutical industry produces medicine in several forms:

  • Powder for injection (lyophilisate). It is used for large areas of damage, severe forms of the disease, and is also prescribed to newborns.
  • Tablets of 200 mg and 400 mg. They are used in the treatment of genital herpes with Acyclovir.
  • Eye ointment 3 percent in tubes of 4.5 g.
  • Cream or ointment for external use, usually 5 percent, in 30 g tubes.

Rules for the use of Acyclovir for prophylactic purposes

For adults

The dosage of tablets for herpes is prescribed only by the attending physician. Thus, according to the instructions for use, for adults with normal immune status, Acyclovir is prescribed 200 mg every 6 hours, or 4 times a day, for the prevention of herpes types 1 and 2. It is advisable to take the drug at the same time.

The medicine is often effective even when the indicated dosage is reduced:

  • 200 mg three times a day, or every 8 hours;
  • 200 mg twice a day, or every 12 hours.

Therefore, it is preferable to start with a small dose. The duration of the appointment is determined by the attending doctor.

As for the category of people with immunodeficiency, the dosages will be as follows:

  • 200 mg every 6 hours (four times a day);
  • 400 mg 5 times a day - in severe cases (after internal organ transplantation, with poor absorption of the drug into the intestinal walls).

For children, pregnant women and the elderly

Children under 3 years of age are not allowed to take medicine in the form of tablets for prophylactic purposes. The drug may act too aggressively on this category. Starting from 3 years of age, the medicine is prescribed in a dosage of 400 mg per day. This portion is intended for two doses. It is more advisable to take the tablets at the same time (preferably in the morning and evening after meals). The calculation is made as follows: 20 mg of the active substance per 1 kg of the child’s body weight (but not more than 800 mg/day).

If the child is over 6 years old, the dosage is increased to 800 mg per day. The prophylactic course should last no more than 5 days.

For children with immunodeficiency, the dosage is increased by 2 times (from 3 years and older - 800 mg/day, four times a day, or every 6 hours).

The same dosages are prescribed in old age. However, it should be borne in mind that when taking large amounts of Acyclovir, you need to drink a lot of fluid.

In order to prevent infection of the fetus during pregnancy and as it passes through the birth canal, a woman needs to take Acyclovir 400 mg three times a day (every 8 hours). The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Prevention and treatment of herpes with Acyclovir should only occur under the close supervision of the attending physician, since the drug has a large number of contraindications and causes undesirable effects. This is especially true for pregnant women, the elderly and children.

Treatment regimen

The treatment regimen for genital herpes depends on the form of the disease and the severity of its course.

General recommendations include:

  1. Take plenty of fluids during treatment with Acyclovir.
  2. Take the tablets after meals, this will reduce the load on the digestive tract.
  3. Take the medicine with clean, still water and non-acidic juices. Do not drink carbonated drinks. The amount of liquid you drink while taking the medicine should be at least 100 ml.

Precautionary measures

To avoid infection, you should adhere to the following principles:

  • choose a trusted sexual partner;
  • be sure to use a condom, but this does not give 100% results;
  • maintain hygiene. Do not take other people's personal belongings;
  • you need to monitor your health, especially if there is a manifest virus in the body, which is accompanied by a rash of herpes fever on the lips;
  • do not have sex if herpes is in the active phase.

It is also necessary to engage in prevention if the infection is already in the body. The most important thing is to prevent the virus from entering the active phase and spreading throughout the body.

Before the onset of menstruation, during the planning period for conception, the body is very susceptible to attack by a viral infection.

To prevent a relapse, you should follow these steps:

  1. Be sure to support your immune system. If its function decreases, it can cause new diseases, including herpes. In order for the body to be normal, you should adhere to the rules of healthy nutrition, take vitamin complexes, and engage in physical activity. Do not overcool or overheat.
  2. Remove stress from life. Because it provokes an exacerbation of the disease. An unstable mental state affects the quantitative ratio of hormones. If there is a metabolic disorder, the virus can also manifest itself.
  3. Avoid infection with other sexually transmitted infections. Due to weakened immunity, the body will be easily attacked by a viral pathogen.
  4. Use of suppressive therapy. It refers to preventive measures. It is especially indicated for those who are susceptible to relapses of the disease more than five times a year. This indicates that the body is greatly weakened. He can't even fight the virus. In this case, it is recommended to take Acyclovir for six months or a year. The drug is taken every day.

Acyclovir successfully fights genital herpes if the attending physician selects the correct treatment regimen. It is important to maintain hygiene, take the drug, then the impact of the infection can be weakened.

Contraindications and special instructions

There are contraindications for the treatment of genital herpes with Acyclovir:

  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • children up to 2 or 5 years of age (depending on the form);
  • severe kidney pathologies;
  • history of neurological diseases;
  • dehydration (dehydration) at the time of treatment;
  • lactation period (Acyclovir is found in breast milk).

It is known that Acyclovir crosses the placenta, but its effect on fetal development has not been studied, so use during pregnancy is indicated only if the expected positive effect outweighs the possible risks.

Brief description of the virus

Experts say that external signs of herpes appear in cases where a person has been exposed to hypothermia, depression, severe stress, or has a common cold. Depending on the location of the virus, the virus can be divided into two categories :

  1. On and near the genitals.
  2. On the tongue, lips, mouth and other parts of the facial area.

It is worth noting that herpes often develops on the lips due to excessive tanning. In addition, those who spend a long time in a room with air conditioning often encounter the virus. The symptoms are so unpleasant that they can cause a person a lot of problems of an aesthetic, physiological and psychological nature. You should always remember that external signs of herpes appear only if a person has reduced immunity.

You can become infected the moment a healthy person comes into contact with a virus carrier. When the main bacteriophage enters the body, it causes irreparable harm to cells, simultaneously spreading throughout all tissues and systems. If a relapse occurs, a profuse rash appears on the mucous membranes.

Despite the numerous efforts of doctors, they have not yet been able to find an effective way to destroy this virus. The best option is to take symptomatic medications that have a disinfecting and drying effect.

Among the wide range of medications that are used to combat herpes, the most popular is the generic Acyclovir, sold in the form of tablets, ointments and creams.

special instructions

The use of Acyclovir requires a complete ban on alcohol consumption. This drug with alcohol has common patterns of utilization by the liver.

When combining it with treatment, there is a high probability of poisoning and the occurrence of unwanted symptoms.

During therapy, it is recommended to exercise caution when engaging in potentially hazardous activities and work that require increased concentration.

Among antiviral drugs, Acyclovir has a significant therapeutic effect in the treatment of genital herpes. Therapy should only take place under the supervision of a gynecologist or urologist. Self-medication can do more harm than good.

Acyclovir for herpes is a reliable and inexpensive help for those who have been exposed to herpes infection. Effective for all types of herpes - skin, mucous, genital, shingles. It can be prescribed in the complex treatment of infections caused by the herpes virus in patients with HIV-positive status. Requires careful use and mandatory consultation with a specialist.


When diluting the lyophilisate, the alkaline reaction (pH 11) of this dosage form of the drug should be taken into account. Combined administration with probenecid helps to reduce the tubular secretion of acyclovir, which leads to an increase in its serum content and prolongation of T1/2

Combined use with nephrotoxic drugs enhances nephrotoxic effects, especially in patients with impaired renal function. With the parallel use of immunostimulants, an increase in the effectiveness of the drug is observed.

Concomitant use with zidovudine in the treatment of HIV-infected patients did not reveal any significant changes in the pharmacokinetic characteristics of both drugs.

Combination therapy with mycophenolate mofetil may cause an increase in the AUC of acyclovir, as well as the inactive metabolic product of mycophenolate mofetil.

In what cases are Acyclovir tablets prescribed for herpes?

Patients with a weak immune system, after hypothermia, with regular stress, as well as with severe third-party diseases are mainly affected by the virus.

It is advisable to prescribe acyclovir against herpes:

  • in case of infection of the skin and/or mucous membranes (both primary and recurrent forms, during the period of exacerbation);
  • with primary and recurrent genital forms of infection;
  • with herpes zoster;
  • for chickenpox (therapy is effective in the first day after the appearance of the rash).

Treatment with Acyclovir is permitted for infections caused by the herpes virus, in HIV-infected patients, as well as in patients after organ transplantation. At the discretion of the physician, it is permissible to prescribe the drug to patients taking immunosuppressive drugs and undergoing chemotherapy.

What does Acyclovir help with?

Indications for use include:

  • Acyclovir gel and ointment (Acri, Synthesis, Ozone, Vertex, etc.) are used externally in the treatment (most often complex) of skin herpetic rashes provoked by strains of types I and II of herpes simplex (including its genital form), as well as in the treatment of external manifestations herpes zoster and chickenpox.
  • Acyclovir-Acri tablets (Akos, Nizhpharm) and other manufacturers, as well as lyophilisate, are indicated for the prevention or treatment of primary, secondary and recurrent infectious painful conditions provoked by viral strains of type I and II Herpes simplex (herpes simplex), including its genital form, and the Varicella zoster strain (shingles and chicken pox).
  • Systemic use of these dosage forms of the drug can be practiced both in patients with normal immunity and in patients with immunodeficiency, including HIV infection and post-transplant conditions.
  • Eye ointment is used to treat herpetic keratitis caused by strains of types I and II of herpes simplex (you can first use eye cleansing drops).

How does Acyclovir work on herpes?

The active substance acyclovir has antiviral and antiherpetic effects. Its structure is a synthetic analogue of thymidine nucleoside, which is classified as a natural component of DNA.

Viral DNA replication occurs in several ways:

  1. After the tablet enters the patient’s body, a competitive substitution of triphosphate for acyclovir occurs in DNA synthesis.
  2. The active substance of the drug is integrated into the synthesized viral DNA chain, thereby stopping its elongation.
  3. The substance acyclovir introduced into the DNA chain inhibits viral enzymes.

As a result, the reproduction of the virus in the human body stops, and existing viral cells are destroyed.

It is important to note that the high selectivity of the action of acyclovir is due to the ability of the substance to accumulate in cells affected by the virus.

Acyclovir against herpes

The advantage of the drug over similar drugs is its following action:

  • helps prevent the formation of new viral cells;
  • significantly reduces the likelihood of developing skin dissemination;
  • prevents visceral complications;
  • accelerates the processes of crust formation and healing;
  • reduces the manifestation of painful sensations.

In addition, the components of the drug can have an immunostimulating effect.

Acyclovir: 200 and 400 mg

Instructions for use for colds on the lips

Neglected herpes spreads throughout the body, leading to problems more serious than a skin rash. It penetrates into the oral cavity, forming acute stomatitis, into the larynx, causing herpetic sore throat, and onto the eyelids. As a result, several small pimples will force you to visit the dentist, ENT specialist and ophthalmologist.

Timely treatment will prevent these complications.

The standard procedure for primary signs of herpetic infection is to combine the use of Acyclovir in the form of tablets and ointment/cream on the affected areas of the skin. Let's consider courses of treatment for grades 1 and 2 of the disease.

For herpes 1st degree

Stage 1 of herpes, the so-called cold on the lips, is treated with a course lasting five days

It is important to note that the drug is taken five times a day, at four-hour intervals. There is no need to combine it with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sleep should be limited to eight hours, otherwise the dosage schedule will be disrupted

Sleep should be limited to eight hours, otherwise the dosage schedule will be disrupted.

After maintaining time intervals of four hours, you need to take one Acyclovir tablet (200 mg) with a small amount of water and apply Acyclovir ointment to the affected areas of the skin.

It is strictly forbidden to pop pimples yourself and tear off the crusts that have formed at the site of the burst ones. These actions increase the risk of infection spreading to other areas of the body. Failure to do this may result in shingles.

The dosage is calculated for adults and children from three years of age. For children under three years of age, ointment or cream is used.

For herpes stage 2

Stage 2 herpes, genital, requires ten days of taking Acyclovir. In case of relapses and exacerbations, as well as for their prevention, the dosage of Acyclovir for stage 2 herpes will be as follows:

  1. Patients with healthy immunity use the drug four times a day, the interval between doses is six hours. It is possible to reduce the frequency of administration to three and two times, at eight- and twelve-hour intervals, respectively.
  2. In the presence of immunodeficiency, Acyclovir is used four times a day, every six hours.
  3. People with reduced body resistance or problems with the absorption of the active substance of the drug should use it four times a day. Recent organ transplant recipients are included in this group.
  4. To prevent the appearance of

With the flu, the immune system is weakened; a person who has previously suffered from a herpes rash should take Acyclovir in combination with other drugs. As an alternative, the doctor may prescribe Cycloferon. It has bifunctional activity, in addition to the antiviral effect, being an immunomodulator.

To prevent herpes from bothering you, you need to avoid colds and hypothermia.

The right move would be to carefully select tattoo parlors and beauty salons. Such places are one of the ways to become infected. You should trust only reliable craftsmen and establishments.

An important rule for preventing herpes, like many other diseases, is personal hygiene. Even after contracting the herpes virus, careful hygiene helps prevent it from spreading throughout the body.

Women should pay special attention when applying cosmetics to their faces; with one careless movement they can spread the virus into their eyes. There is a known case when an entire team in the accounting department became infected with labial herpes from one tube of lipstick

Condoms do not prevent infection. Even short contact of the mucous membrane with the affected skin leads to transmission of the virus.

Do not touch the affected areas. The itching and burning are unbearable, but dirt and germs on your fingertips will only make the situation worse. And the virus itself will travel on your hands and one involuntary touch may be enough for it to manifest itself in another place.

A person with herpes should use a separate towel, drink and eat from their own dishes.

The herpes virus survives on various surfaces for up to four hours. Disinfect common items (toilet seats, door handles, water taps, computer keyboards, light switches).

Refrain from tactile contact with an infected person when it is not necessary.

Remember: there is no effective means of removing the herpes virus from the body; all drugs only inhibit its spread and manifestation. A virus that enters the body and is not destroyed by the immune system remains in it forever. The therapeutic effect of Acyclovir is that it only stops the virus.

How to take Acyclovir for herpes

Acyclovir for herpes is used in a dosage determined depending on the form of the disease and the degree of its neglect.

The drug is available in tablet form. Below are the recommended treatment regimens using the drug Acyclovir 200 mg:

  1. In case of damage to the skin and mucous membranes. The dosage of Acyclovir is determined to be 1000 mg, divided into 5 doses per day. The optimal duration of treatment is 5 days. For more severe forms of the disease, a gradual increase in dose is permissible.
  2. For herpes in HIV-infected people and for patients after organ transplantation. The recommended dose for adults is 400 mg, the number of daily doses is 5. The dosage for pediatric patients is halved.
  3. For herpes zoster. Acyclovir for herpes in adults is prescribed in a dose of up to 800 mg every 6 hours. A similar dose is for children over six years of age, the frequency of administration is 4 times a day. For children under 6 years of age, a lower dose is prescribed, 400 mg no more than 4 times a day. On average, the therapeutic course is prescribed for 5 days.
  4. For illness of any form in patients belonging to a special category (pregnant, lactating women, with impaired liver and kidney function, elderly patients). The minimum dose should be prescribed, no more than 200 mg every 12 hours.

Tablets: standard dosages for children

The treatment regimen with Acyclovir depends on the specific disease. So, let's figure out how to dose Acyclovir for children with herpes virus infection.

Labial herpes (lesions of the perioral area)

For children with weakened immune systems, it is recommended to use 1 gram of Acyclovir per day, divided into 3-5 doses, at regular intervals. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the infection and usually lasts 7–14 days.

Herpetic gingivostomatitis (damage to the oral mucosa and gums)

For HIV-infected children with severe gingivostomatitis, a dosage of 20 mg of Acyclovir per kilogram of body weight is recommended three times a day, the duration of treatment is from 7 to 14 days. The maximum dosage of the drug according to the instructions is 400 mg of Acyclovir per day.

The dosage is slightly lower for immunocompetent, that is, generally healthy children: 15 mg per kilogram of body weight per day. Moreover, the frequency of use is five times a day, and the course of treatment for stomatitis or gingivitis with Acyclovir is a week.

I would like to note that stomatitis and gingivitis are not always of a viral nature. Often the disease is caused by bacteria or fungi. Therefore, taking Acyclovir without a doctor’s recommendation is a big mistake, possibly delaying recovery.

Prevention of recurrence of herpetic ophthalmic infections

For periodically recurring episodes of herpetic blepharitis, keratitis, iritis in children over 12 years of age, it is recommended to take 400 mg of Acyclovir twice a day. In some cases, doctors prefer to dose 80 mg per kilogram of body weight, divided into three doses.

The optimal course of treatment is still unclear. Most often, treatment is long-term and lasts 12–18 months.


For immunocompetent children over two years of age, the therapeutic dose of Acyclovir is 20 mg per kilogram of body weight four times a day. The course of treatment is short - only five days.

For children weighing more than 40 kg, it is recommended to take 800 mg of Acyclovir four times a day, again for 5 days.

Treatment of chickenpox with Acyclovir is most effective if it begins simultaneously with the first early symptoms of the disease (within 24 hours after the appearance of the rash).


Treatment should begin within 48 hours after the initial rash.

Immunocompetent children over 12 years of age are recommended to take Acyclovir 800 mg tablets five times a day for 5–10 days.

Contraindications of the drug

It is strictly unacceptable for patients under three years of age to take Acyclovir and if the body is individually immune to the components of the composition.

Use with caution and only at the discretion of the doctor in therapy during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is important to consider that the active ingredient of the drug can penetrate into breast milk in high concentrations and accumulate in it. If alternative therapy does not have the desired effect, you should refrain from breastfeeding while taking pills during treatment.

The drug should be used under constant medical supervision in patients:

  • with dehydration;
  • with renal failure;
  • with severe liver pathologies.

In a special group are elderly patients. It is recommended to prescribe the minimum dosage of the drug in treatment.

Side effects

Taking Acyclovir may be accompanied by adverse reactions:

  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • bowel dysfunction (in most patients - in the form of diarrhea);
  • a sharp increase in liver enzymes;
  • hyperbilirubinemia;
  • leukopenia;
  • erythropenia;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • general malaise, weakness;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • drowsiness during the day;
  • tremor;
  • hallucinations.

It is extremely rare that the active substance of the drug causes allergic reactions.


Acyclovir for herpes is considered very effective, but among the wide pharmacy range you can find several other high-quality medicines. The best analogues of Acyclovir include Zovirax and Valacyclovir.


Zovirax is an equally effective way to treat herpes - taking Zovirax tablets. The composition is based on a similar substance, acyclovir. A powerful antiviral drug, the action of the main component is highly selective. It is able to integrate into the viral DNA chain, preventing further spread of the virus and the death of existing cells.

In patients with positive HIV status, long-term use of the medication is not recommended. According to clinical data, long-term therapy may result from the development of resistant strains. In this case, the therapeutic course will be ineffective.

It is used in the treatment of diseases caused by herpes viruses of various forms:

  • infectious lesions of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • genital;
  • girdling;
  • chicken pox.

It can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of diseases caused by the herpes virus.

The treatment regimen is identical to Acyclovir. Can be prescribed for the treatment of children from one year of age.

Compared to the original, the analogue differs significantly in cost. 25 Zovirax tablets can be purchased for approximately 560 rubles

Review of drugs based on acyclovir

Antiviral drugs based on acyclovir can be purchased in pharmacies after presenting a prescription.

If you need to select a replacement, you must first consult with your doctor to clarify the dosage, frequency and duration of use of the medicine.

The pharmaceutical market offers not only mono drugs based on acyclovir, but also multicomponent drugs supplemented with an antiviral component: for example, Herpferon.

Complex medications have a multifaceted effect and are aimed at stimulating the immune system, eliminating the viral pathogen, and reducing unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching and pain impulses.

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