Can I take vaginal pills during menstruation?

What kind of remedy is this

Terzhinan is a vaginal suppository prescribed for acute fungal and infectious diseases. This is a remedy that affects a wide range of microbes, which combines the action of 4 drugs: nystatin, ternidazole, neomycin and prednisolone. These drugs are prescribed for infectious diseases, but together they affect different types of infections:

  • Nystatin is a well-known local remedy against candidiasis (thrush) that does not enter the bloodstream.
  • Ternidazole is an antifungal and trichomonacid agent that affects gardnerella.
  • Neomycin is an effective remedy against listeria, aerobic infections, staphylococcus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
  • Prednisolone is an effective adjuvant containing a glucocorticoid hormone with pronounced antiallergic properties.

Terzhinan is available in the form of vaginal suppositories. Prescribed for the treatment of fungal infections, including thrush, ureaplasmosis, vaginitis, vaginosis and purulent inflammation of various origins. This is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory drugs that normalizes the microflora of the genital organs.

It actively fights various infections; in some cases, doctors prescribe Terzhinan during pregnancy and lactation. Its composition does not penetrate the gastrointestinal tract, it is absolutely safe for mother and child, and the shape of the suppositories is convenient for use.

When can it be used?

Viral and fungal diseases of the vagina are very dangerous. If left untreated, they can lead to extremely disastrous consequences. However, self-medication is strongly not recommended. Every woman who has unpleasant symptoms should contact a gynecologist for tests and diagnostics.

So, most often the instructions for use recommend using “Elzhina” (suppositories) for women suffering from various forms of vaginitis. However, in addition to this, the medicine has shown itself very well in the treatment of gynecological diseases caused by Candida fungus.

Women should not use these suppositories if they have hypersensitivity to any components included in this medicine. Also, the product is strictly forbidden to be used by those patients who suffer from organic pathologies of the circulatory and central nervous systems. Also, the product should not be used by girls under the age of majority.

How to use during menstruation

Typically, vaginal suppositories are not prescribed on menstrual periods. Their contents are excreted from the body along with menstrual flow. Terzhinan is prescribed for 7 to 10 days, sometimes more. However, if the treatment regimen is interrupted during menstruation, the pathogenic microflora multiplies and the use of the drug will be ineffective. Therefore, doctors do not recommend taking a break during menstruation. The instructions allow you to use Terzhinan on critical days: during this time, the effectiveness of the drug does not decrease.

During menstruation, Terzhinan is used according to the following instructions:

  • Before use, wash your hands with soap or put on rubber medical gloves;
  • the candle is dipped in water for 30 seconds;
  • before insertion, squat down or lie down in bed;
  • insert a suppository;
  • then go to bed for 20 minutes.

To prevent the effectiveness of the drug from decreasing, it is recommended to use it before bedtime. At this time, the contents of the candle affect the microflora and the effectiveness of the action does not decrease.

Immediately after using the drug, itching, redness and discomfort occur, but these are absolutely normal phenomena. Doctors do not recommend stopping the drug during menstruation, as this significantly reduces the effect of use.

How to properly use suppositories for thrush during menstruation?

Having figured out what local remedies can be used in the treatment of genital candidiasis during menstruation, let’s familiarize ourselves with the rules for their use:

  • Before using any medicinal product, you must wash your hands thoroughly.
  • For intimate hygiene, it is recommended to use only plain water or soap for children, as they do not cause irritation and do not aggravate the symptoms of the disease.
  • During menstruation, personal hygiene products should be fragrance-free and replaced quite often.
  • Before inserting the suppository, the woman should take a comfortable position, lying on her back with her legs slightly apart and bent at the knees.
  • You can insert candles with your fingers or a special applicator, if available. Inserted into the vaginal cavity to the maximum possible depth with slow and gentle movements.
  • It is advisable to carry out the procedure immediately before bedtime. If this happens during the day, then at the end the woman should remain in a horizontal position for at least 20 minutes.

Side effects and restrictions

Terzhinan is prescribed not only for infections and inflammatory diseases. It is used as a prophylactic before artificial termination of pregnancy, childbirth, intrauterine examinations and gynecological operations. Therefore, the use of this drug is safe for any woman. The only contraindication is increased sensitivity of the mucous membrane or the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

During menstruation, many women are interested in the following questions:

  1. Can the drug increase bleeding or pain during menstruation? No, the drug does not affect the sensations during menstruation.
  2. Is it possible to get an infection with the drug? No, since Terzhinan neutralizes pathogenic microflora.
  3. Can I use candles in the morning before work? This is not recommended, as the effect of antibiotics is reduced. After use, you need to lie down for 20 minutes.
  4. Is it normal if, after inserting a suppository, unpleasant sensations, itching, or pain appear in the vagina? Yes, this is not considered a deviation from the norm.
  5. After inserting the suppository, a feeling of dryness and a foreign body arose. Is this normal? Yes, this is how the vaginal mucosa reacts to the suppository. This reaction is also observed when a tampon, menstrual cap and other foreign bodies are inserted. The feeling of dryness is caused by the condition of the mucous membrane. But when a suppository is administered, such effects rarely occur.
  6. Will the contents of the candle come out along with menstrual flow? No, if the woman is in a horizontal position. Therefore, it is recommended to administer suppositories before bedtime, then the effect will remain the same. While using the drug, it is recommended to frequently change underwear and thoroughly treat them with detergents.
  7. Does the use of suppositories affect the menstrual cycle and the general condition of the body? No. The contents of the drug do not penetrate into the blood even during menstruation.

Terzhinan suppositories do not in any way affect a woman’s well-being during her period, do not cause pain and do not affect the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels, therefore they are used even during menstruation.

What suppositories were you prescribed?

Whether you can use suppositories depends on what kind of medicine for thrush your doctor prescribed to you. The fact is that many suppositories are prescribed in combination with tablets, then temporarily stopping suppositories will not hurt. Look at the instructions for use, if menstruation is not among the contraindications, then you don’t have to worry and put them in the vagina as usual.


Livarol suppositories contain the fungicidal substance ketoconazole. The drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream and has only a local effect. When administered, Livarol dissolves and evenly envelops the vaginal mucosa. A therapeutic shell is formed, which destroys colonies of fungi that cause thrush.

Livarol suppositories should be used daily, 1 suppository for 10 days.

It is better to light the candle at night, and be sure to use sanitary pads. It is better not to use the medicine during menstruation. Menstrual blood will wash it away from the vaginal walls before the suppository has an effect on the fungus. Treatments for thrush cannot be used rectally, so the course of treatment with Livarol is stopped during menstruation.


Although the instructions say that Clotrimazole is an extremely aggressive drug and is resistant to rinsing, it should not be used during menstruation either. The suppositories, dissolving in the vagina, are partially absorbed into the mucous membrane and have an antimicrobial effect. In practice, many women complain that the drug only partially masked the symptoms of thrush, and the disease became latent.

During menstruation, the vagina becomes very sensitive, so aggressive Clotrimazole can cause side effects - itching, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane.

Candles must be placed daily without interrupting therapy, otherwise there will be no effect. There are no similar tablets, only local remedies. If these suppositories are prescribed, delay the course of treatment until after your period.


Pimafucin suppositories are considered the best for treating thrush, but they are also not suitable for menstruation. This warning is contained in the instructions for use. On critical days, a completely different environment is formed in the vagina, interaction with which leads to unexpected behavior of the drug.

Pimafucin suppositories, when mixed with menstrual blood, form a strange substance with a foamy consistency. The remains of the drug flow out without harming the fungi.

Treatment is stopped during menstruation. It is better not to start the course on the eve of these days, but to wait for the start of a new cycle. Having cleansed itself of unnecessary material, the vagina will grow new beneficial microflora, and suppositories will help get rid of pathogenic agents of thrush.


Polygynax are vaginal capsules with a wide spectrum of action. The complex composition exhibits an antibacterial effect and also kills fungus. Although this is an antibiotic, it does not harm lactobacilli, beneficial components of the microflora. In addition, it almost does not cause allergies, unless you are intolerant to peanuts and soy.

Polygynax vaginal capsules can be used during menstruation. Menstruation does not affect the properties of the drug in any way.

The capsule is inserted at night for two weeks. During treatment, you must stop using condoms, caps and any spermicidal contraceptives. The active substances of Polygynax destroy silicone and reduce the effect of vaginal contraceptives. Therefore, the medicine will need to be combined with hormonal pills or abstain from sex. You should also not use tampons.


Vaginal tablets Terzhinan are the closest analogue of Polygynax. The medicine is used to treat thrush and vaginitis, which are caused by candidiasis. Like the previous remedy, Terzhinan can be treated during menstruation. If mycosis is diagnosed, the course of therapy will last up to 20 days. Before use, the tablet should be soaked a little with water, then lie on your back and insert it as deep as possible into the vagina. After administration, you traditionally need to lie down for half an hour.

Unlike suppositories, vaginal tablets perform well with the moisture created by menstrual blood.


The basis of Betadine suppositories is iodine. The drug is prescribed for thrush and a number of other vaginal infections. The suppositories have an antiseptic and fungicidal effect and quickly destroy fungal colonies. You can treat thrush with Betadine suppositories even during menstruation. Dosage – 1 suppository per day, it is better to insert it at night.

Do not be surprised if in the morning your periods become dark, almost brown - this is the remnants of the medicine coming out. Betadine also exhibits spermicidal properties, so if you are planning to become pregnant, postpone conception until next month.

Features of use

Terzhinan suppositories are purchased strictly according to a doctor's prescription. Here are some of their features:

  • suppositories are also used by virgins, in adolescence, but under the supervision of a specialist;
  • treatment of both partners is necessary to avoid relapses;
  • It is recommended to store candles in the refrigerator;
  • It is undesirable to drink alcohol during treatment;
  • the use of the drug does not affect driving;
  • No side effects were found when interacting with other medications.

Reviews about the drug on the Internet are positive. Many women felt the effect after the first use. But in some cases the drug may not work. In such a situation, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

What effect does the drug “Elzhina” have on the body?

Suppositories, the instructions for use of which should be studied by every patient who cares about her health, have a bactericidal, as well as anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect.
After the first use of this pharmaceutical product, patients notice that itching and unpleasant pain in the vagina begin to stop. What is important, the instructions for use describe Elzhina suppositories as a drug whose active substances do not enter the general bloodstream. This suggests that the action of this medication is safe for the female body as a whole.

Reviews from patients and doctors

Elzhina suppositories, instructions, analogues of which can be found in this article, are incredibly popular among both gynecologists and the fair sex. The product really does its job very well and kills pathogenic bacterial and fungal organisms.

However, many patients complained of pain that occurred during treatment with this medicine. That is why many representatives of the fairer sex, after reading negative reviews, do not want to use this drug.

The product is relatively inexpensive. You will have to pay about three hundred rubles for packaging. Usually, fungal and bacterial diseases completely disappear within seven to nine days from the start of using the drug, which is good news.

Important instructions

If the disease is in an advanced form, the doctor may also prescribe the woman medications intended for oral or intravenous administration. However, most often Elzhina suppositories are quite enough to complete the course of treatment.

You should not insert these tablets into the vagina for more than nine days in a row. If after this period the disease still progresses, be sure to go to the hospital. In this case, this treatment method is not suitable for you.

Using candles, women can drive a car, as well as operate complex mechanisms.

Are there any analogues?

Any medication should be used with extreme caution. The instructions describe the drug “Elzhina” (suppositories) as a medication intended for the treatment of gynecological diseases of a fungal or bacterial nature. Despite the good therapeutic effect and wide range of applications, the product must still be used carefully, because it can provoke the occurrence of negative phenomena.

Some patients complain of allergic reactions that occur during the use of these suppositories. They usually make themselves felt in the form of swelling, rashes and hives. Also, many patients noticed that inserting the tablet into the vagina is accompanied by a strong burning sensation. Moreover, such unpleasant symptoms usually occur at the beginning of the treatment course, and subsequently they disappear.

Be sure to consult a specialist if you notice that your health is deteriorating. In this case, you will be offered other treatment.

This drug is very popular in the pharmaceutical market. However, despite this, there are a huge number of other drugs that have a similar effect.

Most often, gynecologists prescribe to their patients such substitutes as “Ginolact”, “Terconazole”, “Ginecofit”, “Evkolek”, “Terzhinan” and many others. Under no circumstances should you treat gynecological diseases using traditional methods. This will only make your situation worse.

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