How to narrow the vagina or the best remedies for narrowing the vagina

It is easy to get confused in the wide variety of products for narrowing the vagina. To help readers choose the most effective ones, we have prepared a review of types and drugs that tonic the muscles of the intimate area. From the article you will find out which is better: balls, gels, creams or sticks? We will also talk about how effective the pills are and which remedies are the best.

In the article:

  • When you need means to narrow the vaginal lumen
  • Types of drugs for narrowing the vagina
  • Pills
  • Creams
  • Gels
  • Sticks
  • Balloons
  • Candles

What factors lead to weakening of the vaginal muscles?

The vaginal walls droop because the muscles of the pelvic floor and peritoneum weaken.
Pressure increases in the abdominal cavity, under the influence of which the elasticity of the ligaments is disrupted. After this, the ligaments are unable to hold the bladder, uterus and rectum in their natural position. The main causes of vaginal dryness and weakening of the walls:

  • congenital abnormalities of connective tissue;
  • complications after the birth of a child (prolonged labor, use of forceps, large size of the child, perineal injuries);
  • sudden loss of body weight;
  • increased pressure in the abdominal region due to chronic constipation, prolonged cough;
  • tumors of the genital organs;
  • hard physical labor;
  • numerous births (due to the heaviness of the fetus, the walls stretch, losing elasticity);
  • age-related changes (after 50 years, changes begin in the female body, characterized by a decrease in the production of sex hormones. As a result, the vaginal tissue stretches);
  • surgery to remove the uterus.

There are 3 degrees of vaginal prolapse due to weakening of the intimate muscles:

  1. 1st degree – prolapse of the anterior, posterior or both walls, while the vulva does not extend beyond the entrance to the vagina;
  2. 2nd degree - partial prolapse of the anterior wall along with part of the bladder or prolapse of the posterior wall with part of the rectum;
  3. 3rd degree - complete prolapse of the walls along with prolapse of the uterus.

Expert opinion7

Gynecologists do not advise making hasty decisions in favor of any treatment or purchasing very expensive medications to narrow the vagina. Often, the problem of weak vaginal muscles or prolapse is eliminated by performing gymnastic exercises or using vaginal balls.

Laser correction gives a very good effect, but due to its high cost, it is not available to everyone.

Almost all experts recommend increasing elasticity through exercise. Vaginal muscles, like any other muscles in the body, lend themselves well to training if done regularly.

How to determine the size of a woman's penis?

According to scientists, not only men worry about the size of their genitals; this issue worries women too. This forces them to look for various ways to help reduce the entrance to the vagina.

At rest, the average depth of the vagina is from 7 to 13 cm, while its diameter is 4-5 cm. During sexual arousal, the depth increases by 5-6 cm, and the width by about two-thirds.

It is a common belief that tall women have deeper vaginas than those of short or average height. But this is not true, since each person’s body is individual.

The female vagina is unique in nature - it has the ability to expand and adapt to the size of the partner's penis.

Interesting Facts

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Taking hormonal medications 7

Hormonal drugs directly affect a woman's libido. This means that a girl can either stop getting aroused while taking hormones, or, on the contrary, her desire to make love will intensify as soon as she sees a person of the opposite sex.

Increased libido is directly related to changes in the amount of lubrication. As the girl begins to get more excited, more lubricant is also released, which makes it clear to the woman that the body is not only ready, but also wants intimacy!

As mentioned above, a large amount of lubrication should not confuse partners. This will only help make lovemaking better.

What are the dangers of weakening the walls of the vagina and its dryness?

  1. The woman is deprived of the ability to enjoy sexual intercourse or have sex at all;
  2. she may experience irritability and depression;
  3. under the influence of dryness, vaginal erosion and fungal diseases develop;
  4. the walls of the vagina become covered with cracks, which provoke the entry and growth of bacteria and infections;
  5. health worsens.

Such discomfort in intimate places negatively affects both everyday and sexual life. Ignoring the problem most often leads to the appearance of candidiasis or vaginosis. Therefore, vaginal dryness and weakening of its walls must be treated as quickly as possible.

Absence of gynecological diseases5

Vaginal dryness is the main sign that something is wrong with the body. Therefore, when a lot of lubricant is released, this can only indicate that from a gynecological point of view, everything is in order with the body.

Of course, one should not draw conclusions based on this indicator alone, but still, abundant lubrication immediately excludes a number of gynecological diseases.

Vaginal dryness and traditional methods of treatment

Method 1

You need to get the following ingredients:

  1. mint – 2-3 sprigs,
  2. lemon - half a fruit,
  3. dry red wine – 0.5 l,
  4. oak leaves – 0.5 kg

The above ingredients are mixed together and infused for a week in a dark place. After this, a tampon is moistened with the tincture and inserted into the vagina for 3 hours.

Method 2

Designed to insert a small piece of lemon into the vagina. The secret is simple: the fruit actively helps the vaginal muscles contract, causing the latter to narrow.

Citric acid helps protect against unwanted pregnancy: it destroys and destroys sperm.

Method 3

A woman can use a solution of potassium permanganate instead of citric acid. It is enough to moisten a small sponge with it and wipe the inner walls. But after this procedure, be sure to rinse the vagina with plain water.

Folk remedies

There are also folk remedies for narrowing the vagina. One of the most effective infusions is made from oak bark. For infusion, take 50 g of dry crushed component and pour a glass of hot water. Then the liquid is infused for one hour. After the product has completely cooled, a cotton swab is soaked in it and placed in the vagina overnight.

Mint infusion is good for narrowing. Take one tablespoon of crushed leaves of the plant and pour 200 ml of boiling water. The product is infused for five minutes. Then it is filtered and cooled. You need to rinse your intimate parts with the infusion. If oak bark is also added, a tampon is soaked in the product and inserted into the vagina for a short time.

Some recipes contain a recommendation for using lemon and potassium permanganate for narrowing. But these products should absolutely not be used, since such a mixture will not only cause a chemical burn to the mucous membrane, but will also completely kill the beneficial microflora in the vagina.

What is the effectiveness of oak bark for tightening the vagina?

The leaves, fruits and bark of this tree were used by our ancestors several centuries ago to treat numerous diseases. People learned to make decoctions, tinctures, and then ointments and creams from them. Oak bark:

  • has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • moisturizes the genitals;
  • makes the skin of the genital organs soft, elastic and firm.

Oak bark contains a large number of useful microelements:

  • gallic acid;
  • fixed oils;
  • tannin;
  • pectins;
  • flavonoids;
  • starch;
  • phenols;
  • tannins.

Oak bark for narrowing the vagina - the best recipes

Recipe 1

Cooking method:

  1. grind oak bark (1/2 teaspoon);
  2. fill it with 2 glasses of cold water;
  3. infusion time – 8 hours;
  4. then add red wine (50 ml);
  5. drink 1 glass of tincture 2 times a day.

Recipe 2

Cooking method:

  1. grind oak bark (50 g);
  2. pour boiling water over it (1 cup);
  3. infusion time – 1 hour;
  4. then soak a tampon in the tincture and insert it into the vagina for 2 hours.

Recipe 3

Cooking method:

  1. pour boiling water (one and a half liters) over oak bark (500 g);
  2. let it brew for 1 hour;
  3. add the tincture to a bath of warm water;
  4. Take a bath for 15 minutes.

Douching with oak bark

With its help you can:

  • protect the genitals from bacteria and infection;
  • restore damage to the mucous membrane;
  • improve elasticity;
  • reduce pain.

How to make a douching solution?

  1. Grind 2 tbsp. spoons of oak bark;
  2. pour boiling water over them (1 cup);
  3. Boil the solution in a water bath for 20 minutes;
  4. strain with gauze;
  5. for douching you need 1 liter. solution, so add warm boiled water to it;
  6. the finished solution should be at room temperature.

Douching procedure:

  1. take an Esmarch mug or a douche bulb;
  2. pour the solution into them;
  3. Esmarch's mug should be no more than 50% filled;
  4. when using the mug, you must lie down or take a semi-lying position;
  5. bend your legs and spread them apart;
  6. the mug is hung at a height of approximately 75 cm and should be above the lower back;
  7. It is advisable to do douching in the bathroom;
  8. Lubricate the entrance to the vagina with Vaseline;
  9. squeeze the rubber tube with your finger and release the air from it;
  10. insert the tip of the pear or mug into the vagina 5-6 cm;
  11. start the procedure by releasing a small stream, then you can increase the pressure;
  12. after douching, rest for 15 minutes;
  13. Douching should be done 3-4 times a day.

Surgery, traditional methods or drugs - what to prefer?

The most radical method is surgical, in which narrowing of the vaginal opening is achieved by suturing tissue using a special technique. A doctor may perform a similar procedure immediately after childbirth, especially if the woman has had ruptures or other injuries. But when quite a lot of time has passed since the birth of the baby, few people dare to lie down on the surgical table.

Traditional methods of narrowing the vagina have been practiced for a long time. The most famous of them is treating the vaginal walls with a solution of potassium permanganate or lemon juice. Needless to say, such an “explosive” mixture can completely burn the delicate mucous membrane of the genital tract, destroying beneficial bacteria and opening access to various infections!

Safer ingredients used to shrink the vagina are an infusion of mint or oak leaves, but they are not always effective enough.

It is rational to use drugs whose components are selected in such a way as to have the necessary effect and maintain the balance of the vaginal microflora. Let's consider their options in more detail.

Cream based on oak bark for narrowing the walls of the vagina

This drug includes V-Tight Gel cream. Its components include:

  • oak bark native to Southeast Asia;
  • lemon acid;
  • sodium;
  • arginine;
  • sodium benzoate.

How to use V-Tight Gel:

  1. wash your hands and genitals well;
  2. Squeeze a small pea amount of cream onto your finger;
  3. insert your finger inside the vagina and lubricate the inner walls with it.

This cream does not work immediately, so you need to use it regularly for 30 days.

Article on the topic:

How to tighten the vaginal muscles, the secret of sexuality

Stick for narrowing the vagina "Doyan"

It is made based on the following ingredients:

  • Baifan;
  • borneol;
  • pearl powder;
  • Madula Shan root.

Indications for using the Doyan stick are:

  • weakening of the vaginal muscles;
  • uterine prolapse;
  • prevention of vaginitis and inflammation of the female genital organs.

The operating principle of the wand is as follows:

  • it contracts the muscles of the vagina;
  • increases the level of sexual desire;
  • eliminates unpleasant odor and vaginal discharge;
  • removes residual blood from the vagina after menstruation.

Instructions for using the Doyan stick:

  • moisten one half of the stick with intimate gel;
  • carefully insert the treated half of the stick into the vagina, while making circular movements with it;
  • the stick should be inside the genital organ for 30 seconds;
  • the stick can only be used once a day;
  • The course of using the stick is about 7-8 days.

Advantages of the Doyan stick:

  • quick effect.


  • cannot be used during the menstrual cycle, if a device is installed in the vagina;
  • itching and burning may occur;
  • after using the stick, menstruation may begin again.

Indications and contraindications

A remedy for narrowing the vagina becomes necessary due to various changes in the female body:

  • after childbirth, when the walls of the organ are greatly stretched;
  • when age-related changes occur that cause vaginal enlargement;
  • there is a decrease in satisfaction from sexual intercourse;
  • the vagina is stretched due to loss of muscle tone;
  • there are signs of uterine prolapse.

The vagina can be narrowed through surgery or special exercises, but there are some contraindications for them, most often of an individual nature. Also, not all women are suitable for various means for narrowing the vagina.

Reviews say that ointments, gels and sprays sold in pharmacies can cause allergic reactions. Various devices in the form of balls, sticks for narrowing, etc. sometimes cause irritation. Each product has its own contraindications, which are prescribed in the instructions for use.

Burnt alum to narrow the vagina

They are also called galloons. They are aluminum salts in the form of white crystals. You can buy alum at the pharmacy. To strengthen the walls of the vagina you need:

  1. pour 1 teaspoon of alum with 1 glass of warm water;
  2. soak a tampon in the resulting solution;
  3. place the tampon in the vagina for 3 hours;
  4. Before using alum, you should consult a gynecologist.

There is another option for using alum to strengthen the vaginal muscles. To do this, you need to prepare a solution according to the above scheme and rinse the vagina with it.

Options for narrowing the vagina in the culture of different peoples of the world

A woman’s vagina is revered in the culture of many peoples around the world. If you need to narrow it down, there are always many methods to do it. Traditional methods are used locally, that is, they are inserted directly into the vagina.

They can be inserted, rubbed or rinsed on the walls of the genital organ. The products can be in the form of powder or balls. Traditional methods of narrowing the vagina can cause allergies, burns or stenosis.

These are the same medications, and each medicine has contraindications and side effects. Most often, most women safely tolerate the results of using herbs and plants. You need to know that a person takes full responsibility for the use of such funds.

  • In North America, peoples took gooseberry decoction for women's intimate health. Half a glass of berries is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 10 minutes. Next, the decoction is infused for 4 hours and then you can drink it;
  • Oak balls are suitable for tincture, which is used to wash the vagina. This product contains a lot of tannin and witch hazel bark, which strengthen the vaginal muscles, causing them to narrow and tighten;
  • In Asia, turmeric is used shortly after childbirth. Gambhir is used as a decoction in China and India, its action being similar to that of oak witch hazel balls;
  • In Malaysia, acar serapat and kasip fatima are two native plants. They help a woman prepare for childbirth, and after it they narrow the expanded organ. Kasip Fatima is also suitable for enhancing libido;
  • In another Asian country, Thailand, the plant Pueraria mirifica gives the vagina an elastic and firm appearance. In Morocco, a mixture of lavender and pepper helps tighten the vagina;
  • Chinese medicine is famous for its numerous recipes that are several thousand years old. One of them is to mix 2 gr. sulfur with 2 grams of evodia seeds and crinum powder. The resulting mixture was rubbed into the walls of the vagina;
  • In Siberia, it was customary to influence the genitals using the smoke of a burning deer skin. In addition, the method helped cope with painful menstruation;
  • In Suriname, they use leaves whose name can be translated as “to kill someone.” Leaves are either purchased at the market or mined in the jungle. They are brewed in a teapot, then the broth is poured into a pot, on which a woman sits on top.

The steam has a positive effect on the genitals, and when the broth cools down, the vagina is washed with it. “Kill someone” leaves are used by women after childbirth, every day, throughout their sexual life.

According to local residents, a decoction of the leaves gives them energy and makes them attractive to men. This is because the vagina becomes narrow, like a virgin’s.

And according to men, the leaves of the plant give them the opportunity to experience multiple orgasms. Popular beliefs claim that if you buy leaves at the market, then only from women who have completely stopped menstruation.

The advantages of traditional methods for narrowing the vagina are:

  • they do not require large expenditures;
  • naturalness;
  • have a positive effect on the tone of intimate muscles.

However, there may also be disadvantages:

  • pain;
  • burning;
  • allergy;
  • imbalance of microflora;
  • the vagina narrows slowly;
  • This method cannot be used by women who have allergies.

Before using traditional methods, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Tightening the vagina with exercise

These include special physical exercises. They restore muscle tone. The most famous and effective are Kegel exercises.

The technique for performing them is very simple: tension and relaxation of the vaginal muscles. This technique is called vumbilding - training and strengthening the walls of the vagina with or without the use of special simulators.

Regular exercise is beneficial because:

  • keep intimate muscles toned;
  • improve sexual sensations;
  • are the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary organs;
  • improve a woman's sexual activity;
  • increase her self-esteem.

This set of exercises is very simple and does not require a lot of time:

  1. When urinating, stop the stream of urine for a few seconds and then release it again. Try to do this at least 20 times a day;
  2. Tighten your vaginal muscles for 5 seconds, then relax them. Do the exercise up to 20 times a day;
  3. Tighten your vaginal muscles and imagine that you are pushing something out with them. Do it 10-15 times a day. For the best effect, you can buy special balls and use them;
  4. Tighten your anal muscles for 10 seconds and your vaginal muscles for 5 seconds. Then relax them and perform the exercise again after 3 seconds. Do it 5-6 times a day;
  5. During sex, frequently and strongly strain your intimate muscles. This will help enhance sensations and improve muscle tone.

And the “Birch” exercise is the most effective for strengthening the vaginal muscles. However, it is quite complex. The starting position is vertical, in which the woman leans on her shoulders, elbows and back.

After this, you need to slowly spread your legs to the sides. If a woman’s flexibility is poorly developed, then the distance between her legs should be kept small. However, over time it needs to be increased. You also need to bring your legs together slowly. The first time the exercise is done no longer than 4 minutes, then it is advisable to increase its duration to 10 minutes.

Benefits of vaginal tightening exercises:

  • one of the best ways to strengthen intimate muscles;
  • they can be performed anywhere;
  • no need to spend financial resources to achieve results.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • It is not recommended to skip regular workouts;
  • the result is not immediately noticeable.

Read more about exercises for women's health in this article.

Only effective exercises for narrowing the vagina

Ways to narrow the vagina2

The problem of an enlarged vagina is so old that all peoples of the globe have their own recipes for solving the problem. Nowadays, a huge selection of pharmaceuticals can help in this matter. For those who want to cope with the problem with the help of medications, traditional medicine or performing special exercises will help. For those who prefer hardware methods, the method of eliminating the problem using a laser is suitable.

To get the best results, you need to combine physical exercise with taking medications to narrow the vagina. You can also achieve results with muscle training alone, but you will have to wait for it from 3 to 4 months.

Surgery is used as a radical method. However, this method is far from the best due to the risks involved, as well as the long recovery period.

Cosmetology preparations

With their help, you can tone the vaginal muscles. These days, the most effective and well-known muscle tightening creams are:

  • Naron. The manufacturer of this product guarantees customers the strengthening of intimate muscles. The drug is produced by Indian pharmaceutical companies and is made on the basis of natural ingredients. Naron cream tightens the vagina and tones it;
  • Oil "She 9". This cream is produced in Russia. It contains herbal extracts and oils. Its use helps strengthen the vaginal muscles;
  • Virgin Star. The product is a gel cream of natural origin. Its ingredients include oils that have a positive effect on the condition of the vaginal muscles and strengthen them.

Such drugs help women strengthen their vaginal muscles, but they may not have a strong effect.


Any of the methods for narrowing the lumen of the vagina has contraindications. So, you may be allergic to many components of sprays, gels and creams. Some medications are not recommended for use during inflammatory processes or when the vaginal microflora is disturbed. Surgery should not be used for diabetes and oncology.

Pharmacological drugs and modern medicine

Many women after childbirth, faced with weakening of the vaginal muscles, begin to look for products that will help restore their firmness and elasticity. Similar drugs include:

  • ointments;
  • gels;
  • candles;
  • lubricants;
  • pills.

Most often, they are made on the basis of natural ingredients, as a result of which there are practically no side effects after their use. As an exception, there may be an allergic reaction caused by intolerance to one or another component. The properties of such drugs last for several hours.

The composition of the components usually looks like this:

  • ginseng root extract. It helps improve blood circulation in the genitals and renews the composition of cells in the intimate muscles;
  • luring This plant helps increase sexual desire and rejuvenates cells;
  • hyaluronic acid, peptides, arginine. These substances improve muscle tone and elasticity;
  • damiana. With its help, you can get rid of hormonal imbalance, vaginal dryness, and improve the secretion of sex hormones.

Advantages of this method:

  • efficiency;
  • no side effects;
  • improves pleasant sensations during sex;
  • has a mild effect.

Among the disadvantages it is worth highlighting:

  • high price of drugs;
  • short-term effect;
  • the appearance of temporary spasm in the muscles of the genitourinary and abdominal cavities;
  • drugs should be used immediately before intimacy.

Ointments, gels, sprays

Now it’s not a problem to purchase products for narrowing the vagina at the pharmacy - they have a large assortment of gels and ointments. They contain tannins, which strengthen the muscle tone of the walls and improve the condition of the mucosa. “Naron-gel” is considered one of the most effective. This drug is also produced in the form of a cream. It eliminates excessive dryness and at the same time relieves intimate organs of unpleasant odor. When using the product, sensitivity during sexual intercourse improves significantly.

Gel-cream "Naron" consists of natural ingredients. The product contains a lot of hyaluronic acid, arginine and peptides that restore damaged mucosa. The gel is very convenient to use. It is applied in a small amount 2 times a day to the center of the vagina. Apply two to three times monthly.

Herbal spruce "ONA-9" is another new development for narrowing the vagina. This is a Russian-made product made on a plant basis. Oil does not act instantly, but through an accumulative system, gradually putting the vagina in order. For normal narrowing, it is enough to use it for 1.5 months. In some cases it will take longer.

The effect lasts for several years. There are practically no contraindications for using oil. There are no side effects such as redness or irritation. After use, no additional lubricant is required, as the product moisturizes the vagina well. Oil is applied to its walls in the evenings, in a supine position. If intimacy is planned, then the product is used after it.

Plastic surgery

With a simple operation called vaginoplasty, you can:

  • eliminate defects of the genital organ;
  • adjust its size and shape;
  • get rid of drooping walls;
  • cure flatulence and enuresis.

Plastic surgery is effective for anorgasmia, pain and discomfort during sex. There are several types of surgeries that are performed on the female genital organ.

Each woman is different, so before undergoing surgery, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist, take tests and undergo some research.

Type of transactionMethod of implementationWho is it suitable for?
ColpopoiesisScars are removed after a difficult birth with complications. The affected area of ​​the mucous membrane is removed, the organ is securely fixed and an implant is implanted into it. After this, a long-lasting effect is observed. It is used if there is a congenital absence of the vagina or its infection due to injury or illness.
ColporrhaphySmall sutures are placed on the front or back walls of the vagina to reduce the opening. As a result, the genital organ acquires its former beautiful appearance, and the sensations during sex become much more pleasant for both partners. It is used if a woman has uterine prolapse, vaginal prolapse, and after labor distension.
LevatoroplastyIt is used if there is a rupture or deformation of the levators - the muscles of the vagina and the muscles that hold the rectum and support the pelvic organs. Such processes begin after childbirth or are a consequence of age-related changes. They have a negative effect on sex life and contribute to sphincter prolapse. For women who have genital prolapse.

Any of these operations is performed by a qualified surgeon with extensive experience. The operation is performed only under general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia.

The rehabilitation period takes about 3 weeks. During this time, a woman is not allowed to have sex or do heavy physical work; she must follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist.

Benefits of plastic surgery:

  • proven effectiveness;
  • the operation is performed by a specialist;
  • long-lasting results are guaranteed;
  • safety.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • the need for rehabilitation after surgery.

If a woman is still planning to give birth, then after childbirth it is necessary to undergo vaginoplasty again. This is due to the fact that childbirth returns the genitals and its muscles to their original position.

Cost of plastic surgery on female genital organs

Type of transactionCost (in dollars)
Posterior levatoroplastyFrom $543
Anterior levatoroplastyFrom $679
Colporrhaphy 1st degree of complexityFrom $353
Colporrhaphy 2nd degree of complexityFrom $427
Colporrhaphy 3 degrees of complexityFrom 500 dollars
LabiaplastyFrom $271
Vaginal plastic surgeryFrom $814

Gel for narrowing the vagina - the advantage of Naron cream gel

At the same time, they may not be effective for some women. And modern people prefer modern means. Like for example Naron cream gel.

This medicine was created specifically for such a delicate female problem. Its advantage is that it is made entirely on a natural basis, that is, using herbs. Thanks to this, there are no side effects, as well as marks from use on clothing.

The drug for a couple of months:

  1. strengthens the walls and muscles of the vagina;
  2. will increase sensitivity when touching them.

As you can see, treatment for vaginal dryness with folk remedies can be successfully replaced with a modern medical remedy.

Plus, Naron gel helps eliminate unpleasant odor and itching, and maintains an optimal level of vaginal acidity. The drug should be used regularly, every day, for the best effect.

You can order Naron gel on our website at an affordable price.

Benefits of Naron Gel

  • narrows the vagina;
  • eliminates dryness;
  • moisturizes the vagina for a long time and intensively;
  • refreshes the vaginal skin, making it elastic and fresh;
  • increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones;
  • eliminates unpleasant itching and odor;
  • eliminates the likelihood of microtraumas;
  • has a natural level of acidity;
  • absorbs instantly and leaves no marks on clothes;
  • made using exclusively natural ingredients;
  • has a pleasant smell;
  • does not pose a danger to the mucous membranes of the intimate area;
  • does not cause a feeling of discomfort;
  • It is used externally, which means it can be compatible with other drugs to enhance libido or alcohol.

Naron gel - for narrowing the vagina

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