The best pills to induce menstruation if you are late and folk remedies

The ideal menstrual cycle lasts 21–35 days. A delay of up to 7 days is not considered a pathology, since the female body is susceptible to the influence of various factors.

But if menstruation does not start on time quite often, this should alert the woman and prompt her to take some measures. You cannot take pills to induce menstruation on your own; all prescriptions must be made by a gynecologist. The drug stimulates bleeding, and it begins after a few days.

Reasons for delay and important points

Most often, the cause of this condition is hormonal imbalance. Oddly enough, this problem can affect women of any age. Let's look at the most common causes of this phenomenon.

Most often, the cause of this condition is hormonal imbalance.

Ovarian dysfunction

Most doctors make this diagnosis for a woman with an irregular cycle, since the main reason lies in the malfunction of the appendages. As you know, it is from the ovaries that an egg is released once per cycle (on average 28 days).

This process is accompanied by the active release of the hormones progesterone and estrogen, which are also produced by the ovaries. Normally, if fertilization does not occur, hormone levels drop and menstruation begins.

With pathology, the amount of “female” hormones in the blood is small , the “male” hormone testosterone predominates, which is why the delay occurs.

Most doctors make this diagnosis for a woman with an irregular cycle, since the main reason lies in the malfunction of the appendages.

Disruption of the endocrine system

This applies to the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, hypothalamus. In this case, to identify the disease, it is necessary to consult several specialists and conduct a comprehensive examination.

The attending physician will not prescribe pills to induce menstruation if there is a delay without carefully collecting the patient’s anamnestic data.

Consequences of abortion

The body of a pregnant woman is adjusted to bearing a fetus, so certain hormones work at different times. Termination of pregnancy is always stressful for the body.

The body of a pregnant woman is adjusted to bearing a fetus, so certain hormones work at different times. Termination of pregnancy is always stressful for the body.

This process is akin to a locomotive - a large and complex machine that takes a long time to gain momentum and is not able to stop abruptly. Likewise, a woman’s body is not able to dramatically restructure itself after an abortion.

When curettage, the doctor can remove too thick a layer of the endometrium in the uterus, which normally comes out in the form of blood during menstruation. During the cycle, the endometrium tends to grow again.

If the inner layer of the uterus is too damaged, it will take more time to restore it - hence the delay.

Cycle disruption is an alarming signal from the body that cannot be ignored.

It is important to know! Cycle disruption is an alarming signal from the body that cannot be ignored. Before taking pills to induce menstruation if you are late, you should definitely visit a doctor.

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"Duphaston" is a popular remedy for delays

If, after examination, the doctor rules out pregnancy or various pathologies in a woman, he may prescribe a drug to normalize hormonal levels. One such remedy is Duphaston tablets.

It contains a synthetic hormone progesterone , which plays an important role in conception and gestation.

Duphaston contains the synthetic hormone progesterone, which plays an important role in conception and gestation.

In gynecology, this drug is used for two purposes: to normalize hormonal balance and the menstrual cycle in women, and also as a contraceptive. The only difference is in the regimen of taking the pills.

To restore the cycle, the attending physician prescribes tablets to be taken at a certain interval, then the drug is discontinued. This is followed by slight bleeding, which is considered to be menstruation.

Next on the schedule you should take the drug again. The doctor must select the duration of treatment and the schedule for taking Duphaston individually for each woman - this depends on the patient’s health indicators.

The doctor must select the duration of treatment and the schedule for taking Duphaston individually for each woman - this depends on the patient’s health indicators.

It is worth paying attention to the intensity of menstrual flow and its color. They can be abundant or scanty and range in color from scarlet to dark brown.

In any case, all the nuances need to be discussed with the doctor in advance, since each woman’s body is unique in its own way and the effectiveness of the drug may vary.

Like any hormonal drug, Duphaston has contraindications for use .

Like any hormonal drug, Duphaston has contraindications for use. First of all, these include breastfeeding.

First of all, these include severe liver diseases, breastfeeding, Dubin-Johnson syndrome, Rotor syndrome, and allergies to the auxiliary components of the drug.

The cost of Duphaston ranges from 500 to 700 rubles.


This remedy is also popular among pills, which, when delayed, are often used to quickly induce menstruation (menstruation). Unlike Duphaston, Postinor is not prescribed for the treatment of hormonal imbalance and normalization of the cycle.

This drug is used for emergency termination of an unwanted pregnancy if more than 72 hours have passed since sexual intercourse.

The package contains only 2 tablets, which must be taken within a strict period of time.

The package contains only 2 tablets, which must be taken within a strict period of time.

The main active ingredient, levonorgestrel, has the following properties:

  1. Prevents the release of an egg from the ovary.
  2. Thickens the mucus in the cervical canal of the cervix to make it difficult for sperm to pass through.
  3. Changes the composition of the endometrium, preventing the fertilized egg from attaching to the walls of the uterus.

    The drug will not have an effect if several days have passed after sexual intercourse, or if you are pregnant.

Note! The drug will not have an effect if several days have passed after sexual intercourse, or if you are pregnant.

Cost – from 300 to 400 rubles.

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Pills that induce menstruation

If the delay in critical days continues for 3–5 days, it is advisable to refrain from additional measures. You can take pills to induce menstruation after first making sure that you are not pregnant - if the test has repeatedly shown a negative result.

You need to be careful with salicylates - acetylsalicylic acid and its analogues. It has a pronounced blood thinning effect. If you have chronic gastritis or low coagulability, the advice to drink 2 aspirin tablets at once or an even larger dose will help cause not menstruation, but gastric or uterine bleeding. But regular menstruation after this drug will be several times more abundant, which can lead to a decrease in hemoglobin levels.

Other means should be used to restore the cycle.

Progesterone preparations and similar

Treatment for hormonal imbalance is not limited to taking medications containing estrogen. Low progesterone levels can also affect a woman's health.

Next, we’ll look at what medications and pills you can use to induce your period if you’re late.

Treatment for hormonal imbalance is not limited to taking medications containing estrogen.


An oily solution for injection, which is used both for contraception and for the treatment of dysmenorrhea and the threat of premature termination of pregnancy.

The range of applications is very wide, so the dosage and duration of treatment are prescribed by the doctor on an individual basis.

The drug is considered very effective at an average cost (about 800 rubles), but has a number of contraindications. In particular, Progesterone is not prescribed for immediate pregnancy planning.

Oily solution of progesterone for injection, which is used both for contraception and for the treatment of dysmenorrhea and the threat of premature termination of pregnancy.

Ascorbic acid

Very often, women use ascorbic acid tablets when there is a delay. To quickly induce menstruation, you need to drink 2 g of the drug , then you won’t have to wait long for your period.

A peculiarity of this intake is that vitamin C has a detrimental effect on the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it is advisable to take the tablets with plenty of water and not take it on an empty stomach.

Very often, women use ascorbic acid tablets when there is a delay. To quickly induce menstruation, you need to drink 2 g of the drug.

This remedy is one of the most accessible and has the fewest contraindications and side effects.


These pills for inducing periods when you are late contain the synthetic hormone norethisterone, a derivative of progesterone. Very effective for amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), and also as an oral contraceptive.

The duration of treatment depends on the degree of the disease and is prescribed by the doctor after a comprehensive examination.

Norkolut contains the synthetic hormone norethisterone, a derivative of progesterone. Very effective for amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), and also as an oral contraceptive.

Carefully! Taking the drug during lactation can reduce the production of prolactin and affect the quality of breast milk.

The cost of Norkolut is from 150 to 250 rubles.


For amenorrhea, as well as delayed menstruation, not only hormonal pills are prescribed. Progesterone suppositories are also used to regulate the menstrual cycle and induce them They are used both orally and vaginally.

"Utrozhestan" is one of the popular drugs that is prescribed when there is a threat of miscarriage. However, this drug is also prescribed to normalize hormonal levels in cases of menstrual irregularities.

"Utrozhestan" is one of the popular drugs that is prescribed when there is a threat of miscarriage.

Indications for use:

  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • infertility;
  • premenopause;
  • menstrual irregularities.

The effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by its widespread use in gynecology. Cost – from 350 to 450 rubles.

Homeopathic remedy "Pulsatilla"

This drug is based on the active substance of the herb of the same name from the ranunculaceae family. Effective for various “female” diseases - diseases of the mammary glands, ovaries.

These pills are very effective against delays if used to normalize or induce menstruation. Price - from 400 rub.

“Pulsatilla” is based on the active substance of the herb of the same name from the Ranunculaceae family. Effective for various “female” diseases - diseases of the mammary glands, ovaries.


This drug is rightfully considered the “heavy artillery” in obstetrics and gynecology.


  1. Medical termination of pregnancy (if the delay is up to 42 days).
  2. Induction of labor during full-term pregnancy (according to indications).

Principle of action: the substance mifepristone has a stimulating effect on the walls of the uterus, increasing their tone and causing the myometrium to contract. As a result, contractions begin with subsequent childbirth or fetal rejection in the early stages.

The cost is within 1000 rubles.

This drug is rightfully considered the “heavy artillery” in obstetrics and gynecology.

"Non-Ovlon" and "Mifegin"

Hormonal pills, which are also prescribed for delays and to restore the cycle and induce regular menstruation. The active substance prevents the egg from maturing , playing the role of contraception.

Taken to stimulate menstruation, and also as an emergency oral contraceptive. Price – from 30 rub.

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Side effects

In some patients, progesterone injections to induce menstruation cause the following side effects:

  • allergies (itching, skin rashes, swelling of the mucous membranes);
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • apathy, lethargy, weakness;
  • short-term dizziness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • loss of appetite, nausea;
  • tenderness and swelling of the mammary glands.


Let's look at the most effective remedies for inducing menstruation based on herbs and some products.

Elecampane decoction

Elecampane is a medicinal plant, a decoction of its rhizomes has long been used by many women to induce menstruation. How to prepare the potion? To do this you will need 200-300 ml of water and 1 tbsp. l. herbs.

Elecampane is a medicinal plant, a decoction of its rhizomes has long been used by many women to induce menstruation.

Cook in a water bath for about half an hour, then cool, strain and leave for another 25 minutes. A glass of decoction should be drunk at night. Typically, your period starts the next day.

Elecampane rhizomes can be bought freely at pharmacies for 50 rubles.


One of the most popular folk remedies used for delayed menstruation. Pour 1 tablespoon of tansy flowers into 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Instead of pouring boiling water, you can use a water bath.

The decoction should be taken 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. Flowers can be purchased at a pharmacy for 40 rubles.

Tansy is one of the most popular folk remedies used for delayed menstruation.

Bay leaf infusion

Pour 1 package of leaves (10 g) into 0.5 liters of water and cook in a water bath for an hour. Cool and strain. Drink the decoction warm - 1 glass at a time.

The next day you can expect your period. You should not take the drug if the delay is already more than 10 days.

Milk and iodine

A very original way to induce menstruation. Add 2 drops of iodine to a glass of milk and drink. This drink should not be consumed frequently : no more than 3 times a week and not every day.

Before use, you should exercise caution: iodine may not be beneficial for everyone, especially if there is an excess of it in the body.

A very original way to induce menstruation. Add 2 drops of iodine to a glass of milk and drink.

Vitamin E and menstruation

Many gynecologists call vitamin E “female”, since it plays a big role in the functioning of the entire body and is responsible for female beauty. Its deficiency negatively affects the condition of the skin, hair, nails, reproductive function and the menstrual cycle.

Vitamin E is sold in pharmacies and can be used according to the instructions or prescription of a doctor.

Parsley when delayed

This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Parsley contains ascorbic acid , the effect of which on the menstrual cycle was described above in the article.

Parsley contains ascorbic acid, the effect of which on the menstrual cycle was described above in the article.

In addition, the substances contained in parsley stimulate the muscles of the uterus, calm the nervous system, and restore hormonal balance.

To prepare the decoction, you need to take a bunch of parsley, chop it finely (or better yet, tear it with your fingers, since metal destroys vitamin C) and pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Drink morning and evening.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile is known for its beneficial medicinal properties. The range of uses of this medicinal plant is very wide - it also concerns women’s health.

To restore the cycle and induce menstruation, you need to infuse chamomile flowers (2 tbsp) in boiling water (200 ml). Drink 70 grams of decoction daily half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Chamomile is known for its beneficial medicinal properties. The range of uses of this medicinal plant is very wide - it also concerns women’s health.

To summarize all of the above, it should be noted that self-medication is not always justified. It is necessary to take into account that any drugs (both synthetic and herbal) may have contraindications and side effects.

Therefore, before taking any measures, you should always consult your doctor.

From this video you will learn how to induce menstruation if you are late yourself at home.

This video will tell you what ways you can induce your period if you are late.

This video shares a simple method to get your period without hurting yourself.

Body reaction

Adverse reactions occur during self-medication, violation of therapeutic doses, hypersensitivity to progesterone. In this case, the amount of the drug is adjusted or a break in treatment is taken. The following adverse reactions are known:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • change in skin color;
  • weight gain (if the drug is administered in monthly courses);
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • deterioration of psycho-emotional state;
  • headache;
  • spotting discharge.

Adverse reactions also occur after completion of hormonal therapy:

Body reactionPhysiological reason
Menstruation is scantyThe hormonal levels have not fully normalized, the endometrium does not thicken enough, so menstruation is scanty.
Heavy menstruationA rare event. Occurs as a result of excessive growth of the endometrium. The hormonal disorder persisted due to insufficient dosage of the drug.
Periods are painfulThe problem is not related to the use of the hormone; there are pathologies of the organs of the reproductive system.
Menstruation has not startedIn some patients, after progesterone injections, menstruation does not occur for 2-3 cycles. This reaction of the body is considered a side effect that requires an ultrasound scan and additional study of hormonal status.

The injections are prescribed by the doctor, taking into account contraindications, and he also determines the treatment regimen. There are adverse reactions when administering the drug. Progesterone injections to induce menstruation are widely used in gynecological practice . They help normalize ovarian activity and restore reproductive function.


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