Can Laktozhinal be used during menstruation?

The female body is especially often exposed to various diseases. Among the various pathologies, dysbiosis of the female vagina can be noted. The reasons for this can be very ordinary and, at first glance, inconspicuous: wearing synthetic underwear, frequent use of antibiotics, a weakened immune system, stressful situations, and so on. As a result, it is difficult to find a representative of the fair sex who has not at least heard firsthand about the symptoms of thrush. But you shouldn’t despair, because there is an excellent solution to this problem - Laktozhinal suppositories. They are very effective and have many positive reviews.

It must be said that there is little pleasant in thrush, because itching is felt, the external genital organs become inflamed, and curd-like mucus is secreted. This happens due to the proliferation of a fungus, which is present in any female body, but in the case of thrush, it simply loses control. Today, doctors are ready to offer the only completely safe and at the same time effective way to prevent thrush. Such drugs can restore normal vaginal microflora. These products primarily include Laktozhinal suppositories.

About the drug

Vaginal tablets Laktozhinal are a dietary supplement, not a medicine. But the product should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

In a healthy woman, the vaginal microflora is formed by Dederline rods, which secrete bioactive substances that provide an acidic environment. In such an environment, the development of pathogenic microorganisms is blocked, and defective sperm die. Thorough studies of these processes have determined the effectiveness of treatment with drugs based on lactobacilli, such as Laktozhinal. Their action complements and enhances the natural processes in a woman’s body.

Dysbacteriosis in the vagina can be caused by many reasons. Synthetic underwear or changes in diet are implicit causes of dysbiosis. But there are also quite obvious ones - a general weakening of the body or inflammatory processes. The most famous consequence of dysbacteriosis is thrush - a disease that is well known to almost every mature woman. Unpleasant sensations (itching, burning) in this case are caused by the growth of a fungal infection in the vaginal environment. If you eliminate the causes of thrush, Laktozhinal will quickly restore balance. Normalizing the acid level will lead to natural suppression of infection and complete recovery of the woman.

The drug is available in the form of capsules with a gelatin shell, inside of which there is a light yellow powder. The action of Laktozhinal is based on lyophilized lactobacilli. One capsule contains 341 mg of the substance, which is approximately equal to one hundred million active sticks. The product is inserted into the vagina. After the shell dissolves, the active sticks begin their action:

  • stimulate the proliferation of lactobacilli, which suppress the action of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • restore the acidic environment and activate the renewal of the female genital organs’ own microflora;
  • stimulate local immunity in the vagina, preventing the development of new diseases.

It is extremely important to use the product after eliminating the main cause of dysbiosis. Otherwise, after the suppositories stop working, the problem may return.

Can Lactozhinal be used during menstruation?

Healthy vaginal microflora is the key to the absence of various gynecological diseases. However, the qualitative and quantitative composition of bacteria in this place is very susceptible to all kinds of influence: from the intestines and urethra, it also depends on the state of general immunity, the method of protection, the use of various kinds of medications, etc.

Are there options to maintain balance in the vagina without allowing pathogenic bacteria to grow? Indeed, there is a large selection of products that contain ready-made beneficial microorganisms - lactobacilli, for example, the drug "Lactozhinal".

How does the drug work, who should use it and when? Is it possible to use Lactozhinal during menstruation?

Read in this article

  • Operating principle
  • When and to whom is it prescribed?
  • Doctors' advice

Operating principle

Normally, the environment in the vagina is acidic in pH, and this is caused by lactobacilli, which are beneficial to the body - Dederlein bacilli. Ideally, they should make up the majority of the colony of microorganisms in this place.

Their main function is to create an acidic environment in which most pathogenic microbes cannot reproduce. For lactobacilli, these are the most favorable conditions for life.

And if the infection gets into the vagina, it is immediately eliminated due to the work of Dederlein sticks.

They secrete lysozyme, lactic acid and some other biologically active substances that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria.

By creating an acidic environment, these lactobacilli allow only healthy sperm to penetrate the egg, thus playing a role in evolutionary selection. Defective and low-quality ones die without having time to fertilize the egg. This is how nature protects women from giving birth to children with disabilities, gross defects, etc.

Contains lyophilized lactobacilli. One capsule contains 341 mg of microorganisms, which corresponds to 1*108 rods. The drug is placed in the vagina. After the capsule dissolves, the sticks begin to actively influence their environment in the vagina. What's happening:

  • Actively multiplying, lactobacilli displace conditionally and pathogenic flora from the vagina. This applies to E. coli, streptococci, staphylococci, Proteus and many others.
  • When exposed to them, an acidic environment is created on the mucous membrane, which prevents the new formation of pathogens. At the same time, Dederlein's own rods begin to actively reproduce.
  • Thus, there is a gradual restoration of local immunity in the vagina. If the main cause of dysbiosis is eliminated, the microflora is completely restored. If not, the effect of the drug is short-lived.

When and to whom is it prescribed?

The effectiveness of lactozhinal, including during menstruation, makes this drug popular among doctors and patients. The main situations when this medicine is needed:

  • Restoration of normal vaginal microflora after treatment of various sexually transmitted infections, after sanitation of the cervix. As a therapy for uncomplicated forms of bacterial vaginosis.
  • It is used to normalize the flora in preparation for planned surgical interventions: when cauterizing erosion, before performing vaginal operations (for example, plastic surgery for prolapse, removal of the uterus and appendages in this way, and others). Sanitation before gynecological abdominal and laparoscopic interventions is also relevant. Especially if one of the stages of the operation is penetration into the uterine cavity through the vagina. Normalization of flora is also required before hysteroscopy.
  • All pregnant women at risk for infectious complications. In this situation, it is necessary to lay the capsules 7 - 10 days before the expected birth.
  • It is also advisable to use the drug during periods of serious infectious diseases (ARVI, influenza and the like), especially while taking antibacterial agents for treatment. In this case, is it possible to put Lactozhinal, if you haven’t had your period yet, but will soon? If necessary, the course can be started and extended longer than usual.

It is noteworthy that the drug can be used at any stage during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The manufacturer also indicates the possibility of simultaneous use of antibacterial and antiviral agents and lactoginal.

Moreover, the colonies of bacteria in the drug will be resistant to these drugs and will continue their active effect.

While many other similar remedies can be used only after completing the full course of treatment due to the harmful effects of antibiotics on them.

Despite the safety of the drug, there are contraindications to it. They are as follows:

  • Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug, including a variety of allergic reactions.
  • It is not recommended to use Lactoginal before reaching adulthood, i.e. up to 18 years old. This is due to the lack of reliable clinical trials of this medicine on girls, which is prohibited by law.
  • Lactoginal should not be used as the only treatment for candidal colpitis (thrush). First, it is necessary to carry out etiotropic therapy for a fungal infection, and then restore the microflora.

Two dosage regimens are recommended. However, at the discretion of the doctor, the duration and frequency can be changed individually. No cases of overdose have been identified. How to use

Scheme 1. It is recommended to use one capsule twice a day, morning and evening, for 7 days. After insertion, it is advisable to lie down for a while, but when dissolved, the contents do not flow out of the vagina, do not leave marks and do not cause discomfort due to this.

Scheme 2. You can extend the course to 14 days, then you should use one suppository, preferably at night.

Doctors' advice

Helpful tips for treatment:

  • During treatment, you should avoid sexual intercourse or use condoms during it. Firstly, because the sexual partner can disrupt the therapy process with his microflora during unprotected sex. Secondly, the effect of spermicides, for example, is reduced when used simultaneously with drug capsules.
  • If necessary, can Lactoginal be used during menstruation? But it’s still better to choose a period that does not fall during menstruation. The therapeutic effect of the drug is slightly reduced if capsules are taken on critical days. In this case, it is recommended to extend the course of treatment for one to two weeks.
  • During treatment with the drug, a slight increase in mucous discharge may be observed. Also rare, but still there are cases of slight itching and burning in the vagina. They usually do not cause significant discomfort and disappear within a few days.
  • Lactoginal does not in any way affect the speed of mental reactions or concentration. Therefore, no special restrictions are required during the treatment period.
  • There are no cases of overdose; it is a safe drug. Therefore, you can buy it freely, without a prescription from a doctor.

We recommend reading the article about restoring microflora after thrush. From it you will learn about the causes of dysbiosis in the disease, effective medications that doctors prescribe after suffering from candidiasis.

Laktozhinal is a medicine for normalizing the vaginal microflora. Contains beneficial lactobacilli.

The drug is safe, has virtually no side effects, and is allowed to be used during pregnancy and lactation. Laktozhinal can be used during menstruation, but the effect of such treatment will be somewhat lower.

Despite the fact that the medicine is sold without a doctor's prescription, it is still better to consult a specialist on the eve of treatment.



  • Microflora disturbance after long-term treatment of sexually transmitted infectious diseases.
  • Preparing the body before surgery through the vagina or abdominal surgery on the genitals. We are talking about cauterization of erosions, laparoscopic examination, and removal of the uterus or appendages.
  • Prevention of infectious complications during childbirth.
  • Treatment of infectious diseases with antibacterial agents.

The supplement can be used by pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, however, before starting treatment with Lactozhinal, you should consult your doctor. The drug can be used in parallel with the use of antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Lactobacilli of the drug are resistant to these substances. In this case, the use of Laktozhinal will improve local health. But the combination of capsules with spermicidal drugs is undesirable.

Pharmalogical effects

Laktozhinal suppositories are eubiotics that exist for intravaginal use. They help restore the overall vaginal microflora after prolonged use of antibiotics. Since the substance contains special non-spore-forming rod bacteria, it normalizes the vaginal microflora through anaerobic action. The lactobacilli contained inside the capsule are also recreated in the body, but in small quantities.

When using Laktozhinal suppositories, the outer shell of the capsule quickly dissolves and a process of interaction occurs between lactobacilli and the physiological environment of the vagina. At the moment of interaction, a process of lowering the pH level occurs, which will result in a return to the previous state of the vaginal microflora.


Lactoginal should be used exclusively on the recommendation of a doctor, as there are a number of contraindications for use:

  • intolerance to any of the components in the drug;
  • the patient’s young age (under 18 years);
  • acute vaginal infections.

Before using the suppository, a gynecological examination should be performed. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe antifungal treatment, and after successful therapy will recommend Lactozhinal to restore the microflora.

Medicinal properties

The content of the article:

If there is a violation of the vaginal microflora, then it is necessary to use Laktozhinal suppositories in order to restore it. The drug quickly dissolves in the environment of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria and promotes the reproduction of their “good” brothers.

Speaking about Laktozhinal for the treatment of microflora, we must not forget that there may be contraindications that need to be taken into account before starting to use the drug Laktozhinal:

  1. If the girl is under 18 years of age.
  2. If the vagina is hypersensitive.
  3. If there are no instructions from a gynecologist.

Dosage regimens

The Laktozhinal suppository is administered exclusively vaginally. The capsule is pre-wetted in warm water and remains in the vagina until completely dissolved. After administration, the woman is recommended to remain in a horizontal position for some time. The frequency of use of the drug depends on the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor.

  1. A one-week course using the drug twice a day. Capsules must be administered morning and evening. This scheme is chosen for accelerated restoration of microflora before gynecological or abdominal surgery.
  2. A two-week course with a one-time administration of the drug. It is best to administer Laktozhinal in the evening before going to bed. You can place suppositories in combination with antiviral or antibacterial drugs. You will have to stop using spermicides.

The therapeutic program can be adjusted according to the effectiveness of the drug. A doctor may recommend a remedy as a preventive measure for a possible microflora imbalance, but the course of Lactozhinal should not exceed 21 days.

Is it possible to take Laktozhinal during menstruation, other treatment features

Laktozhinal contains beneficial lactobacilli, but in the form of a lyophilisate. One capsule contains 341 mg of microbes, which is about 108 sticks. The capsules are placed in the vagina, after the drug shell dissolves, the bacteria enter the vaginal mucosa and begin to actively multiply and occupy niches, preventing harmful microbes from continuing their vital activity.

The action of Lactozhinal is due to the following:

  • Dederlein's bacilli literally “displace” E. coli, streptococci and staphylococci, Proteus and other harmful microbes from the vaginal mucosa. As a result, the balance of the flora is restored.
  • Lactic acid bacteria create an acidic environment in the vagina, which prevents the inflammatory process.

Lactobacilli contribute to the gradual restoration of vaginal flora, which increases local immunity in a woman.

Microflora of the female genital organs depending on the woman’s age

Indications for use of Laktozhinal:

  • To restore the vaginal microflora after aggressive treatment, including antibacterial drugs, for example, for genital infections.
  • For bacterial vaginosis without concomitant infections.
  • To prepare the vagina for surgical interventions - on the eve of cauterization of erosion, before vaginal plastic surgery or other manipulations on the cervix.
  • For the prevention of postoperative complications before abdominal and laparoscopic operations.
  • Before hysteroscopy and curettage of the uterine cavity.
  • Recommended for pregnant women on the eve of childbirth - natural or surgical.
  • For the prevention of dysbiosis after serious infections - colds, flu, after taking a course of antibiotics.

Laktozhinal can be used during pregnancy and lactation , it is completely safe for the child. It is allowed to be combined with antibiotics, antiviral drugs - the drugs will not act on lactobacilli, while other similar drugs do not have such resistance of the bacilli to the drugs used.

Contraindications for use:

  • If a woman has ever had an allergic reaction to any such drug or component.
  • There is no data on the use of the drug in girls under 18 years of age.
  • It is not recommended to use for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis until fungi are completely removed from the vagina. Otherwise, you can get an exacerbation of colpitis.

Lactozhinal can be prescribed using two treatment regimens:

  • One capsule twice a day for a calendar week. After the capsule has entered the vagina, it is recommended to lie down for a while so that the drug does not leak out.
  • One capsule into the vagina once a day, but for two weeks. It's best to put them in overnight.

The instructions indicate that the drug can be used during menstruation. However, the fact that there is constant discharge from the vagina reduces the effectiveness of the medicine by a quarter. Therefore, it is recommended to stop the course during critical days and then continue after their end.

For effective treatment, it is useful to use the following recommendations:

  • Refuse to have sex or use condoms for intimate relationships. This is due to the fact that microbes from a sexual partner can again upset the balance that is just being established. Local contraceptive medications reduce the effectiveness of treatment.
  • If treatment occurred during menstruation, it is recommended to extend the regimen to 2 weeks.
  • For reliable hygiene, it is useful to use panty liners.

There are no restrictions when taking Lactozhinal for serious manipulations or driving a car. There have been no recorded cases of overdose; it can be purchased freely at retail pharmacies.

Analogs of the drug are presented in the table.

A drugComposition of one doseForm
Acylact107 lactobacilliCandles
Lactobacterin107 lactobacilliTablets, suppositories, solution
Lactonorm108 lactobacilliVaginal capsules
Vagilak109 lactobacilliVaginal capsules, gel

The price of one package with 14 capsules is from 800 to 1300 rubles.

Read more in our article about Lactozhinal during menstruation.

Operating principle of Laktozhinal

In a healthy woman, the vaginal flora has an acidic environment, which is the result of the action of Dederlein bacilli - beneficial lactobacilli.

Normally, they constitute the main part of the vaginal microflora and their metabolism is designed in such a way that they secrete lactic acid, which is necessary for their normal life and reproduction, but is destructive for pathogenic microbes.

In addition, they also secrete lysozyme, an enzyme that destroys pathogens.

Also, lactobacilli promote the penetration of sperm into the egg, and only healthy ones - defective ones cannot withstand the conditions created by Dederlein's bacilli. This is how natural selection is carried out and the conception of children with initially defective genes is prevented.

Thus, lactobacilli play an important role in maintaining a woman’s health. Therefore, drugs have been developed that include these beneficial microbes. There are options for oral administration and insertion into the vagina. Laktozhinal is one of the popular and effective remedies in this area.

Contains beneficial lactobacilli, but in the form of a lyophilisate. One capsule contains 341 mg of microbes, which is about 108 sticks. The capsules are placed in the vagina, after the drug shell dissolves, the bacteria enter the vaginal mucosa and begin to actively multiply and occupy niches, preventing harmful microbes from continuing their vital activity.

The action of Lactozhinal is due to the following:

  • Dederlein's bacilli literally “displace” E. coli, streptococci and staphylococci, Proteus and other harmful microbes from the vaginal mucosa. As a result, the balance of the flora is restored.
  • Lactic acid bacteria create an acidic environment in the vagina, which prevents the inflammatory process.

Lactobacilli help to gradually restore the vaginal flora, which increases local immunity in a woman. If the cause of a woman’s complaints was related to dysbiosis, then the drug can completely get rid of all troubles.

We recommend reading about the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis during menstruation. From the article you will learn about what bacterial vaginosis is, its manifestations and impact on the menstrual cycle, diagnosis and treatment.

And here is more information about the restoration of microflora after thrush.

Indications for use

Laktozhinal is widely used in gynecological practice. The main indications for its use are as follows:

  • To restore the vaginal microflora after aggressive treatment, including antibacterial drugs, for example, for genital infections.
  • For bacterial vaginosis without concomitant infections.
  • To prepare the vagina for surgical interventions - on the eve of cauterization of erosion, before vaginal plastic surgery or other manipulations on the cervix.
  • For the prevention of postoperative complications before abdominal and laparoscopic operations.
  • Before hysteroscopy and curettage of the uterine cavity.
  • Recommended for pregnant women on the eve of childbirth - natural or surgical.
  • For the prevention of dysbiosis after serious infections - colds, flu, after taking a course of antibiotics.

It is important that Laktozhinal can be used during pregnancy and lactation - it is completely safe for the child.

Also, one of the advantages of the drug is that it can be combined with antibiotics and antiviral drugs - the drugs will not act on lactobacilli in the drug, while other similar drugs do not have such resistance of the bacilli to the drugs used.

Regimen for taking Laktozhinal, including during menstruation

Lactozhinal can be prescribed using two treatment regimens:

  • One capsule twice a day for a calendar week. After the capsule has entered the vagina, it is recommended to lie down for a while so that the drug does not leak out.
  • One capsule into the vagina once a day, but for two weeks. It's best to put them in overnight.

The instructions indicate that the drug can be used during menstruation. However, the fact that there is constant discharge from the vagina reduces the effectiveness of the medicine by a quarter. Therefore, it is recommended to stop the course during critical days and then continue after their end.

Useful tips

For effective treatment, it is useful to use the following recommendations:

  • Refuse to have sex or use condoms for intimate relationships. This is due to the fact that microbes from a sexual partner can again upset the balance that is just being established.

In addition, topical spermicidal preparations, which are used to prevent pregnancy, reduce the effectiveness of treatment.

  • If you had to take Latojinal during your period, it is recommended to extend the regimen to two weeks.
  • For reliable hygiene, it is useful to use panty liners.

There are no restrictions when taking Lactozhinal for serious and responsible manipulations, driving a car.

The safety of the drug is confirmed by the fact that no cases of overdose have been recorded; it can be purchased freely in retail pharmacies.

Analogues of the drug

There is a large selection of drugs with similar composition and action. The main ones are presented in the table.

A drugComposition of one doseForm
Acylact107 lactobacilliCandles
Lactobacterin107 lactobacilliTablets, suppositories, solution
Lactonorm108 lactobacilliVaginal capsules
Vagilak109 lactobacilliVaginal capsules, gel

Cost of Laktozhinal

The price of the product varies depending on the level of pharmacy and city. On average, the cost of one package with 14 capsules is from 800 to 1300 rubles.

Laktozhinal is a drug based on beneficial lactobacilli. Helps restore vaginal microflora during dysbiosis, prevent complications on the eve of surgical interventions, before childbirth. The drug is safe and can be used during menstruation.

Watch this video about the treatment of bacterial vaginosis:


Use during menstruation

Laktozhinal can be used during menstruation. If the course of treatment falls on the days of critical discharge, then there is no need to make a break in the procedures. However, it must be taken into account that the use of the product during menstruation has a number of features.

  • Part of the active ingredient Laktozhinal during menstruation can be excreted from the body along with secretions, so the effectiveness of the product is reduced by 15-20%. To compensate for losses, the doctor may extend the therapeutic course.
  • During menstruation, the use of Lactozhinal can provoke an allergic reaction that will not occur on other days of the cycle - the woman experiences a feeling of discomfort and itching. If such allergy symptoms are detected, it is better to stop using the drug until further instructions from the doctor.
  • During the period of menstrual flow, the cervix is ​​dilated, which increases the likelihood of infection getting inside, so all procedures must be carried out with careful adherence to the rules of intimate hygiene.

Laktozhinal is allowed to be used on critical days, however, if it is possible to delay the start of treatment, it is recommended to wait until the end of menstruation.


Therapeutic suppositories Laktozhinal are an excellent remedy, which occupies a very honorable place in modern gynecology. More than once he has helped women who suffered from disturbed microflora, removing not only the cause, but also the consequences of this disease.

Of course, there is a danger of a side effect, however, the likelihood here is minimal. Remember that Laktozhinal and alcohol are incompatible things. It should also be noted that in no case is it necessary to self-medicate, and before using the drug, you should still consult a doctor. Only then can you determine the disease and the most effective treatment methods.

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Possible side effects

The drug rarely causes side effects. There were no cases of overdose. Allergic reactions are possible if the vagina is hypersensitive to the components of the drug or during treatment during menstruation. Another reason for the development of side effects is non-compliance with the terms and conditions of storage of the product.

A woman may notice unpleasant symptoms:

  • redness of the labia majora and minora;
  • burning, itching, discomfort in the genital area;
  • copious discharge, uncharacteristic for this period of the cycle.

If at least one of the signs appears, treatment should be stopped and consult a doctor immediately.


There are situations when a woman has an individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug, or its cost does not suit her, then the gynecologist should clarify which analogue with a similar effect can replace Lactozhinal. Changing medications on your own should be avoided so as not to harm your health. The most popular analogues are Lactonorm, Acylact, Bifidumbacterin suppositories, Vagilak, Vaginorm and Eufemin Floravag. Before taking any of these medications, you should first consult with a specialist.

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