Is it possible to take escapelle during menstruation?

Various methods are used for emergency contraception. They are necessary to help avoid the consequences of unprotected sexual intercourse or in cases where well-known methods of protection have not coped with their task. After all, no one is protected from the fact that the condom can simply tear and the intrauterine device fly off. It is for such cases that many drugs are presented on the pharmaceutical market. One of them is Escapelle. The drug is used quite widely.

How does Escapelle work on menstruation?

The effect of pills on menstruation depends on the time of their use. Escapelle delays the onset of ovulation and slows down the process of egg maturation. Because of this influence, almost half of the women who used this method of emergency contraception have their cycles disrupted.

When taking Escapel before ovulation, there is a high probability of spotting. They may appear immediately after taking the pill or after 2-3 days. But they should not be confused with menstruation - this is the body’s reaction to a high dose of hormones. Full menstruation should begin later.

A delay in menstruation after taking Escapel occurs mainly in cases where the drug was taken in phase 2. It is possible to delay the date of menstruation by 1 week. But for some women it can last up to 2-3 weeks. Often after such a delay, heavy periods begin.

Escapelle: effect on menstruation

Escapelle is an emergency drug that helps prevent the consequences of unplanned or unprotected sexual intercourse.

The medication has a strong effect, so changes in the nature of menstruation after Escapelle are a common occurrence.

The medication is available in the form of tablets containing levonorgestrel, an artificially synthesized progestogen.

The substance has a contraceptive effect due to its pronounced gestagenic and antiestrogenic properties.

After penetration into the body, it suppresses ovulation and fertilization, but only if coitus occurred during the preovulation period. At the same time, the substance affects the endometrium of the uterus, which makes implantation impossible. However, if the contraceptive was taken after the implantation of the embryo, then Escapelle will be ineffective.

Levonorgestrel after oral administration is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Maximum concentration values ​​are formed within two hours. The substance interacts with blood proteins, which ensure the binding of sex hormones. Metabolized in the liver, removed from the body in equal amounts by the kidneys and intestines.

Indications for use are emergency contraception: after unprotected contact or if there is suspicion that the method of protection used is unreliable.

Escapelle belongs to a new generation of drugs that require a single dose of 1 tablet. It is recommended to take the medication as soon as possible after PA, but no later than three days (72 hours). The more time passes after coitus, the less effective the help will be. Repeated administration is not carried out, except in cases of vomiting that occurs within a 3-hour period after administration.

Escapel should be abandoned if there are contraindications:

  • Individual hypersensitivity
  • Pregnancy
  • Age under 16 years old
  • Lactose intolerance, congenital lactase deficiency in the body, GG malabsorption syndrome.

The product should be used with great caution by women who have severe pathologies of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, those who have had jaundice, those suffering from Crohn's disease, and those who are breastfeeding (levonorgestrel is excreted in milk).

The effect of Escapelle on menstruation

Levonorgestrel has a strong effect on the female reproductive system, so there is often a delay after Escapel, changes in the menstrual cycle, and the nature of the discharge.

The main actions of the drug that provide a contraceptive effect:

  • Suppresses ovulation
  • Inhibits egg maturation
  • Cervical mucus thickens, making it difficult for sperm to pass through
  • Stops the development of endometrial tissue.

Changes in the menstrual cycle

Delayed menstruation after Escapel and other MC disorders depend on the stage of ovulation at the time of taking the drug.

If menstruation began on the usual days, or after Escapelle, menstruation came earlier than usual, then most likely conception did not happen. However, if they did not appear at the appointed time or are absent altogether, then the drug probably did not help.

1st phase of the menstrual cycle

Some women may mistake light periods after Escapelle for the onset of menstruation if they believe they took the pill before ovulation.

Next month the situation may repeat itself, and the discharge will again appear in the form of a smear.

This happens due to the fact that the body has not yet overcome the consequences of Escapel’s drastic intervention: the endometrial tissue has not fully recovered, so there is nothing to reject yet.

However, pregnancy cannot be completely ruled out, since the drug does not provide a guaranteed effect. Therefore, it is necessary to check with a gynecologist.

2nd phase MC

If the drug was taken during the second phase, then menstruation will also be disrupted, since at this time preparations for conception are underway. The endometrium is actively developing, discharge becomes intense. Escapelle can cause a delay in menstruation for a longer period, after which menstruation will begin as usual.

Taking during menstruation

It is recommended to take the drug regardless of the day of menstruation, since, contrary to popular belief, menstruation does not protect against pregnancy.

Therefore, if an unplanned act happened during this period, then it is better to take a contraceptive.

It should be remembered that Escapelle taken during menstruation can cause watery discharge in some women after 1.5-2 weeks, and in others – prolongation of bleeding.

In addition to changes in the timing and nature of menstruation, other consequences of taking Escapel may be observed: enlargement of the mammary glands, the appearance of pain or discomfort in the chest, pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, gastrointestinal disorders, etc.

If these or other side effects occur, you must be examined by a doctor and, if necessary, undergo treatment.

A delay in menstruation after taking Escapel occurs in many women, and their nature depends on physiological characteristics.

The occurrence of spotting is considered normal, as this is the body’s reaction to the intervention of the drug. Usually within a week (5-7 days.

) everything returns to normal, but if menstruation is delayed for a longer period, then you need to do a pregnancy test.


Does Escapelle cause periods?

Spotting that begins after taking emergency birth control pills should not be confused with menstruation. Because of their appearance, some believe that the drug can be used to stimulate the onset of menstruation if there is a delay.

Escapelle is not used to induce menstruation. This is a contraceptive and must be taken for 72 hours after unprotected sex. When a delay occurs and pregnancy is confirmed, there is no point in taking pills; they do not have an abortifacient effect.

How to take the drug correctly

The Escapel tablet should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex. The effectiveness remains for 3 days, although according to some studies, the remedy works even if 120 hours have passed after sex. But with delayed use of the drug, the contraceptive effect noticeably worsens.

If you have repeated sexual contacts, the previously taken pill will not be effective. Therefore, it is recommended to use barrier contraception before the start of your next period. Repeated use of the drug during 1 cycle is not recommended due to the increased likelihood of developing acyclic bleeding.

Attention! If vomiting begins less than 3 hours after consuming Escapelle, you should take the drug again.

Periods after Escapelle

In 50% of patients who took Escapelle for contraceptive purposes, no deviations in the regularity and nature of menstruation were observed. But in half of women the cycle goes wrong, the abundance of discharge and its intensity change.

Menstrual-like discharge that begins in the first 2-3 days after using the contraceptive pill is not menstruation. They should be scanty, brown or brown-burgundy in color. The menstruation that comes after using the drug may not differ in character from the usual menstruation.

When should your period start after taking Escapel?

In accordance with the instructions, the tablets do not change the nature of the menstrual cycle. But delays of 5-7 days are allowed. If after using Escapel your period does not come on time, you should see a gynecologist. The drug can cause delays; some patients require hormonal therapy to restore the cycle. If there is a delay, it is important to exclude pregnancy.

Some women get their period earlier than expected. Over the course of 2-3 cycles, the condition should completely normalize.

Scanty periods after Escapelle

If, after using Escapel, your periods come ahead of schedule, they may be scanty. The decrease in the volume of discharge is due to the fact that the endometrium does not grow under the influence of hormonal pills.

Warning! When your periods are scanty, gynecologists recommend taking a test to determine pregnancy.

The effectiveness of Escapel is 95%, so it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of fertilization of the egg and implantation of the embryo in the uterus.

Heavy periods after Escapelle

Patients who experience heavy bleeding after using progestin contraceptives should know how to distinguish heavy menstrual flow from bleeding. In cases where the pad fills up faster than 1-1.5 hours, the woman needs urgent help.

If your period is delayed, heavy discharge may begin. If the pad lasts for 2 hours or more, the amount of mucus and clots is moderate, then they are considered normal. Such menstruation may be accompanied by pain. In cases where the volume of discharge does not decrease by the 5th day of menstruation or menstruation does not end on the 8th day from the beginning, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

After Escapelle, my stomach hurts, like before my period

Side effects may occur when taking Escapel. Sometimes women complain of abdominal pain, reminiscent in nature of pain before menstruation. They may be accompanied by spotting and spotting.

Contraceptive pills Escapelle: instructions for use

Contraceptive pills "Escapelle" are a means of emergency postcoital contraception. The steroid levonorgestrel contained in the drug causes hormonal changes in a woman’s body that help suppress ovulation and prevent implantation of a fertilized egg. When used in accordance with the instructions, the effectiveness of the drug is up to 95%.

Birth control pills Escapelle

The most effective way to prevent unplanned conception during unprotected intercourse is to take emergency contraceptive medications. One of these drugs is Escapelle contraceptive pills, the action of which is based on stimulating hormonal changes in the female body.

Description and principle of operation

The packaging of the drug Escapelle contains one flat white tablet, on one side of which “G00” is engraved. The tablet contains 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel, a progestogen of synthetic origin.

Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, the active substance has the following effect on the female body:

  • reduces the production of luteinizing (LH) and follicle-stimulating (FSH) hormones by the anterior pituitary gland, suppressing the onset of ovulation;
  • prevents the attachment of a fertilized egg to the inner wall of the uterus due to changes in the structure and composition of the endometrium;
  • increases the thickness of cervical mucus, creating a barrier to the movement of sperm.

If implantation of the fertilized egg into the mucous membrane of the uterine wall has already begun, contraception using Escapelle is ineffective. In most cases, this occurs on the third or fourth day after unprotected sexual intercourse.

When taken orally, the maximum concentration of the component in the blood serum is achieved after approximately 2 hours.

The half-life of the active component after reaching the peak concentration in the general bloodstream is slightly less than a day. Metabolites of the active substance are excreted equally in urine and feces. When used in the prescribed dosage, the drug does not have a significant effect on metabolic processes in the body.

Indications for use

Escapelle is used as emergency contraception in the following cases:

  • unprotected sexual contact;
  • interrupted sexual intercourse;
  • violation of the integrity of the condom;
  • skipping birth control pills;
  • insufficient effectiveness of the contraceptive method used.

Mode of application

In accordance with the instructions for use, the Escapelle tablet must be swallowed regardless of meals, without chewing and washed down with plenty of boiled water.

No more than three days should pass from the moment of sexual intercourse to taking emergency contraception.

It should be borne in mind that the effectiveness of the drug decreases every hour after the penetration of sperm into the vaginal cavity.

If vomiting or diarrhea occurs within 2-3 hours after using the drug, it is considered that the effective concentration of levonorgestrel in the blood has not been achieved. In this case, the patient must purchase and take another tablet of the drug.

When asked whether it is possible to drink Escapelle during menstruation, the drug manufacturers answer in the affirmative. During this period, many women remain at high risk of conception, so menstruation is not a reason to refuse contraception.

Efficacy of the drug

The reliability of emergency contraception when using Escapel in strict accordance with the instructions depends on two factors:

  1. Time to take the pill after sexual intercourse. If during the first day the effectiveness of the medication is about 95%, then after 72 hours it is no more than 60%.
  2. Period of the menstrual cycle. According to medical studies, during ovulation, as well as 3-4 days before it, the reliability of the emergency oral protection method decreases by approximately 7-10%.

In addition, the effectiveness of levonorgestrel may decrease with repeated unprotected sexual intercourse, as well as in the case of hormonal disorders in the patient.

Many women are concerned about the question of how many hours does Escapelle take to act. The drug component begins to influence the secretion of the gonads within 1-2 hours after taking the tablet. Its effect lasts for 3-4 days, that is, the entire period of activity of sperm entering the vagina.


The main contraindications to taking the drug include:

  • intolerance to contraceptive components;
  • severe liver failure;
  • rare hereditary diseases, including the inability to digest lactose, insufficient production of the lactase enzyme, pathological changes in the absorption of monosaccharides in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • confirmed or suspected pregnancy;
  • age less than 16 years.

You should take the tablet with caution in case of serious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract. During lactation, using Escapelle is allowed only in emergency situations with the permission of a doctor. Since the active substance of the drug passes into breast milk, you can feed the baby no earlier than 24 hours after taking the medication.

The drug does not terminate an existing pregnancy after the moment of implantation (introduction of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus), that is, it is not formally equated with abortifacients.

But if the egg has already been fertilized and conception has occurred, Escapelle will act as a means of terminating pregnancy for up to 7 days.

The drug prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall and leads to the death of the embryo.

Currently, there is no reliable data on the danger to the unborn child after penetration of levonorgestrel into the general bloodstream. However, according to some medical studies, emergency contraception, even with a single dose, increases the risk of pathological pregnancy and fetal development disorders.

Side effects

The main side effects of the drug include:

  • pain in the uterine area;
  • bleeding from the genital tract not associated with menstruation;
  • delay of menstruation for up to 5-7 days;
  • soreness of the mammary glands;
  • dyspepsia, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • migraine, sleep disturbances, feeling tired, deterioration in general health;
  • allergic reactions (itching rashes, redness and peeling of the skin, swelling of the face and mucous membranes).

Side effects do not require special drug treatment (except for allergies), are reversible and go away on their own within 2-3 days after taking the drug. It should be remembered that while taking Escapel, the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases by up to 1.6%.

After taking emergency contraception measures, the patient is recommended to visit an antenatal clinic to monitor the state of the functions of the reproductive system. The following conditions are reasons for mandatory immediate consultation with a doctor:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • delay of menstruation by more than 7 days;
  • severe, prolonged pain in the lower abdomen;
  • a sharp deterioration in general health, accompanied by fever, weakness, and fainting.

Discharge after emergency contraception

Due to the introduction of a significant dose of the hormone, the vast majority of women experience disorders of the secretion of the gonads of various types.

Approximately 30% of patients experience short-term brownish or bloody discharge after taking Escapel, caused by partial rejection of the endometrium (so-called false menstruation).

This condition does not pose a threat to health and indicates the effective action of the drug.

Transparent or light mucous leucorrhoea without blood is considered normal and does not mean a lack of results. Abundant greenish or yellow discharge after taking Escapel, having a cheesy structure or inclusions of pus, indicates a disruption of the natural microflora of the vagina or the development of inflammatory processes and is a reason to consult a doctor.


If the recommended dose of the drug is exceeded, the risk of adverse symptoms increases significantly and their intensity increases. To eliminate the consequences of an overdose, you must consult a gynecologist. Symptomatic treatment is usually prescribed: drinking plenty of fluids, rest, taking sorbents.

special instructions

Many women are interested in how often they can drink Escapelle. Experts do not recommend using the drug more often than once every 4-6 months. According to medical research, without harm to health, levonorgestrel-based products can only be used once or twice throughout life.

It is prohibited to use emergency contraception as the main method of protection, since the concentration of the active substance in it significantly exceeds the doses contained in contraceptive pills for daily use. Do not forget that the medication does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Reviews about the drug

Reviews of Escapelle birth control pills are mostly positive. Almost all women who used this remedy managed to avoid unwanted pregnancy with its help.

The latest generation drug has fewer side effects and is more convenient to use than its analogue, Postinor.

However, many patients noted disruptions in the menstrual cycle and deterioration in well-being after taking the contraceptive.


Possible side effects and consequences

When using Escapel, there is a possibility of side effects. Most often, women complain of nausea that occurs after taking pills.

Common complications also include:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • delayed menstruation;
  • increased volume and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • bleeding not associated with the onset of menstruation;
  • increased fatigue;
  • temporary change in the abundance, intensity and consistency of discharge;
  • irregularity of the menstrual cycle.

During observation, it was revealed that in rare cases the drug leads to skin itching, rash, urticaria, and facial swelling.

Among the possible consequences of taking instant-acting contraceptives are:

  • infertility caused by hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • psychological disorders.

Nervous disorders appear in overly emotional women. They may experience sudden mood swings, feelings of depression, and apathy. Some begin to fear sexual intercourse.

What to do if you drink Escapelle but don’t have your period?

Patients who do not have their periods on time after taking hormonal pills should make sure that they are not pregnant. If, 2-3 weeks after a sexual contract without protection, a pregnancy test or blood test for hCG is negative, then you should see a gynecologist.

Your doctor may advise you to wait a few more days for your period to arrive or prescribe treatment to bring your period closer. The tactics of action will depend on the patient’s condition and the results of the examination.

If pregnancy occurs, despite the use of emergency contraception, an abortion is not necessary. The drug does not affect the development of the fetus; it suppresses ovulation, changes the structure of the endometrium, and thickens cervical mucus. If conception has occurred, then, if desired, the pregnancy can be maintained.

Why do people drink Escapelle?

Popular emergency contraceptive drugs include Escapelle, which helps minimize the risks of unwanted pregnancy. It is taken after intimacy; its composition is similar to its predecessors, but it allows you to get the expected effect with a single dose. However, after this, a disturbance in the monthly cycle is often observed, from a delay to the early onset of menstruation.

The contraceptive is a gestagenic drug, which allows it to be used by women of different age groups. It is not prohibited for use during lactation, but you need to take the pill six hours before breastfeeding. It is also necessary to take into account that Escapelle does not exclude pregnancy if there was repeated unprotected sex after taking it. If you experience scanty periods after taking the pill, it is recommended to take a blood test for “pregnancy hormone” (hCG), or conduct a test yourself. The effectiveness of the drug is noted when taken within seventy-two hours after sexual intercourse. It is believed that its effect lasts more than a hundred hours, but the shorter the period after intimacy and taking the pill, the higher the effectiveness of the contraceptive.

It is also possible to take Escapelle during menstruation, but menstruation may last several days longer, or light spotting may appear after ten to fourteen days.

When is Escapelle necessary:

  • Rape;
  • High probability of conception when other contraceptives are not recommended;
  • The schedule for taking oral contraceptives is disrupted;
  • Casual unprotected sex;
  • In case of spontaneous removal of the vaginal ring, intrauterine device, or damage to the condom;
  • Other situations where there is a high probability of unwanted pregnancy.

Contraceptives Escapelle - review

Before using medications, consult a specialist.

So, the emergency contraceptive Escapelle .

As we know, no contraceptive means provides 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy. It remains a mystery to me why safe and 100% working contraception has not yet been invented in the 21st century. Almost all contraceptive methods have their disadvantages or contraindications. This really depresses me.

But let's get to the point. One “wonderful” day, during very intense sexual intercourse, my partner and I broke the condom. This was noticed after the PA and almost all of the man’s biological material ended up in me. Get hurt...

I was on day 17 of my cycle, that is, ovulation had already passed, but menstruation was still far away. Well, I went to the shower to wash everything out of myself, and my partner was sent to the pharmacy for Escapelle.

  • Place of purchase: Gorzdrav pharmacy
  • Cost: 520 rubles

The cardboard package contained one tablet and instructions.

The active ingredient is levonorgestrel in a dosage of 1.5 mg . Levonorgestrel suppresses ovulation and fertilization. If the drug is taken in the postovulation period, as was the case in my case, then there is no need to worry either, since levonorgestrel will prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg.

The tablet itself is small in size. Swallows easily.

I don’t have photos of the pill, at such moments, you know, there’s no time for photo sessions

I took the pill an hour after intercourse . This is important because the sooner you take emergency contraception, the more effective it will work.

As we can see from the instructions, every day the probability of not getting pregnant is less and less:

Pregnancy will not occur on the first day in 95% of cases.

On the second day 85%

On the third day 58%

In general, I took a pill, was calm and did not know grief for several hours, and then I made a huge mistake: I decided to read reviews about Escapelle. Girls, I was so scared. I was already mentally preparing for uterine bleeding, the appearance of cysts, ectopic pregnancy and other terrible side effects of Escapelle.

  • What actually happened?

Immediately after taking it I did not have any sensations. Towards the evening and the next couple of days, I began to feel not a strong aching pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation, but much weaker. Closer to my period, I was overcome by terrible PMS, one day I sat and cried, but I didn’t understand why I was doing this.


Failure of the menstrual cycle

If menstruation begins on time or ahead of schedule, a woman may understand that pregnancy has not occurred, but if there are no periods, the risks of an unplanned pregnancy are high. However, a delay in menstruation after Escapel is a fairly common occurrence, because the drug disrupts the menstrual cycle.

In the first phase of the cycle

Half of women mistakenly believe that they got their period the next day if the drug is taken before ovulation, although in reality it is a daub. The discharge is perceived as menstruation that began ahead of schedule, so they are quite surprised when the discharge recurs after a couple of weeks. The reason lies in hormonal imbalance, which prevents the development of eggs. Regardless of whether they started early or on time, scanty periods usually pass. The reason is simple: the endometrial layer does not develop enough under the influence of hormones, which means there is nothing special to reject.

In the second phase

Menstruation after taking the drug in the second phase may also be disrupted, because the high level of progesterone prepares the body for pregnancy, despite the fact that fertilization has not occurred. During this period, the endometrium grows, the discharge becomes thicker, and menstruation may be delayed for days or even several weeks. Sometimes in the middle of the cycle there is spotting, but the delay can reach twenty days, after which heavy discharge begins.

During menstruation itself

There is a common stereotype that during menstruation, a woman cannot become pregnant. In fact, sex at the end and beginning of your period has a high chance of resulting in pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of contraception even during such a piquant period. Please note that taking Escapel during menstruation may cause a small amount of bloody discharge to appear after ten to fourteen days, or prolong menstruation by several days.

Consequences of taking

In half of the cases, after taking the drug, a cycle disruption occurs. This is why women are worried about when menstruation begins after escapelle, and in what situations they should sound the alarm and run to the doctor. Prolongation of the cycle or premature bleeding is due to the principle of operation of the drug. The above mechanisms of action may contribute to the fact that menstruation is often delayed after escapelle. However, there is no need to worry, this is how the body reacts to a dose of the hormone from the outside. What kind of cycle changes can there be?

If taken in the first phase

A pill taken before ovulation in 50% of cases can lead to spotting immediately after taking it or after a day or two. Sometimes menstrual-like discharge occurs after one week. Moreover, they cannot be counted as critical days, which many girls do incorrectly. And then they are frightened that after taking Escapelle, menstruation began again, but after one and a half to two weeks from the previous critical days.

If taken in the second phase

In the case where the pills had to be taken after ovulation, as a rule, this leads to a delay, which can result in heavy periods after escapelle.

It is considered normal to prolong the cycle to 3 - 5 days, but in practice it is often observed up to 15 - 20. In such situations, you should always play it safe and perform a pregnancy test or, more importantly, take a blood test for hCG.

During critical days

There is an opinion that sex during a woman's bleeding cannot lead to pregnancy. However, in practice it has long been proven that sexual intercourse both in the first days and at the end of menstruation can with a high degree of probability lead to conception. Therefore, in such situations, additional contraception should also be taken care of.

If you take Escapelle during your period, it may result in slight bleeding after 10 to 14 days or may prolong it for a day or two.

Other consequences

A high single dose of the hormone can lead to functional changes in the mammary glands. Often pain and tension appear in them, and the breasts increase in size. Such changes may bother a woman for 2 to 3 weeks.

On the eve of spotting or menstruation, minor nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back may appear. Especially if such changes always preceded critical days. It is even possible to have more painful periods after escapelle than usual.

You should know that taking the drug does not exclude the development of an ectopic pregnancy, especially if the pill was taken in the second phase of the cycle. Therefore, if the pain intensifies, you should seek medical help.

It is recommended to take Escapelle with caution for women with impaired liver or kidney function. In case of diseases of the digestive system, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced. Especially if the absorption process in the intestines is affected (for example, Crohn's disease, lactase deficiency).

We recommend reading the article about menstruation after Postinor. From it you will learn about the rules for taking the drug for emergency contraception, the reaction of the female reproductive system, and possible reasons for delayed menstruation after using the drug.

Other disorders and consequences of taking the drug

As a result of a single dose of a high dose of a hormonal drug, functional changes may occur in the mammary glands, expressed as an increase in size, tension, and pain. This discomfort lasts for two to three weeks. Before menstruation or spotting, you may experience pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, and the menstruation itself may also be more painful. If a woman has impaired kidney or liver function, Escapelle should be taken only after consultation with a doctor, and if there are diseases of the digestive system, the effect of the drug may be reduced.

In some cases, taking Escapel leads to adverse reactions, such as:

  • Allergy;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Fatigue;
  • Dizziness;
  • Headache;
  • Sense of anxiety.

Escapelle is an effective drug designed for use by women of different age groups. Also, the reasons for its popularity include affordable cost and good tolerability, low likelihood of adverse reactions. Disorders in the menstrual cycle are caused by high levels of hormones and this disruption is eliminated fairly quickly.

General characteristics of the drug

Escapelle is a hormonal emergency contraceptive drug. The main active ingredient is levonorgestrel. This is a synthetic substance that simulates the functioning of the hormone progesterone.

This product is available in the form of one tablet, which distinguishes it from the main analogue - Postinor, which contains two of them. This improvement is achieved by increasing the dose of levonorgestrel.

Read in the article at the link what changes your periods undergo after taking Postinor.

When should your period start after taking Escapel?

After taking Escapel, the onset of menstruation in three to five days is the norm. Usually, menstruation is not profuse, perhaps in the form of spotting, which is called “artificial menstruation.” The duration of discharge after taking the drug is three to six days. Taking into account the individual characteristics of a woman’s body, menstruation can begin either after seven days or within the first day after taking Escapel. Each of these situations is normal. However, if your period has not started after a week, you should consult a specialist to eliminate the risks of pregnancy or complications. Usually, menstruation quickly recovers to the levels familiar to every woman.


Menstruation after Escapelle may change beyond recognition or pass as usual. It all depends on what phase of the cycle the woman took the pill. And also from the characteristics of his own body. Emergency contraception should not be used several times a month. Serious menstrual irregularities are inevitable. What to expect from your period after taking Escapel?

The effect of the drug on menstruation

Many people are interested in when menstruation should start after taking Escapel. But no doctor will give a definite answer to it. Doctors agree that in almost all cases, menstrual irregularities occur.

In each specific case, the duration and abundance of discharge may vary. In standard cases, menstruation occurs on the fifth day after taking a contraceptive. A delay of up to 20 days is also possible.

Features of bleeding

After taking the drug, scanty spotting may appear. The color of blood is almost always dark. Menstruation lasts 3-6 days. If scanty periods after Escapelle last more than a week and a half, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

Doctors call such critical days “artificial menstruation.” It is provoked by an increase in the level of synthetic hormones contained in the drug. In most cases, the next month after taking the pill, the menstrual cycle is restored to its previous levels. If your period comes earlier after Escapelle, do not worry, as this is considered normal.

Side effects

Escapelle causes and modifies menstruation. After taking it, the following side effects often appear:

  • dizziness,
  • migraine,
  • general weakness,
  • increased feeling of anxiety,
  • disorders of the nervous system,
  • apathy,
  • insomnia or excessive sleepiness,
  • diarrhea,
  • allergic reactions in the form of urticaria and Quincke's edema.

If, after taking Escapel, severe vomiting and diarrhea appear, the drug is almost completely eliminated from the body, without having any effect at all. Before taking the pill again, you should definitely consult a gynecologist. Only he can tell you how many capsules you can take.

Usually, only one tablet is allowed to be taken per ovulation cycle, since an overdose can cause severe bleeding and a colossal hormonal imbalance.

Necessity of application

Instant contraception - Escapelle, is produced in the form of tablets. The active substance is levonorgestrel. A synthetic analogue of the female hormone progesterone. Each tablet contains a significant proportion of progesterone. For example, in a similar drug Postinor, this dose is divided into 2 tablets. Escapelle inhibits conception at the early stage of fertilization. The tablet must be taken within 72 hours after unprotected contact. The effectiveness of the drug depends on the speed of taking the tablet. According to WHO research, the drug can work if you take the pill even 102 hours after sexual intercourse. This statement once again confirms the strong impact of Escapelle on the human body.

Indications for use of the drug are:

  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • failures with a barrier method of contraception;
  • rape.

Properties of the drug Escapelle

Escapelle refers to contraceptive drugs. It is forbidden to drink it during puberty, as well as during lactation. This product is required to protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy.

Indications for use:

  • casual sexual relations, when sexual intercourse was unprotected or an interruption method was used,
  • approaching ovulation. These days the egg is most ready for fertilization. Escapelle in this case is used if all other methods of contraception are unavailable,
  • in cases where the condom breaks or was used incorrectly,
  • expulsion of the IUD,
  • violations when taking oral contraceptive methods,
  • sudden loss of the vaginal ring,
  • act of sexual violence.

The drug is considered a modern analogue of the well-known Postinor. The only difference is the required number of tablets, which has been reduced to one capsule. Naturally, the dose of the active substance in each capsule was increased, which is why the menstrual cycle fails.

To prevent the onset of unwanted pregnancy, the drug can be used no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse. The less time passes after sperm enters a woman’s body, the higher the contraceptive effect will be. Some facts confirm that the therapeutic effect of Escapel does not disappear within 120 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. This explains the colossal effect of the drug on the female body.

Operating principle of Escapel

The drug has several mechanisms of action on a woman’s menstrual cycle. In this case, the contraceptive ability is 95%. Disruption of the normal operation of systems leads to a failure of the monthly cycle.

  1. The hormonal agent inhibits the maturation of the egg and prevents ovulation.
  2. Escapelle prevents the development of a full-fledged endometrial layer. A fertilized egg will not be able to implant in the uterine cavity.
  3. The drug changes the concentration of cervical mucus. The escapelle makes it thick and does not allow the fertilized cell to move through the tubes to the uterus.

Thus, changes in the menstrual cycle directly depend on the phase in which the hormonal drug was taken. Menstruation comes earlier or there is a significant delay, which makes women quite worried.

Operating principle

The active substance is levonorgestrel. This synthetic progestogen prevents pregnancy in the early stages after fertilization of the egg.

Scheme of action of the drug:

  • if ovulation has not yet occurred, then it is significantly delayed,
  • later the egg matures and is released,
  • the normal structure of the endometrium changes. This creates an obstacle to the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall. If the embryo is already in the basal layer, then Escapel will in no way be able to provoke a miscarriage or spontaneous termination of pregnancy,
  • The cervical fluid becomes thicker, which creates an obstacle to the passage of sperm to the cervix.

Depending on what period of the cycle the oral contraceptive was taken, menstruation may come either ahead of schedule, or they may be delayed after Escapelle. The intensity of bleeding also changes due to hormonal imbalance. The discharge can be either abundant or too scanty. In some cases, this is considered normal, but sometimes it signals the development of some pathological processes in the woman’s reproductive system.

Failure of the menstrual cycle due to Escapelle

The onset of menstruation excludes pregnancy and allows the woman to breathe easy. The situation is even better if your period comes earlier. But if your period is supposed to start, but it doesn’t, thoughts of an unplanned pregnancy come to mind. When menstruation begins after taking Escapel depends on the processes that took place in the body under its influence. This may happen sooner or later.

Failure in the first phase of the monthly cycle

After taking a hormonal pill before ovulation, in half of the cases spotting begins the next day. Women mistake this phenomenon for menstruation and are very surprised when, after 2 weeks, bloody discharge starts again. The presence of discharge after taking Escapel means a hormonal surge, which has become an obstacle to the further development of the egg. Ovulation has not occurred, which means there will be no pregnancy, menstruation should begin. In most cases they arrive on time or earlier. The discharge is scanty. Because the failure of hormones did not allow the endometrial layer to develop. There is nothing to reject during your period. However, spotting in the middle of the cycle cannot be ruled out while taking a strong hormonal drug.

Failure in the second phase of the menstrual cycle

Discharge after taking Escapel in the second phase of the cycle also leads to hormonal imbalance. Elevated progesterone levels cause the body to prepare for pregnancy, even if fertilization has not occurred. During this time, an excess layer of endometrium grows. After taking Escapel, the discharge becomes thick, but menstruation does not begin. The delay after hormonal treatment is observed for several days, or even weeks. Some women in the middle of the cycle experience a failure in the form of spotting, followed by a delay of 20 days after taking the pills. The discharge is profuse, bleeding appears, which seriously frightens the woman.

Delay after Escapelle with subsequent bleeding

There is nothing strange about this phenomenon. Heavy periods always appear against the background of hormonal imbalance, with a predominance of progesterone. Escapel tablets significantly increase hormone levels. The body doesn’t care where it came from - naturally or artificially. As ovulation occurred, the endometrial layer began to form. To ensure this process, progesterone must be at high levels. The artificial introduction of additional amounts of the hormone leads to excessive growth of the endometrial layer. For example, as happens with endometriosis. When the time comes for menstruation, it is very difficult for the uterus to reject a significant mass; it takes more effort. For this reason, pain increases.

The delay after Escapelle is accompanied by unusual pain in the lower abdomen of a cramping nature. What kind of discharge should come after taking Escapel - copious, similar to bleeding. Due to hormonal imbalance, bleeding can last up to 7 days. Then your periods should stop. If this does not happen, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

In addition, bleeding after a delay can occur due to pregnancy failure. Tablets do not promise 100% results. A small percentage of pregnancy still remains. Due to hormonal imbalance, pregnancy is not able to develop normally. Initially, there is a delay after emergency contraception. Then bleeding may begin.

Delay after taking the drug

Delay after Escapelle often occurs. If a pregnancy test shows a negative result, then the reasons for this condition may be the following:

  • hormonal imbalance occurs due to disruption of the endocrine glands under the influence of a large number of synthetic hormones. There can be a delay in only one menstrual cycle. In 2 months everything should be back to normal,
  • increased blood clotting, which often leads to absence of menstruation after Escapelle,
  • individual intolerance to levonorgestrel,
  • incompatibility of the drug with antibiotics, drugs for tuberculosis, epilepsy and HIV infection. Birth control pills and medications prescribed for the treatment of stomach ulcers reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptive,
  • inflammatory processes in the uterus, which can provoke a delay in menstruation (colpitis, vaginitis and endometritis),
  • Drinking alcohol completely neutralizes the effect of synthetic hormones.

It is important to remember that a delay of 20 days is still considered normal. If this indicator is exceeded, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

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