Will escapelle help during ovulation: principle of action

Ovulation (translated from Latin ovum - egg) is the period during which a ready and mature egg leaves the ovary. In girls who have already reached reproductive age, ovulation occurs every 3-4 weeks. During the first part of a woman's cycle, estrogen predominates, under the influence of which a follicle is formed in the ovaries. If there are two follicles, then a woman can conceive twins.

The duration of this stage varies – from a week to three. Typically, in a 28-day cycle, the egg is released on days 13-14. The mechanism can be divided into stages:

  1. Rupture of a mature follicle in the ovary,
  2. Release of the egg into the abdominal cavity,
  3. Entry into the fallopian tube.
  4. The follicle that has burst turns into a “corpus luteum,” which produces progesterone, signaling to the body that the woman is ready for pregnancy.

Mechanism of action

The drug Escapelle is manufactured by the Hungarian pharmacological company Gedeon Richter. It is a leader in the market for emergency postcoital contraception, as its products show a high level of effectiveness, a low incidence of side effects, and the price allows every buyer to purchase a quality product.

Escapelle is a progestogen containing leronorgestrel. It is designed for emergency contraception. The release form is flat, round tablets, they are white or light gray in color. Each tablet has a cent mark and the inscription GOO. One package contains one tablet. They should be used after unprotected sexual intercourse or if there are doubts about the quality of contraceptives.

The gestogenic effect suppresses the activity of estrogen, delays ovulation, and reduces the possibility of fertilization of the egg during the ovulation phase to a minimum. The substance changes the composition of the uterine mucosa so that the egg can enter there.

Reference! If the embryo is already implanted in the endometrium, the drug will practically not work.

Discharge and menstruation after taking the drug

If the drug was taken during or before the menstrual cycle, the discharge may differ in structure and composition. Instead of blood, white or transparent mucus is sometimes released, which is part of the mucous membrane. Despite the fact that the drug belongs to the group of hormonal contraceptives, it does not disrupt the monthly cycle on an ongoing basis. After discontinuation of the drug, the cycle is restored, and reproductive function returns to normal.


According to statistics, Escapelle helps prevent unwanted pregnancy in 90% of cases. But the same studies showed a high correlation between compliance with instructions and conditions of use and the result.

How to take it correctly?

The tablet should be taken as early as possible before sexual intercourse. If sexual intercourse has already taken place, then Escapelle should be taken no later than 72 hours later (the period of maximum effectiveness is the first 24 hours after contact).

Could it not work?

If there was unprotected sexual intercourse, and the woman took the pill relatively late, the likelihood that it will help decreases from 85% to 15%. If the egg has already entered the uterus and the sperm has penetrated the uterine membrane, the process has already begun. The mechanisms of action of the drug do not stop or terminate pregnancy, but only make it impossible. And it helps in those rare cases when all the processes described above occur with a delay and even after 72 hours have not yet been completed.

Another reason when the drug does not work is a hormonal imbalance. For example, if a girl’s progesterone and progestin are off the charts, then one pill will clearly not be enough to change the hormonal profile so much that the mucous membrane will retain the egg on its way to the uterus.

What not to do?

  1. It should absolutely not be used in combination with other hormonal or non-hormonal medications, as their action can cause serious harm to the hormonal system and affect the ability to conceive a child in the future. The action of Escapel is associated with the inhibition of progestin and progesterone, as well as with the blocking of receptors that receive a signal from the corpus luteum. Even if the egg has entered the uterus, and progestin activity in the woman’s body is suspended, other processes that accompany preparation for pregnancy simply will not start.
  2. It is not recommended to use this drug in combination with alcohol or spirits. They greatly reduce the effectiveness, and if you take alcohol at the same time as a pill, it can harm the stomach wall, since alcohol irritates the mucous membrane and can cause inflammation.
  3. If diseases of the lymphatic system are observed, drug rejection and subsequent swelling are possible. It can be eliminated with the help of diuretics.
  4. If you have a stomach ulcer or gastritis, a tablet can cause pain, heartburn and vomiting, since any tablet drug tends to irritate the mucous membrane. To avoid such developments, it is better not to take the drug on an empty stomach and drink it with a small amount of water.

Important! If the intake of food and liquid is too voluminous, then absorption will be much slower, and the amount of active substance that will be received by the body is much less than stated.

Contraceptives Escapelle - review

I will share my first, and hopefully last, experience of taking Escapel, an emergency contraceptive drug.
Background information - I am 27 years old, I use only condoms, 10 years have passed since my sexual debut, and during all this time barrier contraception has never let me down. Until November 2019.

No, my watch does not tick, it has gas-discharge indicators. But the eye is ticking.

Description of the drug

Escapelle is a hormonal drug that suppresses ovulation and implantation.

Active substance

Levonorgestrel is a synthetic gestagen with a contraceptive effect, pronounced gestagenic and antiestrogenic properties.

How does Escapelle work?

With the recommended dosing regimen, levonorgestrel suppresses ovulation and fertilization if sexual intercourse occurs in the preovulatory phase, when the possibility of fertilization is greatest. It may also cause changes in the endometrium that prevent implantation. The drug is ineffective if implantation has already occurred.

Price of Escapella in a pharmacy

Amounted to 445 rubles. Focus on the range of 440-500 rubles.

Escapelle - instructions for use

How to take Escapelle

Inside. 1 tablet should be taken as soon as possible, but no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. If vomiting occurs within 3 hours after taking the Escapelle® tablet, you should take 1 more tablet. Escapelle® can be used at any time during the menstrual cycle. In case of irregular menstrual cycle, pregnancy must be excluded.

After taking emergency contraception, you should use a local barrier method of contraception (such as a condom) until your next period. The use of the drug during repeated unprotected sexual intercourse during one menstrual cycle is not recommended due to an increase in the frequency of acyclic spotting/bleeding.

Contraindications Escapella

  • hypersensitivity to any component of the drug Escapelle;
  • severe liver failure;
  • patients with rare hereditary diseases such as lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • pregnancy;
  • adolescence (up to 16 years).

With caution: diseases of the liver or biliary tract; jaundice (including history); Crohn's disease; lactation.

Let's move on to personal experience!

The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription. Cardboard box - blister - tablet, everything is according to the standard. Made by Escapelle in Hungary.

escapelle in the second phase of the review cycle

escapelle reviews about the drug ek

escapelle reviews and effectiveness

The tablet is small, one.

escapelle reviews

does escapelle work after ovulation or not?

There are also instructions, quite detailed. I didn’t have time to photograph its individual elements, so you can find the items you are interested in, they are freely available.

escapelle instructions for use

Escapelle's reception

On that “lucky” day, it was the 16th day of the cycle, ovulation had already occurred and there was a second phase, that is, fertilization is possible and its probability is high - so I had no hesitation about the need to take EC.

After reading the instructions, I felt a little worried, because

Escapelle may also cause changes in the endometrium that prevent implantation

Or maybe not call? Does this mean that Escapelle is most effective if taken before ovulation? There was doubt, but it was better not to waste time.

I managed to take Escapelle half an hour after unsuccessful sex, during which the condom fell off. It so happened that the condom remained in the genital tract, and all its contents got into me. This was the first time this happened to me, so there was panic, but, fortunately, I managed to quickly control myself and call the nearest pharmacy to check the availability of EC drugs.

Feelings and side effects of Escapel

Immediately after taking the pill, I began to feel nauseous and felt a little dizzy. I had to sit for about an hour, but there was nothing else. The main thing is that if vomiting occurs within 3 hours after using the tablet, you need to take another one. But I was lucky.

Some people experience discharge after taking escapelle for about 5 days, but this also avoided me.

Taking the pill was very scary because you don’t know what awaits you, and the Internet is full of nightmares about terrible side effects and tumors from EC as a bonus. But everything went better than expected.

Periods after Escapelle

Arrived on time. My cycle has been very smooth for 12 years now, and it is 30-31 days.

On the 30th day, a home rapid pregnancy test was done - just in case and to reassure. emergency contraception escapelle review

I had almost complete confidence that Escapelle had worked, since a week before the expected period I had the usual symptoms - characteristic pain in the mammary glands, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, etc. I think those who read my review understand what I'm talking about. Some things cannot be confused with anything else.

Menstruation after taking Escapelle occurred on day 31 and was normal in intensity and pain. So my period came on time, there was no delay.

What's better than Escapella?

According to some reports, Genale, the active substance of which is mifepristone. The product is positioned as more modern.

There is also Postinor, but I do not consider it the best remedy, since there are 2 tablets with levonorgestrel, and they must be taken at intervals of 12 hours, but not later than 16 hours. I think you can just forget about the second pill, especially if there are no side effects and you have a lot to do. But in many pharmacies Postinor is slightly cheaper than Escapelle.

So the question “which is better” works if you buy products for EC in advance taking into account all these possible torn and fallen off condoms. But few people do this, and in an emergency, when you need to do it faster, you don’t have much time to think about it.

Efficiency of Escapelle

Depends on how quickly the drug was taken after unprotected sex.

95% within the first 24 hours, 85% from 24 to 48 hours and 58% from 48 to 72 hours

I also came across information that the effectiveness depends on the weight of the person taking the drug - the higher it is, the lower the likelihood that the active substance will reach the desired concentration in the blood and work as it should.

I cannot say for sure whether Escapelle worked or not. Yes, the test is negative, and menstruation has occurred, but fertilization might not have occurred at all.

I have good health and a normally functioning reproductive system without abnormalities, but there are other factors.

Here you cannot be sure of full effectiveness, so I suggest trusting the instructions.

Should I take Escapelle or other emergency contraceptive pills?

It is better to drink Escapelle than not to drink Escapelle if pregnancy is not in your plans. 450-500 rubles per emergency contraceptive pill is much cheaper than an abortion. Not to mention the potential risks.

How often can Escapelle be used?

The less often the better. You should not take emergency contraceptive pills every month, like vitamins, and even less be safe with them after interrupted sexual intercourse. PPA is generally a very unreliable method of contraception, if it can even be called such.

Escapelle is an emergency remedy, to be used only in emergency cases.

If emergencies happen too often, something may be wrong and you should change your contraception (or the guy who insists it doesn't "feel right").

Escapelle cannot be used as routine contraception and cannot replace COCs. It also does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.

I give escapelle 5 points for:

  1. Availability;
  2. Ease of use - fortunately, the Yuzpe method is a thing of the past, and for most this method of hormonal emergency contraception remains in the 80s;
  3. Almost complete absence of side effects;
  4. High efficiency;

In general, the devil is not as scary as he is painted.

Take care of your health and thank you for your attention.

Needless to say, this review is subjective with an attempt at objectivity. I dare to hope that my attempt was successful. I am not a specialist, so if you have questions about the use of emergency contraception, I recommend that you consult a qualified doctor and ask all questions at your scheduled appointment.

Source: https://irecommend.ru/content/eskapel-priem-posle-ovulyatsii-i-pobochki-primenenie-ekstrennoi-kontratseptsii-vo-vtoroi-faz

Does the drug work on the day of ovulation?

Ovulation is a fairly strong barrier to protection from pregnancy, since at this time the body is maximally tuned to conceiving a child and prolonging the race. If you take Escapelle at the initial stage of ovulation, when the egg is just maturing, the probability of triggering will be quite low. When taken in the very middle of the cycle, the effectiveness is higher, since the effect of the drug will occur at the moment the egg passes through the uterine membrane. The active ingredients of Escapel will not allow the egg to penetrate the mucous membrane. The main thing when taking it is to guess the time of ovulation in order to be able to prevent the passage of the egg into the uterus. Then, even after some time, before the start of a new cycle, it is very difficult to get pregnant, since there is simply no egg in the uterus.


The use of the drug is recommended only for those who track their cycle and know exactly when ovulation begins. As for the guarantee, it cannot reach 100%. No drug provides complete protection, so it is better to insure yourself with additional means of protection. You should not rely on the effectiveness of PPA (coitus interruptus) as it is effective only in 50% of cases. Before using the medicine, it is better to consult a doctor regarding the compatibility of the drug. Self-medication can be harmful to health.

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