What dietary supplements are preferred in the fight against mastopathy?

The use of several drugs or one drug with a complex mechanism of action is required.

Treatment of patients diagnosed with FCM mastopathy - DFCM is carried out using a systematic approach. It covers a variety of factors that provoke the development of the disease, taking into account the characteristics of the hormonal profile and metabolic processes. An approach that consists of treating only mastopathy (breast dysplasia) is considered incorrect - the causes of this condition should be addressed.

The basic direction of drug therapy is the use of medications and drugs. Considering the pathogenesis of mastopathy, it is imperative to strive to normalize the neuroendocrine relationships between target organs and organs that synthesize hormones.

At the same time, you can’t count on achieving quick results. Complex effects of drugs, incl. and aimed at the mechanisms of the disease (pathogenesis), allows us to achieve lasting clinical recovery.

At the initial stage, intensive drug therapy is required, and then maintenance therapy is carried out over several months and even years. This allows you to first normalize the disturbed neuroendocrine balance, and then maintain it at the proper level.

Drugs and medicines for diagnoses:

DFCM SF - mixed form of diffuse FCM
DFCM GC - diffuse FCM with a predominance of the glandular component
DFCM CC – diffuse FCM with a predominance of the cystic component
Nodular and diffuse nodular mastopathy

Development of mastopathy

Mastopathy is a pathological process that develops in the tissues of the mammary glands, and is provoked by dyshormonal and dysmetabolic disorders of the female body. This pathology, according to the nature of changes in the breast, has three forms: nodular, diffuse and mixed (diffuse-nodular). Many factors can provoke the development of mastopathy. Among them there are external and internal. External ones include:

  • poor nutrition;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • environmental situation, etc.

Quitting bad habits reduces the risk of mastopathy

Internal ones are most often called:

  • diseases of the genitals (chronic and acute adnexitis, endometriosis, etc.);
  • abortions and miscarriages;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland and other endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus, obesity, etc.);
  • genetic predisposition.

There are quite a few reasons that contribute to the appearance of pathological changes in the mammary glands, so treatment is selected individually for each woman.

For some, it will be enough to start eating right, giving up bad habits and taking a course of dietary supplements (dietary supplements), while others will need full treatment of concomitant ailments in combination with hormonal therapy.

The treatment regimen for mastopathy in each specific case is determined by the doctor.

In particularly difficult situations, when a type of mastopathy is discovered that quickly turns into oncology (precancerous condition), there may be a need for surgical intervention.

Mastopathy manifests itself differently in each woman; most often, patients report pain of varying intensity, breast engorgement before menstruation, discharge from the nipples, and in the nodular form, small lumps can be felt in the tissues of the gland.

Advantages of blue iodine therapy over other methods

The main distinguishing aspect of blue iodine therapy is the absence of negative side effects on the body, which cannot be said about a number of other methods:

  • Hormone therapy. Taking hormones orally affects a woman’s hormonal status and can cause many side effects. Among them: mood variability, nervousness and depression, weight gain, vaginal dryness, premature menopause and others. Hormone therapy also takes a long time; there are cases of treatment lasting several years.
  • Chemotherapy. The disadvantages of this method include the inability to predict the result. After all, the chemical effect on malignant cells does not bypass healthy ones. Therefore, chemotherapy is often accompanied by anemia, hair loss, disruption of the ovaries, nausea and vomiting, changes in taste, even a feeling of disgust for normal food.
  • Surgical removal of the tumor. Once a tumor is eliminated, there is no complete guarantee that it will not appear again. Surgery is a difficult process for the body, requiring a long period of rehabilitation and additional measures for recovery. To remove breast cancer, breast-sparing surgeries are more often used, in which only the tumor is removed and the breast is preserved.
  • Radiation therapy. Just like chemotherapy or hormone therapy, it acts not only on the site of the disease, but also on the underlying organs and tissues. It can cause complications - radiation injuries, which are detected several months after the procedure and require additional treatment, including surgical removal of injured tissue.

When using iodine preparations, it is important to remember that the treatment of mastopathy must be comprehensive. To achieve a positive result, you need to put in a lot of effort and work hard on your lifestyle, habits and nutrition. Sometimes in the early stages of the disease this is already enough to alleviate the patient’s condition and stop its progression. Mastopathy is especially dangerous in advanced forms, when the risk of cancer cells increases significantly. To avoid the development of the disease, you must not forget about a preventive examination with a mammologist 2 times a year and an independent examination of the breast every month, a week after menstruation. Early detection of mastopathy is the key to a successful and quick recovery.

The role of dietary supplements in the treatment of mastopathy

As mentioned earlier, one of the reasons for the development of mastopathy is metabolic disorders that occur against the background of frequent stress, low physical activity of the patient or an unbalanced diet.

Stressful situations can also give impetus to the development of mastopathy

This dependence is explained simply - every process occurring in the body, one way or another, is controlled by a variety of hormones and similar substances. Therefore, even going to bed late can lead to dishormonal disorders. The attending physician corrects severe deviations by prescribing hormonal medications, but often good results can only be achieved by prescribing a whole range of medications.

Dietary supplements have also found their place in the treatment regimen for mastopathy. This group of products is necessary primarily for those patients who, for various reasons, cannot change their lifestyle or diet. Thanks to the use of dietary supplements with plant fiber and vitamin complexes, metabolic processes are normalized, and the body receives the necessary microelements that are lacking in regular food.

The amount of nutrients in the daily menu is often much lower than normal, so it is supplemented with dietary supplements

There are active supplements based on plants that have anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, and herbal medicines with natural hormone-like components that help quickly relieve symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of other diseases starting with the letter - m

Treatment of malaria
Treatment of manic-depressive syndrome
Treatment of Marseilles fever
Treatment of mastitis
Treatment of megaloblastic anemia
Treatment of meningococcal infection
Migraine treatment
Treatment of multiple myeloma
Treatment of skeletal myeloma
Treatment of mycosis of the lungs
Treatment of mycoplasmosis
Treatment of myocarditis
Treatment of thrush
Treatment of urolithiasis

The information is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and methods of its treatment, consult your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal.

The best dietary supplements for breast pathology

It is always better to entrust the choice of a product, even if it is a dietary supplement, to the attending physician, and not to rely on one’s own strength or the conscience of the pharmacist at the pharmacy. The number of different bioactive agents is simply huge, so it is worth familiarizing yourself with the drugs that are used most often. Among the most well-known dietary supplements for mastopathy, the following are used:

  • Extal-5 mastopathy;
  • Mastofit;
  • Mamma-gel;
  • Mastovit et al.

The list of dietary supplements used for mastopathy is quite wide; the appropriate one should be advised by the attending physician

Extal-5 mastopathy

This dietary supplement is available in syrup form and contains extracts of two dozen Altai medicinal herbs. The most significant components of Ekstal-5 mastopathy are ziziphora and kopeck. This remedy improves blood circulation in the tissues of the mammary glands, has a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the immune system and has a calming effect.

The product can be used by almost all women suffering from mastopathy or chest discomfort during premenstrual syndrome. At the same time, if you are allergic to certain plants, you should carefully read the full list of herbs that are contained in the Ekstal-5 mastopathy dietary supplement.

Ekstal-5 – a completely plant-based dietary supplement

Important! If a woman takes oral contraceptives (COCs) to prevent pregnancy, then taking Extal-5 mastopathy syrup should be accompanied by additional methods of contraception.

This is due to the fact that this dietary supplement contains St. John's wort, which can reduce the contraceptive effect of COCs.


This bioactive supplement is available in two forms (cream and tablets), the combined use of which gives a more noticeable effect than taking tablets or applying cream separately. The main components of the drug Mastofit are an extract of seaweed called fucus and an indole-3-carbinol concentrate obtained from broccoli.

Mastofit not only eliminates the symptoms of mastopathy, but also regulates the function of the thyroid gland, thanks to the presence of iodine in the composition

These natural active substances have a resolving and antioxidant effect; in addition, Mastofit is a source of easily digestible iodine. It combines well with vitamins A and E, which enhance the effectiveness of this remedy.

Unlike the previous remedy, the list of contraindications for use of the drug Mastofit is not limited to the presence of intolerance reactions. This dietary supplement is not intended for use in women during pregnancy, and breastfeeding of an infant should be discontinued if use of Mastofit is necessary. Patients suffering from thyroid pathologies should take the drug with caution and only after consultation with a mammologist-endocrinologist.

Mamma gel

A product for external use with a pleasant aroma, the active composition of which is represented mainly by essential oils (geranium, tea tree, juniper and thuja).

Mamma gel is a cosmetic product, but can also be used to relieve mild symptoms of mastopathy

These components have powerful antioxidant, moderate anti-edematous, bactericidal and analgesic properties.

First of all, Mamma gel is intended for the prevention of mastopathy in women at risk, that is, with an existing hereditary predisposition to pathologies of the mammary glands, premenstrual syndrome, breast injuries, as well as during menopause. Mamma gel is approved for use in nursing mothers and pregnant women.

Attention! Essential oils can often provoke local allergic reactions.

Therefore, before starting to use Mamma Gel, you need to conduct a test on a small area of ​​skin. The appearance of itching or redness is a sign of intolerance to the drug.

Non-hormonal agents: tablets, creams, ointments, dietary supplements, homeopathy

The list of non-hormonal drugs that are used when prescribing drug therapy includes the following:

  • Vitamins for mastopathy, vitamins such as A, E, C and B are especially good for treating mastopathy. Such compounds help improve the functioning of the liver, an organ that is directly involved in hormonal metabolism. Regular intake of vitamins, as well as consumption of foods containing them, can reduce symptoms. One of the vitamin preparations that can be prescribed to maintain immunity is Pheocarpin.
  • Medicines for the treatment of mastopathy that contain iodine. Such drugs are: Iodomarin, Klamin and Iodine-active. Iodine is necessary to ensure normal functioning of the thyroid gland. They reduce tissue proliferation.

However, it is worth noting that taking such drugs has its contraindications, including hyperthyroidism and autoimmune thyroiditis. It is best to consult your doctor before taking iodine-containing medications.

In addition, depending on the type of disease, the degree of its development and the condition of the patient’s body, doctors may prescribe the following drugs for mastopathy of the mammary gland:

  • Enzyme drugs that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunomodulatory and decongestant effects on the body (the list of these drugs for mastopathy includes Lidaza, Wobenzym, Mulsal).
  • NSAIDs will help with pain . Taking it quickly eliminates pain. Such drugs are, for example, Diclofenac, Namika, Nise.
  • Calming and sedative drugs together with psychotherapy are prescribed in cases where the development of the disease was facilitated by a psychological state. If the disease is only at the initial stage, then it is advised to take tincture of motherwort and valerian. In other cases, for mastopathy, bromocamphor may be prescribed; it must be taken according to the instructions.
  • Herbal medicine , which is prescribed in addition to the main treatment, can enhance the effect of taking medications, and also helps calm the nervous system in case of constant stress. For example, “Lekar” cream for mastopathy helps fight nodules.
  • Homeopathic supplements for mastopathy, of which there are a great many (among them Remens, Cyclodinone, Mastodinone tablets - reviews of these drugs for mastopathy are mostly positive) lower the level of prolactin in the body and also eliminate its excessive production. The most important thing to observe is regularity of intake.

Also among the supplements, Indinol Forto has good reviews - it is a kind of corrector for mastopathy.

How necessary are antibiotics for mastitis, and how to do without them?

Treat or remove? More details about polyps in the uterus in the next section.

What you need to know about chlamydia and the causes of its occurrence: .

Taking medications

To treat mastopathy in women over 50 years of age, therapy with hormonal or non-hormonal drugs is prescribed. The choice depends on the physiological status of the woman. So, if the menstrual cycle has not yet completed, hormonal contraceptives are prescribed.

The most effective:

  • "Novinet";
  • "Femoston";
  • "Regulon";
  • "Janine."

If menopause has already occurred, conservative treatment with Progesterone, Utrozhestan or Duphaston is used. Patients whose body produces increased amounts of estrogen are prescribed drugs that suppress the synthesis of these hormones. Norgestrel, Toremifene, Danazol, Tamoxifen, Linestrinol are suitable for fifty-year-old women.

In cases where prolactin levels are elevated, the doctor may recommend Parlodel, Bromocriptine or Abergine. Another drug effective in the postmenopausal period is Livial. It normalizes the ratio of female and male sex hormones.

Among non-hormonal medications used for breast diseases accompanied by lumps, doctors distinguish Klimadinon and Mastodinon. As part of complex therapy, vitamin and mineral supplements are prescribed. They are needed to compensate for the lack of certain elements, improve metabolism and stabilize hormonal levels.

Vitamin supplements recommended for women over 50:

  • "Triovit";
  • "Retinol";
  • "Tocopherol";
  • "Pyridoxine";
  • "ascorbic acid";
  • "folic acid";
  • "Aevit".

What are the features of pathology after 50 years?

A woman approaches 50 with certain baggage. This baggage contains everything that her reproductive system has experienced over the years. And since everything that concerns the reproductive system is somehow reflected in the condition of the mammary glands, it is during this period, as they say, “all the sores come out.”

In addition, hormonal changes in a woman’s body after 50 years also leave their mark on the condition of the mammary glands. Adipose tissue is replaced by connective tissue - this is mastopathy.

Most often, fibrocystic mastopathy develops during menopause. This form of pathology not only gives a woman discomfort, but can also cause the development of oncological processes in the mammary gland.

Some women do not take the manifestations of mastopathy seriously enough, mistaking them for symptoms of menopause and letting the disease take its course. But there is another category of representatives of the fair sex, who with their fears and worries aggravate the situation, and the disease actively progresses.

Expert opinion

Shustova Olga Leonidovna

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

Women after 50 years of age may think that all openings relating to the reproductive system and mammary glands no longer have anything to do with them. With the onset of menopause, of course, the functionality of the reproductive organs fades, but at the same time the protective function of the body weakens, which leads to the appearance of various diseases. Moreover, upon the onset of menopause, the mammary gland changes its tissue composition, and this does not always go smoothly. If we add to this the surges in hormones, then ideal conditions are created for the development of mastopathy. Therefore, being on the eve of menopause, or already experiencing all the menopausal changes in the body, a woman should carefully monitor the condition of the mammary glands.

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