Tablets "Mastodinon" for mastopathy: reviews from doctors, contraindications, side effects

Many women know that if they have pain in the mammary glands, they urgently need to undergo examination in a specialized clinic. Diagnostics is important to exclude the appearance of dangerous cancers and benign cysts in the breast. Neoplasms can be detected using conventional x-rays or ultrasound.

What to do if the examination confirms the presence of cysts? First of all, you need to refrain from panic. In most cases, mastopathy and other diseases that have similar sources respond well to treatment with Mastodinon. The product is sold in regular pharmacies without a prescription.

The influence of hormones on mastopathy

The mammary gland is the target organ for estrogens, androgens and gestagens, hormones of the pituitary gland and some other parts of the endocrine system. That is why breast pathology is the first signal of a malfunction of the body. The mammary gland is most sensitive to sex hormones. Violation of their balance leads to the development of mastopathy and its unpleasant manifestations.

The main influence on the development of benign breast diseases is exerted by estrogens, progesterone and prolactin. An imbalance leads to uncoordinated tissue growth and the emergence of pathological lesions.

Estrogens predominate in the hormonal background in the first phase of the cycle. They stimulate the growth and reproduction of breast cells. Progesterone to some extent limits the influence of estrogens and reduces the sensitivity of tissues to them. It promotes the differentiation of newly formed structures. Prolactin enhances the secretory properties of mammary gland cells. Normally, it exerts its significant influence only during pregnancy and breastfeeding. When its level increases in the normal state, the sensitivity of breast cells to estrogen increases.

Most often, women develop conditions that lead to an excess of estrogen and a lack of progesterone. As a result, breast cells are formed in unlimited quantities, their growth is disrupted - cysts, fibroadenomas, etc. appear.

Thyroid hormones play a significant role in the functioning of the organ. With hypothyroidism, an autoimmune lesion in the mammary glands, signs of pathological growth appear in response.

Taking into account all these nuances, the doctor, competently and adequately prescribing oral contraceptives for mastopathy, gives a chance to improve the condition of the breast.

Many people believe that in the presence of benign diseases of the mammary glands, taking contraceptive drugs is not allowed. And this is associated with an increased risk of developing breast cancer. However, numerous studies in this area have proven the absence of any relationship between these processes. And even vice versa: hormones can be used to prevent the progression of mastopathy.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to prescribing the drug are:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • breast cancer;
  • for tablets: intolerance or malabsorption of galactose; lactase deficiency;
  • for drops: liver cirrhosis or liver failure, remission of alcoholism.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, Mastodinon is strictly contraindicated, as it changes the hormonal status of a woman, causing termination of pregnancy and the disappearance of breast milk. If a woman taking Mastodinon discovers that she is pregnant, she should stop treatment immediately.

When taking the drug, the following side effects may occur:

  • allergic reaction;
  • stomach pain;
  • nausea;
  • slight weight gain;
  • headache;
  • itchy skin rashes;
  • acne.
  • mental agitation, motor restlessness, impaired consciousness and hallucinations.

Side effects of Mastodinon were observed very rarely (in 1% of those studied). If any of these occur, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.

The most common side effect of Mastodinon, weight gain, is associated with an increase in the concentration of the hormone progesterone.

OK as a way to stop the development of pathology

So, hormonal contraceptives are useful not only for the purpose of protecting against unwanted pregnancy, but also for the mammary glands. The therapeutic effect is due to the following:

  • Oral contraceptives, when used regularly, reduce proliferative processes in the breast. In other words, uncontrolled cell growth with the formation of cysts, fibroadenomas, etc. does not occur. This is achieved primarily through the establishment of menstrual function and the regulation of connections in the hypothalamus - pituitary gland - ovaries - mammary glands.
  • Oral contraceptives help reduce estrogen levels in the blood. Thus, they protect the breasts from their excessive influence.
  • Taking hormonal drugs has a therapeutic effect on the organs of a woman’s reproductive system. Their use is especially useful for inflammatory diseases, functional cysts, and endometriosis. Separately, each pathology contributes to the formation of mastopathy, and when treating these pathologies, changes in the mammary glands are minimized.

It has been proven that taking oral contraceptives for a year reduces the risk of developing mastopathy by 60 - 70%. Moreover, with increasing duration of use, the percentage increases.

That is why, in all women with concomitant gynecological pathology, hormonal contraceptives are the ideal choice for the treatment and prevention of mastopathy.

It is especially important to prevent breast pathology during the period of completion of menstrual function. This is due to the fact that perimenopause is characterized by various cycle disruptions and the appearance of gynecological diseases - polyps, hyperplasia, etc. For women of this age, the use of a gestagen component is indicated for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the genital organs and breasts. Similar drugs include Depo-Provera, Duphaston, Norkolut and others.

Reliable results from taking OCs for mastopathy include the following:

  • Long-term regular use of contraceptives reduces the risk of breast cancer by 2 times. The effect of taking it lasts for 10 years, so it is preferable to use hormonal contraceptives after 30–35 years of age.
  • By choosing the right medicine, you can relieve tension and soreness of the mammary glands.
  • The use of OC reduces the rate of progression of mastopathy.

However, the choice of treatment and prescription of contraceptives should be taken seriously, without neglecting the consultation of a specialist. Hormonal contraceptives for mastopathy are not indicated for all forms. For example, in the case of the presence of nodular formations, OCs are not permissible for use. This form of pathology should be treated surgically.


Indications for use are:

  1. As a component of complex therapy for premenstrual syndrome, accompanied by mastodynia, mental instability, headaches, swelling and tension of the mammary glands.
  2. Irregularity of the menstrual cycle.
  3. Fibrocystic mastopathy.
  4. Infertility due to corpus luteum deficiency.

The dosage regimen and duration of administration are established by a specialist based on the examination. If after completion of the course the disease relapses, the doctor has the right to extend the therapy. Good tolerability of the drug may be the basis for taking it for a very long period of time. This is indicated by numerous reviews of Mastodinon for mastopathy.

The bottle of drops should be shaken well before use. The drug must be stored according to the instructions for use to avoid losing its medicinal properties. There is no data on overdose.

Risks from taking hormonal contraceptives

Many women believe that taking birth control is dangerous in many ways. However, recent research in this area has long proven the opposite. What are the main fears?

Risk of developing cancer

There is an opinion that taking hormonal contraceptives increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer. However, there are no clear reliable studies in this area. This is due to the fact that such observations are associated with certain difficulties. And, most importantly, it is impossible to track the impact of COCs after 10 or 20 years. Namely, it is after this period of time that in most cases breast cancer occurs.

It is also difficult to isolate the impact of these particular drugs from the behavioral reactions and reproductive history of the woman. Therefore, to say that taking oral contraceptives leads to breast cancer is more likely to be false than to consider it true.

Is it possible to take contraceptives for mastopathy if breast cancer has occurred for several generations? It turns out that girls with a family predisposition to breast cancer do not increase their risk of getting the disease by constantly taking oral contraceptives. This is proven by long-term observations of such groups.

Regular use of contraceptives primarily reduces the likelihood of developing ovarian and uterine cancer, and to a much lesser extent - breast cancer.

Development of other breast pathologies

Sometimes incorrectly selected oral contraceptives can cause soreness and engorgement of the mammary glands. As a rule, a similar effect is observed with an overestimated dose of estrogen - over 0.3 mcg. In such situations, you should either replace the drug or adjust the therapy. Supplementing with vitamin E is effective.

Also, the use of COCs can sometimes cause discharge from the breast. As a rule, this phenomenon is caused by the creation of an artificial hormonal background and a response increase in prolactin production.

We recommend reading the article about the treatment of mastopathy. From it you will learn about the classification of the disease and characteristic symptoms, modern methods of treating mastopathy, the effectiveness of diet and vitamins, as well as homeopathy.

Special Recommendations

When taking dopamine blockers simultaneously with Mastodinon, the therapeutic effect of the latter is reduced. Cases of interaction with other drugs have not been described. Therefore, it is possible to combine medications with this drug.

The drug in the form of drops contains ethanol, which should be taken into account by those patients who have successfully completed a course of rehabilitation after alcohol dependence. The drug does not affect the process of driving, but the alcohol content in it should be taken into account (although it is insignificant when taken in prescribed doses, it can affect the breathalyzer).

Mastodinon drops may become cloudy over time, and sediment collects at the bottom of the bottle. This does not reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Doctor's advice

Mastopathy is a benign disease of the mammary glands, but it brings a lot of anxiety to a woman. What to do to prevent the disease from getting worse? Helpful Tips:

  • You should see a gynecologist or mammologist regularly. If a woman still has menstrual function, an ultrasound examination should be performed at least once every two years. During menopause, mammography is the most informative.
  • You should self-examine your breasts monthly in the first days of your cycle.
  • It is advisable to undergo the necessary treatment. A mammologist or even a gynecologist will tell you what contraceptives you can use for diffuse mastopathy, vitamins, and herbal medicines in a specific situation. Self-medication can only make the situation worse.
  • A healthy lifestyle, proper and balanced nutrition, the ability to cope with stressful situations, adequate sleep - all this prevents the progression of many diseases, including mastopathy. It is useful to master various calming techniques, relaxation exercises, etc. All this will help maintain the functioning of the nervous system at the proper level.

Despite some wariness in the public towards hormonal drugs, it has been proven that with their help it is possible to reduce the manifestations of many diseases, including mastopathy. It is also important that regular and long-term use of oral contraceptives significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer of the uterus, ovaries, and breast. Modern medicine offers many ways to treat and prevent breast pathology, but the most effective regimens can only be selected by a specialist after a comprehensive examination of the woman.

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Features of application

Mammologists prescribe the drug with a minimum course of three months. The drug is safe and therefore suitable for long-term use.

Mastodinon drops should be diluted with water and taken every 12 hours, twice a day, 15–30 minutes before meals or 1–1.5 hours after meals. Since sedimentation is possible, the drops should be shaken before use. The tablets are taken in the same way, washed down with a small amount of water.

During menstruation, Mastodinon continues to be taken. The course of treatment is repeated if, after a break in treatment, the patient’s complaints resume.

Like all homeopathic medicines, the remedy is easily destroyed by external factors. Mastodinon should be stored away from sunlight and devices that emit electromagnetic waves: mobile phone, TV, microwave oven.

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