How to take ASD fraction 2 for ovarian diseases

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My name is Khalisat Suleymanova - I am a herbalist. At the age of 28, I cured myself of uterine cancer with herbs (read more about my experience of recovery and why I became a herbalist here: My story). Before being treated using traditional methods described on the Internet, please consult with a specialist and your doctor! This will save your time and money, since the diseases are different, the herbs and treatment methods are different, and there are also concomitant diseases, contraindications, complications, and so on. There is nothing to add yet, but if you need help in selecting herbs and treatment methods, you can find me at my contacts: Khalisat Suleymanova

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The popular drug, obtained by the Soviet scientist Dorogov in the middle of the last century, has found application in the treatment of female diseases. ASD fraction 2 is used for ovarian cysts and other gynecological problems. At the same time, the medicine cures both chlamydia and serious cancers.

How to take ASD fraction 2 for ovarian diseases

The popular drug, obtained by the Soviet scientist Dorogov in the middle of the last century, has found application in the treatment of female diseases. ASD fraction 2 is used for ovarian cysts and other gynecological problems. At the same time, the medicine cures both chlamydia and serious cancers.

When treating with the drug, certain conditions must be observed:

  • The product is diluted only with cold and boiled water.
  • The medicine is sold in veterinary pharmacies in bottles of 50, 100 and 200 ml. Before using the drug, do not open the bottle. The product is volatile. It should be drawn with a disposable syringe.
  • Many proponents of the treatment have noticed that the medicine thickens the blood. Therefore, you should eat more acidic foods or drink sour juices, as well as water in an amount of at least 2 liters. A large volume of fluid puts a lot of stress on the kidneys. If there are pathologies of these organs, it is better to refrain from taking the drug.
  • The medicine should not be taken undiluted; it is alkaline in nature, but safe.
  • Medicines must be taken before ASD fraction 2, because the drug neutralizes the effect of other drugs.
  • It has no side effects, does not cause allergies or addiction, and does not accumulate in the body.
  • The drug is a powerful stimulant and is not recommended for women with mental problems and diseases of the heart and vascular system.

Back in the middle of the last century, the drug gave positive results in the treatment of female diseases, such as uterine cancer with metastases. This amazing remedy has no contraindications or consequences. The only unpleasant fact is the bad smell, but during use you can get used to this pungent aroma. The medicine does not like light and quickly disappears. It must be stored in a dark and cool place.

The drug is taken for all female diseases according to the standard regimen. The medicine does not affect the cause, it activates the body's protective functions. With its help, many women got rid of polycystic disease and ovarian cysts.

Here's how to take ASD for ovarian cysts according to Dorogov's recommendations:

  • 15 drops are diluted in 100 ml of water. Consume 4 times a day before meals 30 minutes. Duration of treatment is 2 months.

For diseases of the female genital area, more attention is paid to douching, as well as rubbing the drug into the lower abdomen. Fraction 2 is diluted in a ratio of 1:100. Take 10 g of product per 1 liter of boiled water. The solution is prepared daily. Irrigation procedures are done 2 times in the morning and evening for 5 days, followed by a pause for 3 days.

The medicine is not rejected by cells because it has a similar structure to them. Restores hormonal balance and improves immunity. Modern methods and followers of Dorogov’s teachings offer various methods. For example, Professor Aleutsky suggests using ASD 2 for polycystic ovary syndrome in several ways.

1 way

5 drops 4 times a day are diluted in 50 ml of liquid. Duration of therapy is 25 days. Then a pause for 10 days.

Diet and therapeutic fasting

There are a number of products prohibited for use in the treatment of kidney disease.

Fasting and adhering to a special diet are effective means of helping to eliminate a cyst in the kidneys. There are cases when, by abstaining from food for 5 days, patients were able to eliminate symptoms and even completely cure the disease, stabilizing the body’s position. However, after fasting, you need to make adjustments to your diet. For the smooth functioning of the body, maintaining a balanced diet is of great importance, since junk food increases the load on the kidneys. The patient must make the following changes:

  • reduce the amount of salt consumed;
  • do not consume extractive substances (meat, fish, mushroom broths, jellied meat, etc.);
  • Eliminate the amount of protein consumed from the diet as much as possible (meat, seafood, legumes);
  • eliminate alcohol consumption;
  • give up preservatives;
  • minimize the consumption of coffee and chocolate;
  • drink at least 1–2 liters of clean water.
    in a day. Adjusting your daily routine and giving up bad habits will have a positive effect on the results of your diet. It is worth leading an active lifestyle and eliminating the possibility of hypothermia. You should take food in small quantities 6 times a day. In addition, it is important to drink and use only clean water when preparing food. For this purpose, the liquid from the tap must be boiled.

When treating an ovarian cyst with traditional medicine recipes can be dangerous

A person will never stop looking for a remedy that will be able to cure various ailments and increase the protective properties of the body without harming it. Many medicines appear every day, but most of them, along with their benefits, cause damage to organs and tissues. And this is not only because of the large number of side effects. Medicines that are of synthetic origin are especially aggressive.

But you can still fight diseases without fear of harming yourself. And an effective and proven drug will help with this, even if not yet recognized by traditional medicine - ASD 2. This remedy has long established itself as effective and helping to get rid of a large number of ailments.

ASD is a powerful remedy that, when used correctly, can relieve a variety of pathologies. There are two fractions of the drug - the second and third. Antiseptic stimulant Dorogov 2F is intended for both internal and external use. The third fraction is a composition that can be used exclusively externally. How to use ASD-2F in the fight against various ailments, as well as for prevention? Let's look at the standard scheme.

There are two options for using the medicine. 1) The first fraction is to be taken in a dosage of 15-30 drops daily. The composition is diluted in cold boiled water and consumed twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, half an hour before meals. The medicine is taken until complete relief from the pathology according to the following scheme: 5 days of use, 3 breaks.

2) The second option involves using the medication with a gradual daily increase in dosage.

  • Day 1 – 5 drops in the morning, 10 in the evening.
  • Day 2 - 15 drops in the morning, 20 in the evening.
  • Day 3 – 25 drops in the morning, 25 in the evening.
  • Day 4 – 25 drops in the morning, 30 in the evening.
  • Day 5 – 30 drops in the morning, 35 in the evening.
  • Day 6 – 35 drops 2 times a day.
  • Day 7 – break.

After reaching a dosage of 1 ml, the composition is taken in this dose daily until complete recovery.

Dorogov himself and his followers developed many other schemes for the treatment of specific pathologies. ASD-2F promotes the treatment of the following ailments:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • colitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • thrush;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • mastopathy;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • herpes;
  • impotence;
  • infertility;
  • baldness;
  • otitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • sinusitis and rhinitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins;
  • tonsillitis;
  • enuresis.

The composition is effective in the fight against radiculitis, pathologies of the cardiovascular system and skin, neuroses, gout, rheumatism, eczema of various etiologies, fungal infections, psoriasis, obesity, diabetes, gangrene and other systemic intractable diseases.

The paradox of modern medicine is that the development of new technologies goes in parallel with a deepening into pseudo-scientific practices. And while pharmaceutical companies are bringing new effective drugs to the market that can get rid of many diseases, women are increasingly turning to traditional healers, homeopaths and shamans of all stripes.

This is not surprising, since traditional free healthcare still remains virtually inaccessible to the working population. Women who most often have diseases of the reproductive organs (18-50 years old) sometimes do not have the opportunity to see a doctor at a municipal clinic. And they turn to other specialists for help, often without medical education.

Traditional healers who offer decoctions, infusions and lotions as a remedy for all ills indicate that such methods are more effective and safer than traditional medicines. They put forward the following arguments:

  • Treatment at home is available to everyone and does not require much time;
  • A person without medical education can prepare a decoction or infusion of medicinal herbs;
  • “Grandma’s recipes” are cheaper than pharmaceutical drugs, have virtually no side effects and are suitable for women of any age.

Traditional healers often do not have a medical education, do not take into account the individual characteristics of the body and the dynamics of the development of pathology, and thereby can harm the woman even more.
Practicing gynecologists do not agree with this vision of the problem and argue against traditional medicine:

  • Herbs used in recipes are not included in the Register of Medicines. There is no reliable data on how such substances affect a woman’s body and the course of the disease. No special studies have been conducted on this issue;
  • Some traditional medicines contain components that are hazardous to health. With frequent and prolonged use of such techniques, severe disturbances in the functioning of internal organs may develop;
  • The use of alternative medicine in girls before puberty, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women is unacceptable. The consequences of such treatment can be unpredictable;

Traditional medicine cannot be used in the treatment of gynecological problems in children, pregnant women and during lactation.

  • Traditional healers who offer certain methods of therapy usually do not have a medical education and do not bear any responsibility for the health of their patients.

Before talking about self-treatment of appendage pathology, you need to understand what an ovarian cyst is and why it forms.

An ovarian cyst is a cavity filled with fluid. The exact reasons for its appearance are unknown. Some cysts arise as a result of hormonal imbalance, others form after suffering inflammation, and still others form during fetal development. Treatment tactics will depend on the type of cyst:

  • Hormonally active formations are amenable to conservative therapy. Taking medications allows you to stop the growth of the lesion and achieve its regression;
  • Organic cysts, the development of which is not affected by hormonal levels, can only be treated surgically.

Organic cysts cannot be cured with medication, much less with traditional medicine. These types of pathology require only surgical treatment.

The type of cyst can be assessed after a full examination, including ultrasound and some other methods. Often, an accurate diagnosis is made only after surgery and histological examination of the material. If a woman is seen by a doctor, the doctor can select the optimal therapy and notice complications in time. It is impossible to monitor the growth of the cyst and the negative consequences of treatment at home.

To treat hormonally active ovarian cysts, gynecology practices the use of medications that affect its growth. Only hormonal drugs have this effect. They stabilize the level of their own hormones and lead to the resorption of the lesion. Folk remedies - herbs, bee products, and other substances - do not have such an effect. They do not contain the component that makes it possible to get rid of the tumor.

Some ovarian cysts - dermoid, serous and paraovarian - do not respond to hormonal therapy. Traditional medicine recipes will not help here either. Neither honey, nor conditionally beneficial fractions, nor herbs can lead to the resorption of the dense structure in the ovarian tissues. The only treatment option remains surgery.

It is possible to cure an ovarian cyst without surgery using folk remedies only in one case - if the neoplasm turns out to be functional. This could be the following pathology:

  • Follicular cyst. Arises from an unovulated follicle in the first phase of the cycle;
  • Luteal cyst. It is formed from the corpus luteum in the second phase of the cycle.

For functional ovarian cysts, specialists may recommend treatment with alternative medicine as an auxiliary method of therapy.
With this pathology, various methods of traditional medicine help - herbal infusions, therapy with bee products, and spells. There is no mysticism, and everything has a scientific explanation. Functional ovarian cysts occur in women of reproductive age and can spontaneously regress in the same cycle.

This formation exists for 1-3 weeks and after the next menstruation is not detected by ultrasound. The cyst can persist for up to 3 months without causing any discomfort other than menstrual irregularities. Much less often, such a formation remains for a long time and requires surgical treatment.

In relation to functional ovarian cysts, “grandmother’s recipes” act as a placebo. Some of the drugs used have a slight effect on hormonal levels due to the phytoestrogens included in the composition, others stimulate the immune system, and others do not change the functioning of internal organs at all.

Watchful waiting is also practiced in modern gynecology. If a functional ovarian cyst is detected, observation for 3 months is indicated. Hormonal therapy is prescribed for initially large formations (from 4-6 cm), severe cycle disorders, including uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, and infertility. And only after three months, if the cyst has not regressed, surgical treatment is performed.

When treating functional ovarian cysts, observational tactics are usually used for 3 months.

Can a kidney cyst resolve on its own?

So, the diagnosis was made - a kidney cyst. This diagnosis is not fatal, so there is no need to worry. Moreover, there is a possibility that the cyst will resolve on its own. There are known cases of resorption of kidney cysts in a child during puberty, as well as in women during the postpartum period or during treatment for other diseases (for example, hormonal). However, you shouldn't count on it. According to doctors, the condition will be stable and harmless only if you constantly monitor your situation.

It is necessary to understand the causes of kidney cysts in order to know how to cure them. This disease appears as a result of long-term imbalance in the body, which is caused by hormonal imbalances or chronic inflammatory diseases. The longer this imbalance lasts, the larger the tumor grows, occupying an increasingly larger area on the kidney tissue. In this case, the cyst, as a rule, will not be able to resolve itself, since the body may simply not have enough resources to eliminate it on its own. However, if this process is not started, and the anomaly is small in size, then there is a high probability of complete resorption of the cyst.

Self-elimination of this disease is facilitated by an adequate diet and a healthy lifestyle with moderate physical activity. This tactic is called wait-and-see. If the cyst has reached a medium size, then drug treatment or treatment with traditional methods is applicable. This means using various medications or herbal infusions. We will look at medications and traditional methods in more detail below.

Review of popular alternative medicine techniques in the treatment of ovarian diseases

Alternative medicine methods can also be used for endometrioid cysts of the right and left ovary, but their effectiveness is questionable. Hormonal drugs have proven themselves well in the treatment of endometriosis. In some situations, surgical treatment is indicated. Herbal infusions, products based on honey and propolis and other similar components do not cope with the task and do not contribute to a quick recovery.


The use of herbal infusions is the most popular treatment option for diseases of the female genital area. Herbal medicines are offered to eliminate various disorders - menstrual irregularities, ovarian cysts and tumors, uterine fibroids, inflammatory processes in the vagina, etc. “Female” herbs are also used for infertility. The most popular, according to reviews, are the following:

  • Borovaya uterus. Due to the phytoestrogens included in its composition, it has a slight effect on hormonal levels. Has a weak antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Strengthens the immune system;
  • Red brush. Has a hemostatic and tonic effect. Used in the treatment of conditions accompanied by uterine bleeding and menstrual irregularities;

Borovaya uterus and red brush are the most popular among people for the treatment of female diseases.

  • Burdock. Juice and infusion from the root of this plant have an immunomodulatory effect. Stimulates the body's defenses, increases overall tone. Has a diuretic effect. In gynecology, it can be used for premenstrual syndrome: relieves swelling and alleviates a woman’s condition before menstruation;
  • Arnica. Strengthens the tone of the uterus and has a hemostatic effect. Used as a symptomatic remedy for heavy menstruation against the background of an ovarian cyst;
  • Celandine. Has a weak antiseptic effect. Acts as a natural analgesic - reduces pain, including against the background of an ovarian cyst;
  • Turmeric. Indian spice has a noticeable antiseptic and antibacterial effect. Stimulates immunity;
  • Linseed oil. It is a strong natural antioxidant. Improves microcirculation in the pelvic organs. Normalizes hormonal levels;
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Relieves intoxication, accelerates tissue regeneration, strengthens the immune system. Improves tissue trophism;
  • Black cumin oil. Has a beneficial effect on metabolism. Strengthens the immune system;
  • Aloe. Is a natural antiseptic. Copes with some pathogens, stimulates the immune system;
  • Ginger. Increases vitality, gives strength, strengthens the immune system;
  • St. John's wort. Has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, activates tissue regeneration and stimulates the immune system;
  • Peony. Peony tincture has a calming effect and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • Pumpkin. Strengthens the immune system, normalizes metabolism;
  • Calendula. It has an antiseptic and wound-healing effect. Has a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • Walnut shell. Increases the body's resistance to infections, strengthens the vascular wall, and has a weak anti-inflammatory effect.

Herbal medicines do not relieve a woman of an ovarian cyst. They sometimes help strengthen the immune system to fight pathology.

Most of the herbs used have nothing to do with treating ovarian cysts. Only some of them contain phytoestrogens and affect a woman’s hormonal levels. Other herbal remedies have only a general positive effect on the body. They strengthen the immune system, increase vitality, help cope with concomitant inflammatory processes, but do not directly affect the cause and outcome of the disease.

Herbal remedies are used in the form of a decoction, infusion or tincture. The latter option is prepared with alcohol and is not recommended for long-term use. Women planning to conceive a child should not take tinctures.

The use of herbal remedies as a douching solution is not advisable. Herbal components almost do not penetrate the mucous membrane and do not reach the pelvic organs. Douching is permissible only for inflammatory processes in the vagina, but is ineffective for ovarian cysts.

Honey, propolis and other bee products are used in the treatment of ovarian cysts. Both the preparation of infusions for oral administration and the manufacture of tampons for insertion into the vagina are practiced. The last option for ovarian cysts has no practical benefit.

Honey and propolis are considered products that increase immunity and stimulate the body to fight infection. Bee nectar is credited with miraculous properties. According to reviews, honey can cope with almost any disease. Treatment with beekeeping products is practiced in identifying various diseases of the reproductive system. In practice, honey does not cope with every problem, and it is ineffective against ovarian cysts.

Honey and bee products strengthen the immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect, but do not cure ovarian cysts.

Chinese tampons

Vaginal tampons made in China are very popular among women. According to reviews, they cope with almost any pathology of the pelvic organs without causing side effects. The tampons contain various herbs. Plant materials are packed in fabric bags. Tampons are inserted deep into the vagina and can be used on any day of the cycle except menstruation.

The mechanism of action of Chinese tampons has not been studied. It is assumed that they act as sorbents, collecting harmful substances. The instructions for use indicate that tampons have an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and regenerating effect. There is no reliable evidence that tampons affect the growth of ovarian cysts and can lead to their regression.

ASD faction

ASD fraction 2 is a solution for external use used in veterinary medicine. Prescribed to farm animals for various diseases. Studies on the safety of using the fraction in humans have not been conducted.

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant is considered a powerful immunostimulating agent. The drug is used internally (diluted), externally for wiping the abdomen and douching the vagina. Efficacy has not been proven. There are a large number of side effects when using the drug in humans.

The positive effect of Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant in the treatment of ovarian cysts has not been proven, but quite a few side effects have been noticed.

A mysterious substance, consisting of various inclusions of mineral and organic origin, is actively used in the treatment of diseases of the pelvic organs. It is assumed that mumiyo stimulates the immune system and thereby helps the body cope with the problem on its own. Accurate data on the effect of the drug have not been obtained. Shilajit is considered as an alternative medicine with unproven effectiveness.


Homeopathy is a technique of alternative medicine that involves the use of drugs in strong dilution. The concentration of the active substance in homeopathic tablets is so low that it is not possible to talk about its effect on the human body. Classical medicine does not recognize homeopathy and compares its effect with placebo.

According to many practicing doctors, the effect of homeopathic medicines is based on self-hypnosis. Evidence-based medicine does not encourage the use of such drugs in the treatment of ovarian cysts.


Medical leech is included in the Register of Medicines as an anticoagulant. Hirudotherapy helps thin the blood and improve tissue trophism. In the treatment of ovarian cysts, it is ineffective because it does not affect the cause of the disease. Can be used as an auxiliary method for functional and endometrioid formations.

Treatment with leeches is carried out by a hirudotherapist. Leeches are inserted into the vagina. The course of therapy is 10-15 sessions at intervals of 1-2 days. According to indications, treatment is repeated after 1-3 months.

Medical leech as an adjuvant can be used in the treatment of functional cysts.

Prayers and spells

Health conspiracies and prayers to various saints have nothing to do with medicine - neither traditional nor alternative. It is difficult to talk about the benefits of such measures. Science does not have data to refute or prove the existence of higher powers. In relation to ovarian cysts, conspiracies and prayers act only as a sedative and are not considered as a method of therapy.

Kidney diseases and their symptoms

After undergoing an examination and passing the necessary tests, we learn that the painful condition is associated with kidney disease. Doctors prescribe (in their opinion) adequate treatment and prescribe a whole list of medications. Sick kidneys are serious, that’s why we trust our saviors and take pills by the handful. Do not forget that ASD treatment is used for kidney diseases, calculating the dosage depending on the complexity of the pathology.

The kidneys are not only organs that remove metabolic products from the body, but also blood purifiers. The most common diseases that we suffer from today are urolithiasis, kidney failure, cystitis, and pyelonephritis.

Symptoms of the disease appear:

  • swelling of the face, lower extremities (fluid retention in the body),
  • increased blood pressure,

  • the presence of blood in the urine,
  • frequently recurring cystitis.
  • Naturally, such symptoms force you to immediately consult a doctor. Often they are all associated with pain and discomfort. This is right. It is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis of the disease. And only then consult about the use of Dorogov’s drug.

    Dorogov's remedy has important immunomodulatory properties. It specifically eliminates kidney problems, strengthens the body, activating its protective functions.

    For information: the main substance of ASD 2 is folic acid, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the renal tubules, increasing their activity. It is precisely present in Dorogov’s preparation.

    The principle of receiving a fraction is as follows:

    • For 50 ml of water, cooled after boiling, take 15–30 drops of ASD 2;
    • Drink the prepared solution half an hour before breakfast and before lunch, washing down with water acidified with lemon;
    • five days of treatment, three days of rest.

    Scheme for the treatment of renal failure ASD2:

    In 1 day you need to take the product four times, preparing a solution of 5 drops of the fraction and 50 ml. water. In subsequent days, increase the dose by 1 drop, bringing their number to fifteen. Maintain this dose for a month.

    During the treatment period, they do a general blood test and monitor their condition.

    ASD is taken for kidney stones, following the universal scheme by day of the week (it is better to start on Monday) drop by drop:

    Day of the weekMorning (drops) on an empty stomachEvening (drops) on an empty stomach
    • Continue taking the course for 1 month, twice a day, 35 drops. On day 7 (Sunday) – do not take the product.
    • After a month of treatment, take a seven-day break.
    • Next 3 months of admission (with a break on Sunday), 2 weeks of rest.
    • The initial course is 6 months.

    The attending physician monitors your condition and prescribes the necessary tests, which show the dynamics of the kidney fraction treatment.

    Do not try to cure yourself with shock doses of the drug and stick to the prescriptions.

    Good day! My name is Khalisat Suleymanova - I am a herbalist. At the age of 28, I cured myself of uterine cancer with herbs (read more about my experience of recovery and why I became a herbalist here: My story). Before being treated using traditional methods described on the Internet, please consult with a specialist and your doctor! This will save your time and money, since the diseases are different, the herbs and treatment methods are different, and there are also concomitant diseases, contraindications, complications, and so on. There is nothing to add yet, but if you need help in selecting herbs and treatment methods, you can find me at my contacts:

    • the presence of blood in the urine,
    • swelling, as well as fluid retention in the body, on the face, legs,
    • persistent increase in blood pressure,
    • frequently recurring cystitis.

    If such symptoms or discomfort appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will help you choose the right treatment. The use of ASD in the treatment of kidneys is also considered effective.

    Review: The drug ASD - fraction 2 - helped with ovarian cysts and allergies

    My mother is 52 years old. She had breast cancer (had surgery), and a cyst appeared on the ovary, approximately 4 cm in diameter. She met a woman professor in the agricultural field, and she told her about this drug ASD fraction 2, she told her how they treated pigs with it, and the body of pigs and humans is very similar, so it can be used by people, especially for oncology.

    In general, my mother bought it and ordered it from a veterinary pharmacy. The scheme was this: 5 drops in the morning in chilled boiled water 20 minutes before meals, drink for 5 days, break for 2 days. I drank for a month, then took a break for a month, then drank again. One of the features of the application is an unpleasant odor. The result after the course: the cyst has COMPLETELY resolved, and as an additional effect, the allergy from which she suffered also stopped bothering me.

    The only thing is that she thought the cyst in the gall bladder would resolve, but either a different regimen was needed, or it didn’t help

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