Indinol, indole, etc. who took it? (for mastopathy, etc.)

2 years ago I took indole for mastopathy, it helped.
Only doctors like to prescribe more expensive drugs, the doctor prescribed indinol for me, but it is too expensive for me (and I also have to buy it for 3 months), so I took the cheaper one - indole and everything ended well. Read the ingredients and think about whether you should overpay for the brand or not. Indinol, indole are all the same, only indole is cheaper and enhanced with broccoli concentrate. And indinol also contains milk sugar, so I avoided it not even because of the price, but purely because of contraindications - I have a lactase deficiency. So it’s better to buy indole and there will be fewer problems.

Homeopathy is not only useless but also actually harmful. When I started taking pills that I myself found for mastopathy, I felt sick during the day and in the evening. I couldn’t stand it, switched to indinol forto and everything got better

The topic is old, I don’t even remember where it says about homeopathy, but if anything, the main difference between homeopathy is the individual selection of drugs for the patient, and the fact that what is sold in pharmacies as universal drugs has very little to do with homeopathy.

I also had to take indinol forto, but I couldn’t avoid mastopathy. This drug helped relieve both pain and tension, and with it all my symptoms went away. I know homeopathy doesn’t help at all, as long as you drink it seems to have results, if you quit, all the symptoms return.

By the way, these capsules have been sold here for a long time, this is a huge plus. Many people know them and already trust them. Only good drugs stay in our pharmacies for so long.

To each their own treatment, a friend of mine also recommended Mastodinon right away. I even started drinking it, but when I didn’t see the result. I switched to indinol myself. Everything seemed to be more fun with him, the chest pain and lumps began to go away. After the whole course, I completely forgot where it hurt).

My mother took Indinol, lumps were discovered, the doctor reassured me that it was not cancer. But she said she definitely needed treatment. Indeed, after the course, my mother began to notice improvements and the doctor after the ultrasound was glad that everything had passed.

At the beginning I was treated with Mastodinon - it didn’t help at all. It was in vain that I was poisoned with it for 3 months. Moreover, I gained a couple of centimeters in my waist as I gained weight. But what really helped was Mastopol. I agreed to take it only because it is homeopathic, herbal and completely harmless. And when they told me that it was sold in pharmacies only with a prescription, I was completely captivated. So it’s not some kind of bad thing. Now everything is fine, I go once a year for check-ups. Even M and those somehow pass unnoticed.

The doctor told me that I need a certain diet to regulate the functioning of the internal organs responsible for the production of hormones.

He advised limiting the consumption of alcohol, fatty, fried, smoked, canned foods, as well as foods containing preservatives.

But as far as products containing fiber are concerned, he, on the contrary, said to increase them - these are beans and whole grain breads.

In addition, the doctor advised to consume lactic acid products every day, and, if possible, seafood, and not to forget about eggs.

And I almost forgot – salt, it needs to be limited. Because it retains water in the body, and due to this, pain and swelling in the mammary glands increases.

These are the basic principles of the diet that I followed. I thought it was nonsense, but it turned out that it was not nonsense at all. And the diet, coupled with mastopol, gave excellent results - I forgot about my pain, moreover, PMS became milder and went away, somehow unnoticed. And before, it happened that I almost threw myself at people)))) And my husband generally tried to avoid me these days.)))

“Mastofit Evalar”

Price: from 264 rubles.

Country of origin: Russia.

The preparation is based on an extract of broccoli and fucus. In addition to being released in tablets, this drug is produced in the form of a cream. According to reviews, the effect of use occurs already in the 3rd week of use. Many patients claim that chest pain goes away, and PMS is not so painful.

However, the number of negative reviews exceeds the number of positive ones. Among them are mentioned: the appearance of relapses of pain (despite the short-term help of the drug), the assumption of its hormonal origin, allergic reactions (urticaria), and even the possibility of triggering the growth of breast tumors.

In general, according to most reviews, the drug is not able to qualitatively correct hormonal changes in the body.

Reviews from patients and doctors about the joint use of the drugs Indinol and Epigallate

Indinol and epigallate are non-hormonal medications and biologically active additives (BAA). They are prescribed, as a rule, for the treatment and prevention of pathologies of the reproductive system in women. These drugs have antitumor, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

The combined administration of Epigallate and Indinol provides an enhanced effect of treatment. The combination of these two drugs helps restore the processes of apoptosis (cell death) and proliferation (cell growth).

Let's consider reviews from patients and doctors about the prescription of the drugs Indinol and Epigallate.

Reviews from patients about the drugs Indinol and Epigallate


The doctor prescribed me a course of treatment with epigallate and indinol for 6 months. I took 2 capsules twice a day to treat adenomyosis. During this time, the cycle became shorter and went astray. After finishing the course of treatment I had a severe sore throat. Perhaps it was she who provoked the bleeding. It all ended with glandular endometrial hyperplasia.”

“I have been taking these two drugs for 5 months. At the same time, the mastopathy nodes have noticeably decreased, bleeding during menstruation has become less intense (I have fibroids and adenomyosis). The stomach also practically does not hurt. I started noticing positive effects after about 3 months of treatment. The only thing is that the skin on your face peels off a bit, and creams don’t really help. The menstrual cycle has shortened by about a couple of days.”


Price: from 130 rubles (cheap analogue of Mastodinon).

Just like the previous drug, it is allowed during pregnancy, but it is not hormonal, but homeopathic. As an additional property of “Mastogran”, a sedative effect is indicated (a kind of herbal antidepressant in the fight against anxiety). Helps cope with hormonal imbalance. The main active ingredients of the drug: spotted hemlock, laconosa, red asterias and calcium fluoricum.

An affordable price and the absence of contraindications make Mastogran attractive in the eyes of Russian buyers. The drug has helped many people. There are an extremely small number of reviews among users in which “Mastogran” is suspected of a placebo effect and called a useless dummy.

Reviews from doctors about Indinol and Epigallate

“The administration of indinol in combination with epigallate gives quite good results in the treatment of pathologies such as mastopathy, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and many others. As a rule, patients tolerate these drugs quite well. Only some of them experience side effects in the form of gastrointestinal disorders, and some women gain weight. In general, these drugs, when used together, are much more effective than individually.”

“The combination of Epigallate and Indinol in treatment is effective in inhibiting the mechanisms of development of pathologies such as fibroids and endometriosis. The drugs affect all mechanisms of pathology development. Their effectiveness in oncological pathology has also been proven, since these drugs help to delay the development of blood vessels that feed the tumor. Epigallate and Indinol forte are effective drugs for the treatment and prevention of relapses of pathologies of the reproductive system in women.”

Final Thought

Thus, the main drug in the treatment of mastopathy is Mastodinon. Analogs of the drug can replace it, but when choosing one or another type of drug, you need to start from the individual characteristics of the disease. Systematic use of the above supplements, although not a panacea, when used in combination with basic medications can speed up recovery and consolidate the result.

To summarize, we can say that there are many products that can be considered as analogues of the drug “Mastodinon”. The price and instructions of each of them have their own advantages and disadvantages in the eyes of patients. And in each case, the percentage of negative to positive reviews is approximately 40 to 60.

All homeopathic medicines are not guaranteed to have medicinal properties, but they are definitely not cheap. Despite the unproven effect of its use, patients often feel better and the joy of life returns. So, it’s probably still worth trying and be sure to listen to the recommendations of your doctor.

Indications for use

Indinol Forto is a universal drug that was created for systemic treatment and prevention of diseases of the internal genital organs and glandular tissues of the breast.

According to reviews of women who have been treated with this drug, the medication stabilizes the balance of estrogen in the blood serum and eliminates the pathogenic process in the epithelial tissues of the uterus, breasts, and ovaries. Indinol Forto has the following pharmacological properties.

The drug Indinol Forte is indicated for use by women who suffer from the following diseases and pathological conditions of the reproductive system:

  • endometriosis (including all types of uterine adenomyosis);
  • benign dysplasia of the cervical tissue or the development of oncology of the reproductive organ;
  • malignant breast tumor with the presence of a tumor whose receptors are sensitive to the effects of the hormone estrogen;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • complications and painful symptoms, the development of which is associated with the onset of premenstrual syndrome;
  • HPV invasion into the tissues of the female genitourinary system (the appearance of genital warts, external and internal papillomatosis);
  • cystosis, polycystic ovary disease, or damage to this organ by a malignant neoplasm;
  • imbalance of sex hormones, which is associated with an increase in estrogen levels.

Indinol Forto is a medication that is prescribed for use in combination with drugs from other pharmacological groups intended to restore the functions of the female reproductive system.

The drug can also be used to prevent hormonal imbalances in the postoperative period, during the treatment of inflammatory processes in the tissues of the internal genital organs.

Indinol Forto (reviews from women are positive and indicate an excellent therapeutic effect that occurs after taking the drug) contains an active substance called indolecarbinol (with a concentration of 0.200 g in 1 dose). This biochemical compound provides the antiestrogenic and antitumor properties of the drug.

Auxiliary components of Indinol Forto are:

  • lactose monohydrate with a concentration of 0.140 g;
  • magnesium stearate with a mass fraction of the substance of 0.001 g;
  • corn starch (part of the capsule shell) in the amount of 0.095 g;
  • purified microcrystalline cellulose in the amount of 0.064 g.

Excipients ensure the preservation of the pharmacological properties of indole carbinol, and also contribute to its better absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Pharmacological group

Indinol is a dietary supplement, the action of which is aimed at correcting hyperplastic pathological processes occurring in the system of tissues and organs of the female reproductive system. Indinol is of plant origin and has antitumor and antiestrogenic effects.

The use of Indinol has a beneficial effect on establishing the balance of estrogen; the drug manifests itself as an inhibitor of various kinds of processes that can provoke pathological cell growth in the tissues of the uterus and mammary glands.

The drug is also capable of producing a destructive effect on cells formed in a pathological way, which are characterized by a high level of abnormal proliferative activity.

The supplement is noted to be highly effective in the fight against epithelial tumors of female organs and tissues, including estrogen-dependent tumors.

Indinol's activity is observed in relation to negative processes of a hyperplastic nature that occur in a woman's reproductive system against the background of disturbances in the phenomenon of cell division. The use of dietary supplements ensures the neutralization of factors that contribute to the appearance of tumors in the mammary glands.

Indinol is also used in the treatment of infectious pathologies associated with the human papillomavirus. In this case, the effect occurs as follows: the production of the EZ oncoprotein is blocked in infected cells.


Indinol Forto (reviews from women confirm the positive properties of the drug) is a drug that has the ability to cause selective death of degenerated cells, which can form the basis of a cancerous tumor.

The active substance indolecarbinol has a modeling effect on the cytochrome system of the endocrine glands.

The process of formation of the cytochrome isoform occurs with further hydroxylation of estrogens in the second position and the production of 2-hydroxyestrone.

The metabolite, which is synthesized as a result of the above biochemical reaction, is an antagonist of the sex hormone receptor - estrogen. The activity of genes, the induction of which depends on the level of estrogen in the blood serum, is suppressed, and the tissues and cells of the female reproductive system are no longer stimulated by sex hormones.

A course of medication is indicated for the prevention and comprehensive fight against diseases caused by estrogen hyperactivity. Indinol also helps eliminate the feeling of pain in the glandular tissues of the breast in patients with mastodynia.


Price: from 400 rubles.

Country of origin: France.

The drug is based on the active hormone progesterone. But unlike previous analogues of non-hormonal origin, it is approved for use by pregnant women. The instructions indicate that the optimal time to use Utrozhestan is before bed, as side effects include drowsiness and dizziness. For the same reason, it has low compatibility with driving. A confusing factor for many is the high price of the drug.

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Clearly positive properties include the ability of the drug to regulate hormonal levels. He helped some girls maintain their pregnancies.


Indinol Forto belongs to the pharmacological group of non-toxic drugs. The medication is taken orally, and the dissolution of the capsule with the release of the active substance occurs in the large intestine.

The constituent components of the drug penetrate the bloodstream, along with which they enter the tissues of the reproductive system and endocrine glands.

The final stage of metabolic breakdown of the drug components occurs in the liver. About 95% of the components of the drug are excreted by the kidneys along with urine. The remaining metabolites are eliminated from the body as part of the feces.


Indinol Forto (reviews from women are positive, indicating a high therapeutic effect that was achieved after taking the drug) is prescribed by the attending gynecologist, endocrinologist or oncologist based on the results of a comprehensive examination of the reproductive system.

For adults

Adult women with illnesses, the occurrence of which is associated with unstable hormonal levels and the negative effects of estrogen, take Indinol Forte in courses without interrupting therapy. The standard dosage of the drug is 2 capsules 2 times a day (no more than 400 mg per day). The duration of therapy is from 3 to 6 months.

In the presence of certain diseases, the dosage of the drug changes and may require further adjustment throughout the entire period of treatment, namely:

  • For mastopathy, the medication is prescribed to take 2 capsules 2 times a day for at least 6 months. (for preventive purposes, the duration of therapy is reduced to 3 months);
  • for endometriosis or fibroids of uterine tissue, the drug must be taken in combination with the medication Epigallate, observing the dosage of 2 capsules of each medication 2 times a day for 6 months;
  • when the internal genital organs are infected with papillomatosis virions, Indinol is prescribed 2 capsules in the morning and evening for 6 months. with the mandatory use of immunomodulatory and antiviral medications.

Release form

The drug is made in the form of yellow-orange capsules. The blister contains 20 pieces. 60, 90 tablets are packed in cardboard packaging. Forte comes in 60, 90, 120 capsules in plastic jars. Instructions for use are inside. Manufacturer: Mirax BioPharma, Russian Federation.


The main main element is indole carbinol.

Additional components are determined by:

  • lactose monohydrate;
  • modified corn starch;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • magnesium stearate.

The main element has antiestrogenic and antiproliferative effects. It has a negative effect on aggressive cells that provoke the development of cancer tumors in the mammary gland.

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The main component modulates the cytochrome system of cells, forms an element that changes estrogen to a new substance. It makes it difficult to produce hormones and reduces the rate of dangerous metabolites.

Prevents the formation of cytokine signaling mechanisms that activate increased cell formation in breast tissue.

Reduces the intensity of painful sensations, completely prevents the occurrence of mastodynia and mastalgia. It is characterized by a non-toxic effect and does not increase body weight.

The main element prevents cell division caused by non-hormonal causes, reduces the invasive initiative of the endometrium, causes apoptosis, prevents the abnormal development of new vessels, and prevents the formation of tumors.

It is characterized by an anti-inflammatory drug that increases the effect of antibiotics from a number of tetracyclines and beta-lactams, and increases the sensitivity of resistant microorganisms to the influence of antibacterial microbes. Provides an antioxidant effect, promotes the removal of radicals and nucleotides.


The dietary supplement Indinol n120 is used as part of complex medical therapy for women with ailments arising from hormonal dysfunction. Such as:

  • fibroids of the reproductive organ;
  • endometriosis;
  • cervical dysplasia;
  • mastopathy;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • adenomyosis;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • papillomas on the female genital organs;
  • cancerous tumors of the breast, ovaries, cervix;
  • as a prophylaxis and after surgery;
  • HPV.


It is not recommended to use the medication if:

  • period of pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • treatment with drugs that reduce stomach acidity;
  • individual intolerance and allergic reaction to one of the components;
  • age under 18 years;
  • lactose deficiency and malabsorption symptoms.

The drug is not prescribed to women during breastfeeding or pregnancy. Clinical studies on the effect of the drug on the developing fetus have not been conducted, as well as during lactation.

If there is an urgent need to use the medication, breastfeeding should be discontinued. For pregnant women, the doctor takes into account the risk of life of the mother and child.

The drug is used 1 capsule twice a day before meals, washed down with plenty of liquid.

The duration of the course is from 4 to 6 months. Afterwards they take a break and start therapy again.

Side effects

When using the drug, accompanying reactions may occur:

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • lengthening or shortening of the menstrual cycle;
  • abdominal pain, flatulence;
  • loss of appetite, body weight;
  • increased coefficients of prolactin, estradiol, thyroid-stimulating, follicle-stimulating hormones;
  • decreased creatinine, eosinophilia.


Excessive consumption increases adverse reactions, as well as:

  • dizziness;
  • vomiting, diarrhea.

special instructions

  • Not recommended for use by children under 18 years of age. No clinical examinations were performed.
  • During therapy it is necessary to avoid alcohol consumption.
  • The duration of treatment is recommended to be agreed with the doctor to prevent negative results.


Despite the fact that Indinol Forto is considered a safe drug, it is strictly contraindicated for use in the following cases:

  • the patient’s tendency to have an allergic reaction to the main or auxiliary components of the drug, which is expressed in the appearance of a red rash, hives, itchy skin, swelling, and digestive disorders (ignoring this contraindication can lead to the opposite effect and deterioration of the patient’s well-being);
  • congenital galactose intolerance, acute lactase deficiency;
  • the patient's age is under 18 years;
  • concomitant use of medications, the active components of which cause a decrease in the concentration of gastric juice.

The attending physician who examined the patient may discover other risk factors or concomitant diseases of the body that exclude the possibility of using Indinol Forto capsules for complex treatment of pathologies of the female reproductive system.

special instructions

The drug does not affect the ability to drive a car or operate complex equipment and mechanisms. While taking Indinol, the patient can perform work that requires high concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

The dietary supplement Indinol does not have any effect on the ability of individuals to drive vehicles and high-precision equipment, as well as to carry out activities that require prolonged concentration and intense attention.

The instructions for use of Indinol have a special instructions section, which describes the rules for using the medicine:

  • It is contraindicated to take the drug during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or under 18 years of age;
  • no studies have been conducted, but based on the pharmacodynamics and activity of the substance, it is unlikely that the drug has a negative effect on the ability to drive cars, drive dangerous machinery, or slow down the speed of psychomotor reactions;
  • According to reviews, preclinical and clinical data, Indinol is well tolerated, without side effects, provided that the therapeutically minimum dose is observed.


An overdose of the drug Indinol Forto can lead to upset of the digestive system and also cause the following reactions in the body:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the central and lower abdomen, accompanied by diarrhea;
  • the appearance of a red rash on the surface of the abdomen and other parts of the body;
  • urticaria and swelling of epithelial tissues;
  • incessant itching of the skin, which is one of the manifestations of an acute allergic reaction;
  • frequent urge to urinate, which also indicates individual intolerance to the medication and irritation of the mucous membrane of the genitourinary system;
  • headache, general malaise and physical weakness.

Patients who have concomitant liver and kidney diseases associated with impaired functional activity may experience an exacerbation of these ailments.

In this case, the addition of concomitant symptoms associated with pathologies of these organs cannot be excluded. The severity of overdose symptoms depends on how much of the drug was taken in a short period of time.

A specific antidote that neutralizes the effect of the active component of the drug is unknown. In case of an overdose, you must notify your doctor, take the sorbent drug and call an ambulance.

Further therapy is symptomatic and depends on the patient’s health condition. Activated carbon, Atoxil, Enterosgel, Smecta are used as sorbent preparations.

Side effects

The manifestation of side effects is characterized by increased symptoms of individual intolerance of the body. Most often they are expressed in allergic reactions.

Women may also experience the following symptoms:

  • violation of the duration of the menstrual cycle, which consists of its lengthening or shortening (both cases are a sign of hormonal imbalance in the body and indicate a change in the activity of the endocrine glands);
  • a sharp decrease in body weight, which occurs despite the fact that the woman eats well and receives in food the entire complex of substances necessary to maintain a stable weight;
  • changes in the biochemical composition of the blood with an increase in prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, estradiol and follicle-stimulating secretions;
  • drop in creatinine level;
  • eosinophilia.

The presence of side effects indicates that the active substance of the drug negatively affects the functioning of internal organs. Further use of the medication should be discontinued.


Price: from 130 rubles (low-budget analogue of Mastodinon).

The basis of the drug is an extract of the rhizome of Dioscorea, and its components are the progenitors of the hormone progesterone. There are not many reviews about the drug, but those that exist confirm Mastoklin’s ability to normalize hormonal levels in the body and eliminate pain in the chest. The only disadvantage noted by patients in a number of cases is the short-term effect of the drug.

Drug interactions

Indolecarbinol, which is the active substance of Indinol Forto, is not recommended for simultaneous use with drugs of the following pharmacological groups:

  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • hypoglycemic and antiarrhythmic drugs;
  • antiepileptic drugs;
  • preparations based on digitalis;
  • anticoagulants;
  • medications containing male or female sex hormones.

If a woman is taking at least one of the above drugs, then it is necessary to notify the attending physician who prescribed a course of therapy with Indinol Forto capsules.


Price: from 700 rubles.

The list ends with the Russian dietary supplement Stella, a drug similar in composition to Indole. Again, the opinions of patients are divided: some talk about the lack of improvement, while others talk about a miraculous cure in a month. And some lucky women associate their long-awaited pregnancy with the use of “Stella” as a dietary supplement.

We looked at drugs that replace Mastodinon. Cheap analogues are “Mastoklin” and “Mastogran”, their price is slightly more than 130 rubles per bottle. Expensive ones include “Femicaps Easy Life” and “Indol”. The rest are in the middle price category.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The medication can be purchased in retail pharmacy chains, but only on the basis of a prescription drawn up by the attending physician who is treating the patient.

Indinol Forto is a drug that has no analogues among other drugs that have anti-estrogenic properties. The medication is produced by several pharmaceutical companies under the same name, with a pharmacological release form in the form of capsules and the active substance - indole carbinol.

Indinol Forto is an effective drug that is indicated for use by women suffering from diseases of the reproductive system such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, cystic and polycystic ovaries, benign neoplasms in the uterus, and breast cancer.

The active substance of the drug helps restore the internal genital organs after they are infected with the human papillomavirus. Indinol Forto can be used to prevent hormonal imbalance. Reviews from women who have taken this drug are positive and also indicate its excellent therapeutic properties.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

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