Contraceptives Zentiva Bonade - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews YM terrible pre

Reviews of the drug BONADE, opinions of those who took it

strange, not a single review on the Internet... prescribed by a doctor, scary to start taking


strange, not a single review on the Internet... prescribed by a doctor, scary to start taking


I’ve been taking it for a year, before that I took Zoelli and while taking it, cystosis began.. well, this is my individual tolerance, I needed to add a little hormones. And Bonade is just lovely.. no nausea, no headaches, no bleeding, if taken according to scheme 63x7. the quality speaks for itself, why overpay if a large package can be found for 1100-1200 rubles? as the previous girl already said, this is an analogue of Janine, so drink with confidence, the drug itself is high-quality and safe.


terrible drug! I take it for 5 days - all 5 days I have constant nausea, headache and heartburn! Unfortunately, due to its specific nature, you cannot stop taking the drug! I take it as prescribed by the doctor! There are a lot of side effects!


strange, not a single review on the Internet... prescribed by a doctor, scary to start taking


don’t start Irina, it’s a heavy drug with a bunch of side effects! I don’t know how to wait until the end of taking 21 tablets... I take it for 5 days - all 5 days I have nausea, headache and heartburn! I take it as prescribed by the doctor.


Natalya Ivanova
I am 22, the drug was prescribed by a gynecologist due to my age. I took this drug and my periods were painless and less heavy, but the slight spotting in the form of bleeding did not go away. On the 11th day I went to the doctor, he said that this was normal, but he prescribed me another drug and forbade me to quit this course since most of the tablets were drunk and interrupting it could cause unwanted bleeding.

Bonade reviews. Advice and recommendations from gynecologists about contraceptive Bonade for use

Advice and recommendations from gynecologists about contraceptive use.

Doctors about the drug: which is better among analogues, side effects and effects, what helps.

Doctors' opinions, What people write, Forum

Bonade – have had experience in using Yes, I am using it at the moment No, but I plan to start taking the drug No and do not plan to use it in the future Bonade – duration of use No experience in taking the drug For the purpose of therapeutic and cosmetic effect No experience in taking the drug Bonade – have any side effects been observed effects There was no experience with the drug Bonade, side effects were observed Intermenstrual bleeding Pain/discomfort in the lower abdomen Pain/discomfort in the mammary glands There were no side effects There was no experience with the drug Bonade - assessment of use There was no experience with the drug Proalo 185

Human. Read doctors' recommendations about other hormonal contraceptives

You need to start taking the pills, let’s say if you started on Wednesday, then on Wednesday the days of the week are indicated there

The worst are hormonal. Personally, I have half of the side effects. It's horrible. Insomnia, chest pain. Swelling and enlargement of the mammary glands. Drowsiness, gastritis. Terrible pills. Stop experimenting on us.

good drug, but how long can it be taken in treatment

Drug Bonade

I have been taking it for 3 years to control uterine fibroids. The drug worked for me. At the beginning of treatment, chest pain was noted, there were no spotting or breakthrough bleeding. I take it according to the 21×7 regimen.


first day.. I don’t know. what’s next.

I don’t know what to replace the drug with. The doctor prescribed Bonade to me, but in our city there is no such drug in pharmacies. It was prescribed as a contraceptive and for the treatment of adenomyosis and retention cysts. What can be replaced? Hello, after hysteroscopy with curettage of the uterus, the histology result: glandular cystic hyperplasia, glandular fibrous polyp. The polyp was not removed. Treatment with Bonade was prescribed for 4 months without interruption. Please tell me help... Hello! Tell me how to take Bonade tablets correctly, from above or from below. There are no numbers or the word “start” on the blister, only the days of the week, but it’s not clear whether to start from the bottom or from the top? Hello, a spotting started, I thought it was the beginning of my period, at least a little earlier than scheduled, I took a Bonade tablet on the first day, in the morning there was a slight spotting, but now there’s nothing, my stomach just hurts a little like during menstruation, two days have passed, about... Taking medications in the absence of mensis Hello! Age 46 years. No mensis for 6 months, maybe 2 months and then stop again. I went to the doctor. FSH - 29.56. The doctor said that I was quickly approaching full menopause (according to the FSH results). Prescribed medications: Duphaston, optional... Hello! I took Bonade for 19 days instead of 21.. when to take the next package. on what day Question about canceling contraceptives Hello. I ask for your advice. I drank Ok Bonade for almost a year and a half (the doctor selected them for me). On April 1, I took the last pill and after the withdrawal bleeding, I still didn’t get my period. There are also no signs, although always 2 weeks before the critical day... Hello, during intercourse the condom broke and accordingly the man came inside me, my period started in the morning and I took a hormonal pill (I should have taken it on the first day of the cycle, I’ve never taken it before , these are the first contraceptive pills). Possibly... Do pills affect libido? I have been taking this drug for more than 3 years, prescribed by a gynecologist after an ultrasound. I would like to ask a few questions about this drug. Please tell me: 1. How much do pills affect female libido?

2. If I want to have a baby, how long should I avoid drinking...

No menstruation after taking birth control pills Good evening. The fact is that I have been taking birth control pills 21-7 for more than a year without interruption. All was good. Last month, due to the holidays, I forgot to drink it on time and it turned out to be 23 days. Naturally, I drank alcohol during the holidays. Today is the 7th... Menstruation did not come after a course of contraceptives. Good afternoon. I took a course of birth control pills for more than one year, not even two continuous courses 21-7. And then the moment came that my period did not come. Today is the 7th day. True, towards the end of this course the schedule was lost for 2 days due to a holiday... Hello. The doctor prescribed hormones to treat the cyst. First, I took a course of Duphaston. On day 1 of the cycle, I started taking the prescribed hormonal contraceptives – Bonade. On the trail. day, menstruation stopped, discomfort in the lower abdomen, intermittent and... Taking oral contraceptives I have been taking oral contraceptives for the second month, in the second month I started taking them on the 14th day after my period, it just so happened. Two weeks later the spotting started, I didn’t stop taking the pills, after 7 days of spotting I had an NPA, twice, there was an interrupted act... Good morning, the mammologist prescribed this drug, I haven’t been sexually active for 19 years, my periods are not regular. Question: can I use these tablets? Yulia Taking oral contraceptives and ultrasound Good afternoon! My name is Natalia. 37 years. I take the drug /bonade/21×7 to control the fibroid node. Tell me, when can I do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs - on any day or when the drug is discontinued for a month? Hello. I have been taking Bonade for 1 year. Over the past few months, a number of side effects have begun to appear. Can I just stop taking the drug? I am taking the drug Bonade. I missed 2 tablets. My period started today. How should I continue to take the drug? I take Bonade 21 tablets, contraception. I took a break during my period (from the 9th to the 15th) on the 15th and 16th I took the last two tablets in the blister, after which the drug was not used and yesterday on the 21st the bleeding began, “withdrawal”! What's up...


Bonade reviews from women with endometriosis

Endometriosis is a fairly common disease that plagues many women of fertile age. It is expressed in the fact that a layer called the endometrium begins to grow strongly on the surface of the uterus. This is the layer on the surface of which the fertilized egg is attached and continues its further development.

In the case when the pregnancy is terminated, the surface of the endometrium, its mucous layer, peels off and comes out, menstruation occurs. But if there are disorders of the reproductive system, the endometrial surface cells separate in parts, clogging everything in their path, which causes problems with all other organs of the reproductive system.

What are the causes of this disease:

  1. Disturbances in the hormonal background of the body,
  2. immune system disorders,
  3. stressful situations in everyday life,
  4. nervous breakdowns and tension,

It is sometimes quite difficult to identify this disease in the early stages, so it is usually detected at a stage of fairly strong development. By this time, pain in the abdomen begins, during urination, during defecation, sexual intercourse, and infertility occurs.

To treat this disease, a gynecologist may prescribe combined oral contraceptives: Klayra, Zhanine, Diane 35, Yarina.

The doctor initially prescribed Janine for me, but some time after a new series of tests she changed it to an analogue drug

What kind of drug is this?

Bonade is a hormonal drug, a combined estrogen-progestin drug with contraceptive properties. This contraceptive effect is the result of the interaction of various factors, the main of which is the suppression of ovulation in a woman’s body and an increase in the viscosity of the secretion secreted by the cervix.

The main active ingredient, dienogest, is a derivative of nortestosterone and has an antiandrogenic effect.

As a result of taking combined oral contraceptives, a woman establishes a regular menstrual cycle, the pain of menstruation decreases and its duration decreases.

The main active ingredients of the drug are:

  1. Dienogest is the steroid hormones estrogen and gestagen, combined in one drug; their deficiency leads to the withering of female nature,
  2. Ethinyl estradiol is a synthetic hormone of the estrogen series, a derivative of estradiol.

Additional auxiliary substances for proper dissolution and absorption of the drug in the digestive tract:

  1. Lactose monohydrate,
  2. corn starch.
  3. povidone,
  4. Magnesium stearate.

The drug Bonade is prescribed by a doctor in the following situations:

  1. For contraception - protection against unwanted pregnancy,
  2. in the treatment of acne - if other treatment methods are ineffective.

This drug has a fairly long list of contraindications for use; it cannot be used in the following cases:

  1. In case of intolerance to components,
  2. thrombosis,
  3. risk of venous or arterial thrombosis
  4. angina pectoris
  5. ischemic attacks and stroke,
  6. heart valve damage
  7. cerebrovascular diseases,
  8. dyslipoproteinemia,
  9. arterial hypertension,
  10. surgical intervention,
  11. migraine,
  12. diabetes,
  13. pancreatitis,
  14. liver diseases, liver failure, liver tumors,
  15. hormone-dependent malignant neoplasms,
  16. bleeding of unknown origin,
  17. pregnant women,
  18. nursing mothers,
  19. for injuries,
  20. for obesity.

It is necessary to take Bonade and similar low-dose combined oral contraceptives for at least six to nine months so that they regulate the production of hormones.

After long-term use of hormones, my health began to improve, pain and inflammation gradually disappeared, and a regular cycle was established.

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

Contraceptives Zentiva Bonade

They prescribed me these miracle pills to treat the initial stage of focal adenomyosis. I drank them for a total of 6 months. Before this, I drank Silhouette for two months, but due to severe tolerance in the form of many side effects, the doctor switched to Bonade. Among the side effects, there were headaches and, interestingly, only in the last two months gastritis, which had not bothered me since school for many years, worsened. Terrible pain in the stomach and vomiting is also due to pain.

But the most interesting thing happened after it was cancelled. Since my doctor did not warn me that COCs need to be CANCELED, and not just stupidly stop drinking and prepare for it, on the doctor’s recommendation, I stopped taking the drug after finishing the last pill in the pack. Not even a week had passed before my face was covered with black dots and small pimples with pustules. The same thing happened with the neck and décolleté area. And my once beautiful hair, very thick, dense and curly, began to fall out in clumps like that of a cancer patient. Within a month I lost my hair, the trichologist diagnosed diffuse alopecia. Bald spots appeared, especially in the forehead area. Just like a guy’s head started to go bald. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart. For the first time in my life I took the nootropic drug Phenibut to avoid shooting myself. The stress is enormous. I forgot to add one more side effect, weight gain 6 kg + cellul. I had to look for another doctor who prescribed Cyclodinone for me to normalize my cycle after stopping COCs. My face has cleared up while I'm taking Cyclodinone. Hair restoration takes a fortune, multivitamins, shampoos, concentrates.

Before taking any COCs to treat a medical condition, consult with several doctors and think carefully. The consequences can be very dire, including hormonal imbalance for life, and even more so when used as contraception. It’s not worth such sacrifices, one thing heals, and everything else cripples

I am adding to the review. I have routine examinations every year. At your own expense, of course. I donate blood for tests, hormones and do ultrasounds of various organs, including the thyroid gland.

Before taking Bonade, the thyroid gland was healthy. After almost a year of treatment, I went for a routine examination and was diagnosed with a huge nodule. which can no longer be treated!

As the doctor explained, the use of a contraceptive could provoke the growth of this node.

Another plus in the collection of ruined health!

Girls, think with your head before you start drinking THIS.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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