Vaginal suppositories "Livarol" antifungal - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Gumerova

Thrush did not go away after taking Livarol

Good afternoon. There were suspicions of thrush, itching, redness, swelling and white discharge with flakes, before menstruation every month everything intensified, during PA a liquid discharge with flakes flowed out a couple of times. I consulted a gynecologist and she prescribed Livarol suppositories for 10 days. I put them on, the itching and swelling went away, but there were even more white flakes. I also took Linex. Livarol didn't help or is it not thrush?

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Doctors' answers

It is not a fact that these complaints can be caused only by Candida; very often vulvitis/vulvovaginitis can be caused by a combination of opportunistic bacterial and fungal flora. The effectiveness of treatment depends more on the sensitivity of your flora to antibiotics/antimycotics, therefore, before prescribing treatment, it is advisable to undergo examination for STIs and conditional pathogens, take a bacteriological culture, including for Candida, with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics/antimycotics, in order to find out which of the drugs Your flora is sensitive. It is possible that your flora is resistant to ketoconazole, which is part of Livarol.

    2017-12-07 17:03:31

The symptoms you described are characteristic of thrush. But given the duration of the disease and the abundance of discharge, suppositories alone are not enough; you need to include oral administration of antifungal drugs. To select effective therapy, I recommend taking a bacterial culture with an antibiogram, since it is possible that there is resistance to some drugs. At least 3 days before the test, do not use vaginal suppositories or douche. Based on the results, the doctor will be able to prescribe treatment for you.

The most effective means

In order to get rid of the disease and relieve all the unpleasant symptoms that cause discomfort and interfere with leading a full lifestyle, it is necessary to carry out medication and complex treatment. Among the most popular drugs for thrush are:

  1. "Polygynax" is a complex antifungal and antibacterial agent, which is produced in the form of vaginal capsules. The drug effectively helps eliminate the signs of thrush. It is a mild and safe drug. In rare cases, a side effect in the form of allergies occurs. It is prohibited to use Polygynax in the early stages of pregnancy and during lactation. Depending on the specific clinical picture, the doctor prescribes the drug.
  2. "Mikomax". The drug contains the substance fluconazole. The medicine is produced in the form of capsules, syrups and solutions. In case of illness, it is enough to take one capsule at a dosage of 149 mg. It is forbidden to carry out treatment with the drug while carrying a baby and breastfeeding. A side effect may manifest itself in the form of an allergy.
  3. "Pimafucin" is produced in the form of creams and tablets. Natamycin is the main active component of the drug, which has a detrimental effect on harmful fungi. Very rarely causes side effects. This medicine is prescribed even during pregnancy and lactation. It has virtually no contraindications. Doctors say that this is the safest and most effective drug for thrush.
  4. "Livarol." With the help of such vaginal suppositories, thrush is effectively and safely treated. The medicine eliminates all unpleasant symptoms even in the chronic form of the disease. Suppositories are also used during pregnancy. Duration of therapy is 4-6 days. For chronic illness - 12 days.
  5. "Mikosist." The drug contains fluconazole. Thanks to this active substance, you can get rid of the symptoms of the disease. It is not recommended to take the drug for people who have serious kidney disease. Side effects manifest themselves in the form of nausea and stomach pain, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, and allergic reaction.
  6. Hexicon is one of the most effective and safe drugs used to treat thrush. The medicine helps to quickly eliminate the signs of the disease and prevent the recurrence of the disease.
  7. “Lexicon” is often prescribed by gynecologists to patients before childbirth for sanitation. In rare cases, a side effect occurs in the form of an allergic reaction.

Causes of discharge after Livarol

When treating candidiasis with suppositories, uncharacteristic leucorrhoea often occurs, and this makes the patient worry. One of the popular remedies is Livarol, the effectiveness of which reaches almost 90% if all the rules of therapy are followed. Treatment may be accompanied by discharge after Livarol, which can occur both during the course and after treatment.

In most cases, vaginal secretion is normal, but complications that arise for various reasons cannot be ruled out. They may be associated with thrush, other pathologies of the reproductive system, and also reflect improper treatment. In any case, it is necessary to consider the various options for leucorrhoea and their characteristics in order to visit a doctor in time and prevent the situation from getting worse.

Note to women

What to do if your lower abdomen hurts due to thrush? If symptoms of thrush appear, you should visit a doctor. The symptoms of such a bacterial disease may be a sign of the development of another serious pathology, so self-medication is not recommended - this can provoke the development of serious health complications. Medicines should be prescribed by a gynecologist. The dosage is determined strictly by a medical professional. Thrush is a disease that can cause the development of other serious pathologies. Where can pain occur with thrush? The causes of discomfort can be identified by a specialist after examining the patient. Painful sensations often develop in the lower abdomen during the process of emptying the bladder. Under such conditions, you should not postpone going to the doctor.


Features of the drug

Levarol suppositories are an antifungal agent that is prescribed by doctors to eliminate and prevent fungal diseases of the vagina. When used, the drug effectively fights foreign microorganisms, thereby eliminating not only the symptoms of a particular disease, but also normalizing the vaginal microflora.

It is important to note that Livarol suppositories have a selective effect, affecting only pathogenic fungi. However, there is no effect on the female body as a whole.

The fact is that the components of the drug are practically not absorbed into the blood, in which only a very small concentration of the substances of the drug can be detected, therefore it is safe for human health and cannot cause pathological discharge.

Of course, the treatment course may be accompanied by a certain vaginal secretion, which can be caused by:

  • removal of harmful microorganisms from the vagina;
  • excreting the remains of the candle along with leucorrhoea;
  • other pathologies;
  • re-infection;
  • improper treatment (violation of dose, course duration);
  • a certain state of the body (during pregnancy).

Prices for LIVAROL

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The active substance of Livarol intravaginal suppositories is ketoconazole. Ketoconazole is an antimycotic of the imidazoledioxolane group. It has a fungistatic and fungicidal effect due to the suppression of ergosterol biosynthesis, which causes a change in the lipid composition of fungal membranes. It is active against both yeast-like fungi (Pityrosporum spp. Candida spp.) and dermatophytes (Microsporum spp. Epidermophyton floccosum, Trichophyton spp.). Also effective against Streptococcus spp. and Staphylococcus spp.

It is used for the treatment of acute or recurrent vaginal candidiasis, as well as for the prevention of fungal infections of the female genital organs when the body's resistance is reduced, the use of antibacterial drugs and other agents that disrupt the natural microflora of the vagina.

Livarol suppositories are removed from the contour packaging and inserted deeply into the vagina in a supine position. The course of treatment is 3-5 days (1 suppository per day). For chronic forms, it is recommended to extend the course of treatment to 10 days (1 suppository per day).

Very rarely, genital irritation, burning, dizziness and nausea are possible.

Contraindicated in case of allergic reactions to ketoconazole and other components of Livarol. as well as during pregnancy in the first trimester.

Livarol can be used after the 12th week of pregnancy and during breastfeeding (with caution).

When using Livarol, no negative interactions with other drugs were identified. The likelihood of interaction is practically absent due to the low resorption capacity of ketoconazole when administered into the vagina.

There is no data on exceeding the dose of Livarol.

Suppositories for intravaginal administration with a weight of 2.85-3.15 g. The shape of the suppositories is torpedo-shaped, the color is from white to white with a grayish, yellowish or creamy tint. Marbling of the surface is allowed. Suppositories in contour packaging of 5 or 10 pieces.

In a place inaccessible to children. Temperature conditions – no higher than 25°C.

Do not use after the expiration date (2 years). Over the counter.

Active ingredient (in 1 suppository): ketoconazole 400 mg.

The use of suppositories in very rare cases can cause allergic reactions in the sexual partner (penile hyperemia). It is not recommended to use condoms and diaphragms in parallel with the administration of Livarol, since the drug reduces their contraceptive effect.

White cheesy discharge after Livarol

White discharge, which may have a thick consistency similar to cottage cheese, is caused by the treatment. This indicates that the suppositories destroy harmful microorganisms, and the therapy is effective. To understand this situation, it is necessary to pay attention to the development process of thrush.

Candidiasis can be accompanied by both minor disturbances and complete coverage of the mucous membrane by candida. As a result, they become white, very much reminiscent of curd mass. The active substance Livarol (ketoconazole) destroys them upon contact with pathogenic microorganisms.

Discharge from Candidiasis Secretion from thrush

After this, the fungal colonies fall away from the vaginal mucosa, and together with the remains of the suppository come out in the form of secretion. It is worth noting that the curdled discharge should disappear as soon as there are no pathogenic microorganisms left in the vagina. If such secretion recurs after treatment, then it is possible that the therapy was not effective due to a severely advanced case, or re-infection has occurred.

Livarol suppositories for thrush: how to use for women?

Both acute and chronic forms of vulvovaginal candidiasis in women always require the use of local antifungal drugs.

Therefore, this article will provide detailed and complete instructions for the use of Livarol suppositories for thrush.

Before using the drug, you must familiarize yourself in detail with the contraindications, dosage rules and possible adverse reactions.

What are Livarol suppositories?

Intravaginal suppositories Livarol is an effective antimycotic drug, which is intended in particular for the treatment of genital candidiasis and other infectious diseases of the female genital organs.

The product belongs to the derivatives of otimidazoledioxolane and contains a powerful antifungal substance - ketoconazole. It exhibits both fungistatic and fungicidal effects, and also has a strong therapeutic effect on the epithelial lining of the vulva and vagina.

The mechanism of action is to inhibit the biosynthesis of ergosterols, which is an integral part of the fungal wall. The normal pathogen cell membrane consists of five or six layers formed by phospholipids, glycoproteins and triglycerides, which protect fungi from exposure to environmental factors.

The active substance Livarol changes the lipid layer of the membrane, resulting in the death of the infectious agent. Since ergosterols are necessary for the normal functioning of the cell wall, further proliferation of fungi is stopped.

The therapeutic effect of suppositories is determined by their polyethylene oxide base, due to which the suppository quickly dissolves in the vaginal cavity under the influence of local temperature. Moreover, the active component is distributed evenly throughout the mucous membrane, promoting the removal of pathological secretions.

Instructions for use for thrush

The use of Livarol suppositories for thrush requires a clear knowledge of the instructions, which cover questions regarding the rules of use, dosage regimen, duration of therapy and contraindications.

How to use Livarol for thrush?

Livarol suppositories for thrush are prescribed, one piece per day (400 mg) for 3-5 days. The injection is carried out into the vaginal cavity in the evening before bedtime. To do this, a woman should thoroughly toilet her genitals and wash her hands.

After taking a horizontal position on your back, you need to spread your legs slightly. With one hand, the labia majora are opened, and with the other, the suppository is carefully inserted into the vaginal cavity. After the procedure, you need to lie down for at least half an hour and put on a sanitary pad over your underwear.

How much do Livarol suppositories cost and where can you buy them?

This drug can be easily purchased at a pharmacy. The question of how much Livarol suppositories for thrush cost is relevant and pressing, since their price is slightly higher than average and amounts to 400-470 rubles per package.

If this is expensive for you, you should not look for analogues on your own; it is best to contact your doctor, who will competently change the drug, taking into account the tests performed and the course of the disease.

Reviews from women

You can verify the effectiveness of the drug not only from clinical trials, but also by reading reviews about the use of Livarol suppositories against thrush:

Lisa, 25 years old: very good product. I have been suffering from thrush for quite a long time, but recently it has begun to appear more and more often and become more aggressive. The doctor prescribed Livarol suppositories for me, so on the third day all the symptoms disappeared, but I still completed the entire course. At the moment (so as not to jinx it) everything is fine!

Maria, 31 years old: the last time thrush appeared quite suddenly, so I went to the doctor on the same day. He, of course, took a smear, but immediately visually diagnosed thrush and prescribed Livarol suppositories. At first I was upset that treatment with suppositories could take a long time, but to my great surprise, the effect was already after the first administration.

Diana, 28 years old: a wonderful remedy. I have chronic thrush, so the gynecologist prescribed Livarol to take 5 suppositories every four weeks for 5 months. It helped after the first course. An excellent drug at a reasonable price. I advise everyone who has a similar problem, but it is better after consulting a doctor.

Katya, 23 years old: I was prescribed Livarol to treat candidiasis. I completed the full course, that is, I administered one suppository daily for five days. I did not observe any side effects, and the itching and discharge stopped almost immediately.


Secretion released like sand

When assessing the nature of secretion after suppositories, women sometimes note the following situation:

"I do not know what to do. I put on 5 suppositories, but the course was prescribed for 10 procedures. When I woke up in the morning, I noticed heavy discharge like sand on my daily planner. There is no itching or burning, but it’s very scary, because I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

In the absence of characteristic symptoms of thrush, you should not worry too much about such secretion, because it indicates the release of the remnants of the suppository from the vagina. Of course, it does not occur in all cases, but it does not indicate a pathological process. In this regard, you can consult a doctor and take a smear. But this is already being done to test the effectiveness of the treatment. You can also ask your doctor to prescribe a different drug.

Benefits of treating thrush with Livarol

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Probably every woman knows that Candida fungi “inhabit” our body from the moment of birth, but they become active only when the “protective function” fails. The risk group includes people who have hormonal imbalances, suffer from diabetes, have suffered acute forms of infectious diseases, as well as some women during pregnancy.

Since it is not always possible to resort to methods of treatment with “oral” therapy (taking pills), it is necessary to influence thrush by using Livarol suppositories. This is the first and, perhaps, one of the main advantages of suppositories - to act locally on the candidiasis lesion.

In addition, the drug helps to “demonstrate” a rapid therapeutic effect. Due to the low level of absorption of the substance into the bloodstream, suppositories have a relatively small number of side effects. A drug such as Livarol quickly alleviates the acute symptoms of thrush, which will help you “endure” the treatment period more steadily, even during pregnancy.

The majority of thrush sufferers are women. encountered acute symptoms of the disease - burning, itching in the perineum and outer labia, as well as copious curd-like vaginal discharge. Such discharge has an unpleasant odor, which becomes more pronounced with each sexual contact and is somewhat reminiscent of the smell of “spoiled fish.”

During pregnancy, women may experience pain in the lower abdomen and sharp sensations in the genitourinary canal when urinating. When thrush reaches a “new level” of its development, the itching and burning sensation when walking can become unbearable. In the chronic form of thrush, vaginal discharge may acquire a different “color range” - a yellowish or greenish tint.

A drug such as Livarol suppositories is most effective in the early stages of candidiasis.

If we are talking about the treatment of chronic thrush, then suppositories can only soften the pronounced picture of symptoms. In such cases, it is necessary to resort to complex treatment using tablets, cream or other effective medicine.

The drug "Livarol" belongs to the group of imidazoledioxolane derivatives, the action of which is aimed at the synthesis of ergosterol - the constituent substances of the cells and membranes of yeast-like fungi. The component ketoconazole, which is part of the vaginal tablet, acts as a “destroyer” of the restoration processes of old Candida fungi, thereby preventing new spores from launching deep into the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls and preventing microorganisms from multiplying.

This complex effect of the drug leads to disruption of the metabolic processes of yeast-like fungi at the cellular level and leads to their death. It is worth noting that livarol is used both for thrush and to prevent the occurrence of other fungal and infectious diseases, while the suppositories are not an antibiotic.

Watery discharge after suppositories

Abundant secretion, having the consistency of water, is allowed when treated with Livarol suppositories. Such information is not always indicated in the instructions, which is why it raises doubts among women.


Also, do not forget about the natural causes of watery discharge:

  • approaching ovulation;
  • sharp jumps in progesterone during pregnancy.

Also, such secretion may be associated with pathologies:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • cervical erosion;
  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • colpitis;
  • foreign object in the vagina.

If such discharge does not stop for a long time after Livarol, and also recurs after treatment, it is necessary to undergo a detailed diagnosis so that the doctor can accurately determine the cause of such secretion and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Bloody mucus from suppositories

Red discharge during treatment cannot be associated with the use of suppositories.

Discharge with a drop of blood

Here it is worth paying attention to:

  1. The beginning and cessation of menstruation. In this case, bleeding may occur on the eve of menstruation, as well as when a woman puts candles during or after menstruation.
  2. The presence of a spiral. If a woman uses the uterine device as a contraceptive, then bloody discharge is also possible, but most often there is a light secretion with pinkish patches.
  3. Pathology. Bloody discharge may indicate polyps, cysts, or endometriosis. But most often, such secretion is caused by suppositories that contain hormones. But Livarol cannot be classified in this group of drugs, so it does not stimulate blood discharge from foci of endometriosis.
  4. Pregnancy. Candles should not be placed until the 12th week, but red discharge is possible during pregnancy, and you should pay special attention to it. Women are advised to consult a doctor immediately, regardless of how close labor is. You cannot ignore slight pink discharge, which may indicate danger to the fetus.

In any case, you don’t need to worry too much, thereby worsening your well-being. But ignoring such secretion is not allowed. After all, all problems in the body are easier to eliminate in the initial stages of development.

Yellow and green discharge

Yellow or greenish color of the discharge most often indicates re-infection or improper use of the suppository. Sometimes there are situations where yellow and green leucorrhoea are released due to poor hygiene during the procedure.

Yellow-green discharge with pus

Many women are interested in the issue of incomplete treatment:

“This is the second time I have been treated with Livarol. At first it helps, and then it all comes back again. I stopped listening to doctors and am taking antibiotics on my own.”

But antibiotics do cause some harm, because they also kill beneficial bacteria, the lack of which causes the activation of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, advanced cases of candidiasis require serious and longer treatment, and conventional therapy in this case is ineffective.

That is why, when taking any medications, you must follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding the duration of treatment and the rules for administering suppositories. Also, do not forget that yellowish leucorrhoea can be associated with inflammatory processes.

Orange vaginal secretion

Orange secretion occurs most rarely when taking the drug.

Orange discharge Dark orange

It may be related to:

  • the body's reaction to suppositories;
  • the remains of a candle;
  • a certain amount in the secretion of blood and suppository substances.

The appearance of such secretion is not systematic, and it disappears immediately after completion of the course. If there are no unpleasant sensations (itching, burning, swelling of the external genitalia), then there is no cause for concern.

Symptoms of the disease

Can the lower abdomen hurt with thrush? Already at the initial stage of development of the disease, the symptoms are pronounced and cause maximum discomfort to the patient. The disease in girls manifests itself in the form of:

  • swelling of the genital organs - possible redness;
  • pain in the pelvic organs;
  • inflammation of the vagina and labia;
  • severe discomfort occurs when emptying the bladder;
  • copious vaginal secretions acquire a cheesy consistency and a whitish color—guys develop a coating on the penis (head).

There is a feeling of itching and swelling of the genitals of both partners. During sexual intercourse, severe discomfort occurs.

Can a suppository cause bleeding?

This question is of great concern to patients who are accustomed to associate negative changes with the remedy, and not with hidden pathologies in their body. And here the patient begins to read the composition of the drug and pay attention to the smallest characteristics.

The active substance of the Livarol suppository is ketoconazole. The fact is that this substance has some significant side effects on the body. Ketoconazole can cause low levels of platelets in the blood, a condition called thrombocytopenia. A lack of platelets negatively affects blood clotting. As a result, high bleeding may occur, but most often this is noted in the form of nosebleeds.

This effect cannot be associated with vaginal bleeding, because such a side effect occurs only if a person takes ketoconazole orally. And when using suppositories, the substance is practically not absorbed into the blood. A small amount of the drug in the blood is allowed, but it is not dangerous to health.

Indications for use

  • acute and chronic vaginal candidiasis;
  • recurrent forms of thrush;
  • for the purpose of prevention when exposed to certain predisposing factors, for example, long-term use of antibacterial agents, exhaustion of the body, chemotherapy, etc.
  • absolute. This means that the use of the drug is strictly prohibited;
  • relative. It implies careful use, according to strict indications and under the close supervision of a specialist.
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In general, it has to do with the immune system. The improper functioning of this system leads to the fact that contact with a certain substance triggers an immune reaction that can lead to the development of serious complications;
  • open wounds in the vaginal area;
  • first trimester of pregnancy. The first twelve weeks are the most important period during which the formation of vital organs and systems occurs. The use of the drug may adversely affect the development of the fetus.
  • Diagnosis of discharge

    Whatever discharge you notice after Livarol suppositories, it won’t hurt to visit a gynecologist’s office. It will identify historical data based on the characteristics of vaginal secretions.

    First of all, it is necessary to conduct a gynecological examination of the vagina. Next, the doctor may prescribe a smear to accurately determine the cause of the characteristic discharge. Here you can identify the pathogen and determine the level of effectiveness of the treatment that was carried out.

    In some cases, more precise examination methods, such as colposcopy, may be needed. But all this will be decided by the doctor based on the patient’s complaints and the characteristics of vaginal secretion.

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