Nizhpharm Depantol suppositories - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Anonim

Modern medicine offers many different drugs for the treatment of diseases of the reproductive system. But when using these products, women have a lot of questions regarding vaginal secretion of unknown etiology. The same can be said about Depantol suppositories: reviews of bloody discharge while taking the drug are quite common. And patients cannot understand what causes such secretion and whether there is cause for concern.

It is believed that Depantol vaginal suppositories are a well-known and reliable domestic drug of combined action, which has a minimal list of side effects. But every woman who uses these suppositories needs to become thoroughly familiar with the effect of the product and the likelihood of bloody secretion.

Relationship between drug and secretions

Depantol suppositories are a topical remedy, and it has several actions at once:

  • regenerating,
  • antimicrobial,
  • restorative.

Suppositories do not have a systemic effect, therefore they do not have a harmful effect on the female body. After using the product, characteristic vaginal secretion often occurs, but it is not associated with the negative effects of the active components, but is a consequence of existing pathologies. These suppositories are prescribed by a doctor for the following diseases:

  • cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix);
  • endocervicitis (inflammation of the cervical canal);
  • ectopia of the cervix;
  • after cryodestruction of the cervix;
  • to restore the mucous membrane after the birth of a child;
  • after surgery;
  • to improve tissue regeneration.

You need to understand that in all these cases, the remedy will eliminate inflammatory processes and restore damaged tissue, so bleeding will be considered normal, but only for a certain amount of time.

General information

Depantol is a combination drug that has virtually no contraindications or side effects. Its use is possible even during pregnancy. The active components included in its composition act in several directions:

  • They have an antibacterial effect, which allows the drug to be used in the treatment of infectious diseases.
  • They activate regeneration processes, resulting in rapid healing and restoration of damaged tissues of the reproductive system.
  • Restore metabolic processes.
  • They have antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects.

Despite such a wide range of actions and the presence of a large number of components included in it, including an antibiotic, the use of Depantol suppositories is absolutely safe. Unlike other drugs with the same pharmaceutical effect, this remedy can be used during lactation and menstruation. Even drinking alcoholic beverages is not a contraindication to its use.

The main active ingredients of this drug are Chlorhexidine and Dexpanthenol. The use of suppositories does not have a suppressive effect on lactobacilli, and therefore does not disrupt the vaginal microflora. However, in the presence of purulent processes in the organs of the reproductive system, its therapeutic effects are slightly reduced.

In gynecology and obstetrics, Depantol suppositories are used for:

  • Acceleration of healing of mucous membranes after childbirth, mechanical abortions and operations performed on the organs of the reproductive system.
  • For rapid healing of the cervix after cauterization, erosion, installation/removal of the intrauterine device.
  • Treatment of vaginitis of various origins.
  • Treatment of erosive lesions of the cervical canal in combination with other medications.
  • Treatment of cervicitis, in which the cervical canal becomes inflamed.

In addition, Depantol is often prescribed to pregnant women several weeks before the expected birth in order to sanitize the birth canal and prevent infection of the child during the opening of labor. Moreover, its use before childbirth ensures relaxation of the uterine muscles and the elimination of “false” contractions, which often bother women from the 36th week of pregnancy. As for contraindications to the use of this drug, these include only individual intolerance to the components included in its composition.

Composition of the drug and secretion

With any incomprehensible discharge during treatment, women are accustomed to sinning on the composition of a particular product. Depantol suppositories include:

  1. Chlorhexidine. It has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Dexpanthenol. Responsible for tissue regeneration, significantly improving the strength and vital activity of cells.
  3. Petrolatum. Provides convenient and painless administration of the suppository.

As you can see, there are no substances in the composition that could provoke pathological secretion. Naturally, it can occur, but only as a result of treatment, because the remedy is used for diseases that are often accompanied by bloody discharge.

Possibility of an allergic reaction to the drug

For women, the doctor selects the drug taking into account personal intolerance, allergies to components, which of course excludes the cause of the appearance of bloody discharge. But if you take it without the doctor’s consent, this could lead to not only unpleasant itching and burning, but also bloody secretion. A reaction to the drug can be detected within a day when it is absorbed and symptoms appear.

Therefore, it is important, I remind you, to take a test of the body’s reaction to the composition of the suppositories and obtain the doctor’s consent. Still, there is no need to worry. If you do not have, or the symptoms are not pronounced enough to prohibit use, you will be allowed to continue the course of treatment, which does not prevent you from seeing a gynecologist for personal peace of mind.

Stopping treatment by administering suppositories should be stopped and you should go to a medical professional. institution for consultation in case of pronounced symptoms or discomfort.

Depantol during pregnancy

It is important to note that suppositories can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But it is still better to prescribe the drug in the third trimester or immediately before childbirth in order to cleanse the vagina of harmful bacteria that can be transmitted to the baby during childbirth.

But here it is necessary to remember that during pregnancy, the use of any drug must be agreed with the attending physician and have significant reasons. Although the drug is considered safe, there are cases of complete intolerance to its components.

As for discharge, it can be associated with existing diseases, as well as with the pregnancy itself. Therefore, any red or pink discharge is considered a reason to visit a doctor, especially if such secretion is accompanied by pain and a general loss of strength.

Possible consequences after using Depantol

The period of use of the suppository is from 7 to 10 days. In some cases, depending on the disease and its severity, treatment can be extended up to 20 days. You need to use two candles per day.

Transparent, light discharge is considered normal; yellow discharge is also allowed.

Mucous dischargeLight yellow

If you take bloody discharge, which stops almost immediately after stopping the course, then it is not a cause for concern. But here it is important to exclude:

  • wrong treatment
  • the presence of fungi,
  • incorrect combination of suppositories with other drugs,
  • hidden pathologies,
  • problems with pregnancy, if any.

Hidden disease

It happens quite often, and it can only be noticed after a relapse of the pathology. For example, a patient comes in with certain symptoms, and the gynecologist prescribes Depantol, and it is during the course that the latent disease begins to worsen.

Most often this is associated with infections, microdamages and inflammatory processes. That is why a woman may notice a slight presence of blood in vaginal secretion.

Here it is important to conduct additional research to exclude negative causes of bleeding. If the secretion is associated with a disease that is currently being treated, then you need to complete the course and then take the necessary tests to determine the effectiveness of the treatment.

Therefore, doctors advise immediately reporting cases of drinking alcohol, using suppositories during menstruation, and also getting tested for HPV. In addition, the gynecologist must take into account the medical history, including cauterization of erosion.

Inflammation of the cervix

If the reason for the prescription of Depantol is inflammation of the cervix, removal of papillomas, then during treatment there may be a discharge with blood, which most often has a pink or brown tint.

Creamy discharge due to erosion Pink discharge Light red

There is also a greater likelihood of such secretion occurring if a woman continues to be sexually active during therapy.

Let us immediately note that suppositories cannot be a direct cause of the appearance of secretion with blood, so there are no obvious reasons for stopping treatment. Of course, suppositories can increase discharge, but this is the reaction of the microflora to the drug and its effect.

Could this be a pseudo-period?

Doctors note situations when a patient complains of prolonged periods after Depantol. In fact, these suppositories cannot be the cause of menstrual irregularities, so it is necessary to look for other factors. In addition, Depantol can also be used during menstruation.

Most often, spotting after physiological bleeding is associated with the presence of sexually transmitted diseases and gynecological pathologies. Also, injury after cauterization of erosion or removal of papilloma should not be ruled out.

Disadvantages of Depantol suppositories

Apart from the positive reviews online, many women leave some complaints and also criticize this drug. So, let’s find out exactly why Depantol suppositories do not suit patients:

  • Many ladies are not satisfied with the fact that Depantol suppositories constantly leak after administration. This is especially inconvenient given the need to use them twice, when in the morning there is no time to lie in bed, but you need to quickly insert a candle and run to work.
  • Some write that these suppositories, unfortunately, did not help them heal erosion, which is apparently due to the fact that this drug is not suitable for all women.
  • Many women often experience itching and burning while using this drug. It is especially noted that Depantol suppositories irritate external wounds.
  • Some people complain about the cost of the drug Depantol.
  • Women also complain that this medicine has to be stored in the refrigerator, which is actually very inconvenient, especially when you are going somewhere or leaving.
  • Some write that these candles helped them, but not the first time.
  • Many also complain about the appearance of bloody discharge while using Depantol suppositories. Reviews of bloody discharge are few, but still occur.

Thus, based on women’s reviews, we can say that this remedy is very effective and in demand today. Ladies report that gynecologists often prescribe this drug for the treatment of certain female diseases. Reviews from patients confirm the effectiveness of these suppositories. The disadvantages most often include minor disadvantages regarding the fact that Depantol suppositories leak very often, and, in addition, cause itching and burning. In general, candles receive high marks on various websites and online forums.

So we looked at the instructions and reviews for the Depantol candles.

Bloody discharge after Depantol

Some women use Depantol for preventive purposes, so they believe that in this case they can be sexually active. But during sexual intercourse, microdamages can occur that cause minor bleeding. It is mixed with a dissolved suppository and removed through the vagina.

Here, additional treatment for secretion is not necessary if there are no gynecological diseases, the symptoms of which may be such discharge. The same applies to situations after various operations related to the reproductive system. In this case, Depantol is prescribed to improve tissue regeneration, and this process does not last long, but may be accompanied by slight secretion into the blood.

Thrush along with infectious diseases

Let us immediately note that it is pointless to treat candidiasis with Depantol, since it has no effect on yeast fungi. But there are times when a doctor detects a specific infection in a smear along with a small amount of candida.

It turns out that suppositories fight pathogenic bacteria, thereby increasing immunity. As a result, lactobacilli are already able to independently suppress fungi and cure candidiasis. As for discharge, secretion with blood cannot be caused by thrush, but can easily be a consequence of the inflammatory process caused by infections.

Treatment with Depantol

Depantol suppositories, when used correctly, can cause heavy discharge, which may turn yellow due to suppository residue. Therefore, it is recommended to use the product before bedtime, using a daily planner for convenience.

If the vaginal secretion acquires a pinkish or brown tint, but is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms (pain, itching, burning), then the course must be continued, and after treatment, consult a gynecologist for advice.

If you experience discomfort, especially if pain occurs in the abdominal area, you should immediately go to the hospital so that the doctor can conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Analogs of suppositories

If bloody secretion is caused by intolerance to the drug, it is necessary to select an alternative treatment. Analogs of Depantol suppository are the following:

  • Gexigin-M
  • Hexicon
  • Klioron
  • McMirror

Find out in the article whether Hexicon suppositories can be used during menstruation. It is not recommended to change suppositories for treatment on your own, and only a doctor should do this. It is possible that your gynecologist will select another drug that is not on this list, based on the characteristics of the patient’s body and the state of the reproductive system.

After candles, characteristic discharge often occurs, and most often it does not signal health problems. But extra care will not hurt, because it is the nature of the vaginal secretion that can help to diagnose a specific disease in time and select the appropriate treatment.

We use depantol to treat cervical erosion

When Depantol suppositories are used correctly, heavy discharge may occur and may change color to yellow due to suppository particles. Therefore, it is recommended to use it before bedtime along with daily pills, is it possible to use them, yes, just in case, suddenly there are plenty of them.

Even if your vaginal secretion is brown or pink, continue your treatment, but you should consult a gynecologist after treatment.

If you have pain or discomfort in the abdomen, you should seek immediate help at the hospital in order to undergo an examination and possibly undergo important treatment for your health.

  • What is cervical erosion
  • The causes of this disease
  • How to recognize cervical erosion by symptoms
  • "Depantol". Its application
  • Side effects and contraindications
  • Cauterization of erosion and rehabilitation treatment with Depantol
  • Let's draw conclusions from the above

In this article we will talk about the effective treatment of cervical erosion. But we will talk about a specific drug for the treatment of this disease - Depantol suppositories. Let's understand the very concept of cervical erosion.

Let's start by considering the issue of cervical erosion itself. This concept refers to the process of pathological changes in the outer layer of tissue of the cervix, which causes the manifestation of ulcerative formations on the tissue.

This factor shows the danger of cervical erosion. It is also necessary to clarify that there are two types of this disease. One of them is called true erosion, this is a negative, but completely normal and natural process, it occurs due to mechanical damage to the cervix, and it goes away in about a week or two.

But in medical terminology, erosion is the process of the appearance of wounds on the tissue of the cervix, which, due to displacement, may end up in an acidic environment that destroys it, and this is how cervical erosion occurs.

The exact causes of cervical erosion have not been precisely determined, but doctors announce a possible list of factors that can affect a woman’s intimate health and cause this disease. They may not be direct causes, but their presence has a positive effect on the development of cervical erosion.

  • Erosion can appear due to the occurrence of wounds on the tissues of the cervix, the mucous layer; their occurrence can be caused by a disturbance in the microflora of the woman’s genital organs.
  • A general decline in the woman’s body’s immunity, which leads to low resistance to various infectious diseases of the genital organs.
  • The cause of cervical erosion can be a sexually transmitted disease, which becomes a positive factor for the appearance and development of the disease.
  • The cause may be mechanical damage to the genital organs received during childbirth or abortion.
  • Violation of a woman’s hormonal levels, which entails many negative factors and the possible appearance of cervical erosion;
  • Any inflammatory process can also cause the disease we described;
  • The cause may be promiscuity. This is both a risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases and an opportunity to “earn” cervical erosion.

What symptoms may indicate that you have cervical erosion. What you need to pay attention to in order to prevent the development of the disease and cure it in the initial stages. The problem is that there are no clear indicators of the onset of the disease; it does not manifest itself so strongly that you can immediately notice it in the early stages. But there are still symptoms by which it can be detected and classified.

During erosion, a woman does not experience pain in the lower abdomen or any discomfort, because there are no sensitive receptors on the tissues of the cervix. But a clear indicator is the appearance of bloody discharge after sexual intercourse.

This will not be a mandatory indicator of erosion, but should force the woman to see a gynecologist. But pain may appear during the menstrual cycle. Also, an indicator may be a failure in menstruation, or watery discharge with an unpleasant odor.

But now we’ll tell you in more detail about the medications that are used to treat cervical erosion. The most optimal form of medication can be called suppositories. Their main advantage is a local effect on the site of the disease and a mild effect. Therefore, most drugs for cervical erosion are produced in the form of suppositories.

But let's talk about a specific drug - "Depantol" in the form of suppositories. But please note that you should definitely consult a doctor.

In terms of its action, Depantol has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect on the microflora of the woman’s genital organs. It contains active substances such as chlorhexidine digluconate, dexpanthenol and depantol suppositories.

Depantol is used intravaginally. Before carrying out the procedure, personal hygiene procedures should be carried out so as not to introduce any infection, which will entail a number of other negative phenomena. The candle itself is in a polymer package; you need to take it out carefully, after washing your hands.

You need to lie on your back and insert a suppository into the vagina. The duration of treatment and dosage are always determined individually, but most often the treatment lasts about one or two weeks, and the use of suppositories is prescribed twice a day.

Side effects when using Depantol are very rare. But if the drug is not suitable for you, or you are allergic to any of the components of the drug, you may experience itching or a slight allergic reaction.

If you notice such symptoms, you should immediately stop using Depantol and consult a doctor. He will prescribe you a drug with a similar effect. Side effects go away on their own and do not require drug treatment.

Remember one important thing, soapy substances will eliminate the effect of this drug. So, when used, it will reduce the effect of the candle to nothing. Avoid intravaginal use of soapy substances.

It is also worth clarifying that treatment of cervical erosion with medications is carried out when the disease is at the initial stage and is still susceptible to such effects. It is also worth mentioning that erosion is often treated by cauterization. In this case, Depantol suppositories are used to rehabilitate the condition of the tissues of the genital organs.

They have a softening and restorative effect on the tissue of the cervix. But even with this use, you should consult a gynecologist. He will prescribe you treatment for erosion and recovery measures after it.

Let's draw the main conclusions. "Depantol" has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect, eliminating cervical erosion in the initial stages, when this can be done with medication. But its use must be agreed upon with a gynecologist, who will determine the dosage of the drug and the duration of the course of treatment or recovery after cauterization of cervical erosion.

There are a number of symptoms by which cervical erosion can be recognized. If they occur, urgently contact a gynecologist for examination and consultation. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances.

This may only cause more harm to your body rather than cure the existing disease. You need to take your health seriously and take all available measures to preserve it.

Try to avoid factors that put you at risk for erosion. Be responsible when using medications, strictly follow the instructions and dosage. Be careful and attentive; only the correct use of medications will ensure a speedy recovery.

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