Hormonal drug Buserelin-depot - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Ninel This is the second month I have been taking buselirin. The condition is terrible. Seals are flying out

The main active ingredient in the drug is buserelin acetate. This is an analogue of the hormones of the hypothalamus of the brain, which under normal conditions are responsible for the level of production of FSH and LH by the pituitary gland. And they, in turn, stimulate the production of estrogen and progesterone by the ovaries. This is how the chain of relationships between the main structures and the regulation of the functions of the genital organs is carried out.

At constantly high concentrations of the drug in the blood, the hypothalamus is inhibited, the woman’s body enters a state of drug-induced menopause , and the ovaries temporarily stop functioning as intensively as usual. As a result, the level of estrogen and progesterone decreases.

Thus, “Buserelin” introduces the woman’s body into a state similar to natural menopause. After some time, it cannot be distinguished from the one that could develop after surgical removal of the ovaries. A clear advantage of drug therapy is that its effect is reversible: as soon as a woman stops taking the medicine, all reproductive functions of the body are resumed, and diseases such as endometriosis are suppressed for a long time.

"Buserelin", like other similar drugs, is used to treat hormone-dependent diseases of a benign and malignant nature. Often used as a complex therapy for uterine fibroids and endometriosis. The drug is also used in stimulation schemes for IVF.

"Buserelin" is a serious drug and can cause a number of side effects similar to menopause:

  • hot flashes, feeling of heat;
  • increased sweating;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • psycho-emotional lability;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • metabolic disorders and others.

With prolonged treatment, the risk of bone fractures increases due to a decrease in their mineral density. Therefore, women are recommended to take calcium and vitamin D in parallel to prevent such conditions. With courses of 3-6 months, no significant deviations are observed.

Most often, 3.75 mg of Buserelin is prescribed three times every 28 days. Such regimens are used in the treatment of endometriosis, as preoperative preparation for uterine fibroids.

The drug is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously; there are also forms for injection into the nasal passages. After the first injection, menstrual function may be maintained. However, it is assumed that the discharge will be more scanty . Some women, while taking Buserelin, experience spotting without any cyclicity or regularity . This is a kind of adaptation of the body.

Bleeding during treatment is also allowed; in most cases, it is not an indication for discontinuation of therapy. Usually, already in the 2-3rd month, women are in a state of drug-induced amenorrhea , there is no discharge. Some women experience spotting or similar in volume to normal on the days of their menstruation.

The nature of menstrual function may differ from woman to woman. As a rule, there is no normal, habitual discharge; its nature changes.

Restoring menstrual function is individual. However, there are certain guidelines.

With the nasal form (in this case, “Buserelin” is injected every 6-8 hours into the nasal passages daily) or with a dose of 3.5 mg, the usual course of treatment lasts 3 months, sometimes extended to 6. When using depot forms, the frequency of injections is reduced.

After the last dose of the medicine, at least about 1 month must pass for the reproductive system to recover. After 45 days, the first ovulation may occur, followed by menstruation. But even without menstruation, a woman can become pregnant , this should be taken into account if there is a delay.

Slower recovery occurs in the following cases:

  • In women after 35 years . By this time, the ovaries may already be exhausted, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition to early menopause.
  • For premature ovarian failure . For example, this is possible after undergoing surgical interventions or multiple stimulations.

A functioning ovary is normal.
In exceptional cases, menstruation never returns , and the woman gradually enters menopause. As a rule, this happens in girls with a complicated medical history and the presence of diseases of the genital organs. If there is a delay, pregnancy should first be excluded.

Thus, the first menstruation may have the following unusual characteristics:

  • to be meager;
  • Delays are possible.

The appearance of heavy menstruation, bleeding and other abnormalities is a sign of the ineffectiveness of the treatment.

If the drug was used to treat endometriosis or adenomyosis, then for some time they may remain normal and not pathological. This is the goal of treatment.

Read more in our article about menstruation after Buserelin.

Buserelin: menstruation after the first and last injection

Everything is individual, my sister had the same thing, but after the last injection of buserilin, she became pregnant on the third cycle, I was so unlucky, everyone’s body reacts differently

Thanks for the answer! Good luck to you!

You have to do as the surgeon says, because only he can see what’s inside you and you can immediately get pregnant or go through menopause.

When I went to the lapar, my surgeon said that you will try to get pregnant right after you get pregnant, during the operation there were many foci of endometriosis and the cyst was removed on the right ovary, after which he said that it was better to use IR first, so that there would be no relapse, there were too many foci, and four injections of buserilin, I made three because...

my hair started to fall off a lot, and I immediately warn you that buserilin is torture, and it is better to take the course in the fall, winter, after the last injection, the months started in three months, but the right ovary did not work, pregnancy did not occur, the operation was in August 2021, at the moment 9 months later, when I no longer had any hope, my ovary started working, and now I’m trying to get pregnant with hope

This is what is written in the instructions for the drug Buserelin

Pharmacological properties of the drug Buserelin. Causes an increase in the amount of sex hormones in the blood plasma for a short time.

Subsequent use of the drug in prescribed therapeutic doses usually leads to complete blockade (after about 12-14 days) of the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland. At the same time, the release of the hormones FSH and LH is inhibited.

As a result, one can observe suppression of the synthesis of sex hormones in the ovaries and a decrease in the concentration of the hormone estradiol in the blood plasma to values ​​​​corresponding to the postmenopausal period. The use of Buserelin causes amenorrhea in most women.

At the same time, about 30% of patients experience occasional spotting, and 2% of women experience uterine bleeding. The menstrual cycle is restored approximately 83 days after the last use of Buserelin.

What's really happening?

When there is no period for a long time after a course of treatment with Buserelin, we can say that the reaction of the female body in this regard is completely normal - the return of the menstrual cycle actually occurs individually. There cannot be an exact number of days here. Sometimes it takes months to restore the menstrual cycle. At the same time, planning a pregnancy is quite possible.

Why didn't my period come after 80-90 days?

The main reasons why the cycle is late:

  • Stress, nervous breakdowns, heavy load on the nervous system (the central nervous system, when overloaded, can inhibit the onset of menstruation)
  • The presence of an inflammatory-infectious focus in the body (toxins entering the bloodstream can interfere with the normal function of the endometrium)
  • Taking any other medications that suppress reproductive function or disrupt the menstrual cycle (androgens, for example).

Most doctors believe that after discontinuing buserelin depot, you should wait 4-6 months, and if then the cycle does not restore, then you need to contact a gynecologist so that he can identify the cause of amenorrhea and prescribe appropriate treatment.

When periods occur, they are usually painless and without premenstrual syndrome.

It is worth noting that if the bleeding is too abundant and lasts a long time, this may indicate the onset of the development of endometriosis or a decrease in existing fibroids.

If menstruation is short and stops quickly, this may indicate the presence of an ovarian cyst. In any case, if any suspicious signs of the cycle are detected, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

Menstruation after taking Buserelin

Modern advances in medicine and pharmacology truly amaze the mind. The capabilities of modern drugs are amazing. One of these amazing drugs is drugs called gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues.

When do you get your period after buserelin?

Medicine does not stand still, and one of the latest achievements in the treatment of gynecological diseases was the invention of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, called “Buserelin”. This drug promotes the rapid growth and spread of healthy tissue in diseases such as uterine fibroids, tumors and endometriosis.

This kind of treatment has a strong effect on the reproductive system, which moves to the stage of menopause in its artificial manifestation: the endometrium slows down its growth, a follicle cannot form in the ovaries, as a result of which the egg cannot mature.

In simple words, menstruation after Buserelin is impossible until the course of treatment is completed.

Analogues of the drug

Pharmaceutical drugs will help reduce the risk of developing hormonal diseases:

Menstruation after buserelin

Yesterday I was at an appointment in my city where they will prepare me for laparoscopy. She said that buserelin would definitely need to be injected to cure endometriosis. 4 injections were prescribed. I thought I’d refuse, but now I don’t know if it’s really necessary. And I’m still tormented by the question of how soon after it my period begins.

I have already been taking Visanne for 3 months, the cycle quickly recovered (28 days). But what about this drug?! I read that recovery there takes half a year.

I'm just tired of waiting, for me every month already feels like a year. Also, the surgery is only in October.

Girls, who injected him, how was the cycle then? And is it even worth doing this? Who became pregnant after removal of an endometrioid cyst and endometriosis.

How is your period after treatment?

Over time, the woman’s body recovers, and menstrual function becomes normal. The appearance of heavy menstruation, bleeding and other abnormalities is a sign of ineffectiveness of the treatment.

If the drug was used to treat endometriosis or adenomyosis, then for some time they may remain normal and not pathological, which is the goal of treatment.

And here is more information about how menstruation is restored after Diferelin.

“Buserelin” is a serious hormonal drug that affects the body at the level of the hypothalamus of the brain. Leads to a deficiency of sex hormones and causes a state of drug-induced menopause. "Buserelin" and similar medications have a number of side effects and contraindications, and therefore should be prescribed only by experienced doctors.

When reproductive functions begin to recover

As mentioned above, the main sex hormones will fully return to their work after Buserelin no earlier than 1.5–2 months. In the first cycle, ovulation does not occur, but the second is absolutely complete and may well be marked by successful conception.

Bloody discharge that appears earlier than the specified period is a sign that hormonal imbalances have not been completely eliminated, and therapy should be continued or revised.

Source: https://prime-medical.ru/buserelin-mesyachnye-posle-pervogo-i-po/

Modern methods of treating fibroids

Doctors at our clinics use an innovative method of treating fibroids – uterine artery embolization. The procedure is performed not by a gynecologist, but by an endovascular surgeon. He is a highly qualified specialist in the field of vascular surgery and radiology.

Embolization is not accompanied by pain and does not require anesthesia. The doctor punctures the right common femoral artery under local anesthesia. After this, a thin catheter is inserted into the vessel and passed into the uterine arteries. Then an embolization drug is injected through the catheter, which blocks the vessels feeding the fibroid. Microparticles of the drug are biologically inert and do not cause allergic reactions.

Reviews about the procedure are only positive. Immediately after embolization, menstrual bleeding is normalized, its duration and volume are reduced. After a few weeks or months, the symptoms of compression decrease and disappear. Within 6-8 months after the procedure, myomatous nodes and the overall size of the uterus decrease. Small myomatous formations disappear completely. They are replaced by scar tissue and never increase in size, while after taking buserelin, fibroids grow back.

Please let me know if anyone has gone through this! I read that you can’t inject it until you’re 30 years old, is that true? !that it can completely suppress the function of the ovaries and it will no longer be possible to get pregnant ((And maybe there is something against endometriosis?? I don’t know what to do, I cry all the time, I thought laparoscopy would solve all the problems, but then the doctor said that it’s easy will appear again(((((((

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Anastasia Sergeevna Shikhaleeva

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Antakova Lyubov Nikolaevna

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Semikolennykh Nadezhda Vladimirovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Veronica Viktorovna Dobroselskaya

Psychologist, Weight correction. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Wrzecinska Eva

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Tiselskaya Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nekrasova Natalia

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

What and when will your periods be after Buserelin?

The main active ingredient in the drug is buserelin acetate.

This is an analogue of the hormones of the hypothalamus of the brain, which under normal conditions are responsible for the level of production of FSH and LH by the pituitary gland.

And they, in turn, stimulate the production of estrogen and progesterone by the ovaries. This is how the chain of relationships between the main structures and the regulation of the functions of the genital organs is carried out.

At constantly high concentrations of the drug in the blood, the hypothalamus is inhibited, the woman’s body enters a state of drug-induced menopause , and the ovaries temporarily stop functioning as intensively as usual. As a result, the level of estrogen and progesterone decreases.

Thus, “Buserelin” introduces the woman’s body into a state similar to natural menopause. After some time, it cannot be distinguished from the one that could develop after surgical removal of the ovaries.

A clear advantage of drug therapy is that its effect is reversible: as soon as a woman stops taking the medicine, all reproductive functions of the body are resumed, and diseases such as endometriosis are suppressed for a long time.

"Buserelin", like other similar drugs, is used to treat hormone-dependent diseases of a benign and malignant nature. Often used as a complex therapy for uterine fibroids and endometriosis. The drug is also used in stimulation schemes for IVF.

"Buserelin" is a serious drug and can cause a number of side effects similar to menopause:

  • hot flashes, feeling of heat;
  • increased sweating;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • psycho-emotional lability;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • metabolic disorders and others.

With prolonged treatment, the risk of bone fractures increases due to a decrease in their mineral density. Therefore, women are recommended to take calcium and vitamin D in parallel to prevent such conditions. With courses of 3-6 months, no significant deviations are observed.

Most often, 3.75 mg of Buserelin is prescribed three times every 28 days. Such regimens are used in the treatment of endometriosis, as preoperative preparation for uterine fibroids.

The drug is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously; there are also forms for injection into the nasal passages. After the first injection, menstrual function may be maintained.

However, it is assumed that the discharge will be more scanty . Some women, while taking Buserelin, experience spotting without any cyclicity or regularity .

This is a kind of adaptation of the body.

Bleeding during treatment is also allowed; in most cases, it is not an indication for discontinuation of therapy. Usually, already in the 2-3rd month, women are in a state of drug-induced amenorrhea , there is no discharge. Some women experience spotting or similar in volume to normal on the days of their menstruation.

The nature of menstrual function may differ from woman to woman. As a rule, there is no normal, habitual discharge; its nature changes.

Restoring menstrual function is individual. However, there are certain guidelines.

With the nasal form (in this case, “Buserelin” is injected every 6-8 hours into the nasal passages daily) or with a dose of 3.5 mg, the usual course of treatment lasts 3 months, sometimes extended to 6. When using depot forms, the frequency of injections is reduced.

After the last dose of the medicine, at least about 1 month must pass for the reproductive system to recover. After 45 days, the first ovulation may occur, followed by menstruation. But even without menstruation, a woman can become pregnant , this should be taken into account if there is a delay.

Slower recovery occurs in the following cases:

  • In women after 35 years . By this time, the ovaries may already be exhausted, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition to early menopause.
  • For premature ovarian failure . For example, this is possible after undergoing surgical interventions or multiple stimulations.

Normal functioning ovary

In exceptional cases, menstruation never returns , and the woman gradually enters menopause. As a rule, this happens in girls with a complicated medical history and the presence of diseases of the genital organs. If there is a delay, pregnancy should first be excluded.

Thus, the first menstruation may have the following unusual characteristics:

  • to be meager;
  • Delays are possible.

The appearance of heavy menstruation, bleeding and other abnormalities is a sign of the ineffectiveness of the treatment.

If the drug was used to treat endometriosis or adenomyosis, then for some time they may remain normal and not pathological. This is the goal of treatment.

Read more in our article about menstruation after Buserelin.

The action of "Buserelin" and its influence on the reproductive system

The main active ingredient in the drug is buserelin acetate.

This is an analogue of the hormones of the hypothalamus of the brain, which under normal conditions are responsible for the level of production of FSH and LH by the pituitary gland.

And they, in turn, stimulate the production of estrogen and progesterone by the ovaries. This is how the chain of relationships between the main structures and the regulation of the functions of the genital organs is carried out.

Small single doses of the drug stimulate the release of the hypothalamus' own hormones, which increases the pituitary gland's secretion of its biologically active substances.

However, with constant high concentrations of the drug in the blood, the hypothalamus is inhibited, the woman’s body enters a state of drug-induced menopause, and the ovaries temporarily stop functioning as intensively as usual. As a result, the level of estrogen and progesterone decreases.

Thus, “Buserelin” introduces the woman’s body into a state similar to natural menopause. After some time, it cannot be distinguished from the one that could develop after surgical removal of the ovaries.

The clear advantage of drug therapy is that the effect is reversible: as soon as a woman stops taking the medicine, all reproductive functions of the body are resumed, and diseases such as endometriosis are suppressed for a long time.

"Buserelin", like other similar drugs, is used to treat hormone-dependent diseases of a benign and malignant nature. Often used as a complex therapy for uterine fibroids and endometriosis. The drug is also used in stimulation schemes for IVF.


Buserelin is a serious drug and can cause a number of side effects. All of them are familiar to women who have entered a state of natural menopause. The main ones are:

  • hot flashes, feeling of heat;
  • increased sweating;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • psycho-emotional lability;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • metabolic disorders and others.

With prolonged treatment, the risk of bone fractures increases due to a decrease in their mineral density. Therefore, women are recommended to take calcium and vitamin D in parallel to prevent such conditions. Usually, with courses of 3-6 months, no significant deviations are observed.

We recommend reading about how your periods go after Duphaston. From the article you will learn about the indications for prescribing the drug, changes in the menstrual cycle while taking Duphaston.

And here is more information about how Divigel affects the menstrual cycle.

Menstruation while taking Buserelin

The effect of the drug largely depends on the dose and dosage regimen. Most often, 3.75 mg of Buserelin is prescribed three times every 28 days. Such regimens are used in the treatment of endometriosis, as preoperative preparation for uterine fibroids.

The drug is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously; there are also forms for injection into the nasal passages. After the first injection, menstrual function may be maintained.

However, it is assumed that the discharge will be more scanty. Some women, while taking Buserelin, experience spotting without any cyclicity or regularity. In principle, this is allowed; it is a kind of adaptation of the body.

Bleeding during treatment is also allowed; in most cases, it is not an indication for discontinuation of therapy. Usually, already in the 2-3rd month, women develop a state of drug-induced amenorrhea, that is, there is no discharge. Some women experience spotting or similar in volume to normal on the days of their menstruation.

In general, the nature of menstrual function may differ from woman to woman. However, as a rule, there is no normal, habitual discharge; its nature changes.

First menstruation after withdrawal

Restoring menstrual function is individual. However, there are certain guidelines.

With the nasal form of treatment (in this case, “Buserelin” is injected every 6-8 hours into the nasal passages daily) or with a dose of 3.5 mg, the usual course of use is 3 months, sometimes extended to 6. When using depot forms, the frequency of injections is reduced.

After the last dose of the medicine, at least another month should pass for the reproductive system to recover. Immediately after this, that is, after 45 days, the first ovulation may occur, followed by menstruation. Even without menstruation, a woman can become pregnant; this should be taken into account if there is a delay.

In some cases, recovery is slower:

  • In women after 35 years. By this time, the ovaries may already be exhausted, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition to early menopause.
  • With premature ovarian failure. For example, this is possible after undergoing surgical interventions or multiple stimulations.

In exceptional cases, menstruation never returns, and the woman gradually enters menopause. As a rule, this happens in girls with a complicated medical history and the presence of diseases of the genital organs.

If there is a delay, pregnancy should first be excluded. To do this, it is recommended to take a blood test for hCG or at least a urine test.

Thus, the first menstruation may have the following unusual characteristics:

  • to be meager;
  • Delays are possible.

Reviews from doctors

“Buserelin is a fairly strong and effective antitumor drug. Reviews from patients often describe it as a good drug. However, there are a number of people who have noted the development of various side effects.

As a rule, patients tolerate Buserelin more easily in the form of a spray. Almost all women while taking the drug note signs of early menopause. However, it is only in rare cases that the cycle is not restored.”

“I have been prescribing Buserelin to my patients for several years. This drug copes with myomatous nodes quite quickly and effectively. This drug is also quite effective in treating fibroids in most women.

Buserelin is often used as the main drug to combat endometriosis. There is also evidence of its successful use for the treatment of infertility.”

“Buserelin is characterized as an effective and strong hormonal drug, usually used for the treatment of gynecological diseases. This drug is distinguished by an abundance of pharmacological forms of release.

This medicine has a positive effect in treating the disease, but in many women it is accompanied by unpleasant side effects. The drug in the form of intranasal drops causes the least number of side effects.”

“I prescribe Buserelin in extreme cases, mainly for the treatment of endometriosis in women, since many of my patients complained of the development of severe side effects. When treated with this drug, functional disorders of the endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular, and digestive systems are possible. That is why it is important to take the drug strictly as prescribed by the doctor and follow all recommendations.”

Uterine fibroids are a disease of the female reproductive system. Currently, gynecologists provide conservative and surgical treatment for this pathology. Doctors often prescribe buserelin for fibroids. Reviews about the drug are mixed. After taking buserelin, the fibroids grow back. Surgeons consider surgery to remove nodes or the uterus to be a radical method of treating fibroids.

Please note that this text was prepared without the support of our Expert Council.

After myomectomy, there remains a high risk of disease recurrence. Women who have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids are worried about having their reproductive organ removed. The doctors of the clinics with which we cooperate perform embolization of the uterine arteries. It relieves women from the symptoms of the disease and allows them to preserve reproductive function.

After the procedure, women experience symptoms of the disease, myomatous nodes decrease or disappear. After embolization, patients do not require drug therapy. They are not prescribed buserelin for uterine fibroids. Reviews about the drug indicate the presence of pronounced side effects.

If your gynecologists have identified uterine fibroids, contact us. You will make an appointment and arrange treatment at the best fibroid treatment clinics. Our specialists will accompany you at all stages of diagnosis and treatment. You can always get expert advice by e-mail

After taking buserelin there is bleeding, is it necessary to do curettage?

Hormonal drugs are often used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Their influence on the menstrual cycle can be very great, because it is controlled by similar substances, only produced by the body.

What should menstruation be like after buserelin, what happens in the reproductive sphere when taking it and after some time? Many people want to know about this, because the drug causes different, sometimes disturbing, reactions.

Taking the drug and functioning of the reproductive system

Buserelin is an artificially created gonadotropin-releasing hormone. The drug is used to treat diseases in which abnormal growth and spread of tissue occurs. This:

That is, the effect of buserelin is aimed directly at the organs involved in menstruation. The mechanism of its work is to stimulate the pituitary gland to produce FSH and LH. This part of the brain already produces these substances. With the drug, their volume increases, which leads to a decrease in the natural production of sex hormones.

Endometriosis - indication for taking Buserelin

The reproductive system is in a state of artificial menopause: the endometrium does not grow, the follicle is not released in the ovaries, and the egg does not mature.

Theoretically, menstruation should not come after buserelin injections as long as the treatment lasts for quite a long time. This is its meaning: to give the reproductive system a rest, to eliminate the possibility of abnormal tissue growth by stopping the cyclic changes occurring in them.

But the body's individual reactions may be unexpected. Moreover, some of them are normal, while others dictate the need to discontinue the drug. It doesn't really matter what form it takes. Reactions to injections or endonasal use of the original drug, as well as buserelin depot or buserelin long, are similar.

Start of reception

The most common manifestation that causes anxiety is menstruation after the first injection of buserelin. Not everyone has them. But it is worth considering that the effect of the drug is prolonged.

Therefore, one cannot expect that from the first dose the body will completely submit to its influence.

Moreover, the drug is prescribed for conditions that are, in principle, characterized by heavy discharge and intermenstrual bleeding.

And if after the first injection of buserelin your period comes, this means that the adaptation of the reproductive system has not yet been completed. They start taking the drug from the 1st day of the cycle, so the next menstruation usually comes on schedule.

The drug not only stops the development of the endometrium over time. Its effect is immediately manifested by the fact that menstruation after an injection of Buserelin Depot is characterized by less pain and a decrease in the amount of discharge, sometimes it is a brown smear. The menstrual period is also shortened to 1-3 days.

Second phase

Buserelin is prescribed, as a rule, in a course of several injections (from 2 to 6), which are given at certain intervals. It happens that a woman receives a second injection against the background of menstrual-like bleeding.

As a rule, it is not too intense, so in the next cycle she expects that there will be no critical days. And he gets scared when he discovers that after the second injection of buserelin, his period has come.

This is also a common situation that occurs due to the body becoming accustomed to an increased amount of gonadotropin-releasing hormones.

The discharge is noticeably smaller in volume in most women; such menstruation is called spotting.

In rare cases, the second time after a buserelin injection, menstruation occurs as if not taking the medication, that is, quite heavy. But experts do not consider this a reason to stop treatment. In the next cycle, there will be no more discharge, since the reproductive system will “switch off” from its working state due to the almost complete absence of estrogen in the blood.

In the meantime, for 2 cycles from the start of using the medicine, the woman will have to protect herself with barrier methods. It is extremely undesirable to become pregnant while taking buserelin, but the possibility remains at this stage.

We recommend reading the article about the peculiarities of menstruation with Klaira. You will learn about the effect of the drug, the nature of monthly discharge when taking it, as well as the reasons for the absence of menstruation and the restoration of the cycle.

Cycle after treatment

Since the drug is prescribed to normalize menstruation, restore gynecological health and preserve fertility, the first thing the woman taking it wants to know is how long after buserelin her period begins.

While waiting for your critical days, you need to understand that the drug blocks the work of the pituitary gland, prevents the release of the follicle and natural changes in the endometrium. The effect of the first injection, especially subsequent ones, leads the reproductive system to a state corresponding to menopause.

Recovery later occurs differently for everyone, so there is no clear timing for the arrival of menstruation. Its earliest onset is possible in 30-35 days, counting from the date of the last injection.

But in this cycle, ovulation most likely will not happen, since the ovaries will need much more than 2 weeks to rehabilitate.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle after Buserelin

When menstruation begins after buserelin is determined by other existing circumstances. The following can interfere with the rapid restoration of menstrual function:

  • Stress. It depresses the central nervous system, therefore inhibiting the return of normal hormonal balance;
  • Infection. The toxins it causes, entering the blood, also prevent the production of substances necessary for the renewal of the endometrium;
  • Taking other medications. This is a third-party effect that affects the natural chemical reactions occurring in the body.

Experts consider it acceptable to give nature a chance to work on its own for 4-6 months. That is, all this time, menstruation may be absent after stopping buserelin, and this is normal. If they are absent longer, then the doctor takes measures to restore the cycle with the help of other medications.

Menstruation immediately after withdrawal

Menstruation after discontinuation of Buserelin

The first periods after buserelin may not be heavy due to insufficient development of the endometrium. For several months he did not grow, and all processes in the body are restored only with time, including the thickness of the uterine mucosa.

Menstruation is usually painless, and other signs of PMS are also observed to a lesser extent than before treatment. There are 2 extremes to which the use of the drug can lead:

  • The first periods after Buserelin Depot are as abundant as before using it. This may mean persistence of the main cause of bleeding, that is, foci of disease, usually endometriosis. Myoma, having decreased as a result of the influence of the medicine, can also provoke heavy menstruation;
  • Menstruation after buserelin depot is scanty and stops in a short time. This happens when a cyst appears on the ovary, sometimes caused by medication. Unlike normal menstruation, which was mentioned above, they are accompanied by pain and pulling sensations in the side.

Menstruation after buserelin long is similar and can create the same problems as a product with the “depot” supplement, since these are drugs of one action. To identify problems immediately and, if necessary, begin to look for other treatment tactics, the woman will be prescribed an ultrasound and hormonal analysis.

We recommend reading the article about menstruation under Vizanne. You will learn about the reaction of the reproductive system to taking the drug, the reasons for the absence of menstruation and possible side effects.

Second period

It is worth considering that during the first menstruation the effect of the medicine may still persist. It is rather a process of cleansing the reproductive organs of tissue that has been stored for several months.

The second period after buserelin will be more informative in terms of gynecological health. The ovaries have returned to perform their functions, so the features of menstrual periods should have a form characteristic of a particular woman, her disease or its cure.

This menstruation occurs after ovulation, so the amount of discharge is optimal and falls within the average range. In terms of time, menstruation lasts 3-7 days after buserelin.

Menstruation after using buserelin is a clear indicator of gynecological health. And although they cause a lot of problems, often raising questions and even fear, this is not a reason to refuse to use the drug. For many, he not only helped to delay or completely eliminate the need for surgery, but also to get pregnant after many unsuccessful attempts.

. a break for the reproductive system: the egg is not formed, the endometrium does not develop, there are no periods. . Features of menstruation after taking Buserelin.

In most cases, glandular endometrial hyperplasia is diagnosed if there is no menstruation. . Buserelin; Zoladex; Diferelin

They are taken simultaneously with gestagens for a continuation of a 3-6-month course. Buserelin or goserelin is injected into the muscle in one of the first days of the cycle.

When a woman does not have her period after Visanne, “what should I do?” - first . Hello, I wanted to know, I was prescribed buserelin for 3 months, and then 3 months.

Source: https://sfmggu.ru/posle-priema-buserelina-krovotechenie-nado-li-delat-vyskablivanie/

Menstrual cycle after treatment

The restoration of menstruation after therapy with the original remedy, Buserelin Depot or Long occurs differently for everyone. The minimum time it takes for the ovaries to recover is 30-40 days, and only if the following are completely excluded:

  1. Stress that depresses the central nervous system and, as a result, inhibits the stabilization of hormonal balance.
  2. Infections that interfere with the production of substances necessary for the renewal of the endometrium.
  3. Taking medications that affect certain chemical reactions occurring in the body.

See also: Increase in temperature with delayed menstruation

The maximum permissible period during which the absence of regulation is considered normal is 4–6 months. If your period does not come even after six months, you need to consult a doctor who will take measures to restore it.

Menstruation after Buserelin 71

Hormonal drugs are often used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Their influence on the menstrual cycle can be very great, because it is controlled by similar substances, only produced by the body.

What should menstruation be like after buserelin, what happens in the reproductive sphere when taking it and after some time? Many people want to know about this, because the drug causes different, sometimes disturbing, reactions.

Taking the drug and functioning of the reproductive system

Buserelin is an artificially created gonadotropin-releasing hormone. The drug is used to treat diseases in which abnormal growth and spread of tissue occurs. This:

  • Tumors;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Myomas.

That is, the effect of buserelin is aimed directly at the organs involved in menstruation. The mechanism of its work is to stimulate the pituitary gland to produce FSH and LH. This part of the brain already produces these substances. With the drug, their volume increases, which leads to a decrease in the natural production of sex hormones.

Endometriosis - indication for taking Buserelin

The reproductive system is in a state of artificial menopause: the endometrium does not grow, the follicle is not released in the ovaries, and the egg does not mature.

Theoretically, menstruation should not come after buserelin injections as long as the treatment lasts for quite a long time. This is its meaning: to give the reproductive system a rest, to eliminate the possibility of abnormal tissue growth by stopping the cyclic changes occurring in them.

But the body's individual reactions may be unexpected. Moreover, some of them are normal, while others dictate the need to discontinue the drug. It doesn't really matter what form it takes. Reactions to injections or endonasal use of the original drug, as well as buserelin depot or buserelin long, are similar.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of fibroids depend on the location and size of the fibroid formations. The nodes can be localized in the body or cervix. The following types of fibroids are distinguished:

  • subserous - nodes form under the serous membrane of the uterus, grow towards the abdominal cavity, compressing organs located nearby;
  • intramural - neoplasms are localized in the thickness of the muscular layer of the uterus;
  • submucous - nodes are localized under the mucous membrane of the uterus, deforming its cavity.

Menstruation after Buserelin

Buserelin depot is a hormonal drug that blocks the production of gonadotropic hormones in the body, creating conditions for artificial menopause. This remedy is widely used in the gynecological field to restore sexual function by restarting the entire hormonal reproductive system.

Buserelin can also treat sexual disorders in men associated with increased levels of testosterone and its derivatives in the body (androgen-dependent tumors, prostate malignancies), but still, it is much more often prescribed to women.

This drug is strong and refers to extreme and harsh measures for treating infertility.

This medication is also prescribed to women for the treatment of hyperestrogenic diseases that cannot be corrected by gestagens and antiestrogens (advanced uterine fibroids or severely expanded endometriosis).

This drug causes a large list of significant side effects associated with blocking the production of major sex hormones. In women, after injections of buserelin, menstrual bleeding completely stops, starting after the second injection.

Many patients are concerned about a number of questions - when does pregnancy occur after buserelin and when does the cycle recover after buserelin long?

Starting medication

In some patients, periods may disappear from the first month of treatment, but this is a rarer occurrence. Usually, menstruation disappears in the second month of the cycle, when you need to give a second injection. Why does the body not immediately respond to hormonal changes? Because the product has a prolonged effect.

After the injection, it starts working gradually, gaining momentum. The first manifestations of the action of the drug can be felt no earlier than 2-3 weeks after administration. Typically, injections are given once every 28 days.

If the menstrual function does not go away after the first injection, and it will not go away, since the drug is usually administered from the 1st day of menstruation, then this means that the body has not yet adapted to the action of the medication.

Over time, the development of the endometrium stops.

The effect of the medication is also manifested by the fact that bleeding ceases to be painful, the amount of discharge from the uterus decreases sharply, and often instead a brown spot appears, which lasts 1-3 days, instead of the standard 4-6 days. This is normal when using this medicine. The appearance of menstrual-like bleeding in the middle of the cycle indicates the manifestation of side effects of buserelin depot.

Usually a course of injections is prescribed from 2 to 6 in a row. Most often, treatment is canceled after 4 injections, because this amount is quite enough to achieve the desired effect. There are cases when, after the second injection of buserelin depot, menstruation occurs again, which causes panic.

This phenomenon is not uncommon, and it is associated with an increased level of gonadotropin-releasing hormones. What to do if you don't have your period? Nothing should be done, they should no longer exist. The presence of spotting, as well as the absence of bleeding, is not a deviation from the norm when using this medication.

Even if there was some discharge, then in the third cycle after the third injection, there will be no more of them 100%, since the production of estrogen will completely stop.

It is recommended that during the first two cycles from the start of therapy, carefully protect yourself using barrier contraception (condoms), because reproductive function may still persist in the first 8 weeks of therapy, and pregnancies are still possible.

When does restoration of reproductive function begin?

When the course of treatment ends, most often this is the fourth injection, women worry about how long it will take for menstruation to completely normalize, and also when they can get pregnant.

Taking into account the fact that this is a strong, long-acting drug that blocks the work of the main sex hormones, the egg will quickly not be able to release follicles, and ovulation will not occur immediately after discontinuation.

From the moment the last injection was given, the effect of the drug still lasts for at least one month, so you should not wait for your period before 5-6 weeks from the date of stopping the injections.

But such a short period of time is more an exception than a frequent case. According to the instructions, full periods occur 3 months after the end of therapy along with ovulation.

If any bleeding occurs earlier, it is unlikely that it will be accompanied by the release of an egg, because after a course of therapy with such medication, a long period is needed to restore reproductive function.

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