Means for preventing pregnancy can rightfully be considered one of the oldest.
After all, they were used in ancient times. For example, women of the indigenous population of America used douching for this purpose with a remedy prepared from lemon and a decoction of red tree bark. In Ancient Egypt, tampons soaked in honey and acacia decoction were used. Even condoms are not a modern method of protection against unexpected pregnancy. Of course, the effectiveness of all these tools was extremely low, and there was no need to talk about ease of use at all. Everything changed around the second half of the 20th century, when doctors first started talking about combined oral contraceptives (COCs). The first drug created for the purpose of protection was Enovid, which appeared on the pharmacy market in 1960. It was with him that the development of hormonal contraception began.
Types of combined oral contraceptives
All combined oral contraceptives (COCs) contain 2 types of hormone - these are synthetic analogues of progesterone and estrogen, which are produced by the female endocrine glands. The action of hormonal drugs is based on the work of progesterone as a component that suppresses ovulation.
There are 3 types of COCs:
A monophasic oral contraceptive contains a fixed dose of hormones in each tablet. That is, regardless of the day of the cycle, a woman takes the same amount of analogues of her own hormones every day. Typically the package contains 21 tablets, which are taken daily. Next, there is a 7-day break, during which your period should begin. Only monophasic contraceptives are prescribed to women for the treatment of uterine fibroids and other pathological processes in the reproductive system, excluding cancerous tumors.
Biphasic contraceptives differ from other COCs in their constant dose of estrogen and different doses of progesterone analogues in each tablet. The pills are taken strictly according to the days of the cycle. Prescribed by a doctor after collecting anamnesis.
Three-phase oral contraceptives are considered a new generation of drugs, since they take into account the hormonal status of a woman based on physiological development. Each COC tablet contains the dosage of hormones that is as close as possible to the physiological one on a certain day of the cycle.
COCs can be purchased in packages of 21 tablets or dragees or 28 tablets, where the last 7 pieces are pacifiers, designed to ensure that the woman complies with the dosage regimen and is maximally protected from unplanned pregnancy.
What methods of contraception are better after 30 years?
Women over 30 years of age are offered a wide range of means to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The following types are distinguished:
- surgical – tubal ligation, indicated for contraindicated pregnancy or a conscious decision to refuse children;
- hormonal contraceptives - tablets or pills taken every cycle;
- intrauterine device - installed inside the uterus for 3-5 years;
- hormonal patches or rings - glued to the skin or placed inside the vagina;
- barrier contraceptives - sponges installed intravaginally, condoms;
- natural methods of contraception - interrupted sexual intercourse (very unreliable, according to reviews) or sex on “safe” days (not suitable for unstable cycles);
- chemical methods of contraception - aerosols, gels, ointments.
Which ones are better to choose?
A doctor can answer this question after examining the woman and collecting an anamnesis. For young women who have an active sexual life and have not given birth or had an abortion, doctors recommend monophasic hormonal contraceptives. A fixed dose of hormones is well tolerated by the young body and is safe for health.
If a woman does not tolerate progesterone well or her body’s production of the male hormone exceeds the norm, doctors recommend taking biphasic COCs. Monophasic contraceptives are dangerous for her due to poor tolerance and the development of pathologies.
Women over 35 years of age or obese patients who smoke are prescribed three-phase contraceptive pills of the new generation. Their advantage is the low likelihood of complications from taking progesterone, which often develop in women closer to 40 years of age.
Local contraceptives used before sexual intercourse after 30 years of age can be recommended for parous and nulliparous women with irregular sex life. These include creams, suppositories, tablets (pharmatex, gynekotex, patentex, benatex), containing chemical compounds as active ingredients that have a destructive and immobilizing effect on sperm.
Women administer such drugs directly into the vagina in a lying position 15 minutes before sexual intercourse. In addition to low efficiency (80%), they also have a number of disadvantages:
- Do not wash with soap immediately after sexual intercourse;
- the need to comply with time intervals;
- a feeling of discomfort in both partners;
- repeated administration before each sexual intercourse.
The advantages include the absence of the need for a doctor's prescription, the presence of antibacterial components in some drugs, which help prevent infection with certain sexually transmitted diseases.
List of monophasic contraceptives
Single-phase contraceptives always contain a synthetic analogue of estrogen - ethinyl estradiol. The second component, progesterone, comes in different chemicals depending on the pharmaceutical company that developed them. These are dienogest, gestodene, cyproterone and others.
List of monophasic birth control pills that are most often prescribed by gynecologists:
You can supplement the list of single-phase contraceptive pills with other drugs, the description of which is presented below.
Monophasic contraceptive made in Germany. Contains microdoses of ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. The package contains 21 active tablets. Jess is indicated for contraception, treatment of severe PMS and acne. Suitable for long term use. Contraindicated for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus, and disorders of the cardiovascular system.
Monophasic contraceptive containing microdoses of ethinyl estradiol and cyproterone acetate. Suitable for women with signs of excess progesterone and male pattern hair. Used for contraception and additionally for the treatment of acne, seborrhea and excess hair growth. The package contains 21 tablets.
Designed to protect against pregnancy and treat endometriosis. Normalizes the menstrual cycle, makes periods less intense, protecting a woman from anemia. Produced in the form of dragees, 21 pieces per package. A monophasic contraceptive contains the active substances dienogest and ethinyl estradiol.
Film-coated tablets containing ethinyl estradiol and gestodene. Indicated for contraception and acne treatment. Lindinet is contraindicated for women over 35 years of age, active smokers, those with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus, and liver disease. Monophasic contraceptive for long-term use.
Tablets with ethinyl estradiol and gestaden. In the official instructions, the drug is indicated for protection against pregnancy. Contraindicated in breastfeeding, suspected thrombophlebitis, diabetes, stroke, smoking and other diseases. Used in the treatment of problematic facial skin in short courses. Monophasic contraceptive, which is sold without a prescription in some countries.
Hungarian drug for female contraception. Contains desogestrel and synthetic estrogen. It is produced in the form of tablets for oral use. Indications, contraindications and dosage regimen are similar to other monophasic drugs.
It has a composition similar to Regulon. Also produced in Hungary. In addition to contraception, the drug is officially indicated for the treatment of moderate acne in women who have not been helped by external means and who need protection from pregnancy. A monophasic contraceptive is produced in the form of tablets.
Development of a Czech pharmaceutical company. In pharmacies you can buy a monophasic contraceptive made in France or Spain. Contains a progesterone analogue (cyproterone) and an estrogen analogue. Indicated for contraception, treatment of alopecia, acne, seborrhea, hirsutism. Used for high physiological levels of progesterone.
German monophasic contraceptive from. Contains drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. Indicated for protection against pregnancy, it has a list of contraindications similar to other COCs. Widely used for contraception by young nulliparous women.
Despite many positive aspects, hormonal birth control pills also have disadvantages. The main one, of course, is side effects, which sometimes make taking the drug simply impossible. In addition, birth control pills:
- They do not protect against sexually transmitted infections, including such dangerous ones as HIV or cytomegalovirus.
- They affect the blood coagulation system and can increase the risk of blood clots and thromboembolism.
- They can aggravate the course of chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder or provoke the occurrence of cardiovascular pathologies, disorders in the circulatory system, as well as severe headaches and migraines.
List of biphasic birth control pills
Biphasic contraceptives contain ethinyl estardiol and progesterone analogues in the form of dydrogesterone, levonorgestrel, norethisterone, etc.
List of biphasic contraceptives presented on the Russian market:
New generation biphasic drugs are described below.
Another Hungarian drug containing levonorgestrel. Intended for the treatment of irregular menstrual cycles, dysmenorrhea, severe PMS, in parallel with the contraceptive effect. Presented in white and pink tablets, intended for use on different days of the cycle. For treatment and protection against pregnancy, different dosage regimens are prescribed.
Criterias of choice
If a woman has no previous experience of taking hormonal contraceptives, then the doctor usually gives preference to monophasic drugs containing minimal doses of hormones. But only after receiving the results of all the necessary tests. Such as: cytology smear, hormone test, general and biochemical blood test, ultrasound of the pelvic organs. In some cases, an additional consultation with a mammologist may be necessary. In addition, the doctor must take into account the characteristics of the menstrual cycle and the woman’s phenotype.
It is simply impossible to choose the right drug without consulting specialists and a series of tests. You should not buy hormonal contraceptives yourself, as this can harm your health.
Today, combined oral contraceptives are considered one of the most reliable methods of protection against pregnancy. However, they require a woman to pay close attention to her condition and strictly follow the dosage regimen.
Names of triphasic birth control pills
Depending on the period of the menstrual cycle, triphasic hormonal contraceptives contain different doses of ethinyl estradiol and progesterone analogues. Their concentration changes 3 times in 21 days.
List of three-phase contraceptives:
Each drug is described in detail below.
In terms of active ingredients and their dosage, it is an analogue of Logest or Lindinet. Designed to protect against unplanned pregnancy and treat functional disorders of the menstrual cycle. Available in the form of dragees.
Country of origin: the Netherlands. Active ingredients: ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. Indicated for contraception purposes, for the treatment of acne, blackheads and pimples. Release form: tablets, 21 pieces in a blister.
Contains levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol. Serves as an effective anti-conception remedy. Doctors prescribe Triziston to treat tension before menstruation, pain during menstruation and heavy bleeding. Also suitable for eliminating spotting between periods. The drug is made in Germany.
Analogue of Triziston. You can buy the drug in the form of dragees or tablets of three colors, intended for use at a certain period of the menstrual cycle with a 7-day break. The drug is suitable for the treatment of uneven menstrual cycles not associated with pathological diseases. Refers to the new generation of three-phase contraceptives.
German contraceptive. Presented in 3 different types of pills with different contents of ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel. The contraceptive effect is achieved after 1 week from the start of administration. Dosage regimen – recommends taking a pill of the desired color on a certain day of the cycle. To delay menstruation, do not stop taking the drug for a 7-day break, but immediately start taking pills from the next package.
Production medium "Organon", the Netherlands. The active ingredients include enilyl estradiol and desogestrel, with the dosage increasing from the first to the 21st day of the cycle.
The drug is contraindicated during lactation, as it penetrates into breast milk, changing the volume of production and its quality. The contraceptive is started with yellow tablets from the 1st day of the cycle. Stop taking white tablets in the last 7 days before menstruation. The next package begins after a 7-day break.
3.3.6. Hormonal contraception
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One of the problems that has been solved with the help of drugs based on sex hormones is the prevention of possible unwanted pregnancy, or contraception
Did you know that... – hormonal contraceptive pills in Western Europe and North America are used by 30-50% of women;
– Women who use contraceptive pills during the sexually active part of their lives take them about 9,000 times, and if you line up these pills, you get a line about 25 m long.
As civilization develops, contraception becomes one of the main factors in family planning, preserving and maintaining the health and working capacity of women. It makes it possible to reduce the number of induced abortions, which are one of the main causes of many gynecological diseases, complications during childbirth and infertility.
In addition, contraception becomes, perhaps, the only possible (and reasonable) solution, for example, in cases where pregnancy may threaten the health or even life of a woman or may lead to the birth of a sick child (severe diseases of the liver, kidneys and heart, some mental, hereditary and infectious diseases, a short period after a previous birth, cesarean section or miscarriage, and others). If we compare the degree of risk to a woman’s health during artificial termination of pregnancy with the degree of risk arising from the use of contraceptives, then the advantages (one of which is the humaneness of the method) of contraception become obvious.
What position does the World Health Organization (WHO) take on contraception?
WHO believes that the prevalence of hormonal contraception is of great importance for the health of each of us. Hormonal contraception is as important a medical achievement as vaccination and the development of antibiotics.
Statistics show that there is an inversely proportional relationship between the frequency of use of contraceptives, on the one hand, and complications during pregnancy and childbirth (death of the mother and/or fetus, premature birth, etc.) and infertility, on the other.
There are a number of ways to avoid conception.
This is the method of interrupted sexual intercourse, barrier (mechanical) contraception (use of condoms, vaginal diaphragms or cervical caps), chemical contraception (use of spermicides), intrauterine contraception (spirals); rhythmic (calendar) contraception, based on abstinence from sexual intercourse on the days of greatest likelihood of conception, hormonal contraception
However, the most popular methods among women are hormonal and intrauterine contraception, due to their high effectiveness and safety when used correctly.
To understand how contraceptives work, it is necessary to imagine the processes that occur in a woman’s body.
What is the menstrual cycle?
In a woman’s body, rhythmic processes of generation, maturation and release of a mature egg from the follicle ( ovulation)
), called
the menstrual cycle
If fertilization does not occur during this cycle, then menstruation occurs, associated with the rejection of the functional layer of the uterine mucosa ( endometrium
) and accompanied by bloody discharge from the genital tract. The duration of the menstrual cycle for most women is 26-30 days.
In each phase of the menstrual cycle there is a different ratio of estrogens and gestagens. their function (we have already talked about this) is to ensure ovulation, fertilization, and the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth.
How is hormonal contraception implemented?
The essence of hormonal contraception is to create obstacles to ovulation or the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterine mucosa using progestins
or their combination with
Hormones temporarily suppress ovulation and inhibit ovarian function, so that the inactive corpus luteum becomes unable to act as a “protector” of pregnancy.
In addition, the mucous membrane of the uterus and the functional activity of the fallopian tubes change, which slows down the passage of the egg through them, the viscosity of the mucus in the cervical canal increases - all this reduces the likelihood of fertilization and pregnancy to almost zero.
Prescribe hormonal contraceptives
orally, by injection or intrauterine. The most widely used are various birth control pills.
Intramuscular injections ( medroxyprogesterone acetate
) and subcutaneous implants (
) are not as comfortable, so they are used to a limited extent, mainly when there are contraindications to the use of tablets.
In recent years, the intrauterine hormone-releasing system ( levonorgestrel)
), which combines the benefits of hormonal contraception and intrauterine devices. Its effectiveness is comparable to sterilization.
G. Pincus is considered the “father” of oral contraception, who in 1955 proposed combining estrogen with progesterone to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The first such drug appeared in 1960, and currently, according to various estimates, there are more than 100 million.
women around the world use oral contraceptives
Their effectiveness is the highest of all known methods of contraception. For example, the Pearl index (equal to the number of pregnancies occurring within 1 year in a group of 100 women) for oral contraceptives is less than 1, which, of course, is much less than with any other method (except sterilization).
How are hormonal contraceptives different?
There are progestogen contraceptives and combined estrogen-gestagen drugs.
Progestin or monocomponent contraceptives
Recommended mainly for those patients for whom estrogen administration is undesirable, or for rare sexual intercourse.
as active ingredients .
There are three types of progestin contraceptives: mini-pills
(tablets with microdoses of progestogen), postcoital drugs, injections and intrauterine hormone-releasing systems.
The difference between mini-pills and post-coital pills (that is, taken immediately after sexual intercourse) lies in the dosage regimen and gestagen content: mini-pills are prescribed continuously, daily (starting from the first day of the menstrual cycle) for 6-12 months, post-coital ( contain a larger amount of gestagen) – with irregular sexual activity and rare sexual intercourse. The latter (for example, a drug containing pure levonorgestrel) are effective no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse, but are not suitable for regular contraception.
The most popular means of contraception at present are combined contraceptives.
containing estrogen and gestagen.
How long can you take contraceptive pills?
They are taken from the first day of menstruation, at the same time, for three weeks, then take a seven-day break, during which a menstrual-like reaction should occur, after which the intake is resumed.
With regular medical supervision, hormonal contraceptives can be used for years. They do not cause infertility (unlike sterilization), and the possibility of conception is restored within 1-3 months after stopping their use.
During menopause (45-50 years), it is more advisable to switch to drugs that prevent (weaken) the symptoms of menopause and the development of osteoporosis.
Combined hormonal contraceptives are not recommended during lactation (breastfeeding); it is better to switch to mini-pills, the effectiveness of which for lactating women is equivalent to combination drugs for non-breastfeeding women.
Birth control pills containing estrogen and progesterone can be monophasic or multiphasic.
Monophasic drugs are those in which each tablet contains the same dose of both components. They differ in the ratio of estrogen and gestagen components, as well as the type of gestagen.
Ethinyl estradiol is usually used as estrogen.
(closest in structure to endogenous estradiol).
ethinyl estradiol in monophasic combined contraceptives ranges from 0.02 to 0.05 mg, the gestagen content is usually from 0.075 to 0.25 mg.
In addition to contraception, these drugs have a significant positive effect on a woman’s body, in particular, they help regulate the menstrual cycle, protect against iron deficiency anemia, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, malignant and benign tumors of the ovary and endometrium, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis; they reduce or eliminate discomfort that occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle and before menstruation; they also inhibit the development of endometriosis, have a beneficial effect on the skin, and so on. They are used as therapeutic agents in gynecological practice, in particular for endometriosis.
dysfunctional uterine bleeding
premenstrual syndrome
and other diseases.
Estrogens and gestagens in hormonal contraceptives also exert their effect in some conditions not associated with pregnancy (dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, and others). |
A feature of multiphase drugs is that tablets with different amounts of estrogen and gestagen are taken at different periods of the same menstrual cycle.
This makes it possible not to disrupt the natural course of cyclic processes in a woman’s reproductive system, ensures good tolerability and minimizes the number of adverse reactions.
There are two-phase and three-phase contraceptives.
Biphasic oral contraceptives
consist of two types of tablets, intended for use in the first and second phases of the menstrual cycle, respectively. At the same time, the estrogen content in all tablets is the same, and there is more gestagen in the tablets taken in the second phase.
Triphasic oral contraceptives
include three types of tablets, each containing different amounts of both estrogen and progestin. In tablets of the first type their doses are minimal, in tablets of the second type they are increased, in tablets of the third type there is the same amount of estrogen as in tablets of the first type, and the dose of gestagen is even higher than in tablets of the second type.
As a rule, in multiphase preparations, tablets of different types are painted in different colors and placed in so-called calendar packages, where an arrow indicates the direction in which the tablets must be removed for each day of the menstrual cycle.
These drugs are usually prescribed to women if they are not suitable for monophasic drugs or have a relative lack of estrogen.
What side effects can occur when taking hormonal contraceptives?
Complications from these drugs are very rare. In most cases, they occur only in the first months of use, and subsequently stop or significantly soften.
The following may occur: arterial hypertension, blockage of blood vessels (especially in women who smoke over 35 years of age, in those suffering from hypertension, diabetes mellitus and some other diseases), worsening of existing diabetes mellitus, increased frequency of attacks of cholelithiasis, menstrual irregularities, changes in body weight, feeling of tension in the mammary glands, headache, nausea, vomiting, mood changes, decreased libido, appearance of age spots. Some side effects may require you to stop taking birth control pills.
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What types of birth control pills are there - brands and descriptions
Which birth control pills should I choose to protect myself from unwanted pregnancy? An increasing number of women are using effective hormonal contraceptives. The universal popularity of these products is influenced by ease of use, reliability and a minimum of side effects on the body.
In today's world, there is a huge choice of contraceptives and most women find it very difficult to choose the best birth control pills.
Before purchasing these products, you should carefully read all the proposed options and learn more about their features and advantages.
There are several types of combined oral contraceptives that can provide varying levels of protection against unwanted pregnancy. These are monophasic, biphasic and triphasic drugs.
The table below describes some types of contraceptives.
Monophasic drugs
New and improved drugs appear every year, but many women prefer to take the previous generation of contraceptives.
Monophasic contraceptive pills differ from other types of drugs in the presence of two important hormones: progestogen and estrogen.
They are present in tablets in equal quantities and allow you to achieve almost complete control over menstruation and the ovulation process.
These tablets are indicated for women of different reproductive ages who have a great need for quality protection against unexpected pregnancy. Monophasic products are suitable for most women.
Taking microdosed tablets is recommended for nulliparous, young women who are regularly sexually active.
- If we consider low-dose products, they are suitable for nulliparous women and women of an older age category, for example, after 35 years.
- Experts recommend medium dosages for women who have already given birth and for those of older reproductive age.
- And high-dose drugs can be prescribed when medium-dose drugs have proven ineffective.
There are three types of female phenotype.
Monophasic tablets are more often prescribed to women of small and medium height with a curvaceous figure and a long menstrual cycle.
Also, in the presence of an antiandrogenic component, they can be recommended for tall women, thin builds with scanty periods.
Effective hormonal tablets with antiandrogenic and antimeneralocorticoid properties. It contains drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. It acts by suppressing ovulation and changing the cervical system. When used correctly, the Pearl index, which is the number of pregnancies per year per 100 women, can be less than 1.
Affects regular periods, which become less painful and intense. Severe symptoms of PMS disappear, such as headaches, swelling and pain in the mammary glands and characteristic pain in the joints and muscles. This drug also reduces the risk of various tumors and anemia.
Did you know that Jess is contraindicated during menopause? Interesting facts about the drug Jess can be read here.
This is a combined universal estrogen-progestin contraceptive drug. Its effect is achieved by increasing the viscosity of mucus in the pelvic organs and suppressing ovulation.
Yarina is especially useful for women with acne and noticeable fluid retention due to hormonal reasons.
Has a positive effect on the passage of menstruation. It may also help relieve painful symptoms during menstruation. Reduces oily hair and skin.
This is a combined drug that contains an estrogen component (ethinyl estradiol) and a gestagen component (desogestrel). It acts by inhibiting the ability to produce pituitary gonadotropins and complicates ovulation. At the same time, the density of the church mucus decreases and sperm cannot penetrate into the uterus. At the same time, it has a positive effect on lipid metabolism. It has a good effect on the skin and perfectly helps get rid of acne. Also normalizes the menstrual cycle and prevents the development of gynecological diseases
Read more about Regulon - reviews, what helps treat, features of application.
It is an estrogen-progestin agent with an antiandrogenic effect. The composition contains hormones: dienogest and ethinyl estradiol. This effective remedy inhibits ovulation. In this case, the cycle becomes constant and regular, and the intensity of bleeding decreases. The risk of iron deficiency anemia is also reduced. Among other things, Janine improves the characteristics of the blood lipid profile.
How to choose contraceptives?
It is better to entrust the choice of oral female contraception to a specialist; the doctor will determine the woman’s phenotype, prescribe an analysis to determine sugar levels, hormonal levels, mammography, and ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
Important! Before starting to take oral contraception, you should visit an ophthalmologist - many pills have a negative effect on vision.
Estrogenic phenotype
Women of short or average height, with medium or large mammary glands, deep voices, dry skin, non-greasy hair. The duration of the female cycle is more than 28 days, the duration of menstruation is 5–7 days. PMS manifests itself in the form of nervousness, the breasts become dense and painful. This phenotype is characterized by copious discharge of leucorrhoea, but pregnancy proceeds without any special symptoms or complications.
For such women, it is better to choose drugs with a large amount of gestagen - Rigevidon, Miniziston.
Progesterone phenotype
Women are tall, have an angular build, they have a low voice, small mammary glands, oily skin and hair, and frequent acne. The menstrual cycle is short, periods last 3–4 days, but the discharge is heavy. PMS manifests itself in the form of depression and lower back pain. Little leucorrhoea is produced; pregnancy is accompanied by severe toxicosis and significant weight gain.
Oral contraceptives must have an antiandrogenic effect - Yarina, Janine, Jess.
Balanced Phenotype
Representatives of the mixed type are characterized by feminine shapes, average height, medium-sized breasts, normal skin and hair. The duration of the cycle is 28 days, the duration of menstruation is 5 days, there are practically no manifestations of PMS, moderate leucorrhoea. Pregnancy proceeds normally, without any complications.
Suitable birth control pills are Novinet, Regulon.
Biphasic birth control pills
In biphasic medications, the dose of estrogen contained is the same in all tablets, and the dosage of gestagen changes for the 1st and 2nd half of the menstrual cycle. The package contains 2 types of tablets.
In addition to the main use, two-phase products help to cure acne.
Suitable for women of average height, with normal skin and hair, who have a normal menstrual cycle.
It contains hormones such as levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol. It has a slowing effect on ovulation and follicle maturation. They are used not only as contraception, but also to restore the menstrual cycle and eliminate painful symptoms.
This is an effective contraceptive combination drug. It contains ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel. It blocks the release of certain substances from the hypothalamus and suppresses the secretion of the pituitary gland, thereby inhibiting ovulation. Prevents the occurrence of many gynecological diseases.
It is a low-dose oral contraceptive drug. Also contains levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol. At the level of hypothalamic-pituitary regulation, it suppresses ovulation. Changes the properties of cervical secretion. It affects the change in the substance of the endometrium, which makes it almost impossible for the implantation of the egg after fertilization. Reduces the risk of iron deficiency anemia and reduces bleeding during menstruation.
It is a contraceptive that regulates the passage of menstruation and contributes to the timely prevention of dangerous gynecological diseases. For example, various tumors. It contains hormonal substances such as levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol. When taken orally correctly, it has a depressing effect on the pituitary secretion of hormones, which inhibits the release of an egg ready for maturation.
Birth control pills for women 40 and older
The number of forty-year-old representatives of the fairer sex who want to become a “young” mother is sharply declining. In addition, women are already “accumulating” chronic diseases, which can adversely affect the course of pregnancy.
Geneticists also note that after 40 years, there is a high probability of chromosomal mutations, and one of the most common is Down syndrome. Doctors often recommend using birth control pills to protect against unplanned pregnancy. Which ones are better after 40 years?
This age is characterized by excessive production of the hormone estrogen, which subsequently leads to the proliferation of endometrial cells (disease - endometriosis), the formation of dysplasia and polyposis of the uterine cavity (precancerous conditions).
To prevent and inhibit the development of the pathological course, it is recommended to use the hormone progesterone, which is contained in sufficient quantities in “mini-pill” tablets.
These birth control pills also thicken the mucus in the vestibule of the cervix, inhibit ovulation, thereby preventing sperm from penetrating into the uterine cavity.
Triphasic contraceptives
- That young girls are best suited for monophasic tablets, which do not cause noticeable changes in the hormonal system.
- And for women over 30 years of age and those who have given birth, drugs “that do not contradict nature” are recommended, that is, two- and three-phase contraceptives.
Before choosing a specific product, consultation with a specialist is necessary.
Three-phase drugs can simulate the menstrual cycle, since they contain hormones in quantities as close as possible to physiological characteristics. Such tablets contain two types of hormones, but the package contains three types of tablets.
First, tablets of one specific color are used, and then the other two colors are drunk sequentially.
Modern high-quality tablets have a general regulatory effect on the female body and do not make changes to the endocrine structure.
The substances in three-phase tablets affect the activity of the corpus luteum of the ovaries and significantly reduce the thickness and activity of the endometrium, which prevents implantation.
Important advantages of these drugs include their ability to reduce the risks of cysts, ectopic pregnancies and various tumors.
This drug contains hormones in different ratios. These are the progestin hormones levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol. Triziston normalizes the menstrual cycle and relieves pain during menstruation.
This is an effective three-phase contraceptive that mimics the physiological fluctuations in the level of certain hormones in the blood during the menstrual cycle and promotes excellent tolerability of the drug. This drug increases the viscosity of mucus in the cervix and suppresses the secretion of gonadotropic hormones by the pituitary gland, which affects the inhibition of ovulation.
Provides high contraceptive effectiveness due to the ingestion of progestin with estrogen, released in different phases of the cycle and in such a ratio to the corresponding physiological processes. It not only prevents pregnancy, but also regulates the menstrual cycle.
Of course, the main advantage of COC contraception using both monophasic and multiphasic drugs is the simplicity of the method itself. Agree, taking a pill is much easier than, for example, using a vaginal ring. And with such means as injection contraception or intrauterine devices, which cannot be used without a doctor, there is no comparison at all.
However, this is far from the only advantage; the undoubted advantages of hormonal contraception are:
- High efficiency, even for three-phase drugs the reliability indicator does not exceed 0.6%. In other words, out of one thousand women using this method of protection for one year, pregnancy occurred in only one case.
- Safety. Despite the fact that all birth control pills interfere with hormonal levels, their effects are much less harmful than the consequences of abortion.
- Normalization of the menstrual cycle, which becomes regular while taking the pills, and the menstruation itself is not so painful, long and heavy.
- By improving the barrier properties of cervical mucus, the incidence of inflammatory diseases or exacerbation of chronic pathologies is almost halved.
- The use of hormonal contraceptives for a year reduces the risk of endometrial cancer by 50%, ovarian cancer by 30%, and the risk of developing mastopathy becomes less by 70%.
These high-quality drugs contain only one progestogen. Their action is based on local action on the peripheral areas of the reproductive system. They affect the amount and structure of the cervical mucous substance, and also make changes in the biochemical processes of the endometrium. These drugs are inferior in effectiveness to their combined analogues, but can be successfully used in the presence of some contraindications.
- The undoubted advantage of this drug is that it can be taken by women for whom combination drugs are not recommended. For example, with diabetes, high blood pressure, migraines.
- It is also indicated for women over 35 years of age, especially those who smoke.
- May be effective in women who are breastfeeding.
- This drug is recommended for women over 40 years of age.
The advantage of these contraceptives is that they have fewer side effects than when taking combination drugs.
It is a synthetic progestogen. Prevents the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterus, due to changes in the composition of cervical mucus and transformation of endometrial secretion. Contains linestrenol. Exluton is recommended for nursing mothers. With long-term use, it prevents inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs and reduces the risk of fibrocystic mastopathy.
It is a contraceptive product that contains only a progestogen (desogestrel). The effect of preventing pregnancy is achieved by inhibiting ovulation, which is achieved by thickening the cervical mucus. Taking this medication leads to a significant decrease in the amount of estradiol to those characteristic of the early follicular phase.
It contains a hormonal substance – norgestrel. This is a gestagenic drug that has a contraceptive effect. Affects a decrease in contractility and muscle activity of the fallopian tubes and uterus. It affects the secretion of hypothalamic factors and blocks the formation of gonadotropic hormones. Has an efficiency of about 97%.
There are simply no ideal recommendations on the topic of the best birth control pills, which ones to choose. In any case, it would be a good idea to consult with a doctor who will prescribe the best option. It is important to remember a simple rule: if you haven’t had your period for 3 months after taking birth control, then most likely this drug is right for you. It is also necessary to take into account that any drug should not be taken for a long time.
So, everything is clear with the benefits of hormonal contraception. However, you should not make a hasty decision to switch to this method of protection right away. Let's think about who wouldn't like this option?
Perhaps you are completely and completely disorganized? Such drugs require strict adherence to the dosage schedule and should not be skipped. If forgetfulness is your problem, then you should think about it. However, we could recommend this method: you can place the package of pills on your night table (you will certainly find yourself next to it in the morning and evening), on the kitchen table or next to your toothbrush. This will make it easier to remember to take your pills.
It may very well be that you do not yet have a permanent partner. Then this method of protection should not be your only one: after all, pills do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases! These drugs only reduce the risk of infection, but you should not expect absolute protection from them. If you choose oral contraception, still make sure your partner uses a condom. You can happily forget about the “barrier” method when you finally decide on “that same man.”
We should not forget that hormonal contraceptives, like any medications, have a number of contraindications. Each drug has its own. Therefore, before taking the first tablet, be sure to read the instructions and make sure that the drug is suitable for you.
Birth control pills – which ones are better to choose and how to take them?
Preparations containing artificial sex hormones are one of the most effective and modern methods of contraception for women. The effectiveness of drugs against unwanted pregnancy, provided they are used correctly, reaches 99-100%. The effectiveness of such medications depends on the correctness of their choice.
Intrauterine device
The IUD is intended as a method of contraception after 30 years only for women who have given birth, if the birth proceeded naturally and without complications. This type of contraception is not recommended for caesarean section.
Currently, two types of IUDs are used, containing metals (copper, silver, gold) or hormones. The IUD is inserted into the uterine cavity on the third or fourth day of the menstrual cycle. It prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall and reduces its lifespan. IUDs with hormones additionally affect the consistency of cervical mucus, increasing its density, and also help normalize the menstrual cycle and prevent the formation of uterine fibroids.
Contraceptives for women - types of pills
There are 2 types of drugs in question, each of which has its own characteristics. Types of oral contraceptives:
- Progestin (mini-pills). The effectiveness is about 95-96%, they are characterized by maximum safety.
- Combined (COC).
Efficiency is up to 100%, they have contraindications and sometimes cause negative side effects.
Birth control pills in this group contain minimal doses of pure progestin (progestogen), which is a synthetic analogue of the sex hormone progesterone (produced in the ovaries). Oral contraception using a mini-pill is prescribed to women who are contraindicated to take standard COCs. Progestin drugs have a gentler effect on the body, but protect against unwanted pregnancy less well.
Combined oral contraceptives
The type of medication described includes both synthetic progesterone and an estrogen analogue. Such contraceptive pills can be one-, two- and three-phase, depending on the dosage of hormones. COCs work with maximum efficiency, reaching 100%, but are not suitable for all women. It is dangerous to select them yourself; an oral contraceptive of the combined group is individually prescribed by a gynecologist.
How experts select COCs
The question of which COCs to choose for you cannot be considered in one article. This is decided individually together with a doctor who knows all the characteristics of your body, previous diseases, the course of previous pregnancies and childbirth. It is also impossible to say which drugs are better and which are worse. This is determined by trial and error.
Each woman has her own individual sensitivity to hormonal drugs, and the oral contraceptive that is ideal for one may be completely unsuitable for another. No gynecologist, no tests can predict how your body will react to this or that COC. For some women, the first remedy suggested by a doctor is suitable immediately, while for others it takes years to find “their” drug. Therefore, if you decide to protect yourself from pregnancy using hormonal pills, be prepared to experiment on yourself.
What will a competent specialist do at the appointment, whom you contact about prescribing a COC:
- will ask you in detail about past and present diseases;
- will find out the nature of menstruation;
- finds out how many pregnancies there were and how they ended;
- will conduct a standard gynecological examination;
- take a smear for cytology;
- measure blood pressure;
- listens to the heart.
The selection of COCs begins with a survey and study of the woman’s medical history
And if nothing suspicious is found, at the first appointment the doctor will prescribe you a COC depending on his own preferences and assessment of your phenotype (body type and appearance). In addition, the gynecologist should teach you how to take certain pills correctly and what to do if you miss a dose or have side effects. What to be prepared for and what to pay special attention to.
If you tolerate the proposed drug well, then your next visit to the gynecologist will be needed in 3 months. Well, then - once a year or more often if questions arise. If you are definitely feeling unwell, you shouldn’t tempt fate for too long. Go to your doctor to get recommendations and review the prescribed remedy.
From the author. I have personal experience using all three types of tablets. After giving birth, I was the first to start taking monophasic Rigevidon, prescribed by my doctor for six months to treat dysfunctional uterine bleeding. After this period, I liked it so much that I continued to drink it for contraceptive purposes. I felt better on it than without it, there were no side effects, I forgot what heavy, painful periods were. One day, having come across two-phase Anteovin on sale, I decided to try it, which I regretted: my breasts became engorged and hurt from the 2nd half of the cycle, when the pink pills started. Lasted 3 months. Then, having read about the benefits of Tri-Regol, which was advertised at that time, I bought it and started taking it, because it was supposedly more physiological. The situation with the breasts during his treatment was the same as with Anteovina - it was impossible to touch, the pain interfered with movement and even when walking. It lasted me for 2 months, after which I returned to my good old Rigevidon, which I have been drinking for over 15 years. I can't say a single bad word about him.
Rigevidon is a reliable and easy-to-use monophasic COC of the old generation
Doctors' opinions on multi-phase COCs
What do gynecologists themselves say about drugs with different phases of action? If you look at the well-known site for ratings of Russian doctors, “Choice of Medicines,” you can see their real reviews.
As a COC containing levonorgestrel, it is undoubtedly highly effective, but for ethinyl estradiol it is a medium-dose drug. The higher the dose of EE, the more pronounced the side effects. I don't nominate him. If a woman uses it, I advise you to switch to low- or micro-dose with the same composition. Without a doubt, a minimal dose of LNG is needed to suppress ovulation. Some women gain weight, while others want it. But I can’t promise them that either.
Obstetrics and gynecology, 63 years old, Korenovsk
The drug relieves PMS symptoms well, allows you to control body weight and blood pressure. A good drug for patients leading an active lifestyle. The most used OC among colleagues. Preferred use in patients over 30 years of age.
Obstetrics and gynecology, 48 years old, Omsk
It is comparable in effectiveness and safety to Yarina, but I prefer to prescribe this drug at a younger age, up to 30. From personal experience: patients over 35 years old have more “breakthrough” bleeding.
Obstetrics and gynecology, 48 years old, Omsk
Highly dosed drug. The risk of EE-related problems is higher than that of Rigevidon. I don’t find any indications for choosing it. All biphasic drugs have the same composition. Doses and design vary. And, of course, such a selection criterion as price. The drugs from Gedeon Richter win in this regard.
Obstetrics and gynecology, 63 years old, Korenovsk
How do birth control pills work?
The mechanism for preventing pregnancy is different for the mini-pill and COCs. Basic principles explaining how pure progestin birth control pills work:
- Thickening of mucus on the cervix. This prevents the passage of sperm to the egg.
- Changes in the mucous membrane (glandular regression) lining the uterus. Even if the sperm manages to “break through” and fertilize the egg, it will not be able to attach.
- Slowing down the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes. Often the egg dies before fertilization, not having time to reach the mucous membrane.
Combination birth control pills produce similar effects, but also have additional effects:
- stop the release of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone in the pituitary gland;
- block ovarian functions;
- prevent the onset of ovulation.
Birth control pills – which one is better to choose?
Oral contraceptives are prescribed by a qualified gynecologist. Only an experienced doctor can prescribe birth control pills - which is best for a particular woman is determined based on a set of criteria:
- age;
- hormonal background;
- constitutional-biological type (height, duration of the menstrual cycle, severity of secondary sexual characteristics and other characteristics);
- bad habits;
- previous births or abortions;
- blood sugar concentration;
- the presence of diseases of the reproductive system and endocrine pathologies;
- blood pressure level;
- body mass;
- condition of the skin;
- visual acuity;
- liver function;
- work of the blood coagulation system;
- the presence of neoplasms in the pelvic organs and mammary glands;
- sexual activity.
Combination birth control pills are suitable for most women. If contraindications to their use are found, the doctor will recommend choosing another method of contraception, for example, mechanical (condoms, intrauterine device), or using mini-pills:
- Exluton;
- Charosetta;
- Ovret;
- Continuin;
- Organametril and analogues.
Birth control pills after intercourse
This group of medications is prescribed in isolated cases when it is necessary to urgently terminate an intended pregnancy. These contraceptive pills are taken after intimacy (immediately). The earlier the use of emergency contraceptives is started, the more effective their use will be. They provoke the death of a fertilized egg (chemical “micro-abortion”).
The outdated Postinor had to be taken no later than 2 days from the moment of unprotected intercourse, and better - in the first few hours. Modern drugs work softer and safer, but more effective. You need to take the following birth control pills after intercourse for 3-4 days:
- Genale;
- NorLevo;
- Escapelle;
- Mifegin;
- ElEva and analogues.
Monophasic COCs
This form of birth control pills contains a constant ratio of progestogen and estrogen in each pill. The dose of hormones taken does not change depending on the period of the menstrual cycle. The advantages of this type of contraceptives are:
- affordable price;
- versatility;
- knowledge based on many years of experience in use.
The best contraceptive pills from the group of single-phase COCs are often prescribed for the treatment of serious gynecological diseases:
Popular monophasic birth control pills - names:
- Logest;
- Janine;
- Silhouette;
- Femoden;
- Anova and analogues.
Biphasic COCs
This type of pharmacological agents was developed with the goal of bringing the amount of synthetic hormones taken closer to their physiological fluctuations in the female body during the menstrual cycle. In the contraceptive pills described, only the concentration of estrogen remains unchanged. The dose of progesterone is different for the first and second half of the cycle.
Which contraceptive pills from the two-phase group are prescribed by gynecologists:
Three-phase COCs
Each package of such drugs contains 3 types of tablets containing different concentrations of hormones. The latest generation of three-phase COCs are available with dosages of progesterone and estrogen that correspond to their natural fluctuations during certain periods of the menstrual cycle (follicular, luteal, ovulation). The presented approach to contraception cannot be considered more effective than previous options. Some women are more suited to mono- or biphasic products.
Which birth control pills are best to take (from the described group):
- Milvane;
- Tri-Mercy;
- Tri-Regol;
- Marvelon;
- Trisilest and analogues.
An effective and safe contraceptive is Novinet birth control pills.
Today, oral contraception is the most popular among women. Firstly, it has a fairly high contraceptive effectiveness, secondly, it eliminates discomfort, unlike the use of mechanical contraceptives, and thirdly, it allows women to control the entire situation. Each lady sees her own additional advantages in this contraceptive method.
However, oral contraceptives are not without their disadvantages, but, according to most women, they still have more advantages. Now all that remains is to choose the most optimal tablets that are quite effective and do not cause side effects. Their choice is so large that sometimes gynecologists cannot immediately navigate. Today we will talk about Novinet tablets. Reviews from doctors about this drug are mixed, but most experts still claim its high degree of protection.
How does Novinet work?
These tablets consist of synthetic analogues of the natural hormones estrogen and progestogen. Scientists have proven that it is synthetic hormones that have a stronger effect. This drug blocks the production of certain hormones responsible for ovulation. As a result, the egg does not mature, and fertilization does not occur. Under the influence of the tablets, cervical mucus thickens, which interferes with the advancement of sperm.
Those suffering from dysmenorrhea and severe premenstrual syndrome are advised to take the drug "Novinet". Reviews from doctors in such cases are only positive. Special benefits: restoration of the menstrual cycle (if it is irregular), reduction of pain during menstruation, regulation of heavy bleeding and relief from acne.
If we compare this contraceptive with other OCs, then the drug “Novinet” among this abundance is considered one of the most harmless and safe. The tablets contain a minimal level of estrogen, which can significantly reduce the risk of many side effects - especially weight gain.
Side effects caused by Novinet tablets
Reviews from gynecologists about the drug indicate the following adverse reactions: diarrhea, nausea, skin rash, dizziness, headaches, mood swings, changes in libido, jaundice, increased blood pressure, swelling of the mammary glands, decreased or increased body weight.
Other manifestations are possible: fatigue, amenorrhea, candidiasis, hair loss, erythema nodosum, thrombosis, hypertension, vaginal mycosis, skin pigmentation. Some manifestations disappear on their own after three months of regular use of the tablets.
Novinet tablets: how to take
Thanks to the convenient packaging, which indicates how to take the drug correctly, a woman can easily control her contraceptive intake. The first tablet is taken on the day of the menstrual cycle. The next one is accepted at the same hours as the first one. The course lasts 21 days, then a seven-day break is taken, during which period menstruation begins.
After seven days, we start drinking a new pack - 21 days. If your period has not ended and the week has passed, still start drinking Novinet. Reviews from doctors regarding the duration of use agree - it is not recommended to use it for more than two years.
It is necessary to take a break for at least six months for the ovaries to recover. You should stop taking it if:
- Pregnancy occurred while taking it.
- The next menstruation did not come.
- Hepatitis or jaundice has developed.
- Vision has decreased.
- Severe headaches began.
- Epileptic seizures appeared (increased).
- Hypertension developed.
- An operation is planned.
If you were unable to take the next dose or you simply forgot, take the pill as soon as you remember it and then everything else according to the schedule. If you have not taken the drug for about a month, then you need to start the course of treatment again, just keep in mind that the effect of the pill is significantly reduced.
Contraindications for Novinet tablets
Reviews from experts are very varied, but still take the drug with extreme caution if you have the following points:
- Pregnancy and lactation period.
- Chronic colitis.
- Liver diseases.
- Cholelithiasis.
- Cholecystitis.
- Sickle cell and hemolytic anemia.
- Arterial or venous thromboembolism.
- Congenital hyperbilirubinemia.
- Otosclerosis.
- Ischemic attack or angina.
- Genital herpes.
- Diabetes.
- Oncology of the mammary glands and genital organs.
- Intolerance to components.
- Previous stroke or heart attack.
The drug "Novinet" can be taken only as prescribed by the treating gynecologist. Before your appointment, you must undergo a complete examination.
Published by deneb on Sat, 09/24/2016 — 07:38
The issue of protection from unwanted pregnancy is relevant for almost any woman of fertile age. Oral contraceptives have long established themselves as a fairly effective method of contraception, which also does not require special costs.
It is enough not to skip daily pills during the cycle. One of the popular drugs is Novinet. What are its advantages and to whom is it contraindicated, what is its price and features of use?
The principle of action of the drug, its effectiveness
The so-called single-phase (or monophasic) oral contraceptive. which Novinet is, is available in blisters of 21 pieces. The drug is classified as a microdosed contraceptive. These appear to be light yellow tablets, marked on both sides with the symbols P9 and RG.
The tablet combines ethinyl estradiol (estrogen) and desogestrel (progestogen). In addition to being contraceptive, the substances have an estrogen-progestogenic effect, that is, they regulate the balance of estrogen and progesterone in a woman’s body.
These little components are more active than real sex hormones. Their purpose is to block the production of hormones in the follicular and luteal phases of the cycle, as a result of which the girl (woman) does not ovulate, which is necessary for conception.
A consequence of the action of oral contraceptives is also a decrease in the release of gonandropin. The unhindered entry of sperm into the egg is also counteracted by too thick cervical (cervical) mucus formed under the influence of the drug. In addition, changes occur in the endometrium that prevent fertilization.
Novinet differs from its analogues in that the estrogenic component in it is reduced to a minimum. This prevents some side effects: chest pain, weight gain, nausea, blood clots (for those suffering from varicose veins).
The drug contains third-generation gestagen, so there is no need to worry about an unhealthy reaction to lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.
Both ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel are well absorbed by the intestines and distributed throughout tissues and organs. Concentrates in the blood within an hour and a half. Bioavailability of the drug is 60-80%. On average, metabolites are eliminated from the body through the kidneys and intestines per day.
The medication is prescribed not only as a contraceptive. It is prescribed to women with dysmenorrhea (dysfunction of the menstrual cycle), aggravated by premenstrual syndrome, and large blood loss during menstruation.
Oral contraceptives reduce the risk of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, ectopic pregnancy, and cancer of the reproductive system and breast. The use of Novinet and drugs with similar pharmacological effects has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, acne disappears. directly related to hormonal levels.
How to use the medication correctly?
The difficulty in using oral contraceptives is that you need to take the pill every day during the menstrual cycle, preferably at the same time. If it turns out that the break was more than 36 hours, there can be no guarantee that conception will not occur, since ovulation may occur suddenly. In this case, you should take a double dose the next day.
If in the first half of the monthly cycle a girl forgets to take Novinet for 2 days in a row, she should take 2 pills in the next two days.
The first day of the cycle is the start of taking the package. The pills are taken for 21 days, then a week break, during which menstruation occurs. Whether menstrual bleeding has stopped or not, the next pack is started on the 8th day. But not later than the 6th day of the cycle, otherwise taking Novinet no longer makes sense. The cycle day number and arrow are indicated on the back of the blister. This helps you avoid making mistakes.
The same scheme is used when any other drug is changed to Novinet. When switching to another drug that protects against unwanted pregnancy, it is not necessary to take a seven-day break.
After childbirth, you can start taking the drug on the 21st day (not earlier). If sexual intercourse has already taken place, it is recommended to wait until the first menstruation to take birth control pills. Taking oral contraceptives is possible if a woman is not breastfeeding.
Women nursing a baby should not use the drug, since Novinet has the property of suppressing lactation and passes into breast milk. However, there is usually no need for oral and other contraceptives until the menstrual cycle resumes.
After termination of pregnancy, you can start taking Novinet and similar drugs the very next day.
A little feminine trick. If there is a need to delay menstruation, after the pills in the blister run out, you must immediately start a new package, without a seven-day break.
It must be borne in mind that the drug cannot be fully absorbed during diarrhea or vomiting. Therefore, after the cessation of the malaise, you need to take an extra tablet. If the condition does not stop for more than 12 hours, it is better to protect yourself with additional methods (cap, condoms, paste, etc.)
How to prepare for taking oral contraceptives?
If a woman chooses a contraceptive method, it is worth undergoing a medical examination - from a general practitioner and a gynecologist. It is recommended to repeat it every six months.
- notify the doctor about existing diseases, including medical history;
- undergo an examination in a gynecological chair or ultrasound;
- take blood and urine tests, as well as a smear for cytology;
- it is necessary to examine the mammary glands by a mammologist;
- if liver problems are suspected, it is important to examine the organ;
- Monitor blood pressure for a certain period of time.
The study should become a habit, since over time, even completely healthy women may develop certain risks. Only a doctor can decide whether this method of contraception is suitable for a girl.
Possible side effects
Novinet contains a minimal amount of hormones. since the drug is a new generation remedy. Side effects are kept to a minimum.
But it should still be remembered that ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel are ersatz estrogen and progesterone, respectively, the drug can in some way affect a woman’s hormonal levels:
- The estrogen component can cause intermenstrual bleeding.
- Some experience nausea and general malaise.
- There is a change in libido in one direction or another.
- There may be discomfort when wearing contact lenses.
- You often feel tension in the mammary glands.
- The initial months of use are characterized by unexplained mood swings.
- Appetite and weight may change.
- All these symptoms disappear without a trace after 2-3 months.
- Long-term use of oral contraceptives, in particular Novinet, can provoke:
- The appearance of pigment spots on the skin.
- Increased pressure.
- Hair loss .
- Gallbladder problems.
- Thromboembolism in different places.
- Changes in vaginal secretion.
- Inflammatory processes of the reproductive system.
- Skin rashes.
- Increased fatigue, frequent migraines, depression.
- Increase in body weight.
- Metabolic disorders.
- Allergies.
However, these symptoms are the exception rather than the rule and are extremely rare.
Interaction with other drugs
There is a whole list of medications that Novinet cannot be combined with.
Certain antibiotics in combination with a contraceptive reduce its contraceptive effect.
- Ampicillin. Tetracycline, Chloramphenicol.
- Phenylbutazone (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug).
- Ketoconazole is an antifungal drug.
- Tranquilizers can also reduce the protective effect.
- Medicines based on phenobarbital.
- Maprotiline is a tricyclic antidepressant.
- Carbamazepine, phenytoin are anticonvulsants.
- Anticoagulants containing indanedione and coumarin.
- Hepatotoxic drugs.
- Beta blockers.
- Barbiturates.
- Containing St. John's wort.
- Insulin and other drugs to lower sugar.
The listed drugs either reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptive or increase the toxic effect. Due to an unsuccessful drug combination, intermediate bleeding is possible.
In combination with antidiabetic agents, they may cause an increased need for insulin. Women over 35 need to be especially careful when combining medications.
If taking one of the drugs incompatible with Novinet is necessary, it is recommended to use additional contraceptives.
Who is Novinet contraindicated for?
There are categories of women for whom oral contraceptives are not recommended.
- Pregnant and breastfeeding women;
- Those suffering from pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic colitis, cholelithiasis, severe diseases and malignant tumors of the liver, cholecystitis);
- With oncological diseases of the reproductive sphere;
- With a predisposition or presence of venous thromboembolism;
- With severe cardiovascular diseases;
- Hypertensive patients;
- Suffering from pancreatitis (including a history);
- Patients with diabetes mellitus;
- With complex forms of anemia (sickle cell and hemolytic).
Preventive medications (including Novinet) are not recommended for endometrial hyperplasia. vaginal and uterine bleeding of unknown origin, estrogen-dependent tumors, ulcerative colitis, heart defects, obesity, epilepsy, otosclerosis.
It is also undesirable for women who smoke after 35 years of age.
Cost, comparison with analogues
Compared to other oral contraceptives, similar in pharmacological action and composition, the price of Novinet is low. A package containing 21 tablets costs from 408 to 439 rubles in different pharmacies. For a package containing 3 blisters of 21 tablets, you need to pay 985-1055 rubles.
For comparison, Marvelon (No. 21) costs about 1,300 rubles. the same packaging of Mercilon - more than 1300 rubles. Another analogue of Novinet, the drug Tri-Mercy, costs 850-900 rubles in Russian pharmacies. And Regulon is the most similar in price - for 21 tablets you have to pay about 500 rubles.
So, Novinet is the most accessible of single-phase oral contraceptives.
Novinet is one of the most reliable methods of contraception. Pregnancy occurs in only half a percent of girls taking birth control.
The effectiveness decreases if a pill is missed, drugs are taken that weaken the effectiveness of contraceptives, and also if diarrhea or vomiting occurred during the cycle. Novinet (like other oral medications) does not protect against HIV (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases, like a condom.
But at the same time, it regulates the menstrual cycle, reduces the risk of cancer of the reproductive system, and has other beneficial effects on women’s health. In addition, Novinet is one of the most affordable methods of oral contraception with minimal side effects.
Let's look at the features of taking Novinet:
Oral contraceptives have become increasingly popular among women over the past decade. Novinet is considered one of these drugs. Its popularity is due, first of all, to its high contraceptive effect with strict adherence to the dosage regimen, the influence of the drug on the regulatory mechanisms of the menstrual cycle, the small number of side effects and their rare occurrence, and the absence of any discomfort when taking them.
Novinet is a monophasic drug, that is, it implies the same dosage of active substances throughout the entire course of administration. Novinet contains hormones - estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and gestagen (desogestrel), the dosage of which is calculated in such a way that it is aimed, on the one hand, at suppressing ovulation, and on the other, at maintaining the balance of hormones.
Action of Novinet tablets. Let me remind you that Novinet is an oral contraceptive (OC), containing synthetic analogues of the natural hormones gestagen and estrogen. The targeted action of the drug prevents the synthesis in the female body of hormones responsible for the onset of ovulation. Since the process of maturation of the egg is not observed, fertilization also cannot be possible. The contraceptive effect is also enhanced by the fact that Novinet helps thicken the cervical mucus, which, in turn, makes it difficult for sperm to penetrate the cervix.
In addition, Novinet, like many analogue hormonal contraceptive drugs, has a beneficial effect on the mechanisms of regulation of the menstrual cycle. eliminating existing disorders (irregular cycles, heavy menstrual bleeding, pain during menstruation). This drug is also prescribed for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). dysmenorrhea, acne.
The Novinet contraceptive, among other new generation oral contraceptive pills, is one of the safest. The drug contains minimal doses of estrogen, which reduces the risk of side effects, in particular weight gain, about which the entire fair half of humanity is worried.
Side effects from Novinet tablets. Of course, side effects may develop when taking this drug, but the risk of this is minimal. Among them are vomiting, headaches, diarrhea, increased blood pressure, rash, jaundice, nausea, bleeding, dizziness, mood swings, engorgement of the mammary glands, decreased sexual desire, and some weight gain or loss. In rare cases, the following side effects may develop:
- amenorrhea;
- erythema nodosum;
- hair loss;
- dark spots;
- arterial hypertension;
- candidiasis;
- fast fatiguability;
- vaginal mycosis;
- thrombosis and thromboembolism;
- changes in vaginal mucus;
Usually, all of the above manifestations go away on their own within several months of taking Novinet.
How to take Novinet tablets. The drug is available in convenient packaging with the days of administration indicated. It helps to keep track of which day and which pill you take.
The first tablet should be taken on the first day of your period. Subsequent tablets must be taken at the same time (to within an hour) that the first one was taken. That is why it is important to think carefully about when and at what time of day it will be most convenient for you to take the drug. It is important to take into account your own lifestyle and habits. The contraceptive course is twenty-one days, after which a week-long break is taken, which is reserved for the next menstruation. After seven days, that is, on the eighth, you need to start a new package (twenty-one tablets), even if your period has not ended.
It is not recommended to start taking Novinet if more than a week has passed since the start of menstruation; in this case, you should wait until the next cycle. You should also not use these birth control pills for more than two years. In this case, it is recommended to take a break for six to eight months. This is necessary to restore ovarian function. If you suspect pregnancy while taking the drug, you must stop taking it immediately and go to see a gynecologist. The same applies to a week-long break while taking the drug. If you haven't had your period, you should see a doctor. I note that the manufacturers of Novinet indicate that no significant anomalies or defects in the development of children whose mothers took Novinet birth control pills in the first days of pregnancy were identified.
Taking Novinet after pregnancy. After delivery, you can start taking Novinet tablets after twenty-one days, but provided that the mother does not intend to breastfeed in the future or cannot for some reason. After all, breastfeeding and taking these oral contraceptives are incompatible; the drug contributes to the extinction of lactation and worsens the quality of milk.
After an artificial termination of pregnancy, the first course of Novinet should be started immediately on the day of the abortion (after it), or the next day.
If, while taking Novinet birth control pills, sharp headaches appear, blood pressure increases, generalized itching, hepatitis appear, or vision deteriorates, then you should stop taking the drug. Also, if you are planning surgery, you should stop taking the drug one and a half months before it.
What to do if you miss taking a Novinet tablet? It should be noted that this rarely happens. But if suddenly, for some reason, you still missed the time of taking the pill, you need to know what to do in this case. If you forgot to take a pill at hour X and remembered it some time later (less than thirty-six hours), it should be taken as soon as you remembered it. Then take the drug according to the established schedule, but on this day it is better to use additional means of contraception (condom).
If more than thirty-six hours have passed since taking the last pill, you must take the missed dose and continue to follow your usual dosage regimen, but you will have to use additional contraception before starting the next pack.
If a pill was missed in the first or second week of the cycle, then the next day you should take two pills at once, and then stick to the schedule.
If a missed dose occurred in the first two weeks of the cycle, and two doses at once, then for the next two days you should take two tablets at once.
If you missed a pill in the third week of your cycle, then in addition to what has already been said above, you will have to take the drug during a seven-day break.
It should be noted that minor bleeding or spotting may occur when missing a pill.
What should you know when taking Novinet? If vomiting occurs, the contraceptive effect of the pills may be reduced. You should additionally use barrier contraception. If you have planned a pregnancy, you must stop taking the drug three cycles before the planned conception.
Smoking significantly increases the risk of developing thrombosis of various locations.
Contraindications for taking Novinet
- migraine with focal neurological symptoms;
- liver diseases;
- systemic lupus erythematosus;
- neoplasms in the genital area or mammary gland of a malignant nature;
- cholecystitis;
- period of pregnancy and lactation;
- colitis in chronic form;
- severe diabetes mellitus;
- cholelithiasis;
- chronic hemolytic anemia;
- angina pectoris;
- hyperlipoproteinemia;
- severe hypertension;
- otosclerosis;
- arterial or venous thromboembolism;
- bleeding from the vagina of unknown etiology;
- genital herpes;
- individual intolerance to the components contained in the drug;
- sickle cell anemia; heart attack or stroke in the past.
It is also worth noting that the simultaneous use of Novinet and certain medications and herbs can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the drug, so you should consult your doctor before each course.
And most importantly, you must remember that Novinet, like any other hormonal contraceptive, should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and only after a gynecological and general medical examination. By the way, after thirty-five such examinations must be carried out every six months.
News MirTesen
How to take birth control pills?
All oral contraceptives are used almost identically. It is important that the use of birth control pills strictly comply with the instructions for them and the recommendations of the gynecologist. Basic rules:
- The starter pill is taken on the first day of the menstrual cycle.
- Birth control pills need to be taken every day. In order not to forget about this, it is better to keep the pack in a place where a woman often looks - a cosmetic bag, a cabinet in the bathroom, near the mirror.
- Take 1 pill per day, preferably at a constant time.
- When the tablets in the blister run out (their number is 21-28 pieces), take a break for 7 days. During this week, scanty bleeding will appear, similar to menstruation. The exception is mini-pills; they should be taken without interruption.
- At the end of 7 days, resume using the contraceptive.
- If you vomit immediately after taking the tablet, you need to take another one. It is important to additionally protect yourself with a condom for 24 hours.
- If you miss a pill, it is advisable to take the next pill a little earlier. It is impossible to double the dose in this situation; only additional barrier contraception is recommended.
- When using other hormonal drugs in parallel, be sure to consult a specialist.
Birth control pills - side effects
All negative accompanying phenomena are conditionally divided into 2 groups – minor and serious. Hormonal contraceptive pills cause the following mild side effects:
- nausea;
- loss of appetite;
- headache;
- decreased sexual desire;
- spotting from the vagina between periods;
- weight gain;
- dizziness;
- swelling of the lower extremities;
- flatulence;
- chloasma;
- skin rashes;
- swelling and tenderness of the breasts;
- complete absence of menstruation;
- increased body hair growth;
- recurrence of thrush;
- photosensitivity.
Sometimes hormonal birth control pills lead to serious consequences:
- hemicrania;
- migraine;
- fainting;
- loss of areas from the field of vision, deterioration of its acuity;
- glaucoma;
- hives;
- difficulty speaking;
- problems with the respiratory system (wet cough, expectoration of thick mucous sputum, wheezing);
- sharp pain in the chest;
- blood pressure surges;
- thrombosis;
- phlebeurysm;
- digestive disorders;
- myalgia;
- jaundice;
- growth of cysts on the ovaries;
- severe and painful swelling of the legs in the calf area.
Birth control pills - contraindications
Some women are strictly prohibited from using oral contraceptives. In the case of COCs, you cannot take birth control pills during breastfeeding (lactation), during pregnancy and for 1.5 months after childbirth. Other contraindications to combination drugs:
- cerebrovascular diseases;
- liver pathologies;
- herpes;
- smoking, especially at the age of 35 or more;
- migraine of unknown nature;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- bleeding from the genital tract;
- kidney damage;
- hypertension 2-3 degrees;
- prolonged immobility;
- cancer;
- overweight (exceeding 30% of normal);
- diabetes;
- pathologies of the blood coagulation system;
- rheumatoid arthritis;
- thyrotoxicosis;
- bronchial asthma;
- Gilbert's syndrome;
- retinitis pigmentosa and others.
When asked whether it is possible to take birth control pills with pure progestin during lactation, doctors answer positively. Mini-pills do not affect milk in any way and generally have fewer contraindications:
- history of ectopic pregnancy;
- oncology;
- acute liver diseases;
- pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
- idiopathic vaginal bleeding.
Other hormonal contraceptives
In addition to oral contraceptives, other hormonal contraceptives are also used to prevent unplanned pregnancy. These include:
- vaginal ring;
- subcutaneous implant;
- contraceptive patch;
- postcoital remedies.
Vaginal ring
This is a thin silicone ring with a diameter of about 4 cm, containing estrogen and progestogen, which enter the systemic circulation through the vaginal mucosa and have an effect similar to oral contraceptives. Their concentration in blood plasma is maintained at a constant level for 3 weeks and then gradually decreases.
The ring is inserted into the vagina on the first day of menstruation and left for 21 days, after which it is removed and replaced with a new one a week later. Its position in the vagina does not affect the pharmacological effect, but may create discomfort during sexual intercourse. The disadvantages of this method are an increased risk of developing an inflammatory process in the vagina and the inability to use tampons during menstruation.
The contraceptive patch works in a similar way. It is glued to the skin in certain places for 21 days, and then a break is taken for 7 days. The advantage of the vaginal ring and the contraceptive patch is the absorption of the active components into the systemic bloodstream, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, which increases the degree of their absorption and reduces the number of side effects.
Subcutaneous implants
These are capsules about 3.5 cm long and 2.5 mm in diameter, containing a synthetic progestogen, which is gradually released into the systemic circulation over a long period of time. A significant drawback of this method of contraception, despite its high efficiency and duration of action (up to 5 years), is the need for minimally invasive surgery to place and remove implants.
Contraindications for a subdermal implant are the same as for all hormonal contraceptives. Progestin-only contraceptives can also be introduced into the body by injection (depo-provera). To ensure pregnancy prevention, injections are given intramuscularly once every two months.
Postcoital contraceptives
The most popular drug is Postinor, which contains very high doses of hormones. Must be taken no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. The mechanism of action is associated with changing the structure of the endometrium and preventing the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. This method of contraception is used only in emergency cases, it is not recommended for women of any age, not only after 30 years, as it is fraught with serious side effects. Using it systematically is strictly prohibited.
Stopping birth control pills
Progressive doctors can prescribe oral contraceptives for a very long period, calculated in years and even decades. Over a long period of time, the reproductive system adapts to the supply of hormones from the outside, so after their withdrawal, mood swings, cycle instability, pain in the lower abdomen and other symptoms may occur. They are not caused by contraceptive pills for women, but by the body returning to natural functioning and preparing for fertilization. When hormonal levels stabilize, such signs will disappear on their own.
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