Comparison of drugs Janine and Qlaira. What is better and what is the difference

Updated: 05/23/2019 15:21:06
Expert: Boris Kaganovich

Hormonal contraceptives are now used not only to prevent pregnancy, but also to treat certain gynecological diseases. Among these will be endometriosis, a change in endometrial cells with their proliferation. To understand which remedy is better and more effective - Janine or Qlaira as a contraceptive and therapeutic drug, we compared them according to various parameters, and are ready to draw some conclusions.

What is endometriosis

This disease is classified as benign. It is characterized by changes in the uterine mucosa and a significant increase in the number of endometrial cells. With such a disease, the development of cells of this layer of the uterus in other organs can be observed. Most often, this disease is diagnosed in middle-aged women.

This disease can occur in several forms:

In the genital form, the disease can affect the ovaries and fallopian tubes, while in the extragenital form it affects the abdominal organs.

Causes of the disease

There is still no consensus among doctors about what causes the development of this disease. However, it has been established that heredity plays a rather significant role.

Some doctors believe that this disease is just a manifestation of a very extensive pathology that develops due to disruptions in hormonal levels and immune processes.

In addition, the factors influencing its occurrence include:

  • Late or complicated labor.
  • Abortion.
  • C-section.
  • Diametric coagulation of the cervix.

Symptoms of the development of the disease

There are quite a lot of clinical so-called typical symptoms of the development of this disease. These include:

  • Heavy menstruation.
  • Spotting discharge.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Infertility.
  • Pain in the pelvic area.

If the deviation affects neighboring organs, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Constipation.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • Hematuria.

The most characteristic symptom of this disease is spotting.
Most often they can be detected during the intermenstrual period. However, in some cases, this disease can occur without any symptoms.

That is why, in order to detect a deviation of this kind as early as possible, it is necessary to undergo regular preventive examinations.


The active components of the contraceptive Janine are 2 mg of dienogest and 30 mcg of ethinyl estradiol.

In addition to the main active components, the tablets contain the following ingredients that perform auxiliary functions:

  • lactose monohydrate;
  • potato starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • talc;
  • gelatin.

The tablet coating is produced using:

  • sucrose;
  • dextrose;
  • macrogol;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • polyvidone;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • carnauba wax.

The drug is produced in the form of dragees with a smooth and white surface. Janine is packaged in blisters of 21 tablets. One package may contain 1 or 3 blisters.

The drug is a monophasic contraceptive medication with antiandrogenic activity.

The action of the main components of the drug is aimed at inhibiting the secretory abilities of the pituitary gland to produce gonadotropic hormones, which leads to inhibition of follicle maturation and suppression of ovulation.

The use of Janine is accompanied by normalization of the menstrual cycle and a decrease in the severity of pain during menstruation.

The use of Janine is accompanied by normalization of the menstrual cycle and a decrease in the severity of pain during menstruation. Under the influence of the drug, the intensity of discharge decreases, which reduces the risk of developing anemia.

Janine can be used not only as a means of contraception, but also for the treatment of moderate-intensity acne.

Contraindications to the use of a medicinal product may include:

  • thrombosis of veins and arteries and conditions preceding their development;
  • diabetes mellitus complicated by vascular pathologies;
  • the presence of factors in a woman that contribute to the risk of thrombosis of veins or arteries;
  • severe forms of liver pathologies;
  • liver tumors;
  • imbalance of hormones that provoked the development of malignant diseases of the mammary glands or reproductive organs;
  • vaginal bleeding of unspecified etiology;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Taking a contraceptive may be accompanied by a large number of side effects, these may include:

  • an increase in the volume and tension of the mammary glands, the occurrence of pain and discharge from them;
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract of varying intensity;
  • the occurrence of headaches and migraine attacks;
  • change in emotional state;
  • change in libido;
  • deterioration of tolerance to contact lenses;
  • visual impairment;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • nausea;
  • skin rashes;
  • vomit;
  • changes in the nature of vaginal discharge;
  • erythema nodosum;
  • cholestatic jaundice;
  • generalized itching;
  • weight fluctuations;
  • delay in excretion of fluid from the body;
  • allergic manifestations.

During the use of Janine, thrombosis or thromboembolism may develop in the female body.

In case of an overdose, a woman experiences nausea, vomiting, spotting from the genital tract or bleeding with varying degrees of intensity. To eliminate the consequences of an overdose, symptomatic therapy is used.

Oral contraceptives are available in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. The cost of a monthly course of the drug is 870 rubles. A package with three monthly courses of the drug costs 2,200 rubles.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of this disease is a very difficult process. This is because some other diseases closely resemble endometriosis. In addition, the deviation can occur with virtually no symptoms, which also complicates its diagnosis.

Most often, this disease is detected when:

  • Gynecological examination.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics.
  • Taking tests.

As a rule, if there is suspicion, the doctor will recommend undergoing a comprehensive examination, which will include:

  • Clinical examination.
  • Gynecological diagnostics.
  • Ultrasonography.
  • Laparoscopy.
  • Hysteroscopy.

Possible complications

One of the most serious complications that can result from lack of treatment is infertility. This complication occurs in 60% of women. Also, during the process of compression of nerve endings, neurological disorders can be observed.

Prolonged and frequent bleeding can serve as a factor provoking the appearance of anemia, which, in turn, is accompanied by:

  • Increased fatigue.
  • Dizziness.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Weakness.

The most negative complication that can provoke endometriosis is malignancy.

What to do

If you suspect the development of this disease, you should consult a doctor.
The earliest possible start of treatment can eliminate the disease and increase the chance of pregnancy. That is why it is worth regularly undergoing examinations by a specialist. As a rule, if treatment measures and doctor’s recommendations are followed, the chance of pregnancy increases from 40 to 70%.

A specialist can make an accurate diagnosis only on the basis of a comprehensive examination. Ultrasound examination and laproscopy may be prescribed as prescribed by the doctor, and a biopsy may also be prescribed.

The main goals of treatment:

  • Reduced pain.
  • Reducing process activity.
  • Elimination of infertility.

The specialist assigns influence taking into account:

  • Features of the condition.
  • Severity of the disease.
  • Age category.
  • Number of pregnancies.

Most often, the influence on the disease is carried out using hormonal and immune therapy. Its focus is to reduce ovarian activity and slow down the formation of new tissue.

A combination of surgical treatment and medication is also used.

The duration of taking such drugs is prescribed by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the disease and other important factors.

Most often, this effect is accompanied by spotting discharge for several weeks. The first results are observed after 4-8 weeks of exposure.

This type of treatment, such as surgery, is most often prescribed for the treatment of complicated forms of the disease. It is also used to treat related diseases. After surgery, hormonal therapy is most often prescribed.

In addition to hormonal effects, a specialist may prescribe restorative measures in the postoperative period. As a rule, they are necessary to prevent the development of complications and the formation of adhesions.

Treatment with Qlaira

This drug is used quite often to treat endometriosis.
Its effectiveness is due to the fairly high content of dienogest, an analogue of progesterone. It copes quite effectively with suppressing foci of the disease. However, this drug should be used with caution for the treatment of endometriosis. After all, it contains an analogue of estrogen, which provokes the development of the disease.

Most specialists prescribe this remedy to treat the disease at the initial stage of its development. As a rule, the first result is noticeable after six months.

How does the drug affect the body?

The contraceptive effect of this drug is due to the influence on the body of substances such as dienogest and estradiol valerate.
These substances affect and suppress the ovulation process. Thus, the egg does not mature and pregnancy does not occur. In addition, one of the effects of Qlaira is to reduce the amount of menstrual flow and reduce the duration of menstrual bleeding. Thanks to this, the drug reduces the risk of developing anemia in women.

Difference between the drug and other drugs

Qlaira contains a natural component - estradiolavalerate.
This is precisely the main difference between this remedy and other contraceptives. This component has minimal impact on the liver and does not affect the level of blood clotting. Another component that has a beneficial effect on the body is dienogest. It improves the condition:

However, in some cases, this component can lead to a decrease in the level of sexual desire.

Indications for use

One of the main indications for the use of this remedy is to prevent pregnancy. As prescribed by a doctor, it can be used to normalize menstruation and treat various types of genital diseases.

It has proven itself to be quite effective in the treatment of endometriosis. It is often prescribed for adenomyosis. Due to the fact that it contains hormones, the effect occurs on almost all systems. That is why the range of its use is quite wide.

Contraindications for use

There are quite a few contraindications for using Qlaira. These include:

  • Thrombosis.
  • Strokes, heart attacks.
  • Heart pathologies, migraine.
  • Diabetes.
  • Pancreatitis, liver diseases.
  • Malignant formations of a hormonal nature.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Bleeding.
  • Allergy.

Product Janine - features

Jeanine tablets are available in pill form for oral administration. This is a modern contraceptive that contains hormones, namely dienogest and ethinyl estradiol. Due to this composition, the pills have an antiandrogenic effect, which helps reduce the severity of the inflammatory process in acne and various gynecological diseases.

The main indication for use is the need for contraception. Janine has a contraceptive effect by suppressing ovulation. During the period of taking the drug, the viscosity of the cervical secretion decreases, which makes it impermeable to sperm.

The gestagen element in the composition (dienogest) has antiandrogenic activity, which has been proven by clinical studies. This component also helps to normalize the blood lipid profile, that is, it increases the number of HDL.

Women taking this contraceptive note that the menstrual cycle gradually returns to normal, severe pain goes away, and the intensity of bleeding decreases. There is evidence that taking the drug reduces the risk of ovarian cancer and the development of malignant endometriosis.

Janine or Claira: what to choose

Before starting to use this type of medication, you should consult your doctor.
Many experts note that the drug Janine contains a higher concentration of active ingredients, so women prone to allergic reactions should refrain from using it. That is why only a specialist can prescribe Janine. In general, a medicine such as Janine is more suitable for young women. Janine differs from Klaira only in the estrogen component. Most experts agree that the synthetic analogue of this component contained in Jeannine is more suitable for young girls.

To summarize, we can say that a disease such as endometriosis is quite difficult to diagnose. This is largely due to the fact that no special symptoms are observed during its development. Various influences can act as provoking factors. For example, the number of abortions. Treatment of this disease should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Most often, the influence is carried out in 2 forms: medicinal and surgical. The choice of the form of influence is carried out by a specialist, taking into account the woman’s condition, the characteristics of the body, age and other factors.

The drug Qlaira has proven itself to be quite good in eliminating this disease. It is classified as a contraceptive, however, due to its natural analogue of estrogen, it has a beneficial effect on the female body.

The medication effectively suppresses the foci of development of the disease and helps normalize hormonal levels. In addition, it has virtually no negative effects on the body, but has a number of contraindications for use. Reviews about the use of this medication for treatment are very positive, however, despite this, it should be used only after consultation with a specialist.

Klaira and Janine: comparison of drugs

Qlaira or Janine are oral contraceptives available in tablet form. At the moment they are considered the most popular, and therefore competing drugs. Before making a choice between Janine or Qlaira tablets, it is necessary to identify the similarities and differences between contraceptives.

Manufacturer: German company Bayer

Pharmaceutical group and pharmaceutical action: combined contraceptive (gestagen and estrogen), contraceptive drug


  • High sensitivity to any components of the tablets
  • Thrombosis in veins or arteries
  • Thromboembolism (either current or history)
  • TELA
  • Heart attack
  • Previous or possible stroke
  • Activated protein C immunity
  • Deficiency of antithrombin III and proteins C and S
  • Migraine
  • Diabetes with vascular complications
  • Pancreatitis
  • Any liver disease
  • Hormone-dependent malignant tumors
  • Vaginal bleeding of unknown origin
  • Gestation and lactation
  • Lactose intolerance or deficiency

Drugs are prescribed with extreme caution if there are other conditions that impair peripheral circulation and cause angioedema.

Use during lactation and gestation: both drugs are prohibited for use while pregnant. If a girl becomes pregnant while taking birth control pills, they are discontinued. The results of large studies show that taking Qlaira or Janine before or at the beginning of pregnancy does not increase the risk of the appearance and development of defects in the fetus.

The drugs have a direct effect on the volume of breast milk produced and its chemical composition. Therefore, gynecologists do not recommend using the drugs in question until the end of breastfeeding, so as not to harm the child.

Side effects

Taking Qlaira or Janine can cause:

  • Episodic spotting or breakthrough bleeding (undesirable effects are especially pronounced at the beginning of treatment)
  • Enlargement and discomfort in the mammary glands
  • Gastrointestinal problems: nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and others
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Changes in body weight
  • Allergic reactions
  • Decreased or increased sexual desire
  • Deterioration of tolerance to contact lenses
  • Acne
  • Edema
  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Chloasma
  • Liver dysfunction
  • Gallstones
  • Thrombosis.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies and storage: OK are provided only with a prescription, stored in a dry and dark place at room temperature. Avoid access by children.


Active ingredients: Claira contains Dienogest and Estradiol valerate, and Janine contains Ethinyl estradiol and Dienogest.

Indications for use: Qlaira is prescribed to prevent unwanted pregnancy and to treat heavy and prolonged menstruation. Also used for endometriosis.

Janine is used only as a contraceptive.

Release form: Qlaira is available in the form of tablets in 5 different colors: dark yellow (round, convex on both sides, marked as “DD”), pink (round, convex on both sides, marked as “DJ” ), light yellow (round, convex on both sides, marked as “DH”), red (round, convex on both sides, marked as “DN”) and white – placebo (round, convex on both sides, with a “DT” design). The section shows a core that is close to white in color.

Janine is produced in the form of small snow-white tablets, convex on both sides. The core is the same color as the outer shell.

Composition: Dark yellow Qlaira tablet contains the main component (OC) - estradiol valerate, micro 20 - in a concentration of 3 mg, pink - 2 mg estradiol valerate, micro 20 and 2 mg dienogest, light yellow - 2 mg estradiol valerate, micro 20 and 3 mg dienogest, red - 1 mg estradiol valerate, there are no active ingredients in the white tablet.

Janine consists of 2 mg dienogest and 30 mcg ethinyl estradiol.

Directions for use and doses

Qlaira is taken continuously, in the order indicated on the package. A new pack is started the day after the last pill taken from the old pack. The tablets must be taken at the same time every day with a small amount of water. Chewing or breaking is prohibited.

Janine is taken with a 7-day break. First, they drink 21 pills, and then wait a week to start taking a new pack. Reception is carried out every day at the same time. Take with the required amount of water, do not chew or break.

Bottom line

Janine has an increased concentration of the main active elements, therefore it is not prescribed for allergy sufferers. Also, this drug is more suitable for young girls because it has an estrogen component.

Klaira has established itself as a good remedy that fights the proliferation of endometrial cells and normalizes hormonal levels.

The oral contraceptives in question are equally reliable.

Both drugs have many differences and similarities, so only a specialist should choose what is best for the patient and evaluate the safety of switching to Janine or Klaira.


Taking Qlaira for endometriosis

Pathological growth of the endometrial layer in the uterus is diagnosed both in patients of reproductive age and in women during the onset of menopause. To treat the disease, combined oral contraceptives must be used as part of complex therapy. Prescribing the drug Qlaira for endometriosis and uterine fibroids is considered an effective measure, since the tablets contain a unique combination of active ingredients.

Taking the drug allows you to reduce the intensity of menstrual bleeding (which is the prevention of anemia), and get rid of nagging pain in the lower abdomen that worries most women with endometriosis. With the use of Qlaira, the volume of pathological growths of the internal uterine layer decreases, the risk of tissue cells degenerating into malignant ones and the likelihood of developing ovarian cancer decreases.

The basis for prescribing Qlaira for endometriosis and fibroids is the content of dienogest in the tablets. This substance is a powerful weapon in the fight against pathological heterotopias that affect the internal tissues of the uterus. It is advisable to start treatment at an early stage of disease to increase the likelihood of recovery.

Don't expect a cure

Qlaira is a contraceptive for sequential use from the class of gestagens and estrogens. The tablets contain two active components - estradiol valerate and dienogest.

Each pill is consumed according to the scheme, on different days and contains different amounts of active ingredients:

  • yellow – estradiol 3 mg;
  • pink – estradiol 2 mg, dienogest 2 mg;
  • light yellow – estradiol 2 mg, dienogest 3 mg;
  • red – estradiol 1 mg;
  • white (placebo) - include only auxiliary components.

This composition of the tablets increases the effectiveness of treatment, since it adapts to the natural changes in the endometrial layer that occur during the monthly cycle.

Find out whether boron uterus and suppositories help treat endometriosis.

Klaira product - features

The Qlaira contraceptive has a significant advantage over similar means. It contains natural estradiol, a hormone produced by the female body. It is considered one of the safest for the liver and circulatory system.

Klaira, like Janine, is used not only as a contraceptive. The product helps to normalize the menstrual cycle and get rid of painful symptoms during menstruation. Acne is also eliminated. Experts recommend that some women use these tablets as adjuvant therapy for endometriosis.

In addition to estradiol, the composition contains dienogest. The product is available in tablets of 28 pieces in a blister. They differ in color, which indicates the dosage.

Qlaira can be prescribed by a doctor for the following purposes:

  1. contraception;
  2. normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  3. elimination of severe pain in the first days of menstruation;
  4. complex treatment of endometriosis.

Important! Contraceptives have many contraindications and the risk of adverse reactions. You cannot make your admission decision on your own. Before starting the course, you need to consult a gynecologist who will tell you which drug is best suited for a particular clinical case.

Advantages and disadvantages

Treatment with Qlaira for endometriosis is considered effective and safe - estradiol is a natural component, so the risk of negative effects on the body is minimized. Unlike other oral contraceptives, tablets rarely cause thromboembolic complications. The product has a flexible dosage regimen, which also has clear advantages. Advantages of taking Qlaira for endometriosis:

  • good tolerance;
  • getting rid of a large amount of menstrual flow and improving the patient’s quality of life;
  • estradiol is a substance identical to natural, which minimizes the risk of side effects;
  • the combination of active substances allows you to further increase the amount of “good” cholesterol and reduce the amount of “harmful” cholesterol.

Women who take Qlaira to eliminate the symptoms of endometriosis note an improvement in the condition of their facial skin and hair. Clear control of the menstrual cycle is also considered a plus. After completing the course of therapy, the patient can safely plan a pregnancy if the doctor considers the chances of conception high.

Like other hormonal drugs, Qlaira also has disadvantages:

  • manifestation of frequent side effects - pain in the mammary glands, weight gain, bloating;
  • increased risk of developing cervical cancer when infected with the human papillomavirus;
  • quite high cost.

When prescribing a drug, the doctor, together with the woman, must study the advantages and disadvantages of Qlaira and decide on treatment with this drug, or on replacing it with another from the same pharmacological group.

The cost of the drug depends on the manufacturer and the number of tablets in the package. So, an ordinary pack of Qlaira containing 28 tablets from the manufacturer Bayer Pharma (Germany) costs 1000-1100 rubles, from the German company Bayer Schering Pharma 950 rubles. Tablets, packaged in 84 pieces and designed for long-term use, produced by these companies, can be purchased for 2800-3350 rubles.

For comparison, it’s worth giving the prices for the main Qlaira substitutes:

  • Jess - 1085 rubles;
  • Yarina - 1120 rubles;
  • Dimia – 660 rubles;
  • Logest – 829 RUR:
  • Janine - 1065 rubles;
  • Visanne – 3325 rub.

Observation When prescribing oral contraceptives, the doctor takes into account not only clinical indications and test results, but also the financial capabilities of the patient. Qlaira is included in the middle price category, therefore it is considered not only effective, but also a relatively affordable drug compared to analogues.

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23.05.2019 15:21:06
Expert: Boris Kaganovich

Hormonal contraceptives are now used not only to prevent pregnancy, but also to treat certain gynecological diseases.

Among these will be endometriosis, a change in endometrial cells with their proliferation.

To understand which remedy is better and more effective - Janine or Qlaira as a contraceptive and therapeutic drug, we compared them according to various parameters, and are ready to draw some conclusions.

Product Janine - features

Jeanine tablets are available in pill form for oral administration. This is a modern contraceptive that contains hormones, namely dienogest and ethinyl estradiol. Due to this composition, the pills have an antiandrogenic effect, which helps reduce the severity of the inflammatory process in acne and various gynecological diseases.

The main indication for use is the need for contraception. Janine has a contraceptive effect by suppressing ovulation. During the period of taking the drug, the viscosity of the cervical secretion decreases, which makes it impermeable to sperm.

The gestagen element in the composition (dienogest) has antiandrogenic activity, which has been proven by clinical studies. This component also helps to normalize the blood lipid profile, that is, it increases the number of HDL.

Women taking this contraceptive note that the menstrual cycle gradually returns to normal, severe pain goes away, and the intensity of bleeding decreases. There is evidence that taking the drug reduces the risk of ovarian cancer and the development of malignant endometriosis.

Klaira product - features

The Qlaira contraceptive has a significant advantage over similar means. It contains natural estradiol, a hormone produced by the female body. It is considered one of the safest for the liver and circulatory system.

Klaira, like Janine, is used not only as a contraceptive. The product helps to normalize the menstrual cycle and get rid of painful symptoms during menstruation. Acne is also eliminated. Experts recommend that some women use these tablets as adjuvant therapy for endometriosis.

In addition to estradiol, the composition contains dienogest. The product is available in tablets of 28 pieces in a blister. They differ in color, which indicates the dosage.

Qlaira can be prescribed by a doctor for the following purposes:

  1. contraception;
  2. normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  3. elimination of severe pain in the first days of menstruation;
  4. complex treatment of endometriosis.

Important! Contraceptives have many contraindications and the risk of adverse reactions. You cannot make your admission decision on your own. Before starting the course, you need to consult a gynecologist who will tell you which drug is best suited for a particular clinical case.


Contraceptives Klayra and Janine have a serious list of contraindications. In some cases, you cannot take pills. Even if there are no contraindications, you need to monitor your health and discontinue the drug if the conditions listed below appear.

In what cases can Zhanine not be used as an oral contraceptive:

  1. individual intolerance to the components in the composition;
  2. severe liver disease, including organ failure;
  3. arterial and venous thrombosis;
  4. existing or previous pancreatitis;
  5. the presence of vascular complications due to diabetes mellitus;
  6. arterial hypertension, which is not controlled by medications;
  7. presence of a high risk of thrombosis;
  8. neurological symptoms associated with migraine;
  9. undergone surgery with prolonged immobilization.

These are not all the contraindications for which the Janine contraceptive is prohibited. Therefore, each case must be considered individually. There are also a number of conditions for which it is not recommended to take pills, but they can be prescribed under the supervision of a specialist.

Klaira is contraindicated in the presence of the following diseases and symptoms:

  1. diabetes mellitus with vascular disorders;
  2. venous thromboembolism;
  3. ischemic disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, angina pectoris;
  4. severe liver dysfunction;
  5. abnormal vaginal bleeding;
  6. pancreatitis;
  7. hormonal tumors;
  8. predisposition to arterial and venous thrombosis.

Both products are not recommended for use by smokers. This rule especially applies to women over 35 years of age. For frequent headaches, medications are used when seriously necessary.

Side effects

As for side effects, this is very individual. Some women easily tolerate oral contraceptives, while others experience some unpleasant symptoms. But there are also those who are forced to abandon them altogether due to severe side effects.

What undesirable symptoms may occur from Janine:

  1. the most common ones are only headache;
  2. infrequent consequences are vaginitis, fungal infections, increased appetite, frequent mood swings, decreased or increased blood pressure;
  3. rare – urinary tract infection, cystitis, mastitis, candidiasis of the genital organs and oral cavity, mood swings, increased libido and others;
  4. with unknown frequency - decreased libido, erythema multiforme.

Some women, when taking the contraceptive Janine, encountered extremely rare complications, which are rather exceptions. These are thromboembolic pathologies, liver dysfunction, and benign tumors. Some existing diseases may get worse while taking the pills. This applies to uterine cancer, Crohn's disease, and colitis.

Dosage and method of administration

Each contraceptive has several standard regimens of use, depending on the main indication and associated disorders. Janine is prescribed on the first day of the cycle, 1 tablet for 3 weeks. Then a 7-day break is taken.

Klaira is also taken 1 tablet, but for 28 days. It is recommended to drink the product at the same time of the day.

Reference! After a course of taking the drug, uterine bleeding begins, the so-called withdrawal syndrome, and this can continue until the start of taking the drug after a break.

Main differences

Differences between Janine and Claira:

MeansAdmission courseRelease formPrice
Janine21 dayDrageeFrom 990 rubles
Claira28 daysPillsFrom 1100 rubles

What is the best choice?

The preparations Janine and Qlaira contain one similar component, dienogest, but different types of estrogen. In the first product it is synthetic, in the second it is natural. This is the main difference between two similar oral contraceptives. Due to its naturalness, Klaira is considered safer, and if there are contraindications, the choice is already made on Janine.

Doctors note the following advantages of the drug Qlaira:

  1. natural estradiol, which in any case is superior to synthetic;
  2. gentle effect on the body, lower risk of side effects;
  3. high efficiency;
  4. positive effect on the body as a whole.

Janine is an effective remedy in its own way that receives no less positive reviews. It cannot be said that it is much inferior to Qlaira tablets, because both drugs, when used correctly, cope with their task.

When choosing a drug, cost often plays a role. In this case, Janine wins, because it costs less than Qlaira tablets. The course of taking the first one is also shorter, which reduces the overall price.

When it comes to treating endometriosis, most doctors prefer Klaira due to its versatile effect on the body.

One package of contraceptives is designed for 1 course. All tablets are numbered and have a specific color. The instructions indicate what to do if you accidentally missed a dose.

Usually, if less than 24 hours pass, the course continues as usual. If more than 2 days pass, the missed tablet is discarded.

An important condition is to take the drug at approximately the same time, otherwise the effectiveness may be reduced.

Precautionary measures

It must be remembered that smoking and simultaneous use of contraceptives increases the risk of developing breast cancer and pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Moreover, even passive smoking can become a negative factor.

What you need to know before you start taking birth control pills Janine and Qlaira:

  1. there is no better or worse drug, there is one that suits a woman for certain conditions;
  2. you cannot independently replace the drug chosen by your doctor with analogues, even if they have better reviews, everything should be discussed with your doctor;
  3. when combining different medications, you need to check with your doctor about their interaction; some may need to be discontinued or replaced;
  4. taking breaks when taking oral contraceptives is unacceptable, because this makes them ineffective; if you miss even one dose, it is already recommended to use additional barrier protection for a week;
  5. There is a connection between taking oral contraceptives and a deficiency of certain vitamins, so you need to get tested regularly to prevent vitamin deficiency.

From everything we conclude that the drug Qlaira is more preferable due to its naturalness and relative safety.

Zhanine tablets are similar in action with a smaller list of indications and a higher likelihood of adverse reactions.

You cannot make your own decision about choosing one or another product, because this can seriously harm your health. A consultation with a gynecologist will help you choose the best remedy.


Instructions for use

Qlaira tablets should be taken daily in the order indicated on the package, regardless of the time of consumption. It is advisable to drink the pills at the same time with a sufficient amount of water. During the 28 days of the cycle, a woman uses one package, and the next day a new package is opened. When taking the last pills, bleeding begins, similar to menstrual bleeding.

If the drug is prescribed for the first time, Qlaira should be used from the first day of the natural cycle. When switching from another oral contraceptive or hormonal drug, it should be taken 24 hours after the previous medication.

Klaira effectively treats endometriosis due to the pronounced positive effect on the body, which was described above. But only regular use of contraceptives helps eliminate the signs of the disease. If a woman misses one placebo pill, this can be ignored. If you delay taking the active tablet by less than 12 hours, you should take it as soon as possible. If more time has passed, you must still take the missed pill, even at the same time as the next one.

It has been proven that the use of Qlaira for endometriosis significantly reduces the amount of pathological growth of the uterine layer. But it is not recommended to use the drug for a long time (more than six months) if there is no effect; in such cases, it is worth reviewing the treatment regimen.

The influence of Klaira on the course of endometriosis

The drug Qlaira belongs to three-phase low-dose oral contraceptives. The amount of hormones in the drug varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. The main components are estradiol valerate and dienogest.

Unlike other contraceptives, the estrogen contained in Qlaira is identical to natural, which means the side effects are less pronounced.

During the treatment of endometriosis, Qlaira helps reduce pain and the volume of bleeding, which is especially important for severe anemia. Read more about taking OCs for endometriosis.

What can be replaced

There are no hormonal drugs similar in composition (dienogest + ethinyl estradiol) on the pharmaceutical market.

If the patient is unable to purchase Qlaira, the gynecologist may prescribe one of the drugs included in the same drug group (estrogens, gestagens and their combination):

It is forbidden to replace one product with another when treating endometriosis on your own! Only a doctor, after examining hormones, can determine which substances in the tablets are suitable for a particular patient and will not aggravate the course of the disease, but, on the contrary, will give a positive therapeutic effect.

After prescribing Qlaira, many women wonder whether the pills are really effective in treating endometriosis, and whether there are better hormonal treatments? For example, the drug Janine, which is also popular, contains 0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol and 2 mg dienogest. You need to drink this monophasic remedy for 21 days of the cycle, after which you take a week-long break, during which your period begins. Despite the continuation of bleeding, on the 8th day a new package begins. The composition of the contraceptive Silhouette is similar. All three products contain dienogest, Qlaira is used without interruption, and the tablets themselves contain different amounts of hormones. The volume of the substance in them varies - in the first pills it is absent, the subsequent ones include 2 and 3 mg. It is impossible to say which drug is better; it all depends on the patient’s hormonal status and the severity of endometriosis symptoms.

Visanne, unlike Qlaira, does not contain estrogen, which is considered an advantage when there is an increased volume of the substance in a woman’s body. The therapeutic effect of the tablets is due to a decrease in estrogen levels and an increase in gestagens (due to the presence of dienogest at a dose of 2 mg). The drug is taken without interruption, inhibits ovulation, but does not belong to the group of contraceptives.

Regulon is also often prescribed for endometriosis. It contains ethinyl estradiol 0.03 mg and desogestrel 0.15 mg, reduces the production of gonadotropin, which is responsible for the increased production of estrogen in the body. Thanks to taking the pills, ovulation is inhibited, the volume of endometriotic lesions is reduced, and the production of pain mediators is blocked. Doctors consider the drug effective, but which is more suitable, Regulon or Qlaira, depends on the results of hormone tests, the woman’s age, the stage of endometriosis and other factors.

Why choose between Claira and Janine?

Among gynecologists and their patients, the question of choice often arises: which is better – Klaira or Janine? If they contain the same gestagen (dienogest), thanks to which they help in the treatment of endometriosis, then what is their fundamental difference?

These drugs contain different types of estrogen: in Zhanin it is synthetic, and in Klaira it is natural. In this regard, Qlaira can be considered safer and optimal for the body. In addition, the dosage of hormones in it is lower than in Zhanine, and, therefore, the effect on the body is more gentle. The drug is better suited for patients prone to various types of allergic reactions. Also, fewer side effects from Qlaira are due to the fact that the combination of hormones in the tablets is different depending on the color; they were adapted to the natural female cycle.

When choosing between these two medications, the doctor must take into account age, general health, the nature and degree of existing pathology, as well as previous experience using oral contraceptives. It happens that one drug is poorly tolerated by the patient, while another is ideal (depending on the type and dose of hormones). It is believed that Janine is better prescribed to young women, and Qlaira to mature women, although now in both cases, when treating endometriosis, more doctors prefer Qlaira.

If we talk about price, which often plays an important role when choosing a medicine, then Janine is somewhat cheaper than Klaira.

In any case, you cannot self-medicate, and a professional should prescribe a particular drug for endometriosis, based on the results of tests, examinations and concomitant diseases of a particular woman.

Reviews from gynecologists

Expert opinion Olga Borovikova Experts in the field of gynecology believe that it is better to start treating uterine endometriosis with Qlaira tablets in the early stages of the disease. The therapeutic effect is based on the ability of the drug to suppress ovulation, due to which the patient gets rid of constant aching pain and heavy bleeding. During artificial menopause, the uterine layer has the opportunity to recover, and the risk of the formation of malignant tumors of the reproductive system is reduced. Expert review Olga Borovikova Doctors warn that the product contains estrogen, which, if the drug is selected incorrectly, can only increase the symptoms of endometriosis. Therefore, you can start using Qlaira only after examination by a specialist.


Qlaira is a microdosed combination drug that prevents unwanted pregnancy. Contains different doses of the hormone in each of 26 colored tablets. Ingredients: gestagen and estrogen . The drug is taken without interruption, since the package contains two inactive tablets. Contraceptive properties are based on changes in the density of cervical mucus and inhibition of ovulation.

Qlaira has a beneficial effect on the endometrium, has a positive effect on the duration and pain of menstruation, and reduces the risk of cancer.

Reviews from women over 40 with endometriosis

I was diagnosed with endometriosis at the age of 30-35, after the birth of my second son. There was a strong hormonal imbalance, there was a need to prescribe oral contraceptives, the doctor prescribed Klaira. After 3 months, I took the tests again, the background stabilized, and the signs of growths became much smaller, I conclude that the drug helps.

40-45 years is the time when you are no longer planning a pregnancy, but chronic diseases are getting worse, which is what happened to me with endometriosis. I underwent an examination, there is no reason for surgical intervention yet, I was prescribed Klaira tablets, and then Ovestin suppositories. I haven’t taken hormone tests again yet, but I note that the pain in the lower abdomen has gone away, and my periods pass easily and unnoticed (it only lasts 2-3 days).

Prilepskaya V.N. (2010). "Guide to contraception." M.: “MEDpress-inform”.

Prilepskaya V.N., Chernysheva E.S. “Levonorgestrel-containing drugs in the treatment and prevention of gynecological diseases” (2009). "NTsAGiP im. Academician V.I. Kulakov."

Adamyan L.V., Sonova M.M., Tikhonova E.S. et al. (2011). "Medical and social aspects of genital endometriosis." "Problems of Reproduction."

Kuznetsova I.V. (2008). "Endometriosis: pathophysiology and choice of treatment tactics." "Gynecology".

About the author : Borovikova Olga

User comments

Look where there is more estrodiol.

Mmm it seemed less to me the other way around

I just recently stopped drinking Jess, there was 0.2 estradiol and there was constant spotting and the doctor said that I didn’t have enough of it. And in Visanne the same dose

Janine drank 6 packs (there was follicular and endometrioid kita). As a result, there was a lapara after 2 years. There were no side effects. On Visanne I felt disgusting (preparing for cryo, to suppress endometriosis) result 0. Canceled after 2.5 packs. Then I got rid of side effects for 3 months

oh don't say. 3000 a month, God willing, it would be worthwhile, so I don’t mind any money.

Understand . But this is also the most economical in terms of money. The remaining drugs introduce a woman into artificial menopause, after which it is still unknown how to get out without problems

I have a lot of friends who drank Janine, but for coke purposes, but with this shit I don’t know how it works (((my G said that Visanne is better for me specifically because there is only one hormone, and in the rest there is another one and it’s for me no need at all

Yes, it’s that simple. You can’t take Visanne for a long time, but you can stay on those medications for a long time. It will muffle the outbreaks and then restrain their growth anyway. Endometriosis feeds on menstruation as long as it lasts

and they prescribed me Visanne... also endometriosis

I drank it a year and a half ago. Now they have prescribed either Klaira or Zhanine on an ongoing basis to stabilize this terrible endometriosis

and they operated on me, they removed the cyst, but the lesions on the intestines remained... now I’m drinking Visanne... I’ve already been on the drink for a month... I have another ovary (((something just hit me today, I don’t have the strength, my best friend got pregnant, she’s very happy, and at the same time, so then it became hard for me, God willing, we will defeat this endometriosis and give birth to dolls ️

After Vizanne it’s better, of course, but... it doesn’t seem to last for long. Take hormones for life, that's what they said

I need to drink it for three months, then have an ultrasound... and I’ll see if it’s any use at all (((

You would need to drink at least six months. They don't think the ultrasound will show anything. The sooner you feel it, the easier it will be. It's a pleasure to treat endometriosis

I was treated for endometriosis for 10 years, frozen, then Janine, then artificial menopause, and then during the withdrawal I became pregnant, gave birth, and now, after 2 years, it started again. And now you can’t take hormones, because a hemangioma in the liver has grown on hormones!

How did you freeze it? Now how is it treated with the liver?

Liquid nitrogen, these were areas on the cervix, the liver is not treated, just observe. And now it’s a total bummer, adenomyosis is growing in the uterus, the gynecologist says drink ok, like it’s okay, it’s not because of that., and the hepatologist says start drinking ok, the hemangioma may start to grow on hormones and then you won’t be able to stop it... don’t drink ok under any circumstances case., in short, I'm shocked.

Yeah... and how to treat endometriosis.

I don't know, I'm looking for an alternative

So there is no alternative with the end. It is only suppressed by hormones and only temporarily. It's just crappy.

So I’m talking about the same thing, most likely I’ll take Visanne for 3 months, then take a break, look at the liver, there’s also the option of putting in a Mirena spiral, but it’s more complicated, although they push what works in the uterus, not everything is so rosy, everywhere contraindications... and I’m still far from natural menopause, my mother still had her period at 55, and only at 58 did she reach menopause. Until this time, endometriosis can grow so much. Of course, I’m shocked. But as the hepatologist says, choose what to live with, either the liver or the uterus, there are children and thank God... the answer is obvious... I’m shocked what to say.

Janine or Klaira, which is better?

The Klaira saw did not suit me, the doctor prescribed Siluet (Janine), the side effects are so bad that you can’t call them anything else. Who drinks and takes hormonal drugs for my problems? Continue reading →

In short, I’m switching from Klaira to Zhanine. Tomorrow is the last tablet of Qlaira, according to the instructions, the day after tomorrow I can already take the first tablet of Zhanine. but they are there by day of the week. I’m stupid and can’t understand - take the first one and don’t care that it’s numbered Monday? (the day after tomorrow is Friday). Continue reading →

Good day. I went to the gynecologist after giving birth, did a pelvic ultrasound. The answer was endometrial hyperplasia. They prescribed OK Janine or Klaira. What reviews are there about these drugs? Did they help? (if there is anyone with this situation) Continue reading →

Modern hormonal contraceptive pills can be divided into several groups, each of which is suitable for a specific category of women. In this case, age is taken into account, whether the woman has given birth or not yet, and whether she suffers from any hormonal or other disorders of the body.1. Combined contraceptive pills (COCs)1.1. Microdosed birth control pills: Contraception for young, nulliparous women with regular sexual activity. Drugs in this group are easily tolerated and have minimal side effects. Excellent for those who have never used hormonal contraceptives. Name Composition Notes Claira Estradiol valerate 2 mg Dienogest - 3 mg. Continue reading →

Girls, I visited three gynecologists and each gave me a whole list of different drugs, apparently those that they themselves liked best. Therefore, I will make the choice myself. Just choose - Klaira, Diane, Janine. I am overweight, rarely have high blood pressure, have been diagnosed with a tendency toward polycystic disease, and have an irregular cycle. The period for taking OK will be 3 months. Maybe more. Please advise from experience. Continue reading →

Comparison of Claira and Janine

Klaira and Janine are oral contraceptives. They are used to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and are also prescribed as concomitant medications for the treatment of certain female diseases associated with hormonal imbalance.

Klaira and Janine are used to prevent unwanted pregnancy.


This is a combined action contraceptive. Release form: pills. The active ingredients are dienogest and ethinyl estradiol.

The mechanism of action is to inhibit the ovulation process. This effect is achieved due to the influence of the active components of the drug on hypothalamic-pituitary regulation.

Contraceptive substances change the composition of the secretion in the cervical canal, making it impermeable to the passage of sperm.

Janine changes the structure of the endometrium, preventing the implantation of a fertilized egg into it.

Additional effects of the drug are regulation of the menstrual cycle, reduction of discharge and relief of pain during menstruation. Indication for use: pregnancy prevention.


  • thrombosis, thromboembolism and other conditions that increase the risk of these pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • arrhythmia;
  • migraine;
  • pathologies of cerebral vessels;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • pancreatitis;
  • nicotine addiction;
  • liver failure;
  • neoplasms of malignant and hormone-dependent origin;
  • tendency to vaginal bleeding;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • pregnancy;
  • rehabilitation period after surgical interventions and serious illnesses.

Dragees are taken strictly according to the regimen specified in the instructions. It is prohibited to violate it. To enhance the therapeutic effect of the medication, it is recommended to take it at the same time. Course – 21 days, 1 tablet per day. The subsequent appointment is carried out after 7 days.

During the pause period, bleeding may occur, which is a sign of withdrawal syndrome; it stops with the start of a new cycle of pill use.

Janine changes the structure of the endometrium, preventing the implantation of a fertilized egg into it.

Possible side effects:

  • enlargement and swelling of the mammary glands;
  • nipple discharge;
  • frequent headaches;
  • spotting;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • swelling resulting from fluid retention in the body;
  • weight change up or down.

Janine is well tolerated, there is practically no chance of side effects if taken correctly and there are no contraindications.

An overdose is manifested by nausea and vomiting, spotting; Treatment is symptomatic.


A hormonal contraceptive, which comes in the form of pink tablets. The active ingredients are estradiol valerate and dienogest. The mechanism of action of the drug is to inhibit the ovulation process and change the composition of the cervical fluid.

Indications for use: prevention of pregnancy.


  • venous thromboembolism;
  • previous myocardial infarction, cardiac ischemia, stroke;
  • angina pectoris;
  • diabetes mellitus (in the presence of complications from the vascular system);
  • arterial hypertension that cannot be controlled;
  • neoplasms of malignant and hormone-dependent types;
  • liver failure and other severe organ pathologies;
  • migraine;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hereditary predisposition to thrombosis;
  • bleeding from the vagina with unknown etiology.

It is prohibited to take Qlaira during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Directions for use: 1 tablet per day, at the same time. The duration of use is equal to the duration of the menstrual cycle. After finishing 1 package, the next day the subsequent intake of the contraceptive begins, without a pause.

The drug Qlaira is prohibited for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If a dose has been missed, it must be resumed as soon as possible: the next tablet is taken at the usual time, the dosage is not doubled, as this can lead to side effects. Missed doses for more than 12 hours reduce the therapeutic effect of the medication.

A decrease in effectiveness is observed with diarrhea and vomiting. In these cases, it is recommended to additionally use barrier agents to prevent unwanted pregnancy until the end of the month.

Possible side effects:

  • development of anemia;
  • hypotension or hypertension;
  • itching on the skin, acne;
  • discomfort and pain in the mammary glands;
  • increased appetite, which can lead to excess weight gain;
  • headache;
  • depressed state, apathy;
  • the appearance of varicose veins, thrombosis.

There is no data on overdose. Possible symptoms: nausea, vomiting, spotting. There is no specific antidote. If necessary, symptomatic therapy can be carried out.

What do contraceptives have in common?

There are many common characteristics between contraceptives:

  1. Same active ingredient.
  2. Pharmacological group.
  3. Contraindications (partially) and indications.
  4. Mechanism of influence.
  5. Side effects and the likelihood of their occurrence.
  6. Terms of sale: Sold only with a doctor's prescription.

How are Janine and Claira different?

The difference between the drugs is as follows:

  1. The second active ingredient in Zhanin is ethinyl estradiol, in Qlaira it is estradiol valerate.
  2. Release form. Janine is a pill; the second drug is available in tablet form.
  3. Janine is used exclusively to prevent conception. Qlaira can be prescribed as an auxiliary medication in the complex therapy of endometriosis.
  4. Mode of application. Qlaira is taken without interruption. When using Janine, you must pause for 7 days between the first and next packaging.
  5. Janine has more contraindications that are absolute. For example, it is strictly forbidden to take the drug if you have a nicotine addiction. Smoking is a relative contraindication for taking Qlaira.

Which is better - Janine or Claira?

Both drugs are highly effective in preventing unplanned conception. But only a doctor can determine which remedy: Klaira or Janine is better for a woman.

If it is necessary to normalize disrupted hormonal levels, Qlaira is prescribed.

Each group of tablets contains its own hormonal combinations corresponding to the phases of the menstrual cycle.

Qlaira is suitable for nulliparous women.

Janine is recommended for use if Qlaira is not suitable due to contraindications, side effects or individual characteristics of the body.

If a woman has a disease such as endometriosis, the doctor will prescribe Qlaira, because it helps normalize the condition and structure of the uterine layer of the endometrium.

Reviews from doctors and patients

Valentina, 54 years old, gynecologist, Kursk

Klaira is a microdosed drug, unlike Janine, which is low-dose and contains a higher concentration of estrogen.

Most often, gynecologists prefer to prescribe Janine to parous and nulliparous women first. If he doesn't fit, you can switch to Klair.

But you need to understand that the effectiveness of the drug depends on the characteristics of the body, which is why drugs are selected only individually.

Evgeniya, 39 years old, gynecologist, Rostov

Janine and Qlaira show equal effectiveness as contraceptive medications. The first drug is preferred if there are problems with hormonal levels or endometriosis is diagnosed. If there are no “female” problems, Janine is more often prescribed.

Olga, 32 years old, Yaroslavl

While taking Janine, I became pregnant. Moreover, this happened about 3 months after the start of treatment, when the contraceptive should have worked. When the question arose after giving birth about methods of protection, I chose Klaira.

The only thing I don’t like about the drug is that after the last tablet a spotting begins, which lasts for another 2-3 days before starting a new pack. I didn’t notice any side effects: I didn’t gain weight, my appetite remained normal.

The main thing is that this drug has not let me down for several years.

Irina, 28 years old, Omsk

I don’t remember taking the drug Qlaira, which was prescribed by the gynecologist, very well.

For about a month after I started taking it, everything was fine, but then I developed such an uncontrollable appetite that I couldn’t help myself. The weight began to increase greatly.

After this I had to undergo hormonal therapy to recover. And I liked Janine: it protects well and does not cause any side effects.

Oksana, 36 years old, Moscow

Before pregnancy and childbirth, I took Janine for several years. I switched to Klaira after giving birth because I was diagnosed with endometriosis. The gynecologist said that Klaira helps better in this case.

After 2 months, tests showed improvement. I believe that both contraceptive medications cope equally well with their main purpose - to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

They are well tolerated, I did not have any complications.


Description of medications

Qlaira - this medicine belongs to combined oral (taken by mouth) contraceptives (drugs to prevent unwanted pregnancy).

Janine - this drug also belongs to the group of combined oral contraceptives.

  • Qlaira – the active ingredient of this drug is a combination of two drugs, estradiol valerate and dienogest. The composition also includes additional substances to give pharmacological forms.
  • Janine - the active components of this drug, are also represented by a combination of two substances, ethinyl estradiol and dienogest. The composition contains additional tools necessary for the creation of pharmacological forms.

Mechanism of action

  • Qlaira - the active components of the drug, have the ability to suppress ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovary for further fertilization), and also increase the viscosity of vaginal secretion (mucus), as a result of which it becomes impenetrable for sperm. Dienogest, which is by its nature a gestagen (a female sex hormone produced by the ovaries), is able to slow down the uncontrolled growth of the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium.
  • Janine - ethinyl estradiol, the active substance of the drug, suppresses ovulation and also increases the viscosity of vaginal mucus, making it impenetrable for sperm. Dienogest, as in the case of the drug Qlaira, slows down the growth of the endometrium and prevents its appearance in unusual places (ovaries, fallopian tubes).
  • Preventing unwanted pregnancy;
  • Treatment of prolonged, heavy, painful menstrual bleeding, without an established nature of occurrence;
  • Treatment of endometriosis.
  • Oral (taken by mouth) contraception.


  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • The presence of thrombi (blood clots blocking the lumen of a vessel) of superficial and deep veins and arteries;
  • Diabetes mellitus with damage to the vascular wall;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris);
  • Acute renal and liver failure;
  • Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas);
  • Liver tumors;
  • Hormone-dependent tumors (adrenal glands, pituitary glands, mammary glands);
  • Lactose intolerance;
  • Migraine;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Arterial hypertension (a disease characterized by a persistent increase in blood pressure);
  • Smoking;
  • Impaired absorption and digestion of fats (obesity);
  • Bleeding from the vagina, of unknown etiology (origin).
  • Contraindications are similar to Qlaira.

Side effects

  • Allergic reactions to the components of the drug (redness, rash and itching of the skin);
  • Dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, bloating and abdominal pain);
  • No bleeding during menstruation;
  • Painful sensations in the mammary glands during menstruation;
  • Increased appetite and weight gain;
  • Acne (acne on the face);
  • Dizziness, headache;
  • There is a risk of developing tumors of the liver and mammary glands (both malignant and benign);
  • Increased blood pressure and the risk of developing arterial hypertension;
  • Side effects are also similar to Qlaira.

Release forms and price

  • Tablets, 28 pieces, - “from 1130 rubles”;
  • Tablets, 84 pcs. - “from 2921 rub.”
  • Dragee, 21 pieces, - “from 1065 rubles”;
  • Dragee, 63 pcs. - “from 2491 rub.”

Side effects

Taking Qlaira or Janine can cause:

  • Episodic spotting or breakthrough bleeding (undesirable effects are especially pronounced at the beginning of treatment)
  • Enlargement and discomfort in the mammary glands
  • Gastrointestinal problems: nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and others
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Changes in body weight
  • Allergic reactions
  • Decreased or increased sexual desire
  • Deterioration of tolerance to contact lenses
  • Acne
  • Edema
  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Chloasma
  • Liver dysfunction
  • Gallstones
  • Thrombosis.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies and storage: OK are provided only with a prescription, stored in a dry and dark place at room temperature. Avoid access by children.

Claira or Janine - which is better?

When choosing a contraceptive drug, many are faced with the problem of choosing between Klaira and Janine. As means of preventing unwanted pregnancy, they are equally effective. The only difference is that in Klaira the composition of estrogen is identical to natural, while in Zhanin it is synthetic. Accordingly, the effect on Klaira’s body will be less aggressive, as well as a lower incidence of allergic reactions and side effects than Zhanine’s.

Due to its gentle effect on a woman’s body and smooth stabilization of hormonal levels, Klaira is suitable for the treatment of fibroids (benign tumor of the uterus), which in the initial stages of development does not require surgical intervention. This type of tumor can be cured conservatively by stabilizing hormonal levels.

Comparison of the effectiveness of Janine and Klaira

The effectiveness of Janine is quite similar to Qlaira - this means that the ability of the medicinal substance to provide the maximum possible effect is similar.
For example, if Zhanine’s therapeutic effect is more pronounced, then using Qlaira, even in large doses, will not achieve this effect.

Also, the speed of therapy - an indicator of the speed of therapeutic action - is approximately the same for Zhanine and Klaira. And bioavailability, that is, the amount of a drug reaching its site of action in the body, is similar. The higher the bioavailability, the less it will be lost during absorption and use by the body.

Claira or Janine for endometriosis?

When treating endometriosis, it is necessary to normalize hormonal levels in order to stop the uncontrolled proliferation of endometrial cells and prevent their appearance in unusual places. These drugs can cope with this task in the initial stages of the disease, when surgical intervention is not yet required. Considering that to combat endometriosis it is necessary to suppress the production of hormones, then you should pay attention to Janine, since the gestagen (dienogest) in its composition is synthetic. Accordingly, its effect on hormone production is higher than that of the natural dienogest present in Qlaira.

How are Janine and Claira different?

The difference between the drugs is as follows:

  1. The second active ingredient in Zhanin is ethinyl estradiol, in Qlaira it is estradiol valerate.
  2. Release form. Janine is a pill; the second drug is available in tablet form.
  3. Janine is used exclusively to prevent conception. Qlaira can be prescribed as an auxiliary medication in the complex therapy of endometriosis.
  4. Mode of application. Qlaira is taken without interruption. When using Janine, you must pause for 7 days between the first and next packaging.
  5. Janine has more contraindications that are absolute. For example, it is strictly forbidden to take the drug if you have a nicotine addiction. Smoking is a relative contraindication for taking Qlaira.
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