What is the difference between Klimadinon and Klimadinon Uno: comparison of drugs and patient reviews

The problem of eliminating the symptoms of menopause is relevant in modern gynecology. This is largely due to the fact that the average life expectancy is increasing, so the number of women reaching menopause is increasing. At the same time, the age of menopause remains stable and is 49-50 years. During this period, natural aging processes occur in a woman’s body. The onset of menopause can occur both physiologically and pathologically. In the latter case, they talk about menopausal syndrome.

The course of menopause, which is accompanied by severe symptoms, involves taking medications. Often, if there are contraindications to the use of hormone replacement therapy, phytoestrogens and products based on them are used. Klimadinon and Klimadinon UNO are widely used in gynecological practice.

Klimadinon tablets and drops

Klimadinon tablets and drops are of natural origin. Unlike hormonal substances, Klimadinon is a herbal remedy, but the active substance is an analogue of the female hormone estrogen. The drug Klimadinon in tablets and drops is used for menopausal syndrome.

The pathological course of menopause is observed in 60-70% of women. However, not all patients can use hormonal drugs, as there are a large number of contraindications. Phytoestrogens, which are plant-based hormone-like agents, stop the onset of menopause.

The severity of symptoms depends on many factors. Manifestations of menopause differ among women; they can be different for a certain geographical location, level of education, heredity, social conditions, and the severity of psycho-emotional stress. Occupational hazards, immune status, and concomitant diseases also affect the signs of menopause.

Phytoestrogens, which are contained in Klimadinon tablets and drops, should be taken in the initial stage of menopause, when the body has not adjusted to an insufficient level of estrogen. In this case, the effect will be most noticeable.

Signs of the onset of menopause are irregular periods, their abundance or scarcity, short and long cycles. Women experience mood swings, sleep disturbances, dry mucous membranes of the genital organs, decreased libido, and hot flashes. It is this period that is characterized by a gradual restructuring of the body, when taking Klimadinon and other phytoestrogens can help and bring results.

Impaired lipid and carbohydrate metabolism are also signs of impending menopause. Tablets and drops with phytoestrogens help women reduce cholesterol levels, normalize the amount of glucose and insulin.

Osteoporosis is considered a later manifestation of menopause. This disease is characterized by a gradual softening of bone tissue due to impaired absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Bone plates lose their mineral density. The tubular bones become “empty”. When menopause occurs, the radius, pelvic and femoral bones, as well as the vertebrae of the lower thoracic and lumbar region are affected. Timely treatment with Climadinon tablets and drops can stop and prevent a decrease in bone mineral density.

A recognized method of combating menopause is hormone replacement therapy. Hormonal pills completely replace the lack of estrogen and progesterone, the symptoms stop, and the progression of pathologies is stopped. But possible complications and contraindications force us to look for other ways to solve the problem. Phytoestrogens are an excellent substitute for steroids.

Klimadinon and Klimadinon UNO in tablets and drops are an alternative method of treatment. The drug contains extract of cohosh or black cohosh rhizome; the substances are not steroids in their structure, but exhibit estrogenic activity.

Tablets or drops should be prescribed after preliminary diagnosis, which includes:

  • taking anamnesis;
  • taking into account hereditary factors;
  • assessment of menstrual function;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands and mammography;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • colposcopy, cytology smear, sexually transmitted infections;
  • blood tests (biochemistry, coagulogram, lipid profile, glucose tolerance test, tumor markers, general clinical tests);
  • body mass index calculation;
  • additional studies, including diagnosis of extragenital pathology.

If necessary, a consultation with a neuropsychiatrist, endocrinologist, therapist and surgeon is carried out.

Menopause differs in varying degrees of severity of manifestations. To evaluate them, they use the calculation of the menopausal index in various modifications.



Thanks to the manufacturers of this drug, I am alive!!!!!! On the 4th day of taking it, I began to feel that I had no heart... before that I suffered from palpitations, I had no strength, my periods were scanty, or they didn’t exist at all, horror, although I was only 43. Before taking the drug, I couldn’t afford anything, not even physical activity. , emotional... Lord, I live)))))))


Nastya Chernoslivina
Thanks to the manufacturers of this drug, I am alive!!!!!! On the 4th day of taking it, I began to feel that I had no heart... before that I suffered from palpitations, I had no strength, my periods were scanty, or they didn’t exist at all, horror, although I was only 43. Before taking the drug, I couldn’t afford anything, not even physical activity. , emotional... Lord, I live)))))))


Lyuba Kustova
And when you take it, you get fatter, someone will tell me, it’s very interesting to find out.


Ibraimova Marhaba
No, you’re not getting fat. I've been drinking for 3 years now. There is little effect, just a rush...? tired already..


I’ve been taking it for 4 years, I started sleeping better, there are no strong hot flashes and sweating, nervousness has decreased But I think that food intake also affects the intake of climadinone And like any hormone they should be taken before meals This is my opinion And there is nothing about this in the instructions said


Galina Mustygina
during menopause, in any case, you get a little fatter, and it’s not a fact that it’s from CLIMADENON. Even if you recover a little, then everything will be restored


Sergey Kachinsky
For hot flashes, take the drug Abyufen, after 2-3 weeks the hot flashes will disappear


I have had my uterus removed for 10 years now, uterine fibroids, the ovaries were left behind, now I’m 50, I’m worried about menopause. please tell me if I can take climadinon, thank you.


I was very pleased with this drug. Before him, I took Klimaktoplan, Remens, Menopez and all to no avail. A gynecologist at our regional hospital recommended this drug. True, I didn’t finish reading it and took it once a day - in the evening. After 2 weeks, I completely forgot about my debilitating hot flashes. And it’s still unclear what this is connected with, but sexual activity has increased. (No periods for 1.5 years) Girls, I recommend it!!! But don't forget about proper nutrition and walks. May you ALL be healthy.


I have had menopause since I was 36 years old. This drug was prescribed. I already gained a fair amount of weight, and I also read in the instructions that weight gain is possible. Now I sit and think.


Ksenia Vladimirova
I replaced Klimadinon with Qi-klim, the first drug did not cope with hot flashes at all. If you add alanine to Qi-Klim, you completely forget what it is and live an ordinary life. And on Qi-Clim, my libido increased, my husband became horny again, the vaginal dryness during sex went away, and I even stopped using lubricants. But judging by the reviews - depending on who - someone is not delighted with the Qi-Clim, as it will suit.


Daria Melnikova
I can’t say anything except that it didn’t work on me. Then I took Feminal - it saved me from hot flashes and sweating. By the way, their price is approximately the same, but in terms of action, Feminal is more effective for me. He generally normalized my nervous system and eliminated anxiety, among other things - I also had a problem with this


Elena Gorbatova
I suffered for 1.5 years. I was treated by all specialists. Tachycardia, severe dizziness, headaches, shortness of breath, pressure surges, constant shaking. At first there were no hot flashes or sweating. Therefore, they could not determine the diagnosis. FSH - 4, the gynecologist said. As for menopause, it’s like walking to Paris, my periods were confused. The endocrinologist was only able to determine premenopausal syndrome. Prescribed Klimadinon and Tryptophan. After 3 tablets I felt like a human being and wanted to live. The shaking has passed, my head is clear. Some symptoms remained after 2 weeks of use. I drank it for 1 month, just a miracle! The doctor said I need to take a break for 2 weeks. Everything started again as before. I couldn't wait to start taking the pills again. It’s now day 3 that I’ve been taking the drug again, but the miracle hasn’t happened, it’s just as bad as it is. Will it really not help this time? I will wait for the cumulative effect and continue to suffer! Girls, good health to everyone!


Alisa Tikhanova
Qi-Klim is really worse than Klimadinon, I drank both. Klimadinon calmed me down quite well; the hot flashes, however, did not respond to it. From them I had to pick up a more serious drug, pineamin, in injections. Conveniently, one course gives the effect for a long time, up to five months. However, I also keep Klimadinon on hand.


Everything is very individual - for some, herbal preparations are enough, but for others, not at all. My friend and I started drinking Klimadinon almost at the same time, she is fine, but it didn’t work for me. We both wanted to avoid taking hormones, so I asked my gynecologist to find me something strong but non-hormonal, and he suggested Pineamin. Here I felt like a human again, and these humiliating tides stopped.


Anna Elizarova
And when you take it, you get fatter, someone will tell me, it’s very interesting to find out.


Tatyana Antipova
Klimadinon did not work for me, the hot flashes still bothered me, and the price for me personally is too high, because you need to drink it on an ongoing basis. But not drinking is not a solution at all, hot flashes immediately begin, sleep is poor, and nerves are lost. Now I have temporarily replaced it with Qi-Klim, a cheaper analogue, so far I like it, it fights hot flashes well, and there is also improvement in sleep. Maybe in the future I’ll switch to it.


Irina Rakhmanova
The drug is herbal and this is its only advantage... I took it for 2 weeks, the frequency of hot flashes did not decrease in any way, on the contrary, I became more irritable, the headache got worse. There are no contraindications for use, I consulted with specialists. I don’t understand why this effect? I’m afraid to take herbal preparations now, I’m in despair, tell me how to cope with the symptoms of menopause without harm to health, what do you use?


The drug is herbal and this is its only advantage... I took it for 2 weeks, the frequency of hot flashes did not decrease in any way, on the contrary, I became more irritable, the headache got worse. There are no contraindications for use, I consulted with specialists. I don’t understand why this effect? I’m afraid to take herbal preparations now, I’m in despair, tell me how to cope with the symptoms of menopause without harm to health, what do you use?


Valentina Granina
Qi-Clim is nothing, it helps only before postmenopause, I took Estrovel tablets for 5 years, the smell was terrible, but I felt great. Now it’s not available in tablets anywhere, but only in capsules, and the capsules don’t help at all. I’ve been suffering for a year now and can’t find anything. The result is that the nervous system has gone haywire, insomnia, sleep for 4 hours, the blood vessels can’t handle nervous tension, the pressure is jumping. I don’t know what to do anymore.

Composition and dosage forms

The German drug Klimadinon is available in tablets and drops. In addition, they produce Klimadion UNO, which has a higher dosage. The tablets are coated.

Composition of tablets:

  • extract of the black cohosh plant (rhizome of black cohosh) in the amount of 20 mg per tablet (2.8 mg of native extract);
  • lactose;
  • starch;
  • talc;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • iron oxide;
  • macrogol;
  • Eudragit (ammonium compound);
  • sorbic acid (preservative);
  • The tablet shell contains lactose, macrogol, titanium dioxide, iron oxide (red dye).

Klimadinon tablets are produced in 15 pieces in one blister; one package contains 4 or 6 blisters (60 or 90 pieces).

Klimadinon drops are available in dark glass bottles and have a built-in drip dosing device. Produced in 50 or 100 ml. The drops are made with alcohol, which acts as an extractable agent.

Composition of drops:

  • Cohosh extract in the amount of 12 g per 100 g of the drug, which is equivalent to 2.4 g of dried medicinal raw materials;
  • saccharin;
  • mint oil;
  • alcohol 96% (ethanol content 40% by volume);
  • water.

The drops are light brown in color and smell of wood. During long-term storage, slight precipitation occurs.

Tablets with an increased dosage of the active component Klimadinon UNO are produced only in the specified dosage form, which is why they differ. One blister contains 15 tablets; the package may include 2, 4 or 6 blisters (30, 60 or 90 pieces).

Composition of Klimadinon UNO:

  • cohosh plant extract in the amount of 6.5 mg per tablet (native extract);
  • The excipients are the same as those of Klimadinon tablets.

Action and benefits

The active substance of Klimadinon - an extract from the Cimicifuga plant - has the properties of estrogen, which allows it to bind to receptors for this hormone in tissues. A phytohormone differs from a steroid hormone in that it is capable of forming bonds with all types of estrogen receptors. It has both estrogenic and antiestrogenic activity, which also differs from a sex steroid. Such qualities make it possible to classify phytoestrogens as selective (selective) modulators of estrogen receptors.

The active component of Klimadinon does not have such a pronounced affinity as a true hormone, however, during research it became known that the biological effect of the herbal remedy is the same. This allows you to take tablets and drops for diseases of the mammary glands, uterus and symptoms of menopause. Estrogen receptors are found in many tissues. Therefore, a decrease in the sex hormone during menopause causes a restructuring of not only the reproductive system, but also the entire body. The drug of choice in such cases is often Klimadinon or Klimadinon UNO in tablets or drops.

The drug has a mild effect on a woman’s endocrine system. The active component binds to estrogen receptors in the mammary glands, bones, uterus, skin, in addition, phytoestrogens have a direct effect on fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Action of Klimadinon:

  • eliminates hot flashes, sensations of heat and chills, sweating;
  • normalizes cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels;
  • has a sedative effect, normalizes sleep, eliminates depressive states, and prevents the development of neuroses;
  • promotes weight stabilization;
  • suppresses pain in the mammary glands and slows the progression of mastopathy;
  • prevents a decrease in bone mineral density, thereby having a preventive effect in the aspect of osteoporosis;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • eliminates headaches and dizziness;
  • in premenopausal women it helps to even out the cycle.

The manifestation of the action of Klimadinon is observed several weeks after the start of treatment.

Not all women note a positive effect when taking Klimadinon tablets and drops. This is largely due to the presence of concomitant pathology. The presence of obesity, chronic infectious diseases, metabolic diseases, and endocrine pathologies often aggravates the course of menopause. But if there are contraindications to hormone replacement therapy, women are prescribed tablets, drops of Klimadinon or other phytoestrogens for a long period.

Which is better CLIMADINON UNO or CLIMALANIN: comparison, differences, reviews

KLIMALANIN reviews about the drug

Elena Misyutina
There is simply nothing better than the drug climalanin, women. After 2 days of taking it, there was a sharp improvement, and after 5 days of taking it, for 3 weeks I don’t remember what these terrible hot flashes and sweating are.


It helped me a lot! Thank you for providing such relief from hot flashes!


before this, not a single medicine helped. But now there seems to be no change. No hot flashes. Fever. Very calm. And inexpensive!


Tatyana Boritko
Women, there is simply nothing better than the drug climalanin at the moment. After 2 days of taking it, there was a sharp improvement, and after 5 days of taking it, for 3 weeks I don’t remember what these terrible hot flashes and sweating are.


Svetlana Alekseeva
Very good drug. I used it for a while, but now I can’t find it in pharmacies. Tell me where can I buy this drug in Moscow?


Tonya Belova
Very good drug. I used it for a while, but now I can’t find it in pharmacies. Tell me where can I buy this drug in Moscow?


Irina _
Very good drug. I used it for a while, but now I can’t find it in pharmacies. Tell me where can I buy this drug in Moscow?


A very good drug. I used it for a while, but now I can’t find it in pharmacies. Tell me where can I buy this drug in Moscow?


Olga Levina
I took the drug for a month - the effect is minimal


Ulyana R.
With the arrival of summer, exhausting hot flashes began, two per hour, you can compare the clocks, and at work you feel them more strongly than at home. Surprisingly, I sleep normally at night. The first tide arrives exactly at 6:30 am. I took half a package of Klimalanin, two tablets a day, the hot flashes themselves have not yet disappeared - they continue in the same way, but have become less pronounced. I really hope it helps.


Elena Elena
answer - but there will be no increase in body size as with other supplements


Frau Weide
Elena, the weight is not increasing...


I read the reviews, I see that it helps some and not others. I drink it for 2 weeks until I feel much result. Tonight I can’t sleep as always and I think maybe I have a fake drug. It seems like they write about fakes all the time. What confuses me is that the tablets have no taste. The annotation doesn't say anything about this. Answer those who are helped by the tablets, are they really tasteless?


Elena, Klimalanine is not a supplement, but a medicine that contains the amino acid ?-Alanine - the only beta amino acid present in the human body. But at the same time, Klimalanin is not a hormonal drug, so you don’t have to worry about weight.


———— ———-
this is not a medicine) the composition of the drug is one amino acid beta alanine, it is used in sports to improve capillary muscle circulation and is sold on any sports nutrition website, only the dosages there are higher.


Feminal has many contraindications


Frau Weide
Has anyone tried taking QI-CLIM alanine?


I drank it, there is almost no fever, I feel better


Ulyana R.
Klimalanin is a very good, non-hormonal drug for combating hot flashes in women at an “elegant” age. My aunt suffered very much from hot flashes, she says it’s worst when hot flashes started at work. Yes, you know, it’s not sweet at night when you can’t sleep either. I started drinking Klimalanin on the advice of a doctor, I’ve been drinking it for about a month now, and she says that the effect is obvious - the number of hot flashes has begun to decrease, and the occasional hot flashes are no longer so strong. The doctor allowed her to continue taking Klimalanin.


Natalya Lyubimova
Now I have migraines every other day, and sometimes every day. Otherwise, my health did not change in any way after the course of taking climalanin. I do not advise


Olya Olga
I was upset because I lost time. I could have enjoyed life without hot flashes and migraines a long time ago, but no... I chose Klimalanin on my head, but it turned out that it was a dummy. It didn’t help, and during the course of treatment it only got worse


Dauletova Zhamal
I was prescribed Klimalanin. Strongly causes sweating and causes feedback, severe headaches appeared. Not everyone will benefit from the drug.


Valeria Smirnova
An excellent hormone-free remedy for combating hot flashes. I took Klimalanin for three months like this: at first I took three tablets, then gradually reduced the intake to one, as it became noticeably better. By the end of the course of treatment, I completely forgot about the hot flashes; menopause, one might say, is not felt.

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Luda l
I decided to try climalanin only as an experiment. Previously, I took another remedy, and the hot flashes did not return at all. And now they are with me again, and the dizziness has begun again. I'm at a loss

Indications and contraindications

Drops and tablets Klimadinon and Klimadinon UNO are used in the following situations:

  • menopausal syndrome (hot flashes, excessive sweating, sleep disturbance, psycho-emotional agitation, apathy, headaches and increased blood pressure, bone pain);
  • fibrocystic mastopathy.

Drops and tablet form of phytoestrogens can be used in premenopause, menopause and postmenopause.

Contraindications for taking the drug are as follows:

  • the presence of tumors, the growth of which depends on the level of estrogen;
  • hyperplastic processes of the endometrium;
  • liver diseases accompanied by cholestasis and dysfunction;
  • epilepsy;
  • brain injuries.

Klimadinon drops are contraindicated for alcoholism.

In addition, the tablets should not be used if you are lactose intolerant. If the drug has been taken, it is necessary to use lactase medications, for example, Lactazar.

Use for mastopathy

Gynecologists often prescribe the drug for fibrocystic mastopathy. Drops and tablet forms of Klimadinon can be used for this disease due to its antiestrogenic effect, which is what distinguishes a herbal remedy from a steroid one.

Phytoestrogen selectively binds to estrogen receptors located in the mammary glands. Since the pathogenesis of mastopathy is based on an increase in the content of estrogen in the blood, hyperplasia of some areas of the mammary glands is noted: the hormone has a proliferative effect. In turn, the phytoestrogen taken also binds to receptors in tissues and does not cause such an effect. By blocking the receptor, phytoestrogen stops the action of the steroid hormone.

When prescribing medication, it is necessary to exclude malignant processes in the mammary glands and uterus. If the tumors are benign, then Klimadinon can be used for mastopathy. They perform an ultrasound of the mammary glands, mammography, and a blood test for tumor markers, which proves the benign quality of the process. A biopsy of growths or puncture of a breast cyst has a more reliable result.

Klimadinon drops and tablets for mastopathy are used in the same dosage regimen as for menopausal syndrome.

The difference between Klimadinon and Klimadinon UNO

The German drug manufacturer BIONORICA produces tablets with different dosages of the active substance (cohosh extract or black cohosh rhizome). Klimadinon tablets are produced with a traditional dosage of phytoestrogen and Klimadinon UNO tablets with an increased dosage, which is what makes the drugs different. Klimadinon UNO also differs in its release form: the medicine is produced only in tablets.

As a rule, tablets with a higher dosage are prescribed for severe symptoms of menopause, which are characterized by a significant frequency of hot flashes, bone pain, and psycho-emotional disorders. The choice of a drug with an increased dosage is made after diagnostic measures. It is important to take into account contraindications to the use of the drug, since high doses of even herbal preparations can negatively affect blood clotting and cardiac activity.

Klimadinon UNO tablets have a more pronounced estrogenic effect, so they can provoke hyperplastic processes in the uterus, which will lead to increased uterine bleeding.

During menopause with moderate symptoms and in the absence of contraindications to taking phytoestrogens, a woman can choose tablets with either a regular or increased dosage.

Klimadinon UNO has a more convenient dosage regimen: it is enough to take 1 tablet per day.

What is better Klimadinon or Klimadinon Uno?

Both drugs have the same effect, eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

The only advantage of Klimadinon Uno is that it can be taken once a day, because... the concentration of the substance in tablets is higher.

Otherwise, the dosage and regimen of medications depends only on the indications and condition of the patient. The course of treatment is prescribed individually.

For hyperhidrosis

Severe sweating and increased body temperature are one of the main indications for taking the drug. For hyperhidrosis, drugs have the same effect, so during therapy they relieve these negative symptoms of hormonal imbalance in the body.

Side effects and interactions

Klimadinon is characterized by a rare development of adverse events. Among the most frequently registered are:

  • stomach pain;
  • allergic reactions of various types;
  • slight weight gain;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract.

Menstrual-like bleeding, weight gain and pain in the mammary glands can be caused by a high content of receptors in the tissues. In this case, phytoestrogens have an excessive proliferative effect.

No studies have been conducted on interactions with other drugs.

special instructions

Patients with impaired glucose tolerance and diagnosed diabetes mellitus can take tablets and drops. The drug has a minimal sugar content - less than 0.01 bread units and less than 0.04 in Klimadinon UNO tablets.

Klimadinon contains ethyl alcohol - both drops and tablets, but if the daily dosage is observed, the drug does not affect higher nervous activity. Taking drops does not preclude driving a car.


Cases of drug overdose have not been described. An overdose of drops can cause alcohol intoxication. When taking large doses of the drug, you should take more water, activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight), when taking drops in excess dosage, you must rinse your stomach.

Shelf life and storage features

The medicine is stored out of the reach of children, the temperature should not exceed 25ºC. The shelf life is 3 years. The sediment formed in the bottle with drops is not a contraindication for use.

Similar drugs:

  • Klimadynon Drops for oral administration
  • Klimadynon Oral tablets

** The Drug Directory is intended for informational purposes only. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; Before starting to use the drug Klimadinon Uno, you should consult a doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the site does not replace medical advice and cannot serve as a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug.

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** Attention! The information presented in this medication guide is intended for medical professionals and should not be used as a basis for self-medication. The description of the drug Klimadinon Uno is provided for informational purposes and is not intended for prescribing treatment without the participation of a doctor. Patients need to consult a specialist!

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