Klimadinon for menopause in women: instructions and reviews

Traditional medicine has long used the “green pharmacy” to treat symptoms of menopause in women. Modern drugs created on the basis of extracts of medicinal plants and mushrooms have proven their effectiveness in numerous clinical experiments and laboratory tests. Among the proven herbal remedies that successfully combat the symptoms of menopause and restore beauty and good mood to women is Klimadinon. According to doctors, this single drug, the main active ingredient of which is black cohosh extract, can easily be included in the top ten drugs in terms of safety and effectiveness at all stages of menopause in women.

The fact that the therapeutic effect of the drug is based on a single phytocomponent allows us to minimize the risk of allergic reactions and individual intolerance. If, while taking complex medications, such as Lady's Formula, a patient may be allergic to any of the five herbal components, then in the case of Klimadinon this is impossible - it is either normally perceived by the body or not. In addition, a positive therapeutic effect when taken occurs within two weeks, but if there is no improvement in the condition, then it makes sense to look for other drugs with estrogen-like effects or prefer direct replacement therapy.

pharmachologic effect

The drug Klimadinon is made on the basis of natural cohosh root extract. Due to this, the hormonal effect is less pronounced than that of drugs with synthetically produced hormones.

Klimadinon effectively fights against menopausal symptoms with a minimum number of adverse reactions. The mechanism of its action is to have an effect similar to that of estrogen.

The drug Klimadinon can completely relieve a woman of all unpleasant symptoms or significantly reduce their manifestations. This effect is achieved after 14 days from the start of use.

In addition, the drug has a pronounced sedative effect, positively affecting the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

Interesting facts about black cohosh

Branched cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) also has other names, not always euphonious: black cohosh, black cohosh, racemosa. Black cohosh flowers have a persistent, unpleasant odor that attracts carrion insects. The plant is perennial, blooms all summer and early autumn. In the wild, it is distributed in Northern America.

Bedbug flowers are white serpentine racemes (reach 1 meter in length). After pollination, a leaflet fruit develops, which can hang on the branch until cold weather. In frost, frozen seeds emit a characteristic crackling sound, for which English colonists nicknamed black cohosh rattle weed.

The Indians knew that black cohosh rhizomes had healing properties long before the colonization of the New World. Decoctions and compresses from crushed rhizomes were used as an anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic and sedative, including for women's diseases.

Today, black cohosh is one of the main sources of phytoestrogens in the pharmaceutical industry. The plant is unpretentious and has been cultivated for 200 years. Preparations based on processed rhizomes are used for menstrual disorders, decreased libido, as a means of preventing PMS and at all stages of menopause.

In laboratory studies on animals, it was found that taking large doses of black cohosh extract for too long causes excessive thickening of the uterine epithelium, which in turn can cause neoplasms. However, the recommended doses of Climadinon do not imply any risks.

Composition and release form

The drug is available in the form of drops and tablets.
The drug Klimadinon is available in 2 forms: tablets and oral drops. 1 tablet contains 20 mg of cohosh extract.

In addition to it, the following are used as additional substances:

  • Starch;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Calcium dihydrate hydrogen phosphate;
  • Iron oxide is yellow;
  • Iron oxide is red;
  • Talc;
  • Titanium dioxide;
  • RL 30D eudragit;
  • Macrogol 6000.

Photos of substances:

Titanium dioxide Talc Red iron oxide

Iron oxide yellow

Calcium dihydrate hydrogen phosphate

Starch Magnesium stearate

The shape of the tablets is round and convex on both sides. On top they are covered with a special pink protective shell.

The concentration of cohosh extract in the oral solution is less and is 12 mg.

The following are used as auxiliary substances in production:

  • Water;
  • Peppermint oil;
  • Alcohol ethanol 35% or 40%;
  • Sodium saccharinate dihydrate.

Photos on the topic:


Peppermint oil

Alcohol Sodium saccharinate dihydrate

If a slight sediment appears at the bottom, this is normal. The drops have a light brown color and a slight odor with woody notes.

Klimadinon price

The drug is produced by the German company Bioronica SE. The trademark is registered. Dispensing is carried out without a prescription, the medicine is available in online pharmacies.

A 50 ml bottle of Klimadinon drops costs 400-500 rubles. 20 mg tablets are sold in 60 pieces per box and cost 400-450 rubles. Klimadinon Uno tablets (32.5 mg) are packaged in 15 pieces in a blister, in a box there are 2 blisters (30 tablets). Price per box – 350-450 rubles. Some users were able to buy Klimadinon cheaper - usually through promotions.

The drug is available in lilac and orange packages.

You can read about whether menopause occurs in men here.

Indications for use

The drug Klimadinon is prescribed most often during periods of menopause, as well as pre- and postmenopause.

At this time, it effectively combats excessive sweating, sleep disturbances, bad mood, flushing and irritability.

In addition, the drug Klimadinon is used by doctors in the presence of:

  • Uterine fibroids;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Ovarian cysts.

Interesting photos:

Ovarian cyst

Mastopathy Uterine fibroids

Klimadinon for menopause

Menopausal disorders are effectively suppressed with the help of the drug Klimadinon.

Its regular use helps get rid of:

  • Blood flushes;
  • Excessive secretion of sweat glands;
  • Increased excitability;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Apathy.

Mechanism of action and indications for use of Klimadinon

The physiological process of menopause is characterized by neuro-vegetative, psycho-emotional and other changes against the background of hormonal changes in the body. At all three stages (premenopause, menopause and postmenopause), the herbal medicine Klimadinon, which has an estrogen-like mechanism of action, is often administered with general and hormone replacement therapy. This product has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels in women, maintaining its balance.

The drug Klimadinon allows you to avoid the hormonal “slides” that cause the symptoms of menopause. The active substances of the drug excessively affect the receptors of the hypothalamus, and they react to this by reducing the production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (can be found in the abbreviated form GNRH). As a result, the pituitary gland reduces the synthesis of luteinizing hormone and its concentration in the blood, while the ovaries reduce the synthesis of hormones - estrogens and their content in the body. These interconnected processes cause destabilization of the psycho-emotional state, insomnia, sudden mood swings, apathy, hot flashes, chills, hyperhidrosis, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, numbness of the limbs and other symptoms of menopause. At this moment, this drug comes to the rescue, equalizing the balance of hormones and preventing symptoms from appearing or significantly facilitating their course.

For more than 30 years of using the drug in Europe and the CIS countries, experts have proven that the use of Klimadinon during menopause is effective. It not only alleviates the symptoms of menopause, but also helps prevent diseases and adapt the body after removal of the ovaries. And the beneficial effect of phytobases on metabolism is often greater than that of synthetic and chemical substances.


Klimadinon drops and tablets should not be used if a woman is overly sensitive to any of the components of the drug.

Also a contraindication is a diagnosed or possible history of estrogen-dependent tumors of different locations.

beware of using the drug Klimadinon if you have :

  • Liver diseases;
  • Epileptic syndrome;
  • Brain illnesses/injuries.

In these cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary. He will be able to assess what will come from use more - benefit or harm.

Tablets should not be used by people who are lactose intolerant, and the oral solution should not be used by people with alcoholism.

How does Klimadinon work?

Klimadinon, like all drugs containing phytoestrogens, acts on the principle of replacing natural female sex hormones with substances very similar to them in chemical composition and biological activity, found in small quantities in medicinal plants and mushrooms. Phytoestrogens cannot completely replace “native” hormones, the synthesis of which slows down during menopause and stops completely when postmenopause occurs. However, herbal substitutes are capable of “deceiving” the receptors of the hypothalamus for a long time, and with them all other organs and tissues of the body, preserving a woman’s sexual attractiveness and relieving her of the unpleasant manifestations of menopausal syndrome. You can read more about the symptoms of menopause in women here.

Klimadinon: dosage forms and composition

One of the advantages of Klimadion, according to reviews from women taking it, is the variety of dosage forms. There are three of them:

  • Klimadinon coated tablets weighing 20 mg;
  • Klimadinon Uno, coated tablets 32.5 mg;
  • Klimadinon drops are an alcohol solution of a liquid extract of the rhizome of black cohosh.

In addition to the medicinal component, the tablets contain an extractant - 58% ethyl alcohol, lactose and auxiliary substances that form the tablet shell. The ethyl alcohol content in the drops is 35-40%, so this form is not prescribed to women who are addicted to alcohol. They are tempted to take the entire course in one day, which is unlikely to give the expected therapeutic effect, but can add to health problems.

Klimadinon tablets are biconvex, without chamfer, colored in a characteristic pinkish-brown color. They should not be bitten, sucked or chewed; the tablet should be swallowed and washed down with a small amount of liquid. The medicine should be kept away from children.

According to the instructions for use of Klimadinon, 20 mg tablets are taken twice, and Uno tablets are taken once a day. It is better to take the tablets at the same time and combine it with meals.

The liquid extract is taken 30 drops twice a day. In a standard bottle of drops with a capacity of 50 ml, the liquid extract of black cohosh accounts for 12 ml. This corresponds to 2.4 g of dry extract.

In some cases (for example, if the patient has significant or insufficient body weight), the doctor may prescribe an increased or decreased dosage.

The effect does not appear immediately, usually after 10-15 days. The duration of the course should be determined by the doctor; if the patient decides to take Klimadinon on her own, then she should not do this for more than three months in a row.

Contraindications and side effects

In addition to cases of hypersensitivity to black cohosh extract, lactose or ethanol, the following are contraindications:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • oncological diseases, especially those associated with the synthesis of estrogen;
  • liver diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases and injuries of the brain.

The insignificant ethanol content in Klimadinon tablets and drops does not affect the ability to drive a car or operate complex machinery, but a breathalyzer will most likely indicate the fact of alcohol consumption after taking 30 drops. Autoladies should keep this in mind and take the drug only in tablets (preferably Klimadinon Uno in the evening).

The drug can be taken if you have diabetes. A single dose of sugar when taking a Klimadinon tablet does not exceed 0.01 bread unit.

Rare side effects include:

  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • weight gain;
  • pain and heaviness in the mammary glands;
  • bloody vaginal discharge not associated with the monthly cycle.

If these symptoms do not go away or increase, the drug should be stopped.

Indications and pharmacological action

Indications for the use of Klimadinon are nervous disorders, severe malaise and vegetative-vascular dystonia at any stage of the menopause. As a result of therapy in women:

  • hot flashes, tachycardia, palpitations, sweating decrease or completely disappear;
  • apathy, depression, irritability and aggressiveness disappear;
  • sleep is normalized.

The drug can be combined with hormone replacement therapy and other medications if they do not contain black cohosh extract. In the presence of concomitant pathologies of the cardiovascular, nervous and urogenital systems, the use of the drug should be agreed with a doctor,

Side effects

Most women tolerate the drug Klimadinon in both types of release very well.

In rare cases, the development of an allergic reaction is observed, which is manifested by itching, rashes and redness of the epidermis.

In certain cases, a woman may gain weight and feel pain in the epigastric area. Adverse reactions also manifest themselves in the form of a feeling of tension in the chest and smearing from the vagina.

If you experience at least one adverse reaction, consult your doctor; in most cases, the drug is simply discontinued.

Drug interactions

Such drug interactions can only be prescribed by a doctor under his own supervision.
There is no information about the interaction of the drug Klimadinon in the instructions from the manufacturer.

It has been established that when combined with other products that contain estrogen, they enhance each other’s effects.

Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to use Klimadinon and Mastodinon at the same time, since both drugs are prescribed for mastopathy and have the same effect, their independent use is not recommended.

Instructions for use

It is important to note that it is necessary to observe not only the regimen, but also the time of use; it should not differ by more than 5 minutes.
If a woman has been prescribed the drug Klimadinon in the form of tablets, then they should take 1 tablet no more than 2 times a day.

The oral solution is prescribed in an amount of 30 drops and taken according to the same principle as tablets.

They cannot be diluted in water, juice or any other liquid. You can drip on sugar.

How to take Klimadinon before or after meals? Doctors usually prescribe taking the medicine before meals and drinking plenty of water.

special instructions

If signs of liver dysfunction appear while taking the drug, you should stop taking it and notify your doctor.

During lactation and pregnancy, the drug Klimadinon is not recommended for use, since studies have not been conducted on these categories of women.

The duration of therapy with the drug Klimadinon should be at least 3 months.

Usually the course lasts six months. If there is a need for longer use, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Price in pharmacies

Many people are interested in how much Klimadinon costs, then the average price for this drug is about 350 rubles, but it all depends on the region and the pharmacy chain.

Drug namePricePurchasePharmacy
Klimadinon, TBL No. 60507.00 rub.Buy
Klimadinon, solution screamed. fl 50ml 543.50 rub.Buy
Klimadinon drops 50 ml460 rub.Buy
Klimadinon tablets n60470 rub.Buy

Klimadinon reviews

Levomin 30: 4.8 5 reviews Menopace: 3.9 150 reviews Mirena: 4.9 67 reviews Janine: 3.7 35 reviews Estrovel: 2.3 10 reviews
Menopace original: 5 2 reviews Femoston: 3.3 4 reviews L-thyroxine: 3.8 16 reviews Rezil ovitis: 5 1 review Duphaston: 3.

9,100 reviews More hormonal drugs

Klimadinon prices in pharmacies

  • 168.65 UAH. Klimadinon drops 50ml
  • 214.3 UAH. Klimadinon tablets No. 60
  • 277.2 UAH. Klimadinon Uno tablets No. 30
    • 140.3 UAH. Klimadinon drops 50ml
  • 198.3 UAH. Klimadinon tablet. No. 60
  • 227.1 UAH. Klimadinon Uno tab. No. 30
    • 166.77 UAH. Klimadinon cap. yelled fl. 50 ml
  • 217.75 UAH. Klimadinon tablet. p/o No. 60
  • 276.67 UAH. Klimadinon uno tab. p/o No. 30
    • 57.84 UAH Klimadinon tab No. 15
    • 162.71 UAH. CLIMADINON drops or. 50 ml per bottle.
  • 202.04 UAH. CLIMADINON tablets, p/o, No. 60 (15x4)
  • 205.84 UAH. CLIMADINON drops or. 50 ml per bottle.#
  • 229.52 UAH. CLIMADINON UNO tablets, p/o, No. 30 (15x2)
  • More prices for Klimadinon Prices for Klimadinon are provided by the service Search for drugs in pharmacies of Ukraine Mirena: 4.8 68 reviews Levomin 30: 4.8 5 reviews Menopace: 3.9 150 reviews Janine: 3.7 35 reviews Estrovel: 2.3 10 reviews Menopace original: 5 2 reviews ​Femoston: 3 .3 4 reviews L-thyroxine: 3.8 16 reviews Rezilovit: 5 1 review Duphaston: 3.

    9,100 reviews More hormonal drugs

    Klimadinon prices in pharmacies

    • 194 UAH Klimadinon drops 50 ml
    • 238 UAH Klimadinon tablets No. 60
    • 206 UAH CLIMADINON screamed drops. fl. 50 ml
  • 253 UAH CLIMADINON tab. p/o No. 60
  • 306 UAH CLIMADINON UNO tab. p/o No. 30
    • 151.9 UAH. Klimadinon 50 ml drops
  • 206 UAH Klimadinon No. 60 tablets
  • 225.95 UAH. Klimadinon Uno No. 30 tablets
    • 57.84 UAH Klimadinon tab No. 15
  • 121.63 UAH. Klimadinon UNO coated tabs No. 15
    • 176.2 UAH. Klimadinon drops 50ml
  • 220.51 UAH. Klimadinon tab N60
  • 281.37 UAH. Klimadinon Uno tab N30
  • More prices for Klimadinon Prices for Klimadinon provided by the service Search for medicines in pharmacies in Ukraine

    Page 3

    Mirena: 4.8 68 reviews Levomin 30: 4.8 5 reviews Menopace: 3.9 150 reviews Janine: 3.7 35 reviews Estrovel: 2.

    3 10 reviews Menopace original: 5 2 reviews Femoston: 3.3 4 reviews L-thyroxine: 3.8 16 reviews Rezilovit: 5 1 review Duphaston: 3.

    9,100 reviews More hormonal drugs

    Klimadinon prices in pharmacies

    • 177.32 UAH. CLIMADINON cap. yelled fl. 50 ml 1 Bionorica (Germany)
    • 235.88 UAH. CLIMADINON tab. p/o 60 Bionorica (Germany)
    • 304.16 UAH. CLIMADINON UNO tab. p/o 30 Bionorica (Germany)
    • 57.84 UAH Klimadinon tab No. 15
  • 121.63 UAH. Klimadinon UNO coated tabs No. 15
    • 166.77 UAH. Klimadinon cap. yelled fl. 50 ml
  • 217.75 UAH. Klimadinon tablet. p/o No. 60
  • 276.04 UAH. Klimadinon uno tab. p/o No. 30
    • 206 UAH CLIMADINON screamed drops. fl. 50 ml
  • 253 UAH CLIMADINON tab. p/o No. 60
  • 306 UAH CLIMADINON UNO tab. p/o No. 30
    • 171.12 UAH. CLIMADINON drops 50ml
  • 212.52 UAH. CLIMADINON tab. No. 60
  • 238.74 UAH. CLIMADINON UNO tab. No. 30
  • More prices for Klimadinon Prices for Klimadinon provided by the service Search for medicines in pharmacies in Ukraine

    Page 4

    Mirena: 4.8 68 reviews Levomin 30: 4.8 5 reviews Menopace: 3.9 150 reviews Janine: 3.7 35 reviews Estrovel: 2.

    3 10 reviews Menopace original: 5 2 reviews Femoston: 3.3 4 reviews L-thyroxine: 3.8 16 reviews Rezilovit: 5 1 review Duphaston: 3.

    9,100 reviews More hormonal drugs

    Klimadinon prices in pharmacies

    • 171.12 UAH. CLIMADINON drops 50ml
    • 212.52 UAH. CLIMADINON tab. No. 60
    • 238.74 UAH. CLIMADINON UNO tab. No. 30
    • 176.2 UAH. Klimadinon drops 50ml
  • 220.51 UAH. Klimadinon tab N60
  • 281.37 UAH. Klimadinon Uno tab N30
    • 170.9 UAH Klimadinon cap. fl. 50ml
  • 207.99 UAH. Klimadinon tablet. No. 60
  • 236.79 UAH. Klimadinon Uno tab. No. 30
    • 151.9 UAH. Klimadinon 50 ml drops
  • 206 UAH Klimadinon No. 60 tablets
  • 225.95 UAH. Klimadinon Uno No. 30 tablets
    • 194 UAH Klimadinon drops 50 ml
  • 238 UAH Klimadinon tablets No. 60
  • More prices for Klimadinon Prices for Klimadinon provided by the service Search for medicines in pharmacies in Ukraine

    Page 5

    Mirena: 4.8 68 reviews Levomin 30: 4.8 5 reviews Menopace: 3.9 150 reviews Janine: 3.7 35 reviews Estrovel: 2.

    3 10 reviews Menopace original: 5 2 reviews Femoston: 3.3 4 reviews L-thyroxine: 3.8 16 reviews Rezilovit: 5 1 review Duphaston: 3.

    9,100 reviews More hormonal drugs

    Klimadinon prices in pharmacies

    • 176.2 UAH. Klimadinon drops 50ml
    • 220.51 UAH. Klimadinon tab N60
    • 281.37 UAH. Klimadinon Uno tab N30
    • 171.12 UAH. CLIMADINON drops 50ml
  • 212.52 UAH. CLIMADINON tab. No. 60
  • 238.74 UAH. CLIMADINON UNO tab. No. 30
    • 57.84 UAH Klimadinon tab No. 15
  • 121.63 UAH. Klimadinon UNO coated tabs No. 15
    • 151.9 UAH. Klimadinon 50 ml drops
  • 206 UAH Klimadinon No. 60 tablets
  • 225.95 UAH. Klimadinon Uno No. 30 tablets
    • 177.32 UAH. CLIMADINON cap. yelled fl. 50 ml 1 Bionorica (Germany)
  • 235.88 UAH. CLIMADINON tab. p/o 60 Bionorica (Germany)
  • 304.16 UAH. CLIMADINON UNO tab. p/o 30 Bionorica (Germany)
  • More prices for Klimadinon Prices for Klimadinon provided by the service Search for medicines in pharmacies in Ukraine

    Page 6

    Mirena: 4.8 68 reviews Levomin 30: 4.8 5 reviews Menopace: 3.9 150 reviews Janine: 3.7 35 reviews Estrovel: 2.

    3 10 reviews Menopace original: 5 2 reviews Femoston: 3.3 4 reviews L-thyroxine: 3.8 16 reviews Rezilovit: 5 1 review Duphaston: 3.

    9,100 reviews More hormonal drugs

    Klimadinon prices in pharmacies

    • 206 UAH CLIMADINON screamed drops. fl. 50 ml
    • 253 UAH CLIMADINON tab. p/o No. 60
    • 306 UAH CLIMADINON UNO tab. p/o No. 30
    • 166.77 UAH. Klimadinon cap. yelled fl. 50 ml
  • 217.75 UAH. Klimadinon tablet. p/o No. 60
  • 276.04 UAH. Klimadinon uno tab. p/o No. 30
    • 194 UAH Klimadinon drops 50 ml
  • 238 UAH Klimadinon tablets No. 60
    • 176.2 UAH. Klimadinon drops 50ml
  • 220.51 UAH. Klimadinon tab N60
  • 281.37 UAH. Klimadinon Uno tab N30
    • 177.32 UAH. CLIMADINON cap. yelled fl. 50 ml 1 Bionorica (Germany)
  • 235.88 UAH. CLIMADINON tab. p/o 60 Bionorica (Germany)
  • 304.16 UAH. CLIMADINON UNO tab. p/o 30 Bionorica (Germany)
  • More prices for Klimadinon Prices for Klimadinon provided by the service Search for medicines in pharmacies in Ukraine

    Source: https://www.otzyvua.net/klimadinon.html

    What is better Tsiklim, Klimaksan, Estrovel or Klimadinon?

    Before choosing any drug, you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics.

    Name of the drugCyclimKlimaksanEstrovelKlimadinon
    Main active ingredientBlack cohosh extractLachesis Cohosh extract ApisWild Yam Rhizome Extract Soy Isoflavone Sacred VitexBlack cohosh extract
    A course of treatmentThe duration is determined by the doctor (the effect is noticeable after 14-30 days)1 to 2 months2 monthsFrom 3 to 6 months (the effect occurs after 14 days of use)
    PriceAbout 260 rublesAbout 130 rublesAbout 400 rublesAbout 350 rubles
    Release formTablets 30, 40, 60, 90Granules 10 g Tablets 20 or 40 piecesPillsTablets 30 or 60 pieces Oral drops 50 or 100 ml
    OtherAvailable without a prescription, minimal side effects, estrogen-like effectsAvailable by prescription, causes few side effects, esrogen-like effect is less pronouncedCan be purchased without a prescription, has few side effects and has estrogen-like effectsSold without a prescription, causes minimal side effects, has an effect similar to estrogen

    Reviews from patients about the drug Klimadinon

    Klimadinon is a plant-based drug that has an estrogen-like effect on the woman’s body. This remedy is widely used to eliminate menopausal and premenopausal disorders in women. Klimadinon is also prescribed in the postoperative period in case of bilateral ovarian removal in a woman of reproductive (childbearing) age.

    The active components of the drug (based on black cohosh) are similar in mechanism of action to estrogens - they interact with the same receptors of the hypothalamus. This drug against the background of menopausal syndrome has the following effects:

    • estrogen-like effect; • sedative effect; • therapeutic effect on the autonomic nervous system;

    • minimizing the manifestations of malaise associated with menopause.

    The effect of taking this drug appears gradually, a noticeable result is usually achieved in the 3rd week from the start of using the drug.

    What do women who have taken it think about climadinone? Let's get a look.

    Reviews from patients who took the drug Klimadinon

    “I first noticed this product while visiting a friend. Just by the name I suspected that this drug was for menopausal women. I was very surprised to find it in my 22-year-old friend, but, as it turned out, a doctor prescribed it to her for menstrual irregularities. I have similar problems.

    Out of curiosity, I went online and read about the drug (I really became interested in why this drug is prescribed to women of different ages). I discovered a lot of interesting things. Since the drug is based on black cohosh extract, which contains a lot of estrogen, I decided that it would be perfect for eliminating my hormonal imbalance.

    According to the results of a blood test for hormones, my luteinizing hormone was too high. Klimadinon reduces the level of this hormone and stimulates an increase in estrogen in the blood. True, my gynecologist did not immediately agree to prescribe it for me, but I insisted.

    I took Klimadinon for 3 months, 1 tablet twice a day.

    In the first month, I unexpectedly noticed that the cycle had somehow leveled out, and by the end of the month the level of luteinizing hormone was within normal limits.

    I still had an unfinished pack of pills that I didn’t have time to use because I became pregnant. Mom also wants to try drinking them, but for the signs of menopause.”


    “My mother, like most women 40-45 years old, faced such a nuisance as menopause. She often complained of sensations of cold or hot flashes, slept poorly, and generally became more nervous and excitable. Mom was so worried about this problem that any advertisement that came into her field of vision was immediately tested personally. But the desired effect was never achieved.

    After several years of such a life, the gynecologist finally prescribed climadinon.

    Mom has been searching for an effective remedy for the unpleasant manifestations of menopause for more than 10 years, and suddenly she found the ideal option for her.

    True, she is still somewhat wary, since some other drugs were also effective at first. I hope that this product will live up to the expectations placed on it.

    Drinking Klimadinon tablets is very easy, they are small in size and coated. However, you should pay close attention to the possible manifestation of such side effects as: allergic intolerance to the components of the drug, accumulation of excess body weight. I advise you to start taking this medication only as prescribed by your doctor.”


    “I take Klimadinon in courses lasting three months for six months. I haven’t noticed any special effects yet. It helps with hot flashes, but does not improve sleep at all. Anxiety and nervousness also did not disappear, but rather only worsened.” Elena

    “I’ve been taking this medicine for the second month now. During this time, he did not show himself particularly positively. I have all the symptoms of menopause, but they are all moderate. Klimadinon belongs to the homeopathic family of drugs, which means that the effect of the medication should appear no earlier than after three months of taking this remedy.

    But I can’t say that this drug had no effect on me at all: I felt hot flashes, began to lash out at others less, and insomnia also began to occur less frequently. In general, the drug significantly helped me only 50 percent of what was expected. Let's see how he performs in the future."


    “I took Klimadinon for only a few days, because on the 3rd day a severe migraine appeared. As it turns out, medications containing plant estrogens are not suitable for me. The gynecologist recommended switching to Klimalanin.

    After a week of taking this drug, the hot flashes disappeared. I finished the package and stopped taking it. For about six months, the hot flashes did not bother me, but later dizziness, joint pain, shortness of breath, and heart failure appeared. I decided to change the drug myself to Merinol. I’m starting my appointment today.”


    “This is some kind of nightmare! In two weeks of taking Klimadinon, I gained 1.5 kg, tinnitus, pain in the pancreas, and a feeling of heaviness in the mammary glands. The symptoms of hot flashes and nervousness remained.”


    “I started taking this medication for the first time a year ago. Then I felt the effect almost immediately, but decided to finish the course, as expected, over the course of three months. The next year I felt great.

    However, now these hot flashes have appeared again (either hot or cold), and I have trouble sleeping. I started taking Klimadinon tablets again, but for a month and a half now there has been no effect.

    Still, I’ll finish the course to the end, maybe it will work.”


    “There are a couple of tablets left from the second package. As a result, I gained 10 kg, my lower back hurts terribly, but there are no hot flashes anymore. I feel like an old cow, at 47 years old. I’ll stop taking the drug and try herbal teas.”


    “I started to experience menopause a year ago. At the same time, terrible fatigue, joint pain, irritability appeared, and sexual desire completely disappeared. The doctor recommended Klimadinon to me. I felt a good effect after a week of taking it. My mood improved, I felt more energetic, my joints practically didn’t bother me, and most importantly, my sexual desire returned.

    However, my breasts bothered me a little; they filled up like they used to before menstruation. I am very pleased with the drug, and besides, it is also plant-based. I recommend that all women during menopause use preparations containing plant estrogens.”


    Opinion of gynecologists

    "Klimadinon" is considered, according to experienced gynecologists, an excellent drug, which, according to certain criteria, is almost universal. Doctors note that most of the women they see have noted its effectiveness in combating the symptoms of menopause.

    Experts also recommend this drug as one of the safest drugs that does not cause significant disturbances in the patient’s body, as with hormone therapy.

    Therefore, “Klimadinon” is a salvation for those representatives of the fair sex for whom hormonal treatment is contraindicated.

    Another advantage of this drug is its compatibility with medications of other pharmacological groups.

    In general, gynecologists positively assess the action and effectiveness of the drug “Klimadinon”.

    Price policy

    “Klimadinon” is supplied to Russia from Germany.

    Differences in the cost of this medication in different pharmacies are due only to trade margins, the amount of customs duties, and the costs of transportation, storage and sales.

    Thus, there is no difference in the effectiveness of the most expensive and cheapest drug “Klimadinon” in Russia. The average price for this drug ranges from 450 to 600 rubles.

    Let's sum it up

    As a conclusion, we can say that “Klimadinon”, according to most positive reviews, is quite effective in eliminating the painful manifestations of the menopause.

    For some it completely eliminated unpleasant symptoms, for others it only reduced their severity.

    There is also a certain number of negative reviews, which is associated either with side effects of the drug or with its ineffectiveness in a certain case.

    Thus, to successfully eliminate the signs of menopause, it is necessary to consult an experienced gynecologist who will select and prescribe the most effective drug for the woman individually.

    Source: https://MastopatiiNet.ru/klimadinon-otzyvy/

    Reviews from doctors

    Levkova Marina Zakharovna, gynecologist : “I always say that if a woman wants to really get rid of the symptoms of menopause, and they bother her very much, she will turn to a specialist. In most cases, I prescribe the drug Klimadinon or its analogues. It suits many people perfectly and does not cause any side effects.”

    Pugachev Alexander Efremovich, gynecologist : “In practice, I have noticed a tendency that homeopathic medicines like Klimadinon help, but tangible results can be achieved with their help only with mild manifestations of menopause. For this reason, I prefer more serious and reliable medications.”

    Reviews about Klimadinon

    Doctors prescribe Klimadinon not only to women aged 45+, but also to younger women who have various hormonal imbalances and problems with the monthly cycle. Therefore, most positive reviews concern not so much the resolution of problems during menopause, but the restoration of health in women of childbearing age. Rare negative reviews are not about side effects, but about the lack of effect at all or its insufficiency. Women who took the drug during menopause generally talk about successfully overcoming the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia and nervous disorders.

    Reviews from women

    Slava, 56 years old : “I started menopause a long time ago. At first the symptoms were barely noticeable, but over time their strength increased. I went to the doctor, who first prescribed me to try Klimadinon tablets. We stopped there because they suited me. The symptoms did not completely disappear, but became almost imperceptible.”

    Diana, 49 years old : “After menopause, I became very irritable and my sleep completely deteriorated. I didn’t know what to do, and even hot flashes bothered me from time to time. I decided to try Klimadinon tablets. The first weeks nothing changed, and I already decided to give up on them. But, on the 16th day of use, I slept well the first night. Now I also accept them.”

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