Beta-alanine - effects for women, uses and side effects

What is this?

This element is a naturally occurring amino acid, which is part of many proteins, as well as pantothenic acid (a B vitamin). Beta-alanine is synthesized in the human body. The basis for it can be different:

  • carnosine;
  • leucine;
  • valine;
  • isoleucine.

Beta-alanine is a dipeptide protein found in human brain and muscle cells and connective tissue. We owe its synthesis in the body to the process of dehydrogenation. When decomposed, this element will turn into acetic acid.

Daily norm

The positive properties of beta alanine depend on the amount of the substance in the body. For the normal functioning of the body it is necessary:

  • 2.5-3.0 g of the substance daily for people leading a normal lifestyle;
  • 3.2-4.0g to improve performance;
  • 3.5-6.5 g of amino acid every day for athletes.

Signs of excess and deficiency of alanine

Beta alanine is an amino acid that accumulates in the body over time. Therefore, with long-term use, high levels of the substance in the blood and liver lead to symptoms such as:

  • depression;
  • insomnia or restless sleep;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • aching pain in joints or muscles;
  • impaired attentiveness and memory.

In turn, alanine deficiency is extremely rare, since a minimal amount of the amino acid is synthesized in the body naturally from proteins supplied with food. Symptoms of a substance deficiency may include:

  • weak immunity;
  • fatigue and weakness;
  • nervous, unbalanced behavior combined with irritability;
  • low blood glucose concentration;
  • risk of developing urolithiasis.

During high physical activity, due to a lack of beta alanine, catabolic processes begin inside muscle tissue.

preparations with alanine are used in sports nutrition to maintain physical strength

Useful properties of the element

On the Internet and in the press you can find a large number of reviews about beta-alanine, written by nutritionists, professional bodybuilders, qualified trainers, and amateur athletes who have tried the product on themselves. All of the above can be combined into three main remarkable properties of the amino acid:

  1. Increased muscle contraction. How does this happen? Due to increased calcium channel resistance. This factor allows the muscles to contract with greater speed and force. Increased release of carnosine reduces acidity. How is this useful? Increased acidity in the body causes so-called “muscle failure.” That is, the inability to perform a repetition of this or that exercise. Beta-alanine increases the athlete's fatigue threshold. Hence its second name.
  2. Source of energy, blood glucose regulator. These qualities are also indicated in the instructions for beta-alanine. The amino acid takes an active part in the metabolism of a number of organic acids and sugars. In addition, beta-alanine is a source of energy for both the central nervous system and muscles. After all, once in the liver, the amino acid in this organ is transformed into glucose. If an athlete goes through the so-called “drying” stage, then his blood sugar level is low. Alanine will help regulate blood content. It fights not only hypoglycemia (insufficient glucose levels), but also low blood pressure.
  3. Immune defense stimulator. Beta-alanine - what is it for? The amino acid, among other things, stimulates the body's immune system to produce protective antibodies.

No specific harm to the body was detected during clinical studies when the correct dosage was observed.

Reviews from doctors about Klimalanin

If side effects occur while taking an amino acid, it is recommended to inform your doctor.
Similar actions are taken if the clinical picture characteristic of menopause worsens. More often, patients leave positive reviews about the effects of Beta-Alanine. Menopause began and health problems appeared. I didn’t think that sweating, chills, fatigue, changeable mood and other symptoms would affect me. I had to consult a gynecologist. I was prescribed a medicine with an amino acid. I took it for about a month. The symptoms went away.

Who is the element shown to?

The main use of beta-alanine in sports is as an additive to the diet when an athlete is gaining weight and working on muscle definition. In general, it is indicated for all people who lead an active lifestyle, systematically engage in sports, and those who regularly attend training in the gym.

If a person is characterized by prolonged heavy physical activity, then he needs alanine. This element helps remove metabolic products formed during the breakdown of proteins from the body. In particular, ammonia.

Also, the instructions for using beta-alanine indicate that the drug will help restore well-being after prolonged stress and nervous strain. It is indicated for people who have been forced to starve for a long time, adhere to a strict diet, also to restore the body’s strength.

Recommendations for admission

Beta-alanine in sports must be taken, taking into account the recommendations:

  1. It is better to alternate the amino acid with taking taurine every day, but you cannot take supplements together - this does not increase the effectiveness of each.
  2. There is no need to mix the amino acid with creatinine, betaine or caffeine.
  3. Beta-alanine can be combined with gainers, BCAAs, coenzyme Q-10, glutamine, citrulline.

When combining, you must follow the recommendations:

  1. To increase stamina, you can combine it with baking soda.
  2. To increase physical performance when doing strength sports - with creatine.
  3. In some cases, on the recommendation of a trainer, you can combine an amino acid with caffeine, whey protein, nitrogen donors or BCAAs to tone the central nervous system before competitions.

Beta-alanine can be obtained by eating the following foods:

  • meat: chicken, beef, pork, liver, rabbit, duck contains 0.99-1.47 g per 100 g of product;
  • milk, cheese, feta cheese, sour cream, cream contain 0.07-0.76 g per 100 g of product;
  • eggs – 0.62-0.84 g per 100 g of product;
  • cereals: millet, buckwheat, oats contain 0.09-1.07 g per 100 g of product;
  • lean sea fish and squid contain 0.57-0.8 g per 100 g of product;
  • nuts contain 0.2-1.07 g per 100 g of product;
  • fruits contain 03.01-0.05 g per 100 g of product;
  • vegetables – 0.03-0.13 g per 100 g of product.

But the amino acid content in foods is so low that, for example, to be full you need to eat 1 kg of beef or 3 kg of chicken per day.

Where is the element contained?

For treatment today it is possible to purchase beta-alanine at the pharmacy. In addition, it is available in the form of dietary supplements (special powders, capsules), which are widely presented in sports nutrition stores - regular and online.

Since this is an amino acid of natural origin, it will be contained not only in special capsules and tablets. The following foods are rich in beta-alanine:

  • Meat and rich meat broths.
  • Milk, a number of products obtained from it - liquid and solid.

Where to buy and how much does β-Alanine cost?

The range of supplements with this amino acid is quite extensive:

  • Solution;
  • Capsules;
  • Pills;
  • Powder.

You can buy them at a pharmacy or at specialized sports nutrition outlets. The price varies depending on the country and manufacturing company, release form and quantity of the drug. The minimum cost starts from approximately 200 rubles, and the maximum reaches almost 6,000 rubles. Before purchasing, you should decide exactly what effect you want to get from taking the chosen drug. It is worth noting that prices in sports stores are lower than in pharmaceutical pharmacies.

The most popular beta-alanine producing companies found on the Russian market:

  • Ultimate Nutrition (USA);
  • Kingprotein (Russia);
  • Myprotein (England);
  • Vitajoy (China);
  • Olimp labs (Poland).

Correct dosage

How to take beta-alanine correctly? It is enough to adhere to the daily dosage that is suitable for your lifestyle:

  • The average need of the human body for this amino acid is 3 g/day.
  • If you are actively involved in sports, regularly visit the gym, or are passionate about bodybuilding, then this dose for you increases slightly - 4-6 g/day. When purchasing the supplement in the form of powders, capsules, it is best to take the substance in courses - 4-5 weeks.
  • If your lifestyle is not characterized by serious physical activity, you are indifferent to sports and active recreation, your body needs a smaller amount of alanine - about 1 g / day.

Now let's move on to using this amino acid as a therapeutic stabilizing agent.

Beta-alanine during menopause

What are the characteristics of menopause for a woman’s body? At this turning point, the level of such important hormones as estrogen and progesterone decreases, and the entire organ system shifts to a new mode of life. Aging factors together can cause consequences such as exacerbations of chronic pathologies, prolonged treatment of infections, and the development of complications. Also, menopause is often accompanied by frequent mood swings, hot flashes, unreasonable fever and other negative manifestations.

Beta-alanine actually helps to cope with the conditions described above and reduce their negative manifestations. It can normalize the declining level of hormone production and “fix” the thermoregulation center in the hypothalamus.

Effect of the drug

As we have already mentioned, beta-alanine is a useful amino acid that can be independently synthesized by our body. However, during menopause it is produced in small quantities. Its insufficient synthesis leads to causeless heat and sweating - it is beta-alanine that keeps the thermoregulation center of the hypothalamus under control. Hence, in order to normalize her condition, a woman must replenish amino acid reserves artificially - by taking medications.

Another useful property: beta-alanine inhibits volumetric releases of histamine into the blood, which dilates peripheral blood vessels and is harmful to vegetative processes. A sufficient level of beneficial amino acids in the body during menopause helps cope with the number and severity of hot flashes, increased sweating, headaches and migraines.

It is also beta-alanine that is responsible for removing lactic acid from the body. The latter, stagnating in muscle tissue, causes us to experience a state of unreasonable fatigue.

Several more important effects of drugs containing alanine on a woman’s body during this difficult period of restructuring:

  • Increases immunity, develops resistance to many diseases.
  • Helps you successfully survive stressful situations.
  • Promotes concentration and switching between important things.
  • Promotes good performance and reduces fatigue.

Why is the amino acid β-Alanine necessary?

β-Alanine is great for those who engage in vigorous physical activity. That is why it is especially common among athletes, in particular bodybuilders. The use of the substance helps to increase performance, endurance, accelerates muscle growth and recovery after injuries.

Also, many women use beta-alanine during menopause. This helps get rid of many unwanted symptoms that create discomfort during menopause.

Reception during menopause

Today in pharmacy stores you can find a lot of drugs whose active center is bata-alanine. The most famous are “Cyclin-alanine” from “Evalar”, “Klimalanin”. All of these products have one negative feature - they are overpriced. An excellent alternative for women during menopause would be the same capsules and powders that bodybuilders take. You can find these products in many sports nutrition stores.

Medicines with beta-alanine are prescribed only by the attending physician! He also prescribes the dosage and course duration. Basically, a woman with average symptoms of menopause is prescribed 2 tablets of the drug per day. If the symptoms are severe, the dose can be increased to 3 tablets.

An important feature is that the drug can be taken if hormonal therapy is prohibited. Sometimes it is prescribed as preparation for it. If beta-alanine copes well with the necessary tasks, then there is no need for hormonal treatment.

The amino acid drug is well tolerated by most patients:

  • Does not have a negative effect on the hematopoietic function of the body.
  • Does not provoke cardiovascular diseases.
  • There is no negative effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • A long course of administration does not cause drowsiness or decreased concentration. The positive effect is due to the absence of antihistamine elements.
  • Alanine is not addictive or addictive.

Sports nutrition with amino acid

Sports nutrition with beta-alanine is on sale.

Among the popular complexes are the following:

  1. Optimum Nutrition Beta-Alanine Powder – contains 1.6 g of beta-alanine per serving. In addition, the composition contains phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and L-histidine.
  2. NO Shotgun from VPX is a supplement that helps build muscle mass. It has a balanced composition, which includes sodium, protein, peridoxin, calcium, folic acid, a mixture of BCAA, creatine and other components.
  3. Controlled Labs White Flood is a complex for increasing the intensity of training. The composition includes: tyrosine, sodium gluconate, arginine, GABA and other components.
  4. Controlled Labs Purple Wraath is a supplement that helps you lose weight and increases strength, endurance, and adds energy during workouts. The composition contains BCAA, vitamin B6, nicotinic acid, potassium and other elements.
  5. CM2 Alpha from SAN - contains 1.6 g of beta-alanine. The supplement is considered highly effective because it is the world's first product with changes at the molecular level through esterification.

Whatever the athlete chooses - a pure supplement or a complex, it is worth remembering the recommended daily dosage. At the same time, beginners are recommended to take a reduced portion 2 times a day, and trained people can consume the amino acid 4 times a day, dividing the daily volume into doses at equal intervals.

Beneficial effect during menopause

In conclusion, we list the entire range of beneficial effects of the element on the woman’s body:

  • Effect on the functioning of the nervous system: improved concentration, reaction speed. Combating mood swings.
  • Strengthening the immune system. Antioxidant effect on the body.
  • Positive effect on mood and activity. Source of vital energy.
  • Normalization of metabolic and energy processes in the body. It is important that beta-alanine prevents excess weight gain during hormonal changes.
  • Removes excess fluid from the body and does not allow it to stagnate in tissues.

Beta-alanine is a very useful amino acid for the human body. First of all, it is indicated for professional athletes and women during menopause. Products rich in it will be useful for absolutely any person who cares about their health.

Advice for women

The table below provides key advice for women going through menopause. They are based on actions that the fairer sex experienced during this period.

ProblemImpactSolutionBottom line
Excessive coffee consumptionCoffee gives you energy for a short period of time. At the same time, the drink affects the nervous system, thereby causing insomnia even in the absence of energy. Refusal of the drink. Replace the invigorating properties of the drink with physical exercise. Normalization of sleep, fewer factors for the manifestation of psychological disorders.
Alcohol and tobacco useEquips the body with a large number of toxins, which require a lot of energy to combat.Quitting alcohol and smoking will preserve the body’s strength to fight the symptoms of menopause.Reducing the intensity of symptoms.
Excessive consumption of sweetsGlucose, which is found in buns, chocolate, etc. - quickly digestible, and is more harmful to your figure and health. Replace with whole grain breads. Cereals contain slowly digestible glucose, which releases the “happiness hormone”. An excellent antidepressant. A sedative without tranquilizers. Plus cleansing the body of toxins.
Selection of auxiliary medicationsIncorrect selection or use of dietary supplements and other medications can worsen your health and provoke additional symptoms.Consult a doctor and follow all recommendations.Relief of symptoms, improvement of well-being.

Proper consumption of beta-alanine entails many positive effects for the body. But the best way to get any vitamin or amino acid is from natural sources. Herbal medicines and healthy foods are the best alternative to artificially produced medicines.



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