Cancellation of Yarina side effects

Yarina is deservedly considered one of the best contraceptives today. The drug not only effectively eliminates the risk of unplanned pregnancy, but also has a good effect on appearance, eliminating skin imperfections and swelling, and, importantly, maintains weight within the same limits. But, like all serious drugs, a contraceptive requires not only compliance with the rules of administration, but also knowledge of how to refuse it. To prevent Yarina’s withdrawal from causing a shock reaction in the body and bringing unpleasant surprises, you need to know how to stop taking pills correctly.

Take and cancel: reasons for refusing the drug

There are many reasons for refusing contraception, but in general there are several good reasons:

  • The career is made, and the financial situation allows you to have offspring
  • The age for having a baby is approaching critical
  • Tired of being on hormonal drugs
  • I broke up with my husband (boyfriend), and now there is no need to use protection
  • I want to try other contraceptives
  • There are health problems for which you cannot drink OK
  • Pregnancy.

In addition to these factors, a woman may have other motives for refusing birth control pills. But it also happens differently when there are all the signs that you need to stop drinking Yarina, but the woman continues to take the pills, citing fear of gaining weight, getting old problems with hair, skin or menstrual cycle, etc.

But having decided one day to stop using protection, she wants to do it as soon as possible - preferably in one day. Is it possible to do this, and what will happen in the event of a radical failure?

When is emergency withdrawal from Yarina tablets justified?

The contraceptive is a low-dose drug, since the active ingredients are presented in small quantities: 30 mcg of the synthetic hormone ethinyl estradiol and 3 mg of drospirenone. Therefore, as a rule, the drug is tolerated normally. However, there are diseases for which you cannot take Yarina birth control pills. If the patient was not examined before prescribing a contraceptive or it was done negligently, then the disease may manifest itself already during the contraception cycle. In this case, continuing the course can cause serious damage to health, and in some women cause death. In such emergency situations, abandoning Yarina is justified.

Diseases and conditions that are incompatible with taking contraceptives include:

  • Severe liver pathologies
  • Diabetes mellitus with vascular damage
  • Lipid metabolism disorder
  • Varicose veins
  • Oncological neoplasms
  • Sharp decrease in vision
  • Surgical operations
  • Pregnancy.

Also, a quick refusal from Yarina may be necessary if contraindications were not recognized in time:

  • PE or venous thrombosis: presence at the time of Yarina’s prescription, as well as history, existing predisposition and risk factors
  • Migraine with concomitant focal neurological deficit (included in medical history)
  • Pancreatitis (including in the past)
  • Severe renal failure
  • Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
  • Suspicion of pregnancy
  • Severe manifestation of individual allergy to elements of OK
  • Lactose intolerance, congenital lactase deficiency, GG malabsorption syndrome (due to the presence of milk sugar in tablets).

In all these cases, a sharp rejection of Yarina is justified.

It may also be necessary to urgently discontinue the drug if, during prescription, adverse symptoms occur in the form of:

  • Chest pain radiating to the left arm
  • Unexplained severe cough, severe shortness of breath
  • Unusually severe headache
  • Sudden loss of vision, hearing loss
  • Speech disorder
  • Paresthesia in certain areas of the body
  • Leg pain, swelling.

Symptoms may appear if no contraindications were found at the time of prescription or the patient did not, for some reason, report illnesses and attacks that occurred in the past. Then during the course their relapse is possible, which can provoke a sharp deterioration in well-being. Therefore, if the above symptoms have developed, you should not delay providing medical care. To avoid fatal consequences, it is better to call an ambulance.

Why does hair fall out after stopping oral contraceptives?

The life cycle of human hair takes on average from 3 to 7 years and during this time it manages to go through development stages such as active growth, dormancy and loss, after which the phases are repeated. Over the course of a day, a person loses a certain number of hairs, and if it does not exceed 40-60 pieces, then this process is normal.

If whole strands fall out and growth slows down at the same time, you must contact a specialist and determine the cause of the deviation, which may lie in taking hormonal medications or birth control pills. For example, sometimes sudden hair loss begins after stopping OK.

But do not despair, today there are various methods of hair restoration that can help prevent baldness.

How to preserve hair when using OK?

Any medications cause a number of side effects, including baldness. The problem of hair loss associated with taking birth control pills can be solved if you are sure that they are the cause of hair loss.

If the process of loss intensifies after changing medications, it is worth choosing new tablets with the help of your doctor. There are certain medications that not only do not cause baldness, but, on the contrary, help solve this problem, for example: Janine, Jess, Yarina or Klaira .

In the case where the abolition of birth control pills provoked increased hair loss, you must either return to the original drug or wait for hormones to normalize and hair restoration. If the problem is severe, even to the point of baldness, then you should immediately contact a specialist.

How is taking contraceptives related to hair loss?

In the case of taking hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives, which contain progesterone derivatives, a hormonal imbalance occurs in the body, which as a result causes alopecia. Quite often, the problem of baldness occurs precisely after discontinuation of OCs. In this case, it is recommended to conduct a full examination of the entire body for hormonal abnormalities.

The intensity of hair loss largely depends on the type of contraceptives used. All of them are divided into three main groups:

  • Combination drugs are considered the safest; these include new generation contraceptives, such as Qlaira and Jess, with a small content of hormones, which reduces the possibility of alopecia to a minimum.
  • Progestin drugs - Zhanin, Yarina are used as contraceptives, as well as for the treatment of gynecological diseases. The process of hair loss in this case occurs a little more often than when taking others, for example, the combined products Jess or Klayra.
  • Postcoital medications are characterized by high levels of hormones that can provoke a wave of hormonal imbalances. This significantly increases the risk of baldness.

The best option for choosing contraceptives remains professional advice from a gynecologist. Hair loss occurs least often when taking medications such as Jess and Klaira; Janine and Yarina, which are sometimes prescribed as medications for hair loss, are considered less effective.

Any contraceptive drug should be selected in accordance with the individual characteristics of the woman: age, hormonal levels, concomitant diseases.

How to prevent baldness after stopping taking medications?

After a woman stops using contraceptives, testosterone levels increase in the body, which causes excessive hair loss and the appearance of bald patches. The main role in the process of baldness is played by excess dihydrotestosterone, which, against the background of a genetic predisposition, can serve as an impetus for the appearance of alopecia and changes in hair structure.

As a result of discontinuing OCs, not only your hair may suffer, but pimples may also appear on your face, acne may develop, and your weight will begin to increase.

The reason for all these troubles lies in the fact that the body has stopped receiving ready-made hormones contained in birth control pills, and it needs time to adapt to new conditions.

As a rule, after stopping taking oral contraceptives, the recovery process takes up to six months.

You should not wait for hair loss to reach a critical point; you should consult a trichologist who will conduct an examination in order to speed up the recovery of the body.

There are certain tips that will help women using OK not to lose a large amount of hair:

  • In case of a genetic predisposition to baldness, it is not recommended to take birth control pills; it is better to switch to non-hormonal methods of contraception.
  • You should not use contraceptives with large amounts of progesterone and similar components: demoulin, miniziston, microgynon.
  • It is recommended to choose the safest options for birth control pills, for example, Yarina, Jess, Klaira or Janine.
  • In order for the body to recover faster after stopping taking the pills, you need to intensify physical activity, as this will help maintain the necessary hormonal balance that regulates hair growth.
  • During the recovery period, it is recommended to take a vitamin-mineral complex.

If there is a slight loss of strands, then this should not be a cause for concern, since, most likely, this phenomenon is due to the side effects of contraceptive drugs, which are found even in products such as Yarina, Jess, Janine or Klaira. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor and, without stopping taking OCs, find out the reasons for the loss, among which are often found:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • zinc deficiency;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • iron deficiency.

It is worth remembering that there are no ideal contraceptives. Every woman should choose the option that suits her. If a large number of strands fall out, it is necessary to replace the drug. In this case, it is worth switching to tablets such as Qlaira, Janine, Jess, Yarina, which have the least effect on the condition of the hair.

When choosing contraceptives, it is important to take care of your health and correctly select the necessary products based on the recommendations of a specialist, then during use and after their discontinuation, problems with hair loss will be minimized.


Possible consequences of an ill-considered rejection of Yarina

Like any hormonal drug, it is extremely undesirable to cancel a contraceptive on your own, without coordinating the action with a gynecologist, and even more so spontaneously. Otherwise, discontinuation of OCs leads to a sharp activation of the ovaries, the functioning of which was previously suppressed by synthetic hormones.

The body will no longer receive the usual dose of hormones, and its own production has not yet recovered. As a result, this will cause a shock reaction, the ovaries will begin to intensively make up for their own supply of hormones, and such vigorous work will cause a disruption in the body’s usual state and will lead to other chain reactions. In addition to an unplanned pregnancy, health problems will arise.

The most striking manifestation of OC withdrawal syndrome is breakthrough bleeding and relapses of gynecological diseases due to hormonal imbalance.

To fully restore all functions, normalize the menstrual cycle, the ratio of hormones, eliminate internal “problems” caused by a surge in hormones - all this will take time.

Therefore, under no circumstances should you stop drinking Yarina on your own. If a doctor prescribes a drug based on examination data, then it must be discontinued in the same way - with the selection of dosage, replacement drugs, or the appointment of other measures that will facilitate the transition period.

Why is there no menstruation after using Yarina?

Modern contraceptives are one of the most reliable methods of preventing conception. Like other medications, oral contraceptives are being further developed and improved by manufacturing companies.

With each new generation, birth control pills increase their safety and effectiveness. Such a drug can be called Yarina. The medication prevents conception and has a positive effect on the menstrual cycle.

But there are times when after Yarina’s withdrawal there are no periods.

Yarina is an effective contraceptive drug

Prescribing contraceptives

Before prescribing the use of oral contraceptives, the specialist takes into account concomitant diseases, individual characteristics, and phenotype. There are 3 types of female body, as indicated in the table.


EstrogenicPatients who are overweight. Menstruation is usually heavy and lasts a long time. Contraceptive drugs Minulet and Rigevidon are prescribed. That is, drugs with an increased number of components of the progestogen group.
AndrogenicPatients are thin. Menstruation occurs in small quantities. It is these women who are most often prescribed the use of Yarina. Janine, Claira, Jess and others can also be used.
BalancedThe menstrual cycle is regular, normal amount of discharge. The physique of such patients is harmonious. Regulon or Mercilon are prescribed.

Drugs are selected not only by phenotype. They also take into account the age category, possible contraindications, and the use of other medications.

What is Yarina

A medicine called Yarina is a contraceptive. The drug contains ethinyl estradiol in an amount of 30 mcg and drospirenone - 3 mg per 1 tablet. The medication also includes various auxiliary components. The drug is available in the form of tablets, which are film-coated and light yellow in color.

Like any other drug, it can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

How they affect the body

Yarina and the menstrual cycle are connected with each other. Yarina’s task is to ensure that the female reproductive system has functionality, as if ovulation has already occurred. The components of the drug do not allow the egg to mature, it cannot be separated and in most cases it is impossible to conceive a child.

Based on reviews, we can say that many women note Yarina’s positive effect on the menstrual cycle:

  • pain decreases;
  • bleeding becomes light;
  • the duration of menstruation decreases.

All of the above actions will help reduce the likelihood of iron deficiency anemia and various further complications. Therefore, a course of Yarina is usually prescribed by gynecologists for a heavy menstrual cycle with severe pain and increased heaviness.

Iron deficiency anemia may occur after taking it

In addition, the drug affects the general well-being and appearance of a woman. That is, the excess amount of fluid decreases and swelling goes away.

The positive properties of Yarina include an antiandrogenic effect - inhibition of androgen production. As a result, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is regulated, the number of skin rashes is reduced, and the likelihood of seborrhea is reduced.

How to take the product correctly

To achieve the desired effect, you must take the drug 1 tablet daily. The course of admission is 21 days. Moreover, it is better that the medication is used at the same time.

After course use (21 days), you need to take a break for a week. If you do not take Yarina, bleeding should appear, most often this happens on days 2-3. After a 7-day break, the woman should resume course use.

You should start taking it on day 1 of your cycle.

If a woman is taking contraceptives for the first time, the course of treatment begins on the first day of menstruation. You can delay it up to 2-5 days. But at first, during sexual intercourse it is necessary to use additional contraceptives.

If a woman was using oral contraceptives before Yarina's prescription, she is allowed to take the pills the next day after completing a course of another drug.

If the patient used another type of protection against ovulation (coil or ring), you can take Yarina after removing them.

When should your period come after Yarina?

After starting to use Yarina, menstruation should come the next month. When discontinuing the drug, it takes time to restore the normal functionality of the female body. This can take up to six months.

Menstruation resumes after 30 days

Why there may be delays

Some women say: “I quit drinking Yarina, I don’t have my period.” The most common reason for missing periods after Yarina is pregnancy. Yes, there is a possibility of ovulation after withdrawal. This occurs due to the restructuring of the reproductive system and in the first months there is a high risk of pregnancy, so some specialists prescribe oral contraceptives for the purpose of ovulation.

Conception is possible even when using the drug. This is due to missed doses or when a woman takes the drug at different times.

If conception occurred while using Yarina, and the woman found out about it only after discontinuation, nothing bad will happen, oral contraceptives will not affect the health of the fetus.

In addition to pregnancy, the reason why menstruation may be absent is amenorrhea. There are very few cases where menstruation does not occur due to pills. This occurs mainly in young girls with irregular cycles or when the patient herself prescribed birth control. Amenorrhea most often occurs in women in late reproductive age, when early menopause occurs.

If you don't have your period, you may be pregnant

Also, menstruation after Yarina may be absent due to other diseases of the endocrine system.

When to see a doctor

Women who are taking birth control for the first time may experience some spotting in addition to their periods. This happens in the first months of use. Then, when the body gets used to the medication, everything disappears.

But if the discharge exceeds 3 months, it is recommended to consult a specialist. The doctor will order an examination to rule out possible pregnancy or cancer.

In addition, the following signs may be a reason to visit a gynecologist:

  • continuation of menstruation for more than 7 days;
  • long periods that appear frequently;
  • menstruation occurs while taking the medication;
  • menstruation did not start a month after using the drug.

It is necessary to call an ambulance in the following cases:

  • pain that radiates to the left arm;
  • coughing;
  • headache;
  • speech disorder;
  • state of fainting;
  • painful sensation in the limbs.

If you faint, call an ambulance

Advantages of refusing Yarina according to the recommended regimen

To avoid possible numerous troubles after stopping OCs, it is better to consult a gynecologist. In this case, he will calculate a scheme for gradually reducing the dosage of Yarina’s birth control pills. Smooth withdrawal will help the body adapt to the gradual decrease in incoming hormones without shock and start its own “production”.

In this scenario, it will be possible to protect the body from a difficult ordeal. During perestroika he will be able to:

  • Normalize the menstrual cycle
  • Eliminate atrophic phenomena in the endometrium and restore its functioning
  • Reanimate the ability of the endometrium to implant a fertilized egg
  • Restore the previous state of vaginal microflora
  • Restore normal density of cervical mucus.

If the refusal scheme is calculated and applied correctly, then the woman will easily tolerate the refusal of the contraceptive.

But another scenario cannot be ruled out either: until the body considers that it has fully returned functions to the “pre-pill” time and continues to restore the functioning of the genital organs, various symptoms will appear during this transition period. This usually happens if Yarina was not taken for contraception, but was recommended for the treatment of various gynecological problems.

Then we cannot exclude the exacerbation of untreated pathologies: a surge in endometriosis, relapse of uterine fibroids, return of amenorrhea or dysfunctional bleeding. To eliminate them, a new prescription of medications will be required to help cope with the disease.

Therefore, you will have to reserve time after giving up Yarina, and of course, periodically check with a doctor.

Cancellation of Yarina: causes and consequences

Yarina is deservedly considered one of the best contraceptives today.
The drug not only effectively eliminates the risk of unplanned pregnancy, but also has a good effect on appearance, eliminating skin imperfections and swelling, and, importantly, maintains weight within the same limits. But, like all serious drugs, a contraceptive requires not only compliance with the rules of administration, but also knowledge of how to refuse it. To prevent Yarina’s withdrawal from causing a shock reaction in the body and bringing unpleasant surprises, you need to know how to stop taking pills correctly.

There are many reasons for refusing contraception, but in general there are several good reasons:

  • The career is made, and the financial situation allows you to have offspring
  • The age for having a baby is approaching critical
  • Tired of being on hormonal drugs
  • I broke up with my husband (boyfriend), and now there is no need to use protection
  • I want to try other contraceptives
  • There are health problems for which you cannot drink OK
  • Pregnancy.

In addition to these factors, a woman may have other motives for refusing birth control pills. But it also happens differently when there are all the signs that you need to stop drinking Yarina, but the woman continues to take the pills, citing fear of gaining weight, getting old problems with hair, skin or menstrual cycle, etc.

But having decided one day to stop using protection, she wants to do it as soon as possible - preferably in one day. Is it possible to do this, and what will happen in the event of a radical failure?

When is emergency withdrawal from Yarina tablets justified?

The contraceptive is a low-dose drug, since the active ingredients are presented in small quantities: 30 mcg of the synthetic hormone ethinyl estradiol and 3 mg of drospirenone. Therefore, as a rule, the drug is tolerated normally. However, there are diseases for which you cannot take Yarina birth control pills.

If the patient was not examined before prescribing a contraceptive or it was done negligently, then the disease may manifest itself already during the contraception cycle. In this case, continuing the course can cause serious damage to health, and in some women cause death.

In such emergency situations, abandoning Yarina is justified.

Diseases and conditions that are incompatible with taking contraceptives include:

  • Severe liver pathologies
  • Diabetes mellitus with vascular damage
  • Lipid metabolism disorder
  • Varicose veins
  • Oncological neoplasms
  • Sharp decrease in vision
  • Surgical operations
  • Pregnancy.

Also, a quick refusal from Yarina may be necessary if contraindications were not recognized in time:

  • PE or venous thrombosis: presence at the time of Yarina’s prescription, as well as history, existing predisposition and risk factors
  • Migraine with concomitant focal neurological deficit (included in medical history)
  • Pancreatitis (including in the past)
  • Severe renal failure
  • Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
  • Suspicion of pregnancy
  • Severe manifestation of individual allergy to elements of OK
  • Lactose intolerance, congenital lactase deficiency, GG malabsorption syndrome (due to the presence of milk sugar in tablets).

In all these cases, a sharp rejection of Yarina is justified.

It may also be necessary to urgently discontinue the drug if, during prescription, adverse symptoms occur in the form of:

  • Chest pain radiating to the left arm
  • Unexplained severe cough, severe shortness of breath
  • Unusually severe headache
  • Sudden loss of vision, hearing loss
  • Speech disorder
  • Paresthesia in certain areas of the body
  • Leg pain, swelling.

Symptoms may appear if no contraindications were found at the time of prescription or the patient did not, for some reason, report illnesses and attacks that happened in the past.

Then during the course their relapse is possible, which can provoke a sharp deterioration in well-being. Therefore, if the above symptoms have developed, you should not delay providing medical care.

To avoid fatal consequences, it is better to call an ambulance.

Possible consequences of an ill-considered rejection of Yarina

Like any hormonal drug, it is extremely undesirable to cancel a contraceptive on your own, without coordinating the action with a gynecologist, and even more so spontaneously. Otherwise, discontinuation of OCs leads to a sharp activation of the ovaries, the functioning of which was previously suppressed by synthetic hormones.

The body will no longer receive the usual dose of hormones, and its own production has not yet recovered. As a result, this will cause a shock reaction, the ovaries will begin to intensively make up for their own supply of hormones, and such vigorous work will cause a disruption in the body’s usual state and will lead to other chain reactions. In addition to an unplanned pregnancy, health problems will arise.

The most striking manifestation of OC withdrawal syndrome is breakthrough bleeding and relapses of gynecological diseases due to hormonal imbalance.

To fully restore all functions, normalize the menstrual cycle, the ratio of hormones, eliminate internal “problems” caused by a surge in hormones - all this will take time.

Therefore, under no circumstances should you stop drinking Yarina on your own. If a doctor prescribes a drug based on examination data, then it must be discontinued in the same way - with the selection of dosage, replacement drugs, or the appointment of other measures that will facilitate the transition period.

Advantages of refusing Yarina according to the recommended regimen

To avoid possible numerous troubles after stopping OCs, it is better to consult a gynecologist. In this case, he will calculate a scheme for gradually reducing the dosage of Yarina’s birth control pills. Smooth withdrawal will help the body adapt to the gradual decrease in incoming hormones without shock and start its own “production”.

In this scenario, it will be possible to protect the body from a difficult ordeal. During perestroika he will be able to:

  • Normalize the menstrual cycle
  • Eliminate atrophic phenomena in the endometrium and restore its functioning
  • Reanimate the ability of the endometrium to implant a fertilized egg
  • Restore the previous state of vaginal microflora
  • Restore normal density of cervical mucus.

If the refusal scheme is calculated and applied correctly, then the woman will easily tolerate the refusal of the contraceptive.

But another scenario cannot be ruled out either: until the body considers that it has fully returned functions to the “pre-pill” time and continues to restore the functioning of the genital organs, various symptoms will appear during this transition period. This usually happens if Yarina was not taken for contraception, but was recommended for the treatment of various gynecological problems.

Then we cannot exclude the exacerbation of untreated pathologies: a surge in endometriosis, relapse of uterine fibroids, return of amenorrhea or dysfunctional bleeding. To eliminate them, a new prescription of medications will be required to help cope with the disease.

Therefore, you will have to reserve time after giving up Yarina, and of course, periodically check with a doctor.

How to stop using a contraceptive

Yarina's contraceptive effect begins with the first pill taken. The entire course is designed for 21 days, during which you need to regularly drink OK at the same time.

Therefore, the blister is equipped with exactly this number of tablets.

After its completion, a week-long break is required to stimulate bleeding similar to menstruation, and then, after a week-long break, they proceed to the contents of the next blister.

If the need to quit Yarina arose in the middle of the course, then it is better to complete the cycle of administration by finishing the remaining tablets in the blister. And after a week break, don’t take them anymore.

But what to do if the reception has just started and you only drink a couple of drinks? And is it possible to quit Yarina after one pill if its effect is disappointing?

If taking OCs has caused negative consequences in the form of nausea, apathy or other side symptoms, then first of all it is necessary to determine the origin of the ailment. It is possible that it was just a coincidence, and the deterioration in health happened for other reasons, and not because of Yarina.

Secondly, the intake of hormonal substances from outside interferes with the body’s usual functioning, replacing natural substances, and thereby causing responses.

As a rule, the adaptation period can last several months. During this time, the functions of the ovaries will be suppressed, and the body will adapt to hormones coming from outside.

After he gets used to the new conditions and rebuilds his functions, the painful symptoms will go away.

Only a doctor can understand what really affected your health after 2-3 months of taking it and getting used to it. Then he will be able to give advice on whether Yarina should continue drinking.

If, during the course of OK, illnesses or side effects that are incompatible with Yarina develop, then the drug can be discontinued immediately, and in order to avoid the development of withdrawal syndrome, it can be immediately replaced with another OK.

Gynecologists advise adhering to a gradual abandonment of birth control pills.

This is done in several ways: the dosage of OK is reduced: depending on the characteristics of the patient, the doctor may recommend reducing the amount by half or a quarter of the tablet per week.

Or replace Yarina with other OCs with the same ingredients, but in lower concentrations. In some cases, such a refusal may take several months. This method is especially justified if a woman has been taking Yarina for many years.

Yarina's abandonment due to pregnancy

If for some reason pregnancy does occur, and the woman decides to keep it, then it is simply necessary to stop taking the OC. Moreover, this must be done as soon as an ultrasound confirms the birth of a new life.

It is believed that in the early stages the pills cannot affect the development of the fetus, and besides, all experiments on animals have not yet revealed any harmful effects. But the negative effect of synthetic hormones cannot be completely excluded.

The gynecologist will tell you how to cancel Yarina quickly and without consequences immediately after receiving the examination data.

Should I give up Yarina after missing pills?

If during the course there is a hitch in taking the next pill, then a woman who is planning to give up the OC may be tempted to do so. But gynecologists do not advise giving up Yarina just because you missed another pill.

To restore the normal course, you must drink it immediately if less than 12 hours have passed since the last pill.

In case of a more serious delay - more than 12 hours - take the forgotten pill and the next one according to the schedule (if the time coincides, two are taken at once). With such a delay, the contraceptive concentration of OCs in the body decreases, so you will have to additionally protect yourself with condoms. You will have to use it within a week after making up for the loss.

If closer to the end of the course it was necessary to replenish the concentration of substances with the help of 1 or several tablets, then to complete the full course the missing pills will need to be taken from the next blister. Having completed a full course of OK, you can abandon it after a break, or discuss with your doctor the specifics of taking another drug.

The modern contraceptive Yarina protects women from many problems: unnecessary pregnancy, hormonal imbalance and conditions caused by it. But all this is possible only with the correct use of the pills, which means correct intake and withdrawal.


How to stop using a contraceptive

Yarina's contraceptive effect begins with the first pill taken. The entire course is designed for 21 days, during which you need to regularly drink OK at the same time. Therefore, the blister is equipped with exactly this number of tablets. After its completion, a week-long break is required to stimulate bleeding similar to menstruation, and then, after a week-long break, they proceed to the contents of the next blister.

If the need to quit Yarina arose in the middle of the course, then it is better to complete the cycle of administration by finishing the remaining tablets in the blister. And after a week break, don’t take them anymore.

But what to do if the reception has just started and you only drink a couple of drinks? And is it possible to quit Yarina after one pill if its effect is disappointing?

Yarina's abandonment due to pregnancy

If for some reason pregnancy does occur, and the woman decides to keep it, then it is simply necessary to stop taking the OC. Moreover, this must be done as soon as an ultrasound confirms the birth of a new life.

It is believed that in the early stages the pills cannot affect the development of the fetus, and besides, all experiments on animals have not yet revealed any harmful effects. But the negative effect of synthetic hormones cannot be completely excluded.

The gynecologist will tell you how to cancel Yarina quickly and without consequences immediately after receiving the examination data.

Should I give up Yarina after missing pills?

If during the course there is a hitch in taking the next pill, then a woman who is planning to give up the OC may be tempted to do so. But gynecologists do not advise giving up Yarina just because you missed another pill.

To restore the normal course, you must drink it immediately if less than 12 hours have passed since the last pill.

In case of a more serious delay - more than 12 hours - take the forgotten pill and the next one according to the schedule (if the time coincides, two are taken at once). With such a delay, the contraceptive concentration of OCs in the body decreases, so you will have to additionally protect yourself with condoms. You will have to use it within a week after making up for the loss.

If closer to the end of the course it was necessary to replenish the concentration of substances with the help of 1 or several tablets, then to complete the full course the missing pills will need to be taken from the next blister. Having completed a full course of OK, you can abandon it after a break, or discuss with your doctor the specifics of taking another drug.

The modern contraceptive Yarina protects women from many problems: unnecessary pregnancy, hormonal imbalance and conditions caused by it. But all this is possible only with the correct use of the pills, which means correct intake and withdrawal.

Entry published by Elen@ · December 17, 2012


In this cycle, as prescribed by the doctor, I started drinking Yarina.

At first everything was fine, I didn’t notice any significant changes. Then my health gradually began to deteriorate throughout the day. Complete apathy, headache, it was stuffy all the time, and the stuffiness made me feel sick. And I had to sit in 20-degree frost with the window open. Not to mention my psycho-emotional state. this is PPC.

You can also see that there are not enough vitamins in the body and you can feel it. I used to eat fruit, but not a lot and for pleasure, but now I just feel that the body needs everything, and when they don’t exist it becomes completely miserable.

I hoped that the skin would clear up, but that was not the case. Previously, there were pimples here and there, but now the whole face is just covered with small pimples and they swell, become larger and whiter. A nightmare in short with a full face. Before this I drank Alphabet cosmetics, after it Aevit + Ascorutin and my face began to clear up, but now it’s all over again.

There are still five tablets left in the package, but I have no desire to drink them at all. Is it possible to just stop drinking them? Will all this seriously harm the body? and what will happen next with the cycle?

I took Yarina for 5 years, the doctor prescribed it, he said about breaks that you shouldn’t take them, since it is still not clear that the greater stress for the body is being in a comfortable pill state of “pregnancy” or making a sharp hormonal change during the break, and then taking pills again . I myself decided to stop drinking them because I was tired of feeling like a vegetable. I didn’t want sex at all for 5 years, I wanted to watch TV and sleep

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