Bloody discharge when taking yarina in the middle of the cycle. Bloody, brown and spotting discharge when taking birth control pills Brown discharge began while taking Yarina

One of the most common side effects when taking contraceptives is the appearance of spotting at the wrong phase of the cycle. They can be released in different volumes and have different consistencies, ranging from liquid and translucent to dark blood clots.

Pharmacological action Contraceptive and estrogen-gestagen action.

Yarin tablets are no exception: every third woman taking this low-dose drug has experienced unusual bleeding in the middle or end of the cycle. In what situations is this symptom normal, and when should you sound the alarm?

Why does spotting bleeding occur?

Spotting with blood, which is often called “spotting” in everyday life, occurs in about half of women taking oral contraceptives. Most of them forget about this problem after one or two months, but in some cases this discharge can remain for six months or more. The appearance of spotting bleeding is associated with the amount of hormones in a woman’s body, and is quite natural during the adaptation period.

Throughout the menstrual cycle, estrogen levels are constantly in flux, rising in the initial phase and falling in the middle. Unlike the natural level of estrogen in the blood, its amount in modern oral contraceptives is constant and low throughout the entire cycle. Since the body believes that there is not enough estrogen, it begins the process of shedding the endometrium ahead of time - hence the pink, bloody or brown discharge.

Discharge of this type can not only “smear”: sometimes it resembles ordinary menstruation, scanty and ending quickly. Regardless of the consistency, bleeding during adaptation to the drug cannot be too heavy, and also should not last longer than two to three days.

Most often, spotting bleeding appears while taking microdose drugs, such as Jess, Novinet, Mercilon and others. These contraceptives contain the smallest dose of estrogen, and sometimes the body may consider their amount insufficient even after the completion of the adaptation period. Low-dose drugs with a higher dose of estrogen are less likely to demonstrate this effect, so many women may not notice spotting while taking Yarina.

What color is the secretion?

Most women complain of brown discharge when taking birth control pills. Such secretion normally has a spotting character and a darker shade than that of normal menstruation. Pink or light red discharge is also allowed when there is more natural mucus than blood due to the influence of the oral contraceptive.

White discharge with a uniform consistency, odorless and unpleasant sensations should also not cause concern. Their appearance is especially important after discontinuation of OCs, when the body indicates that the recovery period is over. Yellow and beige tints of cervical mucus are allowed, but without itching or burning.

Briefly about the main thing

If you start bleeding after your period while taking birth control pills, you should not immediately suspect pathological processes and serious hormonal imbalances. This is a natural reaction of the body in the first three months. The reason for going to the hospital is a protracted adaptation period, severe bleeding and a sharp deterioration in general health.


When is spotting normal?

Uncharacteristic bleeding while taking oral contraceptives may indicate not only the body’s adaptation to a new level of estrogen. There are a number of other normal reasons for spotting bleeding that do not require seeing a doctor!

At the beginning of receiving a new package

When the break or placebo pills ends and the cycle begins again, the body can still get rid of unnecessary endometrium within a few days. After menstrual-like bleeding, some of the discharge may remain in the uterus and leave it a little later: this phenomenon explains bleeding two to three days after the end of menstruation.

During ovulation

Towards the middle of the pack of birth control pills, when the body should begin to ovulate, various types of bleeding may appear. During this phase of the cycle, the body requires the highest levels of estrogen, and a lack of it can lead to premature endometrial shedding. This may be spotting or normal bleeding reminiscent of menstruation, but regardless of consistency, it never lasts longer than three days and is never too heavy.

In the absence of a break between packages

Birth control can be taken without interruption to prevent menstruation from occurring at an inconvenient time. Many women adjust their cycles in this way, removing periods from their schedule during vacations or important holidays. However, often when taking the drug this way, spotting, bloody or brown, occurs.

This effect can occur both when taking Yarina and when taking any other oral contraceptive: the specific drug is not important, this reaction depends on the body of a particular woman, which is not ready to continue the cycle. This symptom can ruin a woman’s plans, but it is not dangerous.

Bloody discharge as a sign of pregnancy

Birth control pills are effective if taken correctly. In medical practice, situations have been recorded in which women became pregnant while using the medication. There are several reasons why, when taking Yarina and bleeding occurs, you should use a pregnancy test. Possible pregnancy may occur if:

  • the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina, when half the package is still taken, and also if menstruation is not observed after using the drug;
  • the formation of symptoms characteristic of pregnant women (if a woman feels sick in the morning, her breasts swell and hurt, she quickly gets tired);

Taking birth control does not affect the result of a pregnancy test. A positive result means pregnancy.

When can spotting be dangerous?

In addition to natural ones, there are also pathological reasons for the appearance of bloody discharge while taking Yarina and other contraceptive drugs. Some of them may not be dangerous to health, but they pose a risk of unwanted pregnancy and even hormonal imbalance.

What could be the cause of pathological bleeding when taking OCs?

Inappropriate drug

The most common cause of abnormal spotting is the wrong medication. If a woman has been taking the pills for more than six months, but the unpleasant symptom has not disappeared, most likely, the dosage of the hormone in this remedy is not suitable for her, and it is necessary to select a new contraceptive. Depending on the phase in which the spotting appears, the reason may lie in different hormones: discharge at the beginning of the cycle indicates a lack of estrogen, and at the end - a lack of gestagen in the body.

Decreased contraceptive effect

Bloody discharge when taking Yarina, occurring at the wrong phase of the cycle, may indicate an insufficient level of contraception. Most often, it decreases due to missing pills: if a day or more has passed since the required time of taking, and the pill has not been taken, brown spotting bleeding may begin. If this symptom occurs, it is necessary to take additional contraception before the start of a new cycle.

Alcohol and certain medications can also reduce the contraceptive effect, a full list of which can be found in the instructions for the oral contraceptive.


The appearance of bleeding while taking oral contraceptives may have nothing to do with the drug: often spotting occurs for completely different reasons associated with various diseases. The issue may be endometriosis, uterine fibroids, inflammatory and infectious diseases of various origins. Any of these diseases are accompanied by additional symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, burning, itching or unpleasant odor.


If you start bleeding in the middle of your cycle, but menstrual-like bleeding does not appear at the right time, the reason may be the beginning of pregnancy. In addition to the absence of menstruation, this condition is characterized by swelling and pain in the breasts, increased drowsiness, nausea and general weakness. Taking oral contraceptives during pregnancy is very dangerous, so if you suspect that pregnancy may still occur, you should do a test as soon as possible.

Most often, spotting while taking Yarina and other OCs is a completely natural phenomenon for the female body. But, if you suspect a pathological cause, immediately contact a gynecologist: the health of the reproductive system is not something to joke about.

Hello Chrissy.

The appearance of a brown color in vaginal discharge is an alarming sign, since the brown color is nothing more than traces of blood in the vaginal secretion. In most cases, the appearance of such discharge indicates the presence of some kind of pathology in the female body, and requires a visit to a gynecologist.

Of course, in your case, the appearance of such discharge may be associated with taking the contraceptive drug Yarina, since the appearance of vaginal discharge is one of the side effects of this drug that can be observed while taking it. When taking such drugs, you need to be aware that drugs of this type have a strong effect on the female body as a whole, and on the functioning of the ovaries in particular. Therefore, many women notice the appearance of brown discharge while taking contraceptives. Most often, such discharge appears in the first months of taking the drug, when a kind of addiction to the drug occurs, and this is not a pathology. Of course, such discharge may appear later, but if it is minor and goes away quickly, then in most cases this situation does not require treatment. However, in some cases (especially if the discharge is observed over a long period of time), consultation with a gynecologist, and sometimes a gynecologist-endocrinologist, is required, since hormonal disorders can cause the appearance of such discharge.

Sometimes, brown discharge can be associated with the onset of a normal intrauterine pregnancy (during implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity), with an ectopic pregnancy, premature termination of pregnancy, and so on. However, you indicated that you had sexual intercourse in August, and you are taking the contraceptive drug Yarina, so this situation can more likely be excluded.

In any case, of course, it is better to visit a doctor, since no one can guarantee that the discharge is associated specifically with taking the drug Yarina, and not with some diseases. As I already wrote, in some cases, brown vaginal discharge, not associated with menstruation, can be observed due to hormonal disorders in the body. Unfortunately, sometimes brown vaginal discharge can be caused by various diseases of the genitourinary system. For example, they can be caused by diseases such as endometriosis (overgrowth of endometroid tissue), endometritis and other inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. Also, similar symptoms can be observed with various infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases.

Another disease, the symptom of which is the appearance of vaginal discharge mixed with blood, is cervical erosion. Similar discharge can appear with uterine fibroids, polyps, and also with malignant diseases of the genital organs.

Since it is difficult, or rather impossible, to determine the cause on your own, if brown vaginal discharge appears, you should consult a doctor so as not to miss the time to start treatment.

If we talk specifically about your case, then it is quite possible that we are talking about a side effect of Yarina, and this is not at all scary, but I would still advise you to see a doctor.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Bleeding when taking birth control pills: causes, help

A side effect such as bleeding when taking birth control pills is very common when using oral contraception.

Since the invention of tablet contraception, its popularity has not ceased to grow every year.

The main advantages of this method of protection include ease of use, effectiveness, and the absence of the need to use barrier or spermicidal methods of protection.

Despite the fact that this group of drugs is being improved every year, bleeding while taking contraceptive medications is a common complaint among patients. The main types of bleeding from the genital tract while taking tablet contraceptives, their characteristics and methods of treatment will be discussed in detail below.

How do oral contraceptives work?

The key contraceptive mechanism of such oral contraceptives as Jess, Qlaira, Yarina, Regulon and Janine is to suppress the process of maturation and release of the egg. This effect is achieved due to the inhibition of the pituitary gland's production of gonadotropic hormones that regulate the ovulation process. In addition, the effect of tableted hormonal drugs is due to the following effects:

  1. They affect the degree of viscosity of cervical mucus, as a result of which the cervix becomes impassable for sperm.
  2. They change the structure of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, as a result of which the process of implantation of a fertilized egg becomes impossible.
  3. They influence the motor ability of sperm, making them immobilized.

Combined oral contraceptives contain progestogen and estrogen components.

Under the influence of progestogens, the process of maturation and release of the egg is disrupted, and under the influence of estrogens, changes occur in the endometrium that do not allow implantation of a fertilized egg.

If a woman develops menstrual-like bleeding while taking tablet contraceptives, the cause may be a change in the balance of sex hormones, as well as additional factors of a physiological and pathological nature.

Possible causes of discharge when taking approx.

There are several key factors that may cause bleeding while taking hormonal pills. These factors include:

  1. Adaptation of the body and stabilization of hormonal levels. Regulatory intake of estrogen and progesterone from the outside inevitably leads to changes in hormonal levels in the female body. That is why, when a woman takes birth control pills, her periods occur in the middle of the cycle.
  2. Skipping the next dose. If for some reason a woman does not take her next contraceptive pill, she may experience bleeding from the genital tract.
  3. Single or multiple cysts in the ovarian area. Cystic formations often lead to breakthrough bleeding when taking birth control pills. This condition is urgent and requires immediate medical intervention.
  4. Preservation of ovulatory function. For some women, it is normal for a slight spotting to occur during egg maturation. If, for one reason or another, ovulation persists while taking contraceptive tablets, then the woman may experience this symptom. In addition, if the ovulation process continues, there is a risk of unplanned pregnancy.

Types of discharge after birth control

The characteristic acyclic bleeding after taking birth control pills is conventionally divided into several types, depending on the period of occurrence of this symptom. The main types and characteristics of vaginal intermenstrual bleeding while taking contraceptive tablets will be discussed in detail below.


If a woman bleeds when taking birth control pills at the very beginning, then we are talking about the so-called adaptation bleeding associated with a change in the balance of sex hormones in the body.

The normal range for the duration of the adaptation period is 2-3 months . As a rule, the discharge disappears on its own without drug correction.

If the bleeding does not stop after 5 months while taking hormonal birth control pills, the woman needs to change the contraceptive or choose an alternative method of contraception.

In the middle of the cycle

The main cause of bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle while taking tablet contraceptives is estrogen deficiency in the female body. Another common factor is the incomplete period of adaptation of the woman’s body to new dosages of hormones.

In this situation, the woman needs to consult her gynecologist in order to identify the cause of the bleeding. In this case, a comprehensive gynecological examination will be required, including laboratory and instrumental methods.

Withdrawal bleeding

After finishing taking tablet contraceptives, a woman may experience bleeding from the genital tract of varying degrees of intensity.

Often, spotting at the end of taking tablet oral contraceptives is breakthrough in nature and is abundant.

If the volume of discharge is insignificant, then we are talking about the normal process of restoring female hormonal levels after discontinuation of the drug.

As a rule, characteristic spotting appears in a woman 1-2 days after stopping the medication.

In 50% of women who stop taking contraceptives, the discharge disappears on its own after 1.5-2 weeks.

The duration of bleeding from the genital tract after discontinuation of contraceptives is influenced by factors such as the woman’s age, as well as the total duration of the period of taking the medication.

After emergency contraception

After using emergency contraceptive pills, women in 50% of cases experience bleeding from the genital tract. The reason for the development of this symptom is the synthetic gestagen levonorgestrel, which is part of postcoital contraception.

This substance changes the ratio of hormones in the female body, leading to temporary disruption of menstrual function.

The normal duration of bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle while taking Postinor or another emergency contraceptive is no more than 7 days.

If the discharge does not go away after 5-7 days, then the woman is advised to urgently consult her gynecologist.

It is important to pay attention not only to the duration, but also to the volume of discharge. If the frequency of changing sanitary pads is more than 1 pc. per hour, then we are talking about opened bleeding. This condition is a reason for emergency hospitalization.

How to stop bleeding from birth control pills?

If a woman bleeds while taking birth control pills, the nature of the help depends on the duration and intensity of the discharge.

If the discharge is of a spotty nature, and its duration does not exceed the physiological norm, then the woman does not require specialized help or take any additional medications.

Hemostatic medicinal tablets are necessary if the bleeding is breakthrough in nature. Heavy discharge lasting more than 7 days is a good reason to visit your gynecologist .

If a woman experiences intense uterine bleeding, which is accompanied by a deterioration in her general condition, then the primary task is to call an ambulance.

Before the team arrives, the woman should be placed on her back, a rolled-up blanket or pillow should be placed under her straightened legs, and a heating pad with ice or another source of cold should be applied to the suprapubic area.

Such measures will make it possible to reduce the intensity of bleeding by narrowing the blood vessels. In addition to bed rest and cold, you can offer the woman warm tea with added sugar.

It is strictly forbidden to use unfamiliar medications to stop bleeding on your own, as well as apply any heat source to the abdominal area. In addition, showering and bathing are prohibited.

In order to stop uterine breakthrough bleeding, the following names of medicinal drugs are used:

  1. Dicynone or Etamsylate. Both drugs have a similar mechanism of action, leading to accelerated production of thromboplastin. Medicines are intended for intramuscular administration.
  2. Aminocaproic acid. If it is necessary to urgently stop bleeding, aminocaproic acid is administered intravenously. In the absence of an emergency need, the drug can be prescribed in tablet form.
  3. Oxytocin. This substance is a hormone that stimulates the contractility of the smooth muscles of the uterus. Oxytocin solution is intended for intravenous drip administration with glucose solution. Stopping bleeding occurs due to intense contraction of the uterine muscles.

If bleeding between periods when taking hormonal pills is not breakthrough in nature, but continues longer than prescribed, then patients are often prescribed calcium gluconate and the drug Vikasol, which is a concentrated solution of vitamin K. In case of breakthrough bleeding, these drugs are ineffective.

When should you see a doctor?

Every woman's body is individual. Some patients use oral contraceptives for many years without experiencing any negative reactions.

Another category of women experiences the slightest changes associated with taking hormonal contraception. There are certain situations that are an absolute reason to seek medical advice.

Such situations include:

  1. Bloody discharge from the genital tract bothers a woman for more than 7 days.
  2. The discharge is profuse when a woman is forced to change sanitary pads or tampons more often than once every 1.5-2 hours.
  3. The discharge is accompanied by a deterioration in general condition, dizziness, nagging or aching pain in the suprapubic region.

If, from the moment she started taking tablet contraception, a woman experiences periodic bleeding from the genital tract for more than six months, then she is recommended to consult her gynecologist for advice. As an alternative, a different name for the tablet drug, or a complete replacement of the method of protection against unplanned pregnancy, may be offered.


A situation in which a woman bleeds from the genital tract while taking hormonal contraception tablets can be both physiological and pathological in nature.

If there is a reason to seek medical advice, it is recommended not to delay a visit to a specialist. Timely qualified medical care can sometimes save not only a woman’s reproductive health, but also her life.

For personal safety reasons, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate and resort to the use of unconventional methods.


How does Yarina work?

Yarina is a combined remedy, as it contains two sex hormones - estrogen and gestagen.
In addition, the product is low-dose (low doses of hormones) and monophasic (all tablets contain the same amount of hormones). Yarina’s ability to protect against pregnancy is based on two mechanisms - suppression of ovulation (ovulation maturation) and a change in the properties of the secretion (mucus) located in the cervix. Thick cervical mucus becomes an obstacle to sperm penetration.

In addition, taking Yarina helps to regulate the menstrual cycle (if it is irregular). Pain during menstruation decreases, bleeding becomes less intense (this fact reduces the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia).

Other beneficial effects of Yarina are antimineralocorticoid and antiandrogenic effects. The hormone drospirenone has this effect - it reduces fluid retention in the body, reduces swelling, so that body weight does not increase. The antiandrogenic effect is the ability of the drug to reduce the symptoms of acne (acne) and regulate the production of sebum in the skin and hair (reduces seborrhea).


Yarina should not be used for the following diseases or conditions: 1.
Thrombosis of veins or arteries, and thromboembolism (blockage of blood vessels with blood clots), cerebral circulatory disorders.
Conditions that can lead to thrombosis - angina pectoris, transient cerebrovascular accidents, uncontrolled high blood pressure, major surgical operations with prolonged bed rest.
Migraine, which has appeared ever before, or currently, accompanied by focal neurological symptoms (visual impairment, sensitivity, speech).
Diabetes mellitus, accompanied by vascular complications.
Smoking if the woman is over 35 years old.
Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), accompanied by an increase in triglycerides in the blood (currently or previously).
Severe liver disease or liver failure, liver tumors.
Renal failure - severe or acute.
Hormone-dependent malignant diseases of various organs, including genitals, currently present or suspected.
Bleeding from the vagina, the cause of which has not been established.
Pregnancy, breastfeeding or suspected pregnancy.
Hypersensitivity to substances included in
birth control pills

Conditions for which caution should be taken

There are conditions and diseases during which Yarina should be taken with caution. In such cases, the risks and expected benefits of taking the medication are carefully weighed for each patient. These diseases must be reported to your doctor before prescribing the drug. These include:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism).
  • Angioedema.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Increased levels of triglycerides (such as cholesterol) in the blood.
  • Postpartum period.
  • Diseases associated with circulatory disorders (diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus, sickle cell anemia, Crohn's disease, etc.).
  • Diseases that occurred during pregnancy or during previous use of hormonal contraceptives

Side effects

  • The most common side effect when taking oral contraceptives
    is the occurrence of irregular bleeding from the vagina. They may appear as spotting or breakthrough bleeding. Most often they occur during the first three months.
  • Other side effects associated with taking Yarina may include soreness, breast tenderness or discharge, and vaginal discharge.
  • On the part of the nervous system, there may be changes such as headache, mood swings or depression, decreased or increased libido, migraine. Digestive disorders may manifest as nausea, abdominal pain, and less commonly, vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Sometimes when taking Yarina, intolerance to contact lenses appears, and unpleasant sensations occur while wearing them.
  • Metabolic disorders are manifested by changes in body weight - more often by an increase, less often by a decrease, and fluid retention in the body.
  • Skin manifestations of hypersensitivity to the drug are represented by urticaria, rash, and less commonly the appearance of erythema nodosum.
  • As with other contraceptives
    with a hormonal composition, in rare cases, when taking Yarina, thrombosis or thromboembolism may develop.

Causes of prolonged bleeding

In the pharmaceutical market, contraceptives are not divided into good and bad categories. All medications are produced with the proper effect and effect. However, they are not suitable for every patient, due to the individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, only a doctor selects contraception in tablet form.

Many patients are interested in: “What to do if bloody discharge occurs from the genital organ when initially taking the medicine?” If blood smears form when you first take Yarina, as well as throughout the entire use of the drug, this indicates that the patient is taking a drug that has an insufficient dose of estrogen in its composition. The doctor selects another medicine for the woman from the same pharmacological group, but with a stronger dosage of estrogen.

How to take Yarina?

You need to take the drug once a day, at the same time each time, with a small amount of water. For convenience, each tablet is marked with the day of the week on which it must be taken. The tablets should be taken in the order indicated by the arrow. When all the tablets have been taken, you need to take a break of 7 days. During these 7 days (most often on days 2-3), menstruation (or withdrawal bleeding) begins. After a 7-day break, begin taking the next package of the drug. Thus, each package will begin on the same day of the week.

Yarina's first package

In cases where no contraceptive containing hormones was used in the previous month, it is best to start taking Yarina on the first day of menstruation. From the package you need to select a tablet marked with the corresponding day of the week. Next, you should drink them in the order indicated by the arrow. It is also possible to start taking it on days 2-5 of the cycle; in this case, during the first 7 days of taking the pills, you should use additional methods of contraception (for example, a condom).


If it is necessary to switch to taking Yarina from other combined oral contraceptives, the first tablet is taken without interruption. Thus, if the previous remedy contained 28 tablets, taking Yarina begins after the last active tablet is taken, but no later than the day the last inactive tablet is taken. If the product contained 21 tablets, take Yarina no later than the next day after a 7-day break.


In the case of using a vaginal ring or hormonal patch, taking Yarina begins on the day they were removed, but not later than the day the next ring is inserted or the patch is applied.


If before taking Yarina you used products containing only gestagen (mini-pills), you can stop taking them any day and start drinking Yarina. In this case, it is necessary to use a barrier method of protection during the first week.


When switching to Yarina from injections, an implant or an intrauterine device Mirena, the pills should be taken on the day when the next injection was supposed to be done, the implant or intrauterine device should be removed. After this, for 7 days, in addition to Yarina, barrier methods of contraception are used.

In case of liver dysfunction, the drug should not be taken until indicators characterizing liver function (liver tests) return to normal.

If kidney function is impaired, caution should be exercised, since the medicine is contraindicated in acute or severe renal failure.

Correct use of the medication

To avoid the formation of bloody discharge, you should initially read the instructions for the drug and remember some rules:

  • if the patient has not taken the drug before, then treatment begins on the day when menstruation begins (i.e., on the first day of the menstrual cycle). As a rule, menstruation in this case stops due to the action of the hormone on the body;
  • when taking the medication on the 3-4th day of menstruation, you should use additional contraception (condoms);
  • the medication should be taken every day at the same time so that the active substance acts in the same volume on the reproductive system;
  • Yarina should be taken according to the regimen indicated on the blister of tablets. If there is a violation of the order, then in principle nothing bad will happen (since each pill contains the same amount of the hormone dose);
  • after the first blister (21 tablets) has expired, it is necessary to interrupt treatment for a week. Often, during a break, a woman begins to menstruate;
  • The drug should be taken after a break on the eighth day, even if menstruation has begun.

While using Yarin tablets, many women experience spotting or breakthrough bleeding. As a rule, such symptoms are not regular and do not occur due to a break in drug treatment. Mostly spotting occurs during the first, second and third menstrual cycle and means that the body is adapting to the action of the contraceptive substance.

Due to such circumstances, it is strictly forbidden to stop taking the medicine. If bleeding does not stop after several months and becomes profuse, then it is necessary to seek medical help and undergo a thorough examination.


Interaction with other drugs

There are a number of medications that can reduce the effectiveness of Yarina. These drugs include:

  • for the treatment of epilepsy (such as phenytoin, barbiturates, topiramate, carbamazepine and others);
  • for the treatment of tuberculosis (rifampicin);
  • for the treatment of HIV infection (for example, nevirapine, ritonavir);
  • antibiotics (tetracyclines, penicillin, griseofulvin);
  • St. John's wort preparations (used to treat low mood).

In turn, taking Yarina may affect the metabolism of other drugs (in particular lamotrigine, cyclosporine).
You should always tell the doctor who prescribed Yarina what medications you are already taking. In addition, you should inform other doctors (including dentists) who prescribe other medications about taking Yarina. In addition, you must tell the pharmacist who sells the medications at the pharmacy about this.

In some cases, it may be necessary to use additional barrier agents to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

Special instructions for use

Before you start taking Yarina, you must undergo a medical examination to identify contraindications and restrictions on use. The examination must include a general medical examination with measurement of blood pressure, pulse, determination of body mass index, gynecological examination, examination of the mammary glands, Papanicolaou test (examination of scraping of the cervical mucosa). The doctor may also prescribe other additional tests.


It is important to remember that when taking combined oral contraceptives, the risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism increases. Therefore, before taking the drug, it is necessary to weigh the expected risk and possible benefits.


There is also evidence of increased detection of cervical and breast cancer with long-term use of combined oral contraceptives. This may be due to more thorough and regular examination of women taking them.


With angioedema of a hereditary nature, the substances included in Yarina can worsen the symptoms of this disease.


The effectiveness of Yarina may decrease in three cases - if you miss a pill, have digestive disorders, or as a result of interaction with other medications.


It should be remembered that Yarina is not a means of protecting against infection with AIDS (HIV infection) and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Development of a serious illness

There are cases when the manifestation of bloody discharge from the vagina is not associated with the use of contraceptive medications. This means that Yarina does not affect the formation of the disorder. If there is bleeding and copious brown discharge, pain during intimacy, as well as an unpleasant smell of discharge from the genital organ, a burning sensation when urinating, then this indicates the presence of an inflammatory disease in the body. With this form of the disorder, candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, and chlamydia are diagnosed.

If heavy discharge occurs, similar to menstruation with a predominance of pain in the lower abdomen, as well as its presence after the end of menstruation, indicates uterine fibroids. If blood discharge from the vagina appears and disappears, which is characterized by formation on about 14-18 days per month, this may indicate that the woman has developed a malignant tumor in the uterus.

Menstruation while taking Yarina

Menstruation occurs during a week-long break, most often on the 2-3rd day, approximately on the same day of the week (provided that it is taken correctly).
If desired, it is possible to change the day of menstruation. To delay the onset of menstruation, you do not need to take a 7-day break, but start taking the next pack of pills after the end of the current one. You can take the tablets until the package runs out or, if desired, stop taking them on any day (then menstruation begins). While taking tablets from the second package, spotting or bleeding may occur. The next package of Yarina is taken after a break of 7 days, as usual. To change the day your period starts, you need to shorten the 7-day break from taking it. Thus, menstruation will begin earlier. If the break is less than 3 days, menstruation may not begin, but instead bleeding or spotting may appear when taking the next package of Yarina.

How to delay your period

“How to delay your period with Yarina’s help” is a fairly popular request on the Internet. If you need to eliminate your periods between taking Yarina, then let’s say right away that delaying the onset of menstruation will not be difficult, but you can’t often use this technique, because. you can harm your health.

Hello, I wanted to consult on the following issue. After my second birth, I take Yarina for contraception. Now I am in my 6th month of treatment. From the very first month on the 11-12th tablet, every month a discharge begins in the form of a smear mixed with blood and lasts for about 4 days, there is not much discharge at all, it is a little smearing, it does not cause discomfort, there are no other side effects from the tablets. Is it necessary to change the drug and is the contraceptive effect reduced due to this discharge? Do the pills work? Withdrawal bleeding occurs on time, on the third day after the end of 21 days of taking the pills, lasts 4 days, menstruation is not scanty, as with normal menstruation. What do you advise? And if possible, what tablets can I replace with?

Olga, Vladikavkaz

ANSWERED: 04/06/2017

Hello, to select a different drug, it is best to visit a doctor and first get tested for sex hormones. Have you been taking them for six months, and have these symptoms been observed the entire time? Perhaps it’s just the wrong drug with the wrong dosage.

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20.01.2017 Please decipher the result of the analysis of CA 125 ovaries - 10.06 units/ml. And the result of the analysis is NOT 4 ovaries - 42.87 pmol/l ROMA index premenopause 5.16% ROMA index postmenopause - 7.64% is this the norm or are there deviations?
30.07.2015 Good afternoon Please tell me, after giving birth, the doctor prescribed Novinet contraceptive pills, I started taking them from the beginning of menstruation, the sheets lasted 8 days and they didn’t suit me because my period didn’t end for 2 weeks. I canceled them myself and my period ended. It’s already time for new periods and they are gone, a month has passed. Before this, my periods were on time. And there are no signs of menstruation. Pregnancy is excluded. What could it be
20.02.2016 Hello. For a long time I couldn’t decide to address this issue, because I’m afraid that something is wrong. I gave birth on November 1, 15. Everything went well. There was bloody discharge 6 weeks after birth. They turned red or brownish. Then after 6 weeks they went away, but after two weeks they appeared again, went on for a couple of days and stopped. After some time they appeared again, anointed a little (1-5 hours) and stopped. And, for some reason, from the moment of giving birth there were some unpleasant pulling sensations in the lower part of my life...
17.04.2016 Good afternoon At the first appointment (4-5 weeks pregnant, 3 embryonic weeks), the doctor ordered an intravaginal ultrasound. During the ultrasound there was discomfort and pain, the ultrasound was done roughly. I left the hospital, the pain remained. After 1 hour, bleeding began (dark thick blood, lasted 10-15 minutes). In the emergency gynecology department they gave me an injection and prescribed Dufostan. First pregnancy. There are no pathologies, b-uterine. After the bleeding, the symptoms disappeared - dizziness, certain sensations in the body. Smearing dark in…
04.10.2016 Hello. Exactly 12 weeks I had PPA, after that my period came, pregnancy tests were negative and, in fact, there were no signs of pregnancy at all: no toxicosis, my breasts didn’t hurt and their size didn’t change at all, urination was stable, it wasn’t like I I often ran to the toilet, and emotionally everything was fine, although when my period came I freaked out as usual. For some reason, about a week ago I began to have doubts, I began to think that maybe I was eating...

The drug Yarina, produced by the German company, is a hormonal contraceptive intended for women. It effectively prevents pregnancy. However, to achieve the desired result with minimal side effects, the product should be taken strictly following the instructions.

Spotting or bleeding during treatment - what to do?

Very often, when taking Yarina, spotting or breakthrough bleeding may occur. Such bleeding or discharge is irregular and is not associated with a break in taking Yarina. Most often, discharge occurs during the first three menstrual cycles, and is a sign of the body's adaptation to the contraceptive. Therefore, you should continue taking Yarina using personal hygiene products. If the discharge does not stop after 3 months, becomes profuse, or appears again after stopping, you should consult a doctor for an examination.

Formation of brown discharge

Typically, birth control pills are used to treat irregular menstrual cycles. Sometimes bleeding is observed when taking Yarina tablets. They are characterized by varying degrees of formation. Depending on the type of blood discharge from the vagina, they can be either a completely natural reaction of the body to the effects of the hormone, or a serious disorder in the reproductive structure that requires timely treatment. To identify the exact picture, as well as solve the problem, an examination by a gynecologist is required. After conducting all the necessary tests, the doctor will determine the cause of the formation and also take all necessary measures.

When should you see a doctor?

When taking Yarina, you must visit your doctor regularly—at least once a year—for preventive examinations.
You should visit a doctor as soon as possible if the following situations arise:
For any health changes, especially conditions in which the drug is used with caution or in which it is contraindicated.
If a limited lump appears in the mammary gland.
If necessary, take other medications.
If there is long-term immobility, bed rest - for example, as in the case of a plaster cast or surgery.
If you experience vaginal bleeding that is heavier or heavier than usual.
If you miss a pill in the first week of taking it, if you have had sexual intercourse in the previous 7 days.
If menstruation does not occur 2 times in a row, or there is a suspicion of pregnancy.

Yarina is a monophasic oral contraceptive. This means that all tablets in the package contain the same dose of hormones. One tablet of Yarina contains 30 mcg (0.03 mg) of ethinyl estradiol and 3 mg of Drospirenone.

One package contains one blister (plate) of Yarina for use for one month.

ATTENTION: The drug has contraindications. Do not start using this drug without first consulting your doctor.


What reduces the contraceptive effect of Yarina?

The contraceptive effect of Yarina can be reduced by vomiting, diarrhea, taking large doses of alcohol, or taking certain medications. Read more about this here:

How to delay menstruation with the help of Yarin?

If you need to delay your period, then after finishing one package of Yarin, start a new blister the next day without taking a 7-day break. In this case, menstruation will be delayed by 2-4 weeks, but slight spotting may appear approximately in the middle of the next package.

Please note: you can postpone your period only if you took Yarin at least one month before unwanted menstruation.

Do I need to take long breaks from taking Yarina?

If you have been taking Yarina for more than 6-12 months, you may be wondering if you should take a break for a few months. You can read about how useful such breaks are by following the link:

What to do if you don’t have your period during a 7-day break from taking Yarin?

Carefully remember whether you took all the pills correctly last month.

    If in the past month you had errors in taking pills (missing, being late), then stop taking Yarina pills until you are sure that you are not pregnant.

What should I do if I become pregnant while taking Yarina?

Pregnancy when taking Yarin tablets correctly is extremely rare. It is more likely that pregnancy occurred as a result of mistakes that you made in the previous month.

So, what to do if the test unexpectedly shows 2 stripes? First of all, stop taking the pills and contact your gynecologist.

Taking Yarina in the early stages of pregnancy cannot harm the health of your unborn child, so you can leave the pregnancy without fear. In this case, start taking it as soon as possible.

Yarina's appointment before surgery

If you are undergoing a planned operation, then taking Yarin tablets should be stopped a month (4 weeks) before surgery. This will reduce the risk of blood clots in the vessels. If the operation is required urgently, be sure to tell the surgeon that you are taking birth control pills. In this case, the doctor will take additional measures to prevent blood clots (with the help of medications).

You will be able to start taking Yarin 2 weeks after you are able to walk independently after surgery.

Lack of menstruation

If, when taking Yarina or Yarina Plus, there are no periods during a seven-day break, then the first thing you need to do is rule out pregnancy. Buy a test or sign up for an ultrasound.

Remember that pregnancy and taking OCs are incompatible!

Very often on forums you can find questions like “I drank Yarina for 21 days, but no periods”, “I drink Yarina, but my periods do not start”, “I drink Yarina, no periods”, “After stopping Yarina there are no periods”, “I stopped drinking Yarina, but no menstruation” and so on.

What is the reason for the delay in menstruation after Yarina's withdrawal? We asked an obstetrician-gynecologist for advice, and this is what she told us:

“In the first months of use, the cycle may be unstable, because... the body needs to readjust. 1-3 days deviation from the schedule is quite normal. The main thing is not to stop taking the pills, strictly following the dosage schedule (if there are no other strong side effects), over time everything will even out. It is also advisable to exclude pregnancy and undergo examination by a doctor. If this situation recurs constantly or there are other menstrual problems, then consultation with a specialist is necessary. Perhaps these OKs are not suitable for you.”

If you have completely stopped taking OCs and are not going to return to them, but after stopping your periods do not come, then the first thing, again, is to rule out pregnancy.

If you are not pregnant, then most likely your body is adjusting to its natural cycle and hormone production. Give him some time. Everything should return to normal.

If you haven’t had your period for more than 1-3 months, then you may have developed anemorrhea (absence of menstruation for several cycles) while stopping OCs. What to do? In this case, you need specialist advice. Don't hesitate and go to the doctor.

If after Yarina your periods are very scanty, this may mean that the body has not yet recovered.

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