The uterus is not ready for childbirth at 40 weeks of pregnancy

It is not a rare case that it is already 40 weeks of pregnancy and labor has not begun. Many who are in a similar situation are seriously concerned about this fact. And with the arrival of the predicted date of birth, women begin to seriously think about artificial stimulation of labor.

Forty weeks is not the limit, and before making a decision about stimulation, you simply need to weigh the pros and cons. After all, it is unknown what consequences the mother and child can expect after the measures taken. And were they really that necessary?

Causes of a soft cervix during pregnancy

The cervix becomes soft immediately before childbirth. This is one of the harbingers of an imminent birth. However, if a similar phenomenon is observed earlier, then there is a high probability of losing the fetus. This pathology can occur at the wrong time for the following reasons:

  • Infection of the genital organs and urinary system.
  • Frequent artificial termination of pregnancy.
  • Difficult previous births.
  • Individual features of the structure of the internal genital organs of a woman.
  • Muscle weakness due to isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
  • Inflammation of the cervical canal.
  • Hormonal imbalances in the body of a pregnant woman.

Softness of the cervix is ​​allowed in the early stages and already before childbirth, the rest of the time this is an alarming sign.

How to prepare yourself for childbirth (methods and recommendations)

Many who gave birth in maternity hospitals remember very well the categorical verdict of doctors after an examination before childbirth: the cervix is ​​not open enough, we will stimulate it. And the expectant mother is perplexed: how can this be? The contractions are in full swing, the baby is definitely striving for the light, but her own body is preventing this process?! Can't be!

There are 2 reasons for this statement from doctors:

Unfortunately, despite technological progress and the introduction of all kinds of examinations for pregnant women, the preliminary date of birth is set 5-12 days earlier than it actually occurs. This introduces an additional (and UNNECESSARY) moment of tension for expectant mothers: the due date has already approached, but labor has not begun!

Full term birth is considered between 38 and 42 weeks of pregnancy, so - CALM DOWN. But very often doctors believe: “Everything after 40 weeks is subject to stimulation.” In addition, a certain time is already allocated for each woman in labor in the maternity hospital. Please, go to bed

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