How does the mother feel and what happens to the baby at 3 weeks of pregnancy?

Most likely, conception has already occurred - at the end of last week. If not, it will happen early this week. The 3rd week of pregnancy is the first week of the embryo’s life. The fertilized egg continues to divide and move towards its place of residence. Gradually, the embryo takes the form of a hollow ball filled with fluid, the inner layer of which forms the embryonic disc, and the outer layer will provide attachment to the uterus. Later the body will stretch out and become elongated with a widening at the bottom. And by the end of 3 weeks, the embryonic disc will curl into a tube, from the widened end of which a head will form, and from the narrowed end - a tail-coccyx. And even germ cells will begin to form. In the meantime, the embryo reaches the uterine cavity and makes its landing. To do this, the blastocyst removes cells from the surface of the uterus and makes a small depression there in which to attach itself. This planting period is called implantation and is often accompanied by minor bleeding that poses absolutely no threat. The entire implantation period takes approximately 40 hours. By this time, the reserve of vital substances in the egg is already running out - now the embryo will begin to feed from the mother’s body. This is a new stage in his development, he will be completely dependent on you until birth. All processes occurring at this time are closely interconnected. Firstly, a special protein is released - an immunosuppressive protein, also called Early Pregnancy Factor. It is simply necessary to maintain pregnancy, because half of the embryo’s chromosomes are male proteins foreign to the female body. And without this factor, the natural process of destruction and expulsion of the “stranger” would have started. And under the influence of an immunosuppressive protein, a woman’s immune system is rebuilt in a certain way to work in a new mode, receiving an appropriate signal from it. In addition, the blastocyst secretes a number of hormones necessary for the development of pregnancy. Thus, progesterone stimulates the production of uterine mucus, from which the placenta is formed. It will protect the fetus and ensure its vital functions throughout the entire gestation period. Already on the way to its future refuge for the next 9 months - namely, on the way to the uterus - the cells of the fertilized egg are dividing every second, which from now on will not stop for a minute. By the end of the 3rd week of pregnancy, the embryo already consists of about 250 cells and has a size of approximately 0.15 mm and a length of up to 2 mm. But its weight is still practically imperceptible - at this stage the fruit weighs about 2-3 mcg. Now it will begin to grow and develop rapidly.

Dimensions and weight of the fetus at 3 weeks of pregnancy

We will assume that conception occurred on time and successfully. The 3rd week of pregnancy and the first week of life of the little embryo has arrived! If the pregnancy is 3 weeks after conception, then we are talking about the 5th obstetric week, and the embryo is already 3 weeks of life.

A safely fertilized egg is actively moving towards its future refuge for the next 9 months, into the uterine cavity. On this path, the fertilized egg undergoes cell division every second, which will now not stop for a minute. Doctors call such an egg morula, which means mulberry. Over time, the shape of the embryo becomes like a hollow ball filled with liquid. The inner shell of the ball forms the embryonic disc, and the outer shell provides further attachment to the uterus.

When the embryo reaches the uterine cavity, it attaches to its surface. This embryo implantation period takes about 40 hours. By this time, the reserve of substances vital for the embryo in the egg is coming to an end, and it begins to feed from the mother’s body. Now the embryo is completely dependent on you, right up to its birth.

Next, the body of the embryo stretches, becoming elongated and widened in the lower part. Already at the end of the 3rd week, the embryonic disc folds into a tube, where the head is formed from the expanded edge, and the narrowed edge is transformed into a tail-coccyx. And at the 3rd week of pregnancy, the sex cells of a small embryo are formed.

The 3rd week of pregnancy ends, and our embryo already consists of approximately 250 cells. At 3 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal size is approximately 4 mm. The weight of the embryo at this stage is still extremely small. From this moment it begins to develop and grow rapidly.

Risk of miscarriage

Brown discharge in the early stages is often accompanied by the threat of miscarriage. It is not difficult to recognize a threatening condition: a woman notices not only a change in the color of the vaginal secretion, but also a general deterioration in her health. Severe attacks of dizziness may occur, and pain in the lower abdomen and lower back is almost always present.

The pain syndrome can be pronounced and intense or occur in the form of a dull, weak pain. However, the very combination of “pain and brown discharge” should alert the pregnant woman and force her to seek qualified medical help as soon as possible.

Blood in the discharge appears due to detachment of the fertilized egg. Between the membranes of the fetus and the wall of the uterus, a space filled with blood appears. With a small retrochorial hematoma, the discharge will be predominantly pink-brown and not abundant; with significant detachment, it will be abundant, with clots, and red-brown.

A threat can develop for many reasons. These include abnormalities in the structure of the uterus, genetic pathologies of the fetus that are incompatible with its further development, inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital tract and reproductive organs, hormonal deficiency, as well as bad habits, severe stress, and excessive physical activity.

A developing miscarriage is characterized by increased discharge over time, the appearance of cramping pain in the lower back and cervix, as well as nagging pain with an “echo” in the anal area. The brown daub turns into a more saturated color, the consistency thins out until liquid scarlet blood with blood clots begins to flow out.

This metamorphosis usually indicates that a miscarriage has already occurred, and fragments of the membranes and embryo come out along with vaginal secretions. What it really is and at what stage the threat of miscarriage can only be understood by a doctor. Therefore, if the characteristic symptoms described above appear, you should definitely call an ambulance. In 95% of cases, pregnancy can be saved with timely treatment.

Notes for the expectant mother

It is important to understand that it is the third week of pregnancy that marks the beginning of the second crisis period of pregnancy, which will continue until the 7th week of your term. At this stage, the risk of embryo death from the influence of various negative factors is no longer so high.

But now the risk of developing various anomalies, pathologies and deformities in the unborn child is still relevant, because it was from the end of the 3rd week that the formation of all the systems and organs of the unborn baby began.

Right now the rudiments of the cardiovascular, nervous, digestive and respiratory systems are being formed, the future endocrine system, mouth and limbs of the baby are emerging. In general, the expectant mother urgently needs to take care. Your nutrition, lifestyle, emotional and physical state now require very close attention.

This is not difficult to do in the case of a planned pregnancy, but if you have a spontaneous conception, then the first signs of actual pregnancy can already indicate your actual pregnancy: nausea, frequent urge to urinate, changed taste preferences. You just have to listen to your own body.

Symptoms of pregnancy at 3 weeks

Sometimes a woman interprets the very first symptoms of pregnancy not as signs of pregnancy, but as signals of another approaching menstruation. In terms of timing, the time of the next menstruation is indeed approaching, therefore, the expectant mother, who is unaware of the successful conception, may well explain some changes in her well-being to herself by the approaching menstruation.

The very first signs of pregnancy at 3 weeks, confirming the completed conception, are:

  • swollen mammary glands in a woman,
  • reaction to strong odors, nausea, vomiting,
  • changes in appetite and usual food preferences,
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen,
  • intestinal disorder,
  • frequent urination,
  • elevated basal temperature is maintained,
  • increased fatigue.

Moreover, all of the listed signs are deeply individual. For some women, during early pregnancy, their appetite increases significantly, while for others, their appetite completely disappears - they don’t feel like eating for a long time, and at the same time there is no feeling of hunger. An aversion to certain strong odors may appear, and a little later, after a couple of weeks, odors may cause nausea in the expectant mother and provoke vomiting. And all these “joys” take place against the backdrop of a constant desire to sleep off and increased fatigue.

Vaginal discharge at 3 weeks

You are 3 weeks pregnant and we will tell you what happens to your discharge during this period. Vaginal discharge is now not very profuse, although its intensity and quantity are individual for each woman. In general, the discharge has a uniform consistency, it is light or slightly milky in color, and there may be a subtle sour odor. Keep in mind that any suspicious changes in odor, color or amount of discharge will require consultation with a doctor, as this may indicate a genital infection.

If your vaginal discharge has a strong unpleasant odor, is cheesy, or contains mucus, you should urgently visit your gynecologist.

Often, a expectant mother in the third week of pregnancy may find scanty bloody stains on her underwear. Don’t be alarmed, it’s just during this period that the egg implants into the wall of the uterus and attaches there, as a result of which a small amount of blood may be released, and you may have that same feeling of pulling in the abdomen. In this case, spotting in different women also differs in its nature and quantity, but after a couple of days it completely stops.

When is spotting a reason to visit a gynecologist?

It is worth noting that spotting in early pregnancy may be normal, but it is also just as likely to be a pathology. This is where the complexity of this situation lies. But there is no need to worry again, but it is better to listen to your feelings and analyze your condition. The information below will help you understand when there is no reason to worry, and when you really cannot do without medical help.

Every woman should remember that by promptly diagnosing discharge during pregnancy in the early stages, the doctor will be able to help preserve the fetus. It is necessary to quickly visit a gynecologist if even slight smearing appears with the following characteristic symptoms:

  • brownish discharge containing blood and pus;
  • blood clots appear over a long period of time;
  • dark vaginal secretion;
  • characteristic shade (yellow, green, pink);
  • there is an unpleasant odor;
  • there is itching and burning;
  • pain occurs in the lower abdomen (may be accompanied by pain in the lumbar region).

Self-medication in such situations is not only useless, but also dangerous. The only thing a woman can do is to quickly go to the hospital and remain calm. The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe the necessary tests and examination to identify the cause that caused such discharge during early pregnancy.

Test and ultrasound at 3 weeks of pregnancy

Even at this stage of pregnancy, if you decide to use a rapid test to confirm it, the result cannot be considered reliable. For the second line to appear on the test, which will indicate a positive result of conception, it is imperative that the level of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which appears in the urine and changes the color and number of test strips, sufficiently increase.

However, at 3 weeks of pregnancy, the concentration of the hCG hormone has not yet risen to a level to accurately confirm your pregnancy. Sometimes, in rare cases, a second line may faintly appear on the test, but this is not at all a reason to rush for a repeat test to double-check. You just need to wait until your period is due, and if it hasn't started, you can try using the rapid test again.

In the case when you can no longer endure and wait, we recommend using the services of an ultrasound scan, where even at such a short period you can either refute or confirm the fact of pregnancy.

Some women believe that if the pregnancy is 3 weeks old, a photo of the fetus can already be interesting. This is complete nonsense; at 3 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound photo is simply not taken, unless, of course, you are interested in a photo of your own womb.

What medications are prescribed for spotting vaginal secretion?

If spotting is associated with a threatened miscarriage or other problems with pregnancy, then conservative treatment with progesterone products is possible. Duphaston and Utrozhestan are prescribed to patients who have a lack of progesterone. This hormone is responsible for normal gestation and also prevents miscarriage. Therefore, by taking the drug under the supervision of a doctor, a woman with a threat of spontaneous abortion can preserve the fetus and carry it to term. Be sure to read about the nature of possible discharge after Utrozhestan during pregnancy before using the drug.

Spotting secretion in the first trimester can be a physiological norm or pathology. But in any case, there is no need to delay it, but it is better to immediately consult a doctor to exclude possible complications.

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