Blood discharge during pregnancy at 30 weeks

What kind of discharge occurs at 30 weeks of pregnancy?

For mommy and baby, 30 weeks of pregnancy is characterized as the time when you begin to listen carefully to each other. The baby feels every mother’s emotion, reacts sensitively to her mood, the mother, on the contrary, listens to the baby’s movements - if he taps her little by little, then everything is fine, but if he starts to get very rowdy, then it means he is very dissatisfied with something. Discharge at 30 weeks of pregnancy is of particular importance. If they acquire an unpleasant odor or change color and consistency, then you should urgently run to the gynecologist.

What happens to the uterus?

The uterus is rising higher and higher, now it is located 12 cm above the navel. From time to time, a woman may experience contractions, which are sometimes slightly painful. These are so-called training contractions or Braxton-Higgs contractions. They can first manifest themselves as early as 20 weeks of pregnancy. With their help, the uterus prepares for the upcoming birth.

The duration of training contractions rarely exceeds 2 minutes. If a woman experiences discomfort at this time, then you can walk around the room, try changing your body position or perform breathing exercises. If the contractions are truly training contractions, they will stop. When contractions, on the contrary, intensify and become painful, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Normal discharge

Discharge is present throughout pregnancy, but its nature must be carefully monitored.

  • Normal discharge at this stage has a sour smell and a milky tint, sometimes it can be quite abundant, but more often it is still released in small quantities.
  • The released secretion should not cause any discomfort to the patient.
  • The presence of vaginal secretion is considered normal, and the discharge can be abundant or scanty.
  • Such discharge appears against the background of hormonal changes, i.e., there is an increase in progesterone production, which leads to excessive secretory activity.
  • It should also be taken into account that the norm for secreted mucous masses is a homogeneous structure. They should not contain any flakes or clots.
  • If there are any unusual suspensions, an unpleasant odor, or bloody inclusions in the vaginal secretion, then you should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.

If the mucus causes a burning, itching sensation or is accompanied by unpleasant painful discomfort, then such discharge should be considered pathological and appropriate microflora tests should be taken.

When to see a doctor urgently

The discharge of watery mucus is not a sign of illness during pregnancy, but sometimes it can be accompanied by a burning sensation, itching, redness and swelling, as well as other irritations in the genitals. In such cases, you must urgently go to an appointment with a gynecologist and get tested in order to avoid the development of any infection that could harm the health of the fetus and the expectant mother. Weakness of the microflora in the vagina in women can very often lead not only to thrush, but also to the development of other dangerous diseases.

Watery discharge during pregnancy accompanied by other symptoms may be symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. With this disease, watery mucus may become gray or white in color and have an unpleasant specific odor; over time, it becomes sticky, viscous, thick and foamy, and the transparent watery color turns into green or yellow. The woman suffers from severe itching and problems urinating.

Changes in the color of watery discharge during pregnancy, the consistency and smell of the discharge should not be ignored. They may indicate serious gynecological diseases that pose a danger to the woman and the fetus in the womb.

The following symptoms deserve special attention:

  • yellow, green, gray-white, cloudy discharge is a sign of infection;
  • copious watery transparent discharge is a symptom of rupture of the membranes and leakage of water;
  • red, scarlet, brown, pink, bloody discharge is a sign of an incipient miscarriage.

Alarming symptoms that occur against the background of pathological discharge:

  • itching;
  • burning;
  • urinary disturbance;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • increase in body temperature.

If such symptoms occur, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.


At 30 weeks of pregnancy, discharge is an important diagnostic indicator, so every patient needs to monitor it. The pathological category includes any discharge that has a bloody or brown tint, as well as green and yellow, watery and curdled mucus structures. A sharp change in the nature of the vaginal secretion should definitely alert and prompt the patient to contact the antenatal clinic. And in especially difficult cases, you need to call an ambulance if, for example, heavy bleeding occurs.

At the thirtieth week, it is still a completely inappropriate time for the baby to appear, but still the baby is already able to live outside the mother’s womb in a special box. Such children are born with very weak immune defenses and often throughout childhood they remain extremely painful and susceptible to various types of infections.

Red and brown

Bloody red-brown discharge is almost always considered an alarming sign. Bloody spotting requires special monitoring and often requires emergency interventions. The causes of such discharge may be some sexually transmitted pathologies. In addition, a slight brown spot sometimes occurs in pregnant girls on days when they had their periods before conception.

Also, bloody, red-brown discharge may occur against the background of minor placental abruption. If you take timely measures, you can save your pregnancy without any difficulties. But if there is no action, the detachment can become critical and an interruption will occur. The appearance of bloody discharge at the thirtieth week can be regarded as an alarming signal of approaching premature birth.

If no measures are taken, the bleeding will soon be accompanied by severe pain in the lumbar area and abdomen, headaches, dizziness, even fainting. But if there is a sharp pain in the abdomen without bleeding, then such a symptom can also be regarded as alarming. This is possible with intrauterine fetal death or fading of fetal development.

Symptoms such as pain and contractions in the uterine area, as well as sudden release of watery fluid (amniotic fluid pouring out) and cramping sensations cannot be ignored. If they suddenly arise, then you need to urgently call an ambulance, especially with heavy and very long-lasting discharge.

White copious discharge

If a patient has copious white discharge at 30 weeks, then most likely the girl has an infectious pathology or vaginal candidiasis.

  • In this situation, infectious pathogens can penetrate during unprotected sexual intercourse or non-compliance with the hygienic rules and norms of the pregnant woman.
  • Infection is also quite likely during treatment or a gynecological examination, for example, due to insufficient cleaning of instruments.
  • The only white discharge that does not cause concern is homogeneous, milky-white mucus without foreign impurities or inclusions and without an unpleasant odor.

Genital infections are often accompanied by white discharge, but the discharge itself is not dangerous; the threat comes precisely from the infection that caused such symptoms. Such pathologies cause fetal pathologies, developmental abnormalities, etc.


When cheesy discharge appears at the thirtieth week of gestation, there is every reason to suspect the development of thrush. As is known, such a fungal pathology occurs in half of pregnant women, because pregnant women are deprived of full immune protection. It is impossible to confuse this infection with other pathologies, because it is accompanied by specific symptoms.

Patients complain of copious curdled discharge, severe itching, burning sensation, swelling of the genitals, nagging pain in the abdomen, a white coating on the mucous membrane, etc. This fungal infection must be treated, otherwise it will lead to dangerous consequences such as infection of the fetus or the development of candidal stomatitis in an already born baby.


Sometimes pregnant women at 30 weeks may experience watery discharge. They are considered normal if they do not cause any discomfort. In other cases, watery discharge should be regarded as a pathological sign. During pregnancy, the vaginal mucosa and microflora become incredibly sensitive to various pathogens. Very often, during pregnancy, colpitis, thrush, and other infections worsen.

Watery discharge may indicate the development of vaginosis of bacterial origin. They, as a rule, have a sharp and unpleasant odor, may have a grayish or whitish tint, and as the infection develops, they change their character to viscous and thick, become sticky, cause discomfort when urinating and unpleasant sensations on the genitals (burning, itching).

At week 30, watery discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. To exclude such a pathology, the girl is given a test with a special pad. Also, scanty watery discharge may be accompanied by a genital herpes virus infection. Sometimes they are the only pathological symptom by which the disease can be diagnosed.


If the patient suddenly discovered the appearance of green discharge at the 30th week of pregnancy, this indicates the addition of a sexually transmitted disease. The girls require special attention because they have green discharge of a heterogeneous nature with an unpleasant, even nauseating odor; they indicate that the mother has become infected with gonorrhea. There are other, more peaceful reasons for the appearance of such secretions from the genitals.

  1. Sometimes green, unpleasant-smelling mucus from the vagina indicates vaginal dysbiosis.
  2. If the girl took antibacterial drugs, then they can also provoke the appearance of greenish discharge from the vagina.
  3. Colpitis, cervicitis, vaginosis can also be manifested by the appearance of greenish discharge.
  4. Also, green discharge indicates infectious pathologies of a sexually transmitted nature and acute vaginal infections.

An interesting fact is that infection with an STD could have occurred quite a long time ago, even before pregnancy. While the immune system could, it resisted, holding back pathogenic microorganisms, but under the influence of pregnancy, the immune barriers weakened, which allowed bacteria, viruses or fungi to activate, develop and actively reproduce, spreading the infection.


There are many factors that can cause yellow discharge to appear at 30 weeks. For example, using soap in intimate hygiene or wearing unsuitable tight underwear made of synthetic materials. Yellow discharge also appears due to irregular sexual hygiene or the use of sanitary pads that contain aromatic impregnations.

Also, the source of yellow discharge can be inflammation of the genitourinary organs, provoked by nonspecific microorganisms such as E. coli, staphylococci or fungi. Also, yellow discharge may be accompanied by STDs such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis or gonorrhea, etc. To identify the nature of yellow mucus from the genitals, it is recommended to consult a doctor, who will select the necessary treatment.


Watery, copious discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy depends on the level of progesterone, which begins to increase when all conditions for intrauterine development of the fetus are created. When pregnancy reaches 12-14 weeks, vaginal discharge becomes thinner as the fetus develops under the influence of the hormone estrogen.

Watery discharge during pregnancy can be:

  • without smell;
  • milky white or light;
  • sometimes abundant;
  • transparent;
  • They do not cause any discomfort for the woman, they just feel wetness in the perineum.

During pregnancy, women should take more careful care of their genitals, observe rules of hygiene, and it is best to use special gels for the care of intimate areas. It is recommended to take a shower more often, take a bath, wear natural, clean and dry underwear, and change it every day. You can use sanitary pads, but not scented ones, to avoid an allergic reaction accompanied by severe itching. Watery discharge during pregnancy should not frighten women - this is a normal phenomenon.

Of course, gynecologists do not recommend the use of panty liners during pregnancy, since high humidity can provoke putrefactive processes and the development of infectious diseases. This does not mean that you should completely abandon intimate hygiene products, but it will not hurt to reduce the frequency of their use.

The appearance of watery discharge may be associated with the use of vaginal suppositories (Utrozhestan, Terzhinan, Clotrimazole, Hexicon, other antibiotics and antiseptics). Such discharge is just remnants of the medicine in the vagina, which gradually come out and remain on the underwear. The maximum discharge is observed in the morning or in the middle of the day (when using candles at night). No treatment is required; after a day, all unpleasant symptoms disappear. Frequent changes of underwear and bed linen are recommended.

How the baby develops

At 30 weeks, the fetus begins to gradually prepare for birth. He already has an established daily routine: at certain times he sleeps, at certain hours he is awake, actively pushing and turning over. The baby’s brain improves every day, its grooves deepen, convolutions form, and its mass grows. But brain functions will finally begin to be realized after birth.

Amazingly, the child reacts sensitively to all the mother’s emotions; he clearly hears sounds made from the outside. Light also reaches him. Therefore, mommy is advised to avoid conditions such as anger and anxiety, hatred and nervousness. If the baby decides that it is better for him to sleep during the day and play at night, then the woman is recommended to be more active during the day and rest more in the evening.

What does he feel

Usually, at 30 weeks, mothers go on maternity leave. At this time, simply incredible sensations occur inside the baby’s abdomen, which the mother can only detect thanks to ultrasound diagnostics. The baby reacts to bright light, shows emotions and wrinkles its face funny. His facial movements are already quite developed. He grimaces, clenches his fists, and can suck on them, tasting them.

Also, the child can react to the mother’s behavior and external influences, for example, if the mother lies down in a position that is uncomfortable for the baby, then he begins to actively kick and push, and if he hears some loud sound, he suddenly calms down and stops moving, because scared. Sometimes mothers get scared if they don’t feel the usual kicks from within.

External development

A fetus at 30 weeks is already a full-fledged human being, only very small.

  • Its weight reaches about 1.4-1.7 kg, and its height can reach up to 40 cm.
  • The skin is still red, but no longer looks as wrinkled as before, because subcutaneous fatty tissue has already grown underneath it.
  • If you are carrying a boy, then his testicles have already descended into the scrotal sac, and in girls at this stage the formation of the external genital structures and vagina is completed.
  • Usually the baby at 30 weeks is located in the uterus sitting, i.e., head up, although some pregnant women already experience a cephalic presentation at this stage.
  • By this period, all organs have already been formed, but his birth is not yet desirable, because premature babies require very serious care, not all of them survive.

The baby's body previously had very fine hairs (lanugo), which are now beginning to fall out. When the baby is born, his body will no longer be hairless, although quite often babies are born with enviable hair. But already in the first weeks these vellus hairs also fall out.

Ultrasound at 30 weeks

If pregnancy occurs without any abnormalities, then ultrasound diagnosis is prescribed at 32 weeks, although more often obstetrician-gynecologists refer patients for ultrasound examination at 30 weeks. The purpose of this study is to monitor the development and condition of the baby.

The doctor can determine the location of the baby and its height, the condition of the placenta and the volume of amniotic fluid. The specialist will also be able to promptly detect the presence of developmental defects in the baby.

How is mommy feeling?

Mommy should take care of her own condition in advance to avoid gaining excess weight. You should also make sure that the body does not retain excess fluid, which doctors associate with gestosis in late gestation. It is necessary to eat a balanced diet, limit sweets, flour, and fatty foods. Remember, it is easier to give birth to a baby without ruptures if he weighs 3.5 kg, and not 4 or 5.

If there is an excess amount of carbohydrates in a pregnant woman's diet, there is a real risk of developing gestational diabetes. Now is the time for mommy to pay attention to her husband and the other children the woman has. Sexual relations with your spouse are not excluded, but if the doctor recommends abstaining from them, then it is better to use alternative methods, because your spouse also needs your purely female attention.

What to expect

Most of the gestation is already over, just a little time is left, and the baby will be born. Mommy is usually in a pleasant and impatient anticipation of the birth. Now she is on maternity leave, so there is plenty of time to prepare. Almost every day a woman changes, her weight and tummy circumference gradually increase, because the baby begins to grow at an amazing speed.

Usually, by the 30-week period, girls manage to gain 10-11 kg of weight, which is exactly what the placenta, amniotic fluid, uterus and baby weigh, as well as several kilograms that the mother has gained during pregnancy. After 10 weeks, the amount of weight gained will increase to 17-18 kg.


Mommy should not forget about beauty, so it is better to take care of stretch marks on the tummy in advance, or rather, about their prevention, because during pregnancy the tummy stretches greatly.

  • At week 30, it can already reach such a large size that it will interfere with walking, so the pregnant woman’s gait changes noticeably.
  • From about this period, you need to show more attention and caution when making any movements. You need to get up slowly, supporting your tummy with your hands.
  • If you get out of bed, you first need to roll onto your side, then sit down and only then get up, also supporting your stomach with your hands.

During pregnancy, the skin stretches greatly, which increases the risk of developing stretch marks. The difficulty is that these skin stretches are practically not eliminated after childbirth. To avoid the appearance of stretch marks, a girl needs to take care of her skin by treating it with gels, creams, etc.


By 30 weeks, girls often experience swelling of the limbs, which is not good for the patient’s body, so every effort must be made to prevent them. To do this, mommy needs to limit her salt and liquid intake; she is allowed to drink no more than one and a half liters of liquid per day. Also, to prevent gestational edema, patients are advised to exclude from the diet all foods that could somehow lead to fluid retention in the body.

Mommy needs to put her feet on an elevated platform more often to prevent water from accumulating in her lower extremities. You should also avoid tight shoes and tight clothing. Try to walk less, rest every couple of hours for at least 10 minutes. If hyperedema does not subside for a long time, then you need to discuss with your doctor about ways to eliminate it.

Intimate life

As for intimacy, by this late date many couples refuse sex. It is difficult to give an unambiguous recommendation, since in this matter much depends on the course of a particular pregnancy and on the woman’s well-being. If there is any doubt, you should consult a doctor about this.

When the expectant mother feels well and the doctor does not see any obstacles to sexual relations, then sex at 31 weeks of pregnancy is allowed. However, partners need to be careful: they should not make sudden movements, put pressure on the stomach, or take uncomfortable positions; it is equally important to control the depth of penetration.

Pain at 30 weeks

Painful sensations haunt us throughout our lives, so pregnancy is no exception. Quite often, patients at 30 weeks experience severe nagging pain, which is quite normal, because active physiological transformations are taking place. Usually the pain is localized in the lumbar region, because the tummy grows, causing a shift in the center of gravity. To prepare the body for such stress, it is recommended that mothers regularly train by performing special gymnastics for pregnant women.

The abdomen is supported by ligamentous tissues, and when they are overstretched, the woman experiences pain. The uterus also hurts, as it stretches and enlarges. Mommy is also worried about headaches caused by hormonal changes. You cannot tolerate them, but swallowing various tablets is also dangerous, so it is better to apply a cold compress to your forehead or rub your temples and forehead with a star (balm).

Discharge, the sensations of a pregnant woman, pain symptoms - all this requires special attention, especially at such a long time. If a woman experiences unusual symptoms, she should immediately consult a doctor. Only he will be able to correctly diagnose the problem and solve it safely for the child.

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Causes of bleeding during pregnancy: what to do?

  • Why does blood appear during pregnancy?
  • In the early stages
  • After examination by a gynecologist
  • Embryo implantation
  • After intercourse
  • Cervical erosion
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Myoma
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Hydatidiform mole
  • Spontaneous abortion
  • In the later stages
    • Incorrect attachment of the placenta
  • Infections
  • Varicose veins in the uterus
  • Polyposis
  • Final period of pregnancy
  • Placental abruption
  • Plug coming out
  • Symptoms
  • What to do?
  • Treatment
  • During a healthy pregnancy, there should be no blood from the genital tract. The appearance of this symptom can be a manifestation of quite dangerous pathologies. In any case, bleeding from the genital tract during pregnancy is an important reason to immediately consult a doctor.

    Why does blood appear during pregnancy?

    Obstetricians and gynecologists believe that a variety of reasons can lead to the development of bleeding during pregnancy. They can be triggered by emerging disorders in both the mother and the baby.

    Pregnancy is the most interesting time in a woman’s life, created by nature. A new little life is growing and developing in her body. The baby and mother have the same blood flow system. The baby receives nutrients and oxygen through the general system of blood vessels. His arteries and veins will begin to function much later.

    Unimpeded blood flow is a necessary condition for the development of a small embryo. Only in this case does it fully grow and develop, and all its internal organs are formed properly. Disturbances that occur in the system of general uteroplacental blood supply can lead to dangerous conditions for both the expectant mother and her baby.

    It is important to note that pathologies of the general blood flow system can be acute and chronic. Sudden frolic conditions are accompanied by the rapid development of numerous symptoms. In this case, immediate medical intervention is required.

    Delayed medical care can lead to dangerous conditions for the mother and her baby.

    Chronic forms of bleeding are accompanied by the development of symptoms that are less pronounced. The danger of such conditions is that a pregnant woman constantly loses blood.

    This leads to the development of a rather dangerous pathology in her body - anemia . Lack of hemoglobin and iron has a negative effect on the baby's intrauterine development. In the future, this provokes the development of anomalies and defects in the structure of many internal organs.


    It should not be surprising that during every visit to the doctor's office he will put a woman on the scale. You need to monitor your weight gain especially carefully. The fact is that the weight of a pregnant woman consists of such indicators as the weight of the placenta, amniotic fluid and uterus, breasts and the fetus itself. A woman’s fat reserves will certainly increase, but not significantly (this should happen normally). In addition, the accumulated fat is quickly used up during childbirth and breastfeeding.

    You should not follow your appetite and uncontrollably absorb food, justifying your own situation. A careless attitude to the diet will negatively affect the health of mother and baby: swelling and dizziness will appear, heartburn and constipation will increase. The development of candidiasis is possible. Therefore, you need to control your own appetite.

    Normally, a woman should not gain more than 13 kg from the beginning of pregnancy to 31 weeks. If the indicators are far from these figures, then it is time to consult a doctor and take some measures. Prescribing a diet on your own is unacceptable.

    In the early stages

    Doctors note that the most dangerous periods during pregnancy for the development of vaginal bleeding are the first and third trimesters of pregnancy.

    Depending on the type of hemorrhage, they can be uterine or vaginal. It's important to note that uterine bleeding tends to be more dangerous for women.

    After examination by a gynecologist

    Quite often, during the first half of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience slight discharge from the genital tract. They often occur after examination by a gynecologist.

    Typically, such discharge is characteristic of the 16-17th week of pregnancy. Transvaginal ultrasound performed at 12-20 weeks may also result in the appearance of scarlet droplets of blood on underwear.

    The appearance of such symptoms causes a real shock for the expectant mother. There is no need to panic! Such symptoms occur quite often and are associated with some minor traumatic damage to the mucosa. They usually go away completely within a few days. If these symptoms do not disappear, then you should contact your doctor.

    Many women in the early stages of pregnancy report that they noticed the appearance of slight bleeding from the vagina within 3-4 days. As a rule, such bleeding occurred in the first three months from the moment the baby was conceived. This feature is due to the characteristics of female physiology and previous menstruation.

    Quite often, this situation occurs in expectant mothers who have any dishormonal disorders in the reproductive system.

    Embryo implantation

    Implantation of a small embryo into the uterine wall can also contribute to the development of severe uterine bleeding. This is manifested by the fact that bloody clots begin to be released from the woman’s genital tract. Their appearance causes a real shock for the pregnant woman, because, as a rule, she still has no idea that she is expecting a baby.

    After intercourse

    The appearance of blood from the genital tract after sex is also a fairly frequently reported situation. Expectant mothers should remember that such activities should not be avoided. However, you should choose more gentle positions for sexual intercourse and reduce its intensity so as not to harm the baby. This recommendation is suitable for absolutely all expectant mothers, especially those with chronic diseases of the female genital organs.

    Cervical erosion

    Cervical erosion is another reason that can lead to the appearance of blood. It is important to note that this pathology most often manifests itself in the first half of pregnancy. This is largely due to the changing hormonal background of the expectant mother.

    After sex or a careless clinical examination by a gynecologist, a woman may see drops of blood on her underwear. In this case, it is imperative to discuss further tactics with the obstetrician-gynecologist who is observing her. Quite often, doctors choose a wait-and-see approach and treat erosion after childbirth.

    Sexually transmitted infections

    Sexually transmitted infections can lead to severe inflammation in the uterine cavity. During pregnancy, the immunity of expectant mothers is significantly reduced. This leads to the fact that the spread of the process can be rapid. Ultimately, this process can contribute to the development of bleeding.


    An actively growing fibroid is a formation that grows in the uterus. Quite often it happens that this neoplasm is present in the expectant mother even before the baby is conceived. Changed hormonal levels can contribute to the growth of fibroids. This is an extremely unfavorable condition.

    Myoma can lead to the development of bleeding, which is very dangerous for the baby and the woman herself.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    Tubal pregnancy is a pathology that can lead to complications. The most dangerous of them is rupture of the appendage (tube). An ectopic pregnancy can also lead to heavy bleeding.

    Symptoms in this situation develop against a background of absolute well-being. Without timely medical care, a woman may even die. Hospitalization is carried out in the gynecological department of the hospital.

    Hydatidiform mole

    Hydatidiform mole can also lead to bleeding. In this case, the course of pregnancy is pathological. In such a situation, a piece of connective tissue develops in place of the small embryo. Scientists have not yet determined the reasons for the development of this condition. To remove the components of the fertilized egg, gynecological surgical treatment is required.

    Spontaneous abortion

    Spontaneous abortion is the most dangerous situation that can develop in the early stages of pregnancy. It is usually accompanied by massive bleeding from the genital tract. For some women, the onset of the process is gradual.

    First, individual blood clots or “spotting” discharge appear. Usually the rate of increase in symptoms is quite rapid. Within a few hours, massive bleeding appears. If it is severe, the woman may lose consciousness.

    Spontaneous abortion is an indication for emergency hospitalization. In this situation, there is a real threat to the woman’s life. In this case, all components of the fertilized egg are removed from the uterine cavity.

    In this case, the woman undergoes urgent infusion therapy with the introduction of parenteral solutions.

    Brown secretion in the first trimester

    The presence of light brown discharge during pregnancy in the early stages of gestation is associated with conception and attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine mucosa. During implantation of a fertilized egg, small blood vessels can be damaged, blood from which is mixed with the discharge.

    Discharge during pregnancy causes the secretion to become beige, yellowish, pink or light brownish in color, and it becomes creamy in consistency.

    • no itching;
    • neutral smell;
    • no pain.

    A slight hormonal imbalance can also lead to unusual brownish or even black discharge after ovulation if conception has occurred. The phenomenon is observed on the days of the supposed start of the menstrual cycle. There is no danger to the baby or pregnant woman at this time, nor any unpleasant sensations. Scanty discharge continues for up to five days, and can be repeated for 2 or 3 months after conception.

    Important! If there is strong streaky discharge and the lower abdomen hurts, then you need to contact an antenatal clinic. In the absence of pregnancy or delay of menstruation for more than 5 days, there is a possibility of serious inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs.

    Danger of miscarriage

    Dark vaginal discharge during pregnancy mixed with blood indicates a pathological process and the threat of spontaneous abortion. The problem is associated with detachment of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity and damage to the blood vessels. A common cause of deviation is hormonal instability, low levels of progesterone (female hormone).

    It is responsible for the preparatory processes in the lining of the uterus (endometrium) for implantation of the fertilized egg and maintaining pregnancy until the placenta is formed. When it is insufficient or absent, the endometrium rejects the fertilized egg.

    The threat of miscarriage due to placental abruption manifests itself:

    • moderate or scanty discharge;
    • foreign mucous inclusions in the secret;
    • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
    • attacks of nausea or vomiting, reminiscent of toxicosis.

    Important! The condition requires urgent seeking professional help, hospitalization and measures to maintain pregnancy. The woman is prescribed medications with progesterone and strict bed rest until the symptoms disappear. Doing any household chores or lifting heavy objects is prohibited.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    Brown vaginal discharge during pregnancy may indicate ectopic attachment of the fertilized egg. Development in the fallopian tube as it grows threatens its rupture and severe bleeding, which subsequently threatens the life of the mother. Recovery after the process is impossible; the woman is prescribed surgical intervention with excision of the damaged fallopian tube.

    Secondary signs of ectopic pregnancy include:

    • nagging pain on the left or right side - at the site of attachment of the fertilized egg;
    • bloody issues;
    • state of general weakness;
    • paleness of the skin – we are talking about blood loss;
    • attacks of dizziness.

    Important! Preservation is impossible; ectopic pregnancy is removed surgically.

    Trophoblastic disease or hydatidiform mole

    Pathology involves the growth of chorionic villi in the form of bubbles; normal development of the embryo does not occur. The sources of the deviation have not been fully studied; studies have proven that the fetus has a non-standard chromosome set. The anomaly is associated with the simultaneous fertilization of one egg by two sperm or one with a double set of chromosomes. As a result it appears:

    • triple chromosome set - 46 paternal units and 23 maternal;
    • the standard number of chromosomes comes exclusively from the father.

    Male cells are responsible for the formation of the placenta and amniotic sac, which causes pathological deviation. Instead of the development of a full-fledged placenta, a tumor of benign etiology appears, consisting of many cysts - vesicles of different volumes filled with fluid.

    According to scientific research, pathology develops in the following ways:

    1. Partial - affects only part of the placental tissue, in most cases the fetus dies in the second semester, sometimes pregnancy ends with the birth of a healthy baby.
    2. Complete - causes a complete change in the placental tissue and death of the embryo in the primary stages of gestation.
    3. Destructive - in rare cases, the affected tissue passes into the muscles of the uterus, metastases spread along with the blood, capturing the lungs and vagina.

    Clinical signs of hydatidiform mole are manifested by scanty brown discharge during pregnancy, sometimes foreign bubbles are found in it. The deviation is accompanied by attacks of nausea, vomiting, headaches and elevated blood pressure.

    Confirmation of the presumptive diagnosis is carried out by ultrasound and hCG analysis. An ultrasound examination will show the absence of a heartbeat in the fetus, the structure of the placenta, and hCG will show an increase in indicators several times. Pathological tissues require excision, and in difficult cases, removal of the uterus.

    After treatment for a mild form of partial hydatidiform mole, the patient is under observation, and the condition of the reproductive organs is checked at each appointment. With normal recovery dynamics, she will be able to give birth in a few years.

    Important! In some patients, the disease provokes, in addition to brown discharge during pregnancy, the formation of malignant tumors. Lack of timely treatment leads to death.

    In the later stages

    Incorrect attachment of the placenta

    Bleeding from the genital tract can occur if the placenta is not attached correctly. This condition usually develops if it attaches too close to the os. When making movements, a woman may experience pain in the lower third of the abdomen. If the placenta begins to separate, the bleeding will noticeably increase.

    Tears in the placental blood vessels can also lead to bleeding from the genital tract. This usually occurs due to various traumatic exposures.

    In this situation, blood streaks first appear, and then massive bleeding begins. In order to save the life of mother and child, doctors perform urgent surgical treatment.


    Infectious processes occurring in the vagina can lead to exacerbation of many diseases of the internal genital organs. Pathogenic microbes can provoke this condition.

    Erosive forms of diseases are usually accompanied by the development of bleeding. Usually they are expressed insignificantly. Such conditions usually occur in the second half and last stage of pregnancy.

    Varicose veins in the uterus

    Varicose veins in the blood vessels of the uterus are a common pathology that contributes to the development of bleeding. Doctors note that it usually appears in women at 35-38 weeks of pregnancy. This is largely due to the fact that a large fetus puts pressure on the varicose veins of the blood vessels, which can lead to their pathological ruptures.


    Polyposis is a pathology accompanied by the appearance of numerous polyps in the body. They often grow on the inner wall of the uterus. Active growth of the fetus and its increase in size can lead to the fact that some polyps may simply fall off.

    This is usually accompanied by the development of bleeding. This situation is often recorded at 32-34 weeks of pregnancy. The severity of bleeding depends on the size of the detached polyp.

    Final period of pregnancy

    Bleeding that occurs during the final period of pregnancy is extremely dangerous. They may be caused by placental abruption.

    Placental abruption

    This pathological condition is often triggered by a bacterial infection or inflammation in the uterus.

    Symptoms of placental abruption may appear gradually or develop rapidly. It depends on how pronounced the pathological changes are.

    In most cases, a woman experiences severe pain or a feeling of cramping in the lower abdomen. Blood appears from the vagina. Usually it is scarlet with an admixture of veins.

    The woman's condition is deteriorating. Severe weakness appears, attention begins to dissipate, and severe dizziness may occur. When the situation develops critically, the woman suddenly loses consciousness. The bleeding is usually massive.

    Placental abruption is an urgent indication for transporting a woman to a hospital for emergency gynecological treatment. In this situation, it is very important to understand that a delay can cost the life of both the mother and her baby.

    This pathology usually appears at 37-40 weeks of pregnancy. In some women, placental abruption may occur much later. In this case, emergency emergency treatment is required.

    Plug coming out

    The release of the mucus plug is a precursor to labor. This anatomical structure protects the baby from exposure to external factors during many months of its intrauterine development. This situation usually develops at 38-41 weeks of pregnancy.

    Removal of the mucus plug is usually possible after performing hygiene procedures or when lifting heavy bags of groceries. This condition is accompanied by the development of bleeding, which can be of varying degrees of severity.

    Future mom

    The baby needs your attention and affection. Stroke your belly more often, talk to your baby, get advice, sing songs. Now there are a lot of good music discs for pregnant women on sale. Just calm melodic compositions are also suitable. You should be extremely careful throughout the third trimester. Every day you become heavier and rounder, the center of gravity shifts, the feeling of fatigue and weakness increases - it is not easy to carry such a burden. Moreover, the heart moves from its place under the pressure of the fetus - sometimes shortness of breath appears. Now it is important to take care of yourself and not rush anywhere. Be careful in the bathroom, on the bus, in the snow, everywhere! Some mothers cannot control their body and fall under the weight of their belly. This is not advisable, so your shoes should be comfortable and you should be leisurely. This week you were supposed to be given maternity leave at work. Use it to relax and prepare for childbirth. Start collecting your baby’s dowry and maternity hospital packages, study useful information, and learn to breathe correctly. If the baby is lying incorrectly, do special exercises for pelvic or breech presentation. By the 32nd week of pregnancy, he still has a chance to turn his head down. Of course, a healthy, vitamin-rich diet is still very important today. Drink kefir, eat vegetables, fruits and berries, but avoid those that can cause swelling. Take yourself on a walk every day. It is advisable to take your husband, girlfriend or sister with you - because at any moment you may need their help. And listen to the baby: keep track of his movements.


    Many mothers begin to worry even when the most insignificant clinical signs appear. A woman begins to panic when small blood clots appear. The most important thing in this situation is not to panic or worry. Any excitement will immediately be transmitted to the baby.

    The appearance of scarlet blood is already an extremely unfavorable sign. The severity of bleeding may vary. In some cases, a woman may lose about a liter of blood. This situation can be fatal.

    During bleeding, a woman may experience severe pain, which is localized mainly in the lower abdomen. In some cases, the pain may be cramping.

    Typically, the intensity of the pain increases over several hours. The pain often worsens after taking a hot bath or shower. Bleeding may also occur after physical activity.

    What to do?

    If adverse symptoms appear, it is very important to immediately call an emergency medical team.

    If you find blood on your underwear, it is better to immediately limit any physical exercise. The best position is lying in bed. It is better for a woman to have relatives or a husband with her at all times. This will allow her to worry less and remain calm.

    In some cases, doctors recommend placing a bolster or a rolled towel under your feet. This should be done if a woman begins to feel very dizzy or has “fog” in her eyes. You should not take any strong medications on your own. This may have a negative effect on the fetus.

    Do not wash while bleeding begins. This can only lead to an increase in this symptom. Hot water has an antispasmodic effect on blood vessels, which only increases bleeding.

    If there is severe bleeding, you can place an ice pack on the lower abdomen. This can only be done in an emergency when the woman has a significant threat to her life.

    The flow of fresh air is very important . Oxygen will help improve brain function and reduce the likelihood of fainting and loss of consciousness. To do this, it is better to open the window, and in summer time - a window. The woman should be in a comfortable and familiar environment until the ambulance arrives.

    If blood clots appear on your underwear, you can use a regular pad. This should be done before visiting a doctor. This will help protect your underwear from bleeding. You can use a regular pad that a woman uses during her “critical” days.

    Doctors do not recommend using tampons when bleeding from the genital tract begins. This can only aggravate the course of the pathology and lead to the development of dangerous complications. A large accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity will become a real threat to the baby.

    Some women, in an attempt to stop bleeding, begin to brew and consume nettle leaf and other herbs that have a hemostatic effect. This should not be done. Such self-medication can lead to the development of dangerous complications, as it will affect homeostasis.

    To stop bleeding at home, it is strictly forbidden to use any hormonal drugs without a doctor’s prescription.

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