Yellow discharge during pregnancy

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Yellow discharge during pregnancy occurs at completely different stages. They are considered an indicator of the condition of the female body. At this moment, a new life is developing inside the woman, and the body undergoes global changes every day, so the appearance of new sensations and symptoms does not take long to appear.

By the texture of the discharge - color, consistency and smell, it is possible to find out how the period of bearing a child proceeds. The absence of pain, itching, and unpleasant odor is considered normal. This indicates hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother, which do not pose a threat.

White, yellowish, homogeneous discharge with small mucus impurities, odorless, is present throughout pregnancy and characterizes its normal course. Too much leucorrhoea with mucus should give you pause.

During pregnancy, a woman may experience the following types of discharge:

  • Light yellow. They often occur in the first months of pregnancy and are caused by hormonal fluctuations.
  • White or yellow discharge with a cheesy structure indicates signs of thrush. As a rule, this discharge is accompanied by itching and burning. If you have these symptoms, you should see a doctor to get the appropriate treatment.
  • Yellow mucous discharge. Often, discharge of this nature appears in the first and last trimesters of pregnancy due to urine leakage. This phenomenon is caused by an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone, which is natural for the body of an expectant mother. Itching and discomfort during urination signal the development of sexually transmitted infections. If you have such symptoms, you should consult your doctor.
  • Bloody discharge is a dangerous sign! They may indicate the onset of a miscarriage or placental abruption. If discharge of this nature appears, immediate medical attention is required.
  • Yellow-brown, dark brown discharge is a symptom of ectopic detachment, frozen pregnancy, incipient miscarriage and requires immediate medical attention. In later stages, such discharge characterizes abruption or abnormal location of the placenta.
  • Dark yellow and yellow-green discharge indicates the presence of inflammatory processes, colpitis or endocervicitis, erosion, and inflammation of the ovaries. They often contain bloody streaks, a repulsive odor, itching, and pain. To avoid problems, it is better to undergo the necessary examinations and exclude infectious diseases even at the stage of pregnancy planning. The green color of vaginal discharge is a dangerous signal that is not considered normal. If you have these symptoms, you cannot postpone visiting a gynecologist. This situation can negatively affect the baby's development.

Causes of yellow discharge in a pregnant woman:

  • External factors (soap, synthetic clothing, irregular hygiene);
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system (bacteria, various bacilli, fungal infections);
  • Infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted (Chlamydia, Gardnerella, Trichomonas).
  • Vaginal dysbiosis, microflora disorders.

If any discharge occurs, you should consult your doctor.

Yellow discharge in early pregnancy

Such discharge without accompanying symptoms is considered normal. The appearance of blood streaks in them may indicate danger. Without painful symptoms in the first weeks of pregnancy, such discharge may indicate implantation.

If pain is present, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. The cause of this situation may be an ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage.

In the first trimester, the discharge has a thick consistency. This is caused by increased hormonal levels.

Discharge is normal

The nature of female secretion depends on the menstrual cycle. The maturation of the egg is accompanied by liquid, fairly abundant discharge. Before ovulation, the secretion changes. It becomes slimy and stretchy, but usually remains transparent. The viscous consistency facilitates the “meeting” of the egg and sperm. When the egg leaves the follicle, the secretion becomes thicker and turns white.

Mucus determines not only ovulation, but also the onset of conception. Discharge during early pregnancy is lingering. They owe this consistency to progesterone, which begins to be actively produced from the moment of fertilization. It is believed that such a secret can be used to early determine successful conception. Of course, this is an indirect sign, but often expectant mothers are guided by it, and the “interesting” situation is confirmed.

A plug is formed from the mucus. It is needed to protect the embryo from external influences and infections that enter the genital tract. When the cervix is ​​plugged, the discharge may vary. This usually happens after the 13th week. The secretion becomes liquid and is released in larger quantities. This means that the main function has now passed to estrogen.

The expectant mother needs to know what discharge is considered normal so as not to worry unnecessarily. The absolute norm is presented in the table:

whitish; transparent viscous; mucous membranes in the 1st trimester; more liquid in the 2nd trimester; homogeneous, without lumps, clots intensivewithout smelldo not cause discomfort; no burning or itching

But there are also variants of the norm. After conception, the expectant mother’s body undergoes hormonal changes, to which it can react in different ways. If you experience discharge that differs from what is considered normal, you should consult a doctor. This is the only way to play it safe and understand whether “colored” discharge is acceptable or whether its color indicates some kind of pathology.

Yellow discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy

Heavy discharge at this stage indicates that labor is approaching. An increase in fluid secretion can be caused by leakage of amniotic fluid. At this stage, discharge may be caused by the release of a mucus plug.

This is considered the norm. At this stage of gestation, the doctor must constantly monitor the type and structure of the discharge. Abnormal readings may be a sign of infection of the fetus or amniotic fluid.

In some cases, yellow discharge may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • abdominal pain;
  • high body temperature;
  • headache;
  • weakness, body aches;
  • discomfort in the vagina.

If you have the above symptoms, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible. Since such symptoms always indicate a threat to the child and mother.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy - what to do and what to be afraid of

Yellow discharge during pregnancy is one of the most common phenomena noted by many expectant mothers. Naturally, if they have never existed before or they were of a slightly different nature, the very fact of their appearance causes a certain concern for the health of your baby. This article will be devoted to the issue of yellow discharge that can accompany pregnancy.

Yellow discharge in early pregnancy

The appearance of excess mucus from the genital tract is sometimes the first sign of pregnancy.
Even when a woman does not even suspect this, her body is already beginning to actively adapt to new conditions in which it must be able to coexist with those few small cells formed as a result of conception. Moreover, it is so laid down by nature that all the most valuable things are directed to maintaining the growth of the fetus and protecting it from aggressive environmental factors. Naturally, such processes cannot but be accompanied by a restructuring of all organs and their functioning. The most key hormone that triggers these mechanisms is progesterone. It is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries before pregnancy, in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, many women experience periodic yellow discharge in the period after ovulation and before menstruation . Consequently, the increased level of progesterone that accompanies the entire pregnancy, and especially its beginning, cannot but affect the change in the color of the discharge from white or mucous to yellowish.


But there is also a second side to the coin - yellow discharge as an alarm signal . Don't forget about this. Especially if before pregnancy there were problems with the health of the genital organs. First of all, this concerns various infections and inflammatory processes. The onset of pregnancy can lead to their exacerbation. It is necessary to correctly assess the nature of the discharge and note the presence or absence of any other symptoms. This is the only way to determine the true origin of the yellow discharge.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy: what to do and what to be afraid of?

An analysis of many women's forums dedicated to pregnancy shows that the majority of expectant mothers are looking for answers to precisely these questions. When they are controlled by fear for the future fate of the baby, the topic of the action of progesterone and all other subtleties of the normal course of pregnancy becomes irrelevant. The advice of specialists who claim that pregnancy is proceeding normally does not help either. A pregnant woman is only overcome by a certain phobia: ˮ if this is the norm, then why do I have yellow discharge and others don’t? After all, everyone has the same hormones. ˮ

This is the first typical mistake an expectant mother makes when yellow discharge is detected at any stage of pregnancy. Under no circumstances should you give yourself over to panic and worry. This will definitely not make the child feel better, but quite the opposite. Constant stress and tension disrupt the blood supply to the placenta and fetus, which can affect its development. Instead of meticulously searching for answers to unnecessary questions, it is better to soberly assess your condition. If the yellow discharge is not accompanied by additional symptoms that cause discomfort to the pregnant woman, there is no need to worry. Their appearance is the result of the progression of a normal pregnancy. But in case of personal doubt, you can see a specialist whom the expectant mother trusts. He can not only calm her down, but also lift her spirit with a beautiful story about what her baby is doing at this stage of development.

Another important point that can and should alert a pregnant woman is abundant yellow discharge or its acquisition of a very viscous, foamy, heterogeneous nature and unpleasant odor. It’s even worse when a brownish-pink tint is added to the yellowness. This is always bad and may indicate:

  1. Thrush;
  2. Bacterial vaginosis;
  3. Exacerbation of trichomoniasis and other infections;
  4. Colpitis and endocervicitis;
  5. Cervical erosions; (also read the separate article, cervical erosion during pregnancy)
  6. Inflammation of the ovaries;
  7. Threat of miscarriage.


It is worth mentioning other alarming symptoms that may accompany yellow discharge during pregnancy. These include:

  1. Abdominal pain, especially in the lower segments;
  2. General hyperthermia in the form of an increase in temperature reaction to any numbers above normal values;
  3. Headaches and general weakness, body aches;
  4. Frequent urge to urinate, which was not noted before the appearance of discharge;
  5. Itching, discomfort and burning in the genital area and vagina.

In such situations, you should definitely contact an antenatal clinic, since they always indicate a threat to the child and the mother’s body.

What does normal discharge look like during pregnancy?

You can talk about physiological secretions during pregnancy using a simple and clear table, which is presented below.

CharacteristicsDescription of discharge
QuantitySmall, perhaps a little more than before pregnancy. May increase at certain times, especially before childbirth and in the early stages of gestation
ColorWhite, colorless or slightly yellowish
ConsistencyHomogeneous, there may be small lumps of mucus
CharacterMucous, moderately stretchy
SmellMust not be
Transparency Transparent or slightly cloudy with a yellow or white color
Associated symptomsNot accompanied by any manifestations

Prevention of pathological discharge

While carrying a child, a woman should pay serious attention to her health and pay attention to any deviations.

The best option would be to undergo a full examination at the planning stage, and while carrying a child, only maintain the normal state of the body and follow the necessary preventive measures:

  • Observe personal hygiene rules. Use hypoallergenic powders.
  • Choose the right products to care for your intimate area.
  • Choose classic models of underwear made from natural fabrics.
  • Eat properly. Make sure that the body receives the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
  • Do not abuse physical activity.
  • Have a full rest.

Vaginal discharge accompanies the fairer sex throughout their lives. Their appearance and structure changes depending on the state of the body. A woman who is expecting a child becomes especially suspicious, listens carefully to herself and notices any slightest changes in her body. The nature of the discharge changes too often during this delicate period.

Sometimes pregnant women experience unpleasant symptoms. The discharge becomes suspicious and causes concern in the woman.

The main rule that all expectant mothers should follow is that there is no need to look for answers on forums on the Internet and self-medicate, resorting to treatment methods described in reviews of other pregnant women. In case of deviations from the norm, you should immediately resort to highly qualified medical care.

What happens to the fetus at 37 weeks?

He gains an average of 2.8-3 kilograms in weight and grows 46-50 centimeters. And it continues to grow, despite the fact that there is less and less space in the uterus. He can add 25 grams of fat per day, and gain at least two hundred grams every 7 days.

During this period, the newborn in most cases already takes the correct position - head down.

The expectant mother feels all his movements very well, some of which are quite painful.

Ideally, you should feel your baby's movements at least 20 times in one day. If they become more or less intense, consult your doctor.

The organs and the body as a whole look like this:

  • The lungs have already developed and a special hormone, cortisone, is being actively produced. It is he who helps the lungs fully form. But they are still “disconnected” from the circulatory system. They will begin to perform their functions at the time of labor, when the valve in the heart opens.
  • Nerve cells are enveloped in a protective coating.
  • The liver accumulates the iron necessary to ensure that the newborn is fully supplied with blood cells in the first year of life.
  • The cartilage of the nose and ears hardens and becomes quite rigid. Only the head remains plastic and flexible, so that the process of passing through the birth canal is as easy and comfortable as possible for both mother and baby. The fontanelles are open.
  • Hair grows from half a centimeter to 4 cm, nails can extend beyond the edges of the fingers.
  • Lungo, the so-called fluff on the body, disappears.

Thus, childbirth at 37 weeks of pregnancy is the norm. Everything, from cells to organs, is ready to function independently. But the general condition is still monitored using ultrasound.

The movement continues. And if yesterday the expectant mother saw in the ultrasound photo the head in one side of the abdomen, then the next day the baby may already be placed in a diametrically opposite position.

He assimilates and processes all the information received about the outside world, recognizes different voices, and hears music.

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