Climax therapy: an indispensable first aid kit for women of elegant age.

Translated from Greek, the word “climax” means “stairs”. Doctors use this term to define the physiological period in a woman’s life, during which the reproductive function of the body dies out and the period of menopause begins. The average age for the onset of menopausal changes is considered to be 50 years, but they can appear earlier or much later.

Every woman experiences menopause differently. Some do not experience any problems, while others suffer from its manifestations and consequences for years. The mechanisms of this physiological process have been studied quite well today, so it is possible to provide a woman with the necessary, timely support and make the transition to menopause more comfortable. The main thing in this case is to help yourself competently and on time, and then menopause will not turn into a “staircase leading down.”

To better understand the state of the body during menopause, it is necessary to clearly study all its possible manifestations and symptoms, the main ones among which are:

  • sleep disturbances (drowsiness or insomnia);
  • sudden mood swings;
  • excessive sweating;
  • so-called hot flashes - redness of the skin (especially on the face) and a sudden feeling of heat;
  • weight gain;
  • high cholesterol;
  • high blood pressure (hypertension, hypertension);
  • increased bone fragility.

Studies have proven that the above-described manifestations during menopause are directly related to changes in the hormonal levels of the female body due to a decrease in estrogen production and an imbalance between the production of testosterone, progesterone and estrogen.

Manifestation of menopause

The menopause period begins in women around the age of 50-55 years. During this period, it is important to take timely measures to eliminate the first symptoms. Timely intake of medications will ease the signs of age-related changes and prepare a woman to accept her age.

Menopause is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nervous tension and increased anxiety;
  • low performance, irritability;
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • disturbance of breathing processes, its stop (night apnea);
  • migraines, back pain;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hot and cold flashes;
  • hormonal imbalances, dysfunction of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • decreased sexual desire.

If symptoms appear before age, you should consult a doctor immediately. Non-hormonal therapy works best in the early stages of premenopause. The sooner you start treatment, the faster you can see results.

Pros and cons of non-hormonal therapy

Hormonal drugs have a quick effect, but have a long list of contraindications. If it is impossible to take synthetic estrogen, you should pay attention to the Evalar line of drugs for menopause.

Even herbal preparations cannot be prescribed independently.


According to the instructions for use of Evalar drugs, the list of contraindications includes only childhood, pregnancy and lactation. Such supplements can be taken for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and liver failure.

Among the advantages of non-hormonal drugs:

  • There are practically no contraindications or side effects;
  • can be used for chronic diseases of the heart, liver and blood vessels;
  • hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause are eliminated;
  • hormonal levels are normalized;
  • the effect persists even after stopping the medication.

Herbal preparations can increase the level of female sex hormones in 2-3 months. Long-term use will not affect general health, but will only strengthen the immune system, support the central nervous system and restore normal mental state.


Coping with hot flashes and other unpleasant manifestations of age-related changes in the body will not be possible quickly. The speed of effect is very slow, while selective modulators begin to act within a few hours.

  • slow effect or no effect;
  • high cost of production;
  • the need to take large amounts of medication daily;
  • does not treat the cause of hormonal imbalance.

In some cases, you may not receive treatment results. Herbal supplements are not considered a drug, so the expected effect may not always be seen.


An anti-climacteric herbal remedy developed on the basis of black cohosh for the non-hormonal treatment of menopause. Black cohosh extract belongs to the group of phytoestrogens. This substance has a beneficial effect on a woman’s body and does not cause weight gain, like other medications prescribed to patients during menopause.

The drug has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system. During menopause, women experience hot flashes of sweat, migraines and dizziness, decreased performance, increased heart rate, and insomnia.

In addition, with the onset of menopause, the likelihood of osteoporosis increases. Qi-Klim tablets reduce the intensity of clinical manifestations, and due to their effect on increasing the level of collagen and hyaluronic acid, they prevent the development of osteoporosis.

The medication restores blood circulation and makes the reproductive organs function properly.

The active components of the tablets can accumulate in the body, so the effect of the drug is observed after 2-4 weeks from the start of using the medicine.

The medication has a general strengthening effect on the body during menopause. It is used as a biological food additive.

Directions for use:

  • Take 1 pill with food.
  • Frequency of application: twice a day.
  • Duration - 1 course is less than 90 days.
  • Treatment can be extended up to six months, but no more. The drug enhances its
  • effect with longer use. After using the medicine for 6 months, therapy is stopped, the patient needs a short break.
  • Further use of the medication is possible after consultation with a doctor.

The medicine has only one contraindication and side effect - an allergic reaction.

Forms of release of drugs for women Evalar

You can find products from the Evalar company in any pharmacy. Medicines are sold without a prescription. For women at menopausal age, it is worth looking for drugs marked 45+ or 50+.

Main forms of release:

  • pills;
  • drops;
  • capsules;
  • herbal preparations;
  • cream;
  • dragee;
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • filter packages.

The choice depends on the doctor's recommendations and the purpose of treatment. Among the products you can find medicines for external (ointment, vaginal suppositories) and internal (charges, tablets) use. Before starting treatment, read the instructions carefully.


The first reason for prescribing non-hormonal drugs Evalar is the symptoms of menopause in any degree of manifestation. However, such therapy is most often prescribed as an additional rather than primary treatment.

In the list of indications:

  • increased sweating;
  • flashes of cold and heat;
  • external manifestation of menopause on the skin;
  • depression;
  • sleep disturbance and insomnia;
  • problems with urination;
  • avitaminosis;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • hormonal imbalance.

The course of treatment can vary from 2-3 months to several years. The components of the product are safe, non-addictive and have a cumulative effect.

The best means

Patients are given a wide range of products to choose from: from vaginal suppositories to vitamin tablets.


One of the popular remedies among menopausal women. Qi-Klim is available in tablet form. There are 60 pieces in one package. The composition is rich: black cohosh extract, B vitamins, rutin, vitamins A and C, herbal extracts and minerals.

  • increasing the overall tone of the body;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • protection from overwork and stress;
  • reduction of anxiety and irritability;
  • prevention of osteoporosis;
  • healthy sleep;
  • restoration of sexual desire.

The drug also helps maintain normal metabolism and protects against autoimmune diseases and diabetes. The list of contraindications includes nursing and pregnant women and children. You can buy a package for about 500 rubles.

Qi-Klim Alanin

The drug of the same name has a completely different composition. The active substance is beta-alanine at a dosage of 400 mg. The drug is designed specifically to eliminate hot flashes. Improves the quality of life of a woman during early menopause.

  • reduction in the frequency of hot flashes and menopausal symptoms;
  • normalization of thermoregulation;
  • stability of heartbeat and blood pressure;
  • healthy sleep;
  • decreased sweating;
  • eliminating attacks of fear and anxiety.

Vitamins from Evalar

Evalar products for women during menopause are not limited to one product. During menopause, there is an increased need for a variety of substances, which also help restore hormonal balance. We are talking about vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Everything you need in optimal quantities and combinations is available in Qi-Klim vitamins for women 45+. In addition to the mentioned components, the drug contains cohosh extract, which affects estrogen receptors, and motherwort, which soothes the nerves. The list of vitamins and minerals, the features of their effect on menopause syndrome are as follows:

  • Retinol strengthens bones and eye muscles, helps renew skin and hair cells, maintain elasticity and moisture in mucous membranes;
  • Tocopherol acetate counteracts aging, supports normal heat exchange, which helps eliminate hot flashes. Vitamin E evens out heart rate, relieves increased irritability and anxiety;
  • Ascorbic acid stimulates the production of steroid hormones, rejuvenates the skin;
  • Pantothenic acid supports estrogen production, relieves stress;
  • B vitamins have a calming effect on the nervous system, help skin regeneration, visual acuity, participate in the synthesis of protein, hemoglobin, enzymes, and lower cholesterol and lipids. A special role among them belongs to folic acid, which ensures the formation of new cells in all parts of the body;
  • Rutin protects blood vessels from atherosclerotic changes;
  • Magnesium supports cardiac function and bone strength;
  • Selenium, together with vitamin E, works against aging;
  • L-carnitine accelerates fat metabolism, preventing excess weight gain.

Vitamin complexes

Pharmaceutical products include herbal supplements, mineral complexes and vitamins. Each product differs in composition and dosage regimen. Before use, read the instructions carefully.

  1. Biorhythm. Dietary supplement containing 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. You need to take a certain pill in the morning and a second one in the evening. This scheme is designed for better absorption according to human biorhythms.
  2. Aevitamine. The active ingredients are vitamins A and E. The product helps strengthen the immune system, improves performance and helps with premature aging. Aevitamin is prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular system and vitamin deficiency.
  3. Antioxidant formula. A preparation with rich contents: vitamins, minerals, amino acids and plant extracts. The list of indications includes women of menopausal age. The vitamin complex helps slow down the aging process and maintain vascular elasticity.

The list of contraindications includes children's age, pregnancy and lactation. Also, with individual intolerance, the risk of developing side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and headache increases.

Evalar products for women during menopause: non-hormonal drugs and vitamins

To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, hormonal or herbal therapy is prescribed. Evalar products for women during menopause are especially popular. Among the products you can find inexpensive dietary supplements and highly effective drugs with a minimum number of side effects and contraindications.

Indole Forte

For the treatment of menopause and some female diseases, the doctor may prescribe Indole. The medicine is available in the form of capsules of 30 or 60 pieces per package. The cost varies from 550 to 1000 rubles.

Indole does not contain hormones; the list of indications includes:

  • menopause;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • HPV (human papillomavirus);
  • endometriosis;
  • mastopathy.

The drug is also prescribed as an additional treatment for diseases of the reproductive system. The action is aimed at maintaining the elasticity of the internal genital organs, which reduces the risk of developing tumors and other diseases. The drug generally has a positive effect on a woman’s health, improving resistance to attacks by pathogenic microorganisms and overall well-being.

Vitamin complexes

Pharmaceutical products include herbal supplements, mineral complexes and vitamins. Each product differs in composition and dosage regimen. Before use, read the instructions carefully.

Vitamin complexes:

  1. Biorhythm. Dietary supplement containing 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. You need to take a certain pill in the morning and a second one in the evening. This scheme is designed for better absorption according to human biorhythms.
  2. Aevitamine. The active ingredients are vitamins A and E. The product helps strengthen the immune system, improves performance and helps with premature aging. Aevitamin is prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular system and vitamin deficiency.
  3. Antioxidant formula. A preparation with rich contents: vitamins, minerals, amino acids and plant extracts. The list of indications includes women of menopausal age. The vitamin complex helps slow down the aging process and maintain vascular elasticity.

The list of contraindications includes children's age, pregnancy and lactation. Also, with individual intolerance, the risk of developing side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and headache increases.

Beauty products

To maintain skin tone and facial freshness, there are external remedies. Such beauty products can be used without a doctor's prescription. The manufacturer promises thick hair, strong nails, a reduction in wrinkles and fresh skin.

The best creams:

  1. Qi-clim. Contains retinol, hyaluronic acid and phytoestrogens, which help slow down skin aging. The cream stimulates collagen production and cellular renewal.
  2. Laura. Cream with rich contents: D-panthenol, vitamins, minerals, peptides, as well as herbal supplements and hyaluronic acid. Together, these components have a general tonic, rejuvenating property and promote regeneration at the cellular level.

You can also find Laura beauty cocktail or Qi-Klim body cream on sale.

How to choose the right product

The right choice is a guarantee of success. You should not prescribe tablets even of herbal origin on your own.

A specialist can even help you decide on a cream.

  1. Visit your doctor. The gynecologist and endocrinologist will prescribe laboratory tests that will determine the deficiency of hormones, microelements or vitamins. Based on the test results, the drug is most accurately selected.
  2. Go to a cosmetologist. External manifestations of menopause can also be resolved in a specialist’s office. Cosmetics are selected according to skin type, age and depth of the problem.
  3. Take anamnesis. Tell your doctor about any concomitant diseases. If you haven’t had a full examination of your body, don’t delay.
  4. Consider genetics. Heredity plays a significant role. Collect information about the individual tolerance of relatives to avoid failures in choosing a medicine.

The patient’s financial situation should also be taken into account. Hormone therapy will cost a woman less than buying a large number of dietary supplements, vitamins and creams. Without the results of hormone tests, treatment is not prescribed.

Popular analogues

Among the main competitors is the Verbena company, which also produces herbal supplements. There are many analogs of Qi-klim and other dietary supplements. Such remedies help reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes no worse than the original.

The most popular analogues:

  • Klimaktol Antikan;
  • Alphabet 50+;
  • Klimadinon;
  • Femicaps;
  • Estrovel.

You can also find vitamin substitutes among the products of Vita-Pharm, Planet Health, Flora-Media and other manufacturers.

Beauty products

To maintain skin tone and facial freshness, there are external remedies. Such beauty products can be used without a doctor's prescription. The manufacturer promises thick hair, strong nails, a reduction in wrinkles and fresh skin.

  1. Qi-clim. Contains retinol, hyaluronic acid and phytoestrogens, which help slow down skin aging. The cream stimulates collagen production and cellular renewal.
  2. Laura. Cream with rich contents: D-panthenol, vitamins, minerals, peptides, as well as herbal supplements and hyaluronic acid. Together, these components have a general tonic, rejuvenating property and promote regeneration at the cellular level.

You can also find Laura beauty cocktail or Qi-Klim body cream on sale.

Evalar to help beauty

Appearance is always of great importance for a woman, and during menopause it can become an additional reason for grief, and therefore increase its manifestations. Evalar created medications for menopause, ensuring the preservation of skin freshness, muscle tone, hair thickness and nail strength in several forms:

  • Face cream Qi-Klim. The content of phytoestrogens, hyaluronic acid, and retinol in it makes it possible to combat changes caused by a drop in the level of sex hormones. The skin becomes more elastic, collagen renewal and formation are more active in it;
  • Body cream Qi-Klim. The product rejuvenates and tones the skin with the help of plant hormones and hyaluronic acid;
  • Laura tablets. The drug is effective in tissue rejuvenation due to the presence of wild yam (phytoestrogen), antioxidants, and hyaluronic acid. After 2 months of taking them, the skin tightens, wrinkles become less pronounced, the complexion becomes lighter and fresher;
  • Cream "Laura". Contains peptides, hyaluronic acid molecules, wild yam, vitamins and D-panthenol. The substances have an estrogen-like effect on the skin, that is, they moisturize, tone, provide nutrition and cell regeneration;
  • Collagen drink "Lora". The product, in addition to the peptides of the main substance that provides elasticity and hydration of the skin, contains hyaluronic acid and L-carnosine, which restore tissue structure, smooth out wrinkles, and prevent the formation of new folds. This drug is diluted in warm water (1 packet per 100-150 ml) and drunk once a day.

They themselves do not contain synthetic substances, so they should not cause concern. However, before starting use, you need to consult a doctor.

When choosing what to drink during menopause, you should not ignore the following vitamin and mineral complexes. All of them allow you to speed up tissue regeneration and improve your well-being by reducing the activity of menopause.

Extravel drug for menopause. Menopause syndrome sometimes requires normalization of well-being with the help of hormonal drugs, so... Improve appearance. . Evalar for menopause: recommended for women.

It is the deficiency of analogues of these substances produced by the body that has a greater impact on well-being during menopause. . Evalar for menopause: recommended for women.

Healthy tea for menopause. Menopause, being a natural transitional state at a certain age, still creates problems with well-being.

The use of dietary supplements during menopause. Menopause requires a special attitude towards health. . Supplements for women during menopause sometimes become the only way to improve their well-being.

Vitamins during menopause can slow down the processes of degeneration in tissues, and. Vitamins will help you improve your well-being, look younger in appearance, and feel more productive. . Evalar for menopause: recommended for women.

How to choose the right product

The right choice is a guarantee of success. You should not prescribe tablets even of herbal origin on your own.

A specialist can even help you decide on a cream.

  1. Visit your doctor. The gynecologist and endocrinologist will prescribe laboratory tests that will determine the deficiency of hormones, microelements or vitamins. Based on the test results, the drug is most accurately selected.
  2. Go to a cosmetologist. External manifestations of menopause can also be resolved in a specialist’s office. Cosmetics are selected according to skin type, age and depth of the problem.
  3. Take anamnesis. Tell your doctor about any concomitant diseases. If you haven’t had a full examination of your body, don’t delay.
  4. Consider genetics. Heredity plays a significant role. Collect information about the individual tolerance of relatives to avoid failures in choosing a medicine.

The patient’s financial situation should also be taken into account. Hormone therapy will cost a woman less than buying a large number of dietary supplements, vitamins and creams. Without the results of hormone tests, treatment is not prescribed.

Analogs of drugs on the market

A drug with a similar effect can be replaced with a drug in case of individual intolerance. The most popular generics include:

  • Remens is a homeopathic remedy based on natural plant ingredients. Available in the form of solution and tablets for oral administration. Stimulates the functioning of the ovaries and reduces the severity of symptoms during menopause.
  • Klimonorm is a hormonal drug that replenishes estrogen deficiency.
  • Klimaxan is a homeopathic complex remedy, one of the active ingredients is black cohosh extract, which contains phytoestrogens (plant hormones).
  • Feminal is a dietary supplement with a high content of red clover isoflavones, which have an effect similar to the use of drugs containing hormones.

All analogues have stimulating and strengthening properties, compensate for the lack of female sex hormones and are used in hormone replacement therapy for menopause.

Popular analogues

Among the main competitors is the Verbena company, which also produces herbal supplements. There are many analogs of Qi-klim and other dietary supplements. Such remedies help reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes no worse than the original.

The most popular analogues:

  • Klimaktol Antikan;
  • Alphabet 50+;
  • Klimadinon;
  • Femicaps;
  • Estrovel.

You can also find vitamin substitutes among the products of Vita-Pharm, Planet Health, Flora-Media and other manufacturers.


I took Qi-klim when I had mastopathy. I am an older woman, my health has already begun to fail, so I don’t risk taking hormones. But the pills simply saved me, the hot flashes stopped tormenting me, and my mood even improved. Inexpensive supplement, I recommend it to all women.

I really liked the Laura cream. I’m already 55, but I look 10 years younger. If I don’t admit that I’m going through menopause, no one will notice. I'll try to buy another cocktail from the same company.

It seems to me that all these supplements do not help. I didn’t notice any difference: whether I took vitamins or not. During menopause, only hormones help, I’ve seen it myself. But if you can't take synthetic substitutes, then try herbal pills. Suddenly I was just unlucky.

Reviews from women about the products

Numerous reviews from doctors and patients speak about the effectiveness of the drug and its positive effect on the female body.

I heard a lot of positive reviews about Cyclim, I decided to try it. Yes, and the gynecologist advised. This is a dietary supplement, but the product is good, I liked the tablets - the hot flashes began to torment me less and I began to sleep better.

I took a vitamin complex for women after 45, I liked the effect. True, I did not feel improvement immediately, after about a month. Now I’m planning to repeat the course, the doctor advises me to try a dietary supplement with Alanine.

Tatyana, 53 years old

Reviews about Evalar drugs are only good - affordable price and obvious effect. My insomnia went away, my heart began to work better, my knees didn’t hurt. I tried both the vitamin complex and the supplement - there were no side effects.

​Help for menopause

After 35 years, age-related skin changes begin. Internal processes change and a woman’s reproductive function fades. The hormonal background gradually fades away. There comes a time when unpleasant symptoms appear, and the woman is left alone with menopause.

​Evalar Company

The well-known Russian company Evalar has a wide range of products and produces a range of drugs for women. It is famous for not using any synthetic additives or chemicals. All creams and preparations are natural based. The company is a leader in the production of dietary supplements and herbal medicines. She has been committed to the health of her clients and strives to improve their quality of life for 27 years.

Large-scale research work is being carried out, innovative technologies are being introduced. The raw materials are grown on plantations in an ecologically clean area of ​​the Altai foothills. The entire production cycle from raw materials to finished products is under the control of the company. More than 300 items in stock:

  • capsules;
  • drops;
  • pills;
  • oils;
  • cream;
  • tea filter bags;
  • tinctures;
  • sachet.

The main direction of its activity is not only the production of dietary supplements and medicines, but also the development of the Evalar pharmacy chain. It is a multiple winner of the title “Brand No. 1 in Russia” and a three-time owner of the national “Idea of ​​Health” award.

Company products

The company has Evalar products for women during menopause. Despite the fact that it is suitable for almost all representatives of the fair sex, you should consult a doctor. Preference is given to the following means:

  • ​Laura Evalar;
  • Qi-Clim;
  • Qi-Klim Alanin;
  • vitamins from Evalar.

The active ingredient of the drug Qi-Klim is an extract of the black cohosh plant, which is necessary for a lack of sex hormones. It helps get rid of the main symptoms of menopause caused by estrogen deficiency. The product helps with the following symptoms:

  • sweating;
  • poor sleep;
  • tides;
  • mood swings, depression;
  • dryness of mucous membranes and skin.

The drug does not wash away calcium and is used in the prevention of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. It is not a hormonal drug and is suitable for most women.

The main substance of Qi-Clim Alanine is the amino acid beta-alanine. During menopause, its amount decreases significantly. The drug is very effective for hot flashes, lowers blood pressure and helps with mood swings.

Vitamins from Evalar include retinol, pantothenic acid, magnesium, selenium, rutin, motherwort and vitamins B, C, E. Their action is aimed at:

  • increasing immunity;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • stabilization of sleep and mood;
  • acceleration of fat metabolism;
  • protection of blood vessels from atherosclerosis;
  • improvement of hormonal levels;
  • strengthening bones.

Taking vitamins does not contribute to weight gain and can be included in the diet.

During menopause, not only does a psycho-emotional shift and deterioration in general condition occur, but changes also affect the skin, which causes apathy in many representatives of the fair sex. Laura Evalar comes to the rescue. These are anti-aging beauty pills. They contain hyaluronic acid, wild yam phytoextragens and vitamins E and C. Their goal is to start the rejuvenation process from the inside. The complexion improves and the skin becomes more elastic.

Signs of menopause in women

With age, or due to surgery, the hormonal function of the ovaries fades. This is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and leads to the appearance of concomitant diseases:

  • Violation of thermoregulation - hot flashes, sweating, chills.
  • Arrhythmia, spasms of blood vessels, other cardiovascular disorders.
  • Changes in the menstrual cycle up to complete amenorrhea during menopause.
  • Dry skin and mucous membranes.
  • Insomnia, depressive states and other pathologies of the central nervous system.
  • Metabolic disorders, which leads to weight gain, decreased muscle tone and skin turgor.
  • Development of osteoporosis.
  • Decreased immunity.

Important! Such symptoms indicate a hormonal imbalance and a lack of estradiol, which affects the humoral regulation of the body in women.

Tablets based on natural ingredients improve the general condition and relieve symptoms of menopause. Their action depends on the active ingredients they contain.

Contraindications and restrictions

All the main components of herbal preparations. They are well tolerated and suitable for almost everyone. A contraindication is intolerance or an allergic reaction to any component of a particular product.

Women with uterine fibroids should consult a doctor and take tablets or drops with caution. If you have an estrogen-dependent tumor, you should stop taking the medication, since Evalar products for women with menopause contain phytoestrogens. Pregnancy and breastfeeding require consultation with a doctor.

Reception and dosage

Taking any Evalar medication for women during menopause should be taken according to the instructions. It is also recommended to consult a doctor.

Qi-Klim Alanine is taken one tablet per day for 5 days. The number of days can be increased to 10. The maximum dosage is three tablets per day.

Qi-Klim is taken for a long period of time. It should be taken 1 tablet for 2 months. The effect will appear already in the third week.

Vitamins are taken every day, one for 2 months, during meals. The daily dose of Laura is 1 tablet with meals during the day. The duration of the course is one month , but if necessary and desired, the course can be extended.

Instructions for use of Evalar products

Evalar products are designed for course use. They are available in the form of film-coated tablets, in packs of 60 pieces, which corresponds to a course of 2 months.

If necessary, you can combine drugs with each other; the relevance of a particular medicine is determined by the doctor depending on the clinical manifestations of menopause.

Qi-Clim and vitamins should be taken one tablet, once a day, during the main meal. The course lasts 2-3 months, a more precise regimen is determined by the doctor.

The product with Alanine is also designed for a course of treatment, its duration is 5-10 days. The number of tablets can be increased to 3 per day, taken one at a time with meals.

Evalar products have proven themselves to be absolutely safe and free of side effects. The exception is children under 14 years of age and individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.

Important! Women suffering from neoplasms should take the pills with caution, as phytoestrogens can trigger the development of estrogen-dependent tumors.

Cost of drugs

You can buy products in the Evalar pharmacy chain or in the online store. There is courier delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region. To other regions it is carried out by Russian Post at the manufacturer's price. From 5 units of goods delivery is free.

The price of products is in the range of 300−350 rubles. According to reviews from customers who use the drugs, they are very effective and have no side effects. Evalar meets not only Russian but also international standards.

Femiwell menopause, day-night, Evalar, 64 tablets

From the age of 45–50, due to a decrease in sex hormones, a difficult period begins in a woman’s life, which is called menopause. The menopause phase, which lasts several years before and after menopause, is characterized by a physiological weakening of ovarian function with a decrease in the production of estrogen and progesterone. This is not a disease, it is a stage that every woman goes through. How do you feel about these problems? You can wait until menopause “passes.” You can try to cope with unpleasant symptoms and stay healthy and energetic. One of the ways is the use of biologically active food additives, which are classified as the most important tools for optimizing nutrition and public health (“Concept of state policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the population of the Russian Federation...”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, No. 917 of August 10, 1998).

How do the ingredients of the menopause drug Evalar work?

Dioscorea root extract promotes the production of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) - a prohormone (maternal hormone), on the basis of which the endocrine glands produce more than 20 different (primarily sex) hormones. According to Dr. Samuel Yen, a reproductive endocrinologist and principal investigator of DHEA at the University of California, San Diego, the hormone is "a drug that can help people look better as they age." In other words, it is a comprehensive anti-aging agent.

Evalar preparations

The company produces three groups of drugs that are used to relieve or alleviate the main unpleasant symptoms accompanying menopause:

  • Biologically active food additive “Qi-klim”;
  • Active additive "Qi-klim Alanine";
  • Vitamin complex “Qi-klim”.

These products contain a plant extract that reduces the severity of symptoms of estrogen deficiency in the female body.

Dietary supplement "Qi-klim"

The Qi-klim dietary supplement includes an extract of the medicinal plant Cimicifuga, which contains phytoestrogens. They have the same effect on the female body as its own hormone estradiol.

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