When does menopause begin and how to delay menopause

We can talk about the onset of menopause (menopause syndrome, menopause) when a woman does not menstruate for 12 months.

Menopause symptoms:

  • tides;
  • decreased libido;
  • dizziness;
  • cardiopalmus.

Women often ask the question: when does menopause begin? Unfortunately, it is impossible to accurately determine at what age menopausal syndrome begins. However, there are factors that can lead to early menopause.

How to delay the onset of menopause

✅CLIMAX sooner or later comes in the life of every woman and this process, unfortunately, is inevitable. It is not considered a disease, but the symptoms accompanied by this period in a woman’s life bring quite a lot of discomfort and frighten the fair sex long before its onset. What are the main reasons for the onset of menopause and can it be delayed?

Menopause is a natural physiological process in the life of every woman, but this fact does not bring her joy. She will no longer be able to conceive or bear a child. There are other consequences of this process - hot flashes, alternating with chills, and mood swings. The cardiovascular system is also often affected. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to delay menopause is so relevant.

Prevention of menopause should begin after the first signs of its approach.

This is a very common mistake. Proper prevention of menopause in women begins in childhood. Girls who develop faster than their boys the same age very often find themselves in a situation of endless race. English, figure skating, music school and always high demands, which are presented under the eternal motto “you’re a girl.”

The situation is aggravated by the fact that to this set of requirements the girl herself adds a self-made and illiterate starvation diet from the age of 12-13.

It would be good for mothers to remember more often that there is nothing better for preventing the early onset of menopause than the absence of stress

, primarily in childhood and adolescence.

Menopause: causes and how to delay

  • Causes of menopause: hormonal imbalance, smoking and stress
  • Menopause: how to take a reprieve
  • Male hormone protects women's health

Causes of menopause: hormonal imbalance, smoking and stress

No one has yet died from menopause, but its symptoms are very unpleasant. It's not just hot flashes, chills and sweating. Women are haunted by insomnia, their mood decreases, and their blood pressure rises. Age-related changes also affect your appearance - more wrinkles appear, and hair loses its former lushness, becoming drier and brittle.

But most importantly, the ovaries stop producing the eggs necessary for conception, which means that over the years the opportunity to have children disappears. At the same time, the production of female sex hormones - estrogens - decreases.

There is debate in the scientific community about the causes of menopause. But most scientists agree that a part of the brain called the hypothalamus is responsible for the restructuring. It is his fault that disruptions occur in the hormonal management of menstruation. At the initial stages, a disruption of the cycle occurs, and later, menstruation stops altogether.

Although science has not yet figured out the causes of menopause, it is known what speeds up this process. These are bad habits, primarily smoking . This was stated in 1990 by American scientists at Dartmouth Medical School (Baron JA, CL Vecchia). A passion for tobacco can provoke early menopause, since it negatively affects the functioning of the adrenal glands - it increases the level of cortisol (stress hormone), which disrupts the balanced hormonal system. They also believe that smoking changes the metabolism of estradiol.

At the same time, it is not so much the nicotine itself that is dangerous, but the additional substances that are put into cigarettes to deliver the main component . Therefore, nicotine tablets or special patches are less harmful.

Emotional shock and chronic stress also affect a woman’s reproductive system. And in this case, the shadow falls on the same stress hormone - cortisol.

Gynecological surgeries contribute to the decline of the reproductive system. Menopause may come earlier due to poor nutrition or due to serious illness. Radiation therapy also inhibits fertility.

Menopause: how to take a reprieve

The question of how to delay menopause is especially relevant given research data. It has been found that women who experience menopause earlier than their friends are more likely to suffer from heart disease and osteoporosis.

For some reason, for some ladies, “X-day” occurs at 44 years old, while others, even after 50, have not lost their pristine beauty. The causes of early menopause often lie in heredity. If a mother goes through menopause at age 45, her daughters usually follow in her footsteps. However, you can take a short delay.

Many women are confident that using oral contraceptives can prolong the youth of the reproductive system. Moreover, even medical publications recommend their use. But this approach is not physiological. Judge for yourself, such drugs disrupt the ovulation process, which means this affects the entire hormonal system. Even if you have menopause and it comes later thanks to this technique, the liver will last less. And thrombosis due to the fault of such drugs is not uncommon.

Hormone replacement therapy, which is usually prescribed at the first signs of menopause, also has a significant drawback - it increases the likelihood of cancer. And yet you can prolong youth, which means you can postpone menopause.

Male hormone protects women's health

Although menopause is associated with a lack of estrogen, there is more and more reason to believe that a drop in testosterone levels is also a threat. Testosterone is considered a male hormone, but it is also produced in the female body - in the ovaries and adrenal glands. Only women have 10-40 times less of it compared to men. And with age it becomes critically scarce.

It is not by chance that testosterone is called the king of hormones. Employees of the Center for Human Reproduction (New York) and Beijing scientists have found that this substance is necessary for normal ovulation, and therefore for the appearance of offspring.

It has also been established that the hypothalamus, which controls the restructuring of the female body, contains 10 times more testosterone than estrogen. And this makes you think.

Is late menopause good?

Menopause should occur at around 50 years of age. This is how nature intended it. If menopause occurs after 55 years, then this is a deviation from the norm. A woman must definitely consult a gynecologist and undergo a full medical examination. Indeed, very often the cause of late menopause is a malignant neoplasm.

The sooner a woman diagnoses the disease, the sooner she can begin treatment and defeat the disease. Sometimes, the late onset of menopause is programmed in a woman at the genetic level. As a rule, this feature is transmitted by heredity. If this was the case with mother and grandmother, then most likely it will be with their heir.

Menopause is a natural period in a woman’s life, which should be delayed only if it occurs prematurely. There is no point in postponing menopause beyond 50 years of age. It is necessary to take measures to correct this period and remove intense manifestations of menopausal symptoms. Then, the life of a lady of mature age will be bright and fulfilling.

What causes menopause and can it be delayed?

Usually menopause occurs at 46-54 years, but there are cases that go beyond this age limit. It all starts with changes in the level of hormones produced by the pituitary gland. Follicular atresia develops and a gradual decrease in the size of the ovaries, which also reduces the production of estrogen. The functioning of the reproductive system gradually fades away, which causes the following manifestations:

  • menstrual cycles increase , their stability is disrupted, the amount of discharge changes;
  • Blood pressure surges begin ;
  • the vaginal mucosa becomes thinner and drier;
  • characteristic hot flashes : a feeling of heat in the upper body, accompanied by increased sweating;
  • causeless weakness, loss of strength ;
  • Due to hormonal imbalance, excess weight .

Menopause significantly reduces the quality of life of even a mentally prepared woman during the 3-5 years while the body undergoes restructuring. Manifestations of early menopause are more aggressive and drastic.

The age at which menopause occurs is partly programmed into our genes. A predisposition to early or late menopause is often passed on from mother to daughter. Its approach can be accelerated by various negative factors: smoking, excessive stress or eating disorders . But you can also delay the onset of menopause and smooth out its manifestations. Such measures will help maintain hormonal balance. For this purpose, both proven means and relatively new advances in medicine are used.

How does time affect a woman’s health and beauty?

Age-related changes in women are closely related to the content of estrogen in the body. It is he who ensures the development of female secondary sexual characteristics. With its participation, the genital organs develop: the uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina, mammary glands. The physiological process of restoration of the endometrium, rejected during the next menstruation, is under the control of the hormone [2]. At the same time, estrogen affects not only the reproductive system - it also regulates the renewal of the mucous membrane of the urethra and bladder, participates in the process of bone tissue growth, promoting the absorption of calcium from the intestines and the formation of bone cells (osteoblasts) [3].

Estrogen-sensitive organs include the skin with appendages: hair, nails and sebaceous glands. The sex hormone takes part in the formation of melanocytes, fibroblasts and keratinocytes - skin cells - as well as its main component, which is responsible for tone and elasticity - collagen [4]. Due to its origin from cholesterol, estrogen also acts as an antiatherogenic factor for blood vessels, reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases [5].

But after 40 years, the process of formation of sex hormones in the ovaries gradually weakens, and then stops altogether. As a result, the stable hormonal balance is disrupted, and the woman faces the symptoms of menopause - the gradual decline of menstrual function. During this period, all estrogen-sensitive organs begin to fail.

Against this background, changes in the mucous membrane of the genitourinary system progress: dryness and burning in the vagina, urinary incontinence appear. Hormonal imbalance affects the condition of the skin and its appendages. Wrinkles, pigmentation, dryness and flaking of the skin, decreased elasticity and discoloration, brittle nails and hair loss - all these are inevitable companions of menopause [6]. During this period, few people manage to avoid the appearance of insomnia and depression, irritability, mood swings and fatigue. As a rule, there is not enough strength even for everyday activities [7]. The neurovegetative system reacts to a decrease in estrogen with hot flashes and sweating, palpitations, unstable blood pressure and dizziness [8].

The osteochondral apparatus is also subject to oppression. Loss of estrogen leads to a decrease in the number of bone cells, which means bone density suffers. Its mass is rapidly lost, so women in menopause often experience fractures even if the load on the skeleton is extremely low. In addition, bone strength suffers due to decreased calcium uptake (absorption) from the intestine [9]. Active bone loss is observed in women, especially in the first years after menopause. Therefore, at this time there is a high risk of developing osteoporosis - increased bone fragility [10].

Time goes back, or is it possible to delay menopause?

The decline of the reproductive system is a natural process that every woman faces. Hereditary predisposition and a healthy lifestyle can “push back” menopause, but it cannot be stopped. For most people, menopause occurs at age 51. But, as we have already said, fading begins earlier, at about 40 years of age (this stage is called premenopause). The unpleasant symptoms of menopause do not disappear even with the last menstruation: at least a year will pass before hormonal changes are completed. Moreover, some symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, can persist in women over 70 years of age - this is observed in 9% of cases [11].

The main way to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and prolong a woman’s youth is to compensate for estrogen deficiency. This is possible with:

  • hormonal therapy;
  • taking estrogen analogues.

As for the first option, there are many relative and absolute contraindications to the use of traditional hormone preparations. Among them, for example, are diseases of the endometrium and the cardiovascular system, which are quite common in women during menopause [12].

Therefore, estrogen analogues - phytoestrogens - are becoming increasingly common. These are herbal remedies that prolong youth.

On a note

In England and America, the frequency of use of herbal preparations is 60–80%. To correct menopausal syndrome, isoflavones, which belong to the group of phytoestrogens, are often used [13].

One of the most well-studied phytoestrogens is the isoflavone genistein. This organic substance has a structure similar to estrogen, as well as its own estrogenic activity, and therefore can act as a sex hormone substitute.

Genistein stimulates the activity of osteoblasts and reduces the intensity of bone destruction, thereby reducing the risk of fractures. In addition, this isoflavone improves the condition of the endothelium of the vascular wall, preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Replenishing estrogen deficiency with genistein allows you to eliminate such unpleasant symptoms as vaginal dryness and psycho-emotional fluctuations during the day. Acting like estrogen, genistein stimulates the formation of collagen and helps fight age-related changes in the skin.

Thus, taking genistein helps reduce the symptoms of menopause and allows you to prolong the youth of the body.

With the onset of menopause, estrogen reserves in the female body are depleted. Deficiency of the sex hormone leads to disruption of the functioning of many organs and systems. This affects both well-being and appearance. But the symptoms of menopause, including fatigue, irritability, hot flashes, brittle bones, and fading beauty, can and even need to be fought. Tips on how to prolong youth are quite simple: eat right, give up bad habits, move more and try to maintain a positive attitude. In addition, you can help the body cope with the restructuring by taking vitamins, minerals and phytoestrogens.

Maintain a blooming appearance and health after 40: what can help?

Drugs whose action is aimed at combating the manifestations of menopause have long been common. Meanwhile, you should approach your choice carefully, because many of the existing remedies are aimed at solving one problem - hot flashes. But menopause is not only a feeling of heat and increased sweating. Estrogen deficiency can be accompanied by a large number of different complications, and its elimination requires an integrated approach.

How to delay the onset of menopause using herbal medicine

Previously, herbal treatment was the only available remedy for diseases. Our ancestors explored nature and found natural medicines for every organ system. Particular attention was paid to women's well-being. Modern science has proven that the effect of the plants used is explained by the presence of phytoestrogens in them - substances similar in their action to female sex hormones.

The preparations for preparing these infusions can still be purchased in pharmacies. Below we will talk about the most popular and effective of them.


Everyone knows the anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect of sage, which is often used for colds. However, this plant also contains a large amount of phytoestrogens . The use of its leaves restores hormonal balance in the body, reducing the severity of hot flashes along with excessive sweating and eliminating irritability and mood swings.

Sage can be consumed in different forms. There are alcohol tinctures teas are more popular . To prepare it you need to take 1 tsp. dry plant for every 100 ml of boiling water, leave for three minutes. You are allowed to take up to four cups of the drink throughout the day.

The infusion is made more concentrated: one tablespoon per 240 ml of boiling water, leave for at least half an hour. Depending on the severity of the manifestations of menopause, the resulting remedy is consumed 1-8 times a day, a tablespoon.

Red clover

In addition to a large amount of phytoestrogens, this plant is a storehouse of useful microelements. It contains selenium, magnesium, chromium and phosphorus . Therefore, a decoction of red clover flowers not only maintains hormonal balance, but also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and skin condition.

To prepare the decoction, you need to take two tablespoons of clover for every 300 ml, bring to a boil and let it brew for 20 minutes.

Collection of medicinal plants

There are a lot of herbal mixtures used for menopause. Some of them have their own specialization: some reduce discomfort due to dry mucous membranes, others have a calming effect. They usually contain lemon balm, hops, hawthorn, rose hips, and dill seeds.

Folk remedies

You can also delay menopause in women using traditional medicine. Among folk methods to reduce the symptoms of menopause, the most successful are herbal preparations, which are used as teas. They are safe, gentle and quite effective.

  • Collection No. 1: valerian root, hawthorn (flowers and leaves), lemon balm. The mixture of herbs is brewed like tea in a thermos and drunk a third of a glass 3 times a day. As a result, the functioning of the nervous system improves, irritability goes away, blood pressure normalizes, and heart rate is regulated.
  • Collection No. 2: motherwort grass, marsh grass and dried hawthorn flowers. 4 tbsp. l. herbs are poured into 1 liter of boiling water, left for several hours, filtered and drunk after meals 4 times during the day.
  • You can use this recipe: 100 g of dried cohosh stems and leaves are poured with half a liter of alcohol and left in a dark place for a week. The tincture must be shaken well every day.

Before use, the cohosh tincture is filtered and taken twice a day, 35 drops dissolved in 50 ml of clean water.

  • Another simple way to relieve the symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, irritability, poor sleep, pressure surges) is to make a tincture of peony root. To do this, take crushed pieces of peony root (60 g) and pour in 500 ml of vodka. Leave in a dark place for a month. Take 1 tbsp. l. every day before bed.
  • Clover and oregano are also actively used to relieve menopause symptoms. They can be brewed in a thermos separately, or they can be collected. Drink half a glass of tea before meals up to 4 times a day. This drink normalizes the emotional state, reduces hot flashes, improves sleep quality and performance, and stimulates ovarian function.

During menopause, women benefit from herbal baths. As a result of regularly carrying out this procedure:

  • women relax;
  • their blood pressure normalizes;
  • nervousness subsides;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • The tides disappear.

To carry out such baths, you need to stock up on medicinal plants such as pine buds, yarrow, sage, oak bark, and valerian.

Before taking a bath, prepare the following decoctions and infusions from the listed herbs in different combinations.

A decoction of pine buds, sage and yarrow (3 tablespoons of dry herbs per 3 liters of water) is cooked over medium heat for 7 minutes. and pour it into the bath. 1 tbsp. l. sage and oak bark, pour 250 ml of hot water and leave for 2 hours.

Such baths are done every day for a week. They strengthen the immune system, reduce sweating, and relieve irritability.

Every woman wants to postpone this period. But not everyone knows that she has the power to do this by regularly paying attention to her health. Timely treatment of chronic diseases, baths and herbal teas can make the onset of menopause unnoticed.

How to delay the onset of menopause with hormonal drugs

Menopause is caused by changes in hormonal levels, so to avoid this, you need to maintain the balance in its original state. For this purpose, preparations have been developed containing estrogens close to those produced naturally. They make up for the lack of their own hormones, which is inevitable during menopause, and actually prolong youth. In the West, this method has been used for half a century and is called hormone replacement therapy. It effectively eliminates almost all negative manifestations of menopause.

Taking phytoestrogens to delay menopause

All changes during menopause are caused by the lack of sex hormones. That is, to feel good, you need to replenish the amount of sex hormones. If you use hormones in their pure form, this is fraught with consequences, so you can drink phytoestrogens without risk to your health. These are substitutes for sex hormones found in plants. Phytoestrogens can be found in the following medicinal plants:

  1. clover;
  2. soy;
  3. shepherd's purse;
  4. red brush;
  5. chamomile;
  6. sage;
  7. Linden blossom;
  8. liquorice root;

How to use phytoestrogens?

You need to go to the pharmacy and buy one or more of the above medicinal plants in dry form. At home, you need to brew them with hot water, let them brew, strain and drink. You can drink it on its own or add it to tea. If you don’t like the taste of the plant, you can dilute it with natural honey. It is also not necessary to always drink tea from the same plant. They can be changed and combined at will.

However, before you start regularly using phytoestrogens on an ongoing basis, you need to consult with your doctor and enlist his support. In order for there to be an effect from consuming phytoestrogens, they must be consumed regularly, and not occasionally.

If phytoestrogens are taken regularly, you can notice an improvement in well-being, mood, performance, anxiety disappears, and the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

Vitamin therapy

Taking vitamins will not increase the activity of the ovaries, but will help avoid the negative manifestations of menopause. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the bones. A decrease in estrogen levels negatively affects the absorption of calcium in the body and provokes the development of osteoporosis. This condition is aggravated by long winters with short daylight hours and working indoors. vitamin D helps avoid complications .

During menopause, estrogens do not completely disappear from the body; some continue to be released by the adrenal glands. Pantothenic acid supports their functioning, and vitamins B1, B2, B6 enhance the effects of estradiol.

How to delay menopause with the help of a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle not only extends your life, but also delays the onset of old age. This works similarly in the case of menopause.

The first step is to review your diet . A product such as soy has the property of supporting female hormonal levels. Its effect is comparable to the herbal remedies mentioned above. The changes that accompany menopause can also be contained with proper nutrition. Bones become more fragile, so your diet should include enough dairy products and eggs. Weight should be kept under control by giving preference to vegetables. It is worth limiting the consumption of fatty and spicy foods.

Smoking brings menopause closer, so it is better to quit the bad habit long before it occurs. Physical activity and spending time in the fresh air are the primary means to protect the metabolism from hormonal shocks.

Fruits and vitamins

The older a woman is, the more her body requires vitamins. Today, the World Health Organization has determined the minimum consumption of plant foods - 600 g. But even this need of the body is not satisfied by everyone.

It is believed that Russian women eat only about 250 g of fruit. And if women brought this amount to the required level, the number of patients with colorectal and breast cancer would decrease.

Vitamins and antioxidants, minerals, and phytohormones contained in vegetables and fruits help reduce the likelihood of cancer. The most valuable substances for the body are flavonoids and bioflavonoids, tannins and anthocyanins.

To ensure that the nervous system has enough essential B vitamins, you should eat cereals, beans, eggs and red meat. They contain essential and irreplaceable vitamins B6 and B12, which is beneficial not only for blood vessels and the nervous system, but also for the gastrointestinal tract.

You should also not forget about proper rest and sports in order to keep your body in good shape for as long as possible. A rested body will look fresh and radiant on the outside.

When does menopause occur?

The aging of the body is always painful for women. Menopause is a natural physiological process. The timing of its start is individual for everyone. The average age of menopause is considered to be 46-50 years. But early menopause occurs, which begins after 40 years.

Early menopause can occur for the following reasons:

  • if a woman has undergone surgery to remove her ovaries;
  • heredity;
  • undergone chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
  • lack of regular sex life;
  • past gynecological diseases;
  • incorrect use of contraceptives;
  • abortions.

These factors can cause the onset of menopause before the age of 45.

What happens to the body

With age, the female body stops producing estrogen. This is an important sex hormone that is responsible for reproductive function.

The following phenomena are observed in the body:

  • the egg matures less and less, then maturation disappears completely;
  • menstruation disappears;
  • signs of aging appear: the skin loses elasticity, becomes flabby, and wrinkles appear;
  • hair splits, becomes dull, begins to fall out, the condition of nails worsens;
  • the risk of developing osteoporosis increases, bone tissue becomes deformed.

The woman becomes irritated and experiences sudden mood swings.

In especially severe forms, a prolonged depressive state may occur.

Menopause is accompanied by headaches, dizziness, increased sweating, and hot flashes.

Premature menopause and why you need to fight it

Even if the symptoms of early menopause, such as hot flashes, attacks of aggression, nervousness and discomfort in the genital area, do not make themselves felt, treatment is still necessary. Why? Due to the fact that young women generally lead a healthy lifestyle and be active, as well as due to their age, the main symptoms of menopause may not manifest themselves. This poses a health hazard to the young woman. After all, if hormonal changes are not detected in time, there is a high probability of developing serious diseases: diabetes, stroke and heart attack, hypertension, Alzheimer's disease. Changes will also affect appearance, since menopause triggers aging processes in a woman’s body. The condition of the skin worsens, hair and nails fall out. It is necessary to realize the importance of taking measures to treat early menopause, and in no case let everything take its course, do not put up with the problem, and do not avoid it.

Is it possible to postpone

The desire to prolong youth prompts us to look for ways to delay the onset of menopause. Medicine has developed a set of measures that help delay the onset of menopause.

Complex therapy includes:

  • hormonal drugs;
  • herbal remedies;
  • traditional methods.

Only a doctor can select methods based on the individual characteristics of the body. In addition, heredity must be taken into account. Doctors say that the aging process can be stopped, but a number of conditions must be met.

Modern methods can preserve a woman’s reproductive function for another 10 years. Doctors recommend thinking about the problem of menopause as early as 35 years old. It is from this moment that you need to begin prevention aimed at rejuvenating the body.

Treatment of pathological menopause

To eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of pathological menopause, hormone replacement therapy drugs (they contain estrogen) are used, usually tablets, sometimes ointments, suppositories or patches with the same composition. In addition, in addition to estrogen, it also includes gestagens. They are useful for the prevention of endometrial hyperplasia.

In addition to hormonal treatment, therapy with some non-hormonal drugs, herbal medicine and physiotherapy is also used. It is also useful to undergo a course of treatment with drugs aimed at preventing and treating osteoporosis. In special cases, the doctor prescribes a course of antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications.


Despite the fact that menopause is a natural phase in the life of the body, the timing of its onset depends on many factors. The use of both traditional and folk therapy methods will help delay menopause, as well as avoid the manifestations of menopause.


Hormonal and non-hormonal therapy is used as drug treatment.

It is strictly forbidden to take hormonal drugs on your own. Their prescription should only be made by a doctor, based on the woman’s test results and the individual characteristics of the body.

Homeopathic medicines are used in complex therapy. They are less effective than hormonal drugs, but are completely safe, as they consist of natural ingredients.

Vitamin supplements

Vitamins cannot be used to delay the onset of menopause; they will not be able to increase ovarian activity. But thanks to taking vitamin complexes, a woman’s condition can be alleviated.

Stopping estrogen production leads to bone destruction. In this regard, it is recommended to take vitamin D, especially in winter.

Vitamin E helps normalize the emotional background, soften hot flashes and feelings of heat. You can support your immune system with vitamin A and zinc.

Folk remedies

You can delay the onset of menopause using folk remedies. They will help strengthen the immune system and enrich the woman’s body with natural hormones and vitamins.

The most effective means include:

  1. A decoction of sage, calamus root and horsetail - all components are mixed in equal proportions. One tablespoon of raw material is poured with boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. You need to drink the decoction half an hour before meals.
  2. Borovaya uterus replenishes the lack of sex hormones in the body. Brew one tablespoon of herb in 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Take the resulting product 1 tbsp. l. 5 times a day.
  3. Hormone production can be stimulated with lungwort decoction. It must be consumed in a course for 10 days. Brew a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water and drink 30 minutes before meals.

Herbs will help slow down the onset of menopause. But, despite the fact that traditional methods have virtually no side effects, it is recommended to discuss all methods used with a gynecologist.


Changes in the climate period require a revision of lifestyle. A woman will have to face such manifestations in which the usual regime will become impossible. To ease the symptoms of menopause and delay the onset of menopause, it is recommended to exercise regularly.

Moderate physical activity helps normalize metabolic processes in the body. Thanks to this, hormonal levels are stabilized, the nervous system and immunity are strengthened. Walking in the fresh air is very beneficial.


Herbal medicines can delay menopause in women - one of the safest ways to alleviate the symptoms of menopause and prevent possible complications. They are based on the use of isoflavones. These are plants that can have the same effect on the human body as estrogens.

Such herbal preparations containing isoflavones are:

  • Klimadinon;
  • Qi-Clim;
  • Feminal.

Klimadinon, due to the properties of the main component (cohosh rhizomes), has an effect on the body similar to estrogen, and also calms and normalizes the autonomic nervous system. This drug is especially necessary for women during menopause, as it helps to disappear or alleviate the unpleasant symptoms characteristic of this period.

Klimadion has a gentle effect on the female body, and its greatest therapeutic manifestation occurs 14 days after the start of treatment. Tablets are taken 2 times a day for 1 to 4 months.

Qi-Klim is another herbal preparation. It contains the natural amino acid beta-alanine. Qi-Clim dilates peripheral blood vessels in the skin, the narrowing of which leads to hot flashes, fever and headaches. It is taken with the onset of hot flashes every day for 5 to 10 days. If symptoms appear after a while, the course is repeated.

Among homeopathic medicines for menopause, Remens has proven itself well.

It is available in tablets and drops and contains several herbal ingredients:

  • black cohosh, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the ovaries;
  • pilocarpus, which relieves hot flashes and regulates sweat;
  • sanguinaria, which relieves flushing of the face;
  • snake venom, which improves the quality of sleep and has a calming effect, relieving irritability;
  • cuttlefish gland, which eliminates congestion in the pelvis and hot flashes.

As a result of taking Remens, women experience improved general well-being, mood, and disappearance of fatigue and other symptoms of menopause. Drink one tablet or 10 drops per day. Keep it in your mouth for half a minute. The course is at least six months.

Klimaxan are tablets made from black cohosh. They normalize blood pressure, improve mood, and relieve hot flashes. Directions for use: 2 tablets per day under the tongue. The course of treatment is 1 – 2 months.

The best drugs

You can delay the onset of menopause using both hormonal and herbal remedies.

The best phytoestrogens for menopause are:

  1. Remens - the drug eliminates signs of nervous overexcitation, insomnia, and helps restore the menstrual cycle.
  2. Klimadinon - normalizes blood pressure, reduces the intensity of hot flashes.
  3. Qi-klim - with its help you can slow down the aging process of the female body, improve well-being, and calm the nervous system.

With hormonal therapy, menopause is delayed using the following means:

  1. Proginova is a pill containing estrogen and valerian extract. The drug helps get rid of unpleasant symptoms. It helps effectively even after removal of the uterus.
  2. Klimara - the advantage of this remedy is that the hormone is contained in the patch. It is attached to the woman’s body, and the active substance enters the body, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Ovestin - the tablets combine progesterone and estrogen.

Any medications should be selected by your attending physician.

Is it possible to stop this?

Is it possible to postpone the period of premenopause and menopause itself? Certainly. Moreover, today’s medicine offers several effective methods:

  • Symptomatic treatment. These are medications that can eliminate and alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.
  • Hormonal therapy. This means taking medications that stabilize hormonal levels. Means that influence the very causes of menopausal syndrome. This area is further subdivided into hormone replacement treatment and phytoestrogens.

How to delay menopause? Let's get acquainted with each of these methods in detail.

Popular questions

Menopause is a difficult period in a woman's life. It is associated not only with poor health, but also with psychological stress. Often women cannot cope with global changes in the body without stress, and protracted depression occurs against this background. In addition, the state of menopause is associated with a large number of questions.

Is it possible to get my periods back?

You can return menstruation only at the initial stage of menopause. This can be done as long as the woman is ovulating. Due to disruption of the ovaries, estrogen production decreases. This leads to cycle disruption. If a woman starts taking medications containing hormones, the menstrual cycle can be restored and youth can be prolonged.

Probability of pregnancy

The possibility of getting pregnant remains, as does the chance to restore the cycle. During perimenopause, hormone levels can be regulated to help conceive.

Is it possible to sunbathe

Doctors do not prohibit sunbathing during menopause. But lying for a long time under the scorching sun is not recommended. This is due to the fact that a woman’s immunity decreases and her susceptibility to various diseases increases. The sun's rays negatively affect the condition of the skin, which already suffers greatly under the influence of hormonal changes.


Despite the fact that during menopause the reproductive function of the female body disappears, this does not happen immediately. While a woman is menstruating, she can become pregnant. In this regard, during active sexual life it is recommended to take contraceptives.

Only a doctor should select medications, since not everyone is allowed to take hormonal drugs. They are prohibited if a woman has suffered a stroke, is overweight, or has diabetes.

How to prolong youth: in search of a magical source

A woman’s body undergoes many shocks throughout her life: during menarche (the first menstruation), the formation of the menstrual cycle, changes during pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and the last stage - menopause. The main “participants” in the processes of each stage are female sex hormones - biologically active substances that ensure the development and functioning of reproductive and non-reproductive organs [1]. And the main “culprit” of changes in the female body is the hormone estrogen. The depletion of its reserves after 40 years leads to the fading of beauty. We will tell you in the article how estrogen works, how to delay menopause (and is this possible), and how to prolong the youth of the female body.

Doctors' advice

Experts recommend that women who want to prolong their youth think about this in advance. First of all, it is necessary to clarify the hereditary predisposition.

The use of preventive measures that will delay the onset of menopause should begin at the age of 35.

  • avoid stressful situations;
  • organize proper rest;
  • Give your body daily moderate physical activity;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • maintain a balanced diet.

The most important thing is to start therapy as soon as the first signs of menopause appear. This will help delay the aging of the body and reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms.

The importance of a healthy lifestyle

During the period of hormonal changes, for every woman to feel good, it is important to follow some rules of life. She needs to pay attention to her daily routine, nutrition, and physical and emotional stress, since some unpleasant symptoms (hot flashes, dizziness, weakness) can be triggered by external factors:

  • staying in a stuffy room;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of sufficient physical activity;
  • stress;
  • unbalanced combination of sleep and rest patterns.

As for the daily routine, it is important for women during menopause to get enough sleep. Nothing affects a woman’s mood and well-being more than sound, healthy sleep. It is necessary to sleep during this period for at least 7–8 hours; you need to go to bed and get up at the same time.

Throughout the day, you need to optimally regulate work and rest, walk more, walk often, especially before bed.

For emotional stability, it is important to do what you love. This could be a hobby (reading, watching your favorite shows and films, collecting, handicrafts), meeting interesting people, going to the theater, exhibitions, museums. All factors that will give only positive emotions are important here.

During menopause, mood swings, despondency, and depression are possible. In terms of self-improvement and to improve health, it is useful for a woman at this age to read books about developing the ability to manage oneself, communicate with specialists and “friends in misfortune” - friends and colleagues with similar problems, and attend trainings.

Hot flashes and other symptoms can be caused by poor diet.

Therefore, after 45 years you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • reduce the consumption of coffee, flour dishes, sweets;
  • eliminate alcohol and smoking;
  • get rid of bad eating habits (irregular meals, a lot of fried and smoked foods, fast food);
  • avoid overeating.

You need to give preference (not temporarily, but forever) to a healthy diet: vegetables, fish, dairy products, cereals.

As for physical activity, during the period of hormonal changes it is important not to overdo it. There is no need to exhaust yourself with strength training so as not to provoke pressure surges. You can go swimming, do flexibility exercises, breathing exercises, learn yoga and walk a lot.

If you want to postpone such a difficult but inevitable period in the life of every woman as menopause, you need to start acting even before it occurs: establish new rules of life, diet and physical activity. And then menopause will pass unnoticed.

Reviews from women

You really have to believe that menopause comes earlier for those who don’t want to fight it. I have bad heredity. My mother went through menopause at 41, and my grandmother at 40. I started studying this issue in advance. Since I was 34 years old, I have been following a plant-based diet and taking hormonal medications. I'm 47 now, but I don't feel any signs of menopause approaching.

I made a big mistake at one time and started taking hormonal medications myself without a doctor’s prescription. As a result, I improved a lot.

It’s funny, but at 47 I managed to get pregnant. My period has been coming and going for a long time now. My husband and I didn’t use any protection. As a result, my grandson turned out to be older than my son.

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