How to carefully tell a guy about his critical days in various situations

Today, many women find it difficult to talk about menstruation, despite the fact that society has long been free to discuss any problems. When it comes to menstruation, girls feel awkward, they are nervous and try to speak quietly, because all over the world there is an opinion that menstruation is always dirty and smells bad. Menstruation is a normal week for every woman and is not something to be ashamed of. It is difficult to talk to the opposite sex about menstruation, but if a relationship with a man is expensive, then it is worth talking about menstruation. And so most girls ask the question: “How to tell a guy that I’m on my period?”

Guys of different ages require a special approach, and sometimes girls behave too relaxed with inexperienced partners, which confuses the latter. This conversation is necessary so that the guy is not offended that the girl avoids sexual contact or behaves aggressively towards him. The guy needs to be prepared for the period when his beloved will have her period.

Why difficulties arise

Knowing that a meeting with a guy will certainly end in an intimate relationship, the girl tries to avoid meetings, comes up with excuses, which the more ridiculous, the more they cause suspicion and mistrust. A young man, not knowing what is happening with his girlfriend, worries, is jealous, and a quarrel may break out, which neither she nor he needs.

Most often, difficulties arise when young people, having barely met and not getting to know each other better, enter into intimate relationships. As a result, the young woman does not know what reaction to expect from her partner. When young people start a relationship having known each other for at least a month, or when yesterday’s friends who have known each other for many years begin to meet, it is easier for a girl to tell a guy about her period.

“These days I stay away from my beloved”: what men think about menstruation

This week, British charity CARE International UK published the results of a survey of 1,000 girls aged 14 to 21. It turned out that for almost half of them, periods are an extremely sensitive topic that they are not ready to discuss among themselves, and especially with men. The editor of SPLETNIK.RU brought representatives of the stronger sex to a frank conversation about the “red days of the calendar” and found out what they think about PMS and intimacy during menstruation.

According to statistics, ten percent of men under 30 do not think about periods at all, 15 percent are terrified of menstrual blood, even to the point of aversion to sex. 21 percent of young people shift responsibility for a girl’s bad mood to PMS and this physiological phenomenon in general. 24 percent are indignant, explaining their dissatisfaction with the lack of meaningful sex, especially during vacation or vacation. 30 percent use periods to justify their own infidelity.

As for older men (from 30 to 50 years old), four percent have not yet decided on their opinion about menstruation in women. Nine percent use menstruation to take a break from sex or to refuse marital duties “legally.” 13 percent of men understand and accept female nature and can, without much shame or panic, go to the pharmacy to buy sanitary pads or explain to their growing daughter the peculiarities of the physiology of the female body. 26 percent prefer not to discuss this topic, but menstruation is perceived as an unspoken permission to go to friends, do things or hobbies that the woman does not particularly approve of. 28 percent jokingly or seriously believe that nature awarded women with periods to allow men to realize their polygamous nature.

If a wife uses PMS as an excuse for her bad behavior, then a quarrel cannot be avoided.

When I was a small child, my little sister enlightened me. This meant that for one week of the month I better do what she says. During “those” days I stayed away from her and tried not to piss her off. Now I behave the same way in my relationship with my lover.

Why discuss this? If this is an absolutely normal process in the body, like everyone else! We're not discussing cough or diarrhea, are we?

I recently learned an interesting thing about menstruation: depending on the number of mature cells, different hormonal levels are established and, accordingly, “these” days proceed differently emotionally. Menstruation is like a small pregnancy with its own hormonal cocktail in the blood. A week before her period, my wife turns into a monster =) However, I absolutely don’t bother talking about such topics. While lying in bed, we can discuss this with our spouse. I'm sure it all depends on the person. One of them desperately wants sex on such days, while the other is better not to touch it at all.

We don’t particularly discuss the issue of menstruation with our partner. There's nothing special about it. What should you know about menstruation? Open the textbook and read.

Menstruation is monthly uterine bleeding. My girlfriend recently tried to tell me everything in detail, but I didn’t listen. It's somehow unpleasant. I don’t want to talk about this at all.

My first girlfriend, whom I dated when I was 20, had almost painless periods, and I didn’t notice any mood swings. Therefore, for a long time I believed that all these wild stories about PMS were just an excuse to justify my sometimes inappropriate behavior.

Should we talk about menstruation?

Yes, it is necessary to talk about this if the issue concerns intimacy. Because making love during menstruation is not good for the body. During this period, the uterus is not protected from the entry of pathogenic microbes. There is no need to be afraid that the young man is not literate. Even if he skipped anatomy lessons at school, advertising and the Internet play a huge “educational” role. True, young people often receive distorted information.

Young girls increasingly prefer to date mature men. In this case, the girl can have no doubt that her adult friend knows everything about female physiology, and it will be enough to hint to him about menstruation, he will understand everything.

What are the features of intimate life during menstruation?

By the way, critical days also serve as a kind of strength test for relationships. If a young man loves his girlfriend, he will spend time with her on such days, filling the meetings with something special and interesting. If he only needs her to satisfy sexual lust, he will try to persuade her to have sex on such days.

Intimacy during menstruation is possible only by mutual consent

Loving men protect their partners and will never allow themselves to harm her. If a man feels disgust towards a girl on such days, he will avoid meeting her. Here, too, there can be no talk of love and long-term relationships, because when they love, they perceive the whole person, with all the shortcomings and advantages.

A woman has the right to decide for herself whether to enter into a relationship on such days or not. For some women, it is on these days that their libido increases and they experience satisfaction from sex. Others are unable to give in to their boyfriend, and without getting pleasure, they do it “for him.” Still others are adamant and refuse intimacy during critical days.

It should be borne in mind that with scanty or moderate bleeding, especially in the first days, there is little blood. For some, it can stop at the moment of sexual intimacy. And for others, on the contrary, it intensifies. If it intensifies, then it is better to refuse intimacy. You should not make love if there is heavy bleeding.

If a woman agrees to make love during menstruation, it is advisable to follow the rules of hygiene: use condoms, wash herself before and after intimacy. But you can't douche.

Where to start the conversation

You can directly ask if he knows what menstruation is. Let him tell you about his knowledge. And if a girl feels that the information in her young friend’s head is distorted, correct him, tell him what menstruation actually is, what difficulties the girl experiences during this period. We can say that at this moment she has a headache and lower abdomen.

The guy should talk about his feelings during menstruation

Of course, there is no need to describe how much blood flows from the vagina, and especially not to show the guy your pads. This can cause self-loathing. If you live together, then try to prevent him from bumping into bloody pads and underwear in the bathroom and toilet.

It will be better for the girl if young people do not retire these days, but go to the cinema, spend the evening in a cafe, or take a walk in the park, since walks are, in fact, beneficial for the female body on such days.

Unexpected change of plans

If the situation is such that the boyfriend had planned an event or a sports outing, and then an unexpected circumstance occurs, then it’s a shame to ruin the plans. However, in order not to come up with different reasons, it is best to tell the truth. And, most likely, the lover will be able to come up with an alternative to the failed vacation.

You can ask him to help with something or cheer him up. An acceptable option might be to watch a good movie together, or the guy might give you a back massage, comfort, and a hug. Or maybe leave the girl alone if that's what she wants.

How to hint

Girls often wonder how to hint to a guy about his period. Is it necessary to hint? There should be no understatement or omissions between loving young people. You need to call a spade a spade. You can develop your own language, your own style of communication, understandable only to the two of them, and your own language, which will eliminate the use of:

  • A heavy, almost medical term, menstruation.
  • The shy (from the girl’s point of view) word is menstruation.
  • A grossly unpleasant word, but used by elders, is Regula.

There should be no secrets between partners, they should speak freely on any topic.
But before allegories appear, a serious conversation must take place that will help to understand the attitude towards the girl’s painful condition, his tolerance or, on the contrary, rejection of critical days.

Some words and phrases take on an unpleasant emotional connotation. Such words should be abandoned. Some call the arrival of menstruation guests, others call it colors. By the way, even the word menstruation was invented by the people. The expression “Critical days” appeared in the last quarter of a century, and fully reflects the condition of a woman.

The surest hint about menstruation is the phrase: “Sorry, dear, but today I can’t (not advisable) make love. Or say “I’m sick, and love is contraindicated for me.”

The way a couple communicates, what words and phrases they choose when discussing their relationship and condition, indicates the cultural and educational level of young people.

What should and should not be said

There is no need to talk about menstruation in detail, about the intensity and all the sensations.

How can you call periods differently so as not to tell your lover about it so directly? Often “menstruation” is paraphrased into the following expressions:

  • red calendar day;
  • weekend;
  • affairs;
  • the guests have arrived;
  • bad weather;
  • friends came.

However, the couple themselves can come up with an interesting expression or code for such days and in the future they will already know what they are talking about.

How to explain to a guy that you are on your period.

You can wear a red sweater these days.

You can give him a book on physiology.

Or an anatomy textbook for grade 9, with a bookmark on the desired page.

Well, don’t assume that today’s men are so far from female physiology.

Thanks to advertising and information in general, they have long known about menstruation and pads.

So there’s no need to be afraid that your boyfriend won’t understand.

Therefore, it is better not to invent something, but to say it directly.

Another thing is that sometimes a woman is embarrassed to tell a man about her critical days, then you can really come up with some kind of password that you understand, starting from these days and ending with me like a scarlet rose.

here, in principle, it doesn’t matter what or how, the main thing is not to be afraid to tell your man about your period.

After all, this is a common thing and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

You can, of course, say this directly, but not every girl or woman has the courage to do so.

If you have been a couple for a long time, then the guy already knows approximately the deadlines and there is no need to change anything.

So, you can explain to a guy that you have such days using these words or phrases.

The Red Army is on its way; And guests from Taganrog came to me; Dear, your friends have come; Well, or say it directly I’m having these days.

I think men, guys who already sleep with girls know such physiological properties and you don’t even need to say much, a hint will be enough.

Today we sleep at a distance.

We definitely won't have a baby yet.

You can go to the bathroom to go to the toilet and ask him to bring pads and I think he will figure it out on his own after that.

What if you tell him directly, he will kill you for it or something.

Men don't take hints well.

They need to be told everything directly.

And there is nothing shameful in this, whatever you tell him.

This is your boyfriend, not your boss at work.

I believe that if a girl doesn’t have the courage to tell her boyfriend that she’s having her period, I think it’s worth asking your friend to carefully hint to your boyfriend about it, without your presence.

And the guy should mark these days on the calendar in order to avoid inconvenience in the future for both parties.

And in general, a guy should study at least superficially the anatomy of the opposite sex.

Try it simple - I have my period, today is a red day on the calendar, I have THESE days today, honey, did you see the advertisement today with blue liquid on the pads.

The same thing awaits you, and finally - If you harass, Bloody Sunday awaits you.

Something like this, if a guy even understands what women’s periods are.

Dear, as always, guests came to me unexpectedly, those who come to women once a month.

Dear, I started KDK, translated as red day of the calendar, but that’s if he doesn’t know what it is.

If your relationship with a guy has just begun, then you shouldn’t immediately talk openly about the fact that you’re having your period, sorry.

You just have to say I can’t do it today.

And after a few more days.

But if you have a normal, already established relationship, then say so, like, I’m on my period, I’m sorry.

And there’s nothing complicated here, just go ahead and tell him.

If you are embarrassed, you can write and explain why you chose this particular method of communicating this situation to him.

If you have a menstruation calendar, give it to him.

I completely agree with Misss X. Actually, your man has been living in this world for several years and understands everything.

Just say straight out what to do. Don’t make life difficult for yourself and for him.

Source of the article:

How to tell a guy that I have monthly options for a simple way out of the situation.

How to tell a guy I'm on my period.
A question that makes not only teenage girls, but also young girls worry and feel embarrassed.

Despite the sexual liberation of modern society, menstruation is still a taboo topic for some of its representatives.

How to behave, where to start a conversation.

Teenagers learn about the physiology of the female and male body in high school.

Together with the girls, the boys receive minimal knowledge about the natural processes in a woman’s body and become familiar with the concept of menstruation.

In the girls' conversation, the topic of menstruation comes up from time to time; there is an active discussion of pads, tampons, and problems with well-being.

At the same time, the guys become casual listeners and receive information in this way.

When the time comes for the first sexual experience, both partners already know what menstruation is.

Therefore, there is no need to inflate the topic of critical days too much.

For adult women, the situation with menstruation does not cause any inconvenience.

They simply tell their partner about it openly.

It is more difficult for girls to tell boys about menstruation, since teenagers' reactions may not be entirely adequate.

This is what the female gender is afraid of.

However, it is much easier to start a conversation about menstruation if there is mutual understanding and trust between the partners.

It's okay if the guy doesn't get what he wants, he'll wait a few days.

On the contrary, she herself will certainly appreciate his caring attitude towards his beloved’s body.

At the end of the critical days during sex, the girl will reward her beloved in full for the days of waiting.

How to tell a guy about your period.

Usually the need for such a conversation arises in a situation where a guy hints through words or actions about sex.

A confident girl will simply say I can’t, I’m on my period.

Or this option: I’m on my period, I’ll have to wait a little.

Further events will develop according to several scenarios.

The guy will stop the affection and treat the situation with understanding.

He will say that he is not afraid of blood, menstruation does not bother him.

Offer alternative sex.

You can notify the guy about the current situation long before he begins to act actively.

Just say on the phone that you’re not feeling well today.

This will be followed by the question Why, what happened.

Answer Critical days, Women's problems, Menstruation.

The guy will already be informed before the date begins.

Another option is to casually show him a pad or tampons in your purse.

The guy will either understand everything silently or start the conversation himself.

In this case, you will only have to confirm his suspicions.

If it’s too awkward to talk, you can wait for active action.

When the guy starts caressing, he will feel the presence of a pad or tampon in his panties, and everything will become clear.

However, in this case, a reproach may follow: Why didn’t you say?

All that remains is to smile and shrug.

Menstruation is a natural process in the female body, there is nothing shameful about it.

All grown men understand this, and young men should also enter into the situation.

Whether to have sex during menstruation or not is a purely individual question.

Sexual intercourse should not cause discomfort to either man or woman.


You are experiencing sudden abdominal pain.

And I’m already quite tired of long, chaotic and painful periods.

You do not have enough endometrium to become pregnant.

Discharge that is brown, green or yellow.

And for some reason the recommended medications are not effective in your case.

In addition, constant weakness and ailments have already become a firm part of your life.

An effective remedy for the treatment of endometriosis, cysts, fibroids, unstable menstrual cycle and other gynecological diseases exists.

Follow the link and find out what the chief gynecologist of Russia recommends to you.

For more detailed information, we recommend that you contact a specialist.

Source of the article:

Discussing the topic of menstruation with a guy

Young girls are bashful and shy. First relationships, first feelings give rise to self-doubt and timidity. Young men are impatient in their passion. It happens that a girl, not knowing how to tell a guy that she is on her period, is embarrassed to show herself in this form, and does not find the words to say about her condition. She doesn’t know how educated her boyfriend is in matters of female physiology, whether he will understand her, how he will perceive this message.

Talking to your boyfriend about periods can be helpful.

Periods are normal

For a girl, menstruation is a normal period of her life, indicating her transition into adulthood and good health. Therefore, there is nothing shameful about menstruation and nothing scary about sharing it with loved ones, especially your loved one. A negative reaction to menstruation is possible, but in this case the girl should not be upset, because it is not her fault.

If, nevertheless, at the thought of telling a guy about menstruation, a feeling of fear and shame arises, then this indicates that the couple does not have a sufficiently trusting and close relationship. The girl should think about this and why she is still afraid to talk about her period.

How to deal with an experienced partner

It’s easier for an adult guy to talk about menstruation, especially if he previously had a relationship with a girl who probably told him about her period.
It is advisable to know in advance what to say to the guy and prepare for the conversation. It is not uncommon for girls to begin to worry and stammer, having difficulty finding the right words. There are several ways to report your period:

  1. To speak directly, without describing the details of menstruation, one phrase is enough for an experienced guy to understand everything.
  2. It is permissible to use euphemisms, even a phrase such as: “I have these days” will give the guy enough information and he will not need clarification.
  3. If a girl and a guy have a long-term relationship, they should come up with code words that will indicate the onset of menstruation.

It is especially important to tell your partner about menstruation if the girl and the guy are already having sex. Sexual intercourse is not prohibited during menstruation, although it is considered dirty and sloppy, so the guy may be against it. No less important is the attitude of the girl herself towards having sex during this period. If touching causes her irritation, then it is better to wait until the end of her critical days and refrain from sexual intercourse.

Having sex can be replaced with kissing, hugging or other sexual pleasures. The main thing is not to do what you don’t want. It is easier to explain to an adult partner that during this period some restrictions in sex arise. Many couples prefer not to wait until the end of menstruation and continue to have sex quietly, since during intimacy the girl feels less pain that she experiences during menstruation.

You need to continue to use protection during sex. Menstruation is not a guarantee that a girl will not become pregnant. Sperm remains in a woman's body for 3-7 days, so there is a possibility of fertilization of the egg (especially with a short menstrual cycle or hormonal imbalance). Using condoms will also prevent infection: during menstruation, the risk of viral transmission increases, as the volume of fluid that comes into contact with pathogenic microorganisms increases.

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