Is it possible to get pregnant if your periods are irregular? Irregular cycle - is it possible to get pregnant? The time-tested and most effective way is sex.

Is it possible to get pregnant with an irregular cycle?

To resolve the issue of the desired pregnancy, you need to contact a gynecologist, who, after a thorough study of the history and complaints, an examination and the necessary (according to indications) additional examination methods, will advise you to reconsider your lifestyle and prescribe treatment if a pathology is detected.
A normal menstrual cycle is considered to be a cycle whose duration is 21–35 days, menstruation 3–5 days. Moreover, menstrual flow should not be abundant or, on the contrary, scanty. Total blood loss during menstruation is normally 50 – 150 ml. Accordingly, an irregular cycle means a “floating” schedule of menstruation, for example, in one month menstruation began after 28 days, in the next after 38 days, and after 3 months after 2 weeks. The irregularity of the “arrival” of menstruation also leads to a change in their volume; they can be either abundant, up to the development of bleeding, or scanty, characterized by a few drops of blood. Therefore, an irregular cycle is one of the signs of its violation. Disruptions in the menstrual cycle lead to ovulation disorder - the main sign indicating a woman’s ability to become pregnant. If with a regular cycle the probability of fertilization is 75% within a year, then in women with cycle disorders it sharply decreases or is completely absent. In a healthy woman of reproductive age, not every menstrual cycle is accompanied by ovulation; an anovulatory menstrual cycle occurs approximately 2–3 times a year. In women with cycle disorders, anovulation occurs in half or more of their cycles.

An irregular cycle may be associated with physiological and pathological factors. Physiological causes of cycle disorders include:

  • Puberty. In girls during puberty and the appearance of menstruation, the menstrual cycle is in the formative phase and is irregular due to surges in sex hormones. This is considered normal and does not require treatment.
  • Postpartum period. The restoration of the cycle does not occur immediately after childbirth, but after 1 - 3 months, which is associated with the return of hormonal levels to the “pre-pregnancy” state. If a woman is breastfeeding, then menstruation is either absent or begins irregularly, at different intervals, from 30 to 90 days. After cessation of lactation, the menstrual cycle becomes regular.
  • Premenopause. At the age of 40 - 45 years, there is a decrease in the production of sex hormones. The female body is preparing for menopause (the complete cessation of menstruation), and periodic peaks in the increase and decrease of sex hormones are manifested by irregular menstruation and changes in the volume of blood discharge.

Pathological triggers that cause menstrual disorder include:

  • Excessive body weight. In adipose tissue, androgens are transformed into estrogens, the excess of which leads to disruptions in the menstrual cycle and anovulation.
  • Body weight deficiency. Lack of weight and exhaustion changes the functioning of all organs and systems, including those (pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, ovaries) that are involved in the menstrual and reproductive functions of the body.
  • Excessive physical activity. Exhaustive exercise not only depletes the body, but also leads to hormonal imbalance, which affects the regularity of the cycle and ovulation.
  • Taking medications. A number of medications, especially hormonal ones, disrupt hormonal levels and cause irregular menstruation and anovulation. Incorrectly selected hormonal contraception can also affect the menstrual cycle.
  • Stress. Constant psycho-emotional experiences, chronic stress, lack of sleep, etc. disrupt the production of hormones, which is manifested by irregular periods until they disappear completely.
  • Bad habits, physical inactivity. Excessive alcohol intake, drug use, and a sedentary lifestyle can also affect hormonal levels and the regularity of the menstrual cycle.
  • Abortions, curettage of the uterine cavity, gynecological operations. The listed conditions do not go unnoticed on hormonal levels. In the best case, the cycle is disrupted for a short time (1 - 3 months); in the worst case, it requires examination and treatment.
  • Gynecological diseases. An irregular cycle can be caused by inflammatory processes in the genital organs (endometritis, adnexitis) and hormone-dependent diseases (uterine fibroids, scleropolycystic disease, endometrial hyperplastic processes, ovarian neoplasms and others).
  • Endocrine pathology. Thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders affect the regularity of the cycle and the abundance of menstruation.
  • Change of time zones, change of activity (transition from day work to night work). The body regards it as a stressful situation and leads to disruptions in the cycle.

What to do for successful conception

If you have an irregular cycle and unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, you should first visit a gynecologist.

The doctor will collect anamnesis and possible complaints, conduct a gynecological examination and send the woman for a gynecological ultrasound to exclude obvious pathology of the uterus and appendages.

Having carefully studied the patient’s lifestyle, her emotional state, the presence or absence of chronic general and gynecological diseases, the specialist will recommend following simple rules:

  • Maintaining a basal temperature chart. Women with irregular cycles should measure the temperature in the rectum for at least 3, and preferably 6 to 9 months, if they want to become pregnant. Using the rectal temperature chart, you can determine the date of ovulation and calculate favorable days for conception. If regular anovulation is confirmed, the examination is expanded (folliculometry, hormones: FSH, LH, prolactin, progesterone, estrogens, ketosteroids, hidden sexually transmitted infections as the cause of chronic oophoritis). The presence of ovulation, even if not in every cycle, confirms the patient’s ability to become pregnant and to increase the chances of conception, the specialist recommends active sexual activity 5 days before expected ovulation, on the day the egg leaves the ovary and the day after it.
  • Using ovulation tests. The method for determining ovulation is simpler than measuring rectal temperature and is not available to all patients (materially speaking). The tests are sold in pharmacies and are based on determining the level of LH in the blood (at the peak of LH, the dominant follicle ruptures and the egg is released).
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Future parents should give up bad habits, increase their time in the fresh air, moderately, without fanaticism, play sports (swimming, walking, jogging, physical exercise). Patients who play sports professionally will have to choose between the possibility of becoming pregnant and professional activities. It is also recommended to change your place of work if your work activity has any hazards (chemical production, work in a hot and humid workshop, night work, constant business trips).
  • Healthy eating. Overweight women need to bring it back to normal, not through strict and new-fangled diets, but under the supervision of a nutritionist. The same applies to patients with underweight. It is important to give up snacking on the run, eating fast food and processed foods, eliminate foods with many chemical additives (sweet drinks, chips, crackers, etc.), limit the consumption of strong coffee and tea, replacing them with natural juices, fruit drinks and herbal infusions. You should also limit the consumption of simple carbohydrates (baked goods, confectionery), increase the amount of nuts, fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits in the diet, lean meats and poultry, and dairy products.
  • Elimination of stress. If possible, patients wishing to become pregnant should minimize the amount of stress and stressful situations. If your job requires constant business travel, especially to regions with a different time zone, it is advisable to change it. For emotional stability, the doctor will recommend taking light sedatives based on herbs (valerian extract, motherwort, novo-passit and others). It is important to normalize sleep. The duration of night sleep should be 7 - 8 hours; to fall asleep quickly, be sure to ventilate the bedroom.

Compliance with the listed recommendations in 90% of cases results in the desired pregnancy. Undoubtedly, when gynecological and endocrine pathologies are identified, successful conception and subsequent pregnancy depend on adequate treatment, subsequent maintenance therapy and observation by a gynecologist together with an endocrinologist.

Number of reads: 725 02/18/2020


Is it possible to get pregnant if your cycle is irregular?

Pregnancy planning 13:43, April 26, 2018

A considerable part of planning women are interested in how to get pregnant with an irregular cycle. Normally, the female cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days. Anything outside the range is considered irregular.

If in one month the cycle lasts 21 days, and in the next 35, then this is also not the norm. Determining the moment of ovulation with such variability is quite difficult, so there are often problems with the onset of pregnancy.

Possible reasons

The reasons for irregular menstrual cycles may be unexpected. The duration of this period is determined by hormonal levels and is normally divided into two parts, at the border of which ovulation occurs. Bleeding may be irregular due to pathological and physiological reasons.

Pathological causes of a disrupted cycle should be corrected together with a doctor, since in most cases it is necessary to use hormonal drugs. Physiological ones are much easier to deal with.

  • Adolescence. In girls under 17 years of age, the process of synchronization and stabilization of hormonal levels is normal and does not require treatment. You should consult a doctor if menstruation has not established within a year of menarche.
  • Breastfeeding period. Produced to produce milk, prolactin suppresses the secretion of hormones by the ovaries, and as a result, menstruation may be absent or irregular. They stabilize after cessation of lactation.
  • Significant change in body weight. With dystrophy or obesity, menstrual bleeding may disappear altogether; this is a kind of “protest” of the body. After all, adipose tissue is also involved in the synthesis of hormones; its excess or deficiency leads to an imbalance. Sudden weight changes are also unnatural; they arise as a result of certain processes occurring in the body.
  • Exhausting workouts. With increased physical activity, the body's strength is depleted, and it is no longer able to maintain menstrual function. The way out is to reduce the power load.
  • Taking medications. Some drugs can change hormonal levels or have menstrual irregularities as a side effect. Usually this is always indicated in the instructions for use.
  • Psycho-emotional stress. Stressful conditions, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue wear out the body. Because of this, hormonal changes may occur. This condition culminates in cycle disruptions.
  • Diseases of the pelvic organs. This reason appears in many case histories. This can include infectious-inflammatory conditions and hormonal pathologies that cause changes in the uterus and appendages.
  • Bad habits. Statistics show that more often women who lead an unhealthy lifestyle and have bad habits suffer from menstrual irregularities. It is not at all necessary to suffer from alcoholism or drug addiction. An unhealthy diet, an inactive lifestyle and other seemingly unimportant factors are enough.

Even a common cold can cause distortion of menstrual function. However, such failures are rare, and the cycle recovers on its own.

Is it possible to get pregnant with irregular periods?

It cannot be said that irregular cycles and pregnancy are mutually exclusive concepts. Conception may occur quite quickly in case of failure in some patients and be impossible for others. The main factor determining the prognosis of pregnancy planning with an irregular cycle is the cause of this condition.

Normally, during the monthly cycle, the follicle matures, ovulation occurs and the corpus luteum develops.

If bleeding occurs spontaneously or is absent for a long time due to the physiological reaction of the body to a certain life situation (stress, climate change, diet, sports), then the problem is solved in a short time. If the cycle is irregular due to pathological conditions (inflammation, ovarian dysfunction, hormonal diseases), then the likelihood of becoming pregnant is low.

In order to increase the chances of a favorable planning outcome, go to a gynecologist. When the doctor finds out the cause of the disorder, he will prescribe a correction. It is often carried out with hormonal drugs and takes time.

In this case, the patient needs to be patient. After restoring the function of the reproductive system and normalizing the cycle, it will be possible to get pregnant quickly only if there are no other obstacles.

It may happen that the cycle is regular, ovulation occurs every month, but conception still does not occur.

How to find out about the onset of ovulation

Calculating favorable days will help increase your chances of pregnancy if you have irregular periods. As you know, a woman is capable of conceiving for a short period during the cycle.

To get pregnant, sexual intercourse must take place 7 days before ovulation, on the day the egg is released, or within the next 24 hours.

The remaining days are not fertile and do not provide a high chance of fertilization.

You can get pregnant with irregular periods only if you are ovulating. Modern diagnostic techniques allow you to find out about this yourself.

The most accurate method for calculating ovulation in an irregular cycle is ultrasound. You can do it yourself or as prescribed by a doctor. Folliculometry is carried out several times a month.

During each examination, special attention is paid to the condition of the ovaries.

When the dominant follicle reaches a size of 18 mm, the most favorable time for conception begins. If you have sexual intercourse on this and subsequent days, the likelihood of success will be maximum. Ultrasound can additionally assess the condition of the endometrium, which plays an important role in the process of conception.

Special ovulation tests will also help. And also a new product - a home microscope for determining ovulation from saliva.

You can determine your fertile days at home. To do this you will need a thermometer, a notepad and a pen. To calculate the day of ovulation by temperature, you need to keep a chart daily. The measurement is taken rectally in the morning, without getting out of bed. All indicators are entered into a table, after which a curve is drawn.

About a day before the release of the egg from the ovary, LH rises in the body. On the graph it looks like a slight drop in temperature. If ovulation has taken place, then the next day there will be a sharp jump in indicators. For example: the temperature for several weeks was at 36.5, the day before the favorable day it dropped to 36.

3, and after 24 hours it rose to 37 degrees.

Other methods for determining ovulation are considered less reliable for irregular periods: calendar calculation, testing, tracking the position of the cervix and monitoring cervical mucus. However, they can be used in combination with those proposed to increase the likelihood of pregnancy.

How to find out about a delay

If a woman has been tracking ovulation and knows exactly the day of conception, then determining the delay will not be difficult.

Despite the jumping periods, the second phase of the cycle (if there is one) always has the same duration, which varies from 12 to 14 days.

If you have an irregular cycle, you should take a test only two weeks after sexual intercourse and not earlier. If, after two weeks from the moment of caught ovulation, menstruation has not begun, then pregnancy is quite likely.

Basal temperature indicators can indirectly indicate conception during an irregular cycle. If fertile days were tracked in this way, then measurements should be continued after calculating ovulation.

A temperature of 37 degrees or higher for two weeks is a sign of pregnancy, although not an exact one.

During the measurement process, it is possible to detect implantation retraction, which is characterized by a one-day decrease in temperature and indicates the introduction of the fertilized egg into the uterine mucosa.



Despite the fact that most women have unstable discharge, pregnancy occurs quite quickly. But what is the reason for such work of the body?

  1. Hormonal disbalance. This is the very first reason why menstruation comes late or ahead of schedule. This behavior of the body can be corrected by taking a course of prescribed medications by a doctor. As soon as the hormonal levels stabilize, menstruation returns to normal.
  2. Diseases of the female reproductive system. This includes both simple inflammation of the ovaries and neoplasms on the reproductive organs.
  3. Unstable psychological state. Constant stress and anxiety have a strong impact on the body as a whole. After a stressful situation, bleeding may begin, or, conversely, menstruation may not occur at all.

Is it possible to get pregnant with irregular periods?

With a regular menstrual cycle, it is not difficult for an expectant mother to plan a pregnancy. But what should those who have surprises with their critical days do every month? We will look into how to get pregnant with irregular periods in our article.

Identifying the causes of cycle disruption

The reasons for this disruption of the normal process may be physiological:

  • After an artificial abortion, miscarriage;
  • Immediately after birth;
  • In young girls, when the hormonal balance is not yet established.

In these cases, the deviation goes away on its own and the rhythm resumes. There is no danger and returns to normal over time. But if pathological causes have caused an irregular menstrual cycle, it is difficult to say whether it is possible to get pregnant without eliminating them. It can be:

  • pituitary tumors;
  • ovarian cysts and tumors;
  • endometrial polyps;
  • endometriosis.

All these diseases require appropriate treatment and do not go away on their own. Therefore, whether it is possible to become pregnant with irregular periods in these cases, it will be possible to say after a thorough examination and treatment with the use of hormonal drugs to restore the regularity of the monthly process.

Irregular periods appear due to previous gynecological operations or illnesses

Now remember that a normal cyclic period is considered to last from 21 to 35 days with clear two phases separated by ovulation. The normal length of menstruation is 2-7 days and blood loss is 50-150 ml.

But there are breaks between critical days and up to 40-60 days or 21-25, and they can be accompanied by too much or, on the contrary, very scanty discharge. In such a situation, whether it is possible to get pregnant with irregular periods will be determined by an attempt to correctly determine the optimal day for fertilization.

For this purpose, you can use the measurement of basal temperature. It is necessary to maintain a measurement schedule for 3 months or more. The jumps in the curve will show approximately what days the egg is released. And, although the likelihood of getting pregnant with irregular periods using this method alone is small, you can try to get an idea of ​​the expected time of conception.

To determine the optimal day for fertilization, it is necessary to keep a chart of changes in basal temperature for three months

It is better to try to determine the time of release of the reproductive cell and get pregnant if the monthly cycle is irregular using an ovulation test. For this purpose, the shortest one is taken from several cycles, and 17 is subtracted from its length.

The resulting number will become the date of the first test, counted from the beginning of the last menstruation. By analyzing the changes in shades on the strip, you can choose the optimal day for fertilization - when two clear stripes appear. The inconvenience in this situation is caused by the need to sometimes carry out up to 10 tests until the result appears.

To determine ovulation, you need to do a test on the days expected for this, until two bright stripes appear

Ultrasound will help to accurately indicate the moment of ovulation, at what time and how you can get pregnant with irregular periods. With this method, the doctor monitors the growth of the follicle over the entire first period of the cycle. The first examination takes place on days 7-8, the next on days 10-12, then at your request or the doctor’s decision - after 1-2 days. When the bubble reaches 18-21 mm, it is time to wait for ovulation and prepare for conception.

You can track ovulation through regular examinations of follicle growth using an ultrasound scan.

Getting pregnant with polycystic disease

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a very serious disease when the cycle is disrupted. It develops when there are hormonal imbalances that affect ovarian function and prevent ovulation. As a result of this, cysts appear in the lining of the ovary, which merge into clusters and getting pregnant with polycystic disease and irregular periods is very difficult, but possible.

This requires restoration of ovarian function, which is sometimes limited by hormonal treatment. In case of failure, surgical treatment is indicated - laparoscopic surgery. In this case, the non-productive part of the ovary is removed. After such treatment, conception is possible in the next 5 months.

It is possible to get pregnant with polycystic disease and irregular periods, but this requires a course of treatment with hormones

Age and probability of conception with an irregular cycle

You shouldn’t solve the problem of whether you can get pregnant with an irregular menstrual cycle on your own. It is best to visit your gynecologist and look for the cause of the malfunction in your body.

Statistics say that the chances of conception in such situations in the first cycle are 15-20%. After treatment for 3 months, the probability of pregnancy increases to 50%, with a 6-month course - up to 75%.

Well, those who have been treated for a year are among the lucky 90%.

Studies have shown that if cyclicity is disrupted in girls 19-24 years old, fertilization is possible in 30% of cases, but the figure drops to 18% by the age of 25-33. Only 13% of the fair sex have a chance of becoming mothers at the age of 33-44 due to disruptions in the cycle.

Also, those who have an irregular menstrual cycle should decide how to get pregnant in this situation, paying attention to their age. It has been proven that starting from the age of 35, the ovaries become depleted, cycles without ovulation are more common, and the quality of the eggs deteriorates.

Irregular cycle and pregnancy (video)


Is it possible to get pregnant with irregular periods: how to conceive if the cycle is disrupted?

Sometimes women cannot get pregnant on their own due to irregular menstrual cycles.

In this case, it is necessary to find a competent doctor who will find out the reasons for the interruptions in the cycle and prescribe the correct treatment. A woman should be patient, not worry and live a full life.

If there are no serious gynecological pathologies, pregnancy will definitely occur after normalization of the cycle.

Why is the cycle irregular?

The average menstrual cycle is 27–29 days, but variations from 22 to 35 days are also considered normal. The main thing is that from month to month the duration of the cycle is maintained and deviates by no more than 2-3 days.

The first menstruation appears in girls at the age of 11–13 and is irregular - this is not a pathology. The child’s body develops, the reproductive system and hormonal levels are formed, so cycle fluctuations in young girls should not cause alarm.

Stability of menstruation should appear by the age of 18–20 - by this time the body is already ready for the appearance of the first child. However, not all women can boast of a regular cycle, which significantly reduces the chances of pregnancy.

Possible causes of an irregular menstrual cycle may include:

  • hormonal imbalance caused by pathologies of the pituitary gland or disruption of the adrenal glands;
  • abuse of oral contraceptives;
  • gynecological diseases: ovarian cysts and tumors;
  • sudden weight loss due to exhausting diets;
  • physical and emotional overload, chronic stress;
  • climate change;
  • abuse of alcohol and cigarettes.

In some cases, the menstrual cycle can be easily adjusted - a woman should give up bad habits, establish a work-rest routine, and avoid stress. In other cases, long-term treatment, elimination of gynecological pathologies and adjustment of hormonal levels are required.

Is it possible to get pregnant with irregular menstruation?

Is it possible to get pregnant and carry a baby to term with irregular periods? According to statistics, with such failures, only 20% of women become pregnant on their own within several months, because it is impossible to determine the exact date of ovulation, and in some cases, with pathologies of the pituitary gland, it is completely absent.

The doctor will suggest normalizing night sleep and giving up bad habits. If the problem is only an incorrect lifestyle, after correcting it, the cycle is restored and pregnancy occurs within 4-6 months.

Lack of menstruation due to hormonal dysfunction and gynecological pathologies is a more serious problem that reduces the chances of pregnancy.

After passing the tests, the doctor will prescribe treatment aimed at eliminating the underlying gynecological disease and adjusting hormonal levels.

Correcting the body's hormonal balance takes several months, then the menstrual cycle evens out, and the desired pregnancy, according to statistics, occurs after a year from the start of treatment.

How to calculate the date of ovulation?

In order for conception to occur, sexual intercourse must occur at a certain period - on the eve of the release of the egg, on the day of ovulation or within two days after it. On other days there is virtually no chance of conception.

How to get pregnant with an irregular cycle and correctly determine the date of the next ovulation? This is not easy to do when the duration of the cycle changes every month, and it is not possible to calculate the exact day when a mature egg will leave the corpus luteum.

The most accurate method is folliculometry, that is, determining the size of ovarian follicles using ultrasound. You can monitor the maturation of the female reproductive cell using ultrasound examinations, which should be done several times a month. When the follicle reaches a size of 18-19 mm, it is necessary to have sexual intercourse - these sizes are considered the most favorable for conception.

The second method, which is recommended to be used in addition to folliculometry, is rectal measurement of basal temperature.

The temperature should be measured every morning without getting out of bed, and the data should be recorded in a notebook. The day before ovulation, the temperature drops slightly, and then increases abruptly to 37–37.2°C.

Such a jump in temperature indicates that the egg has moved into the fallopian tube and is ripe for conception.

Pregnancy planning algorithm

A woman who has decided to become pregnant must implement her idea systematically. For irregular cycles, the following conception planning algorithm is recommended:

  • Consultation with a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct a full examination, identify pathologies in the reproductive system, and prescribe tests to determine hormone levels.
  • Decoding the test results - the doctor will see which hormones are missing and which are present in excess. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe corrective hormonal treatment.
  • Normalization of work and rest schedules, giving up bad habits. A woman should stop constantly being nervous. Night sleep and proper nutrition are important.
  • Weight correction. Irregularity of the cycle can be caused by exhausting diets or, conversely, excessive overeating and a large excess of fatty tissue in the body.
  • Calculation of ovulation. It is important to correctly determine the days of ovulation in all possible ways and, taking this into account, have sex with your spouse.
  • In addition to drug treatment prescribed by the doctor, you can resort to traditional medicine methods. Oregano and linden have a beneficial effect on the menstrual cycle. They can be boiled in a water bath and taken three times a day as herbal tea.


In what cases does pregnancy occur if the menstrual cycle is interrupted?

Pregnancy can occur only in one case: at the time of ovulation or two days before conception there was unprotected sexual intercourse.

With unstable menstruation, ovulation may not occur in the middle of the cycle, as usual, but earlier or later. This is why it is worth keeping a basal temperature chart. The girl will accurately determine the day when she ovulates, which will significantly increase the chances of fertilization.

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