Can a virgin have thrush?

The onset of sexual activity is a risk factor for the development of infectious diseases of the genital area. But girls may encounter some diseases even before their first sexual contact. The cause is opportunistic flora, which lives in the genital tract, but under favorable conditions begins to multiply and leads to inflammation. Candidiasis is one of these diseases. Under certain conditions, any girl can be at risk.

Do virgins really get thrush?

Since most adults consider thrush to be a sexually transmitted disease, they confidently claim that a girl, a girl who has no experience of intimate intimacy, cannot have thrush. But this infection is conditionally classified as a sexually transmitted infection. Of course, sexual contact with a Candida carrier is a compelling argument for the manifestation of the disease, but this is far from the only way to encounter thrush.

Thrush outbreaks occur during the following periods: 2-3 years, then 7 years and already in adolescence.

In practice, sexual intercourse is far from the most common cause of candidiasis. In order to understand the essence of the process, let us understand the nature of the disease. Candida, the causative agents of this inflammatory process, belongs to the category of yeast-like microorganisms and is a part of our microflora. They enter the body not only during sexual contact, but also through everyday contact, with food or drinks. A small number of such microorganisms can be considered normal. This is why the presence of single candida in a smear does not mean that thrush is developing.

For certain reasons, the situation changes and microscopic fungi can progress. Usually their numbers are restrained by beneficial bacteria (there is healthy competition between microorganisms, when a strong species (lactobacillus) displaces opportunistic microbes, preventing them from multiplying). The state of the immune system and hormonal background are also important, since protective mechanisms are directly involved in the regulation of microflora, and the acidity of the vagina depends on the amount of certain hormones (the indicator may or may not be favorable for candida).

If fungal agents begin to progress, it happens very quickly. Very soon they create chains, and then unite into huge colonies that infect epithelial cells. Due to the toxins synthesized by the fungus, uncomfortable symptoms also appear.

What it is

The disease is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. It is for this reason that it is called “candidiasis”, “candidiasis”, “candidiasis”. This disease is popularly called thrush because the discharge that accompanies it is white in color and has a cheesy consistency.

The fungi that cause it are classified as opportunistic pathogens, because normally they coexist peacefully with a person, living in his body (50% in the intestines, 20% on the mucous membranes, 30% on the skin), and only when the corresponding factors they are activated, causing disease.

This path of disease occurrence is called endogenous, that is, infection occurs due to the activation of internal infection. If fungi enter the body from the outside, then the disease is of exogenous origin.

So, thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease, since it is caused by fungi that normally live in the body of any person and are activated under certain conditions. While sexually transmitted diseases are caused by pathogenic bacteria that enter the human body from the outside, during sexual intercourse.

Causes of thrush in modern girls

There are actually quite a few reasons for little princesses to develop thrush. This is not only casual sexual contact, as mothers think, but also the immaturity of the immune system, which is one of the distinctive features of the child’s body. It is extremely important to determine why the disease came to a virgin girl: how successful the treatment will be depends on this.

General factors

Doctors identify the following main factors that can provoke thrush at a young age:

  1. The decline of immunity (it can occur both against the background of somatic diseases - HIV infection, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, bronchitis, chronic tonsillitis and many others, and due to insufficient development of the immune system) can cause candidiasis infection in both teenage virgins , and in five-year-old babies.
  2. Changes in the composition of the vaginal microflora and hormonal changes in adolescents or at 10-11 years old, immediately before the onset of puberty.
  3. The body of a virgin at the age of 12-14 is very sensitive to various changes, so thrush can begin against a background of frequent stress or due to climate change;
  4. A number of medications cause the growth of fungus in virgins. Among them, antibiotics are considered the most dangerous group: they cause dysbacteriosis of the local microflora. A similar situation can be provoked by cytostatics or corticosteroids or other hormonal therapy.
  5. Many sexually transmitted infections can also be transmitted through household means, which means that virgins are also not immune from such infections. Girls, due to embarrassment or ignorance, may remain silent about the manifestations of diseases. As a result, the venereal ailment is masked and is erased. Thrush acts as a local reaction to such a disease.

Local reasons

There are also factors that relate to the disadvantages of self-care. Virgins can be exposed to dangers, not knowing that failure to follow basic rules gives candida a chance to progress. Thrush can be caused by:

  • Failure to comply with hygiene standards;
  • The use of panty liners, sanitary pads, colored or scented toilet paper, and, in early childhood, low-quality diapers;
  • The use of household chemicals with an antibacterial effect;
  • Wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics, thong panties;
  • Hypothermia of the lower pelvis;
  • Eating a lot of sweets.

Pathogenesis of candidiasis

Thrush in virgins occurs with the same frequency as in women who are sexually active. The following factors may influence its appearance:

  • Long-term use of antibiotics;
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • Transference of a cold or infectious disease;
  • Use of deodorants for the bikini area;
  • Mindless vaginal douching;
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Untimely change of pads or tampons during menstruation;
  • Hypothermia of the genitals;
  • Inflammation in the vagina;
  • Use of corticosteroids or cytostatics;
  • Wearing underwear made from synthetic materials;
  • Using thong panties.

Thrush usually occurs at age two, then age 7, and finally during puberty. In the latter case, it appears due to changes occurring in the vaginal microflora. Eating large amounts of sweets, using panty liners with a scent, using antibacterial products when washing intimate areas - all this can also cause candidiasis.

To get rid of a disease, it is necessary to identify the cause of its occurrence. Otherwise, the treatment may not have the desired effect.

Symptoms of the disease in virgins

Young ladies do not always notice the manifestations of thrush, because it can successfully occur in a hidden form. It also happens that the signs are isolated (not fully present) or are not expressed clearly enough. The slightest discomfort in the genital area is already a reason to go to the gynecologist.

Main manifestations

Thrush in virgins is associated with symptoms that are identical to the manifestations of the disease in adult women. This:

  • Itching of the affected genital organs (it also extends to the vagina);
  • Burning;
  • Curdled discharge with a sharp sour odor (color – white, often with a yellow, green, yellow-green tint);
  • Painful urination;
  • Swelling;
  • Redness of the mucous membrane;
  • Accumulations of cheesy plaque.

The first signs of the development of a fungal infection in virgins usually appear a week or a few days before the start of menstruation: the girl feels discomfort and severe itching, which intensifies in a warm environment.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine also offers a number of remedies to combat candidiasis, the main ones include:

  1. Chamomile decoction. Has an antibacterial and soothing effect. Used for washing and as sitz baths.
  1. Sitz baths with soda solution. Five tablespoons of soda are diluted with 3 liters of warm water. The duration of the procedure should be at least a quarter of an hour.
  2. A decoction of the string is used for washing and douching and has a calming and antimicrobial effect.

Important : Before using unconventional methods of treatment, you must consult with your doctor.


No matter how trivial thrush may seem, it is also dangerous for virgins, as it can provoke a number of diseases:

  • Urethritis (the urinary canal becomes inflamed in women very quickly, which often affects the completeness of urination);
  • Cervicitis (in this case, the cervix becomes inflamed);
  • Pyelocystitis (if the infection penetrates upward into the internal organs);
  • Infertility (the risk of such a complication especially increases if one of the sexually transmitted infections is added to thrush);
  • Weakening of local immunity (occurs against the background of candidiasis and leads to the fact that the mucous membrane becomes easy prey for other harmful microorganisms).

Diagnostic methods

Thrush is usually easy to diagnose. The doctor establishes the expected diagnosis during the examination, but additionally uses the following laboratory methods:

  • Colposcopy;
  • Smear microscopy;
  • Bacterial inoculation of biomaterial from the cervix and affected vaginal mucosa onto a nutrient medium.

Since thrush in virgins is also a consequence of hidden sexually transmitted infections, the doctor may recommend testing for the presence of their pathogens. Moreover, candidal infection is a symptom of disorders in the body, so young patients need a comprehensive examination (in case of a chronic course, this is a prerequisite for successful treatment). Comprehensive diagnostics includes:

  • Blood glucose test;
  • Coprogram;
  • Stool analysis (for the presence of dysbacteriosis);
  • Gastroscopy;
  • Irrigoscopy;
  • Analysis of a smear taken from the urethra;
  • Ultrasound examination of the bladder;
  • Zimnitsky's test.

Consultations with a number of specialized specialists may also be recommended - allergist, dermatologist, nutritionist, endocrinologist, psychologist and many others. It is important to differentiate thrush in virgins from diseases such as:

  • Gonorrhea;
  • Genital herpes;
  • Bacterial vaginosis;
  • Trichomoniasis;
  • Mycoplasmosis.

Treatment of thrush in virgins

Of course, aggressive therapy cannot be used for such young patients. At the same time, medications must be so effective that the infection has no chance of affecting the still immature reproductive system. The table shows topical medications that can be used to treat girls.

Active substanceName of medicine
ClotrimazoleCanesten, Clotrimazole, Kanison, Yenamazole 100, Candibene
MiconazoleKlion-D 100, Ginezol
NystatinPolizhinaks, Terzhinan
KetoconazoleBrizoral, Ketoconazole, Oranozol, Perhotal, Nizoral, Livarol, Mycozoral

Attention: Nystatin should not be used for small children - it affects the entire vaginal microflora.

In extreme cases, systemic agents based on Fluconazode or Itraconazole can be additionally prescribed for treatment, but their use should be monitored by a doctor due to the high risk of side effects. You cannot treat your baby with pills without permission.

What do doctors recommend?

Local therapy is considered safer. Among her positive qualities:

  • Relative safety, since they act directly where the pathogen is located, and their components practically do not enter the blood;
  • Relief in terms of symptoms after the first use (itching, irritation weakens, swelling is relieved);
  • Available in convenient forms (creams, ointments, suppositories, solutions).

In the age group under 12 years old, it is better to detect thrush at the stage when the fungus can be neutralized with drugs of the previous generation. For example:

  • Solutions of methylene blue or Pyoctanin for lubricating the vagina;
  • Borax in glycerin for impregnation of vaginal tampons;
  • Solutions of silver, boric acid and tea soda for treating the vaginal mucosa.

If the situation is not advanced, then you can get rid of candida in a week or two. But in any case, the disease must be controlled. After completing the course, the tests are taken again after some time to prevent relapse.

Step-by-step therapy

In the treatment of thrush in virgins, the sequence of actions and methodical implementation of all recommendations are very important. The stages of the antifungal course have the following features:

  • Treatment is aimed simultaneously not only at eliminating the fungal flora, but also at correcting the general condition (eliminating the cause of candidiasis).
  • The regimen for the use of medications is drawn up only by an experienced doctor, taking into account the degree of development, form and stage of the ailment.
  • For virgins under 12 years of age, local medications and antiseptics are suitable.
  • If the child has been prescribed antifungal suppositories, they are administered once a day (the procedure is carried out personally by a pediatric gynecologist or a specially trained nurse).
  • Inflammation of the skin can be eliminated by an ointment based on Clotrimazole (1%).
  • Chronic thrush cannot be cured with local therapy alone, so it is strengthened with systemic agents.
  • Gepon solution is suitable for irrigating the vagina, which helps prevent relapses.


Representatives of the fair sex, with rare exceptions, love sweets. A love of desserts can lead to thrush not only in virgins, but also in women of all ages. Sugar sweetens the environment at the cellular level, and candida, being yeast-like, readily progresses in such conditions.

And teenagers, because of their complexes, often exhaust themselves with useless diets or starvation. Accordingly, the body weakens, a decline in immunity occurs, and the ability to control the number of opportunistic microbes is lost. Thrush does not keep itself waiting, developing rapidly.

Already at the first symptoms of thrush in a virgin, a virgin needs to respond by adjusting her diet. The main emphasis should be on:

  • High-quality lean meat or poultry and fish;
  • Cereals;
  • Dairy products;
  • Vegetables and unsweetened fruits;
  • Green tea;
  • Eggs.

Dishes should be prepared in accordance with the recommendations for a healthy diet - stewed, steamed, baked. You can season them with garlic and red pepper (the fungus is afraid of them).

The following products should remain prohibited:

  • Sugar;
  • Honey;
  • Chocolate;
  • All desserts;
  • Hot spices;
  • Vinegar (and products containing it);
  • Smoked meats, pickles, pickled vegetables;
  • Everything fatty, prepared in fast foods;
  • Dairy products (except live fermented milk);
  • Baked goods (especially yeast baked goods);
  • Fermented drinks (kvass, wine, beer);
  • Alcohol.

Diet is not such an insignificant factor as it may seem to many, so it must be observed with all rigor, especially since restrictions allow you to build a complete, varied diet. If necessary, you can additionally consult a good nutritionist (especially with recurrent thrush), since new outbreaks of fungal infection may be the result of errors in the girl’s diet. After completing treatment, provoking products can be introduced little by little, but not all at once and in small portions, so as not to have to deal with candidiasis again.

Proper hygiene

Frequent causes of thrush in virgins are precisely gaps in hygiene, since little ladies simply do not know how to properly take care of the delicate area. The girl needs to wash herself at least once a day (perhaps better in the evening), while constantly changing her underwear and towel (it should be strictly individual for its purpose).

The correct washing technique is: only from the genitals and in a strict direction towards the anus, so as not to introduce an infection into the vagina (candida often lives in the intestines).

It is important to know how to choose the right underwear. It should not only be beautiful, with fashionable ruffles and bows, but also made from natural fabrics. Synthetics lead to the formation of a greenhouse effect, so the fungus grows faster. And thongs, which are so fashionable to wear today, help transfer the pathogen from the anus to the vagina, where candida then takes hold.

The product for the intimate area must be selected correctly. Modern gynecologists suggest using special intimate gels containing lactic acid, as they help the female flora remain normal. But antibacterial soap, contrary to the beliefs of many women, should be put away altogether. Its use is associated with an imbalance in the microenvironment, the death of many beneficial bacteria and the strengthening of the position of opportunistic microorganisms.

The category of virgins also includes very tiny patients (up to 2 years old). They may develop thrush due to the use of low-quality diapers or wet wipes. In addition to local allergies, they are sources of excess moisture, in which it is much easier for candida to grow.


Treatment will not give the desired result if you do not follow a certain diet. Yeast loves a sweet environment in which it begins to actively grow. Therefore, you need to limit sweets and baked goods.

  • lean meat, cereals, eggs;
  • fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, natural yogurt);
  • vegetables, fruits, preferably sour;
  • green tea.

All dishes are steamed, boiled, baked.


  • all baked goods and sweets, including honey, sugar, chocolate;
  • spicy, fatty, salty, smoked, marinades;
  • milk;
  • alcohol.

Disease prevention

Practice shows that these simple recommendations, when followed regularly, significantly reduce the risk of thrush in virgins:

  • Maintaining personal hygiene;
  • Taking antibiotics and other medications only under the supervision of a doctor;
  • Wearing underwear exclusively from natural fabrics;
  • Harmonious, balanced nutrition;
  • Refusal from frequent use of soap in favor of specially developed hygiene products;
  • Avoid early sexual intercourse.

Competent sex education and the example of elders are the key to successful prevention. But if a girl gets sick, there is no need to despair. Don't know what to do? Write to our specialist as soon as possible and tell us about the symptoms you notice. He will quickly respond to the alarm and tell you what the right thing to do is and how to help the baby right now.

Questions and answers

Can a virgin have thrush without discharge, just itching?

It happens that it makes it difficult to diagnose the disease.

Does candidiasis appear due to frequent stress?

Yes, frequent stress is the cause of vaginal candidiasis.

Is it possible to have sex during thrush?

Having sex with thrush is extremely undesirable, experts say. But you will learn more detailed information from our other article.

Tags: happen, virgin, thrush

About the author: Admin4ik

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