Can there be asymptomatic thrush in men and women and how to correctly determine its appearance if there is no burning or itching

A disease called candidiasis or thrush today affects almost every second woman in the world. Many people believe that this is not a very serious disease and can be treated on their own. It is this opinion that leads to the fact that more and more women suffer from a chronic form of the disease, since they do not undergo a full examination and take medications without prescription from a specialist. The main symptoms of thrush may disappear, but the disease itself almost always returns after some time.

The disease has many symptoms, but there are cases when thrush without itching is not immediately recognized. Itching is believed to be one of the first signs of the disease, but this is not always the case. In some cases, a fungal infection can only be recognized by taking a smear and examination. The conclusion is issued by a doctor based on all tests, in particular, a general blood and urine test. The absence of itching and burning indicates that the disease is just developing. At the same time, symptoms may appear associated with increased discharge and general poor health. Can candidiasis not be accompanied by symptoms characteristic of this disease?

So can you have thrush without itching? Doctors think it can.

It is important that a doctor can only recognize the disease after a complete examination. It is not recommended to treat candidiasis on your own, because thrush has many consequences, including infertility.

The development of the disease occurs gradually and is associated with numerous reasons, including

  • climate change, hypothermia, stress;

    Antibiotic treatment can lead to thrush

  • the presence of chronic diseases in the acute stage or during intensive antibiotic therapy;
  • suppressed immunity, frequent colds or infectious diseases;
  • metabolic disorders, diseases of internal organs and digestion, pulmonary diseases, skin diseases, allergies;
  • use of synthetic underwear that irritates the skin;
  • chronic form of candidiasis with periodic relapses.

Among the known symptoms of the disease, itching occupies one of the first places, which is why many women, even seeing unpleasant discharge that is not accompanied by itching, do not immediately go to see a specialist, but try to eliminate the symptoms on their own. You should know that thrush can occur completely without symptoms, although this form is more common in men. A man’s body is able to flush out pathogenic bacteria and fungi, namely, remove the infection with urine. This most often does not happen in women, which is why women get sick more often.

Is there any thrush without itching and burning?

Candidiasis is considered to be one of the most common diseases among the female population. Many people believe that the main signs of a fungal disease are itching and burning. And this is true, but sometimes thrush can occur without them.

Candida fungi are present in the body of every woman. Their number is so small that they are not capable of causing any harm to health. However, when they multiply rapidly, symptoms appear that indicate the presence of thrush.

This disease can be caused by:

  • long-term treatment with certain drugs;
  • underwear made from non-natural fabrics;
  • hypothermia;
  • weakened immune defense of the body;
  • diabetes;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • pregnancy period.

Asymptomatic thrush most often occurs in the male half of the population, but it also occurs in women. However, it requires immediate treatment, since in the future the disease develops into a chronic form and relapses may occur throughout life.

When is consultation needed?

Of course, there is no need to visit the gynecologist for a smear every month just to be on the safe side. Candidiasis does not develop without a reason, and it is necessary to check when favorable circumstances arise for the proliferation of fungi.

A woman without symptoms of thrush can be indicated by general poor health and elevated temperature in the following cases:

  • after prolonged use of hormonal drugs,
  • for diabetes,
  • for diseases of the thyroid gland,
  • during pregnancy,
  • when thrush affects other organs,
  • after unprotected sex,
  • in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases,
  • after long-term antibiotic therapy,
  • if your metabolism is disturbed,
  • for HIV infection,
  • if your immune system is weakened,
  • in constant stressful situations, depression,
  • in case of menstrual irregularities,
  • in the postoperative period.

You should also be especially careful for those whose disease has already become chronic. It is the disease in the chronic stage that most often can be asymptomatic.

Naturally, in any case, you may be unwell not only because of candidiasis, but it makes sense to go to the gynecologist, especially if at least some of the symptoms are observed.

Can it occur in women without itching, odor or burning?

The disease caused by Candida fungus in rare cases occurs without characteristic symptoms.
The absence of itching and burning in the groin area indicates that the disease is in the development stage. In this case, it is easier to cure than fully developed candidiasis. Asymptomatic thrush is dangerous not only for the woman, but also for her sexual partner, since the disease is sexually transmitted.

A pregnant woman who suffers from candidiasis should take care of its treatment in a timely manner. Lack of therapy can cause harm to the health of both the child and the expectant mother. In a girl with thrush, childbirth is extremely difficult and ruptures of the vaginal tissues are possible. A child at birth can become infected with Candida fungus from the mother, which will be located on various mucous membranes.

Medicines to combat the disease

Doctors recommend the following medications for itching:

  1. Anti-itch cream Clotrimazole. It can be used at the first symptoms of the disease. It effectively fights fungus and also has a calming effect. Before using the cream, you must ensure that the vagina is clean. Apply the drug in a thin layer using gentle movements. The drug Miconazole has a similar composition and effect.
  2. Clotrimazole is also available in the form of vaginal tablets. They ease the course of the disease, relieve the inflammatory process and kill the fungus.
  3. Vaginal suppositories Polygynax. They act very quickly. The effect is felt within a few hours after use. The drug not only effectively destroys the fungus, but also restores the trophism of the mucous membranes.
  4. Complex action candles Terzhinan. If other drugs kill one or more types of fungus, then Terzhinan contains components that many of their types have an antiseptic effect.
  5. If thrush is not running, the drug Diflucan capsules will help. Just one capsule is enough for treatment.

Traditional medicine also offers many remedies to combat this unpleasant disease. They do not harm health, and their effectiveness is confirmed by many women. You can relieve itching and burning with thrush at home using the following folk remedies:

  1. Herbs such as chamomile, calendula, and sage are widely used to treat female diseases. They also help in the fight against thrush. Having an antimicrobial effect, they help relieve itching and wash away discharge. Use herbs in the form of a decoction. Used for douching and baths.
  2. Regular baking soda when douched also effectively relieves the symptoms of thrush. Its action is based on alkalization of the vagina. After this, the fungus stops reproducing. The medicinal solution is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. soda is dissolved in 1 liter of boiled water. You can add a little salt. The prepared solution is used for douching. Baking soda acts very quickly, relieving pain and itching.
  3. Oak bark will also help in the fight against burning sensation due to thrush. 2 tbsp. Brew the bark with boiled water. A decoction of oak bark has a slight astringent effect, dries and soothes inflamed tissue. Apply the solution in the form of baths. After the procedure, apply ointment against itching for thrush, which was prescribed by the doctor.
  4. Borax and glycerin are used in the form of lotions. They reduce itching, soothe the skin, and relieve swelling of the perineum.
  5. Potassium permanganate baths not only relieve the symptoms of thrush, but also destroy the structure of the fungi. You need to be careful when preparing the solution. It must not be strong, otherwise the delicate mucous membranes of the vagina can be damaged.
  6. Pour boiling water over dry eucalyptus leaves. Let the broth sit for several hours. It must be wrapped up. The prepared solution can be used for douching, baths and moistening tampons in it.
  7. 3% hydrogen peroxide works the same as baking soda. In addition to this effect, it also acidifies the environment.
  8. Regular iodine will help reduce itching due to thrush. It is used in the form of baths. For 1 liter of water you need 1 tbsp. Yoda.
  9. To quickly relieve the symptoms of thrush, douching must be done at least 2 times a day. The procedure is effective not only in combating the disease, but also effectively restores the normal microflora of the vagina, the so-called lactobacilli.

This simple and affordable remedy has an alkaline pH, which mushrooms really don’t like. Their normal habitat is highly acidic. Therefore, soap can be safely used for washing and douching. This will prevent candida fungi from multiplying and destroy their mycelium. Laundry soap is really effective, but treatment with it is a very long process. It relieves itching and burning, removes cheesy discharge from thrush.

Laundry soap should be grated and filled with boiled water. You can douche with this solution. After the procedure, it is recommended to lie down for a while. After 20 minutes, squirt with plain water several times to remove any remaining soap. Tar soap has the same effect.

The advantage of folk remedies is their naturalness and the absence of side effects. But you are unlikely to be able to completely get rid of the disease. Folk remedies are used in combination with medications.

If the symptoms of thrush find you at home, and there are no antifungal agents, Miramistin will help relieve the discomfort. Many people will probably have it in their home medicine cabinet. It effectively eliminates itching and burning. You just need to treat the vaginal walls with it. Chlorhexidine will also help relieve the burning sensation.

When a latent form appears in men without characteristic symptoms

The misconception is that candidiasis is a purely female disease.
If thrush has been diagnosed in a girl, then her sexual partner needs to be examined by a doctor, even in the absence of significant symptoms. Candidiasis without characteristic signs in a man can manifest itself in the form of a white coating on the foreskin and glans penis and painful syndrome during urination.

The absence of itching with thrush indicates that the fungal disease is in the developing stage, and if treatment is not started, serious health problems may arise in the future.

Unlike women, men can excrete Candida fungi in their urine.

Diagnosis of candidiasis

Thrush is easily diagnosed, but the atypical course of candidiasis deprives the doctor of the opportunity to rely on symptoms. The patient does not complain of itching, burning, heavy discharge and other standard symptoms.

The most effective and fastest way to detect pathology in such situations is to take a smear from the mucous surface of the uterus. If the study reveals an excess of the normalized amount of fungus, the doctor diagnoses thrush, determines the stage and prescribes treatment.

The results of this analysis may not be sufficient, since only an increase in the population of microorganisms is noticeable. It is not always possible to recognize their species. To obtain a more complete and clear clinical picture, additional examinations are prescribed - bacterioscopy of urine and blood.

How to determine

In the absence of itching sensations in the genitals, thrush can be identified by a number of symptoms. These include:

  • Vaginal discharge. As a rule, they acquire the consistency of cottage cheese. They can be either white or green. The discharge smells rotten or acidic.
  • Disruptions in the menstrual cycle. There may be either a delay or a premature onset. If your period does not occur within 5 days of the scheduled period, you should contact your gynecologist to find out the reason.
  • Weak pulling and aching pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. Many women, when observing these symptoms, think that they have a cold in the ovaries and begin to take anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. This contributes to the rapid development of candidiasis.
  • The labia take on a red tint. During sex, the girl feels painful sensations.
  • The appearance of a rash on the genitals. Even so, thrush can go away without itching or burning.

If these symptoms are detected, the girl should contact a competent specialist who will conduct a thorough examination and prescribe the patient to undergo a series of tests.
Based on their results, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. The lack of drug therapy for thrush can negatively affect a woman’s health, including in the future she may not have children.

Candidiasis should not be taken lightly. This disease requires immediate treatment. In its absence, the disease can become chronic. If this happens, both the man and the woman will experience relapses throughout their lives.


Therapy for candidiasis without symptoms is prescribed based on laboratory testing. It proceeds in almost the same way as with a disease with characteristic symptoms, and includes the following stages:

  • Drug treatment aimed at ridding the microflora of Candida fungi. Only a doctor should select medications based on examination results.
  • Treatment of concomitant diseases that weaken the body. Also as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Restoring normal metabolism .
  • Elimination of external irritants , namely hygiene products with fragrances and dyes, synthetic linen.

In addition, proper nutrition is desirable. So, you need to exclude sweets, spices and spicy foods, as they provoke the active proliferation of fungi. Instead, it is better to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and especially lactic acid products. After consulting with your doctor first, it will be useful to take probiotics.

An important part of treatment is careful intimate hygiene . You need to wash yourself at least twice a day, ideally using not water, but a chamomile infusion or, for example, an oak bark infusion. During sexual intercourse, do not neglect the condom. You should also protect yourself from hypothermia and excessive physical exertion, as this will affect your hormonal levels, which can delay recovery.

Self-medication in this case does not help. Without a doctor’s recommendation, it is better not to resort to either self-medication or folk treatment. This can only make things worse, denormalize the microflora even more and provide the fungi with resistance to the drug being taken. As a result, you still cannot avoid communicating with the doctor, and perhaps even difficult consequences.

What to do if there is still itching after treatment for vaginal candidiasis?

In this case, you need to visit a gynecologist and find out the cause of the ongoing itching. Because this may indicate persistence of the disease as a result of ineffective therapy, the presence of concomitant pathology of the reproductive system, or an immunodeficiency state.

In addition to a banal smear for flora and sensitivity to drugs, it is recommended to perform a bacteriological culture, take a general urine test and conduct a clinical blood test. It wouldn’t hurt to exclude infections transmitted through sexual intercourse (HIV, genital herpes, human papillomavirus, hepatitis, ureaplasmosis, etc.). Colposcopic examination will also help to understand the cause of the disease.

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Symptoms with an uncharacteristic course

Taking into account only the known symptoms of the disease, most patients try not to notice some physiological abnormalities that do not correspond to them. The discharge with this disease is not always cheesy with a white tint. In some cases, they may be transparent or light yellow, but their flow is not too abundant.

Mistakenly believing that a primitive inflammatory process is occurring in the genitourinary system, without prior consultation with a specialist, patients begin to take a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics. The most common antibiotics are the amoxicillin group. These drugs do not affect the development of fungi.

The lack of secretion of curdled masses is primarily due to the fact that the patient may initially be a carrier of the Candida fungus (infection of the body with a fungal infection, the spread of which is not widespread and is controlled by the immune system). According to statistics, such processes are observed in 20% of the total female population. The fungus that provokes the development of thrush is congenital in many women.

The spread of harmful bacteria throughout the body is facilitated by the weakening of its protective properties, which manifest themselves as a result of inflammatory processes caused by viral or respiratory infections. This creates a favorable environment for the development and spread of pathology. In addition, colonization of the body by harmful fungi can begin as a result of hormonal imbalances. In this case, the symptoms of thrush appear before the menstrual cycle.

During menstruation, the course of the disease is characterized by a decrease in the level of FSH in the blood cells. Also, as a result of the action of progesterone, LH levels decrease in the final stages of the monthly cycle.

Thrush therapy

Most people consult with friends about treatment. But you should know that the types of thrush can be different, and, therefore, the treatment is individual.

Candidiasis in open form and odorless thrush are somewhat different from each other, so the therapy in both cases is different. The course of treatment is selected according to the patient's characteristics. Self-medication can worsen the condition, and some medications can cause negative consequences.

If one partner is diagnosed with thrush, both should be treated so as not to infect each other. During an exacerbation of the disease, sexual intimacy is prohibited. Therapy is stopped not after the symptoms disappear, but after repeated laboratory tests.

The pharmacy market offers a wide range of drugs in the form of suppositories, capsules, ointments or tablets. They often contain active ingredients such as clotrimazole, miconazole and pimafucin. Doctors recommend following a proper diet during therapy, eating more vegetables and fruits.

Curd-like discharge without odor. What is this?

A cheesy, odorless discharge can appear in a woman of any age. Such symptoms indicate an existing infection caused by a number of factors.

Any healthy woman has discharge. But they are white or transparent, without ichors, clots or a specific smell. The amount of vaginal leucorrhoea may vary. If the discharge has changed consistency and color, this should alert you. Odorless curd discharge can cause diseases such as chlamydia or ureaplasma. If you delay treatment, it can lead to infertility. Similar symptoms may also appear with atrophic vaginitis. The disease is accompanied by severe itching and slight bleeding.

Odorless curd discharge may indicate bacterial vaginosis, caused by the bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis. With weakened immunity, it is activated in the mucous microflora.

Pregnant women may experience curd discharge. The expectant mother's body tries with all its might to preserve the fetus, so its immune system decreases. During pregnancy, this symptom occurs quite often.

Of course, odorless, itching and burning thrush is not a fatal disease, but it must be treated.

Do carriers of Candida fungus need treatment?

Treatment of asymptomatic thrush does not differ from conventional therapy applied to candidiasis with characteristic symptoms. Depending on the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes suitable medications. Typically these are antifungal drugs that can destroy pathogenic bacteria, stop their growth and restore body functions.

If thrush was diagnosed recently and has not become chronic, local treatment is effective. Ointments and creams are applied locally, that is, to a specific area.

In the chronic form without cheesy discharge, not only antifungal medications are prescribed. Additionally, medications are prescribed that improve immunity and restore vaginal microflora. These can be vaginal tablets, suppositories, douching solutions. Among the most famous and popular means for combating fungus are Diflucan, Clotrimazole, Livarol, Pimafucin, Miconazole, Econazole, etc.

The antifungal components of the drugs reduce the activity of the fungus. Sometimes one tablet is enough to eliminate obsessive and unpleasant symptoms. To get rid of thrush forever, you need to complete the full course, which can last from one week to 2-3 months.

There are no identical schemes and approaches in the treatment of candidiasis. Everything is individual and depends on the patient’s condition. Even with complete confidence in the diagnosis, you should not get carried away with drugs that once helped. Symptoms and stages of the disease can change, and no one knows how your body will respond to the intervention of inappropriate medications. Don't forget about allergic reactions, complications and side effects. Only a doctor can help and not harm; self-medication for thrush is contraindicated.

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