Why does chronic thrush constantly worsen during pregnancy and how to treat it correctly so that there is no itching or burning of the labia

Thrush is a common disease that cannot be confused with others. Its unpleasant symptoms, such as cheesy discharge, itching and burning in the vagina, can appear at any time, but vulvovaginal candidiasis causes particular discomfort during pregnancy. At this time, a woman is responsible not only for her health, but also for the condition of her baby, which is why it is important to contact a specialist as early as possible to prescribe correct and effective treatment. Timely initiation of therapy can quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease, normalize the microflora and prevent the development of complications.

Symptoms of thrush in pregnant women

Thrush in pregnant women manifests itself actively, but it is impossible not to pay attention to the first symptoms of the disease that arise during pregnancy. A woman experiences white discharge, it is thick and has a consistency that may resemble cottage cheese. Against their background, an unpleasant sour smell appears, indicating the rapid development of a fungal infection. Even one of the described symptoms cannot be ignored; the disease will develop in the future, and getting rid of it is much more difficult.

If thrush is not treated, the discharge will become thicker, resembling sour cream or cottage cheese. As a result of such discharge, a disease such as candidiasis appears, many people simply call it “thrush”. Subsequently, the woman begins to feel itching in the vaginal area, there is a feeling of constant discomfort, dryness, and in some cases an increase in body temperature is observed.

It is important to begin treatment for thrush during pregnancy in the second trimester or at another stage. Trying to get rid of the problem on your own will only worsen the condition without eliminating the problem.

Before starting treatment, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist for an examination and the necessary tests.

Folk recipes

Women who are interested in how to treat thrush in pregnant women in the 3rd trimester should not forget about alternative medicine recipes. Some of them can be very effective, but it is impossible to replace therapy prescribed by a doctor with traditional methods.

  • Washing with herbal decoctions

To relieve pathological symptoms, relieve redness and stop inflammatory processes, you can use decoctions of chamomile, sage, calendula, St. John's wort or thyme. These herbs have disinfectant, antiseptic and antibacterial effects and help speed up recovery. You need to wash yourself with medicinal decoctions 1-2 times a day.

  • Douching with soda

Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with a spoon of salt and a glass of warm water. Use the resulting solution for vaginal douching once a day for 10 days. Baking soda creates an optimal level of acidity in the vaginal environment, at which fungal organisms cannot grow and reproduce.

  • Sitz baths

Take 5-7 liters of warm water into a deep basin and add 3 tablespoons of soda and 5-6 drops of alcohol tincture of iodine. You can also use a decoction of oak or linden bark. You need to take a bath for 10-15 minutes once a day. Repeat the procedure every other day (a total of 3 procedures are needed).

Thrush in late gestation is not as dangerous as at the beginning of pregnancy, but even after 30 weeks it can lead to serious consequences, for example, infection of the child during childbirth. To prevent this from happening, there is no need to delay treatment and ignore doctor’s prescriptions. Recurrent thrush can cause complications in the postpartum period, the development of superinfection, and increased uterine bleeding, so all women are recommended to undergo vaginal sanitation 2-4 weeks before the expected date of birth.

Reasons for the development of thrush

Seeing the first sign of the disease, any woman has a question: “Where did it come from?” The causes of a fungal disease can be many different factors that need to be taken into account.

The causes of thrush during pregnancy include:

  • reduced immunity. Everyone knows that during pregnancy a decrease in immunity is observed in the female body; it is this factor that becomes favorable for the development of fungal infection;
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the vagina that have a negative effect on the microflora;
  • lack of essential minerals and vitamins in the body. The problem arises among those women who like to exhaust themselves with strict diets, eating the same type of foods;
  • change in vaginal acidity. The cause of the phenomenon is possible as a result of taking antibacterial drugs, hormonal pills and medications.

Symptoms of chronic candidiasis

Symptoms of the usual stage are similar, but are not severe. Moreover, a number of symptoms may be absent. The symptoms of the chronic stage are clearly felt by the carrier:

  1. Curdled discharge
  2. Unbearable itching
  3. Areas with white content on the mucous membrane around the vagina and inside
  4. Burning in the vagina due to itching, arousal or insertion of the penis. Also, the symptom may appear for no apparent reason.

Dangers of thrush during pregnancy

If thrush is not treated during pregnancy, it can cause problems. Thrush during pregnancy is an unacceptable diagnosis that requires immediate treatment.

Thrush, especially in the last weeks before childbirth, can cause damage to the fetus and can cause complications during childbirth. For this reason, it is important to consult a doctor after detecting signs of the disease, starting timely treatment.

The danger also lies in the case when, to cure thrush, it is necessary to take antibacterial drugs, as well as hormonal pills. Women who have problems with excess weight, genital herpes, diabetes mellitus and other chronic infections should be afraid of the greatest complications.


The antifungal drug Candide is available in the form of vaginal tablets, gel and cream for external use, as well as a solution for treating affected surfaces. For pregnant women, the medicine is prescribed in the form of vaginal tablets. The drug contains clotrimazole (500 mg in 1 tablet) as an active ingredient and effectively copes with candidiasis of the vagina, vulva and urogenital tract. Candide can also be used to treat mixed forms of thrush complicated by trichomoniasis, since clotrimazole exhibits high activity against trichomonas.

The course of Candida therapy is usually short - no more than 3 days. Dosage of the drug – 1 tablet before bedtime (introduce deep into the vagina). To sanitize the birth canal at 37-38 weeks of gestation, a single injection is used.

Impact of thrush on pregnancy

If thrush during pregnancy is not treated promptly, the disease can have a negative impact on women's health and fetal development. If the main factors should be highlighted:

  1. The occurrence of itching interferes with normal sleep at night, and the woman begins to experience constant irritation. As a result of this phenomenon, the pregnant woman constantly complains of high blood pressure, headaches, and in some cases there is an increase in the tone of the uterus (this can be extremely dangerous, as it can cause premature birth).
  2. Mucosal lesions are a favorable environment in which pathogenic microbes begin to develop. In most cases, various vaginal infections occur against the background of candidiasis, which require antibacterial drugs to be treated.
  3. Complications during childbirth. This pathology is not typical during pregnancy in the second trimester, but in the later stages. To prevent this situation, treatment of candidiasis in the second trimester is recommended.
  4. If this is not the woman’s first birth, and previously the pregnancy ended in a cesarean section, then there is a high probability of uterine rupture along the scar if thrush is present. This problem is extremely serious and requires medical treatment.
  5. A continuous sensation of itching causes scratching of the skin in the genital area. This circumstance can cause severe stress, which can ultimately result in eczema.

Treatment methods

I would like to immediately note that treatment for candidiasis should only be prescribed by a doctor after examining and examining the patient. Pregnancy is not a reason to experiment with your health and the health of your unborn child! You should not use traditional methods without the consent of your doctor; independent vaginal manipulation is strictly prohibited.

You should also not refuse treatment for candidiasis, citing “the harm of the drugs to the child.” Candidiasis itself usually does not pose a particular danger to a mother with normal immunity and a child outside of childbirth, but a constantly inflamed vagina can easily be colonized by other pathogenic flora - streptococci, intestinal flora, dangerous to the fetus. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to treat thrush; it is especially important to sanitize the birth canal on the eve of childbirth.

We list the main treatment options for candidiasis in the third trimester in pregnant women:

  • Local antifungal drugs - suppositories or suppositories, vaginal tablets and creams. It is these local vaginal forms that are preferred not only in the third trimester, but throughout pregnancy. The last trimester simply gives greater freedom in choosing products and medications. All local forms of antimycotics or antifungal drugs can be used during these periods without fear of any negative consequences for the fetus. The most commonly used are clotrimazole, natamycin, ketoconazole, nystatin, sertaconazole, miconazole in various dosage forms. It is very important to carefully follow the course prescribed by your doctor in order to properly treat candidiasis and prevent relapse.
  • Local combined agents. Usually in such preparations one or another antifungal agent is combined with metronidazole. These drugs are intended for the treatment of so-called mixed infections or mixed colpitis, when both fungal and coccal bacterial flora are present.
  • Local antiseptics in various forms - irrigation solutions, suppositories, creams. Such antiseptics include povidone-iodine, chlorhexidine, miramistin, hydrogen peroxide and combinations thereof. Antiseptics act on all types of pathogenic flora, making no difference whether it is a virus, fungus or bacteria. Of the listed products, only povidone-iodine (Ruvidone, Betadine and others) and chlorhexidine (Hexicon, Hexosept) are present in the form of vaginal forms - suppositories. The rest can only be used to irrigate the external genitalia in order to reduce unpleasant symptoms.
  • Preparations for restoring vaginal microflora. This is a large group of completely safe drugs based on ready-made lactobacilli, vitamin C or lactic acid, which restore the acidity of the vagina and the microbial landscape, providing a mild therapeutic and pronounced preventive effect. Therefore, for the treatment of an acute episode of candidiasis, these drugs are useless, but for consolidating the effect and preventing relapse, they are very relevant.
  • To relieve symptoms, but not for the main treatment, in the third trimester of pregnancy you can use some “grandmother’s” recipes. Sitz baths with chamomile, calendula, tea tree and eucalyptus oils are good for relieving itching, redness and swelling of the genitals.
  • For daily hygiene, you should choose mild detergents. You should avoid products that say “Antibacterial effect”; these are usually quite aggressive chemical compounds. Preference should be given to baby soap or special intimate hygiene products based on lactic acid and plant extracts. Products such as Epigen, Saugella, and Malavit have proven themselves to be quite good.

Sitz baths with chamomile (also calendula, tea tree oil and eucalyptus) will relieve itching, redness and swelling of the genitals. Click on photo to enlarge

The dangers of thrush for a child

If there is thrush during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, treatment should begin immediately, since in the early stages the disease leads to increased tone of the uterus. This phenomenon is extremely negative for the fetus, as it interferes with its proper development.

The child does not receive the required amount of nutrients and components, or the required amount of oxygen. As a result of such factors, the child begins to lag behind in development, and problems with the formation of certain organs may be observed.

Provided that a bacterial infection has also been added to the thrush, the attending physician warns of the threat of miscarriage. In this case, there is a high probability of infection of the fetus while still in the womb. It is the infection from mother to fetus that is considered the most common phenomenon.

During breastfeeding, the fungus also enters the oral cavity, causing a large number of various health problems. In infants, a fungal infection begins its active development in the digestive tract and on the oral mucosa.

How to get rid of chronic Candida fungus disease forever

Complex treatment consists of 5 components: tablets, suppositories, cream, gel/douching and diet.

If one of the components is missing, the treatment will be protracted and unsuccessful.

How to treat with medication: scheme

Each manufacturer, depending on the dose, prescribes a different number of tablets per day.
Let us explain using Pimafucin as an example, which in the chronic stage should be taken 4 times a day. Scheme step by step:

  1. Take tablets 4 times a day at equal intervals.
  2. In the morning and evening, wash with intimate hygiene gel, which restores the acid-base balance in the vagina and eliminates some of the symptoms. Gels such as Lactacid, for example, contain antifungal components.
  3. After washing, douche or apply cream to the mucous membrane to avoid itching, burning and inflammation.
  4. Before going to bed, insert one candle.

More details about each stage below.

Antibiotics orally

The following dosages are available: 100, 150 and 200 mg.
The number of tablets per day depends on the dosage. For example, with a dosage of 100 mg to eliminate the chronic stage, you need to take 4 tablets. The dosage also depends on the active substance in the antibiotic. 4 groups of drugs:

  1. Macrolides are moderately effective and safe for long-term treatment - without side effects. Suitable for treating the chronic stage.
  2. Polyenes affect yeast fungi by destroying the cell membrane. Suitable for the prevention of regular thrush.
  3. Imidazoles penetrate deep into tissues and disinfect them. Prescribed for the treatment of relapses.
  4. Triazoles are suitable for the treatment of the chronic stage, as they are slowly eliminated from the body.

Antibacterial vaginal suppositories

Used daily before bed, in parallel with other medications. It is advisable to choose suppositories from the same company as the tablets so that the treatment is more effective.


Douches or ointments are made to eliminate external symptoms: itching, redness, inflammation, swelling and burning. Douching can be done with chamomile decoction, or you can buy a special cream.

Treatment of sexual partner

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, depending on the level of Candida in the body. Basically, this is the same cream against eliminating external symptoms. It helps men because it contains an antifungal component.

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy

If a woman is diagnosed with thrush during pregnancy, then the first question is how to treat it? From all that has been said above, it is possible to draw an unambiguous conclusion regarding the fact that treating the disease during pregnancy is not only possible, but even necessary. And it’s even better to make efforts to protect yourself from developing such a disease altogether.

To do this, first of all, you need to be tested for all possible infections that can be sexually transmitted. If an infection has been detected, it is necessary to begin treating it, and only then plan conception. You need to know some rules with which you can protect yourself from infection and fungus:

  • during pregnancy, during sexual intercourse, it is imperative to use a condom, with which you can provide protection against infections;
  • be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene; you should not use antiseptics during pregnancy;
  • You should not wear underwear made of synthetic materials, and in hot weather, avoid wearing panty liners;
  • Visit your therapist and gynecologist regularly. If a diagnosis of thrush has been made, then it must be treated tediously under the supervision of a doctor and using safe but effective drugs;
  • It is necessary to eat only healthy foods, it is better to give up salty, spicy, chocolate, sweet and starchy foods;
  • In autumn and winter you need to dress according to the weather.

If thrush appears in the second trimester of pregnancy, under no circumstances should you despair. It is necessary to get together and direct all efforts to fight this infection.

Only in this case will it be possible to quickly get rid of possible complications for the mother and child. Take care of yourself and your baby, react correctly to any changes in your health.


Only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis after collecting and processing all tests and conducting an examination. Thrush in the third trimester of pregnancy, its treatment is a labor-intensive and long process, only a doctor can select medications, weighing the risks of the effects of medications and the risks of lack of treatment.

  • A gynecological examination is the first thing a expectant mother should do if she suspects she has thrush. Curdled discharge can also indicate other infectious diseases of the body - the gynecologist will determine how advanced the stage is by its appearance. In addition to the fact that the doctor will see how the disease develops, the condition of the genitals; he will collect the necessary tests for laboratory research. He will also give initial recommendations on hygiene.
  • Vaginal smear. It is taken by a gynecologist during a dry glass examination of the cervix. Before the procedure, it is better to wash the genitals, but without using soap, gels and aggressive components that can blur the results of the study. The vaginal smear is sent for analysis to the appropriate laboratory, the result of which will be no earlier than 2-4 days. Although some clinics are now equipped with high-precision equipment, on which a complete diagnosis of the material occurs within an hour.

Every woman has the fungal Candida albicans in minimal quantities. They can stay in the body for years and not reveal their presence in any way.

When immunity is weakened or other negative factors occur, their uncontrolled growth occurs, resulting in an infectious disease. Exceeding the norm of yeast already indicates possible treatment.

  • During the initial study, molecular, biological and cultural methods are not used, as they give a blurry picture of the anamnesis. They can give an erroneous picture and lead the doctor down the wrong path. As a result, a woman in labor may be prescribed the wrong group of medications.
  • The cultural method of laboratory research is used to confirm the chronic stage. In this case, it is necessary, since it is important to identify the specific type of fungus and understand which antibiotics can affect it.
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