Does Wobenzym help in the treatment of endometriosis?

What is Wobenzym medicine for?

The drug is often prescribed for complex treatment of various diseases. It is accepted in almost all medical fields.

In gynecology:

  • inability to bear a child (especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimester);
  • endometritis;
  • mastopathy;
  • chlamydia.

In dermatology:

  • skin rash;
  • itchy dermatosis.

In neurology:

  • angina pectoris;
  • myocardial infarction.

In ophthalmology:

  • glaucoma;
  • uveitis;
  • hemophthalmos.

In oncology:

  • chemotherapy and radiation therapy (to increase tolerance);
  • reducing the likelihood of re-infection.

In pulmonology:

  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchitis.

In urology:

  • genital infections;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis.

The medicine is also actively used in pediatrics, surgery, and endocrinology.

Other indications include:

  • acclimatization;
  • problems with microcirculation;
  • negative manifestations after hormonal treatment;
  • viral infections and resulting complications.

The effectiveness of the drug for endometritis

The drug protects the body from complications and side effects after taking antibacterial and chemical drugs. It prevents the development of adhesions and infertility, increases the effectiveness of basic therapy drugs, and allows you to reduce their dosage. The drug is characterized by versatility and a wide spectrum of action. It has:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antimicrobial;
  • fibrinolytic properties.

Wobenzym prevents the development of chronic diseases. It thins the blood, increases the body's immune strength, improves metabolism, reduces pain, and helps fight swelling. If the drug is taken together with antibacterial agents, this will increase the effectiveness of therapy, help reduce body temperature, and also shorten the overall duration of the disease.

Endometritis causes congestion, dysfunction of organs and systems, adhesions, and infertility. Wobenzym affects the body at the cellular level, preventing complications and negative consequences of taking medications.

How to take Wobenzym

The tablets are intended for oral administration. You should take it 25-30 minutes before meals with a glass of water.

The dose and duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, taking into account the problem and condition of the patient. An adult, depending on his condition, can be prescribed from 3 to 9 tablets. A prerequisite is three times a day. Most often, in the first 3 days of treatment, take 3 tablets 3 times a day. Afterwards, the number of tablets at one time can increase or decrease, but the multiplicity in any case remains the same.

For chronic diseases, treatment may take up to half a year.

For radiation and chemotherapy, it is recommended to use 5 tablets 3 times a day during the entire treatment period. This will have a positive effect on the patient’s condition and prevent possible infectious complications.

In order to prevent various diseases, it is prescribed to take 2 tablets 3 times a day for a month and a half. This course can be repeated no more than 3 times a year.

Instructions for use

The tablets are taken half an hour before eating. No need to chew. Drink a glass of water. The number of tablets and frequency of administration for adults depends on the degree of the disease and varies from 3 to 10 tablets three times a day.

When the severity of the disease is average, take 5-7 tablets three times a day for two weeks. Then, for a half-month, take 3-5 pieces three times a day.

In case of an increased degree of the disease, take 7-10 pieces three times a day for a course of 3 weeks. Then take 5 tablets three times a day for three months.

Side effects and overdose

Treatment with the drug usually does not lead to adverse reactions. To date, there is no data regarding the occurrence of negative manifestations after taking the medicine. There is also no addiction or withdrawal syndrome, even if the treatment was long-term and large doses were used.

In quite rare cases, urticaria may appear, as well as minor changes in the smell of stool and its consistency.

If, after taking it, the patient discovers undesirable effects, then you need to stop treatment and consult a doctor.

To date, no cases of overdose have been identified.

Side effects and contraindications

If you take the medicine correctly, it does not have a negative effect on the body. There is no addiction to it, and there is no exacerbation of the disease after discontinuation of the drug.

In rare cases, an allergic reaction in the form of urticaria may occur, in which case the dosage should be reduced. Taking the drug may be accompanied by headache, indigestion in the form of diarrhea, bloating. The appearance of nausea and vomiting indicates increased sensitivity to the components.

Wobenzym is contraindicated for:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • tendency to bleeding if the patient has a pathology of the blood coagulation system (hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura);
  • carrying out hemodialysis;
  • severe kidney and liver dysfunction.

Is it possible to take Wobenzym with alcohol?

It is worth saying that with any disease and even in a healthy state, drinking alcohol, especially in large quantities, has a negative effect on the human body. When wondering about the possibility of combining the drug with alcohol, you need to keep in mind that it is prescribed not so often and mainly as part of a complex treatment, as a result of which various reactions may appear in the body. If the drug is taken in parallel with antibiotics or antiviral drugs, then drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited.

"Wobenzym" for chronic "women's diseases"

As an advertisement.

Those who regularly deal with diseases in the field of women's health and suffer from chronic infections or other problems in the intimate sphere know well that getting out of the endless circle of relapses and new exacerbations can sometimes be difficult. How can you help your body cope with such a situation? Let's find out!

Chronic “women's diseases”: all about auxiliary therapy

Unfortunately, any woman can sooner or later encounter certain problems in the field of women’s health: various infections, cystitis, adnexitis and other diseases of the female reproductive system. It is important not only to notice the first symptoms of female diseases in time and begin timely treatment, but also to ensure that these problems do not become chronic!

Of course, first of all, in case of any exacerbation of diseases in the field of women's health or disturbing symptoms in the intimate area, it is necessary to consult with a specialized doctor. As a rule, the doctor assesses the general condition of the body, clarifies whether there are any complaints about disturbing manifestations and symptoms, conducts the necessary studies, makes a diagnosis and prescribes appropriate treatment.

It is important to understand that the recommended treatment regimen may consist not only of primary-acting drugs, but also of auxiliary therapy. Primary action drugs are aimed directly at combating the diagnosed disease. They are designed to relieve the main symptoms, remove disturbing manifestations and help the body cope with the disease.

The results of taking concomitant therapy may not be as clear, but you should not ignore this part of the doctor’s prescriptions! Adjuvant therapy drugs are used in the complex treatment of various diseases and are designed to support the body in its fight against the disease, enhance the effect of basic drugs and reduce the likelihood of side effects of certain drugs.

How to break the “vicious circle” of chronic diseases?

One example of such drugs is the drug Wobenzym. It contains 7 enzymes (enzymes of 100% natural origin) with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, as well as vitamin P, which helps normalize the permeability of vascular walls and blood viscosity1.

Unlike many drugs used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of gynecological problems, Wobenzym works not only locally. It systemically affects a number of the body’s most important reactions in the fight against disease, including inflammatory and immune ones. After all, disruption of these reactions is directly related to the occurrence of the disease, its protracted course and the appearance of complications. Treatment tactics with the inclusion of the drug “Wobenzym” allow you to cope with inflammation as physiologically as possible.

Such abilities of Wobenzym enzymes make the drug the most important anti-relapse agent, the use of which in chronic forms of inflammatory diseases in gynecology and urology can significantly increase the period of remission between episodes of the disease.

For the treatment of even chronic gynecological diseases!

So, Wobenzym helps fight chronic infections, STIs, cystitis and other problems in the field of gynecology and urology. In addition, Wobenzym can be used in conjunction with hormone replacement therapy or hormonal contraceptives to reduce the frequency and severity of their side effects1.

Wobenzym is produced in Germany and is registered by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation as a medicinal product. It is not addictive and for chronic diseases it is approved for long-term use according to doctor’s indications1. Of course, it must be remembered that high-quality and well-chosen auxiliary therapy should take place together with the main treatment. Therefore, in order to properly deal with chronic problems and diseases, you need to be attentive to all doctor’s prescriptions, not self-medicate and not cancel prescribed medications at the first signs of improvement in health.

You can ask additional questions related to the drug “Wobenzym” as part of a special online consultation on the website

Related product: [product](WOBENZYM)

1Instructions for medical use of the drug "Wobenzym". Registration number: P No. 011530/01 dated 02/19/2010.

Mukos Pharma GmbH & Co., KG, Germany.

Mirastrasse 17, 13509 Berlin, Germany.

Registration number: P No. 011530/01 dated 02/19/2010.


Possible side effects

Experts note that treatment with Wobenzym is extremely rarely accompanied by the development of side symptoms. Usually the body easily tolerates taking the drug. Side symptoms may appear if contraindications are ignored. Sometimes taking the drug is accompanied by:

  • nausea, vomiting,
  • upset stool, possible change in the color and consistency of stool,
  • allergies, as a result of individual intolerance.

If side symptoms appear during treatment of a cystic formation, it is better to refuse the medication or significantly reduce its dose. You cannot adjust the treatment yourself; this should only be done by the attending physician. In most cases, it is enough to reduce the dosage to normalize your health.

Description of the drug, effect on the body

Wobenzym has found wide application in medicine. It consists of components of plant and animal origin. The drug has the following properties:

  • immunostimulating,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • fibrinolytic,
  • analgesic,
  • decongestants.

It is an excellent addition to the treatment of most gynecological pathologies.

However, it is never used as an independent remedy - it is a drug for complex treatment.

Basic principles of influence on the body:

  • eliminates inflammation,
  • normalizes the state of the circulatory system, accelerates tissue recovery and resolves bruises,
  • improves blood microcirculation, lipid metabolism, promotes saturation of cells with oxygen and elements necessary for their full functioning,
  • it is possible to use certain medications, such as antibiotics, to neutralize the negative symptoms,
  • is the best addition in the treatment of gynecological pathologies, including ovarian cysts, occurring at any stage.

Indications and contraindications

Wobenzym has a wide range of applications, it is used in:

  • urology,
  • angiology,
  • gynecology,
  • cardiology,
  • pulmonology,
  • gastroenterology,
  • nephrology,
  • rheumatology,
  • endocrinology,
  • dermatology,
  • neurology,
  • ophthalmology,
  • pediatrics,
  • surgery,
  • traumatology.

In addition to its positive properties, the drug has a number of specific contraindications that are important to consider before using it. Therapy is carried out under the supervision of a specialist; when treated at home, a woman is not immune from side effects or significant deterioration in well-being. The drug is prohibited for use if:

  • diseases that increase the risk of bleeding,
  • carrying out hemodialysis,
  • treatment of preschool-age minors,
  • allergies to the components of the medication.
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