The first signs and sensations that appeared even before the delay.

From the first days after fertilization, the body sends a woman signals about the beginning of pregnancy, long-awaited or unplanned. Menstruation stops, mammary glands increase in size, mood changes, and unusual taste preferences appear. These and other signs most likely indicate pregnancy. It is important to be attentive to your feelings so as not to miss important changes in your life. The doctor will be able to confirm or deny the fact of conception of a child after examining the patient.

Pregnancy symptoms

Any woman, regardless of whether she dreams of a child or whether pregnancy is undesirable, would like to know as early as possible that conception has occurred. Even before the delay, the body gives many signals about the change that has occurred in it. Some symptoms can be recognized as early as 2-3 weeks after conception, while others do not appear until the middle of the second month of pregnancy.

The first signs of pregnancy are often mistaken for general ailments and acute respiratory viral infections, especially if they are single and not intense. It is worth knowing that the symptoms of the onset of pregnancy are conventionally divided into:

  • reliable: when they occur, the fact of conception is irrefutable;
  • speculative: pregnancy is quite possible;
  • dubious: they should not be particularly trusted, since they are based on a woman’s subjective feelings.

Gestational weeks are usually counted from the start of the new cycle in which fertilization occurred: the onset of pregnancy occurs on the 1st day of menstruation. Ovulation (the release of an egg) occurs in the middle of the cycle on the 14th day (with a normal 28-day cycle). The egg lives for 24 hours, and only during this time can it be fertilized. After her meeting with the sperm, a restructuring begins in the woman’s body, which results in the first signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation.

In the first days of pregnancy, it is quite difficult to recognize its symptoms. But sometimes, even on the 20-21st day of the cycle, some symptoms can tell an attentive woman about her situation. At this time, the fetus is already descending into the uterus and is carefully fixed in it. Signs of pregnancy during this period are not too bright. Most women notice changes in their bodies only after a delay in menstruation.

The first signs and sensations that appeared even before the delay.

Hi all!

In this post I’ll talk about how I began to suspect B, how I made excuses so as not to be upset if it wasn’t B, how I felt and what happened.

Once (several years ago) I was 146% sure that I was pregnant, and there was a delay, and my breasts and stomach, everything that pregnant women wrote about - I felt all this.:( I went to donate blood, and the hCG there was 0.39. I was very upset then.

This time I was sure from the very beginning that everything would work out. But the fear of being upset was great. Therefore, for every “bell” I came up with an excuse.

From 3-4 DPO:

1. Fat, I ate a lot, but in the second phase of the cycle I always eat a lot.

2. Abdominal bloating, the stomach was twisting and seething, although the stool was normal. It swelled up very much (still like a balloon). I thought it was all because I eat everything.

3. My breasts became fuller, I felt tightness on the sides for one day, my nipples didn’t bother me. Nothing burned, didn’t bake, didn’t hurt, it just filled up. Periodically, in the second phase, it fills up and deflates before menstruation. Now (4 DZ) it is huge, you take off your bra in the evening and it hurts terribly, higher from the nipples. Unpleasant.

4. Frequent urge to eat small things. I just started running often, I thought it was because of the temperature. After the delay, I run less, but I consistently get up to go to the toilet once a night; before B, this didn’t happen, even when I drank water at night.

5. Body temperature 37 immediately after O. Measured body temperature in the evenings, still within the range of 37-37.5.:) Sore throat, out of nowhere (day 3). At first it tickled, then it hurt, even really hurt, so I rinsed it with furatsilin. By the way, I already started to guess that the neck is still not ice after the delay.

On day X the temperature was 38.3, I panicked and brought it down with paracetamol, then the temperature was around 36.9. Now I'm worried :(

6. My stomach was constantly tugging, like during menstruation. Although they were still a week away! From time to time there was a stronger pull on the left. I blamed it on my guts. After the delay, it pulls periodically and not at all strongly.

7. I sense smells more acutely.:) From a decent distance I can discern that among my colleagues in the circle I chalked it up to the fact that I quit smoking (I quit a month before B).

8. Pimples!!!! My whole face is covered in some kind of shit!!!! :((

9. Hot temper and sentimentality.

10. Fatigue and drowsiness. In the evening I feel sleepy by 21:00, I pass out at most at 22, sometimes earlier.

6DPO - test is empty

7DPO - test is empty

8DPO - test is empty

9DPO - the test is empty - I freaked out and went to donate blood.

And here is the treasured text message in the evening that the results are ready.:) I open the mail, open the file... it’s shaking, well, I think right now it will be zero and something again, but there it is 12!!!!!! 12, Karl!!!!!! Holy shit! Now it’s clear why the tests were empty, and my instincts didn’t let me down, I knew everything from the very beginning Roar, scream, poor neighbors:)

I called my husband, in snot, in tears, shouting to him “We are pregnant, this is AWESOME!!!!!” We didn't expect it to work the first time. I always thought that I would tell my husband in some special way, yeah :)

He was also shaking, he was also in shock. I think he still doesn't understand what's going on :)

At 10 DPO the stripes already appeared. Then every day the stripes become more and more striped, and I’m already a chipmunk at 4DZ (the stripes have become equal).

Now nothing worries me, nothing bothers me.:) I feel a little nauseous from hunger, so I constantly eat something, cherry tomatoes are especially good. I feel a little nauseous after eating. I started to feel very nauseous from certain foods, for example, my favorite stewed turkey with vegetables makes me nauseous. But overall everything is good!

I told close relatives and close friends, several colleagues with whom I have a trusting relationship.

The next post will be about what, in my opinion, contributed to conception (we never tracked O, and did not use pills or condoms, etc).

Girls, contemporaries (and others), add yourself as friends, let's expect a miracle together and share your impressions!

To all who wish and plan - cherished //


Reliable signs

Reliable signs of pregnancy clearly indicate that a child has been conceived. These include:

  • HCG rise. Human chorionic gonadotropin appears only during pregnancy and clearly indicates the successful conception of a child. The concentration of hCG can be determined using a blood test from a vein 10-14 days after conception. Qualitative determination of hCG is carried out using a pharmacy pregnancy test.
  • Detection of an embryo by ultrasound. Transvaginal ultrasound examination at 3-4 obstetric weeks allows you to see the embryo in the uterus or outside it. At 5-6 weeks, the fetal heartbeat is heard during ultrasound.
  • Palpation of large parts of the fetus. It is carried out in the second half of pregnancy. By palpating the belly of the expectant mother, the doctor can determine the head and pelvis of the fetus. At 18-22 weeks, the baby’s heartbeat can be heard through the anterior abdominal wall.

How to determine pregnancy before missed period?

In addition to sensations and external changes, you can find out about pregnancy before a missed period using special tests or traditional methods.

How can you determine pregnancy:

  1. HCG analysis - after conception, the placenta begins to secrete a specific hormone, the levels of which increase throughout pregnancy. The test can be done 10 days after ovulation; it must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Ultrasound is one of the most accurate methods for determining pregnancy, but a good specialist will be able to see the presence of an egg only 5-7 days after the delay.
  3. Pregnancy test - a small amount of hCG is also present in the urine, which allows you to determine conception using simple tests yourself. For analysis, it is better to use a morning urine sample, choose tests with a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml; a weak second line may appear 7–9 days after ovulation.
  4. Iodine - wet a napkin in a portion of morning urine, drop some silent iodine, during pregnancy the spot will acquire a rich purple color. You can drop iodine directly into a container with urine; if the drop does not sink, the test can be considered positive.
  5. Soda - add 3-5 g of soda to a bowl with morning urine; during pregnancy, the powder settles to the bottom; if conception does not occur, the urine begins to foam.

Take a blood test to determine the level of hCG to accurately determine pregnancy on the 10th day

→ Review of the 5 best pregnancy tests

Possible signs

Possible signs of pregnancy are detected in the early stages. Such symptoms do not always indicate the conception of a child. Similar signs are found in various gynecological diseases. Possible signs of pregnancy include:

  • Amenorrhea. The absence of menstruation in a healthy woman of reproductive age most likely indicates pregnancy. Amenorrhea can also occur with some diseases of the genital area, as well as during the period of feeding a child with breast milk and during menopause.
  • Increase in basal temperature. She will confirm pregnancy if the temperature, after increasing during ovulation, by the 21st day of the cycle does not drop to its previous levels and remains above 37 degrees. For this sign to be truly reliable, basal temperature should be measured daily, several cycles in a row, strictly in the morning after waking up.
  • Toxicosis. Every second pregnant woman experiences it in the first trimester of gestation. It usually appears on days 27-30 of the cycle, at the time when menstruation should arrive, but there are cases of earlier onset of toxicosis. Most often, it is he who makes a woman think about the consequences of sexual contact without contraception. Many people know the symptoms of early pregnancy related to toxicosis: vomiting, excessive salivation, morning sickness.
  • Cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the vagina, cervix and enlargement of the uterus. Determined by a doctor during a gynecological examination.

A little about the physiology of the reproductive system in women

If we rely on data on the physiology of the female reproductive system, conception is possible if sexual intercourse occurs during the period of ovulation. For approximately 60% of women, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. In this case, ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, that is, on day 14 (if the woman is healthy and does not have diseases of the reproductive system). A menstrual cycle lasting 21-35 days is also considered normal. Ovulation occurs before the start of the second phase of the cycle, which normally lasts 14 days. Therefore, to find out the day of ovulation, it is necessary to subtract 14 from the duration of the cycle. For example, if the menstrual cycle lasts 30 days, then 30 – 14 = 16, that is, in this case, ovulation will occur on the 16th day of the cycle. This knowledge is necessary in order to choose the right time for conception and not miss ovulation.

Questionable signs

There are quite a few signs of pregnancy in the first month, which are likely signals of what has happened. On the 20th day of the cycle, it is quite difficult to notice the still subtle signs of pregnancy, but their manifestation already in the second week immediately after conception becomes more intense.

Presumable signs of pregnancy individually often do not attract attention, but taken together they can alarm the expectant mother even before the delay, forcing her to find out exactly about her situation.

Breast changes, dizziness, changes in food preferences are the most likely signs recorded by almost every pregnant woman.

Weakness and loss of strength

These are the most pronounced symptoms at the beginning of pregnancy, caused by changes in the hormonal background of the body and in the functioning of other internal systems after conception. Attachment of the fetus to the uterine mucosa changes the content of progesterone and body temperature, which is why the woman feels a deterioration in her health. Many people are worried about dizziness, weakness, runny nose and other conditions that are not typical for normal days during pregnancy:

  • the woman feels cold, she shudders, and after a short period of time she feels hot;
  • spontaneous headaches occur;
  • drowsiness, loss of strength, and fatigue appear that are unusual for a woman;
  • troubled by sleep problems.

Folk signs

There are also popular signs according to which women are advised to check the fact of conception even before the delay and without purchasing a test at the pharmacy. And although they are based on the experience of many generations, in most cases these are rather dubious signs of pregnancy:

  • Dreams. Popular wisdom claims that a dream about a watermelon or any fish speaks about the development of a new life inside a woman.
  • Home tests: one drop of iodine is added to a fresh portion of urine: if it dissolves, then this is a sign of conception;
  • A pinch of ordinary soda is poured into the urine, a very small amount: if bubbles appear, then the test is positive.

Such symptoms and signs, which, according to popular belief, indicate pregnancy, are not based on facts, regardless of the result, need to be verified in more accurate ways.

Candidiasis and conception

Some women believe that thrush that began even before the delay of menstruation, coinciding with unprotected sexual intercourse, indicates pregnancy. There really is a connection between them: blood rushing to the pelvis provokes an increase in vaginal discharge, and an increase in estrogen production affects its flora. These two changes in the reproductive organs create conditions favorable for the proliferation of Candida fungi. Excessive amounts of them cause thrush. The appearance of candidiasis, itching and curdled discharge are unlikely to confirm conception. These signs of pregnancy are questionable: thrush is more likely a consequence of conception than a symptom.

Confirming set

It is worth remembering that not all of the above pregnancy symptoms are necessarily observed in every woman and only in the early stages of gestation. What first signals of conception will appear, at what time and with what intensity depends on the body of a particular woman, the length of her cycle and her state of health. Experts note: on the 26th day of the cycle, all expectant mothers experience signs of pregnancy to one degree or another, but it is the delay in menstruation that forces them to pay attention to the body’s signals.

In order not to miss the onset of pregnancy and find out about it almost immediately, after sexual intercourse without contraception, a woman should be attentive to herself. If she notices:

  • severe weakness;
  • changes in tastes and attitudes towards smells;
  • nagging pain in the back or lower abdomen;
  • swelling of the breasts and nipples;
  • problems with sleep, appetite, mood;
  • sudden change in libido;
  • frequent trips to the toilet;
  • nausea and vomiting.

It is worth turning to reliable methods of confirming pregnancy: hCG analysis, pregnancy test and examination by a gynecologist.

Signs of pregnancy in the first days and 1 week

May 30, 20143348120 Category: Pregnancy

The most reliable way to determine pregnancy is to go to the doctor. However, there are many signs that may indicate pregnancy even before the official conclusion.

First signs of pregnancy

  1. Lack of regular menstruation. The most important sign. But it should only be discussed with women who have a regular menstrual cycle;
  2. Painful sensations in the chest and its enlargement. Such sensations arise due to hormonal changes in the mammary gland. From the very first days of pregnancy, the mother's breasts prepare to feed the baby;
  3. Frequent urination. This phenomenon is associated with an enlargement of the uterus, which in turn puts pressure on the bladder. As a result, the woman experiences a frequent urge to urinate;
  4. Change in taste preferences. Often, due to a lack of any substances in the body, a pregnant woman develops a craving for some type of food or completely inedible things (for example, chalk, earth);
  5. Fatigue quickly. With the onset of pregnancy, a woman experiences drowsiness, rapid fatigue, notes a decrease in attention, memory, and so on. All these signs are also associated with hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother.

When do the first signs of pregnancy appear?

Every woman feels the first signs of pregnancy differently. That is, one will feel changes in her body a few days after fertilization, while the other may not know about pregnancy until a visit to the doctor or a delay in the menstrual cycle.

The exact signs of pregnancy can be detected in the following ways:

  • feeling the fetus by a gynecologist. Using this research method, the doctor determines the position of the baby in the uterine cavity;
  • listening to the baby's heartbeat. After twenty weeks of pregnancy, at each appointment the doctor will listen to the baby’s heart using an obstetric stethoscope;
  • ultrasonography. It is with the help of this study that you can see the condition of the fetus, the development of organs, systems and much more. This type of research is the most reliable;
  • blood test for hCG levels. The level of the hormone in the blood can indicate not only the presence of pregnancy, but also help determine the approximate duration of pregnancy.

In the very early stages of pregnancy, a woman may feel significant changes. For example, in the first and second weeks of pregnancy, dizziness, fatigue, nausea and even vomiting may occur. In this case, a woman can take a pregnancy test or consult a doctor for advice.

Pregnancy after ovulation

Ovulation is the period when a mature egg is released and is ready for fertilization. It is on these days that the likelihood of getting pregnant increases significantly.

Is pregnancy possible after ovulation?

The chance of getting pregnant after ovulation is almost zero . Doctors call this period “absolute infertility.” It is ovulation that divides the cycle into two parts: the period of ovulation and the period of formation of the corpus luteum. Pregnancy cannot occur during the corpus luteum phase. The life of a mature egg lasts no more than 24 hours.

Signs of color pregnancy. What is this?

It also happens that a woman is carrying a baby and does not even know about her situation because menstruation follows a schedule for several months of pregnancy. Then they gradually stop, and only then does the woman learn that under her heart she no longer has a small embryo, but a developing fetus. However, such periods may also indicate a threat of miscarriage and other gynecological disorders.

Discharge during pregnancy

The cause of discharge during pregnancy can be various factors. Some discharge is considered normal, but if others appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is worth remembering that a woman’s body secretes a large amount of the hormone progesterone, which in turn can be a prerequisite for the appearance of opaque, thick, odorless discharge.

White discharge may appear due to any diseases (venereal, infectious, fungal).

brown discharge is detected during pregnancy, a woman should immediately consult a doctor. On the one hand, such discharge may appear due to hormonal changes in the body, and on the other hand, it may signal the threat of spontaneous abortion. In the second case, the woman requires hospitalization to prolong pregnancy, a course of medication and bed rest.

Unusual signs of pregnancy

It also happens that a woman finds out about pregnancy due to unusual signs. These include:

  • the appearance of spider-shaped veins on the chest;
  • nasal congestion with further bleeding;
  • flatulence;

This mechanism starts a miracle machine; it is no coincidence that women even before the delay assume a possible pregnancy.

What signs may indicate conception has taken place?

The onset of pregnancy is not asymptomatic, the first signs are considered insignificant, attentive women will feel them:

  • Bloody discharge on days 6-12 from the beginning of ovulation, if the couple had unprotected intercourse (similar to the beginning of menstruation, but the color is yellowish-brownish;
  • Increased basalt temperature up to 37? or slightly higher, stays for a long time and does not change at the time of the delay of a new cycle - speaks of a hormonal factor, when progesterone works to provide for the fetus and create better conditions for it;
  • A sharp drop in t?, and then the restoration of increased basaltic temperature. Symptoms of chills appear, the face turns red, but a feeling of heat may suddenly set in and it becomes stuffy. Changes in heat and cold are the first signs of pregnancy on days 20–21;
  • The breast condition, usually painful before menstruation, may remain unchanged. In rare cases, on the contrary, the skin around the nipples swells;
  • A woman may notice a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen due to the large flow of blood to the walls of the uterus on days 21–28 of the cycle.
  • A change in libido from days 22 to 26 indicates hormonal changes; desires may not arise at all or flare up with strong cravings.
  • Lack of sleep, agitation, weak superficial sleep, early awakening may indicate conception on the 18th -22nd day - this is relevant.
  • Lack of attention during the daytime, drowsiness and depressed psyche will support the version of pregnancy already on the 22nd - 25th day.
  • A change in the sense of smell and taste of familiar foods, even before the delay occurs, will confirm a possible conception.
  • The surest sign may be early toxicosis; on the 11th - 14th day after conception, the expectant mother may experience nausea. On the 22nd there is often vomiting in the morning.

Dependence of pregnancy signs on fetal development

The most basic changes in fetal development begin on days 21–22 of the cycle, and the first signs of pregnancy most clearly appear from this time.

The formation of the embryo's nervous system affects the change in the functioning of the expectant mother's taste buds.

The spinal cord, brain and heart muscle, developing in the womb, bring headaches to the woman, the sense of smell becomes acute, and the woman begins to be irritated by pleasant odors.

The level of hormonal changes on days 22 - 23 increases salivation, a state of mild nausea in the morning is the first sign of successful conception. After this period, the pregnancy test for some girls may slightly color the second strip.

From about 27 - 28 days the signs become increasingly brighter. Certain eating habits appear, the woman is disoriented, she is confused by smells or attracted to them, even by those that she had not noticed in the recent past. She often refuses to eat her usual food. Spicy and salty foods are attractive.

This is how the body reacts to a lack of vitamins, microelements, and minerals necessary for the development of the fetus. A planned pregnancy should focus on consuming only high-quality and healthy products from the first days.

If your period is late, you need to check your assumptions about a successful conception using a test. After 2 days, repeat testing is simply necessary if the first attempt did not give a solid result.

Primary signs and a positive test are an almost 100% guarantee of motherhood. A visit to the doctor will be necessary, and the sooner, the calmer the mother will be about the future life of the little man.

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