Norms of basal temperature after conception before delay

Basal temperature measurements are now widely used by ladies to determine the most favorable period for conception. Although this technique does not promise a 100% guarantee, during planning it often helps determine whether ovulation has occurred. And some girls, using these indicators, are able to determine conception almost from the first week, because the basal temperature during pregnancy before the delay is somewhat different from that in the absence of fertilization.

The indicators are most accurate in the morning, immediately after waking up

Basal temperature and ovulation determination

The human body temperature is not only normal, which is measured under the armpit, but also basal, obtained after a long sleep. Unlike the first, it is always lower, but it gives more opportunities to understand the processes occurring in the body, including finding out on what day the probability of conceiving a child is highest.

A woman's hormonal background is not constant. In this case, the main roles are assigned to estrogen and progesterone. They alternately replace each other depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. These changes are reflected in body temperature, which makes it possible to use a thermometer to determine when ovulation occurs.

At the beginning of the cycle, estrogen predominates, but after ovulation it gives way to progesterone.

Table: relationship between basal temperature and cycle phases

Female cycle phasePredominant hormoneProcesses occurring in the bodyEffect on basal temperature
FollicularEstrogenThe egg grows and matures in the follicle.The thermometer readings remain at low levels.
OvulationA turning point, which means a change in hormonal levels - estrogen becomes less, and progesterone levels, on the contrary, increase.The follicle ruptures and the egg is released.Temperature jump of 0.4 degrees or more.
LutealProgesteroneThe egg moves through the fallopian tubes.The thermometer readings remain at high levels.

Pregnancy test

An emergency pregnancy test, which can be bought at any pharmacy, is the most popular and easiest way to determine whether conception has occurred. Today you can buy a test strip with greater and less sensitivity.

The test is based on a chemical reaction that occurs when the reagent interacts with the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin. It is produced in the body of a pregnant woman. Both the hormone itself and its breakdown products are excreted through the kidneys, that is, with urine. There is a particularly high concentration of this hormone in the morning urine.

In the first week, the pregnancy test will not yet show a positive result. Since until the embryo has attached to the wall, the concentration of the hormone will not be high. Also, a urine test will not give a result. You can find out about pregnancy in this way only at 2 weeks.

The value of basal temperature indicators

You can measure basal temperature on the recommendation of a gynecologist or at your own request. This data is required for:

  • obtaining information about the state of women's health. Deviations in basal temperature from the norm indicate hormonal disorders, help make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment;
  • protection from pregnancy. Knowing on which days the probability of conceiving a baby is maximum, a woman, by regulating her sex life, can protect herself from undesirable consequences;
  • planning the gender of the child. This becomes possible due to the distinctive features between sperm that carry male (XY) or female (XX) gender. The former are characterized by increased activity, but die faster, while the latter are better adapted to survival, but move more slowly towards the goal. Therefore, those who want a son need to have sex on the day of ovulation. If a couple dreams of a girl, intimacy is recommended 2–3 days before the follicle ruptures and the egg leaves it;
  • determining pregnancy in the earliest stages.

The values ​​of basal temperature are influenced by various circumstances:

  • stress and lack of sleep;
  • changing your usual daily routine;
  • sex the day before;
  • various diseases (both chronic and acute), including ARVI, even if it is not accompanied by fever;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • travel, flights, change of time zone or climate;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, in particular diarrhea, which is associated with the method of measuring basal temperature;
  • taking medications.

If one of the listed factors occurs, then there is no need to talk about the accuracy of the data obtained after measurement. But this does not mean that you need to abandon the determination of basal temperature. External circumstances are necessarily recorded in the diary, and then taken into account when deciphering the schedule.

Temperature change and plotting

Measurements are taken immediately after sleep. To do this, you need to prepare a thermometer in advance, because getting out of bed is prohibited. Moreover, it should also be knocked down in the evening, because even such a slight effort will affect the obtained value, and then the result will be inaccurate and the conclusions will be erroneous.

Basal temperature is measured only in the anus. In some sources you can read that this indicator is also determined in the vagina and mouth, but the data obtained in this way will not be 100% reliable.

It is recommended to write down the obtained basal temperature indicators immediately so as not to forget.
After receiving the figure, it is entered into the measurement diary, and then a graph is built. To do this, the days of the cycle are marked horizontally, and the temperature vertically. After transferring all the indicators onto paper, they are connected by a curved line.

It is worth noting that the graph itself does not say much about the woman. To interpret it correctly, it is necessary to carry out measurements regularly, from month to month. Then, by analyzing the data obtained, it is possible to judge with high accuracy how well the reproductive system of the fair sex functions.

Table: example of a diary to keep when measuring basal temperature

Day of the monthJuly 10July 11July, 12
Cycle day123
Basal temperature36,836,736,5
NotesHeavy dischargeHeavy dischargeModerate discharge

IY type - anovulatory

A monotonous curve occurs when there is no pronounced rise throughout the entire cycle. This schedule is observed during an anovulatory (no ovulation) cycle. Example:

On average, a woman has one anovulatory cycle per year and there is no reason to worry in this case. But anovulatory patterns that are repeated from cycle to cycle are a very serious reason to consult a gynecologist . Without ovulation, a woman cannot become pregnant and we are talking about female infertility .

Thermometer readings are normal

Basal temperature, like the usual one, which is measured under the armpit, has its own standards. But in each individual case they can deviate either to a smaller or larger direction. In order to be sure that the body is functioning normally, a woman must remember some characteristic features:

  • the readings on the thermometer in the first phase are always lower than in the third;
  • just before ovulation there is a decrease in temperature, which on the graph will show the bottom point of the curve.

Table: temperature changes during the cycle

Phases of a woman's cycleTemperature indicators in degrees
During your period36.5–36.7 (as it approaches the end of menstruation it decreases).
First phase of the cycle36,3–36,4.
Just before ovulation36.2–36.3 (the temperature will drop another 0.1–0.2 degrees and reach a minimum).
Ovulation36.9–37.0 (a sharp jump of 0.4 degrees or more).
Second phase of the cycle37.0 and above.

Thermometer readings after follicle rupture

After ovulation, events can develop in two directions, depending on whether conception has occurred.

  1. If the sperm does not meet the egg, then 1–3 days before the regulation the level of progesterone drops, which means that by the end of the third phase the basal temperature also decreases.

    1–3 days before menstruation, basal temperature decreases noticeably

  2. If conception has occurred, then the level of progesterone continues to rise, which means that the basal temperature remains at a fairly high level - 37.0 degrees and above. Moreover, on the day the fertilized embryo is attached to the uterus, the thermometer will record a drop in temperature, which is called implantation, but the next day it will rise again.

    If conception occurs, the basal temperature does not decrease, but remains at a fairly high level, which makes it possible to detect pregnancy early

Video: basal temperature chart - assistant in conception

Low or high basal temperature: reasons, what to do

The female body does not always work like a clock. Hormonal imbalances, inflammatory diseases and other health problems are reflected in basal temperature. A decrease in basal temperature usually occurs with progesterone deficiency. Doctors talk about this condition even when the difference on the thermometer before and after ovulation is less than 0.4 degrees. The pathology is accompanied by:

  • painful periods;
  • increased abundance of discharge;
  • changing the cycle length;
  • anemia;
  • decreased sexual desire.

With progesterone deficiency, the level of basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle is lower than normal.
If the level of estrogen in the body is low, then this is reflected accordingly in the graph: the level of basal temperature is constantly kept at a high level. This affects the well-being and general condition of a woman who complains of:

  • headache;
  • sweating;
  • pressure changes;
  • irritability;
  • untimely menstruation.

With estrogen deficiency, the level of basal temperature constantly remains at a high level.
Deviation of hormone levels from the norm requires the prescription of hormonal drugs. At the same time, it is necessary to reconsider the diet and lifestyle, adjust the menu, make sure to find time every day for physical activity, but at the same time avoid excessive stress, give up bad habits, and focus on treating concomitant diseases. Herbs are often used to regulate hormonal balance. But only a doctor should select treatment, because the effect on hormonal levels will affect the entire body.

Basal temperature in inflammatory processes and various diseases

The inflammatory process always entails an increase in basal temperature. At the same time, the indicator is influenced by both general and chronic diseases, and problems with the female genital organs. Endometriosis, uterine fibroids, inflammation of the appendages, cysts, thrush and other disorders in the pelvic organs necessarily affect the numbers displayed on the thermometer. But how much the temperature will change depends on the nature of the disease: acute pathologies will lead to a significant jump in temperature, and chronic, sluggish processes can only be recognized by an experienced specialist.

Basal temperature will also increase in diseases not related to the reproductive system. Appendicitis, hemorrhoids, cystitis, viral and bacterial infections affect the readings of the thermometer, so when drawing up and reading the chart, you need to take into account all existing factors.


In the first week, a woman’s body is just beginning to rebuild, and all the changes are just ahead. This is due to the not yet high concentration of the hCG hormone.

Early changes in the condition of a pregnant woman can be at the level of the nervous system, and in the form of minor changes in hormonal levels. But these changes appeared during ovulation, when the body was preparing the egg for fertilization. After all, it’s no secret that a woman before and during her period is irritable, touchy, hot-tempered, etc.

Of course, in the first week there is no increase in the abdomen yet. There is also no characteristic pulsation under the navel yet, since the embryo has not yet implanted in the uterus. Each woman's body is unique, so one may not have any early signs, while others feel:

  • Weakness;
  • Sometimes discomfort appears in the lower abdomen, this feeling is reminiscent of aching pain before menstruation;
  • Irritability.

The most common sign of pregnancy is a delay in your next period. During conception, progesterone, which is actively produced, does not allow the body to reject the functional layer of the endometrium. But there are cases when there is menstruation during pregnancy. Often women find out about pregnancy when the embryo begins to move and the belly rapidly begins to increase.

In some women, characteristic discharge appears already in the first week.

After the embryo has attached to the wall, brown discharge appears, but most often the woman does not even notice it, since there are only a few drops of it. This is implantation bleeding, which can occur on days 5-12. Also during pregnancy, due to the activity of progesterone, the production of cervical mucus increases. But all this is individual: many women notice changes, but some do not.

Reviews about basal temperature during ovulation

All processes in the human body are thought out to the smallest detail. Thanks to such a well-functioning mechanism, it is possible to control the state of the reproductive system of every woman. Basal temperature allows you not only to find out the day of ovulation, but also to assess your health, so measuring these indicators is not a waste of time, but a good help for every representative of the fair sex.

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