Reasons for delay and increase in body temperature up to 37

Basal temperature is the lowest body temperature observed when a person sleeps. Having received BT indicators, you can calculate the date of expected ovulation - this is possible due to the fact that when the egg leaves the follicles, and the female body is ready to conceive, the basal temperature before the delay increases by an average of a quarter or half a degree. Calculating the day of ovulation makes it possible to increase the chances of conceiving a child, or, conversely, to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. How to correctly measure basal temperature at home?

Among the many calculation methods, including online calculators, special tests, and even ultrasound, basal temperature has a fairly high percentage of accuracy. In order to get the most accurate result, it is necessary to consider ways to correctly measure BT. The body's temperature changes depending on changes in the menstrual cycle. Under the influence of estrogen, BT is at the optimal level for egg development - no more than 36.6 degrees. During the period of ovulation, there is a significant increase in temperature, up to a maximum of 37.3 degrees. In addition, an elevated temperature is observed in the first days after conception: if an elevated temperature persists for eighteen days from the day of the delay, this may be a sign of pregnancy, so it is very important to know how to correctly determine the basal temperature.

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Why take measurements?

A correctly deciphered BT chart provides the following information: the expected moment of egg maturation and the onset of ovulation (or its absence), the state of the endocrine system and the body as a whole, the presence of possible hormonal disorders (lack of estrogen or progesterone in the first and second phases of the cycle). This data is necessary for planning pregnancy and conceiving a child, especially if the patient has problems with the reproductive system.

Basal temperature with a delay in menstruation may indicate the following conditions of the body:

  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • various gynecological diseases, which are characterized by a certain BT.

Delayed BT data indicate certain disorders in the woman’s reproductive system and can contribute to the diagnosis of infertility.

By measuring internal temperature regularly and according to all the rules, you can calculate the most favorable moment for conception, which increases the likelihood of getting pregnant (especially if this cannot be done for a year or more).

An abnormally high or low BT with a delay may be a reason to contact an antenatal clinic, undergo examinations and tests. Any prolonged deviation from the norm should be cause for concern.

Negative test: no menstruation and basal temperature is elevated

A fairly reliable sign of pregnancy is a delay and a basal temperature of 37°C. If the test is negative, the reasons may be different. It is worth studying this issue so as not to put your life in danger.

Measuring basal temperature is often used by women to determine the regularity of their menstrual cycle. Moreover, for greater information content, such measurements must be made at least 3 cycles in a row and only then display the result according to which:

  • Hormonal disorders are detected;
  • The chance of successful conception increases;
  • Infertility is established;
  • The sex of the child is planned;
  • The correct functioning of the body is observed.

Temperature indicators are entered into a graph, where the picture of the processes currently occurring in the woman’s reproductive system is clearly visible. With a normal menstrual cycle:

  • In the first phase, estrogen predominates, so the numbers on the thermometer do not rise above 36.2-36.6°C.
  • There is a slight decline before ovulation.
  • At the moment of follicle rupture, the temperature rises to 37.0-37.5°C and these values ​​remain for the entire second half of the cycle.

During pregnancy, temperature indicators do not change until childbirth, and if fertilization does not occur, they decrease before menstruation.
As a rule, critical days that do not arrive on time indicate the onset of pregnancy. But sometimes there is a delay, the basal temperature is 37°C, and the test is negative. In this case, you should not immediately despair; perhaps you had late ovulation, and conception occurred immediately before the expected menstruation, so the hCG level is not yet read by the reagent when testing.

You need to wait and repeat the study in a week. One should not exclude possible errors during analytics or a defective test. Conclusions should be drawn after several procedures. To reassure yourself, visit a gynecologist. Donating blood for hCG or ultrasound will show the current result.

Unfortunately, sometimes such symptoms signal a malfunction of the genital organs. Such deviations include:

  • Hormonal imbalance, which can occur due to constant stress, overwork, poor diet, excessive physical activity, change in climate, place of residence;
  • Inflammation of the ovaries, which causes an increase in temperature for several days and delays menstruation;
  • Endometritis can also cause delay, and its first sign is an increase in temperature.

With established ovulation and sexual intercourse at this moment, a basal temperature of 37.1°C, a delay and a negative test suggest the development of an ectopic pregnancy. When the fertilized egg is located outside the uterus, hCG is produced in very small quantities. The test study gives a negative answer, because to detect the pregnancy hormone, its content in the urine must be at least 20-25 mIU/ml.

The presence of other signs: nausea, enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands, dull nagging pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, as well as the appearance of brown discharge, require an immediate visit to the antenatal clinic. Treatment in this case is only surgical.

If the basal temperature is 37.1°C, there is a delay and a negative test result during intercourse on the days of ovulation indicated on the chart, the presence of an ectopic pregnancy can be suggested

A similar state of basal temperature with a delay and a negative test occurs in the initial stage of frozen pregnancy, when the embryo, after implantation into the endometrial wall, has stopped developing.

If there is the slightest doubt in case of a delay, when the basal temperature is 37°C and the test is negative, you must consult a doctor in order to promptly determine the cause of the deviation from the norm and eliminate it without consequences


I advise you not to think about it always when you think nothing is working out, just be sure that you will have a child and the time has not come yet.

My story is also not a pleasant one, I had an ST and after that, two years later I became pregnant, at first I just waited for half a year to pass after the cleansing, then they tried and didn’t try, I read that it’s better to plan after a year so that the same thing doesn’t happen again, and then a year of effort, despair, and I got tired of everything, and when I said I’m tired of waiting, then happiness came)

If it’s not pregnancy, then it’s strange, there was such a good line on the test, I can’t even believe it. Try not to be upset, although I can imagine how difficult it is. Everything should be fine soon!

It doesn’t look like reagents, and how many of these tests do you have with obvious // and there is a delay. So calm down, take a hCG test, everything will be fine.

Hi all! I really turned out to be pregnant. On an ultrasound on June 9, the doctor determined a detachment of the ovum on both sides and a hematoma on the other side. Well, the embryo was difficult to see. Then the period was 4-5 weeks. They sent me to Sklif for preservation or termination. The doctor suspected a frozen B. at the hospital at first they didn’t say anything, they checked until the last minute, ultrasound and blood for hCG. But everything turned out to be in vain. The hCG didn’t double, it grew, of course, but rather slowed down. The embryo’s heart never beat. And on this Wednesday they did it for me scraping. I filled the whole pillow with tears, I caught myself sitting and looking at one point and there was nothing in my head, not a single thought. After talking with the doctor, I couldn’t properly explain to my husband what they would do, as if my mouth was tight, but he That’s how I understood. The doctor says that all this is possible because of my negative Rh. Nobody at the LCD told me that before planning I need to donate blood for antibodies and if they are not there, then I can safely get pregnant. I was told on the contrary, and I asked again, that after a previous birth, since I was given the immunoglobudin vaccine, there is nothing to worry about in the future. It turns out that not everything is so simple. I was given the vaccine after the operation too. It’s a shame that they couldn’t prevent such a misfortune. But now My husband and I have a matter of principle - to improve my health and do everything next time, in half a year, as it should be!

Girls, please give me some advice! I have a delay of 7 days (before this, the last 2-3 months were like clockwork), BBT lasts 37.4-37.8 for two days (I only thought of measuring it for two days), pulls in the lower abdomen, drowsiness and aversion to certain smells and food (from milk and the smell of melon almost made me sick). I took a test on the 1st day of the delay and on the 6th - negative, but on the 6th day the whole Evitest turned pink (along the strip), and then lightened, stripe 1 is unevenly purple. On the 5th day of pregnancy I took an hCG test - the result was 0.98 (this doesn’t seem to indicate pregnancy). But the temperature and sensations worry me. In the middle of the cycle there was slight bleeding (spotting for several days), but I attributed this to stress and my weak blood vessels (varicose veins of the internal organs of the small pelvis). I don't know what to do. The tests for infections are all good, but the gynecologist pulped a slight enlargement of the right ovary (appeared on August 28, before that I visited on August 5 and August 15 - everything was normal), now I’m waiting for an appointment for an ultrasound. I don't know what to think. Can we hope for B? What do you think?


If there is a delay and the basal temperature has been elevated for 16 days or more, this is a sign of pregnancy, even if the test is negative. Normally, an increase in BT by 0.3-0.5, in relation to the indicators of phase I, occurs after ovulation and lasts 12-16 days. After this, the temperature drops, menstruation and a new cycle begin.

In the article we will consider what basal temperature should be before the delay? How to determine the exact day of delay by ovulation? Is pregnancy possible if the test is negative? And also, how to understand what low and high BT are? Continue reading.

After ovulation, about 14 days (for some women 12-16) before menstruation, progesterone levels in the body increase. This hormone increases basal temperature by an average of 0.4 degrees (±0.1°).

Towards the end of the cycle, if pregnancy does not occur , the amount of progesterone drops. In women this happens at different times. In most cases, one or two days before the start of menstruation or on the first day of menstruation.

On the BT chart, normal indicators look like this:

Attention(!) In the example, the average BT after ovulation is 36.7°, but for each woman it can be different - from 36.6 to 37.4. The main condition is the difference between the average number in the first and second phase. If after the release of the egg there is an increase of 0.3-0.5, then the temperature is fine, even if it is not 37°!

To accurately determine whether your BBT is low or normal in phase 2, you need to compare the average temperature values ​​before and after ovulation.

This is done as follows: all indicators of one phase are summed up and divided by the number of days in the same phase . For example, there is this graph:

The average BT in phase I is:

(indicators for each day of phase 1)/15=36.6°

The average BT in phase II is:

(indicators for each day 2 phases)/10=36.95°

36.95-36.6=0.35 - the normal temperature difference is in the range of 0.3-0.5 (sometimes more). This means that this graph is absolutely normal.

If the difference is less than 0.3 degrees, it indicates an imbalance of hormones - this can prevent pregnancy. To establish the cause, you need to consult a doctor and take a hormone test. Here is a graph with a small temperature difference:

A small temperature difference between phases of less than 0.3 indicates problems with hormones on the BT chart

Advice(!) In most cases, BT in the second phase (before and after the delay) is considered low if it is only 0.29 degrees or less higher than the values ​​before ovulation. For example, before the release of the egg, the average basal temperature is 36.4, after ovulation - 36.65 - this is a low BT in the second phase. Or, before ovulation 36.6, after - 36.8. In both cases, a doctor's consultation is required to consider prescribing hormonal support.

If a woman has 36.5 in the follicular phase, and after - 36.85, then the temperature difference of 0.35 ° is normal and this is not considered low BT in the second phase, even with a successful pregnancy !

Here is an example of a normal pregnant graph with a temperature of up to 37 and an acceptable phase difference:

Pregnant BT chart with a small difference between phases of 0.32 degrees

This is interesting(!) There are also abnormal graphs, far from the standard, but also pregnant women with a small temperature difference. Most likely, the reason is external factors that distort the indicators, or an individual hormonal feature:

Unusual Pregnant BT chart with small temperature difference

The given example is rather an exception to the rule. Most pregnancy charts have a temperature difference of 0.3 degrees or more.

Often women determine the day of the delay incorrectly and wait for their period on this day. And when there is no menstruation, they believe that they are pregnant, although the second phase of the cycle has not yet ended. There are several options for determining the first day of delay incorrectly :

  1. Error in calculating the date of ovulation;
  2. Using the standard phase II length (14 days) when the individual duration for this woman is different.

During planning, women with variable cycle length need to know the exact date of ovulation . The duration of the follicular phase (while the egg matures) may differ from cycle to cycle, but the second phase is always constant.

With such a variable nature of the onset of menstruation, it is impossible to set the date of the expected delay according to the calendar . Much more informative are methods such as ultrasound monitoring, test strips for LH, the fern method, basogram, and others. This article will tell you the most reliable methods for calculating ovulation during an unstable cycle.

So, to determine the first day of delay in irregular cycles, you need to know the date of ovulation and the individual duration of your luteal phase.

For example, ovulation was on the 5th, the duration of phase 2 was 15 days, then the first day of delay will occur 15 days after the fifth, that is, on the 21st .

With stable periods, the first day of the delay is calculated according to the calendar. To the first day of the cycle, add the number of days in the cycle, for example, 1+29=30 the first day of the delay. More information about the most accurate way to calculate ovulation using the calendar method is written in this material.

If you correctly set the first day of the delay and this morning your BBT did not drop and remained at the level of your usual second phase, you are probably pregnant!

If the numbers go down, expect your period today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow .

Even if the fall occurred in advance, 1-2 days before the delay, this also indicates regression (withering) of the corpus luteum and the end of progesterone production before the start of a new cycle.

An elevated basal temperature during a delay does not necessarily indicate pregnancy. Here are the factors that can affect BT towards its increase:

  • local inflammation (infection in the measurement area: hemorrhoids, stomatitis, thrush, etc.);
  • ARVI;
  • poor sleep, getting out of bed half an hour or two hours before measurement;
  • measurements later than standard time (permissible deviation ± 30 minutes);
  • using a different thermometer that day;
  • change in the place of measurement (they always measured it in the mouth and suddenly switched to the rectal method).

Note(!) It makes no sense to take measurements during the day or evening, or in the morning after any activity. BT increases instantly and becomes non-indicative (for a more detailed study, see this material).

If all of the above factors are excluded in your case, then BT on the first day of the delay is naturally increased . Well, it's time to take an ultra-sensitive pregnancy test (10 mIU/ml). By the way, he is able to detect early pregnancy even before the delay!

Your period has not started, your basal temperature is around the second phase (or higher), but the test is also negative? The first question to ask is, is there really a delay?

If yes, then in this case you need to continue to monitor BT. It is possible that you will have your period and a drop in your readings tomorrow.

If the elevated rectal (oral/vaginal) temperature persists for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and there is no menstruation, the ultrasensitive test must be repeated on the third day of the delay.

This is interesting(!) In the first 6 weeks of pregnancy, the hCG level doubles approximately every 2 days and the test strips will most likely give a positive result on the third day of the delay, if conception has occurred. Remember to follow the general recommendations for proper testing. If there is already hCG in the urine, the test strips will probably “detect” it.

In the case when home tests on the 1st and 3rd days of the delay are negative and there are no periods, but BT remains elevated, the best way out is to do a beta-hCG test (general). He will tell you 100% whether there is a pregnancy or not.

By low BT I mean numbers that are below your normal second phase, closer to the level of the first phase. There are 3 types of charts possible:

  1. You had a vaguely expressed difference throughout this cycle (second graph). Perhaps there was no ovulation at all, so we cannot talk about a delay. Either the ovaries decided to “rest” or there was a hormonal imbalance - there can be many reasons for delaying menstruation. In this case, I recommend that you consult a doctor as planned.
  2. The graph showed a good temperature difference, but then BT decreased and remains low (the very first graph). In this case, you should expect your period in the next 2-3 days. If after 3 days your period has not started, you can take a home pregnancy test and make an appointment with a doctor, just in case.
  3. The basal curve was high in the second phase, but then fell sharply for one day and then rose again . Such cases sometimes occur during normal pregnancy - you can do a test!

A drop in BT during a 1-day delay on the Pregnant basal temperature chart.
There are several characteristic types of behavior of the basal curve in the early stages of pregnancy. If you notice this on your chart on the 7-14th day after ovulation, it’s time to do a test! These 4 signs are implantation retraction, the third phase on the graph, there is no usual fall and a more beautiful curve .

The basal curve, about a week before the delay of one day, drops by 0.2-0.4 °, and by the next measurement it rises to the usual or higher level:

Implantation retraction before delay on BT chart

Read more about BT retraction during implantation here.

Approximately 7-10 days after ovulation, the indicators became above the average level of the luteal phase. Examples of graphs can be found in this article.

There is no usual decline in BT a day or two before the start of menstruation. The temperature remained the same or increased. Examples of graphs in this material.

It was in this way, without seeing the standard drop in temperature the day before the delay, that I realized that I was pregnant!

The temperature difference on the graph is more distinct, for example, the BT line is lower before ovulation and higher after it, or a little smoother.

Note(!) A beautiful graph is rather an indirect sign indicating that in this cycle the ovaries and pituitary gland worked better, and the correct level of hormones was most conducive to conception and consolidation of the fertilized egg. Therefore, you are more likely to get pregnant in this planning cycle.

Want to know other home ways to detect pregnancy early? Then I advise you to read this article.

So, let's summarize. In case of pregnancy, if there is a delay, BT is increased to the level of your II phase of the cycle (or higher). It may well happen that the test on the first day of a missed period gives a negative result - this is normal, since it is completely normal that there is not yet enough hCG in the urine.

A day after this, the ultrasensitive test will likely be positive. If not, and the temperature has not dropped and menstruation has not started, you should do a blood test for beta-hCG (general). The test can be done earlier, before the delay, if on the BT chart you notice one of the four characteristic lines of the behavior of the curve.


Dear forum members! Who understands pregnancy planning. Help with advice, Please!

My gynecologist left for a while. I am not registered here at my place of residence and my daughter is sick, I am staying at home with her. And I'm confused! We are planning a baby! Not yet! The last menstruation was on September 12, 5 days (on the 32nd day). The cycle is not regular 29-39 days. During this cycle I wasn’t sick, I didn’t go anywhere, I didn’t take any pills, I wasn’t very nervous. But the next period did not come!((

We were planning a baby and bought 3 packs of ovulation tests - but didn’t catch it! There were all the signs of pregnancy (probably self-hypnosis), except for 2 lines on the test.

No period on October 12th!

And on October 17, a slight brownish-blackish smear began. I won’t say that it’s a lot - not like menstruation, not abundantly. The 18th is also quite a bit. and on the 19th drop. All.

All tests are negative! What to do now, how to count a new cycle.

From October 17th or what? Does it make sense to plan this month if you haven’t had your period! I'm confused. I cried over every test! And when it anointed me instead of M and the test was negative, it completely finished me off! This is probably some kind of endometriosis - infertility.

I started measuring BT. Something strange! Look: I didn’t measure from 17 to 19, I was hoping for M. to come. 21-36.6, 22-36.7, 23-36.7, 25-36.9, 26-36.9, 27-37.1, 28-737.1... Is this normal? What part of my cycle is it? It’s just that maybe there are friends in misfortune who understand this issue.


Physiological changes in the female body, characteristic of the period of menstruation, are caused by the influence of hormones - estrogen and progesterone. At the beginning of the cycle, these substances prepare the woman’s body for the possible onset of fertilization.

These processes are clearly represented during the ovulation phase, when body temperature rises, creating optimal conditions for conception. After its completion, the indicators drop to normal values. Often there are failures in this mechanism, and then the woman experiences a delay in menstruation and a temperature of 37 ºC.

Retention and temperature are interrelated symptoms that may indicate a pathology developing in a woman’s body.

Before the delay, a slight fever is due to the influence of progesterone on the thermoregulation center located in the brain. The fever that occurs when menstruation is late indicates a disruption in the phases of the menstrual cycle or increased production of the hormone progesterone.

A temperature of 37 ºC can also be observed during pregnancy. A slight fever is normal for the first days after conception. In some cases, it is observed for 3–4 weeks.

There are physiological and pathological reasons for a delay in menstruation and the occurrence of a slight fever. The first include:

  • sudden change in climatic conditions;
  • heavy sports loads;
  • regulation of the cyclicity of menstruation.

Regarding the last point, it is worth noting that a delay and increase in temperature accompany the process of normalization of the cycle, which can occur in adolescence, during menopause, as well as in women with serious and prolonged cycle disorders. As a rule, the new periodicity of menstruation is established within 60 days. At the same time, body temperature normalizes. In case of a longer period, you must make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Sometimes the temperature may rise before menstruation; we recommend that you read more about what this means.

There are many pathological reasons for a delay in menstruation, accompanied by a slight fever. Each of them requires timely diagnosis and the appointment of adequate therapy. These measures will help preserve the reproductive function of the female reproductive system. So, an increase in temperature can be observed in the case of:

  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • overwork and stress;
  • ovulatory dysfunction.

This group of diseases is dangerous for the development of severe complications, such as tubal infertility, chronic pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, inflammatory process in the pelvic peritoneum, and abscess formation. Thus, ignoring the symptom of temperature, untimely diagnosis and lack of proper treatment for pelvic inflammation lead to complications in reproductive function or to the absolute impossibility of having your own children.

Among this group of diseases, adnexitis, an inflammation of the appendages (the main cause of early infertility), occupies a special place. Another dangerous disease is metritis - inflammation of the uterus.

The arrival of menstruation late, body temperature 37 ºC or higher, vomiting, symptoms of general intoxication, painful sensations when urinating - all this can be a sign of any of the diseases under consideration. Often women have a stomach ache and sweating. The combination of these manifestations is a reason to urgently seek advice from a gynecologist.

The modern woman is exposed to stress every day. Depending on the individual characteristics of each particular representative of the fairer sex, the menstrual cycle may also change. Even the most persistent and cheerful person, due to constant overwork and stress, experiences a delay in increasing temperature values.

There are frequent cases of problems with ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), when this phase occurs earlier or later. Thus, fertilization can occur, and the pregnancy test will show a negative result. At the same time, symptoms characteristic of early pregnancy cannot be ruled out, including mild fever and delayed menstruation.

A negative test result may be due to insufficient production of hCG by the female body.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is often a consequence of urogenital infections. PID has many symptoms, including a missed period and a temperature of 37ºC or higher. In addition to these manifestations, the group of pathologies under consideration is also characterized by:

  • pain in the groin area of ​​the abdomen;
  • itching and burning in the vagina;
  • mucous discharge;
  • pain during urination and sexual intercourse.

Any inflammation has a detrimental effect on the organ wall. In the case of the uterus, the inflammatory process aggravates the rejection of the functional layer of the mucous membrane. Thus, fertilization does not occur, but the menstrual flow has nowhere to come from. There is a delay in menstruation with a temperature of 37 ºC and a negative pregnancy test. In addition, acute phase proteins released during inflammation can enter into an antagonistic relationship with estrogens, resulting in women not having periods.

With any inflammation, an increase in both local and general temperature is observed. This is a protective reaction of the body that has activated immunocompetent cells to fight infectious agents and other antigens. The process of phagocytosis, the destruction of foreign agents by macrophages in the body, is precisely accompanied by inflammation.

The basal temperature when menstruation is delayed is 37 ºC. This indicator is normal for women during the ovulation period. True, one should rely on it only if the measurements were taken over 3–4 menstrual cycles.

To learn more about how to measure basal temperature, we recommend reading additional information in our article on the website.

In the 1st phase, due to the predominance of estrogen, the basal temperature is within normal limits. In the 2nd, it drops by half a degree, and in the 3rd, it increases to subfebrile values. A similar indicator persists even with a delay in menstruation.

If you don't have your period, but your basal temperature is still elevated, this may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the test will be negative, since the female body will not be able to produce a sufficient amount of hCG.


Here’s the same thing: BT 37.2 is holding, the tests are negative and the delay is 5 days, the chest has filled up and everything has gone away

what your delay ended up being. B confirmed.

No, even then we weren’t even close to O

Here I have another flight!

Please tell me, maybe someone has had a 24-day delay, tests are negative, hCG is more than 1.20, it seems there is no pregnancy, but there are many signs of it, for example, I react strongly to raw meat, my lower back and legs above the knees hurt terribly, upon examination the doctor said that the uterus increased and ber. questionable, but 14 days have passed since that day, the red days have not come and pregnancy has not been detected, nausea, severe tearfulness, fatigue, drowsiness, a tickling feeling inside the vagina (sorry for the details) and a constant feeling of moisture between the legs, also BT 37.2, who had it, what is it and can the hCG analysis be incorrect?

It’s a pity that not everyone answers how the matter ended!

I have the same crap now, 8th DZ, BT -37.1-37.4. The tests are negative, I saw the doctor 2 days ago, he says the uterus is a little enlarged, or they’re about to go, or maybe B, I tested there for HCG = 1.2 ((( which means M should have started, but they are still not there and BT I haven’t fallen yet... I don’t know what to think, I really want Lyalya

I hope more.

I have 18 days, the test is negative bt 37.2. Today I’ll run the test again, and I won’t see the doctor until 03/04. 16. I can only use hCG for a trace. week to hand over. I'll unsubscribe. Maybe someone is interested.

Julia, As a result, the cycle is 62 days. Horm. failure. Now on time factor plus duphaston. M arrived on time.

Girls, tell me. The delay is already 16! day, TT and basalt 37i 3, nipples hurt and darkened. Transparent discharge appeared, I sleep on the go, I did a bunch of tests, all negative (((

Measurement Rules

During the delay, BT is measured in the same way as on other days of the cycle: measurements are taken daily at the same time with a maximum difference of 30 minutes.

If the oral measurement method is chosen, the thermometer should be placed under the tongue and held for at least 5 minutes. (for other measurement methods, 3 minutes is enough). It is important not to make unnecessary movements before taking measurements, so prepare everything you need in the evening to measure your core temperature by only opening your eyes while lying down.

If a woman works a night shift, BT can be measured during the day after long, uninterrupted sleep.

BT indicators are affected by any physical activity the day before, taking medications, hormonal drugs, sleeping pills or alcohol, moving, any disruptions in the body, illnesses associated with an increase in general body temperature. Temperature fluctuations of even one hundredth of a degree are significant when analyzing the graph in case of suspicion of any pathology or pregnancy. Therefore, you need to try to avoid errors when measuring BT.

The presence of pregnancy can be determined by BT during a delay only if there was ovulation in the cycle.

Possible pathologies

Delayed menstruation, temperature 37, negative test - such symptoms may indicate a developing disease. In this case, you should immediately contact a medical facility. The specialist will conduct a thorough examination, based on the results of which he will make an accurate diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate treatment.

Symptoms such as delay, temperature 37, negative test may be a manifestation of the following conditions:

  • salpingoophoritis (inflammation of the appendages). In addition to increased temperature values, this pathology is manifested by other characteristic symptoms: severe pain in the lower abdomen, general weakness, intense sweating, chills, nausea, vomiting, and painful sensations when urinating. To treat the disease, complex therapy is used using antibacterial agents (penicillin antibiotics, macrolides, cephalosporins), anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs, vitamin complexes, and physiotherapeutic procedures.
  • endometritis (inflammation of the endometrium of the uterus). The development of this pathology may be indicated by a delay of 2-3 days and a basal temperature of 37 ºС. In addition to the indicated symptoms, with this pathology there is increased heartbeat, chills, and painful sensations in the lower abdomen of a pulling nature. The disease may also be accompanied by upset stool and pain when urinating. Treatment of this disease is carried out using antibacterial agents, hormonal drugs, and immunomodulators. In case of purulent endometritis, mechanical cleaning of the uterine cavity is carried out (dead tissue and accumulated pus are eliminated) followed by hormonal therapy.
  • polycystic ovary syndrome. Periodic delays in menstruation can occur with polycystic ovary syndrome. With this pathological condition, the production of hormones in the body is disrupted. As a result of increased testosterone levels, the egg does not leave the follicle, that is, ovulation does not occur. In this case, temperature indicators remain unchanged throughout the entire menstrual cycle, sometimes there is an increase in temperature in the second phase of the cycle.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is accompanied by characteristic symptoms - excessive hair growth on the face, legs, groin area, increased oiliness of hair and skin, acne.

Today, this disorder is successfully treated with contraceptives. The right drug will help normalize hormone levels. If left untreated, this pathology can lead to infertility.

What should BT be during the cycle?

Under the influence of estrogen and progesterone, BT fluctuates at different periods of the cycle. In the first phase (from the beginning of menstruation until the release of the egg from the follicle), it should be below 37 ° C (from 36.2 to 36.8 ° C), and immediately before ovulation it may drop a little more.

In the second period of the cycle, with the onset of ovulation and until the next menstruation, BT should increase by 0.4 - 0.8 ° C. On the eve of menstruation (or on the first day), it should normally drop again. The pre-ovulatory phase varies in length among women, and the post-ovulation period usually lasts 12-14 days.

If pregnancy occurs, BT should remain elevated and even increase for 14-18 days after ovulation and in subsequent periods. On the day of delay it can rise by 0.2-0.3°C. But we can talk about possible conception in case of delay only if the cycle was ovulatory (which means fertilization could have occurred).

Otherwise, increased BT during a delay indicates pathology. Too high readings during this period (for example, 37.5 ° C) most likely indicate inflammation in the uterus or appendages. On the other hand, a jump in temperature for one day does not mean anything, since it can be caused by many external factors or simply an incorrect measurement.

Another sign of a possible pregnancy with increased BBT during a delay is the presence in the chart of the so-called 1-2-day “implantation retraction” on the 7-10th day after ovulation.

A decrease in indicators during a delay in the case of fertilization indicates a lack of hormones responsible for maintaining pregnancy and the threat of miscarriage.


Delay 2 days, basal temperature 37 ºС - what does this mean?

Symptoms such as delay and temperature of 37 ºС can sometimes be the first manifestation of pregnancy.

When an egg is fertilized, basal temperature values ​​increase in the same way as before menstruation, but the physiological mechanisms of this process are different. Therefore, after pregnancy, there is a delay and a basal temperature of 37 ºС. In addition, early signs of pregnancy are:

  • increased breast sensitivity;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • dizziness due to decreased blood pressure;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increased amount of vaginal discharge;
  • sleep disturbance.

You can verify that fertilization has occurred using a special pregnancy test. This diagnostic method is based on determining the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). An increase in this hormone indicates pregnancy. However, pharmacy tests often show unreliable results. Therefore, a delay of 3-4 days and a body temperature of 37 ºС is a good reason to visit a gynecologist.

Decryption nuances

Here it is very important to pay attention not so much to the internal temperature readings themselves (which may be individual and differ from standard graphs), but to their ratio in the first and second periods. After ovulation, BT should be at least 0.4°C higher than before ovulation.

When decoding, you need to take into account accompanying entries in the chart that could affect the increase or decrease in BT, including during the delay.

With the help of BT charts, you can independently carry out early diagnosis of pregnancy and suspect the presence of a pathological process. But you cannot rely only on BT measurements when finding out the reasons for the delay, much less start self-medication - you need to go to the antenatal clinic and conduct a comprehensive examination. At the same time, BT data for several months can significantly help the gynecologist determine the true cause of the delay.

Thus, abnormal indicators during a delay indicate that fertilization has taken place or some gynecological disease.

You can clarify the suspected cause of the cycle disruption by analyzing the data from several graphs of internal temperature measurements. Temperature measured once or twice during a delay does not provide any useful information.

Other causes of fever in the absence of menstruation

There are both physiological and pathological reasons for a delay in menstruation and the appearance of a slight fever. Physiological ones include:

  • climate change;
  • high physical activity;
  • correction of regul. cyclicity

Regarding the regulation of menstruation, it should be noted that delay and slight fever accompany the process of regularizing the cycle, which can occur during puberty, during menopause and in women with prolonged cycle disorders. Most often, a new periodicity is formed in 60–90 days. At the same time, body temperature returns to normal. If the cycle is disrupted for a longer period of time, you should consult a gynecologist.

There are also a lot of pathological factors that cause delay, which is accompanied by low-grade fever. In any case, an accurate diagnosis is required before treatment is prescribed. Properly selected therapy will help preserve the reproductive function of the woman’s reproductive system. The causes of elevated temperature may be:

  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • overexertion and stress;
  • problems with ovulation.

Inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs

This category of diseases is fraught with the occurrence of severe complications: tubal infertility, constant pain in the pelvis, ectopic pregnancy, inflammation in the pelvic peritoneum, abscesses. Neglect of symptoms, delayed diagnosis and lack of quality treatment for inflammation of the reproductive organs can lead to impaired reproductive function or infertility.

Disruption of the monthly cycle, temperature above 37 degrees, nausea and vomiting, painful urination - these symptoms may be signs of the above diseases. In addition, increased sweating and aching abdominal pain can often be observed. The combination of these signs is a reason to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Nervous and physical overload

Nowadays, many women strive to reach heights in their careers as quickly as possible, they work hard, which sooner or later leads to stress and physical exhaustion or, on the contrary, uncontrolled weight gain. Both a woman’s excess weight and its lack can cause dysfunction of the reproductive and endocrine systems. All this can lead to menstrual irregularities.

Physiological reasons

There are a number of situations when an increase in body temperature to 37 degrees and a delay occur due to physiological reasons. These include:

  • severe stress, emotional distress and a feeling of chronic fatigue;
  • severe exhaustion of the body resulting from anorexia or starvation;
  • lack of nutrients and vitamins;
  • excessive physical activity, mainly associated with lifting weights;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • pronounced onset of ovulation.

Only a gynecologist can establish a more precise cause of the condition. In some cases, when the thermometer rises, a suspicion of pregnancy arises. After fertilization, an increase in progesterone occurs in the body, which affects the thermoregulation center and causes corresponding changes.

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