Sternum cancer in a woman - what is this tumor?

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Bl of mammary glands

This is how they “encrypt” the diagnosis of breast blastoma. This is not quite the correct name for breast cancer.

Breast Ca

This is also the old-fashioned way of encrypting the diagnosis of breast cancer from patients (Ca - carcinoma).

Breast cancer

Skin pad

In the first photo there is no skin area: it appears directly above the tumor with such a gap in the breast tissue, as in the subsequent photos (pictures 2 and 3 - the same woman as in the first photo).

What should a woman do if she has chest pain?

Initially, the woman should calm down and assess the current situation. Doctors also recommend that a woman look at her calendar and find out when the woman last had her period. After this, it is advisable for the patient to find out whether the appearance of pain in the mammary glands is associated with the onset of pregnancy.

After these steps, the woman needs to conduct an independent analysis of the condition of the mammary glands. It consists of the following actions:

  • palpating the breast for the presence of various tumor formations. First, the right hand examines the left chest and muscle cavities. The procedure is repeated with the left breast.
  • assessment of the condition of the surface of the skin and nipples.

If the patient has discovered any unpleasant signs, it is advisable to visit a specialist as soon as possible.

Thus, a woman should contact a mammologist if she detects the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • changes in the shape and size of one or both mammary glands;
  • the presence of discharge from the nipple, especially if it is discharged from only one;
  • when a rash appears around the nipple;
  • if there are depressions on the surface of the skin near the mammary gland;
  • if a lump or tumor is detected in one of the areas of the axillary region;
  • when pain occurs in the armpit or chest area;
  • if there are changes in the nipple area;
  • when a tissue lump or tumor is detected in the breast.

The doctor also examines the condition of the breast and interviews the patient. Additional methods may include a woman undergoing mammography, biopsy, and blood donation for tumor markers.

Symptoms of breast cancer

The second image also shows the area of ​​skin directly above the tumor with such pinching of the breast tissue. This is a very reliable sign of cancer. Errors are extremely rare - for example, with chronic mastitis.

Signs of breast cancer

The main signs of breast cancer are the platform symptom and nipple traction:

Site symptom

When the mammary gland is pinched around the tumor (as in the photo above), a clearly defined area appears above it. The pad sign is a reliable sign of breast cancer. In the photo - at least 2 stages (tumor is more than 2, but less than 5 cm).

Inverted nipple

An inverted nipple or its curvature occurs due to the fact that the tumor draws in the ducts and makes them inelastic. Using the ducts, it pulls the nipple into the gland and first bends it, and then pulls it inward.

The photo also shows a flattening of the circumference of the mammary gland outward and downward from the nipple - a symptom of the platform, noticeable even without compression of the mammary gland tissue.

What is breast cancer

Every woman needs to know the general concept of how exactly the first symptoms and signs of the disease manifest themselves, which doctor to turn to for help and what measures to take. To do this, it would be advisable to familiarize yourself with a certain amount of information.

Breast cancer in women is nothing more than a malignant formation. The mammary glands consist of three types of tissue:

  • glandular;
  • fatty;
  • connecting.

The development of pathology occurs precisely from glandular tissue, and it occurs at the cellular level. Men can also be affected by this disease, but in the female half of humanity these manifestations are diagnosed much more often.

According to statistics, over the past decade there has been an increase in cancer incidence by approximately one and a half times. Moreover, it has been noticed that residents of industrial centers suffer from it more often than those who live in villages.

Malignant tumors form in much the same way as their development in any other part of the body. Due to certain changes that have occurred in the female body, some cells of the glandular tissue begin to mutate, as a result of which it grows. This leads to the formation of a tumor.

Cancerous tumors tend to go further, forming metastases, which are nothing more than tumor foci of a secondary nature.

Swelling of the breast skin

Swelling of the skin of the breast due to cancer always begins in the areola area. Often it goes unnoticed at first, and is found only when it has spread to the entire gland - when laundry begins to imprint on it, when it becomes heavy, or the skin takes on the appearance of a lemon peel due to pronounced swelling.

Lemon peel crayfish

Lemon peel-shaped breast skin is a sign of early breast cancer (from stage IIIa). Treatment of such cancer never begins with surgery, but only with chemotherapy or hormone therapy. If after such preliminary treatment the swelling does not disappear, a mastectomy is suggested. Simultaneous reconstruction does not worsen treatment results.

Swelling of the breast skin

Swelling of the breast skin does not always occur with cancer. It can be due to inflammation and thrombosis of the veins of the mammary gland. With cancer, it is always painless and (at the very beginning) can be missed if examined inattentively. It always starts near the nipple (as in the photo above) and is noticeable in comparison with the other gland. The presence of edema is a sign of stage 3 breast cancer, when starting treatment with surgery is incorrect according to modern views (worse prognosis).

See about NIPLE CANCER ( Paget's )

Symptoms of breast cancer

When the slightest symptoms and first signs of cancer appear, the patient should in any case think about the reasons for the sensations and consult a doctor - mammologist, rather than try to cure the disease on her own.

  1. The very first symptom to appear when this disease appears is painful lumps in the chest. They take the form of a moving ball and are quite painful. They are usually discovered during breast self-examination. The size of the tumor increases. This symptom indicates the presence of benign tumors in the breast. The nature of the formation is determined by histological examination of the patient.
  2. The second sign that you have breast cancer is the appearance of discharge from the nipples. At first, with oncology, they appear in small quantities, but as the disease progresses, their number increases. They can be from one nipple or from both.
  3. Sores appear on the skin in the nipple area, which over time grow and turn into huge ulcerative wounds. This pathological process can switch from the nipples to the rest of the mammary gland. Bone metastases may occur.
  4. A sharp, sudden pain appears. It appears spontaneously and can last indefinitely.
  5. Mastopathy, lactostasis, mastitis. All these diseases are an inflammatory process and are often precursors to cancer.
  6. The pain can also be long-lasting and systematic. Such pain is most often felt as not strong, aching. It often prevents its owner from living life to the fullest and interferes with physical activity.
  7. Severe piercing pain, reaching the back and spine, also appearing suddenly, and lasting from half an hour to several hours. Such pain can only be relieved with strong painkillers, and if the disease is not treated, it will return again and again.

There are different types of breast cancer, and breast pain varies from woman to woman. For some, the pain of breast cancer can be unbearable cramps, while others describe them only as “unpleasant sensations”, but there is no severe pain. Symptoms and diagnosis are just as varied.

If you experience the following symptoms, do not delay contacting your doctor:

  • A sudden increase in temperature associated with pain in the chest area;
  • Skin redness syndrome, nipple rash, irritation;
  • Noticeable changes in the appearance of the breast, swelling, change in shape, displacement of the nipple, deformation of its shape, wrinkled and dry skin, etc.;
  • Discharge from one or both nipples at once;
  • The pain is so strong that painkillers cannot cope with it.
  • You are convinced that chest pain has nothing to do with the menstrual cycle; the pain has been bothering you for a long period.

Treatment of breast cancer in St. Petersburg

Specialists of the University Breast Center regularly improve their professional level, attend domestic and foreign conferences to keep abreast of all modern trends in oncology and plastic surgery.

Author: Chizh Igor Aleksandrovich head, kmn, oncologist of the highest qualification category, surgeon of the highest qualification category, plastic surgeon

Start your treatment right now: sign up for a consultation by phone or through the form on the website

  • Breast cancer, surgery
  • Mastectomy with simultaneous reconstruction
  • Sentinel node biopsy (SLNB)
  • Breast cancer (without surgery)
  • Breast reconstruction
  • Nipple cancer
  • Breast cancer treatment

Danger of disease

Despite the fact that oncology is a serious pathology, this terrible diagnosis should not be treated as a death sentence.

According to global medical statistics, breast cancer accounts for about 16% of all tumors in the female half of the population. The problem is one of the most significant, and its timely solution receives a lot of attention from scientists all over the world.

Over the past year, about half a million of the planet's female population has died from this disease. It is noted that people can be exposed to the disease, regardless of nationality, location and standard of living. Although due to certain circumstances, breast cancer is least common on the African continent. The highest incidence rate is in North America, and the average is in Eurasia.

Tumors require a timely response, since the average survival rate in countries with different standards of living is 60%.

In the CIS countries, the quantitative incidence rates are slightly higher compared to other areas of the globe. And this state of affairs is due to the not entirely satisfactory environmental situation and the untimely detection of pathologies. Unfortunately, women, even with severe symptoms, are in no hurry to go to the hospital.

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