discharge during early pregnancy is white

The body of a woman carrying a baby works in a completely different rhythm. Features of the course of natural physiological processes affect all organs and systems, not excluding the reproductive one. For example, the gonads of a pregnant woman, as before, synthesize a certain amount of natural secretion (leucorrhoea), but due to ongoing internal reforms, their nature and intensity often change. Expectant mothers have a lot of questions about this, because sometimes white discharge in the early stages of pregnancy is indeed a sign of trouble. The specific features of white secretion in the early stages of pregnancy will be discussed in this article.

As a rule, women are not concerned about the presence of leucorrhoea itself, but about the features in which they differ from the discharge that was present before pregnancy. Let's consider which white discharge in expectant mothers can be considered normal, and which indicates the presence of certain problems.

You will also be interested to know what white discharge means during pregnancy in the second and third trimester.

Excessive leucorrhoea in early pregnancy

Marina, 23 years old (Moscow): “I recently found out that I’m expecting a child. About 10 days after the alleged conception, I noticed that the amount of mucus coming from the vagina had increased significantly. The leucorrhoea became translucent with a creamy tint, slightly thicker in structure than it was before. They do not cause me any concern (nothing itches or hurts). Can discharge in the first days of pregnancy be of this nature and why?” Svetlana, 26 years old (Stavropol): “The fourth week of pregnancy has ended. For several days I have noticed that the leucorrhoea has become much more profuse. They look thick and white. They are odorless, there is no discomfort, but their quantity confuses me. I saw the doctor, but she didn’t stand on ceremony with me, she only said: “The tests are normal, according to the ultrasound, all the indicators correspond to the fifth week. I don’t see any reason for concern.” Is this kind of discharge normal at 5 weeks of pregnancy?

Hormonal imbalance in the first trimester

Abundance of secretion is one of the problems that most often worries pregnant women. However, discharge at the beginning of pregnancy very often becomes much more abundant than before, for quite good reasons. Most likely, increased discharge in the 4th week of pregnancy (as well as on the 10th day) is explained by large-scale hormonal and physiological changes associated with the birth of a new life inside the mother’s body. White discharge before menstruation can be considered a sign of pregnancy, but it is not accurate.

Intense secretion of the gonads is most often explained by the increased production of the main pregnancy hormone - progesterone. In the first 12 weeks of the term, it is he who rules the roost. Increasing the concentration of progesterone in the blood allows you to create the most comfortable conditions for the process of conception, fixation of the fertilized egg in the wall of the uterus (approximately 9-12 days), and closer to the end of the first trimester - for the formation of the placenta. An increase in the amount of viscous secretion is one of the initial signs of conception.

Hormonal changes may be accompanied by copious mucoid leucorrhoea, the color of which can vary from milky white to clear.

Transparent selections

Discharge like snot

White mucus discharge Leucorrhoea

Such a natural secretion should not have any foreign odor, much less be accompanied by irritation of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs and vagina. Its thickness during this period can also vary - from semi-liquid to creamy - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body and the concentration of hormone levels in the blood. Thick white discharge most often stops when the second trimester begins, and another important female hormone, estrogen, takes over.

Increased blood circulation

Another reason for the increase in leucorrhoea during gestation may be an increase in blood flow to the pelvic area. This tendency is especially pronounced in those women who, before conception, took oral contraceptives for a long time, which have the property of minimizing vaginal secretion.

Basal temperature from A to Z

You just recently found out that you will soon become a mother. This new state brings a lot of changes into your life: both from the psyche and physiology. Nausea, dizziness, frequent urination, swelling of the mammary glands are well-known signs that do not cause much surprise. But when a pregnant woman discovers discharge literally in the first weeks, she begins to get nervous, or even panic. To begin with, the discharge can have a very diverse color range: from transparent, pale yellow to pink, red and even dark brown.

Let's calm down and talk about this. After all, discharge in the early stages of pregnancy can be both a manifestation of the norm and, in fact, an “alarm bell.”

Is it normal or when to be wary of discharge in early pregnancy? Discharge accompanies a woman throughout her life, and the reasons for its appearance are very diverse. Mucous discharge similar to raw chicken protein is a normal variant in a healthy woman. After all, the mucous membrane of the genital organs produces mucus to protect the woman’s organs, as well as to provide other functions: without these secretions, for example, the sperm would have a hard time moving towards the egg!

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman may indeed notice discharge, the appearance of which will not cause concern to the doctor. This is true if they do not cause discomfort (burning, itching), are odorless and are painted white or transparent.

Right now, a woman’s body is going through a “global restructuring.” This is especially true for hormonal levels. Progestron, a very important “male” hormone, has a tremendous effect in the first trimester, and the appearance of thick, opaque, viscous discharge is the norm. Under its influence, the embryo attaches and the placenta forms. The discharge is very viscous and scanty, there is practically none. In this case, use a sanitary pad, but (under no circumstances!) a tampon.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the same secretions form a mucus plug that closes the entrance to the cervix and protects the embryo from infections and other external influences.

Women are very frightened by bloody discharge, which can indeed be observed in the early stages of pregnancy. It happens that they appear exactly on the days when menstruation is due. If the discharge is not accompanied by pain, there is nothing to fear. Discharge associated with the fact that the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus is also not dangerous for the fetus and mother. That is, there is no cause for concern if about a week has passed since fertilization, the discharge itself is not abundant and short-lived. Medicine calls this phenomenon “implantation of the fertilized egg.” To do this, the uterine mucosa loosens and new blood vessels develop. Of course, you should tell your doctor about this, because he will be able to determine the nature and cause of the discharge, and you, in turn, will save your nerves, which is so important for your current condition. If right now you are not able to visit a healthcare professional, then inform him about your condition at least by phone.

It is also worth recalling that during pregnancy the female body becomes especially sensitive to various external stimuli. For example, ordinary feminine pads and intimate hygiene products can suddenly cause itching, irritation, and clear, odorless discharge.

Pathology or when you need to urgently consult a doctor if there is discharge in early pregnancy? The discharge characteristic of thrush is familiar not only to pregnant women. The fungus “candida” infects the mucous membranes of the genital tract, as a result of which the discharge becomes abundant, cheesy in appearance, white or slightly yellowish, and smells like fish. For many, thrush is accompanied by minor or, on the contrary, severe itching. Some women find out about thrush during pregnancy, and for some, latent (present in the body, but not externally manifested and not disturbing) “blooms” with might and main. Yellowish discharge with an unpleasant odor is also a reason to urgently consult a doctor. In most cases, this is a signal of an inflammatory process, as well as the presence of infectious agents in the female genital organs, such as E. coli, staphylococcus and others.

In the presence of genital infections, copious foamy, gray or green-colored discharge may appear. When visiting a doctor, women describe such conditions as “like pus.” Sexually transmitted diseases are always very unpleasant, regardless of whether the woman is pregnant or not. But in pregnant women, the situation is complicated by the fact that the treatment of these infections is a rather complex process. But nothing is impossible! After all, there are medications that can act on infectious agents without causing complications in the fetus. Contact a competent obstetrician-gynecologist to quickly get rid of not only the unpleasant discharge, but also its cause.

Erosion of the cervix (cervical erosion) is another reason why a pregnant woman may experience discharge. This is primarily due to hormonal changes. Doctors do not recommend treating erosion during childbirth, but suggest contacting them 6-8 months after the birth of the child.

But the most dangerous from the point of view of maintaining pregnancy, as well as the woman’s health, is bloody discharge, which can be either scanty or abundant, pale pink, bright scarlet or dark brown. Keep in mind: if the bleeding is profuse and accompanied by severe pain, immediately go to a medical facility where you will receive emergency care. Even better is to take a horizontal position and call an ambulance.

Be careful, because bloody discharge can start a miscarriage. Or they may be talking about an ectopic pregnancy.

In cases where there is a real threat of miscarriage, the doctor prescribes bed rest (in special cases, hospitalization), prescribing support medications: for example, duphaston or utrozhestan.

In addition, the discharge of blood from the genital tract of a pregnant woman may indicate the development of some severe pathology of the cervix, including cancer.

Maybe someone will be interested!?!

Thick mucus in the first months of pregnancy

Rimma, 31 years old (Samara): “Strange discharge appeared at 6 weeks of pregnancy.
Small lumps of mucus are clearly visible in them. Sometimes they are very small, and sometimes a little larger. I'm very worried, is everything okay? The ultrasound did not show any dangers, but it is still very alarming, because this has never happened before. Is it possible for pregnant women to have such discharge during short periods of time?” Thick white discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy may be a consequence of the formation of the so-called mucus plug, which tightly seals the cervix throughout the entire gestational period.

Mucusy white discharge

Thick discharge

Normal secretion

It protects the uterine cavity, and, accordingly, the fetus from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. The discharge associated with this process in the first weeks of pregnancy has a neutral odor and is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations such as itching, abdominal or lower back pain. Normally, leucorrhoea during this period may have a creamy or milky tint, and its structure may contain denser lumps of mucus. They are not only not dangerous, but also indicate a successful pregnancy. The process of mucus plug formation is completed by week 12.

Thin white discharge early in pregnancy

Anna, 24 years old (Ekaterinburg): “The 6th week of the gestational period has now ended.
At first there were no suspicious symptoms, but a couple of days ago, whitish water began to appear instead of leucorrhoea. There is quite a lot of it. What could it be? What is the reason for thin white discharge at 7 weeks of pregnancy? Natalya, 25 years old (Moscow): “This morning I noticed that I was having a lot of white liquid discharge at 8 weeks of pregnancy. They do not look like the usual leucorrhoea. At the same time, there is a slight itching and a slight tug in the lower abdomen. I'm in my eighth week. What could they mean? White liquid discharge during the entire period of pregnancy, including when it is only the sixth or eighth week, is an alarming factor. Their appearance may be associated with the onset of an inflammatory process or the penetration of an infection.

Creamy discharge

Normal leucorrhoea

Such a development of events is especially likely when there are additionally sharp or nagging pains in the area of ​​the sacrum or lower abdomen.

Another reason why thin white secretion may appear during pregnancy is an allergic reaction. The mucous membrane lining a woman's external genitalia becomes especially susceptible to external irritants. A sanitary product, washing powder, or too tight synthetic underwear can be a provocateur. In such a situation, itching and irritation may be present, but pain should not be observed.

In rare cases, increased liquid white discharge during early pregnancy becomes a signal of unfavorable fetal development or the threat of imminent spontaneous abortion. You should be especially careful in a situation where any pain in the abdominal area or general malaise is simultaneously noted. In this case, you must immediately seek medical help.

discharge in the first days of pregnancy forum

Part 2. Estrogen

Good day to all!)

I’ll continue my story with a little explanation, and as I already said, my estrogen, according to the tests, was low, while LH was within normal limits, and there was not enough estrogen to grow a dominant follicle by the deadline, and this all stretched out for a month, or even more.

I understood that I didn’t want to take stimulating injections, and I was not ready for such a turn of events.

But over time, the wait became more and more difficult.

On the day when I was still looking for answers to my questions, I came across a video on the YouTube channel.

The girl was telling her story and how she became pregnant while taking the herb Sage.

I found out about the effect of the herb on the body, how exactly it normalizes the cycle, and as I understand it, sage is a natural estrogen, builds the endometrium and increases the growth of the follicle, thereby preparing it for ovulation.

And then I realized how I would act.

But still, there was a fear of the unknown, and I read on various forums stories from women who took sage, helped some, and increased cysts for others.

The question arose, how to drink sage so as not to harm and help the body?

The time of administration and the dose of sage are written differently everywhere, but basically from the last day of menstruation until the day of expected ovulation, everything is individual. Consult a gynecologist or carefully study your body, keeping records of your sensations, and also be sure to do ovulation tests, so you can understand whether you have a jump in LH (luteinizing hormone) levels.

Some information from the Internet about this hormone:

In the female body, LH stimulates the ovaries to secrete estrogen, and a peak increase in its level initiates ovulation.

You can find out more about it on the Internet, but here this information is for general understanding and for those who are not yet deeply familiar with it.

And if you do tests for ovulation and catch it, be sure to go for an ultrasound and check whether ovulation occurred, I’m sure you will be pleased with the presence of the corpus luteum.

This will be a small step for you, which will tell you a lot over time.

Let's continue.

I contacted my gynecologist about this issue with sage, but she did not give me a clear answer. In the end, I decided to rely only on myself.

In the first cycle of taking sage, due to my carelessness, I started drinking 2-3 days after my period, then I drank for about a week, but ovulation was still far away, since it usually comes on the 36-38th day of the cycle, I decided not to overdo it and stop taking sage, fortunately I did regular ovulation tests, and knew what was going on and what stage I was at now.

The tests began to get dark, at the same time I was happy, and yet I was afraid of too high estrogen levels, I was afraid of getting a cyst, because one day I caught it on the tests, they were dark for a week and it scared me, of course I went to the Ultrasound, and my cyst turned out to be a follicle that did not burst and grew to 60 mm, then I was prescribed appropriate treatment. After this incident, I knew what tests there were if the hormone levels were too high, then I did not take sage, and now I wonder what happened in that cycle, why the hormone levels were so high during the week, I assume that these were the consequences of stress, then I was still not resistant to all kinds of questions from loved ones, many would understand me, and I was also upset because of the flights.

But, over time, in the last cycles, I gained confidence, I increased my hope, worship, I believed that everything would be in due time, and the fact that I do the reason, and rely completely on the Lord, became my relief in this difficult business for me.

And also, girls, do not self-medicate under any circumstances (I decided to use sage only when I realized that I had low hormone levels in the first phase, and only then I decided to try, but if you are not confident in your actions and have just started your way, first examine your body, find out what’s wrong with your hormones, and whether there’s a problem with them at all, and you don’t need to follow all the advice in the hope that you’ll get what you want faster.

Always consult, tell your loved ones, read articles, start with small doses, be sure to monitor your body, and if something happens, do not hesitate to consult a gynecologist.

The first cycle of taking sage shortened my cycle by 10-12 days, that is, when most often my ovulation was on the 36-38th day of the cycle, this time it was on the 26-28th day of the cycle, the tests began to darken, I was sure to monitor discharge and sensations in the lower abdomen, everything was as it happens before ovulation, and after ovulation the tests became weaker and weaker, after 12-14 days a new cycle began.

Naturally, I expected that everything would work out the first time, but I was not upset, my cycle shortened and everything worked out without cysts and other complications, I was happy.

I began to understand and feel my body completely differently. This was my new discovery.

A new cycle, and now I am fully armed, I took sage three times a day, 1/3 cup, from the 6th to the 13th day of my cycle, my periods themselves lasted 7-8 days, surprisingly my periods stopped without any residue on the 7th day , and I started doing ovulation tests again, now I used only 7-8 tests, whereas before, one cycle could take about 20-25 tests, yes, I’m a former dough addict)

And so, the tests became darker, and I stopped taking sage at 13 dc, and watched what would happen next.

The discharge increased, there were sipping sensations from the ovaries, and favorable days arrived.

For 2 days the tests showed ovulation, on days 2-3 the tests began to weaken.

As a result, ovulation occurred at approximately 17-18 dc. Again, minus 10-11 days.

I was very pleased with the result and expected a new cycle in 12-14 days, and I myself was surprised that the new cycle would begin sooner than ever.

My cycle had almost returned to normal, and I was waiting for a new one so that I could repeat everything one last time and give myself a rest.


The third part will be the last in this trilogy about sage and my very first pregnancy, which I still don’t believe in...))

I will tell you about the feelings I had and what plans I made in the event of a flight.

Thank you for reading!

Write, have you taken sage and were you satisfied with it?

White curdled discharge

Marina, 18 years old: “Everything was great from the very beginning, but after four weeks, itching and white grains appeared instead of the usual leucorrhoea. I douched with chamomile - it seemed to go away. But I was happy early - in the seventh week everything happened again and even got worse. Can such discharge be normal at 7 weeks of pregnancy? What causes them? So what should I do? Maria, 22 years old (Krasnoyarsk): “I noticed some flakes that resembled cottage cheese in my tenth week of pregnancy. They smell like acid and cause terrible discomfort: everything itches and itch. What can cause such discharge at 10 weeks of pregnancy?


Discharge that resembles small white grains in structure is a sure sign of a fungal infection. The culprit of the malaise in this case is the Candida fungus.

Discharge from Candidiasis Secretion from thrush

The disease is better known to the common man as “thrush”. In parallel with the appearance of curdled flakes, there is also a specific smell of lactic acid (hence the name).

Candidiasis is a common ailment that often rears its head under favorable circumstances. Such circumstances may include: non-compliance with hygiene rules (both insufficient and hypertrophied cleanliness), antibiotic therapy, abuse of sugar-containing products, imbalance of vaginal microflora.

The disease causes the following accompanying symptoms: unbearable itching, hyperemia and swelling of the genitals, burning sensation when emptying the bladder. Sometimes, if treatment is not started on time, the secretion may take on a yellowish or greenish tint.


If treated in a timely manner, thrush during pregnancy can be treated in a fairly short time with the help of antifungal drugs. In the first trimester, these are usually topical agents.

It is extremely important to undergo a full course of antifungal therapy under the guidance of a medical specialist in order to prevent relapses of candidiasis at a later date. It is important to remember that treatment should be carried out in parallel by both parents, since men are often carriers of the infection, but do not even suspect it.

In most cases, white discharge in the first weeks of pregnancy is not a pathological phenomenon. They are explained by the internal processes that occur inside the female body. However, no one canceled the exceptions. To notice the first signs of trouble requires experience and appropriate qualifications, so be prudent and try to find the doctor to whom you are undoubtedly ready to entrust the most precious thing - the life and health of your unborn baby.

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