Can menstruation occur without ovulation?

The life cycle of a female egg ends with menstruation. It represents the release of unfertilized material and “extra” endometrial layer from the uterus. But, as you know, not a single process in the human body goes perfectly. Every woman runs the risk of encountering problems that lead to confusion. One of the common questions is: can you have your period without ovulation? It is especially of interest to those who want to have a child as soon as possible. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since for a complete picture you will need to understand in detail all the details.

General concepts about the menstrual cycle and its stages

Menstruation is actually the beginning of the menstrual cycle, which in turn is a monthly repeating cycle of preparing the female reproductive system for childbearing. Its duration is conventionally taken to be a month, although it can vary between 21-35 days. The menstrual cycle consists of several phases. The first phase consists of detachment of the endometrial layer, during which menstrual bleeding occurs.

Then the formation of follicles begins, which contain underdeveloped eggs. One of the follicles develops more actively than the others, assumes a dominant role, and approximately on the 10-15th day of the cycle a mature cell emerges from it. With the release of the egg, a new phase begins - ovulation, which lasts one day. Then comes the luteal stage or the corpus luteum phase. The cell begins to gradually move into the uterine body. At this stage, if fertilization has occurred, the embryo is implanted into the uterus. If there was no conception, then the cell dies and comes out along with menstruation.

Sometimes it happens that the cells do not mature and ovulation does not occur, that is, the cycle is anovulatory in nature. Menstruation may occur regularly, but it may also be absent. The condition when the cell does not exit is called anovulation. In this case, the egg may not develop at all or may not be able to pass through the tubes to the uterus. But there are also clinical cases when menstruation is absent, but ovulation occurs regularly.

What are the reasons for the lack of ovulation?

Anovulation has different clinical manifestations and occurs in a variety of pathologies. Based on this, there can be many reasons that cause anovulation, because the body of all women is individual and reacts in its own way to various factors.

The reasons for the lack of ovulation can be divided into two groups:

  • Physiological;
  • Pathological.

In the first case, ovulation may not occur due to factors such as:

  • pregnancy and lactation, this is due to hormonal changes in a woman’s body (the level of the hormone prolactin increases);
  • natural cessation of menstruation or menopause is usually observed in patients fifty years of age and older;
  • too much physical activity, which suppresses the production of hormones and disrupts the entire hormonal cycle;
  • nervous breakdowns and stressful situations, this factor greatly affects the menstrual cycle, as a result of which periods are significantly delayed or disappear altogether;
  • Stopping taking hormone-containing medications also leads to menstrual irregularities and lack of ovulation.

The pathological condition is chronic anovulation, in which failures are constantly observed. Reasons for this may include:

  • hormonal imbalance caused by endocrine pathologies (pituitary gland, thyroid gland), diseases of the reproductive system (endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome), etc.
  • PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome);
  • premature ovarian failure (early menopause, ovarian wasting syndrome);
  • hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism;
  • hyperprolactinemia;
  • tumors, trauma, irradiation of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland;
  • adrenal gland diseases.

At the slightest sign of menstrual irregularities, we recommend seeking medical help. You should not rely on the effectiveness of self-medication; entrust your health to professionals, and your chances of a quick recovery will increase several times.

In what cases does ovulation occur without menstruation?

Situations when periods of ovulation without menstruation are observed can be caused by a variety of factors:

  1. Lactation. Most often, unexpected “gaps” in the absence of menstruation are detected during the postpartum and lactation period. Conceiving while breastfeeding is only possible under certain circumstances. While the baby feeds exclusively on mother's milk, estrogen production is suppressed, and therefore the eggs do not mature and ovulation does not occur. But when the baby begins to receive additional complementary foods, lactation decreases and prolactin secretion decreases. The estrogen hormone increases and the processes of egg maturation begin, followed by ovulation. If there has been no fertilization, the cell dies and comes out with the first postpartum menstruation, which can occur in the form of slight mucous pale pinkish smears. Subsequently, ovulation will become a regular occurrence, although menstruation may not occur at first.
  2. Irregular periods. This is also a fairly common occurrence. Menstruation constantly comes at different times, several cycles may be missing, but ovulation still occurs. This picture is possible during menopause or in the first years of the menopausal period.
  3. Ovarian dysfunction. Quite often, experts associate the absence of menstruation without pregnancy with ovarian dysfunction. This disease is often accompanied by irregular periods. The pathology, as a rule, develops against the background of endocrine disorders or problems with the thyroid gland.
  4. Gynecological factors. Gynecological problems also provoke menstrual delay, since the ovaries are negatively affected by pathological conditions such as genital inflammation, uterine fibroids, cervical oncology, etc. In addition, menstruation may be absent due to inflammatory lesions of the ovaries themselves.
  5. Polycystic ovarian syndrome. This is also a fairly common problem that doctors can easily identify during a routine examination. Patients with this pathology experience hair growth above the lip, oily skin and hair, excess weight and other symptoms that occur against the background of increased testosterone. It is testosterone excess that causes disorders that interfere with menstruation, but the worst thing is that infertility develops, because the male hormone affects the maturation of germ cells.
  6. Weight problems. With deficiency or excess body weight, menstruation disruptions are also often observed, while ovulation, as a rule, occurs. After normalization of weight, menstruation will also be restored.

Pathological causes of secretion disorders

In most patients who ovulate without discharge, this is not a sign of pathological damage to the reproductive system. But in some cases, secretion is disrupted for negative reasons.

The following possible health problems are being considered:

  • violation of the level of hormonal substances;
  • infection of the vaginal microflora;
  • stressful conditions;
  • use of intimate cosmetics.

Lack of discharge may occur due to hormonal imbalance. The liquefaction of the secretion depends on the growth of the follicle-stimulating substance. At its low level, the secretions do not change their properties. In this case, ovulation occurs without the appearance of mucus. Also, the loss of a secret is accompanied by the absence of an auspicious day. In this case, background failure affects the activity of the ovaries. The growth and development of the follicle does not occur in the proper order. To detect pathology, a woman needs to visit a medical center.

The problem may also be infection of the vaginal microflora. Normally, a healthy woman’s microflora consists of beneficial and opportunistic microorganisms. These bacteria serve to protect the delicate tissues of the reproductive system. Under the influence of various negative factors, microflora can change its constant composition. In this case, opportunistic bacteria are activated. They have a detrimental effect on beneficial microorganisms. In this case, the lumen of the cervical canal decreases. This feature helps prevent the spread of infection in the uterine cavity.

Infection can be identified by additional symptoms. With negative disorders, an unpleasant odor appears from the vagina. There is also itching and burning in the genital area. If such a symptom appears without visible discharge, you need to consult a doctor.

The reason for the lack of discharge may be a stressful situation. When exposed to stress for a long time, the pituitary gland stops producing normal amounts of hormones. Adrenaline occupies the main place. It blocks the activity of the reproductive system. To eliminate the unfavorable factor, you need to visit a psychologist. It will help you get rid of stress.

Additional factors

In modern women, a common cause is the use of intimate cosmetics. Lubricants have become widespread. They serve as a substitute for natural lubricant. These products contain various chemical components. Glandular tissue may react negatively to certain components of the product. In this case, the canal stops producing natural mucus. Discharge disappears during ovulation. Intimate care products can have the same effect. If the use of a new detergent is accompanied by a change in natural secretion, it is necessary to abandon it.

Any of these factors causes disruption of the natural functioning of the glandular layer of the cervical canal. To restore the functioning of the organ, it is necessary to establish the cause of the pathological changes. Only then can you get the right help from a specialist.

Ovulation is an important component of pregnancy planning. Women carefully monitor all changes occurring in the body during this period. The disappearance of discharge often causes panic. Don't be afraid. You need to see a specialist and undergo an examination. In many cases, this phenomenon refers to a sign of normal activity of the cervical canal. If the cause is organ damage, the doctor will prescribe effective treatment. After completion of therapy, planning can be resumed.

Women who have been unable to conceive for a long time may be diagnosed with anovulatory menstrual cycle or anovulation. This condition occurs when the egg does not mature and is released from the ovary.

It is difficult to detect a violation; in most cases, the absence of ovulation occurs unnoticed, but leads to such a serious consequence as infertility.

20-25% of women experience ovulation disorders when planning pregnancy. This can be either pathological (oligomenorrhea) or irregular ovulation (alternating ovulatory menstrual cycles with anuvolatory ones), or its complete absence (amenorrhea).

It is important to note that the absence of ovulation itself is not a disease, but rather a signal to a woman about the processes that are occurring in her body and require intervention.

Is it possible to conceive if you don't have periods?

There is always a possibility that conception will occur when menstruation is absent. If menstruation is absent for several cycles, amenorrhea is diagnosed. There are several types of amenorrhea: false or true. False amenorrhea is the absence of visible menstrual symptoms. At the same time, the eggs fully mature and can be fertilized by sperm, although there is no menstrual bleeding. With false amenorrhea, conception is quite possible, but how well pregnancy will proceed will depend on the severity of the causes of false amenorrhea.

There is also true amenorrhea, when menstruation is absent due to improper functionality of the reproductive structures. In this case, the eggs do not mature, so it is useless to wait for conception. Pregnancy can occur only after appropriate treatment. For successful conception, it is necessary to restore the normal menstrual cycle so that the regulation begins again. First you need to change your life, normalize your weight and avoid stressful situations. In addition, it is necessary to seriously engage in the treatment of sexual pathologies. As mentioned above, in some situations pregnancy is possible even in the absence of menstruation.

Diagnosis of pathological changes in the body

When visiting a gynecologist with a problem of reproductive dysfunction, women do not understand why there is no ovulation despite the absence of serious health problems with regular menstruation. What to do if ovulation does not occur, a specialist will tell you.

For advice, you can contact such specialists as:

  • gynecologist;
  • reproductive specialist;
  • gynecologist-endocrinologist;
  • psychologist.

The absence of ovulation in women is determined using laboratory and instrumental research methods.

Is it possible to get pregnant if there is no ovulation? If a woman has not limited sexual activity or used any contraceptive methods over the past 12 months, infertility (primary or secondary) can be suspected. In this case, specialist help and a comprehensive examination are necessary.

The set of diagnostic measures includes the following procedures:

  1. Visual examination on a gynecological chair with collection of material (smear) for cytological examination, biopsy, ovarian puncture (depending on indications). Additionally, the doctor determines the presence of diseases of the endocrine, nervous system, head injuries or reproductive organs, and previous surgical manipulations in them. Often the help of several specialists is required.
  2. Measurement of temperature in the rectum (basal). To carry out this procedure correctly, it is necessary to measure your body temperature rectally every morning without leaving your bed. For this purpose, it is better to choose a mercury thermometer rather than a digital one (it gives more accurate results). Temperature measurements need to be taken over a period of 3 months (ovulatory cycles). Approximately on days 12-14, a slight increase in temperature in the rectum to subfebrile levels (37.4 degrees) is observed.
  3. A blood test will provide information about the presence of inflammation, the type of pathogen, and the extent of the lesion. Additionally, the blood is examined for hormones (follicle-stimulating, luteinizing, testosterone, prolactin, cortisol, thyroxine). In the presence of certain diseases, the blood is additionally tested for insulin.
  4. Ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs, carried out during 3 ovulatory cycles, provides the doctor with valuable information about structural disorders of the reproductive system and the effectiveness of the therapy.

Common Causes of Anovulation

It’s a completely different matter when there is no ovulation, but menstruation occurs regularly. Anovulatory cycles are normally quite rare; only about 3% of the total number of cycles can be without ovulation. This condition is a serious sign indicating disorders of the reproductive processes. Frequent causes of anovulation are such seemingly harmless factors as a change of place of residence, menopause, or the onset of the menstrual cycle in very young girls. Also, young mothers do not ovulate when breastfeeding, but only when the baby is completely pregnant.

The maturation of follicles is controlled by follicle-stimulating hormone, which is produced in the pituitary gland of the brain. Under the influence of various factors, this hormone may not be produced enough, then full maturation of the follicle, and, therefore, the egg does not occur. In addition, other factors also affect ovulation.

  • Lack of production of sex hormones or their deficiency;
  • Inflammatory pathologies of the genital area;
  • Adrenal pathologies causing reproductive problems;
  • Dysfunctional thyroid pathologies;
  • Infectious pathologies of the female genital area;
  • Stressful conditions and nervous tension can also lead to the fact that ovulation may be absent, and for more than one month;
  • Unhealthy diet, smoking, alcohol abuse and other addictions;
  • Toxic effects on the female body;
  • Hereditary anovulation, when the pathology is transmitted to a woman from her mother, grandmother, etc.

Also, the causes of anovulation may be hidden in disorders such as hyperprolactinemia, hyperandrogenism, etc. Any disorder in the field of reproduction should be assessed by specialists. The doctor will determine the extent of damage to the reproductive system and select the necessary therapy.

What to do if your period is late after ovulation

You cannot guarantee that ovulation was 100% if you, for example, calculated its date on the calendar with an irregular cycle or used only one method of determination (any other than ultrasound) . If the date of follicle rupture is inaccurate, then all you can do is wait until your period begins on its own.

How long do you need to wait? As my gynecologist recommended to me, waiting one or two weeks is enough, then you need to take a pregnancy test and make an appointment with a doctor.

Such extended cycles may or may not normally occur two or three times a year:

  • stress;
  • failure;

  • the ovaries decided to rest (the first reason is anovulation);
  • the egg came out later (second reason).
  • If such “delays” are repeated constantly for you, three or more cycles in a row, a more thorough study and, if necessary, treatment is necessary.

    Course and signs of anovulation

    Normally, when a follicle matures, its walls rupture and the germ cell is released. Immediately after the release of the egg, the follicular walls form into the corpus luteum, which produces estrogen and progesterone hormones that prepare the uterine body for conception and gestation. Under their influence, the blood circulation of the uterus increases, and the endometrium is actively saturated with the necessary nutrition. But this happens normally.

    If progesterone production is absent, reverse follicular development occurs, in which the yellow gland is not formed, and therefore the uterus becomes unable to receive a fertilized female cell. In this case, a bloody or bloody smear may be released, which is not related to the menstrual cycle. Such bleeding is caused by hormonal deficiency and a decrease in follicular size.

    Anovulation can be determined by some characteristic signs. Since transparent viscous secretions are activated during ovulatory processes, their absence may indicate that ovulation has not occurred. Also, experts often include instability of the monthly cycle, when menstruation comes twice or thrice a month or is absent for several months, as anovulatory signs. The pathology is indicated by the color of the discharge and its quantity. Pathological signs are considered to be discharge that occurs profusely for a week or more, as well as scanty brownish smear that discharges for less than three days.


    The phenomenon in which the follicle does not rupture and the egg is not released is called anovulation. In almost all situations, this condition is the main symptom of developing infertility. The disease has a specific cause. It could be as follows:

    • Disruption of the hormonal system.
    • Decreased thyroid function.
    • Nervous tension.
    • Infection.
    • Extreme physical activity.

    Single anovulations are within normal limits. This process can be influenced by seemingly insignificant factors. These include changing your place of residence, taking certain medications, or reducing your body size. Lack of ovulation is also typical during the breastfeeding .

    REFERENCE! Treating anovulation on your own is not recommended. This can make the situation worse.

    The menstrual cycle and its features

    The duration of the menstrual cycle can be from 21 to 35 days:

    • When the first phase occurs, the endometrial layer peels off and menstrual flow occurs.
    • After this, follicles begin to form. They contain immature eggs. One of them grows faster than the others; as a result, a developed cell emerges from it after 10-15 days. Ovulation begins. It lasts only one day.
    • It is replaced by the corpus luteum phase. The cell moves smoothly towards the uterus. If conception occurs at this moment, the embryo attaches to the uterine wall, otherwise the egg dies and leaves the body along with menstrual flow.

    Sometimes this process does not occur due to lack of cell maturation. Menstruation may occur regularly or be absent altogether. This condition is called anovulation.

    In this case, two developments are possible: the absence of the formation of an egg or its inability to enter the uterine cavity through the tube. But there are also cases when the maturation and release of the egg occurs, but menstrual flow does not appear.

    ATTENTION! The quality of the corpus luteum period directly depends on the phase of the follicle. In the absence of ovulation, a failure of the second phase of the female cycle is observed.

    Features of cervical secretion

    Discharge is observed throughout the menstrual cycle. The quality of mucus depends on the phase. Each phase is regulated by the activity of various hormonal substances.

    During the first phase, estrogen is considered the main hormone. It promotes the activation of the ovaries and the formation of endometrial tissue. Also, under its influence, the activity of the glands of the cervical canal begins. They produce mucus. Channel secretions perform a protective function. In the first days after menstruation, the glands secrete a small amount of fluid. It clogs the channel. This period is called dry.

    An increase in the volume of discharge occurs with the production of follicle-stimulating hormone. This substance promotes the growth of the follicle involved in ovulation. Also, under its influence, the cervical glands increase the production of secretions. During this period, the woman notices small, scanty white discharge. The consistency of the secretion is thick.

    The onset of the fertile period is characterized by the production of a luteinizing substance. Under its influence, the growth of the dominant follicle is activated. From this moment on, the secret changes its characteristics. The volume of cervical discharge increases. The secret is liquefied. Its structure takes on the properties of egg white. When squeezed between the fingers, the discharge can stretch greatly. Color varies from whitish to transparent. It is during this period that a woman realizes that ovulation is approaching.

    The favorable phase has a short duration. The viability of the egg is one day. During this time, conception should occur. After the death or fertilization of the germ cell, estrogen gives way to progesterone. Under the influence of progesterone, the cervical canal closes. The discharge becomes thick. Their density increases. This quality is necessary for the formation of a dense plug. It serves as a protective barrier against a variety of pathogens. To prevent infection from affecting the fetus, a plug is needed. At this stage, the discharge disappears and small drops of a thick, white, odorless liquid appear.

    By these qualities, many patients determine the onset of various phases of the menstrual cycle. But these symptoms do not always appear. Some women may have no discharge. In this case, you should be guided by additional signs of the ovulatory period.

    Irregular periods

    There can be several reasons for irregular menstruation:

    • Physiological - if a woman had a miscarriage or had an abortion, this phenomenon is quite normal for her. After childbirth, the risk of this pathology exists, but usually the cycle returns to normal on its own.
    • Pathological - cysts, tumors, endometrial polyps, endometriosis, and fibroids lead to malfunctions. Iatrogenic disorders are also classified as pathological causes. If hormonal contraceptives are chosen incorrectly or taken for too long, the cycle may be disrupted.

    ATTENTION! If a girl has irregular periods after her cycle is established, then in adulthood after childbirth they can return to normal.

    Will I get my period if I haven't ovulated?

    With anovulation, as a rule, amenorrhea (complete absence of menstruation) or oligomenorrhea (scanty menstruation, the duration of which ranges from 2 hours to 2 days) is observed. Long delays are also possible.

    Sometimes it happens that menstruation comes with the same intensity, without giving cause for alarm. In this case, it is quite difficult to determine the problem. And only when planning a pregnancy, when conception does not occur for a long period, many women learn about this deviation.

    Is it possible to ovulate without menstruation? The reasons for this phenomenon

    Periods of ovulation without menstruation are quite possible. They can be caused by various reasons:

    • Lactation - as a rule, unplanned pregnancy in the absence of menstruation occurs during lactation. If the child is exclusively breastfed, estrogen production is suppressed, eggs do not mature, and ovulation is absent. When a newborn begins to receive complementary foods, milk production decreases and estrogens begin to be released in larger quantities. This leads to the maturation of the egg and promotes conception. In the absence of fertilization, when the dead cell comes out, a scant pale pink discharge may appear. Over time, ovulation becomes regular, although menstruation may still be absent.
    • Irregular menstruation begins at different times, sometimes there is no menstruation at all for several cycles, but ovulation still occurs. This picture is typical for the first years of menopause and menopause.
    • Ovarian dysfunction - usually the problem is associated with pathology of the thyroid gland and the presence of endocrine disruptions.
    • Gynecological diseases - cervical oncology, uterine fibroids, ovarian inflammation.
    • Polycystic ovary syndrome - such women are usually overweight, their skin and hair become oily, and a small mustache appears above the upper lip, which indicates excess testosterone. It is because of this hormone that the cycle is disrupted and infertility occurs.
    • Weight problems - underweight or obesity are dangerous because they lead to cycle failure. As a rule, ovulation is maintained. As soon as the weight returns to normal, the problem disappears.

    Hormonal factor of absence of menstruation after ovulation

    This is the fourth and most common cause of delayed menstruation. As stated at the very beginning of the article, the reason for it:

    • hormonal disbalance;
    • lactation;
    • hormonal drugs (most often progesterone-containing).

    Remember that uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs can cause a malfunction of the reproductive system and ultimately harm your health more than it helps. It’s not scary to stop taking progesterone for one or two days - your pregnancy won’t fail.

    No menstruation after ovulation during breastfeeding

    This is a completely normal picture during lactation. Under the influence of the hormone prolactin, menstruation may be absent for several months in a row, or it may occur regularly.

    According to the recommendations of gynecologists, there are only 2 reliable ways to reliably establish ovulation during breastfeeding - folliculometry and the saliva crystallization method .

    All other methods that previously worked for you are not recommended when breastfeeding, since there is a high probability of getting a false negative result (the same is due to prolactin).

    The above-mentioned cases are much less common than pregnancies that occur when there has already been at least one menstruation after childbirth. For a more detailed study of the issue, you can read this article - it is entirely devoted to the topic of ovulation during breastfeeding.

    Can conception occur in the absence of menstruation?

    There is a possibility of conception in the absence of menstruation. If there is no discharge for several cycles, this indicates the development of amenorrhea. It is divided into false and true:

    • With false, there are no visible signs of menstruation, and the eggs mature without problems. Therefore, fertilization is likely. How well the pregnancy will proceed depends on whether the reasons for the development of the pathology are serious.
    • If there is no menstruation due to improper functioning of the reproductive organs, they speak of the development of true amenorrhea. The eggs do not mature, therefore conception cannot occur. To become pregnant, a woman needs to undergo adequate treatment. In addition, it is necessary to avoid stress, bring weight back to normal, and get rid of all diseases of the reproductive organs.

    Treatment of ovulation disorders

    Depending on the cause of anovulation identified during diagnosis, a treatment regimen is selected. The specialist is faced with two important tasks: restoring the normal cycle and treating infertility.

    Sometimes, to restore ovulatory function, it is enough to make some changes in lifestyle: normalize body weight, eliminate stress factors. But if hormonal disorders are detected, therapeutic therapy will be needed.

    Timely and correct treatment of anovulation with individually selected doses of medications, including hormonal ones, allows you to get rid of the reasons that caused the lack of ovulation and restore female reproductive health.

    For each woman, the treatment regimen and medications are chosen by the doctor strictly individually, depending on the results of the studies.

    Gynecologists in Krasnodar working in our center will conduct the necessary research and prescribe optimal treatment using gentle, effective and safe techniques.

    How to determine ovulation?

    With irregular menstruation, ovulation can be determined in several ways:

    • A blood test for progesterone levels is done several times a month.
    • Ovulation test - This is similar to a pregnancy test. Two stripes indicate the onset of ovulation.
    • Measuring basal temperature is an accurate method, but it is not convenient for everyone. The temperature should be measured daily for three cycles in the morning while lying in bed.
    • Ultrasound of the ovaries - allows you to determine the size of the follicle. When it breaks through, ovulation occurs.
    • Visual signs - the appearance of a viscous discharge similar to the white of a chicken egg, increased libido, breast tenderness, pain in the lower abdomen.

    The first question is: was there ovulation at all?

    Incorrect determination of the date of ovulation is the most common reason why women expect their periods much earlier or, conversely, later than the due date.

    For example, if usually “critical days” come every 30-33 days, but in some cycle ovulation occurred 3 days later and, accordingly, the beginning of a new cycle shifted to the same time. As a result, you don't get your period when you usually expect it.

    Hence the conclusion, in order to be sure of a delay, set the day of ovulation EXACTLY. In a maximum of 16 days (insert your length of phase II here), menstruation should begin.

    If there is no ovulation, then there is no period?

    When a woman does not release an egg (anovulation), she will still have periods . Another thing is that they may be at the usual time, or they may be late for several days or even weeks. Everything is individual.

    In any case, if there was no ovulation in this cycle and menstruation is delayed , pregnancy is excluded and the cause of the delay must be looked for elsewhere. All you have to do is wait for the new cycle to start. Normally, there is no ovulation for 2-3 months a year.

    Signs of completed ovulation

    You can understand that ovulation has occurred by several characteristic signs:

    • On an ultrasound, the doctor saw a dominant growing follicle several times, and then it disappeared and in its place a corpus luteum and, possibly, free fluid formed in the abdominal cavity.
    • The ovulation test became positive for one or two days, and then negative again (the second line is paler than the control).

    You can determine that ovulation has occurred by 7 signs. These include ovulation tests.

    • When using the fern method, you clearly saw formed crystals in the microscope, similar to a fern leaf, and the next day their number began to decrease and in two days all the leaves disappeared.
    • The average basal temperature at some point began to rise and within 2-3 days it settled 0.3-0.5° above the previous values. Perhaps also there was an ovulatory retraction of BT, when 6-48 hours before ovulation the indicators decrease (even less than the average temperatures of the first phase) by 0.2-0.4°. Then, the next day, BT returns to the normal level of the first phase or begins to increase and rises to the level of the second phase in 2-3 days.
      The only sign that does not require confirmation by other methods is ultrasound monitoring. All other signs and observations can and should be combined. For example, tests + pain + monitoring of cervix and discharge. Or BT + secretions + ShM, etc.

      I recommend reading this article in great detail about determining ovulation.

    When to see a doctor?

    Normally, a mature egg breaks the walls of the follicle and moves through the tube into the uterus. A corpus luteum forms at the site of the follicle. It releases estrogen and progesterone, preparing the uterus for conception and pregnancy.

    If progesterone is not produced, the following happens:

    • The corpus luteum is not formed, and reverse development of the follicle is observed.
    • The uterus is not able to accept a fertilized cell.

    Bloody or bloody discharge that is not associated with the menstrual cycle may appear. They indicate a hormone deficiency and a decrease in follicle size.

    The following signs indicate anovulation:

    • No clear or sticky discharge.
    • An unstable monthly cycle, when menstruation occurs 2-3 times a month or is completely absent for several months.
    • The presence of heavy discharge for 7 days or more or scanty brownish discharge for 3 days.

    Daily measurement of basal temperature will accurately determine that ovulation is absent. In this case, you should definitely see a doctor.

    Menstruation without ovulation after childbirth

    Anovulation in the postpartum period requires special attention. Normally, if a woman does not breastfeed her baby, her first period comes 2-2.5 months after birth. However, most often they occur without ovulation. That is, the follicle matures, but the egg does not release. As a rule, the ovulatory cycle normalizes by the second or third month after childbirth.

    But when breastfeeding, the first period should be expected no earlier than 5 months after the baby is born. The reason for this is the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the “production” of breast milk, and it also suppresses the production of hormones that cause ovulation. Thus, menstruation without ovulation during lactation is not a cause for alarm. Depending on many factors, the first menstruation while breastfeeding can occur 5 months after birth, and after 1.5 years (if you continue to breastfeed), or immediately after breastfeeding, when the body stops producing prolactin in large doses.

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    I often hear this question from my patients at consultations. There is a widespread belief that the presence of menstruation is equivalent to the presence of ovulation, and the absence of ovulation (anovulation) occurs only with serious disturbances in the rhythm of menstruation.

    Such ideas are incorrect.

    The menstrual cycle consists of four phases, each of which triggers the next: menstruation, follicular, ovulatory and luteal. During the menstrual phase, detachment of the uterine mucosa (endometrium) occurs and this is manifested by the presence of bloody discharge from the genital tract for 2-7 days. In the follicular phase, under the influence of hormones, follicles begin to develop in the ovary, one of which dominates and on the 12-15th day of the cycle its membrane ruptures, a mature egg is released, which begins its journey through the fallopian tube in anticipation of fertilization. At the site of ovulation, a corpus luteum forms in the ovary, producing, in addition to estrogen, a lot of the hormone progesterone, which prepares the uterus for the possible onset of pregnancy. This fourth phase of the cycle is called the luteal phase (corpus luteum). Such coordinated work is typical for healthy women of childbearing age.

    In some cases, the eggs in the follicles do not develop or cannot leave the follicles, ovulation does not occur, the corpus luteum phase does not occur, the hormone progesterone is extremely insufficient - such cycles are called anovulatory. At the same time, periods can come at a stable frequency (every 24-35 days) due to a decrease in hormone levels.

    Menstruation without ovulation can occur in completely healthy women: during puberty, before menopause, or when breastfeeding. This is physiological anovulation and does not require treatment.

    Sometimes the absence of ovulation is due to temporary factors: stress, emotional and physical stress, illness, and taking certain medications. In these cases, once the effect of the factor ceases, ovulatory menstrual cycles are restored independently.

    But if menstruation without ovulation is repeated from cycle to cycle and is chronic in nature, this is pathological anovulation and is based on one or another dysfunction of the female body.

    The most common causes of pathological anovulation are the following conditions:

    • central nervous system dysfunction
    • polycystic ovary syndrome and other hyperandrogenic conditions
    • hyperprolactinemic syndrome
    • thyroid pathology
    • liver disease
    • premature menopause (before 40 years of age)
    • chronic inflammatory processes of the genital area
    • autoimmune diseases
    • prolonged excessive physical activity
    • extreme diets and weight loss
    • obesity
    • chronic stress and mental pathology
    • taking certain medications

    Chronic anovulation is the most common cause of female infertility!

    But, even if a woman is not planning a pregnancy, her lack of regular ovulation is fraught with excessive growth of the endometrium - hyperplastic processes and uterine bleeding. The etiology of the development of diseases such as fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, mastopathy, and some oncological processes lies in disturbances in the ovulation process.

    It is difficult to recognize anovulation against the background of regular menstruation without special studies: there may not be any noticeable symptoms for a woman. The most common reasons for visiting a gynecologist in these cases are the inability to get pregnant and changes in the nature of menstruation.

    At the appointment, the gynecologist will ask the patient about her lifestyle, heredity, bad habits, previous diseases and treatment measures, and determine her body mass index. To clarify the diagnosis, you will need to take a blood test for hormones. The doctor will receive the most reliable information during ultrasound folliculometry (studying the growth and transformation of follicles) and measuring the uterine mucosa. In some cases, histological examination of the endometrium will be required.

    At home, you can check for ovulation using pharmacy rapid tests that show the level of the LH hormone in the urine. However, interpreting the results is not always easy (for example, with polycystic ovary syndrome, the LH level is constantly elevated). Today, the study of basal body temperature is considered uninformative, since the influence of external factors (sleep disorders, alcohol intake, different measurement times) cannot be excluded.

    So, regular menstrual cycles do not always indicate that ovulation is occurring.

    Many factors can affect a woman's health and lead to disruption of these cyclical processes. Chronic absence of ovulation is the reason for the impossibility of pregnancy and the development of a number of diseases, both in the reproductive sphere and in pathologies of other organs and systems. In modern conditions, anovulation is not a death sentence, but a reason for a comprehensive examination, identification of the cause and correct therapy. Chronic anovulation should be treated in clinics specializing in the rehabilitation of women’s reproductive function.

    The gynecologists of our medical center will carefully, responsibly and professionally address any issues of women's health, including ovulatory disorders. The clinic has all the capabilities for accurately diagnosing disorders of the ovulatory process: studying the hormonal profile, ultrasound examinations, as well as office hysteroscopy, during which the inner lining of the uterus is visualized and there is the possibility of pipette biopsy of the endometrium to obtain histological confirmation of the diagnosis.

    We are always ready to solve the most complex diagnostic and treatment problems!

    We wish you health and family well-being!

    Gynecologist-endocrinologist at the Clinic of Dr. Ovsyuk Larisa Ivanovna

    Find out all our news and a sea of ​​useful information on Telegram Public Account:


    Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Only a qualified specialist can restore ovulation In each individual situation, a certain dose of hormones is selected.

    Most often, the drugs are tablets. One of the popular ones is Proginova. Sometimes injections are prescribed. Additionally, it is recommended to use vitamin therapy .

    There are also traditional methods for treating anovulation. They represent various herbal preparations. It is not recommended to take decoctions based on them without a doctor’s prescription. Herbal ingredients are not as harmless as they might seem at first glance. Some of them contain large doses of phytohormones , tannins and flavonoids. During treatment, it is important to adhere to a certain dosage.

    ON A NOTE! Sage has a beneficial effect on the process of egg release.

    Anovulation is equated to infertility. Despite this, it can be successfully adjusted. A large number of women with this diagnosis have repeatedly become mothers of healthy babies. To do this, it is enough to identify the deviation in time and follow the recommendations of specialists .


    It often happens that a woman’s menstrual cycle proceeds without the maturation and release of the egg, that is, without ovulation, but bleeding still occurs on time. Menstruation without ovulation is not that uncommon. In healthy girls, not every cycle occurs with an ovulatory period.

    According to statistics, in women after 35 years of age every second cycle occurs without ovulation, and by the age of 45, in almost all cycles, egg maturation does not occur, since their supply in the ovaries is depleted over the years.

    If you have problems conceiving, you should consult a gynecologist.

    When should menstruation normally begin after ovulation?

    The correct range for your period to start is 12-16 days after ovulation. For every woman, this length is always the same ( ± 1 day).

    If the period from ovulation to menstruation is 10 days or less, then a doctor’s consultation is required (insufficiency of the second phase may prevent pregnancy).

    Why, then, can a woman have periods again after a different number of days? Due to the changing length of the first phase. It begins on the first day of menstruation and ends with ovulation. All this time, the follicle grows and the egg develops in it.

    For the same woman, the first phase may be different (7-30 days) - this is normal and does not harm a potential pregnancy if everything is fine with the second phase .

    This is interesting(!) If you have a regular cycle, this means that the development of the egg always takes the same number of days. Rejoice because you are lucky! To plan pregnancy or, conversely, prevent pregnancy, you can easily use the simplest calendar method for calculating ovulation.

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