What position can you quickly get pregnant in? Recommendations

Nature is a strange thing that always argues with statistics. If you believe the latter, then many more men are born in the world than women, while in reality every third girl finds it difficult to find a husband.

Why does this happen?

This is probably a topic for a separate article, while the current one is entirely devoted to how not to let a family name die, or, more precisely, to give birth to a boy on the first try.

For the sake of general awareness, let's start with the fact that boy Y-sperm do not live long, which obliges a man who wants to have a son to choose a sexual position with the deepest possible penetration. Another good tip: start procreation on the day of ovulation or the day before.

This way the sperm will have a better chance of successfully crossing the finish line.

How and why posture affects conception

There is currently no scientific evidence that certain positions guarantee conception. But the assumption that a number of positions contribute to pregnancy is not unfounded from the point of view of the anatomy and physiology of sexual intercourse.

During ejaculation, sperm entering the vagina are surrounded by a slightly alkaline secretion. The latter protects male cells from the acidic vaginal environment, but is soon neutralized. Sperm die under the influence of acid, so their task is to get into the cervical canal of the cervix as quickly as possible.

The speed of movement of a man’s reproductive cells in a woman’s body is no more than three mm per minute. The closer to the cervical canal the seed is ejaculated, the more germ cells will be able to survive and make their way to the egg.

In the middle of the cycle, when the probability of conception is highest, the mucus of the cervical canal becomes less viscous and alkalized, allowing sperm to move freely into the uterus.

To fertilize an egg in the fallopian tube, sperm need to travel a distance of about 35 cm

Some sex positions allow deeper vaginal penetration than others. In addition, they help move the ejaculate in the desired direction.

Although it is believed that sperm are able to overcome all obstacles on the way to the egg, in some cases it is useful to take care to create optimal conditions for their movement. For example, if a woman has an elongated vagina (over 15 cm), and a man has an erect penis with a length of 10 cm, the choice of position becomes an important factor in conception.

What prevents conception

Among the huge variety of sexual positions, those that prevent the male organ from deeply penetrating into the female body and reaching the sperm of the uterus are distinguished.
As a rule, with this position of the partners’ bodies, after the man’s orgasm, sperm flows out of the vagina under the influence of gravity. This includes sitting postures, during which the pelvis receives insufficient blood circulation. Also, when standing, the cervix is ​​located at the top, and even with intense ejaculation, sperm may not reach their desired goal.

However, you should not think that sex in these positions will protect you from unwanted pregnancy. Only modern methods of contraception can guarantee a high degree of protection.

The motor activity of sperm is negatively affected by sexual intercourse using lubricants, in a hot bath or pool. High temperatures, chlorine-containing substances, aromatic foams and bath shampoos make male cells inactive and reduce the possibility of conception.

All efforts to conceive a child may be in vain if partners are psychologically negative. There is no need to worry once again whether you will be able to achieve your goal or not. First of all, you should enjoy your partner. Positive emotions and favorable postures will eventually lead to the desired result, and soon you will say: “Honey, we are having a baby!”

In general, if you pay attention to the statistics, 9 out of 10 couples would like to know before conception who they would be born into, an incredibly beautiful girl or a courageous boy?

You can plan the gender of your child even before conception, using modern methods, tables and recommendations.

What affects pregnancy?

Even completely healthy men and women may not be able to conceive a child when they want, since many factors influence the fertilization process.

  • Worries and stress - if you live in conditions of constant psycho-emotional stress and work extremely hard, without getting enough sleep at night, then this adversely affects the process of maturation of the egg in a woman and sperm in a man.
  • Climate change - moving or traveling to another country can affect a woman’s menstrual cycle, and ovulation will shift from its usual schedule.
  • Having bad habits - and this applies not only to women who smoke, drink a lot of coffee and alcohol, but also to men. As medical studies show, in a man who smokes, sperm are less mobile, and the seminal fluid contains many modified sperm that are not capable of fertilizing an egg.
  • Nutrition – the lack of a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements in the diet leads to a deficiency of certain hormones involved in the process of maturation of germ cells. In women, deficiency of vitamin E and folic acid leads to anovulatory cycles and difficulty conceiving.
  • Excess weight - extra pounds, as well as their lack, lead to hormonal imbalances, which affects the functioning of the ovaries and the ability to conceive. This also applies to men, since obese young men produce less seminal fluid, in which sperm are not motile enough.
  • Taking certain medications - tablets from the group of antihistamines, painkillers and antibiotics - can affect the process of egg maturation, delaying or suppressing ovulation.
  • Age – the older a woman is, the less likely she is to get pregnant. Gynecologists believe that the most favorable age for conception and childbirth is from 18 to 24 years. Already from the age of 30, a woman’s ability to conceive, even during ovulation, decreases by more than half.
  • The use of lubricants and various lubricants during sex - all of these means can interfere with sperm motility and reduce the chance of conception.

Diet for conceiving a girl

In preparation for conception, many experts recommend that expectant mothers saturate their bodies with calcium and magnesium ions. Products containing potassium and sodium should be completely excluded from the diet.

If you want to conceive a girl, you should avoid eating large quantities of meat products. Fish dishes should be prepared only from fresh or frozen fish. It is forbidden to eat products from dried, salted, dried fish and crayfish.

Also, you should eat as many vegetables as possible. When planning to conceive a girl, you need to eat eggplants, peppers, boiled tomatoes, cucumbers, beets and other vegetables in sufficient quantities. You need to exclude potatoes from your diet

You should also increase your consumption of fruits and berries. To conceive a girl, you must definitely eat the following fruits and berries - lemons, grapefruits, pears, strawberries, watermelon and others.

It is imperative to consume dairy products, which contain a sufficient portion of vitamins. Also, you need to drink special herbal infusions and teas.

You should not use salt, pepper, ketchup, mayonnaise, sauces, etc.

Absence of pregnancy due to health reasons

Sometimes it happens that you managed to get pregnant with your first child from the first or second cycle, but planning for the second baby dragged on for an indefinite period of time. It is best to start trying to get pregnant with a second child by visiting a gynecologist’s office - tests, smears and ultrasound will allow you to assess the general health of the young mother and the readiness of her body for a new pregnancy. Several factors also play a major role:

  • how much time has passed since the first birth - a woman’s body recovers after pregnancy for three years, provided that the birth was without complications;
  • the presence of lactation - during breastfeeding, a woman’s body produces a large amount of the hormone prolactin, which suppresses ovulation;
  • the presence of chronic diseases in a woman - after childbirth and during lactation, due to decreased immunity in many representatives of the fair sex, chronic infections worsen, which change hormonal levels and negatively affect the process of egg maturation.

If a married couple is actively sexually active without using contraceptives and has not been able to get pregnant for a year, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a series of examinations. This applies to both partners, since a diagnosis of “questionable infertility” is made, which requires diagnosis of the man and the woman.

Conceiving a girl by blood

Scientists have developed a special method for conceiving a girl by blood, which has proven its effectiveness more than once and allows parents to achieve results.

It is well known that in women blood is renewed once every 4 years, and in men once every 3 years. It works as follows: the gender of the child is determined by the partner who has younger blood during the period of conception.

To conceive, therefore, you need to divide the mother’s age by 4 and add to the resulting figure the number of all months from the mother’s birth to the period of conception.

How can a woman get pregnant quickly?

A woman’s fertility, as well as the biological compatibility of a couple, plays an important role in conception - some people manage to get pregnant on the first try, while others need more than one cycle to see the coveted two lines on the test. Let’s look at why you can’t get pregnant, even if there is no gynecological pathology, and what to do in such a situation step by step.

  1. Frequent sex – having decided to have a child, a married couple begins to have sex every day, and sometimes several times. This fanatical approach leads to the exact opposite effect: there are few active sperm in a man’s seminal fluid, since they do not have time to be produced, the germ cells are inactive, and accordingly, the chance of conception is sharply reduced. In order for the desired pregnancy to occur, you need to simply relax and not think about whether fertilization has occurred - enjoy each other and get true pleasure from intimate caresses.
  2. Stress - the absence of two lines on the test in itself worries a woman, especially if pregnancy does not occur within several cycles. In this situation, you should just not get hung up on it; if the spouses are healthy and lead an active lifestyle, then conception will definitely occur. To prevent stress, it is best to get enough sleep at least 9 hours a day, give up coffee and other nervous system stimulants, and take vitamins and folic acid.
  3. Good nutrition - at the stage of planning pregnancy, a woman should limit fatty meat, animal fats and fast carbohydrates in her diet. The diet should be balanced with a high content of green vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries and nuts - these foods contain huge amounts of vitamin E, folic acid and microelements that are beneficial for fertility. To improve sperm quality, a man is also recommended to monitor his diet by including fatty fish, olive oil, walnuts and pumpkin seeds in his diet.

How to get pregnant if you can't? When the spouses are absolutely healthy, avoid stress and eat right, but conception still does not occur, the woman’s ovulation should be monitored. To do this, over the course of several menstrual cycles, it is recommended to measure the basal temperature in the anus, always in the morning, without getting out of bed. During a normal menstrual cycle, a woman in the first phase will have a temperature in the rectum equal to body temperature (36.2–36.7 degrees). The day before ovulation and at the moment the egg is released into the fallopian tube, the temperature in the anus rises to 37.0–37.1 degrees - these are the most favorable days for active sex, which increases the chances of fertilization.

Ovulation tests are currently sold that can help track this important process.

But still, the most informative diagnostic method is an ultrasound study of ovulation, which allows you to study in detail the condition of the reproductive organs.

How often do you need to have sex to get pregnant?

If a couple abstains from sex 3-4 days before expected ovulation, and then has sex every other day, this will significantly increase the chances of pregnancy. Long-term abstinence is also harmful (more than 5 days), as it negatively affects the quality of sperm. With a normal menstrual cycle lasting 28–30 days, the most favorable days for intimate relationships are days from 12 to 20.

How to get pregnant with a girl, taking into account ovulation?

Every woman should know how to get pregnant with a girl by ovulation. So, for example, if a representative of the fairer sex has a normal monthly cycle of 28 days, then ovulation usually occurs on the 14th day.

To understand the whole process, you need to measure your basal temperature. So, a few days before menstruation, a woman’s temperature decreases. And then a sharp jump is observed - this jump will be considered the day of ovulation.

To avoid confusion, it is best to create a schedule in which you will need to mark the day of the onset and end of your period.

Unprotected sexual intercourse should be carried out on days 9, 10 and 11. In this case, it is best to make love in the missionary position.

During orgasm, a man should lean back, while inserting his penis not too deeply. There is no need to pay attention to caresses at this time, since when aroused, a woman secretes fluid, which, when combined with sperm, can result in the conception of a boy.

If a couple wants to conceive a baby, then they cannot use lubricants and in general it is better to refuse sexual intercourse from day 12-16 of the cycle or use contraceptives

You also need to remember that before the 9th day of the menstrual cycle you need to have sex more often to reduce the number of sperm.

What to do to get pregnant quickly

First you need to calm down and talk to your partner. After all, the decision to become parents must be mutual, so both partners must make efforts. A woman who wants to become a mother must first of all monitor her condition and health, because she will have to bear a child. Therefore, you need to avoid stress, try not to get nervous and not worry about trifles. It is best to seek help from a doctor. An experienced gynecologist will not only prescribe tests and conduct an examination, but will also help resolve doubts and answer all questions, for example, a woman’s question about which positions for conception will be optimal.

Your doctor may recommend regular sex. A couple who wants to conceive a child should not be too zealous. Their sex life should be regular and attention should be paid to positions that help in getting pregnant. The more often intimacy occurs, the less seminal fluid a man produces, and the quality of sperm becomes lower. Therefore, the more measured the sexual activity of partners, the better. It is important that a man’s body is able to produce a sufficient amount of seminal fluid capable of fertilizing a woman’s egg.

An important point will be the determination of ovulation. During this period, it is easiest for a woman to conceive a child. Therefore, you can combine the positions to get pregnant with the best time to do so. There are several ways to determine the period of ovulation. Most often, a woman knows the timing of its onset. If this day is known, then it should be confirmed. You can buy a special test at the pharmacy. And keeping a special diary where the basal temperature will be recorded is considered a proven and accurate method. The thermometer is inserted inside when the woman is at rest. And if the temperature is 0.2-0.4 degrees higher than usual, then the period of ovulation has arrived. It lasts about six days, for five days before and one after there is a description of an increase in temperature.

Having a woman undergo a preconception examination and a man undergo an examination increases the couple's chances of getting pregnant on the first try. After all, the structure of the cervix determines which positions are preferable to use in a couple’s sexual life in order to get pregnant. If a woman has a curved cervix, it will be very difficult for her to conceive a child. In this case, the best position for conceiving a child is missionary, but a pillow must be placed under the woman’s hips. So, the sperm that gets inside it will not leak out and will quickly enter the uterus. After the end of sexual intercourse, a woman should also lie down and not immediately go to wash herself.

Another best position for conception is the doggy style position. The woman stands on all fours, leaning on her arms bent at the elbows. The man penetrates her from behind, and the reproductive systems of both partners are in an advantageous position. If pain occurs during penetration, then it is better to refuse to have sex. Unpleasant sensations indicate that the appendages are inflamed or that something is wrong with the kidneys. Therefore, before choosing which position to get pregnant in, you should be cured of existing diseases. Moreover, both partners must undergo a course of examination.

Age for pregnancy

It is impossible to say that age can play a major role in creating offspring. After all, there are many stories in the world about people becoming parents both in very old age and in their youth.

The most optimal time to have your first child, according to experts, is the period from 18 to 25 years. Of course, a young body has better physical health and is not burdened by chronic diseases.

If you decide to have a child, then nothing should stop you. In addition, you should not pay much attention to the age of conception. A woman can bear a child up to 40 years of age.

If you still can’t have a baby under any circumstances, then don’t despair. After all, modern medicine does not stand still; nowadays there are different ways that help childless couples get pregnant. And, of course, do not forget that it is best to use favorable positions for conceiving a child, since thanks to them the chances increase several times.

Choosing sex positions

This process is very important. In addition to the above-mentioned positions, there are also other positions to get pregnant without problems. Basically, these are those in which there is the closest possible contact between partners:

  • The position on the side, facing each other, is considered not only comfortable, but also psychologically important. After all, eye contact in the process allows you to unite partners. Emotional connection is no less important than physical contact. The pose is suitable for those couples who like to be equal and respect each other.
  • The side position is when the man is behind his partner. This option will appeal to those who love hugs. The woman is comfortable, she does not strain, the main role of the leading partner is the man. The uterus will be lower than the vagina. And the sperm will immediately penetrate into her.
  • The woman is recommended to raise her hips and throw her legs over the man’s shoulders. In this position, maximum penetration of sperm into the cervix is ​​guaranteed. Eye contact is established between partners.

Missionary position for conceiving a child

The classic position is ideal for conception. If you are not her fan, try to diversify the sex with eye to eye contact, kissing, so that both of you can enjoy it. Your partner's legs can be positioned as usual, or she can hold them close to her chest. The reproductive organs are in an ideal position, ejaculation occurs directly into the vaginal part of the cervix.

On the side

The woman is on her side, the man is behind her. The position allows you to pay attention to mutual caresses, thanks to which the partner will definitely experience an orgasm.

“General” position for conception

In this position, the penis penetrates the vagina as deeply as possible. It is indispensable if the size of the male organ is modest.

On knees

In this fertility position, a man can stimulate the erogenous zones with his hands. The positive side is also that the penis penetrates deeply, with frictional movements the G-spot is stimulated, which provides pleasure to the woman.


This is a common position for conception. In this case, the woman kneels and leans on her elbows. This position is borrowed from animals. It is in this position that a man penetrates as deeply as possible. It is also in this position that most women experience the greatest pleasure.

The female pelvis is elevated in a knee-elbow position. Male sperm does not leak out, so the likelihood of successful fertilization increases.


Great position to get pregnant. This is also a missionary option. But at the same time, the man rests on his knees, and the woman raises her pelvis. It is better to use a pillow under the buttocks. But you can do without it.

Doggy style

Translated from English, the famous position “Doggy style” means “Dog style”, because these animals are engaged in conceiving offspring in this position. Its other name is ulnar knee. The woman stands on all fours or lies on her stomach, and her partner is behind her. This way, seminal fluid quickly enters the vagina, and raised thighs prevent ejaculate from leaking out. The position is also convenient because it is suitable for women and men with increased body weight.


The woman lies on her side. At this time, the man is positioned behind. This will allow you to penetrate as deeply as possible. Erogenous areas are also further stimulated. After the end of sexual intercourse, the woman should lie down for a little longer. This will preserve seminal fluid in the vagina and promote fertilization. Stand in the “birch tree” pose.

Birch Pose

This position is suitable not only for physical exercise, but also for making love for the purpose of conception. In order to take the correct position, the partner should lie on her back, raise her legs higher up, placing her bent arms under her lower back. The man kneels next to him. Only a woman with excellent physical fitness can remain in this position for a long time, so couples mainly use this position after completion of sexual intercourse so that the sperm gets into the uterus faster.

Folk signs

If you really want to plan the sex of your child, then you need to pay attention to popular beliefs. So, if you want a daughter, then you should take into account the following signs.

  • the expectant mother should eat more sweets;
  • in the bed where conception will occur, you should put feminine accessories, for example, a mirror, jewelry or any other things that are used to restore beauty;
  • For conception, it is best to choose snowy January days;
  • if conception occurs in the summer, then it is best to choose sex under an apple tree;
  • the father of the unborn child should wear only tight jeans and shorts.

Conceiving a child is a very important process that does not go quickly, but it strengthens family relationships, because it is wonderful when two loving people not only dream of a beautiful baby, but also confidently move towards their goal, trying to overcome all obstacles.

What positions should you use to conceive a child of a certain gender?

Is it possible to get pregnant with a child of a certain gender? There is a theory that in the right position, a couple can conceive a boy or girl. It is based on the fact that sperm with an X chromosome and a Y chromosome differ in their degree of motility and life expectancy. Of course, it is impossible to say 100 percent that such a hypothesis is reliable, but it’s worth a try.

Conceive a daughter

What positions should you get pregnant in so that a daughter is born 9 months after intercourse? Sperm containing the X chromosome are more survivable than those containing the Y chromosome. They survive in the acidic environment of the vagina and are able to wait several days in the fallopian tubes for the egg to mature.

To conceive a girl, penetration of the penis must be shallow. Sperm with a Y chromosome will die on the way to the cervix, and male gametes with an X chromosome will successfully overcome obstacles and merge with the egg. The photo shows the most effective positions for giving birth to a daughter.

The most effective positions for conceiving a girl:

  • the partner is on top, and she must regulate the depth of penetration;
  • the woman lies on her stomach, the man on top - reverse missionary position;
  • partners on their sides facing each other.

Position alone during coitus is not enough; you need to choose the right day for conception. Since sperm with an X chromosome live longer, you need to have sex 1-2 days before ovulation, and then abstain from sexual intercourse.

Conceive a son

For the birth of a son, on the contrary, positions are chosen in which the penis is closest to the cervix so that the male gametes can immediately penetrate the uterus and fallopian tubes. Sperm with a Y chromosome are not as durable as those carrying the genetic information of a girl, but they are much faster. If they manage to overcome the acidic environment of the vagina and cervical mucus, then they will be ahead of their competitors and will be the first to merge with the egg.

Poses for conceiving a boy:

  • missionary;
  • On knees;
  • “spoons”, when the partners lie on their sides, the man is behind the woman;
  • with legs thrown over the man's shoulders.

For successful fertilization, it is necessary for the woman to experience orgasm. Contractile movements of the uterine and vaginal muscles promote the movement of male gametes inward and help them freely enter the uterus. To conceive a girl, orgasm, on the contrary, is undesirable. In the video you can see the most favorable positions for pregnancy with a boy.

What day after menstruation is best to conceive a son? Since sperm carrying the genetic information of a boy have a short lifespan, it is best to make love on the day of ovulation, which follows the month in which the woman stopped taking birth control pills or contraception in the form of a patch.

Poses for conceiving twins

Is it possible to give birth to twins or triplets using certain positions during intercourse? To do this, you need to understand how the formation of twins and twins occurs.

Contrary to popular belief, two embryos are not formed because two sperm enter one egg at the same time. Such triploid embryos are not viable, and the pregnancy ends in miscarriage. In some women, during ovulation, two eggs mature simultaneously, each of which fuses with sperm. This is how fraternal twins or fraternal twins are obtained.

In some cases, an egg fertilized by one sperm is divided into two parts at the cleavage stage, and a separate embryo is formed from each. This is how identical homozygous twins are born.

The ability to give birth to twins or triplets is determined genetically. If a woman has had multiple pregnancies in her family, then she will most likely have twins, but there is no 100% guarantee of this either. It is impossible to influence this process from the outside using sexual positions.

How can you conceive a girl?

The sex of the child, first of all, depends on which sperm of the man will connect with the egg. It can be an X chromosome or a Y chromosome.

In order to conceive a girl, you can try having sex in the following positions:

  • missionary;
  • spoons;
  • the woman is on the bottom on her stomach, and the man is on top.

These positions allow the Y sperm to die, but in this case the X chromosomes have a greater chance of fertilizing the egg.

Important Tips

  1. Read the article, take note and... try to forget. There is nothing worse than the ghost of a gynecologist with glasses and a candle looming over your bed. He will be boring: “more to the right”, “more intense” and “well, what are you doing, at this angle the sperm will never reach the egg”... In general, do not create a personal hell for yourself out of a pleasant activity.
  2. The best pose is the one you like. Effective positions only slightly increase the chances of getting pregnant, but do not guarantee it. But if you focus on the “correct” conception, your husband risks developing problems with potency. Not to mention the fact that the girl definitely won’t be able to relax. Do you need it?
  3. Practicing the Kama Sutra tirelessly is a bad idea. With very frequent contacts, sperm quality decreases. Rare sex also does not add to your chances, since there is a risk of not ovulating. The optimal regimen is 4-7 coitus per week.
  4. A female orgasm (not necessarily at the same time as a male one) increases the chances of conception.
  5. Immediately after coitus, a girl should not run to the shower. You need to lie down quietly. It is advisable to raise the pelvis (for example, using a pillow). Some experts recommend standing in the “birch tree” position when conceiving, so that the force of gravity will help you get pregnant faster.
  6. Consider the day of your cycle. The main efforts should occur in the days before, during and immediately after ovulation. How to get pregnant quickly after menstruation? Count 11-14 days from the beginning of menstruation - this will be a favorable period of ovulation.
  7. Read useful tips on how to get pregnant quickly.

So, the positions in which you make love are important for conception. But they are not the main thing. Your health and your sincere relationships are much more important.

Preparing for sex

Speaking about the importance of the correct positions for conception, we cannot ignore the point of preparing for sex. Any man who understands a little about a woman’s psychology knows about the importance of creating a special atmosphere before intimacy. This is necessary so that the woman can tune in to a pleasant expectation.

It is important for a man to know that it is important to treat a woman with care. It’s not enough to be a male in bed, you also need to be a man in everyday life. Often, the modern lifestyle contributes to the fact that a tired woman only dreams of getting to bed and falling. Then no amount of romance will save you.

Let us recall the most important points in preparing a sensual atmosphere before sex:

  • Organize a romantic dinner for two. At the same time, you should not use a lot of spices and seasonings. Also eliminate coffee and alcohol. Portions should also not be large, so that the energy does not go entirely to digesting food.
  • Pleasant music and twilight to create the mood.
  • Using scented candles or aroma lamps to create a unique “fleur” using oil compositions that are pleasant to you (citrus compositions, pine aromas). At the same time, it is good to use a neck, head or foot massage for relaxation and positive emotions.
  • Don't forget about exquisite lingerie.
  • Don't rush. It's better to slowly undress each other's partners.

It is not recommended to take a hot bath before sex for the purpose of conception, as high temperature can sharply reduce the possibility of getting pregnant.

You should not consider such things as trifles that are not worth attention. There are no small things in love. Any rudeness and inattention can spoil the holiday atmosphere and create unnecessary “tensions” in the body or give rise to bad thoughts that prevent a woman from relaxing and enjoying the process of intercourse.

Will exotic poses help?

Many couples try to try something new in bed and diversify their sex life. Will unusual, exotic positions help you get pregnant?

Among the exotic positions, the most favorable for achieving orgasm are the following:

  • partners stand against the wall opposite each other, she throws her leg over her partner’s thigh;
  • a man lies on the floor with his legs and hips on the bed, and a woman sits on him;
  • the woman lies on her side, one leg extended and the other bent at the knees, the man sits on his knees between her legs.

During intercourse in this position, penetration is usually shallow, and the position of the partner is such that the sperm quickly flows out and does not enter the uterus. However, among the exotic positions there are those that will help you get pregnant. For example, a woman lies on her back and throws her legs behind her head, while the man at this moment inserts his penis from a standing position. This position is only suitable for couples with good physical fitness.

Poses for conception when the uterus is bent

Deflection of the uterus is an anatomical deviation that can be congenital or occur as a result of adhesions, surgery, or injury. In this case, the cervix is ​​located differently compared to the norm; difficulties arise with conception when the uterus is bent, since the penetration of sperm into the uterus is difficult.

Depending on which direction the uterus is bent, positions for conceiving a child can be different:

  • posterior bending is more common. The knee-elbow position and the woman's position lying on her stomach are recommended. Only this position ensures the flow of ejaculate into the uterus;
  • when bending forward, on the contrary, the woman should be on her back. You can place a pillow under the pelvis;
  • if the uterus is deviated to the right or left, you should make love on your side on the side of the bend.

Choosing a suitable pose

Before choosing which position is best for conceiving a boy, you need to exclude or identify the presence of pathologies in the structure of the internal genital organs.

If, due to the incorrect location of the ovaries, the uterus is displaced to the side, then the position for conception must be chosen taking into account this feature. A good option would be to position the woman with her back to her sexual partner during intercourse. In this case, penetration will be from behind, and the risk of sperm leaking out will be minimal. Such sex positions for conceiving a boy guarantee 100 percent success. Reviews from couples who have tried this method on themselves confirm this fact.

What poses should you avoid?

There are positions in which having sex if you want to conceive a child is not recommended. If you know exactly in which positions you can quickly get pregnant, then you can do it without any effort. However, not all positions involve deep penetration of seminal fluid into the partner.

Positions in which a woman must sit or stand should be excluded. Positions to get pregnant are related to the laws of physics, and if there are problems with the location of organs or their diseases, then these nuances should be taken into account. For example, the appendages may be inflamed, so after completing intercourse you should lie on the side in which the cervix is ​​turned in this case. Of course, timely treatment can reduce symptoms and subsequently completely rid a woman of this problem.

If both partners prefer to have sex in positions that are not favorable for speedy conception, then you can start with them. You should end sexual intercourse in one of the best positions to get pregnant. The more intense the man’s discharge, the more likely conception is to occur.

Inappropriate poses

These include the “cowgirl” position, the “standing” position and others, where the woman is on top.


You can get pregnant quickly in any position if both partners are healthy. Therefore, before you start trying, you need to undergo examinations and, if necessary, undergo treatment.

And also start planning your pregnancy (that is, lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid stress, eat the right food). Perhaps then you won’t have to think at all about what position you can use to quickly get pregnant. You simply won’t have time, because conception will happen without any effort, easily and pleasantly. Maybe not in the first month, but quickly enough.

And yet, doctors believe that there are better positions for conceiving a child. Why are some poses more effective than others?

  • The “correct” position involves deep penetration. After all, the closer the sperm is to the egg, the shorter the path. And the greater the chance that the sperm will overcome it with honor.
  • The force of gravity helps. Simply put, sperm flows where it is needed, rather than leaking out.
  • A man's orgasm is strong enough to help sperm penetrate deep into a woman's body.
  • The maximum volume of sperm is released.
  • The vagina is straightened, not curved, and no additional obstacles are created for deep penetration.

How to increase your chances of conceiving?

Fertilization is influenced not only by the position chosen by the partners, but also by other factors: pathologies and diseases of the reproductive system of a woman or man, the date of intimacy, the lifestyle of the spouses and even actions after sexual intercourse.

To maximize your chances of pregnancy, follow these recommendations:

  1. Conception can only occur during ovulation, so a woman planning a pregnancy should know when this day comes. With a regular menstrual cycle lasting 28-30 days, a mature egg is released and begins its journey to the uterus approximately from the 14th to the 16th day. With a cycle length of 24-25 days, ovulation will most likely occur on the 12th or 13th day. But a more reliable way to determine the moment of maturation of the female reproductive cell is to use ovulation tests.
  2. When using the conception positions described in the article, it is important to behave correctly after intimacy, otherwise the likelihood of fertilization will significantly decrease. Some gynecologists advise patients to raise their legs up and take a “birch” position so that sperm moves faster along the cervix and eventually penetrates into the organ cavity for further fertilization. But this is not always appropriate or convenient, so you can simply lie down after sexual contact: in this case, the ejaculate will also linger in the vagina, which will increase the chances of pregnancy. Better yet, raise your pelvis by placing a pillow or folded blanket under it.
  3. If you want to get pregnant, you should not shower or thoroughly wash your genitals immediately after intimacy with your partner. Soap will change the acidity of the vagina and make it unfavorable for the advancement of sperm. It is better to wait a while and then move on to hygiene procedures.
  4. If a woman has experienced pleasure, this will increase the likelihood of pregnancy, since contractions of the muscles of the walls of the vagina and uterus will promote the advancement of sperm.
  5. At the stage of pregnancy planning, visit a gynecologist and undergo a comprehensive examination to assess hormonal levels, determine the state of the reproductive system and identify pathologies that impede fertilization.
  6. Lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid stress. A woman's good health will contribute to fertilization and successful pregnancy.

The right position will help increase your chances of conception. But it is important to start preparing for pregnancy in advance, since fertilization is influenced not only by position, but also by other important factors.

What days are the most favorable for conceiving a child?

Couples planning a child need to have sex regularly. The best option is in 1-2 days. The most favorable time in this regard is 5 days before ovulation and 1 day after it. If we talk about the time of day, it is advisable to make attempts around 17.00 - this is the time when sperm are most active.

If a woman cannot independently determine the time of ovulation, then she can use special ovulation tests sold in pharmacies.

Note that after sexual intercourse, the partner is recommended to lie down in a relaxed state for some time. This will facilitate the penetration of sperm into the cervix and will prevent disturbances in the motor activity of the tubes, which can not only interfere with fertilization, but also cause ectopic pregnancy.

What to do after sex

Not everything depends on choosing which position is best to get pregnant. After the end of intimacy, you should not get up immediately. It's better to just lie down and relax on the bed. You can pull your legs towards your chest and lift your hips with a pillow. Post-orgasm caresses help calm the partner and put her in a positive mood. If the uterus is not in its usual position, but in a slightly altered position, then you should ask your doctor about this in advance. Depending on the location of the uterus, you should lie either on your back, or on your stomach, or on your side.

How should a woman behave after the end of sexual intercourse?

After completion of intercourse, a woman needs to follow a number of recommendations in order to maximize the chances of conception:

  1. lie motionless for 10-20 minutes in any comfortable position so that the pelvis is raised in relation to the stomach;
  2. you can bend your knees, pressing them to your stomach, and rock a few times from side to side (another option is the “birch tree” exercise);
  3. no need to wash;
  4. try to relax as much as possible and get positive emotions;
  5. You should not drink coffee, alcoholic beverages, or smoke after sexual intercourse;
  6. The best thing is to fall asleep after sex.

Traditional methods

With a strong desire to have a child, women are looking for traditional ways to get pregnant quickly. Of course, their effectiveness has not been proven, but many representatives of the fair sex claim that these recipes really helped to conceive on the first attempts. Below are the most common:

  • ficus flower – it is popularly believed that by planting a ficus at home, a woman will attract a baby into her family, and pregnancy will occur sooner;
  • frogs - figurines, soft toys, hand-sewn, depicting a frog, attract “a stork bringing a child to the family”;
  • consumption of boron uterus, or ortilia lopsided, in the form of an alcohol tincture - this plant contains a large number of different components, including plant estrogens and progesterone, which have a direct effect on the process of egg maturation and increase the chance of conception.

The main advice for the speedy onset of the desired pregnancy in healthy spouses is still complete relaxation and letting go of the situation - for several months, just love each other, without fanatically calculating “dangerous” days. At the same time, lead a healthy lifestyle, worry less, get enough sleep, spend more time in the fresh air, and soon the pregnancy test will please you with two lines.


The main task to ensure conception is to create conditions for both partners to achieve orgasm. Don't stress too much when experimenting with exotic poses.

You need to get maximum pleasure from the process, because during mutual orgasm, the speed of sperm movement during a man’s ejaculation is the highest, and in a woman, during orgasm, the muscles of the uterus contract, sucking the partner’s seed inside under pressure.


  • https://babyzzz.ru/pregnancy/prepare/27614.html
  • https://www.baby.ru/wiki/nachalo-planirovaniya/kak-bystro-zaberemenet-blagopriatnye-dni-i-lucsie-pozy-dla-zacatia-rebenka/
  • https://SkoroRody.ru/planirovanie/zachatie/pozyi-pomogayushhie-zaberemenet.html
  • https://www.BabyBlog.ru/library/article/kakaya_poza_luchshe_dlya_zachatiya_rebenka
  • https://mesyachnie.com/zachatie/luchshie-pozy.html
  • https://mediccare.ru/pasyans-kosyinka-onlayn-bez-registratsii.html
  • https://vitri.com.ua/kak-zaberemenet-bystree-pozy-dlya-zachatiya/
  • https://www.OldLekar.ru/plan-beremennosti/kontracepcija/pozi-dlya-zachatiya-rebenka.html
  • https://detieco.ru/encyclopedia/besplodie-zhenskoe/samye-effektivnye-pozy-dlya-zachatiya/
  • https://zachatieinfo.ru/zachatie/pozy-dlya-zachatiya-rebenka.html

Blood group compatibility for conceiving a child

When having a child, you must know exactly your blood type and that of your partner. This is necessary because people with a Rh factor conflict may be unable to conceive. Of course, this doesn't mean you should look for a new partner. With any combination, pregnancy may occur. The difficulty lies in its flow.

Simply put, if you have a positive Rh factor, your partner has a negative Rh factor, and the child received a Rh factor at conception that is different from yours, then the body may begin to fight the alien embryo, which will lead to a miscarriage.

What to do in this case? As we have already said, before planning a pregnancy it is necessary to undergo all tests, including Rhesus. The ideal combination is when the parents have the same blood type and Rh, but this is quite rare.

If you have blood incompatibility with your partner, then immediately after pregnancy you need to constantly see a doctor and check the level of antibodies. After birth, the mother must be given anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin within 72 hours.

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