How to get pregnant quickly if you can’t: important information for future parents

For many women who have made the responsible decision to have a child, a very pressing question is how to quickly get pregnant after menstruation. There are enough reasons for this, because sometimes physically healthy couples cannot achieve conception for months. At the same time, practically every representative of the fair sex knows that fertilization in a woman occurs on the day of ovulation and for some time after it. To do everything correctly and not face another disappointment in the form of one line on the test, you need to know everything about your menstrual cycle and follow the advice of people experienced in this matter.

Favorable time for conception

Conceiving a child is possible at the moment a woman ovulates . At the moment the female germ cell leaves the ovary, it can be fertilized by a sperm.

These days, the endometrium of the uterus is ready to receive a fertilized egg. For fertilization to occur, the sperm must already be in the fallopian tubes when the egg is released.

The male reproductive cell can live in the female body for up to 24 hours, so the maximum favorable time for sex is a day or two before ovulation.

About once a month, a couple has 3-4 days (a couple of days before ovulation and 2 days at the moment of ovulation) when the chances of conception are highest.

Doctors recommend having sex regularly during these few days.

Stages of the menstrual cycle

At the first stage of the menstrual cycle, a follicle is formed, from which the egg subsequently matures. After which, ovulation or the “fertile window” occurs from 1.5 to 3 days, when the probability of conception is highest. If the egg is fertilized, the body adjusts at the hormonal level in order to maintain the pregnancy. The absence of male sperm leads to the reverse process, a natural process occurs - uterine bleeding.

The likelihood of conceiving after the ovulation period becomes less and less every day. If a woman's regular menstrual cycle is 28 days, then the fertile window is formed between the 13th and 15th day. In the next few days the chances drop to 10% and then the rate is about 2-5%.

How can you determine the day of ovulation after menstruation?

You should not rely on chance in this matter. The average female cycle lasts from 21 to 30 days. Ovulation usually occurs on the 14th day from the beginning of the cycle.

Even if a woman's period comes at the same time, this does not guarantee the release of the egg at a certain time.

For the most accurate calculations, the following methods are suitable.

Visit to the gynecologist

Analyzes of hormones and vaginal microflora can accurately determine the day of egg maturation .

It’s worth getting ready for several visits right away, and more than one month in a row, because... measurement of hormonal balance occurs at different periods of the cycle.

The doctor will do an ultrasound, which will reduce the risk of mistakes to a minimum. Ultrasound examination is the most reliable method, however, not the most convenient.

The woman will need to do research for several days every month. However, only such a study will reveal malfunctions in the body.

Basal temperature measurement

You can use the method of measuring basal temperature.

The essence of the method is that a woman needs to measure the temperature in the rectum .

A couple of days before ovulation, the temperature drops, and after that it increases. It is possible to create an individual conception schedule.

This method is not the most accurate. However, there are women who have an irregular cycle and the maturation of the egg occurs at a different period of time each time.


If your menstrual cycle is irregular, you can create a calendar of possible days of conception.

It will not show the exact day of ovulation, but it can determine the range of days favorable for fertilization of the egg.

For such a calendar, a woman needs to record the days of her menstruation throughout the year.

Based on the records, the shortest and longest cycles . Further, for calculations, the readings of the longest cycle are taken.

For example, a woman's longest cycle is 33 days. First, you need to subtract 19 from 33. You get 14.

Next, you need to subtract 10 from 33. You get 23. The period from 14 to 23 days from the beginning of menstruation will be more favorable for conception.


They are based on determining the level of the hormone lutropin in the urine, which pushes the ovaries to release an egg.

The test is done over several days, approximately 6-7 days after the start of menstruation. Ovulation occurs the next day after the first positive test.

For maximum effectiveness, it is better to combine methods.

Remedies to get pregnant quickly

Modern women, when deciding how to get pregnant, take into account both the latest scientific achievements and all the means of traditional medicine.

Many herbal infusions from grandmothers' recipes are based on feeding the female body with the necessary vitamins for successful conception, removing additional stress from the nervous system and strengthening the immune system.

Vitamin complexes for expectant mothers also perform the same functions.

Pills to get pregnant quickly

When choosing medications, you should consult with your attending gynecologist , since almost all tablets have a limited range of effects and side effects.

Among the pills that increase conception are:

  • Duphaston.

It contains synthetic progesterone and is prescribed for insufficiency of this hormone. Relieves the problem of how to quickly become pregnant with luteal infertility, prevents spontaneous miscarriage, and is used to treat endometriosis.

  • Utrozhestan.

The hormonal preparation is made from natural plant extracts. Prescribed for a lack of progesterone in the body. It is this hormone that allows the egg to best attach to the uterine cavity.

In addition, the drug normalizes the menstrual cycle and is prescribed in complex therapy for the treatment of cystic mastopathy. It has an increased number of contraindications.

  • Cyclodinone.

Extract from a medicinal plant – common twig. Helps normalize hormonal levels by balancing all processes for the normal maturation of a healthy egg. Prescribed for certain types of infertility, lack of ovulation, and endometriosis.

It has a pharmaceutical analogue - Agnukaston.

  • Bromocriptine.

It is prescribed for excessive production of the hormone prolactin, which prevents the release of the egg from the follicle. Contraindications are disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, coronary disease, etc.

  • Ovariamin.

A new drug that promotes the long-term functioning of the ovaries, eliminates inflammation and normalizes hormonal balance.

Vitamins to get pregnant faster

When choosing a vitamin complex, you should take into account your daily diet, but in any case, doctors recommend consuming folic acid (vitamin B9) to all women over 30 years of age.

In addition to the fact that this vitamin supports all organs and systems, folic acid is the first component for rapid conception; its deficiency in the body reduces reproductive properties.

It is necessary to normalize the level of magnesium in the body for a successful pregnancy. The second important vitamin is a combination of vitamins B6 and C , which normalize all metabolic processes in the body.

You should not consume synthetic vitamin A before planned conception, and in the first trimester of pregnancy it is strictly prohibited, as it provokes fetal pathology. You need to eat natural foods rich in this vitamin (carrots).

Get pregnant quickly: folk recipes

Popular folk methods to get pregnant quickly include three points:

  1. Prayer.
  2. Use of herbs.
  3. Peculiarities of behavior of the expectant mother.

Among obstetricians there are the largest number of sincere believers, since they often have the opportunity to observe pregnancy in women with a clinical diagnosis of “absolute infertility.” And this can only be attributed to the patronage of heaven. Therefore, prayer should never be discounted in such a matter as conception.

Among the herbs are universal plants that significantly increase the chance of becoming a happy mother. These are herbs such as:

  • Sage.
  • Red brush.
  • Borovaya uterus.
  • Knotweed.
  • Chamomile (to a lesser extent).
  • Men are recommended to drink plantain decoction.

Plantain decoction increases the ability to conceive in men.
The use of these herbs in the correct ratio strengthens the uterine tissue, normalizes the production of progesterone, and promotes full ovulation.

If the uterus is excessively dry, you should not use egg yolk for additional lubrication; this can provoke the development of pathogenic microflora; in such cases, it is better to use a pharmaceutical lubricant.

According to popular belief, the behavior of future parents should be charitable. And, fortunately, this spiritual law works, and many couples are blessed with offspring.

Which position will be faster and more successful?

All recommendations regarding positions during sex are aimed at preventing sperm from leaking out of the vagina.

In conceiving a child, positions should be comfortable for sperm to enter the cervix.

  • Position when the man is on top. This is the most favorable position from the point of view of possible penetration of seminal fluid into the cervix.
  • The position of the partners is the same as in the previous case, only a small pillow is placed under the woman’s lower back.
  • The woman lies on her side and the man behind. This position is also recommended if the partner's uterus is turned to one side. In this case, the woman should lie on the side where her uterus is facing.
  • A woman on all fours, a man behind. This position will be most successful if the woman’s cervix is ​​located slightly higher than the uterus itself.

After sexual intercourse, it is advisable for a woman to lie quietly for 15-20 minutes, and not run straight into the shower.

It is equally important for both in a couple to listen to their feelings and choose a position that is comfortable for themselves.

Bottom line

So, we looked at cases when you can get pregnant not only during ovulation, but also immediately after your period or even before it. As you can see, there is no science fiction – pure physiology. Individual characteristics of which must be taken into account if you are not going to immediately become a mother. Are you going? Then you get an additional “bonus”.

But it’s better to know for sure what’s happening to your body. This will increase the chances not only of successful conception, but also that nothing dangerous will happen to the health of both you and your baby.

Dietary recommendations

Any nutritional recommendations will be aimed at restoring the female body and maintaining the ability to bear a child.

Women experience chronic bleeding (during menstruation).

During childbearing age, especially with an active desire to become pregnant, the ability of the female body to restore the volume and quality of blood becomes critical.

Therefore, in addition to the general recommendations of nutritionists, it is important to pay attention to the so-called hematopoietic products .

These include:

  • red meat,
  • beef liver,
  • pomegranate,
  • red fresh berries,
  • beet,
  • millet,
  • linen,
  • quinoa,
  • buckwheat,
  • sesame,
  • lentils,
  • beans,
  • peas and other legumes,
  • seaweed,
  • fresh fish and seafood.

Sometimes signs of uterine fibroid growth significantly affect the possibility of conception. Find out everything about them so you can get treatment on time.

Intramural uterine fibroids - what is it and how does it manifest? All the details are in a clear article.

For more information on the indications for surgical treatment of uterine fibroids, follow the link:

What vitamins to take

Before taking any vitamin supplements, you should consult your doctor, since each woman’s health is individual.

The body can be negatively affected by both a lack of nutrients and an overdose.

Drugs should be prescribed based on the medical history of the expectant mother and her state of health at the time of pregnancy planning.

However, there are a number of dietary supplements that have a beneficial effect on female fertility.

Of these, we can highlight folic acid, zinc for cell growth, vitamins C, E, B6.

Attention is also paid to vitamins that enhance immunity to transport nutrients responsible for cell growth and division to cells.

Chances of pregnancy after childbirth

Based on a series of studies, doctors have established the optimal period for a woman’s recovery after childbirth to be one and a half years.

During this period, the body can fully recover both physically and mentally.

However, sometimes parents deliberately plan a second pregnancy immediately after childbirth. Then you need to rely on the appearance of the first menstruation.

The restoration of ovulation depends on the hormone prolactin. This hormone is responsible for lactation and at the same time suppresses ovulation. While a woman is breastfeeding, she does not menstruate.

It is difficult to identify a specific period when the menstrual cycle is restored and periods appear after childbirth. This indicator is individual for each woman.

It may differ for the same mother after different births. In general, pregnancy is possible when the first ovulation occurs .

After an abortion, caesarean section or miscarriage

If a miscarriage occurs, the first priority for the couple is to find out the possible reasons from the attending physician. Whatever they are, it is important to follow all your doctor's orders.

Doctors allow a period of one and a half years for the female body to fully recover.

During this period, you should refrain from planning pregnancy. It is important to restore the mental and emotional health of the expectant mother.

A number of complications may occur after an abortion:

  • damage to the cervix,
  • hormonal imbalance,
  • thinning of the endometrial layer,
  • a number of other complications.

In this case, you need to make sure that the expectant mother is completely healthy.

If there are no serious complications, then the minimum period for recovery by doctors is six months.

Then, when a woman plans to have a child after cesarean section , it is important to know several nuances. After surgery, a scar remains on the uterus.

The risk that the suture may come apart during the next pregnancy is high if the period between conceptions is short.

Suture dehiscence can lead to the death of the fetus and even the mother herself. Therefore, doctors recommend waiting for about 3 years, and only then having a new child.

How to get pregnant with twins the first time

To get pregnant with twins, it is necessary that at the time of conception there are two eggs in the fallopian tube or after fertilization the zygote is divided into two parts. Doctors have not yet learned how to influence cell division, but making sure that two eggs are formed is quite possible.

How to get pregnant with twins:

  • It's better to plan your pregnancy in spring
  • Have sex immediately after stopping oral contraceptives
  • Get better a little
  • Take special hormones

This is the method that gynecologists use when a woman plans IVF. The expectant mother is given drugs that stimulate the maturation of the egg in several follicles. That is, in one cycle you can get 5-8 eggs.

You should not take hormones on your own; you can harm your health.

How to get pregnant with twins the first time

After taking and stopping birth control pills (OC)

With long-term use of contraceptive drugs, artificial suppression of ovarian activity occurs.

Under the influence of the pills, they seem to be in hibernation and do not produce hormones on their own.

The body gets used to the fact that hormones come from outside.

Therefore, after stopping the drugs, a woman may need up to six months to restore the full functioning of her reproductive system.

However, in medicine there is a so-called withdrawal effect. While taking the drugs, the work of the ovaries was suspended, but the sensitivity of the receptors to hormones increased.

And immediately after stopping the pills in the first month, there is a very high chance of getting pregnant.

Statistically, withdrawal effects are possible when taking the pills for no more than six months. If you take contraceptives for a longer period, it may take six months to a year to restore the body.

Doctors' advice: what else needs to be done to guarantee success

In the case where all health indications are normal, several recommendations can still be made.

By following them, a woman can significantly increase her chance of having a child soon:

  • The most important thing is not to worry or be nervous under any circumstances. Stress can be the main and almost the only reason for the inability to conceive a child.

    The science of Psychosomatics has long revealed the enormous influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and course of bodily diseases.

  • It is important to have a balanced body weight. Often difficulty conceiving occur in women who are too thin or, conversely, overweight.

    Female fertility is affected by weight fluctuations, so it is very necessary to maintain a constant body weight.

    This issue should also be given attention to your partner, because Frequent changes in body weight parameters affect a decrease in sperm production.

  • Limit your use of antibiotics. This negatively affects the maturation of the egg.
  • Do not abuse heavy physical activity. Many women prefer to engage in active sports in the gym. Such activities can disrupt the menstrual cycle.

    It is better to pay attention to dosed aerobic exercise for 30-40 minutes a day.

  • Proper sleep. It is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours and better in the dark. The sooner a woman falls asleep, the better.

    It is important to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. This is a key factor in healthy sleep.

What can yellowish discharge tell you about during pregnancy? Find out this to prevent negative consequences.

Find out when the first signs of pregnancy begin to appear so that you can notice in time that conception has been successful.

If you know the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy early, you will have time to preserve your chances of subsequent conception.

Why pregnancy does not occur

Unfortunately, this issue will have to be addressed, even if all the requirements are met, sometimes a woman still fails to achieve fertilization. It’s worth starting with a medical examination.

The gynecologist should tell you about the use of specific contraceptives, previous births or miscarriages. In such a case, everything is important. Analyzes and hardware examination will help to thoroughly check the body for various pathologies, incompatibility, and genetic characteristics of the female body. In addition, do not forget that the types of infertility also differ:

  1. In one case, a woman cannot conceive a baby without using any contraceptives for 12 months;
  2. Another familiar scenario is that you already have a child, but you can’t get pregnant again, or an arbitrary abortion or miscarriage occurs, in other words.

We recommend: How to get pregnant if you can’t

If there is an obstacle in the form of a chronic disease, the doctor will prescribe conservative treatment. When an anatomical abnormality exists, surgery will most likely be required. But there are situations when there are no obvious deviations, and then official medicine just shrugs.

However, there is a way out, the main thing is to find the reason for what is happening. Having thought carefully, every woman will be able to understand why conception fails. And there are quite a lot of reasons that become a reason for worry:

  • Constant stress at home and at work weakens a woman’s body, reduces her immunity, and accordingly, the readiness of the female body for reproduction decreases. To solve this problem, which is typical for the present time, you can think about how to quickly get pregnant after menstruation using folk remedies. In order to speed up fertilization, baths with the addition of sea grass, medicinal plants, and nerve-soothing herbs are used. A good night's rest is very important, the absence of which has a detrimental effect on all vital systems of the body.
  • Bad habits often become an obstacle to pregnancy - nicotine and alcohol-containing drinks worsen the condition of a woman’s reproductive and genitourinary areas. If a husband smokes or drinks, his sperm lose activity and cannot reach a mature egg.
  • Infertility can be closely related to the insufficiently nutritious foods that a woman eats daily. Too fatty, sweet, spicy food leads to excess weight, which, sometimes, also becomes a prerequisite for unsuccessful fertilization. Thinness also negatively affects the functioning of the reproductive organs, so the diet should be varied and well-balanced. For those who are planning to give birth to a healthy baby, it is necessary to adhere to a diet based on protein foods, as well as eggs, nuts, and grains. Vitamin E also has an extraordinary positive effect, which it is advisable to take or eat in the form of seeds and various types of vegetable oils.

Another important condition for the birth of a child is the refusal to use synthetic clothing, linen, household chemicals, as well as potent medications. In addition, both women and men should avoid excessive overheating and hypothermia. These factors directly affect the maturation and release of the female reproductive cell from the follicle.

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