Features of using a jet pregnancy test - detailed instructions

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For about half a century, female representatives have successfully used special tests to determine pregnancy in the early stages. Every year their popularity grows, and at the same time new types of pregnancy tests appear and their accuracy increases. One of the most common, convenient and widely used is the inkjet pregnancy test.

What is a jet pregnancy test and how does it work?

Today, many rapid tests are produced from various manufacturers. Inkjet devices make it possible to find out whether a woman has become pregnant in the early stages of pregnancy. This is a budget option for home diagnostics.

A jet pregnancy test is a device that determines whether fertilization has occurred by the amount of the hCG hormone found in the urine. When conducting research using such a device, there is no need to collect biological fluid in a container and wait until the strip with the reagent is saturated with it. Simply hold the device under a stream of urine and wait 3 seconds.

The operating algorithm of the inkjet device is similar to other tests. The device has a built-in strip of paper with a reagent that reacts with human chorionic gonadotropin (begins to be produced in the body only after the child is conceived) and changes its color if the urine contains the required amount of the hormone.

HCG is formed in the female body 7–8 days after fertilization. Only after the embryo is fixed in the womb and the body begins to produce this hormone can research be carried out. If this is done earlier, the device will show false negative results.

How to use?

Inkjet tests have an undoubted advantage - they are convenient to use. There is no need to collect urine in a separate container, which means less time is required for diagnosis. A woman can use such a device not only at home, but also at work, simply by going to the toilet.

The disadvantages include the high cost, significantly higher than the price segment of conventional strip strips. At the same time, the most expensive are considered to be inkjet reusable electronic devices, which not only determine the fact of pregnancy with high accuracy, but can also indicate the duration of pregnancy in weeks (the accuracy is, however, somewhat lower).

How long does it take for the test to determine pregnancy?

When it's time to get tested, the girl decides for herself. However, when choosing a date, you need to take into account the day of the menstrual cycle and the estimated timing of fetal development. This is necessary so that the conducted research shows the most correct results.

The day on which the study should be carried out depends on the duration and regularity of menstruation. A minimum of two weeks must pass after ovulation before testing. It is advisable to do it in the first days of the delay.

If the expectant mother decides to find out whether she became pregnant after a delay, then the diagnosis can be done on any convenient day. But usually a woman wants to find out about her situation as quickly as possible and does not want to wait for that very day. An express strip will help with this. A highly sensitive device will help detect conception even in the early stages of pregnancy, when there has not yet been a delay.

What are the types of inkjet tests?

According to customer reviews, the most popular and reliable inkjet devices are devices from the manufacturer Evitest and Clearblue.

Inkjet devices from Evitest come in two types: Evitest Perfect and Evitest Supreme. These are test cassettes with built-in reagent strips. Whether a woman is pregnant or not is determined by the number of stripes that appear.

The Clearblue company produces a large number of inkjet options - devices for determining the fertilization of an egg. How much do they cost and which ones are the most popular?

Among the top sellers are the following positions:

  1. Clearblue Easy - the device is similar to the Evitest Perfect test, it works similarly. The result is assessed by the appearance of 1 or 2 vertical lines on the strip. Costs up to 100 rubles.
  2. Clearblue Plus is a device with a plastic body and a curved end. Allows for the most accurate testing. When using the device correctly, errors are excluded. Clear Blue Plus can be diagnosed 5-6 days before the delay. The result is displayed in 1 or 2 bars. Very sensitive, which allows you to make the most accurate test results.
  3. Clearblue Digital is a digital device that determines not only the fact of conception itself, but also the gestation period in weeks. With it you can carry out diagnostics 4 days before your period. The results of the study are displayed on the display. The most expensive device, cost from 150 rubles.

Other types of inkjet tests are Duet, Femitest, Insure.

How to use the jet test - instructions for use

To conduct proper testing and eliminate errors, you need to know how to use an inkjet type device. The accuracy of the results will depend on this. Each test package comes with detailed instructions for use.

It specifies several rules for using the device:

  • diagnostics are carried out immediately after waking up. It is morning urine that contains the maximum amount of the hCG hormone. Throughout the day, its level decreases. This means that if you do the test during the day, the result may be erroneous;
  • Testing should be done on the day of your expected period or 5-6 days after it. Manufacturers claim that a rapid test can also be done 3-4 days before the menstrual cycle, however, if the fetal development period is short, the test will not show anything. Therefore, it is best to wait for the right day;
  • if the study is planned for the morning, then it is advisable to drink as little water as possible at night;
  • After opening the package, the tip of the device must be placed vertically under the stream of urine and held for 3 seconds. Then put it in a dry place and wait 5 minutes;
  • It is important to evaluate the result no earlier than after 5 minutes and no later than 10 minutes.

When can I take the test?

When it is better to do an analysis, you can read in the annotation for a specific product. Each manufacturer indicates what level of hCG the test can detect. Testing is usually carried out after several days of delay, which is the first sign of pregnancy.

When planning a pregnancy, many women cannot wait for a delay and want to know the answer as early as possible. You should not take a test a few days after sexual intercourse, when the fertilized egg has not even reached the uterus. In this case, it is worth doing the test a few days before the expected menstruation. You can also count 10 days after the expected conception. It is determined by the day of ovulation, to which 5-7 days are added.

It is possible that with early testing the second stripe will show little or no color change. This means that the hCG level is still too low. The procedure should be repeated after a few days.

Indications and contraindications for use

The main indication for the use of the rapid test is a delay in menstruation. As experts note, there are no other indications for using the test. The device does not cause adverse reactions and is easy to use. However, it has a number of contraindications.

Testing is not carried out only if, under certain circumstances, the device cannot provide the correct answer.

It is not recommended to carry out diagnostics in the following cases:

  1. When taking medications containing chorionic gonadotropic hormone.
  2. After stopping taking birth control pills.
  3. For uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy.
  4. If a woman has reached menopause.
  5. The woman recently gave birth or the pregnancy ended in miscarriage.

Will the jet test detect an ectopic pregnancy?

Sometimes a fertilized egg cannot be fixed in the uterine cavity and attaches outside it (in the fallopian tubes). Even with an ectopic pregnancy, the express strip will show a reliable answer.

An ectopic pregnancy can only be determined through diagnostics and ultrasound. In addition, the girl may experience symptoms such as sharp pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding, weakness, fever, and fainting. If such symptoms arise, it is best to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist and undergo additional research to identify the causes of ill health.

Due to the fact that the test is highly sensitive, pregnancy is determined even before the expected delay. Inkjet rapid tests have no disadvantages. They are convenient to use anywhere, and you can find out the answer after just 5 minutes.

This is an excellent diagnostic option if it is not possible to visit a gynecologist in the near future.

German quality – FRAUTEST tests

Judging by the reviews, the most famous and most truthful tests are the “FRAUTEST” tests. They are produced in Germany. There are a wide variety of tests available on the market. There are also strip strips with an average cost of 70-80 rubles, tablet tests for 110-130 rubles, and inkjet tests that cost up to 400 rubles.

In order to check yourself in the initial stages of pregnancy, the FRAUTEST Express and FRAUTEST Double Control tests are used. The test manufacturer’s declared ability to detect hCG is 15 Mme/ml and higher, so they can be used without waiting for delays in the menstrual cycle.

The main advantages of these tests are ease of use, reliability of results and low cost. Self-study using tests can be carried out two days before the expected delay. Thanks to hypersensitivity, FRAUTEST guarantees accuracy and speed of detection of the result.

Can the test be wrong - possible reasons for false results

Even the best device can make mistakes. When choosing inkjet tests, remember that incorrect results can occur in 5% of cases, even if the instructions are followed.

A false positive response occurs for the following reasons:

  • testing was carried out very early, the hCG hormone did not have time to be produced to the required amount;
  • the woman has kidney disease, due to which human chorionic gonadotropin does not accumulate in the urine to the required concentration;
  • there is a risk of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy;
  • before the diagnosis, the girl drank a large amount of liquid;
  • The device has expired or is faulty.

In addition, incorrect results will be obtained if:

  • before the home study, the girl took hormonal medications;
  • there is a tumor of the uterus, kidneys or ovaries that synthesizes hCG;
  • thromboplastic pathologies are present;
  • if there has previously been a miscarriage, abortion or resection of the placenta due to an ectopic pregnancy (against this background, hCG continues to be synthesized in the body for some time).

An obstetrician-gynecologist will tell you how to do an express pregnancy test correctly.

Benefits of use

Good news from the very morning

Although the inkjet test system works on a similar principle to a conventional pregnancy test in the form of strip strips, it still has many advantages. Firstly, sensitivity. In inkjet products, the sensitivity reaches 15-20 mIU/ml, which means the ability to detect lower concentrations of hCG in urine. That is, in fact, they are considered the most reliable and are able to detect conception in the early gestational period, when the content of human chorionic gonadotropin is not yet so high. For some inkjet systems, the sensitive threshold can reach 10 mIU/ml, this practically guarantees reliable results already 4-5 days before the delay.

Testing with an inkjet device is recommended to be carried out after a delay (in the first day and later), although tests several days before can reveal the presence of an interesting position. According to the manufacturers of such test systems, the reliability of the results obtained is 98-99%. Another undoubted advantage is the absence of the need for preliminary urine collection. This process requires a separate sterile container, and the jet system can be used without collecting urine, even at work. To do this, it is enough to go to the toilet for just five minutes.

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