Brown plug comes off during pregnancy

When should you see a doctor?

A woman in the last weeks of pregnancy should carefully monitor the nature of the discharge and her own feelings.
If, shortly before giving birth, blood stains begin to appear on underwear or pads, you are worried about itching, burning, or sharp pain in the lower abdomen, you need to urgently run to the doctor. An unpleasant smell of discharge is also a reason to consult a specialist. When else should you visit a gynecologist?

  • Permanent pink, red or brown discharge appears. This may be a sign of bleeding.
  • White and yellow discharge with a strong, unpleasant odor is a reason to rule out an STI.
  • Leakage of green-tinged amniotic fluid may indicate that the fetus is suffering from a lack of oxygen.
  • There is no discharge, but there is constant pain in the abdomen or lower back.
  • Curdled white or yellowish discharge is a sign of candidiasis (thrush). It is imperative to visit a doctor, since candidiasis can be transmitted to the child.

Bloody, green, yellow or brown discharge with an unpleasant odor is a reason to go to the gynecologist, but changes in the color of the amniotic fluid or copious red discharge before childbirth require calling an ambulance. In these cases, there is a threat to the life of the mother and child.

Nature has provided for the protection of the child in the womb and endowed her with special protective mechanisms. Amniotic fluid protects the baby from excessive mechanical vibrations and movements, acts as a kind of pillow, and the mucous plug prevents infection from entering. On the eve of childbirth, all these fluids leave the body completely painlessly and do not cause concern to the expectant mother. The presence of pathological discharge and accompanying symptoms is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

Discharge during the prenatal period is not always a bad sign. Most often, this is a natural and understandable phenomenon, so there is no need to rush to the hospital immediately and worry.

Each stage of pregnancy has its own type: from mucous to amniotic fluid. Most often, normal discharge tells the expectant mother that the long-awaited baby will be born very soon.

But few people know which ones are normal and which ones signal health problems.

Types of discharge

According to statistics, the following discharge appears before childbirth:

  • habitual mucous membranes;
  • amniotic fluid;
  • discharge after the plug comes out;
  • curdled white discharge before childbirth;
  • yellow, purulent with an unpleasant odor;
  • bloody (for example, pinkish or brown discharge before childbirth).

During pregnancy, discharge of different colors and nature may appear.

Some of them are signs of pathological processes in the body, others are a completely natural phenomenon that indicates a woman’s preparation for the birth process.

All normal discharge from women in labor should be clear or white, but odorless, in small quantities, and of a thick texture. In medicine they are called mucus.

The mucus plug accompanies pregnancy until the onset of delivery, since its function is to protect the fetus from infections from the outside. Gradually it becomes unnecessary and superfluous, so it comes out. We can say with complete confidence that heavy mucous discharge before childbirth indicates that there is no more than a week left before the baby is born.

Important! After the mucus has receded, the expectant mother needs to be very careful: do not take a bath, do not have an intimate life, and carefully monitor hygiene so as not to introduce harmful microbes into the uterus.

During contractions or immediately before them, water pours out. This is also a normal physiological process that directly signals the onset of labor. Water can drain like this:

  • all at once, that is, the woman acutely feels a transparent stream flowing out of her;
  • gradual “smudges” during the day.

Mucus plug

The liquid should be odorless and colorless, but may contain some white mucus. If the waters are green - this is a bad sign, immediate contact with a specialist is required.

Other discharges that are not mentioned above are considered pathological in medicine, that is, they indicate abnormal physiological processes in the body that can threaten the health of a pregnant woman or her child.

What should you pay special attention to?

  • spotting, including brown discharge before childbirth;
  • watery brown with an unpleasant odor;
  • gray with the smell of rotten fish;
  • watery green;
  • light, cheesy consistency (while the pregnant woman experiences constant itching in the perineum);
  • yellow mucus;
  • green slime.

Important! Pink discharge before childbirth is not always considered bloody; if there are a few drops of blood in the discharge, this is a variant of the norm when capillaries in the reproductive organ burst when the mucus plug is released. If there is a lot of blood in the discharge, this is a very bad sign that requires hospitalization. But first things first.

Brown discharge appears in two cases:

  • microtrauma of the uterus;
  • placental abruption.

The most dangerous are discharges that are bloody or have an unpleasant odor.

The first option is practically not dangerous; it may be associated with a trip to the gynecologist, where the woman was examined in a gynecological chair. In addition, the mucus turns brown if a woman is sexually active in the last months of pregnancy.

Bleeding occurs for one reason - placental abruption. This case threatens the life of both the mother and her unborn child. If a woman notices blood from the vagina, she should immediately call an ambulance or get to the hospital herself as soon as possible.

The opaque color of leaking water, as well as their unpleasant odor, indicates that the fetus is experiencing hypoxia, that is, a lack of oxygen. If there is no smell, then there is a possibility that the baby has emptied in the womb.

The main sign of thrush is itching and light discharge, similar to cottage cheese. This disease needs to be treated urgently so that there is no risk of infection of the fetus, because candidiasis passes through the birth canal.

Another infectious disease is bacterial vaginosis, the color of the mucus is gray and the smell is very unpleasant.

Any yellow discharge is a symptom of sexually transmitted infections. A woman should urgently consult a doctor so that he can prescribe an examination, make a diagnosis and begin timely treatment. Otherwise, the child may also become infected through the birth canal.

Thrush discharge looks like cottage cheese

Reasons for appearance

Brown discharge before childbirth at the 38th week of pregnancy after a full examination by a gynecologist of the woman in labor is not dangerous and is due to the fact that the cervix has already fully matured, softened and become ready for delivery. Droplets of blood appear in the discharge a couple of hours after ingestion.

A woman may feel the release of the mucus plug, which was already mentioned above, or may not notice it at all. The mucus may also be a little pink, but this has nothing to do with the risk of miscarriage.

If the color of the discharge is orange, this is a signal from the body that the expectant mother is abusing vitamin-mineral complexes and there is an excess of such things in the body. Vitamin intake should be reduced or eliminated altogether.

You can judge a woman's health by the color of her discharge.

Any normal physiological discharge has virtually no color (transparent or light - cream, white) or odor. In all other cases, an infection is possible that can easily be transmitted to the child during childbirth from the mother. Therefore, it is so important to visit a doctor on time and cure the disease before giving birth.

It is the discharge that is the first harbinger of labor, which appears even before contractions. What discharge before labor signals the onset of labor?

  1. A clot of mucus or partial profuse discharge of a mucus plug. In this case, labor can begin in a couple of hours, or in a few days, but not later than in a week. The passage of the plug occurs when the cervix is ​​completely ready for the birth of the baby.
  2. Watery discharge, clear and odorless, slightly mixed with non-colored mucus. This happens just before contractions begin or even during them. Sometimes the bubble does not burst on its own, then it is punctured by a doctor in the maternity ward, when it becomes clear that the contractions are regular and not training. If the water is leaking, and there have been no contractions for a long time, you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital, otherwise the baby will begin to lack oxygen. If this happens, the liquid will be green or yellow.

A drooping belly is a sign of imminent labor

We can say with confidence that labor begins:

  • drooping tummy;
  • a feeling of increasing pressure in the lower abdomen, as if something were pressing on the intestines with great force;
  • stopping weight gain;
  • changes in mood;
  • the appearance of frequent and painful spasms;
  • bowel movement.

Does not indicate the onset of labor:

  • irregular spasms;
  • if you change your position or start walking, the spasms stop;
  • movement of the fetus during spasms (this is reported to the doctor).

Important! By the 38th week, a woman should have her bags ready for the maternity hospital. If a woman doubts whether labor has begun or not, it is better to still get to the hospital; this is better than later giving birth at home or on the way to the maternity hospital.

If a woman has a pathological case, then the ambulance team should be called without delay. Critical situations include:

  • blood spots on the pad in the last month of pregnancy (these are not two or three drops that appear after an examination by a gynecologist);
  • leakage of liquid that has a green tint;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

If you experience severe pain in the back and lower back, consult a doctor immediately

If a woman in labor notices yellow or curdled discharge on her panties before giving birth at 8-9 months, you should not call an ambulance, nor should you treat yourself (especially with traditional medicine, which causes an allergic reaction in the fetus), it is enough to visit a doctor as soon as possible . If this is not done, a possible infection will complicate childbirth and be transmitted to the baby either after the mucus plug comes out or during delivery.

Discharge before childbirth always tells a woman what processes are occurring in the body at a specific period of time.

Precursors of childbirth in women

In the later stages (after 35 weeks), the amount of vaginal discharge in women normally increases.

The entire body (including the tissues of the perineum) is actively preparing for childbirth; significant hormonal changes occur, due to which the amount of discharge increases.

Most expectant mothers are unobtrusively told by nature itself that a child will soon be born. Expectant mothers usually begin to feel the harbingers of childbirth two to four weeks before the first meeting with the baby.

The belly usually drops a little and changes shape, making it much easier to breathe. An upset stomach may occur, but this is how the body simply cleanses itself. A week or a few days before giving birth, the expectant mother may feel less movement.

This is caused by the fact that the child has dropped lower and his head is fixed in the pelvic bones. Before labor begins, a woman may feel periodic painful contractions of the uterus. These are training fights. You should not rush to the maternity hospital if the contractions do not intensify and become more regular.

Labor can begin either in a few days or in a couple of weeks.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, expectant mothers notice a slight weight loss. This is due to the fact that due to changes in hormonal levels, the excretion of water from the body increases.

One to two days before birth in primiparous women and one to two weeks in multiparous women, signs of cervical maturity can be determined during a gynecological examination.

The cervical canal allows one finger to pass through, is shortened and greatly softened.

Discharge during pregnancy before childbirth also indicates the onset of labor soon. Normally, after 35-36 weeks, copious mucus may appear. With thrush, you may notice a white discharge before childbirth.

Usually in this case there is also a sour smell, the discharge may be cheesy or with flakes. Thrush needs to be treated urgently, because the disease complicates the birth process and can harm the health of the mother and child.

Candidiasis reduces tissue elasticity and increases the risk of ruptures. An infection (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea) may be indicated by yellowish and greenish discharge before childbirth.

The same thing is observed in the presence of active inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. In this case, the woman needs emergency medical help.

Bloody discharge before childbirth indicates the presence of complications and requires urgent attention to the observing gynecologist. But even normally, the release of the plug may be accompanied by pinkish or slightly brownish discharge. This process may be accompanied by minor injuries, which cause pink discharge to appear before childbirth.

A gynecological examination or intimacy on days when the plug is rejected can provoke atypical discharge. Brown discharge before childbirth can develop against the background of pathology, so in this case medical attention is needed.

Only a doctor can determine whether this is normal or indicates any problems.

Before the onset of labor, the production of a large amount of mucus occurs due to the active work of the glands located in the cervical canal.

What kind of discharge occurs normally before childbirth? The mucus is usually thick, clear or white and thick. This indicates the maturation of the cervix. The discharge is more noticeable immediately after waking up.

If the color of the discharge before birth changes to brown, then there are only a few hours left until the long-awaited baby appears.

During pregnancy, the cervical canal is blocked by a mucous plug, which protects the unborn baby from infection. Shortly before birth, the plug softens under the influence of hormones and comes out.

Mucus discharge before childbirth may indicate the passage of the plug. It is impossible to predict when this will happen.

For some women, the plug comes out a few hours before giving birth, while for others it comes out two weeks.

Usually the cork comes out entirely. Outwardly, it resembles a jellyfish, the white of an egg. You may not notice the mucus plug coming out if it happens in the shower or while visiting the toilet. Sometimes the plug comes off gradually, that is, over the next couple of days. In this case, it looks like normal mucous discharge before childbirth.

After the plug comes out, it is forbidden to take a bath and it is better to refrain from intimacy. You should pay special attention to hygiene and change your underwear more often. During this period, the uterine cavity becomes accessible to infections.

During the normal course of pregnancy, before childbirth, only moderate intensity mucous discharge, passage of the plug and outflow of amniotic fluid are observed. If the period has approached 38 weeks, these processes are the physiological norm.

In another case, we can talk about premature onset of labor. Normally, when the plug comes out, there is no discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen, there is no smell, the discharge is mucous, and small amounts of bloody streaks may be present.

The presence of pathology is indicated by curdled, bloody, greenish and other discharge of a suspicious color. This may be a sign of the onset of a pathological process. Curdled discharge indicates thrush. Candidiasis can begin against a background of anxiety. A pathology is the leakage of fluid ahead of schedule, which is accompanied by constantly wet underwear.

By the way, the removal of the plug is typical not only for humans, but also for animals. These physiological secretions in a cat before giving birth, for example. But if the animal is too clean, then the owners may not notice this process, and in other cases, mistake it for a pathology.

The outpouring of water cannot be ignored. Amniotic fluid is secreted in a volume of 0.5 to 1.5 liters, has a slightly sweet odor or does not smell at all, and is transparent. Along with the liquid, particles of lubricant come out, which protects the baby’s skin. These particles look like white flakes.

The process of rupture of amniotic fluid occurs in different ways. The liquid may spill out immediately. This most often occurs when changing body position or while visiting the restroom. In other cases, amniotic fluid leaks gradually. The process depends on the location of the opening of the amniotic sac - near the cervix or above.

A yellowish or greenish color of the amniotic fluid may indicate oxygen starvation in the fetus, previa, or premature abruption. Blood discharge or a change in the color of the fluid is a reason to immediately contact a gynecologist. In this case, it is advisable to stay at home until the doctors arrive, rather than trying to get to the maternity hospital on your own.

Throughout pregnancy, amniotic fluid allows the fetus to move and protects it from negative influences from the external environment: blows or pushes to the stomach. The release of fluid before labor begins is a physiological process. The mucus plug also protects the fetus, but not from physical impact, but from infections.

The mucus plug usually breaks three to five days before labor and the water breaks at the end of the initial period, but sometimes it happens at the very beginning of labor.

The color of the plug is beige or brown, maybe with bloody streaks, the waters are clear, but in some women they can be light pink. The consistency of the plug is mucous; it comes out more often over a couple of days in a row, rather than at one time.

Leakage of water (if it does not pour out immediately) can be determined by a “cough shock”. If, when coughing or changing position, the underwear becomes wet, then this is precisely the rupture of amniotic fluid.

Labor begins with contractions or the release of amniotic fluid. Real contractions are regular and occur at regular intervals, with the following dynamics observed: contractions become more frequent, longer and stronger.

Each contraction begins in the lower back and moves lower to the groin area. The process cannot be slowed down by changing body position or taking antispasmodics.

If the bladder ruptures, labor usually begins within the next 24 hours.

Atypical discharge before childbirth requires mandatory consultation with a doctor. In some cases, emergency assistance is needed. An alarming symptom is bright red or brown discharge before labor, which may indicate placental abruption. In this case, you need to urgently call a medical team. Brown discharge without mucus requires consultation and additional ultrasound.

Any discharge that causes itching and burning may indicate the spread of some infectious process. In this case, you must visit a doctor.

The gynecologist will take material for a smear on the flora and do a culture to determine the pathogen. Afterwards, suitable treatment will be prescribed.

Before giving birth, it is very important that the microflora is not aggressive, so it is necessary to undergo treatment.

The removal of the plug and the outpouring of amniotic fluid is evidence that labor is about to begin. But this is not such a quick process, so there is no need to rush to the hospital. The dilation of the cervix is ​​considered complete by ten centimeters, and during the first birth the dilation is one centimeter per hour.

Doctors recommend that most first-time mothers go to the maternity hospital in the following cases: contractions are constant, with breaks of about 5 minutes or less, twelve to fifteen contractions occur per hour. When your water breaks, you need to go to the maternity hospital immediately. It is advisable to ride in a lying or semi-sitting position.

Before leaving home, a woman needs to make sure that all the necessary documents are with her and that her bag for the maternity hospital is packed.

In the turmoil, the expectant mother may forget about something important, so it is better to inform her husband and relatives in advance about what needs to be done after frequent contractions begin (every five minutes). During this period, it is better for a woman to calm down and try to relax.

The stress hormone interferes with normal labor, so the absence of fear and anxiety before childbirth will only benefit both the expectant mother and the baby who is about to be born.

A short preface

A normal pregnancy is considered to last 40 weeks. By this time, the baby has fully formed his body and internal organs. The baby is ready for his first breath and life outside the mother's womb. But not all births begin at 40 weeks. Often babies appear earlier or later. Therefore, mothers are interested in the date of the meeting with their baby. Women look for any signs that this moment is approaching. They especially pay attention to brown discharge before childbirth.

Gynecologists say that it is normal for a baby to be born between the 36th and 42nd weeks of pregnancy. The process that begins before this period is called premature birth. Let us consider in more detail what the appearance of bloody discharge indicates.


Mucous manifestations during pregnancy are often a warning sign of danger. Complications develop inside the body that require emergency intervention. In the last trimester they are observed most of all.

Main reasons:

  1. having sex;
  2. examination by a gynecologist;
  3. removal of the plug.

If the pregnancy is progressing normally, it is not prohibited to have intimacy. You need to carefully choose your positions, especially in recent months. Brown spotting before childbirth appears due to careless movements and too deep penetration.

The cervix of the reproductive organ, being normal, looks long, dense, and closed. The maximum throughput is equal to the tip of one finger. As the time of labor approaches, preparation of the entire system begins. The cervix softens, shortens, and slowly opens.

At 38 weeks, a woman undergoes a mandatory consultation with a gynecologist. The goal is to establish preparedness for the upcoming event. Soft tissue is easily injured. As a result, blood appears before childbirth after examination. Mucous and spotting symptoms are also possible. They do not pose a great danger to pregnancy.

Light brown discharge before childbirth indicates the passage of the plug. It covered the lumen of the cervix, providing protection to the baby, preventing germs from penetrating inside.

Exit occurs at different times. Uterine contractions begin immediately or after 2 weeks. During this period of time, when there is no longer any protection, you need to give up copulation and wash yourself properly. The color of mucus varies. It is quite common to have a white, odorless discharge before giving birth.

Copious white discharge

Throughout pregnancy, the baby actively moves, changing position and poses. This happens thanks to the amniotic fluid in which it floats inside the uterus. In addition to helping the baby make movements, they also protect him from various negative external influences, such as blows or pushes in the stomach.

The release of amniotic fluid is also a natural physiological process, indicating that the baby is ready to be born. Liquid pours out after the amniotic sac ruptures; usually this process occurs instantly, but there are cases when, due to incomplete rupture, water begins to leak.

During the normal process, amniotic fluid has no color or odor. It resembles ordinary water. Sometimes there may be a sweetish aroma and some white flakes, but this is quite normal. There is no need to worry about the presence of mucus, since it appears in the waters after they pass through the vagina.

Copious white discharge that resembles flakes may appear due to leaking amniotic fluid. They are necessary to protect the child, so there is no need to worry. But if this kind of discharge appears when it is still early before birth, then you need to consult a doctor to eliminate the leakage.

Normal discharge

Bloody and brown discharge before childbirth is not a pathology if it is not accompanied by other negative symptoms and there are only about a day left before the expected date of birth of the child. A few days before delivery, the mucus becomes thick and sticky. The color is transparent or whitish.

Discharge during this period is considered a physiological phenomenon. Especially a lot of mucus accumulates in the morning, when a woman changes her horizontal position to a vertical one. This indicates that the neck muscles are maturing and preparing to open. The secretion on the eve of childbirth contributes to a more complete opening of the uterus and the free passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

The expectant mother should not be alarmed by the phenomenon when, at 40 weeks after examination, brown discharge appears on her underwear. This may be a normal reaction to contact of the mucous membrane with a gynecological instrument or portend an imminent birth.

Discharge that appears shortly before labor should not frighten a woman, since its presence is a normal physiological process, indicating that the moment of delivery is already quite close.

Most often, heavy discharge before childbirth begins to be observed from the 36th week, especially in the morning. The main thing is to be able to correctly determine the nature of their occurrence in time in order to figure out whether they pose a danger to the baby.

The entire period of gestation, the cervix is ​​closed by a mucous plug, which is necessary to protect the fetus from harmful microorganisms from the external environment. A few days before giving birth, another hormonal change occurs in the body, which gradually prepares the cervix for opening. It is during this period that discharge appears.

In order for the baby to pass through the birth canal, the cervix needs to get rid of the plug. As the discharge intensifies, the cervical cartilaginous tissue softens, contractions of the uterine muscles begin, under the influence of which the plug is pushed out. Its release most often occurs gradually, the process can last from two weeks to several days.

All these days, there is an increase in the tone of the uterus, so pregnant women often feel mild pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, some women, during the process of the mucus plug coming out, experience pink discharge before childbirth, and sometimes yellow discharge.

Also, a few days before delivery, bleeding may appear. Their presence requires immediate consultation with a doctor, since the passage of fluid with blood before childbirth indicates the occurrence of complications.

In addition, women in labor often experience brown discharge. They can also develop due to the presence of pathology, so medical attention in this case is mandatory, especially if there is an unpleasant odor.

However, this kind of discharge can also appear for reasons such as:

  • conducting a gynecological examination;
  • having sex on days when the plug is rejected;
  • discharge of the mucus plug.

Throughout pregnancy, the cervix is ​​elongated, firm and closed. When the body begins to prepare for childbirth, the cervix becomes shorter, softens and begins to open. To determine how the process is going, the obstetrician-gynecologist, at approximately 38–39 weeks, conducts a mandatory examination of the woman in the chair.

During such an examination, the softened and half-open uterus can be easily injured, as a result of which brown or reddish discharge appears. Unlike a pathological complication, discharge of this kind is characterized by an insignificant amount. They usually appear within 3–4 hours after examination and do not pose any danger to further pregnancy.

Sexual intercourse

You can have sex late in pregnancy. However, it should be borne in mind that the wrong position can harm the cervix. Against this background, after 1–2 days, a brown smudge may appear.

Sexual intercourse in the last weeks before childbirth is not recommended if:

  • there is a threat of premature contractions;
  • there is placenta previa;
  • pregnancy is multiple;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid is observed;
  • bloody issues;
  • cervical insufficiency.

Brown discharge before childbirth often occurs due to the release of a mucus plug. Its rejection can occur at completely different times, for example, several weeks before labor or a couple of days. In some cases, an immediate release of the plug is observed, followed immediately (after 2–3 hours) by the first contractions.

Discharge when the plug comes out can be of different consistency and color: mucus streaked with blood, transparent discharge, pinkish, light and brown. The latter indicate that there is little time left before labor begins.

Throughout pregnancy, the baby actively moves, changing position and poses. This happens thanks to the amniotic fluid in which it floats inside the uterus. In addition to helping the baby make movements, they also protect him from various negative external influences, such as blows or pushes in the stomach.

The release of amniotic fluid is also a natural physiological process, indicating that the baby is ready to be born. Liquid pours out after the amniotic sac ruptures; usually this process occurs instantly, but there are cases when, due to incomplete rupture, water begins to leak.

During the normal process, amniotic fluid has no color or odor. It resembles ordinary water. Sometimes there may be a sweetish aroma and some white flakes, but this is quite normal. There is no need to worry about the presence of mucus, since it appears in the waters after they pass through the vagina.

Copious white discharge that resembles flakes may appear due to leaking amniotic fluid. They are necessary to protect the child, so there is no need to worry. But if this kind of discharge appears when it is still early before birth, then you need to consult a doctor to eliminate the leakage.

During a normal pregnancy, before birth there should be no discharge other than the discharge of the mucus plug and the discharge of amniotic fluid. Both of these processes are not pathological if the gestation period has come to an end, and they began at 38 weeks. Otherwise, we can talk about premature birth.

You can determine that the discharge refers to the rejection of the mucus plug by the following signs:

  • absence of acute pain in the lower abdomen;
  • no smell;
  • slight presence of blood streaks;
  • The discharge has a mucous consistency.

The discharge of amniotic fluid cannot be confused with anything. They are watery, flow out immediately in large quantities (from 0.5 to 1.5 ml) and are transparent. We can talk about a pathological process if there is blood in the water, a greenish tint and an unpleasant odor. In this case, the woman in labor needs immediate hospitalization.

Also, the presence of pathology is indicated by this kind of discharge:

  • Curd. Often, pregnant women develop thrush shortly before giving birth, against the backdrop of anxiety. The disease intensifies just before delivery and is accompanied by severe itching, burning, especially during urination, curd-like discharge and a sour odor.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid. The process is accompanied by constantly wet underwear. You can determine leakage using the following test: perform hygiene of the genital perineum, wipe dry, lie down on a clean, dry and white sheet. If after 15–20 minutes several wet spots appear, then amniotic fluid is leaking.
  • Bloody, greenish and other discharge. Any suspiciously colored discharge may be a sign of the onset of complications, as well as pathological changes in the birth canal or uterus.

You should visit a doctor immediately after excretory processes begin. After all, it is difficult to figure out on your own whether they are normal or pathological; it is better to entrust this matter to a specialist in order to protect yourself from unnecessary worries.

In addition, it is necessary to immediately contact a gynecologist in case of bleeding. Blood before childbirth is especially dangerous if it is in large quantities and has a bright red color. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, heavy bleeding may begin, which is dangerous not only for the life of the baby, but also for the mother.

The reason for visiting the clinic is also the appearance of discharge with an unpleasant odor. This may be a sign of an infectious process in the genitourinary system, which is very dangerous for the baby, especially at the end of pregnancy, when the cervix begins to open and harmful microorganisms can easily enter the uterine cavity.

Discharge before childbirth is completely normal. They may be slimy and thin or thick and watery. If the process proceeds normally, the discharge is almost transparent, in rare cases - with a reddish tint.

These characteristics apply to the mucus plug and amniotic fluid. If the color of the discharge is rich, the consistency is cheesy, and the smell is unpleasant, we are talking about pathology.

In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, since during this period any diseases are especially dangerous.

After the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus, the cervical canal becomes clogged with mucus. Its main function is protective: mucus prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, which helps prevent infection of the child during gestation.

Before labor begins, a hormonal surge occurs in the body of a pregnant woman. It is necessary to prepare for the birth of a child and leads to the release of the mucus plug, which appears as a light brown discharge.

Discharge before childbirth: which are considered normal and which are pathological

During a normal pregnancy, before birth there should be no discharge other than the discharge of the mucus plug and the discharge of amniotic fluid. Both of these processes are not pathological if the gestation period has come to an end, and they began at 38 weeks. Otherwise, we can talk about premature birth.

You can determine that the discharge refers to the rejection of the mucus plug by the following signs:

  • absence of acute pain in the lower abdomen;
  • no smell;
  • slight presence of blood streaks;
  • The discharge has a mucous consistency.

The discharge of amniotic fluid cannot be confused with anything. They are watery, flow out immediately in large quantities (from 0.5 to 1.5 ml) and are transparent. We can talk about a pathological process if there is blood in the water, a greenish tint and an unpleasant odor. In this case, the woman in labor needs immediate hospitalization.

Also, the presence of pathology is indicated by this kind of discharge:

  • Curd. Often, pregnant women develop thrush shortly before giving birth, against the backdrop of anxiety. The disease intensifies just before delivery and is accompanied by severe itching, burning, especially during urination, curd-like discharge and a sour odor.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid. The process is accompanied by constantly wet underwear. You can determine leakage using the following test: perform hygiene of the genital perineum, wipe dry, lie down on a clean, dry and white sheet. If after 15–20 minutes several wet spots appear, then amniotic fluid is leaking.
  • Bloody, greenish and other discharge. Any suspiciously colored discharge may be a sign of the onset of complications, as well as pathological changes in the birth canal or uterus.

The plug and amniotic fluid are almost impossible to confuse, since they have different consistencies and colors. The mucus plug has a thicker and denser texture. If you dip two fingers in the mucus and begin to slowly spread them apart, a thin slimy “rope” will form between them. In addition, the mucus plug may have a large, round shape.

Amniotic fluid is liquid, often clear and more abundant. The water always breaks after the mucus plug comes out.

The mucus plug may come off in portions, at short intervals. Amniotic fluid flows constantly: as soon as a woman changes a sanitary pad, it immediately becomes wet again.

Discharge that appears shortly before labor should not frighten a woman, since its presence is a normal physiological process, indicating that the moment of delivery is already quite close.

Most often, heavy discharge before childbirth begins to be observed from the 36th week, especially in the morning. The main thing is to be able to correctly determine the nature of their occurrence in time in order to figure out whether they pose a danger to the baby.

Discharge before childbirth is completely normal. They may be slimy and thin or thick and watery. If the process proceeds normally, the discharge is almost transparent, in rare cases - with a reddish tint.

These characteristics apply to the mucus plug and amniotic fluid. If the color of the discharge is rich, the consistency is cheesy, and the smell is unpleasant, we are talking about pathology.

In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, since during this period any diseases are especially dangerous.

After the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus, the cervical canal becomes clogged with mucus. Its main function is protective: mucus prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, which helps prevent infection of the child during gestation.

Before labor begins, a hormonal surge occurs in the body of a pregnant woman. It is necessary to prepare for the birth of a child and leads to the release of the mucus plug, which appears as a light brown discharge.

The process softens the cartilage tissue and makes it easier for the fetus to pass through the birth canal. Also, the passage of the plug increases the tension of the walls of the uterus, so it may be accompanied by false contractions.

The process of removing the plug is individual for each woman in labor. Sometimes it can take several days, but for many women the plug comes out within 2-3 hours, when labor can be days (hours) or weeks away. At the same time, the tone of the muscles of the uterus always increases, pulling the lower abdomen.

The cervical plug itself looks like thick white mucus, sometimes streaked with blood. The latter leads to a color change to pink or brown.

Brown discharge is not a pathology, contrary to popular belief. They acquire this shade due to the oxidation of hemoglobin by oxygen.

For the same reason, the discharge may have a slightly sour, slight odor, but it should not provoke irritation or itching.

Copious discharge mixed with blood is considered dangerous and requires urgent help. Their appearance indicates possible complications, so the woman is hospitalized.

SignsMucus plugAmniotic fluid
Departure timeSeveral weeks to several hours before birthAt the end of the first period, sometimes before childbirth or at the very beginning
ColorBeige, brownish, streaked with bloodOnly transparent, with a slight pinkish or light green tint
ConsistencyLiquid, mucousWatery
PeriodicitySeveral days or hours, one or two tablespoonsConstant leakage, symptom of “cough impulse”
ActionsObservationDeparture to the maternity hospital

Abundant mucous discharge means the plug is coming out, which indicates impending childbirth. This phenomenon can begin from the 36th week and occur 2 weeks before and immediately before birth.

The removal of the plug is accompanied by smoothing of the cervix and its opening by 1-2 cm.

Sometimes the mucus is not white, but yellow, and comes out in one piece or in small portions.

If watery discharge appears after the plug comes out, this indicates rupture of the amniotic sac. The latter can happen:

  • Instantly. The bubble bursts (a characteristic pop can be heard), and its contents are released from the vagina.
  • Gradually. There is a release of liquid in small portions.

The water must be clear, odorless and free from foreign matter. Some clearly indicate the onset of labor and require hospitalization.

Many women cannot accurately characterize the nature of the discharge. The doctor's office has a test to determine the presence of water in the discharge.

In a situation where there is partial or complete damage to the bladder, it is necessary to contact the maternity hospital.

There may be discharge that is not associated with pathologies of pregnancy and the onset of labor. They are scanty in nature, may have a pink, yellow or brown tint and appear as a result of sexual intercourse or examination on the gynecological chair.

Signs that require contacting a doctor in this case are:

  • bleeding;
  • stomach ache;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • the appearance of irritation on the external part of the genital organs;
  • itching and burning;
  • rash in the perineum.

If there is a sudden change in the nature of the discharge, you should visit a gynecologist for consultation. Such signs can manifest infectious pathologies that can be transmitted to the baby during childbirth and cause health problems.

The cervix has thin mucous membranes that are easily injured. When examined by a gynecologist, small scratches and surface injuries occur, which lead to the development of bleeding. They do not last long, no more than 1-2 days, and may be accompanied by mild pain in the lower abdomen.

If, after an examination by a gynecologist, the amount of red color released increases significantly, an ambulance should be called. This indicates the onset of premature birth and its pathology, so it is necessary to urgently begin treatment.

Doctors do not prohibit sexual intercourse in the last stages, but they must be careful. If the wrong position is chosen or the frictions are too active, cervical injury may occur. In this case, after a few hours, spotting with a reddish and brown color appears.

Contraindications to sexual intercourse in later stages are:

  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • cervical insufficiency;
  • removal of the plug;
  • red discharge;
  • multiple pregnancy (more than 2 children);
  • placenta previa.

If the body is preparing for childbirth and this process proceeds normally, there should be no separation other than water and plugs. Any other discharge is a symptom of the development of a serious pathology or infection of the genital organs.

Dangerous are:

  • gray or green discharge with the smell of rotten eggs or fish;
  • white, accompanied by itching in the vagina (the consistency resembles cottage cheese);
  • mucous, with a greenish tint;
  • watery green or brown with an unpleasant odor (amniotic fluid);
  • bloody in the first stage of labor or immediately before its onset.
Nature of the dischargeDescription
BrownSuch leucorrhoea before childbirth is not always dangerous. They may be the result of a minor placental abruption or vaginal trauma. To clarify the diagnosis, you need to visit a gynecologist
BloodySuch discharge indicates disorders of the placenta, its detachment and presentation - a deadly pathology for mother and child. The woman must be hospitalized immediately
Abundant, with a smellHeavy discharge almost always indicates rupture of amniotic fluid. If they have an uncharacteristic color or an unpleasant odor, this indicates pathology. Green or brown water is a sign of intrauterine hypoxia or infection. It is possible that meconium (original feces) got into the amniotic fluid. This means that the baby had a bowel movement while still in the womb. This often happens with a true post-term pregnancy. The condition is dangerous because the baby can inhale it, which will lead to infection.
White curdsIf they appear together with vaginal itching, this is a symptom of candidiasis (thrush). In the prenatal period, it is especially dangerous, as it threatens to infect the child during childbirth.
Gray, with an unpleasant fishy odorBacterial vaginosis is accompanied by such discharge. In such cases, as with candidiasis, the child may become infected during natural childbirth.
Yellowish-greenDischarge of this color with an unpleasant odor indicates a sexually transmitted infection. In this case, the child may become infected at birth. Sometimes surgical delivery is recommended

Differences between plug and amniotic fluid

The plug and amniotic fluid are almost impossible to confuse, since they have different consistencies and colors. The mucus plug has a thicker and denser texture. If you dip two fingers in the mucus and begin to slowly spread them apart, a thin slimy “rope” will form between them. In addition, the mucus plug may have a large, round shape.

Amniotic fluid is liquid, often clear and more abundant. The water always breaks after the mucus plug comes out.

The mucus plug may come off in portions, at short intervals. Amniotic fluid flows constantly: as soon as a woman changes a sanitary pad, it immediately becomes wet again.

What does it mean that labor is imminent?

Many expectant mothers experience brown discharge in later stages. Before birth, they may be accompanied by the release of water. This state indicates that the process has begun. You can be sure that you will meet your baby within a few hours. Waste water can have different volumes. For some women they simply leak, while for others they pour out completely. In both cases, you cannot remain idle. Don't expect everything to go away on its own. You are giving birth!

Often the water recedes immediately after the plug is released. Therefore, you should monitor your well-being if mucous brown discharge is detected. Before giving birth in such a situation, contractions may begin, which often happens precisely after the water is poured out. You need to take everything you need as soon as possible and go to the maternity hospital.

The need for emergency delivery

Brown discharge before childbirth is often said to be dangerous. When labor begins cannot be determined on your own. If during pregnancy you had diagnoses such as placenta previa, low location, occlusion of the pharynx, or thinning of the uterine walls, then unusual discharge may be a sign of a life threat.

Similar symptoms can also appear with premature placental abruption, which can also be fatal for the mother and her baby. If, in addition to brown discharge, you have pain, weakness, tachycardia, fainting, or decreased blood pressure, then call an ambulance immediately. In case of placental abruption, uterine rupture and internal bleeding, the woman is indicated for an emergency caesarean section. The birth will take place in the next few hours.

Health status before childbirth

It's no secret that a pregnant woman should carefully monitor her health. Before giving birth, check your health again. It wouldn’t hurt to visit a therapist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor, or neurologist. Don't forget to go to the dentist, because bad teeth can become a source of infection and cause complications in the postpartum period.

If you have severe varicose veins of the lower extremities, go to a vascular surgeon. The doctor will determine whether the condition has worsened and whether a caesarean section will be required. A month before giving birth, doctors recommend undergoing a complete sanitation of the birth canal. This is done to clean them from pathogenic microflora.

This is especially true if a woman has sexually transmitted diseases (herpes, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, etc.). Such procedures are necessary in order to protect the baby during its passage through the birth canal. Sanitation will also help protect the woman in labor from cracks in the vaginal mucosa, which may occur due to inflammation.

As for the gynecologist, starting from the 36th week, a woman must visit him once a week. At the appointment, the doctor measures the size of the uterus, listens to the fetal heartbeat, and determines its position.

Hygiene before childbirth

Of course, any woman should carefully observe personal and sexual hygiene, but she should take this especially seriously before the upcoming birth.

Towards the end of pregnancy, the cervix opens slightly, the mucous plug comes off, and therefore the risk of infectious agents entering the uterine cavity, and therefore the baby, increases significantly.

Hygiene rules before childbirth:

  • Shaving the pubis and perineum;
  • Sexual hygiene at least 2 times a day and after each act of defecation;
  • Sanitation of the vagina;
  • Refusal of sexual activity;
  • Refusal to take a lying bath and visit the pool, bathhouse, sauna.

In many maternity hospitals, doctors and midwives insist on this procedure and do so not without reason. Shaving should be done for a number of reasons:

  • Maintaining hygiene. After childbirth, a woman begins to have profuse bleeding, and therefore hygiene should be very strictly monitored to prevent infectious complications;
  • Control of the perineum during childbirth. During the eruption of the baby's head, the midwife carefully monitors the condition of the perineum to prevent its rupture. Hair will significantly hinder this;
  • Suturing ruptures. During childbirth, incisions in the perineum are often made to free the exit for the baby. During suturing of the perineum, hair can get into the wound, which interferes with the doctor and subsequently leads to infection of the wound.

Sexual hygiene

important Intimate hygiene before childbirth should be carried out especially carefully. The genitals should be washed with warm boiled water at least 2 times a day and after each act of defecation.

You can also use decoctions of medicinal disinfectant herbs (chamomile, oak bark, calendula).

Vaginal sanitation

Sanitation of the vagina should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor. During pregnancy, you should never take medications on your own, even local ones (suppositories, ointments, creams).

Closer to the 38th week, the doctor must take a smear of vaginal flora and, based on the results, prescribe local treatment. Quite often, even with a good smear, specialists prescribe prophylactic administration of suppositories to prepare for childbirth.

Many women believe that having sex before childbirth is beneficial because... accelerate the body's preparation for the birth of a child. Of course, this is true, because due to the prostaglandins contained in sperm, the cervix begins to soften and open faster, but you should still remember that the risk of infection is very high at the moment. You should not risk your health and the health of your child.

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