Dark discharge before menstruation: a sign of pregnancy or something else?

The appearance of black discharge before menstruation cannot but be alarming. And even if there is no pain, itching or other unpleasant symptoms, the woman involuntarily asks the question: is everything okay with her and does she need to see a doctor. Since black discharge before menstruation can be caused by various reasons, ranging from age-related changes to oncology, a visit to a gynecologist is necessary. During the examination, he will prescribe various tests that will determine the real cause of the pathology.

What does dark discharge before menstruation mean?

If a few days before the onset of menstruation, a small amount of brown inclusions is observed in the mucus coming out of the genital tract, then it is too early to talk about pathology. Dark discharge during this period of time indicates the approach of menstrual bleeding. This phenomenon is considered normal in gynecology. When a woman first encounters dark brown discharge, she should not panic; it is better to remember whether the previous night was stormy? If the answer is yes, then this means that during sexual intercourse too little natural lubrication was formed in her genital tract. Because of this, microtraumas could form in the cervix. They are the cause of dark clots.

Normally, dark discharge appears in small quantities in the middle of the menstrual cycle, directly during the period of ovulation. This is how the body signals about a favorable time to conceive a child. But if too much mucus comes out, it is recommended to exclude possible pathologies with the help of a gynecologist. It is especially important to identify the cause of unusual discharge before menstruation, when there is at least the slightest suspicion of pregnancy. In the early stages, when a woman is not even aware of her situation, spotting from the genital tract can be a sign of a miscarriage.

Non-pathological factors

Sometimes black discharge in women before menstruation appears for reasons not related to deteriorating health. For example, their occurrence can be provoked by sex, during which the tissues of the genital organs were injured, which led to the appearance of a small amount of blood and the mixing of its particles with vaginal secretions.

Black clots may appear if old blood that clotted during a previous cycle for some reason does not leave the body. In this case, black discharge occurs on the first day of menstruation or shortly before that.

Age-related changes are also among the causes of black discharge on the first day of menstruation or before it. A similar secret can appear both in young girls during the period of menstruation, and in women during menopause. During this period, various hormonal and other changes occur in the body that can lead to uncharacteristic discharge.

Long-term use of oral contraceptives or certain hormonal medications often leads to hormonal imbalance, and black discharge in women may indicate this disorder. Such smears not only appear on the first day of menstruation, but can also replace them: under the influence of drugs they become very scanty and last one to three days. The intrauterine device can also cause dark discharge.

Important! Stress, depression, and nervousness can cause black spots to appear shortly before your period. During this period, the female body experiences strong hormonal changes that cause disruptions in the reproductive system.

A change in diet or insufficient consumption of substances necessary for the body to develop normally (hypovitaminosis) can provoke pathologies in the body associated with the functioning of the genital organs.

Reasons for unusual discharge

In healthy women, brown spotting naturally turns into full menstruation within a couple of days. It's a completely different matter when brown discharge begins a week before the expected start of menstruation. The reasons for this phenomenon before menstruation may be:

  • Inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • improper use of oral contraceptives;
  • estrogen-based medications;
  • surgical intervention in the genital organs.

Women often use intrauterine devices to prevent unplanned pregnancy. These devices release hormones that prevent conception. Under their influence, a change in the menstrual cycle and the color of the daub occurs.

Vaginal discharge before menstruation is also influenced by the psychological state of the woman. In a stressful situation, the body is subjected to strong pressure, which affects many processes, including hormonal levels. Black menstrual discharge appears and its duration increases.

In what cases is this dangerous?

When a woman notices any changes in her normally flowing menstrual cycle, not everyone rushes to the gynecologist.

Indeed, many representatives of the fair sex prefer to ask advice from friends or study information on specialized forums.

As practice shows, both of the above options are incorrect; in any case, you should visit a gynecologist.

Most often, black discharge signals the destruction of hemoglobin in the blood, which, in turn, turns it into this kind of dark-colored segment.

The thing is that hemoglobin turns into a black substance only in an acidic environment, which, in turn, is formed in the vagina during the premenstrual period. In this case, the acid is a kind of protective component that prevents infection from entering the body.

On the other hand, black discharge is evidence of neoplasms in the uterus and damage to the endometrium. It is possible that the diagnosis is much worse, only now the disease has begun to manifest itself.

If a woman is bothered by black discharge before her period, she should consult a specialist. Only in some cases are they considered normal when they have a brownish tint. The thing is that a change in the color and nature of vaginal discharge primarily signals a number of diseases, including polyps, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, etc.

According to experts, the appearance of dark discharge in the last days of menstruation is most often the norm, and the critical days themselves should not exceed the bar of one week. Otherwise, representatives of the fair sex can expect three outcomes: endometriosis, endometritis or hyperplasia.

The first disease is common among young girls under 30 years of age. It lies in the fact that the tissues of the uterus enter other organs. It is important to note that in this case, blood can often come even from the eyes. Endometritis is dangerous because when carrying a baby in the womb, the inner layer of the uterus may begin to reject the fetus.

Consequently, women should be constantly examined by a gynecologist in order to prevent advanced forms of endometritis. This disease is usually treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. Hyperplasia is also dangerous, but experts rarely diagnose it in young girls.

Often, when an already severe form of the disease is detected, surgical intervention is required, since it becomes a kind of background for the subsequent development of malignant neoplasms.

Taking hormonal drugs

It often happens that women discover black discharge after the first course of hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives. There is no need to worry, as the body gradually gets used to the new state, therefore, this state of affairs may continue for some time.

Source: https://syl.ru/article/68219/chernyie-vyideleniya-do-i-posle-mesyachnyih

Accompanying illnesses

Dark brown discharge is a warning to a woman about the development of a serious pathological process in her body.

  1. Endometriosis of the uterus or cervix . Along with brown discharge, aching pain appears in the lower abdomen and pelvic area on different days of the cycle. In a neglected state, a woman experiences black menstrual discharge. Most often, these anomalies occur after abortion, cauterization of the cervix and injury to the organ itself.
  2. Endometritis . Inflammation of the uterine mucosa, which is of infectious origin, is expressed in bloody discharge before menstruation. In the chronic form, dark brown discharge occurs. The woman feels weak, dizzy, and an unpleasant odor spreads from the genital tract.
  3. STD. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and other infections transmitted from a sexual partner can lead to black menstrual discharge. Additional signs of the disease are burning, itching, pain when urinating.
  4. Malignant and benign formations are the most dangerous causes, the first symptom of which may be black menstrual discharge. In a small number of women, additional signs are cramping pain in the pelvis, menstrual irregularities and the appearance of spotting on any day of the cycle. But most often, a woman learns about the presence of a tumor only during a routine examination with a gynecologist; the symptoms go away without pain.

Brown discharge can appear due to many reasons, some of which are quite serious. It is important to recognize symptoms in time and undergo examination.

"Capricious" tablet

Birth control pills that a woman takes often make adjustments to biological rhythms. Incorrectly selected hormonal contraceptives can cause a woman to experience increased sweating, headaches, and the appearance of a black spot before her menstrual period. If you notice that taking a new drug causes unwanted conditions, discuss the problems with your doctor.

Some desperate girls independently prescribe oral contraceptives of a different brand instead of problematic pills. This should not be done. By choosing a drug without consulting a gynecologist, you risk adding to the troubles.

Black “daub” can bother women who have recently installed an intrauterine device. As a rule, discharge of an alarming color appears in patients in the first two months after the event. Then all undesirable phenomena disappear.

Could this be a sign of pregnancy?

Vaginal discharge changes its consistency and color immediately after conceiving a child. The woman is not yet aware of her pregnancy, but the discharge is already beginning to turn brown. The absence of other symptoms in the early stages makes her think about the beginning of normal menstruation. In fact, brown discharge is implantation bleeding. It occurs due to the fact that on the 12th day after conception, the embryo begins the process of attachment to the walls of the uterus. The activity of the fertilized egg during this period increases the formation of mucus, it acquires a creamy consistency, and the color can change from yellowish to light brown.

Implantation discharge occurs before menstruation, and very often a woman confuses them. But the difference is significant - at the moment of embryo attachment, the discharge is light (just a couple of drops), its color should not be dark. If conception has occurred, and vaginal discharge resembles heavy menstruation, the woman should immediately consult a gynecologist. Dark mucus in the early stages means improper attachment of the fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus, an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, or a threat of miscarriage for various reasons.

During menstruation

The appearance of black discharge during menstruation is typical for many women at the beginning. Don’t be afraid: this is how the inner layer of the uterus is torn away. The color of the endometrium varies from light pink to black. It can be released in small quantities during menstruation and discharge with large clots that, when coming out of the vagina, create the sensation of a piece of jelly falling out of the perineum. Many patients are afraid of this situation, but it is quite acceptable and depends on the characteristics and condition of the body.

The uterus can secrete up to 60 ml of blood per day. If there is clearly more blood and clots being removed, the critical days are painful and last longer than expected, then you should consult a gynecologist. Many women's diseases manifest themselves with similar symptoms during menstruation.

A pathology such as partitions in the uterine cavity - synechiae, formed as a result of mechanical damage to the epithelium, retains blood, which is why very dark discharge occurs during menstruation.

A sudden loss of body weight, severe emotional shocks can affect menstruation: the blood will become thick and dark.

Discharge before menstruation is normal

The female body signals about any violations in various ways and brown discharge is one of them. In gynecology, it is considered normal to have white or yellowish discharge before menstruation. They are odorless, thick and slimy, their abundance does not exceed a couple of drops, and disappear 2-3 days after the end of menstruation. Changes in vaginal discharge occur due to hormone levels, which depend on the phases of the menstrual cycle. With normal discharge there is no discomfort - itching, burning, irritation of external tissues.

Dark brown discharge worries women who have just started or have already finished taking hormonal medications. These medications should be taken only on the recommendation of your doctor and according to a specific regimen. Within three months of taking hormonal pills, the menstrual cycle should return to normal, and the discharge should return to its previous state. Also, after their withdrawal, the body needs 2–3 months to stabilize all processes. During this period, dark discharge is normal. If the process of vaginal discharge does not stabilize when taking hormonal drugs, then they should be replaced. But you cannot refuse a particular type of medication on your own; a sharp decrease in hormones can provoke heavy bleeding. Dark brown discharge is a sign of a malfunction in a woman’s body.

The color of the discharge is an important detail!

Representatives of the fair half of humanity are accustomed to perceive “these” days as an everyday event. Not every lady will pay attention to the color of the discharge. But in vain! There are many cases where brown or black clots indicate an ectopic pregnancy. Dark, foul-smelling “daub” also often becomes a continuation of an infectious disease.

Brown discharge before menstruation can occur in a girl who has lost a lot of weight in a short period of time. The female body is a complex and fragile microcosm. Everything in it is interconnected. Don’t be surprised that a strict diet entails changes at the hormonal level. Let us remind you that unusual discharge can also occur if the lady has gained weight sharply.

Scanty dark discharge in women of prime age can “signal” about a decrease in the function of the gonads. A woman may not pay attention to the symptom for some time... Until her period disappears altogether. And during the examination, it turns out that the patient has entered early menopause. Premature ovarian failure is not uncommon. Smoking, nervous stress, abortion, difficult childbirth can affect a woman’s well-being in unpredictable ways.

If you notice that your regular menstruation is late, and instead you have dark chocolate-colored discharge, rush to see a gynecologist. You will need to donate blood for hormones. Only based on the diagnostic results will the doctor be able to judge whether everything is okay with the reproductive system.

What to do

To maintain their health, it is advisable for women to visit a gynecologist’s office at least once a year. Especially when she periodically has uncharacteristic brown or black discharge before her period. You should seek help from a antenatal clinic if vaginal discharge is combined with pain and an unpleasant odor. Inaction in this case threatens with serious consequences, such as infertility, the development of cancer and removal of the affected organ. With early diagnosis, modern medicine can reduce, and, in some cases, even eliminate the occurrence of consequences.

When treating dark brown discharge, the doctor starts from the overall clinical picture. Infectious diseases must be treated with antimicrobial drugs (vaginal suppositories, ointments and medicinal solutions for douching). Inflammatory processes in the female genital tract are treated with anti-inflammatory suppositories and similar tablets - Hexicon, Betadine and others. Hormone therapy is designed to stabilize reproductive function by raising estrogen levels.

In folk medicine, medicinal herbs are used to eliminate smears before menstruation - St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula. You can use one type of herb, but it is better to take decoctions of all at once. With their beneficial properties, the gifts of nature improve metabolic processes in the body and help you feel a surge of strength. These herbs act on women's health as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound healing agent. A woman can even douche with chamomile decoction 10 days before the start of menstruation. This will eliminate inflammation and the appearance of pathological discharge.

The concept of norm

Menstruation is regulated by hormones. It is influenced by the active substances of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and ovaries. Hormones of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland are indirectly involved.

The cycle is counted from the first day of menstruation, when endometrial shedding begins. Approximately 20 hours after the start of bleeding, it begins to come out with secretions.

Bleeding is supported by the vessels of the uterus. Around the 2-3rd day, the endometrium begins to recover. By the end of menstruation, its thickness is 1-2 mm.

Further processes that occur in the uterus and ovaries are aimed at creating conditions for the implantation of a fertilized egg. The thickness of the endometrium increases under the influence of estrogens. Follicles grow in the ovaries, and a dominant one is released. Ovulation occurs.

From the bursting dominant follicle, the egg is sent into the fallopian tubes. If ovulation occurred on the 14th day of the cycle, then the best time for implantation will be the 20-21st day. By this time, under the influence of progesterone, a sufficient amount of glycogen accumulates in the endometrial cells, which will nourish the embryo for the first days.

If fertilization does not occur, then gradually the corpus luteum (the former dominant follicle) regresses. A decrease in the concentration of progesterone and estradiol leads to degenerative changes in the endometrium. The outflow of venous blood decreases, the arterioles dilate.

It is at this moment (1-2 days before the start of menstruation) that the first brown spotting often appears.

The development of endometrial ischemia triggers its rejection. Bleeding begins from the arterioles of the basal layer. When they narrow, menstruation stops.

The appearance of spotting 1-2 days before the start of menstruation can be considered normal. However, she should go into full menstruation. The first day of the appearance of such discharge can be considered the beginning of the cycle.

Spotting at the beginning of menstruation in adolescents is also considered normal. After menarche, it may take a year for the cycle to develop.

Sometimes the intervals between periods can be shortened or lengthened, periods can begin with spotting or appear in the form of small dark spots. The first sexual experience can also cause brown discharge.

The causes of bleeding may be related to the characteristics of sexual relations. If a couple likes unusual experiments and uses various devices for more aggressive sex, especially if the vagina is dry, then the woman may experience microtraumas. This is also a possible cause of dark brown spotting.

Their appearance a few (5-6) days before menstruation can also be caused by natural reasons.

Late ovulation, fertilization of the egg and its subsequent implantation may be accompanied by a slight discharge of blood.

The process of attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus is the splitting of endometrial tissue. In this case, the blood vessels are damaged, so a small amount of blood may be released.

Women who start taking combined oral contraceptives (COCs) should be prepared for the appearance of brown discharge in the first three months.


It is not the brownish mucus itself that needs to be treated before menstruation, but the cause that causes the pathological discharge. The method of therapy is determined based on the identified disease.

If the cause of brownish mucus is an infectious disease, antimicrobial or antibacterial agents are required. Along with general therapy, the gynecologist may recommend douching with medications.

In case of hormonal imbalances, hormones are prescribed. These drugs can be used only after a detailed examination. Under no circumstances should you take such medications on the advice of relatives and friends.

The doctor should monitor the progress of treatment and adjust the dosage. After completion of therapy, final tests are carried out to ensure that the disease is defeated.

While waiting for their next period, many women are faced with the phenomenon of brown discharge. Is this normal, or does the spotting indicate the development of a gynecological disease or ectopic pregnancy?

If the discharge does not have an unpleasant odor and does not worsen your overall health, there is no cause for concern. But why does a brown spot appear before menstruation, and when it is necessary to urgently contact a gynecologist, every girl should know.

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