Brown discharge after menstruation: causes and treatment

Many women experience the phenomenon of postmenstrual brown vaginal discharge. There are many factors that provoke such a reaction in the body. Sometimes what happens is caused by natural causes and is the norm. If the discharge is accompanied by various sensations of discomfort, this condition may be associated with the development of pathological processes in the genital tract.

Brown discharge in healthy women

In most cases, dark-colored vaginal secretions are considered completely normal and should not cause unnecessary concern. Ladies should pay attention to what period of the cycle the spotting occurs. Depending on the menstrual phase, one or another reason for the occurrence of spotting can be determined. This way it becomes clear how serious the situation is and whether the woman needs medical help.

Critical days

If brown discharge appears immediately after menstruation, this indicates the final stage of removal of clotted blood from the uterus. In a healthy woman, such a daub lasts no more than 1-3 days.

The maximum duration of all cyclic discharges should not exceed 7-10 days.

Their color varies from light brown to black. This situation is considered absolutely normal for most representatives of the fair sex.


Sometimes a dark brown secretion appears at the moment the egg is released. In a healthy woman, its secretion lasts about a day. Dark brown rejection during this period may indicate fertilization of the egg. Such spotting in the middle of the cycle, lasting more than two days, is considered a reason to consult a doctor.

Oral contraceptives

The use of hormonal contraceptives affects the nature and duration of vaginal discharge. Noticeable changes occur in the first 2-3 months of taking the pills. It is this period that may be accompanied by copious brown discharge after menstruation. However, in the future, the nature of the menstrual secretion should return to its normal state. If the situation has not stabilized after four months, it is obvious that the body is rejecting this drug. A woman should consult a doctor who will prescribe her another method of contraception.

The appearance of discharge as a result of using a spiral

An intrauterine device (IUD), installed during menstruation, often leads to an increase in its duration and the appearance of dark-colored mucus. This procedure can disrupt the menstrual cycle, lead to delayed menstruation, increased or decreased bleeding. Sometimes the cycle may occur with scanty dark brown discharge.

In most cases, the condition returns to normal during the first half of the year. After incorrect installation or a displaced coil, brownish discharge may appear for several weeks or appear regularly. This condition is fraught with uterine injuries or unwanted pregnancy.

If you experience discomfort and dark discharge after inserting an IUD, you should contact a specialist to select a more gentle method of contraception.

Brown discharge: pathologies

The presence of such vaginal secretion may indicate the occurrence of a number of gynecological diseases. Depending on the type of illness, clots have characteristic shades and appear in different phases of the menstrual cycle. Women may experience the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • itching;
  • burning;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • heat;
  • the repulsive smell of secretion.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the following manifestations of the body:

  • bloody or beige clots after intimacy;
  • brown discharge began a few days after the end of menstruation;
  • a significant increase in the duration of menstrual bleeding;
  • spotting appeared a year after menopause.

All these signs are a warning signal about the development of serious diseases that should not be left to chance. Otherwise, the problems may worsen and negatively affect the patient’s quality of life.

Why did you start walking after a week?

When determining the reasons why brown discharge occurs after the end of menstruation, you should pay special attention to the time of its appearance. It is useful to remember that discharge that appears 1-2 days before the start and lasts 2-3 days after the end of menstruation can be considered normal.

Brown discharge that appears a week after the end of menstruation can be considered normal only in one case - if pregnancy has occurred. Then the “ointments” will be short-term (no more than 2 days), not abundant, odorless. Around this time, the fertilized egg implants into the wall of the uterus, and in some women this is accompanied by slight bleeding or spotting brown discharge.

Light brown discharge

The presence of such postmenstrual secretion may indicate the development of certain inflammatory processes in the female organs.

Cervical erosion

This disease often occurs without clinical manifestations. The presence of changes in the uterine epithelium can be detected during a routine medical examination by a gynecologist. If a woman neglects to visit the doctor, this can lead to erosion of significant size. Affected tissues become the basis for the development of infectious diseases and the appearance of neoplasms. An advanced disease is accompanied by light brown postmenstrual discharge.


This is an acute inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes. The main symptoms of the disease are weakness, fever, severe pain in the groin area. Depending on the type of infection that provoked salpingitis, discharge of various shades is found: yellowish, greenish, whitish, light brown. Secretion in this pathology is always abundant, regardless of the type of pathogen.


The disease develops in the presence of various infections, most often fungal. The occurrence of the disease may be associated with the use of antibacterial and hormonal drugs, which caused a decrease in the body's defenses. In addition, the development of the disease is provoked by tight underwear, excess or lack of hygiene procedures. Vulvovaginitis is accompanied by copious light brown discharge that has a repulsive odor. Secretion especially increases during menstrual periods and during sexual intercourse.

Endometrial hyperplasia

This is another very serious reason. If this pathology develops in the body, then in addition to all other signs it can easily be seen during a special ultrasound. In some cases, such a disease is a signal from the body that some kind of cancer has appeared in it, in particular uterine cancer.

That is why it is very important to contact a specialist in time and undergo an examination so that he can immediately rule out such a terrible cause

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How to treat pathology

A woman who experiences brown discharge after her period should be more careful about her health. Perhaps this kind of secretion is caused by natural processes. It would be a good idea to visit your doctor's office and get advice about your condition. Timely diagnosis significantly reduces the risk of developing unwanted complications. If a woman, in addition to brown discharge, is also bothered by other unpleasant symptoms, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed for long. In this case, it is possible that there is a pathological process that needs to be treated with antibacterial drugs and other restorative medications.

What to do

When smudge is considered normal, no active steps need to be taken to eliminate it. If the discharge lasts long enough, it can be reduced using folk remedies. List of herbs used in gynecology for menstruation:

If self-medication does not give a positive result, and the smear becomes abundant and smells unpleasant, you will need the help of a qualified gynecologist. This is a clear sign of a serious illness. In this case, it is imperative to undergo a course of treatment that will help prevent negative consequences. If the spotting is caused by inflammation, you need to take antibacterial drugs, vitamins and other medications. When the cause is hormonal imbalance, estrogens or gestagens are prescribed.

Discharge that appears between periods may indicate possible bleeding. This means that the cervix is ​​not completely closed, and this is a clear deviation from the norm. If you do not pay attention to the symptom in time, further surgery may become inevitable. Sometimes brown discharge is caused by a failed pregnancy. But only a doctor can check this. If the diagnosis is confirmed, additional cleaning or medication will be required to contract the uterus.

Women's health requires constant attention and careful handling, and any deviations are important to be corrected immediately. Any disruptions affect the production of hormones, which leads to premature aging. Therefore, if dark brown discharge appears, do not be too lazy to go to the gynecologist. The uterus reacts to any changes in the functioning of the body. The nature of the discharge may change due to diseases that have nothing to do with the genitals. And only a specialist can determine the cause of the violations. Timely treatment will help prevent complications and normalize the functioning of the reproductive system.


Experts' opinion

Women love to look for answers to health questions on the Internet. And it would be nice to read an information article about discharge or symptoms of diseases, learn the concepts and terms, and the procedure for carrying out various procedures. But for some reason, many are drawn to forums where similar patients share their experiences. Doctors advise that if the gynecologist is not satisfactory, then it is better to look for another clinic and specialist, read reviews. Even at the state antenatal clinic, you can write an application for transfer to observation by another doctor.

Pathological causes of dark discharge

The appearance of old blood in vaginal secretions is sometimes a symptom of various diseases of the woman’s genital area.

Signs that accompany the pathology:

  • During menstruation, many black clots come out;
  • The secretion is abundant, reminiscent of menstruation in quantity;
  • Over time, the volume of discharge increases;
  • Against the background of a similar symptom, menstruation disappeared;
  • One pad is enough for 1-3 hours;
  • Increases in temperature occur;
  • The secretion has an unpleasant odor;
  • Sexual acts are accompanied by suffering;
  • There is discomfort in the vulva and vagina, burning, tingling, itching;
  • There is pain inside. They can radiate to the sacrum, lower back, side and even leg.

Attention! Many pathological processes are asymptomatic for a long time and a brown or black tint may be the only sign. Therefore, any changes in vaginal secretions are a reason for diagnosis at the antenatal clinic.

Gynecological diseases

Gynecological diseases can be caused by various pathogens and causes. If treatment is not started on time, the disease begins to progress, causing even more complex diseases.

Endometritis (endometriosis)

A gynecological disease in which a woman experiences acute pain during menstruation, the discharge is very heavy and prolonged, the disease can be accompanied by various symptoms (frequent urination, constipation, pain during sexual intercourse, nausea and vomiting). There are cases when the disease is completely asymptomatic and is detected only when visiting a gynecologist.


The first sign of this disease is female secretion with the smell of fish. They can be completely different in color: brownish, green or yellow. Another symptom is pain during sex. A woman may be bothered by itching, burning and swelling of the vulva, and redness of the labia. The pain is palpable in the lower abdomen, and if the disease progresses, inflammation can spread to the urethra and complicate the situation with frequent painful urination.


The main sign of thrush is a discharge with a sour odor. The smelly discharge may be brown in color, but this is not necessary. The woman is worried not only about the cheesy discharge, but also from the itching and burning sensation. A larger amount of female secretion is observed after washing and after sexual intercourse. Additionally, the labia may become swollen and red, and this, in turn, causes pain during sexual intercourse and frequent painful urination. If thrush is not treated promptly, it can become chronic.

Bacterial vaginosis

This disease can go undetected for a long time, since no noticeable symptoms arise. Discharge with an unpleasant odor in women begins only when the disease becomes advanced. From these secretions you can clearly smell the pungent smell of rotten fish.

Prevention and treatment

To avoid such problems, you should follow simple recommendations:

  1. Do not neglect the rules of intimate hygiene. You need to wash yourself twice a day and use special products rather than ordinary soap.
  2. During critical days, replace hygiene items every 3-4 hours.
  3. Do not use panty liners regularly, but only in the middle of the cycle and closer to the beginning of critical days, when the volume of secretion increases.
  4. Stick to a healthy diet. Reduce the consumption of unhealthy foods to a minimum and increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet. The menu should be complete and balanced.
  5. To refuse from bad habits. Smoking and alcohol abuse have a negative impact on the reproductive system.
  6. Don't overexert yourself. Physical activity should be moderate.
  7. Maintain a daily routine. There should be enough time for sleep and rest.
  8. Treat any diseases in a timely manner, regardless of the nature of their occurrence.
  9. Regularly undergo examination by a gynecologist.

The treatment regimen largely depends on the cause of the appearance of brown discharge, which is not accompanied by an unpleasant odor or pain. If they are provoked by a hormonal disorder, then hormonal medications are prescribed. In case of development of erosion, endometriosis, the appearance of neoplasms or polyps, surgical intervention is resorted to. In the postoperative period, drug therapy is carried out aimed at the complete restoration of the reproductive system.

The reasons that provoke the appearance of brown spotting are different. Often such symptoms arise as a result of natural processes occurring in the body. Sometimes they signal the development of the disease. It is extremely important to identify it at the initial stage of development, when the only clinical manifestation of the pathology is uncharacteristic secretion. You should definitely consult your doctor. A change in the nature of the discharge may indicate serious health problems that can lead to a number of complications.

What to do if you have brown discharge after your period

A woman will not be able to independently determine the causes of brown discharge. If they appear regularly after your period, you need to see a doctor, get tested and undergo a comprehensive examination.

The etiology of the pathological process will help the specialist develop the correct treatment tactics. It is forbidden to have sex before visiting the clinic.

Is it possible to prevent brown discharge?

The symptom is caused mainly by two reasons - inflammatory processes in the genitals and hormonal imbalance. It is quite easy to prevent inflammatory processes if you follow the rules of intimate hygiene:

  • When taking a shower, wash yourself from front to back to prevent the transfer of intestinal microflora into the vagina.
  • Take a shower at least once or twice a day, and also use special hygiene products for the intimate area.
  • Do not overuse douching, as it disrupts the balance of microflora in the vagina.
  • An increase in the amount of daily discharge is allowed in some cases, but if the process is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, then a doctor’s consultation and a more detailed examination are required.
  • During your menstrual periods, try to use pads instead of tampons.
  • Do not neglect preventive examinations by a gynecologist, which should be carried out once or twice a year. This will help to identify pathological changes in time and eliminate them at the initial stage.

Preventing hormonal imbalance is a little more difficult, since it is often caused by reasons that a woman cannot influence on her own. However, with careful attention to your health, it is often possible to identify the problem at an early stage. As a rule, it is manifested by psycho-emotional instability and menstrual irregularities. Treatment of such conditions is not complicated and often involves taking hormonal medications or special contraceptive pills.

What to do when the discharge turns dark?

Even if no signs of pathology are found, you need to visit a gynecologist. As we have already said, many diseases are asymptomatic. Uterine cancer can manifest itself only in the terminal stage, when it is too late to take action. Women who undergo preventive examinations every 6-12 months and in case of any suspicious changes in discharge increase their chances of a healthy and long life tenfold. A standard examination consists of the following procedures:

  • Survey;
  • Examination on the chair;
  • Smear collection;
  • Blood and urine for general analysis;
  • Biochemistry;
  • Tests for HIV, CSR, hepatitis;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • If necessary, assess hormone levels.

Attention! If the pathology is located in the uterus, diagnostic hysteroscopy is sometimes prescribed, when the organ is examined from the inside using a microcamera.

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