Difference from menstruation
There are no practical differences.
Due to the similarity in external signs, it is quite difficult to determine how implantation bleeding differs from menstruation. To understand what it is you need to know what happens in the body before and after conception.
For a complete understanding, let us explain what distinguishes ovulation from implantation. This is important when planning a pregnancy. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, an egg is released from the ovary, the maturation of which lasts two weeks (plus or minus 2 days).
After meeting the sperm, the process of fertilization occurs, which forms the embryo. If this happens, some women experience cell implantation.
Without ovulation, conception is impossible. Physiologically, it is easy to not even notice or confuse bleeding with menstruation.
The vast majority perceive the appearance of drops of scarlet blood on the pad or pinkish, sometimes beige streaked secretions as premature menstruation.
Dark brown daub is rare. With a high degree of probability, the dark secretion indicates side symptoms, see photos of the discharge. Recognizing bleeding and distinguishing it from ovulation is quite difficult, especially since the process may coincide with your cycle. But there are additional signs.
Very easy to confuse with menstruation
Bleeding during embryo implantation does not have an unpleasant odor. The amount is usually scanty, it is not strong or very abundant as with menstruation. The intensity is short-term - from a few strokes to 48 hours. Thrush may occur due to increased secretion from the vagina.
Why is this happening
Bloody discharge during this period is a sign of good fertility. They occur in the middle of the menstrual cycle, when a mature egg is released from the ovary and begins to move towards the fallopian tube, preparing for fertilization.
There are two reasons why blood is released during ovulation:
- Release of the egg from the follicle
For ovulation to occur, LH intensively acts on the surface of the follicle located in the ovary. Its wall weakens, and the egg can be released freely. This may cause some blood to come out. Minor bleeding also occurs when the follicle wall is completely destroyed when the egg begins to move through the tube. This discharge is what most women notice during ovulation as vaginal fluid mixed with blood.
- Changes in hormone levels.
In other cases, bloody discharge during ovulation may be caused by changes in hormonal levels in the female body. When the reproductive system is preparing for the release of a mature egg, the level of estrogen increases. They stimulate the release of LH, which causes ovulation. However, in some cases, after a sharp decrease in estrogen levels that occurs after ovulation, progesterone levels increase too slowly. During this time, there may be some bleeding until progesterone levels reach normal levels.
If the blood released is not scarlet, as during normal periods, but brownish or pinkish, this is not a cause for concern. This is usually due to the remnants of bloody discharge from the previous menstruation, then a brown tint appears. If the blood is diluted with the “egg white” of the cervical fluid, the discharge appears pink.
The intensity of the discharge can vary: from a few drops to minor bleeding. They last 1-2 days and should not be a cause for concern.
What discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, is considered normal?
According to doctors, it is impossible to independently determine pregnancy in the early stages. But, nevertheless, most women claim that they truly determined their position by seemingly insignificant changes and impulses.
Every woman monitors her health after conception with special attention. Women are especially worried during their first pregnancy. One of the first questions a woman asks is what discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, is normal?
After the birth of a new life has occurred, the quality and volume of vaginal discharge from a woman differs significantly from that of a non-pregnant woman. In this case, the discharge changes with increasing gestational age. Conventionally, according to time and nature, they are divided into three stages.
Undoubtedly, each person is individual. And what is considered normal for one may in no way affect another. So, some women do not notice changes in the body and find out about pregnancy already at a decent age.
Symptoms and signs (feelings)
As a rule, embryonic discharge is not accompanied by pronounced manifestations and often goes unnoticed. However, 20 out of 100 girls may experience the following feelings as a sign of pregnancy:
- the most accurate and accurate indicator, which is impossible without implantation bleeding, is a decrease in basal temperature. At the very beginning of the process, when the cell is consolidated, the indicators necessarily change;
- heaviness, aching or nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
- spotting or droplets of scarlet blood (sometimes so insignificant that they do not cause attention);
- color from cream or pinkish to light brown;
- general health may be accompanied by weakness, dizziness, slight malaise, and sometimes nausea;
- The duration is short - from several hours to a maximum of 2 days.
Knowing how the implantation process goes is especially important for married couples who decide to resort to IVF reproductive technology.
Immediately after the birth of a new life
Conditional first stage of pregnancy. After fertilization, progesterone levels increase. And he, in turn, colors the discharge immediately after ovulation, if conception has occurred, white. White, almost transparent, odorless discharge is considered normal. They report the formation of a mucus plug.
In exceptional cases, women find creamy discharge after ovulation if conception has occurred. Such discharge is more abundant, more sticky and similar to the white of a raw chicken egg. It is worth noting that these discharges are also normal.
Standard options
White discharge after successful conception is considered normal. They are secreted in the cervical canal and gradually form a mucus plug that closes the entrance to the cervix. If the woman is healthy and the subsequent pregnancy proceeds without pathologies, the discharge will have a white or whitish tint, a rather viscous structure, reminiscent of egg white or mucus. They should not contain any flakes or other inclusions, and there should be no smell. Such discharge is observed in the first trimester, usually until the 12th or 14th week of pregnancy. Then the amount of progesterone produced begins to decrease, and cervical mucus completes the formation of the plug.
Another variant of the norm is brown discharge associated with implantation bleeding. It is caused by the introduction of the fertilized egg formed as a result of the fusion of sperm and egg, which violates the integrity of the membrane lining the uterus - the endometrium. During this process, small vessels may burst, which, as they move towards the vagina, will acquire a brownish tint and color the secreted cervical mucus.
How to determine
In order not to wonder whether you have your period or implantation bleeding, it is enough to know the manifestations of certain features. We remind you that this process is not considered normal and does not occur in all women.
- at the time of implantation, the stomach may hurt, the feeling lasts no more than 15 minutes;
- the main aspect is that discharge always begins 3-6 days before the start of menstruation;
- duration no more than 48 hours;
- a small amount that is usually not given importance;
- pay attention to the color, which is not bright red like menstruation.
What are the most common signs of pregnancy a week after ovulation?
After several days, the discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, changes. Their color becomes closer to beige, yellow or pink. It is worth noting that the density also changes. The discharge becomes denser.
On the eighth day after fertilization, if the woman had a regular cycle, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. As a result, ruptures of one or more vessels are possible. Therefore, the discharge tends to be stained with blood. Thus, the selections receive a certain color:
- Bloody. The discharge is a colorless liquid with clots or streaks of blood, not voluminous and short-term. However, you need to be careful, because if the bleeding is prolonged and is not expected to stop, plus it is supplemented by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, these are alarming symptoms that indicate health problems. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and carry out diagnostic procedures.
- Burgundy, closer to brown, discharge after ovulation, if conception occurred a week ago, is the norm. This color can be explained quite simply: in a certain group of women, the blood clots rather than leaves the uterine cavity.
After implantation into the wall of the uterus, the embryo gives an official signal to the body (in the form of hCG) to prepare for pregnancy. It primarily affects the corpus luteum, which is formed after the release of the egg from the follicle. Now it will intensively produce progesterone in order to:
- stop the rejection of the uterine endometrium and the onset of menstruation;
- relieve the tone of the uterus and stop muscle contraction;
- ensure a rush of blood and increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
- stimulate fluid retention and breast development.
The main companion during the process of embryo attachment is pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes it is projected into the ovaries or onto the back and then it seems that it “aches” the lower back.
Painful sensations can be one-time or long-lasting. For example, appear from the fourth DPO and persist throughout the second phase until the delay.
The following are the most common signs of pregnancy when it makes sense to take an ultra-sensitive pregnancy test:
- The day after implantation bleeding;
- If on the sixth or seventh day after ovulation the lower abdomen feels tight as before menstruation, there may even be a slight tingling or burning sensation, but the next day everything suddenly stops;
- At the first signs of toxicosis (ordinary odors make you feel sick or disgusted);
- Characteristic changes in the BT chart.
There are other signs of early pregnancy. For most women, they begin at 8-14 DPO. You can read more about them in this article.
Why does heavy discharge occur after ovulation?
There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Depending on other signs, you can determine what led to this.
When aggressive substances come into contact with the mucous membrane, a reaction occurs. The glands work in enhanced mode to get rid of the unpleasant guest. The cause is hygiene products, suppositories, tampons, douching solutions, condoms, lubricants, and even a new sexual partner. In the latter case, the reaction is caused by foreign flora, and the symptom will disappear over time.
The discharge is accompanied by itching, pimples on the mucous membrane, runny nose, sneezing, redness of the eyes and tearing. After taking antihistamines, relief comes.
The entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the vagina also provokes the glands to produce a large amount of liquid secretion in order to bring them out. If an infection is allowed to develop, the color and consistency will change depending on the type of germ.
Green discharge, like water, occurs with chlamydia, genital herpes, mycoplasmosis, and other infections. Over time, they can thicken and become yellow-green and purulent with a very unpleasant odor.
With bacterial vaginosis or gardnerellosis, the secretion can also be liquid, abundant and greenish. A striking feature is the fish spirit.
Attention! Most infections are accompanied by burning, tingling, and itching.
Rough sexual intercourse and manipulations by a gynecologist also provoke the production of fluid, like water. If the mucous membrane is damaged, pink discharge occurs.
Accumulation and stagnation of fluid in the uterine tubes. This happens after operations. As a result of adhesive processes, cavities are formed where secretions and blood plasma accumulate. If there are channels, then at times the substance is emptied, which leads to a sudden release of secretions. The woman says that it just poured out of her, splashed. Normally, this fluid has no odor because it is not infected.
A vaginal cyst or any other sometimes makes its way out and then the contents leak out. It will subsequently fill up again unless the capsule is completely removed.
Treatment with drugs
Discharge after vaginal suppositories is often thick and thin. Again, this is the body’s reaction to a foreign object and active substances. An allergy to the drug is possible.
When taken orally or through injections of corticosteroids, antibiotics, vaccinations, or other medications, changes in vaginal discharge may occur.
Inflammatory processes
As a result of chronic infection, pathological disorders begin in the fallopian tubes and appendages. Inflammation of any part of the reproductive system can provoke various pathological discharges. They have an unpleasant rotten or musty odor and are accompanied by abdominal pain, fever, and deterioration in general condition. The cause may be salpingitis, oophoritis, adnexitis, endometritis, cervicitis.
Attention! Inflammation is a complication of infections of the reproductive system that are not detected and treated in time.
Cervical cancer is sometimes characterized by a thin discharge. This is lymph flowing out of capillaries damaged by the tumor. Dysplasia and erosion also give a similar effect in advanced cases.
Liquid discharge during and after sex
This is absolutely normal. Under the influence of hormones that are released during arousal, a large amount of lubricant is instantly produced for a comfortable process. Some women experience a lot of watery discharge during orgasm. Some scientists claim that it is urine, others do not quite agree with them.
Age-related changes
Liquid, abundant secretion is typical for adolescents. High concentrations of sex hormones cause increased production of vaginal mucus. The older a woman is, the drier her vagina.
Soul feelings
Fatigue, stress, overexertion - everything is reflected in the hormonal background that controls a woman’s vaginal secretion. Therefore, cycle failures and atypical discharges occur. The main thing is that these circumstances do not repeat themselves. Otherwise, you can really get sick.
Interesting fact! During periods of severe depression, a woman sometimes stops menstruating completely and is infertile.
What does it look like
A small amount
It is worth understanding that a specific phenomenon occurs only when pregnancy occurs, that is, this is a guarantee of fertilization. If implantation does not occur, then embryonic bleeding is excluded.
Let's try to identify all the signs, symptoms and indicators of what this process may look like and how it manifests itself:
- happens in no more than 30% of women;
- begins 3-6 days before menstruation, at this time even hCG analysis is useless;
- scarlet blood or smearing mucus with streaks, but homogeneous, without clots or other inclusions, as shown in the photo;
- color varies - from beige to brown, but not red;
- no unpleasant pungent odor;
- the amount of discharge is small, often this fact goes unnoticed;
- for a short time there is a change in basal temperature;
- for 3-4 days, sometimes there is a feeling of weakness, fatigue, pain in the lower abdomen or dizziness;
- are detected 4-6 days after sexual intercourse and only in case of conception;
- duration from 2 hours to 2 days.
If you know what this phenomenon looks like and happens, you will no longer be able to confuse it with menstruation; the process is shown in the original video.
Heavy discharge is a reason to go to the doctor
How many days after conception
If you know the timing when implantation bleeding usually begins, it is much easier to understand what exactly you are faced with.
This will help to detect pregnancy earlier, prevent miscarriage, not overlook the disease, or find out the diagnosis.
Usually the fertilized egg is attached to the uterine endometrium 4-5 days after conception. Add about two more days for the implementation process itself.
But it is not necessary that fertilization occurs precisely when sexual intercourse occurs. It happens that within 3 days the sperm are hidden in the fallopian tubes, as shown in the photo.
In this case, the first symptoms of implantation appear only on the 8th day after sexual activity.
All women have a personally drawn up schedule for their monthly cycle. On average, IR occurs on days 21-26 of menstruation or a week before it.
Knowing all the dates, it should be easy to calculate on which day of the monthly cycle implantation will occur. Information is critical for those planning reproduction through IVF or insemination.
Let me remind you that the basal chart is valuable for its dynamics, and not for absolute indicators. If it is not possible to compare indicators with previous cycles, you should not wait for an objective assessment of the current results. And of course, there is no need to start measuring now.
After conception has occurred, normal BT will be consistently high, approximately 0.3–0.5 degrees more than the average value of phase I. This is a common manifestation of the work of the hormone that supports pregnancy - progesterone.
The basal temperature at 7 DPO is consistently high - the test should be done from 12 DPO
Note(!) The implantation of the embryo can be asymptomatic (even painless) and without any changes on the graph. In this case, the test should be done as standard at 12-14 DPO, or better later, from the first day of the delay, but only if BT remains elevated.
- if there was a sharp drop in basal temperature with an increase the next day;
The next day after implantation retraction, you can do a test
- if there was no retraction, but at some point the BT became even higher and more stable (in comparison with the same phase II) by about 0.2-0.3 degrees. This phenomenon is called the third phase on the BT chart.
Basal temperature chart: from the 7th day after ovulation, BT began to increase in relation to phase 2
All of the listed signs and characteristic symptoms can be assessed later than the 7th DPO. If they occur, you can do a test the next morning.
If a very, very pale line appears - a ghost, it is better to quietly postpone your joy until the day after tomorrow and repeat the test (in case there is a reagent). During a real pregnancy, the hCG level doubles every two days and the second line will certainly become a little brighter.
If the test is negative, don't be upset. This happens when the hormone has not yet entered the urine. Repeat testing every other day or donate blood for total hCG - it is the most accurate.
Observe your condition, but not anxiously and with constant worry, but calmly, with a joyful and happy expression, as if the pregnancy has already been confirmed.
If this time there is no result, but there is definitely ovulation, another reason for the absence of a child is possible. This material describes in detail the reasons for the absence of pregnancy and the steps that should definitely be taken.
To everyone planning a successful pregnancy and healthy babies!
If conception has occurred, then normal discharge on days 2-3 after ovulation will be less abundant than during fertilization of the egg. The female body does not need a large amount of vaginal secretion after ovulation; in any case, there will be less discharge. The color of the discharge is white or yellowish, transparent or slightly beige. The watery consistency after the “decisive” sexual intercourse with successful conception gradually changes to a thicker one.
Discharges that have a heterogeneous structure, admixtures of blood, pus, greenish and grayish discharge are considered abnormal. They may indicate the presence of an infection and possible conception cannot change their character in any way. But the infection can radically change the course of pregnancy in its very first days. If there is an infection, the fertilized egg may not implant in the uterine cavity or may not implant properly.
So, in the first day after ovulation and possible conception, the discharge remains abundant and watery. On the second or third day, the discharge becomes less. For some women, they can practically disappear and there will not even be a trace on the panty liner.
On the fourth day, the egg is halfway to the uterine cavity, it is also a zygote and is intensively fragmented. The vaginal secretion at this stage is quite scanty, creamy, and odorless. From the fifth to the sixth day, progesterone actively affects the uterine endometrium, which, under the influence of the hormone, thickens and becomes more loose. Discharge on these days is no different from discharge on the third or fourth day after ovulation.
Implantation occurs on days 8-9. This is a very delicate moment; it is on these days that it is decided whether to have a full-fledged pregnancy. In about a third of cases, unfortunately, it does not occur. The blastocyst (this is what the fertilized egg is now called) cannot always successfully attach to the wall of the uterus. It can be prevented by inflammatory or infectious diseases, increased tone of the uterus, scars on the walls of the main reproductive organ, and hormonal imbalances. Also, the blastocyst may not have sufficient levels of enzymes necessary to “introduce” into the uterine wall. This is typical for embryos with gross chromosomal pathologies that are virtually non-viable.
It is during the implantation period that nature itself carries out natural selection, deciding whether there will be a child, whether it can develop further. Neither the woman nor the doctor can influence the likelihood of successful implantation. This is beyond the scope of human competence.
If the question of the future fate of the embryo is resolved positively, on days 8-9 the woman may feel the first changes in the nature of vaginal discharge. She may notice bloody spotting on the pad, scanty and insignificant. This is the very first and early sign of pregnancy, which is called “implantation bleeding.” Blood, ichor, pinkish creamy discharge - all these are options for such bleeding.
A little blood may be released due to disruption of the integrity of small blood vessels when the blastocyst penetrates the uterine wall. Implantation occurs at 3 weeks of pregnancy and there are no inaccuracies here. Obstetricians simply measure the gestational age from the first day of the last menstruation. Ovulation thus occurs at 2 weeks, and tests will begin to show the second line no earlier than 4 full weeks (which corresponds to the first days of the start of the delay).
It should be noted that implantation bleeding may be accompanied by additional sensations - a slight rise in body temperature, a feeling of chills. Some women mistake this bleeding for a hormonal imbalance or premature menstruation. However, within a day, the brown or bloody scanty discharge disappears without a trace.
After implantation, the nature of the discharge may change. Regardless of whether it was accompanied by slight bleeding or not, on the 10-11th day after ovulation, the discharge becomes even thicker. In some women, they acquire a pronounced yellowish-lemon tint. This is due to an increase in the concentration of progesterone, the task of which at this stage is to promote the softening of the uterine muscles, which will allow the embryo to develop more organically.
The chorion at the site of attachment of the blastocyst will subsequently become the placenta. In the meantime, it begins to produce a specific hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The hormone will increase approximately twice as much every two days, and during this period, until the delay, discharge from the genital tract can be quite scanty, slightly increasing in volume only a couple of days before the expected day of the next menstruation.
Under the influence of hCG after ovulation, some women may theoretically begin to feel the first symptoms of pregnancy - mild nausea in the morning, dizziness, chills and a slight increase in body temperature in the afternoon or evening, severe thirst or lack of appetite. Toxicosis as such usually does not occur at such an early stage and all the described sensations are mildly expressed. Most women who are unaware of conception because they did not plan the pregnancy do not even pay attention to them.
4-5 days before the start of the next menstruation, a woman may notice that the discharge not only begins to roll up, but also begins to itch. Strange as it may sound, thrush is sometimes the first sign of pregnancy - this is how women’s immunity expresses its “protest” against the beginning of large-scale changes in the female body, because a huge number of global restructuring processes are taking place in it.
What factors can influence the amount and nature of discharge?
The female body is ruled by hormones, and they have the most direct impact on the functioning of the reproductive system and all its organs. When their level changes, the allocations also change. So, in the first half of the cycle, estrogen plays the main role. But after menstruation, the level of this hormone is low, and therefore the discharge is not abundant or practically absent. As the amount of estrogen increases, the volume of discharge begins to increase, and normally it should not be very thick, viscous, whitish and reminiscent of liquid jelly or protein.
Approximately in the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs, during which a mature and viable egg is released from the burst follicle and rushes through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity to unite there with the male reproductive cell - the sperm. The mucus produced by the cervix becomes thicker and more abundant, which creates optimal conditions for conception.
After ovulation, at the site of the ruptured follicle, the so-called corpus luteum is formed, which is a unique temporary secretion gland. It synthesizes progesterone, which prepares the endometrium for the implantation of the fertilized egg, and also starts the process of formation of a mucous plug (it will cover the cervix throughout pregnancy and protect the fetus from infections). In the second half of the cycle, the discharge is thick, has a rather dense consistency and becomes less abundant. Just before menstruation, they may liquefy.
If fertilization has occurred, then the level of progesterone, which is the pregnancy hormone, continues to rise, and at this stage it rules in the female body. Under its influence, the discharge becomes viscous and thicker, acquiring a white tint.
Sometimes the nature of the discharge changes under the influence of negative factors, which include hormonal imbalances, gynecological diseases, stress, and sudden climate changes.
Unhealthy discharge
Unhealthy discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, includes the following:
- with a green tint;
- with a yellow tint;
- white curd;
- with the smell of rot.
If you have discharge of this kind, you will have to see a gynecologist. Because they prove the presence of infections in the genitals. All infectious diseases must be cured before labor begins. This is done in order not to transmit the infection to the newborn.
It is worth noting that you should see a doctor if the discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, appears again during the delay. Taking this step is necessary in order to maintain the pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.
Does it always happen
As mentioned above, not all women may experience implantation bleeding during pregnancy. This is not considered the norm, but it is not a deviation either. More often occurs with multiple fertilization (twins or triplets)
There are no visible reasons for the occurrence of IR; the process occurs asymptomatically and is recognized as an individual feature of the female body.
In order not to be confused with PMS, you should know what spotting looks like, how many days it lasts, be able to distinguish color, homogeneity without clots and other indicators.
Don't be upset over trifles
Can it be abundant?
We remind you that implantation bleeding cannot be as heavy as your period. Like everything inexplicable, such a pathology occurs in exceptional cases.
The picture is similar with monthly menstruation during pregnancy. The phenomena are classified as one in a million.
Implantation is rarely accompanied by headaches or malaise. Even if your stomach hurts and it seems like it’s just a scanty period, there are many other distinctive signs. For example, color and timing.
If you have strong doubts, purchase pregnancy tests or get tested for hCG levels, but only after the clots have stopped coming out.
Implantation bleeding after conception
Discussion: 6 comments
- Lyudmila:
08/27/2018 at 14:00Good afternoon, please tell me. My husband and I really want a child. The last M were from July 28 to August 1. In August they decided to PA every other day. We're supposed to go today. They're not there yet. The stomach hurts from time to time, but very mildly, the chest hurts when pressed, but also not like last month. White clots are released. Nothing hurts or itches.
Yana (specialist):
08/27/2018 at 14:39
Hello, Lyudmila! You have obvious signs of pregnancy. Read about the variants of the norm , if this is the case for you, then everything is in order.
10/09/2018 at 21:24
Hello! The cycle is 28 days. Before O, PA was every other day and on day O 2 times, now it’s the 2nd day after O. In the evening, a white discharge appeared, and when pressed, the chest hurts. And the bottom is a little stretchy. Can this be considered pregnancy? Still a state of drowsiness. Thank you!
- Yana (specialist):
10/11/2018 at 23:18
Hello, Zlata! The symptoms are similar, try taking a pregnancy test to find out for sure. Take care of yourself!
11/12/2018 at 12:57 pm
Hello! We have been conceiving a child for two months now, but so far without results! But from the beginning of conception, white discharge appeared, which continues to this day. Tell me, please, what can it be? And why doesn’t pregnancy occur? Thank you.
- Yana (specialist):
11/19/2018 at 22:05
Hello! You yourself answered your question; in your case, pregnancy has already occurred.
Menstruation or pregnancy?
Due to the fact that menstruation often begins with small discharge, a woman, due to inexperience, may confuse it with pregnancy. In order not to get confused and not to have false hopes for future motherhood, you will have to learn to distinguish between them. The main difference is that the discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, is not as abundant and darker in color.
But this method of determination is not suitable for women with scanty periods. In this case, the woman considers menstruation as implantation discharge and does not even think about the fact that life has already arisen inside her.
In addition to spotting, pregnancy can be determined by the following signs:
- Basal temperature will change upward. The average is above thirty-seven degrees. First the temperature decreases and then increases. This temperature jump is a consequence of the production of progestogen (a hormone responsible for increasing temperature) and the release of estrogen (a hormone that lowers temperature). The elevated temperature lasts for several days.
- Mild malaise, inexplicable laziness. Along with the temperature, fatigue accelerates. The woman thinks she has a cold. And fever and malaise are the first signs of a cold. Sometimes there is a really minor cold. This occurs due to decreased immunity. In the early stages of pregnancy, the use of potent drugs is strictly prohibited. Moreover, you should not self-medicate.
- Frequent urge to urinate. The feeling of fullness of the bladder should not be accompanied by pain, cramping, and so on. Otherwise, it’s worth visiting a urologist and getting tested for infections, since pain during urination and a frequent desire to visit the ladies’ room indicate the development of cystitis or urethritis.
- Drawing sensation in the pelvic area. Such sensations appear in a woman due to the fact that the uterus is enlarged and blood circulation increases.
- Increased appetite. An obvious sign of a newly conceived pregnancy. This does not mean that you will crave pickles, but many women report cravings for certain foods during pregnancy. Mother nature has arranged everything in such a way that a woman’s body itself determines when it should start eating more calories, as people say, “for two.”
- Breast sensitivity increases. This sign of pregnancy appears after two weeks after fertilization. However, some group of women cannot feel their breasts at all. In such circumstances, pay attention to the color of the nipples. A pregnant woman's nipples will become darker in color.
- There is a delay in menstruation, but there is spotting after ovulation if conception has occurred. Reviews from many women say that they did not notice any discharge at all.
- But there may be another reason. Erosion of the uterus can cause spotting after ovulation, if conception has occurred. What are they? This discharge is bright red and profuse due to the increased blood circulation of a pregnant woman.
Even the onset of menstruation on time cannot be a guarantee that pregnancy has not occurred. If in a given cycle a woman produced not one, but two eggs with a difference of several days, then not the first, but the second cell could be fertilized, and then the first one will leave the uterus with menstrual bleeding, which will, however, be more scanty and spotting than usually.
If your period has begun and is proceeding abnormally and ends quickly, it is still advisable to take a pregnancy test. It is quite possible that the situation with two eggs this month happened to you.
Based on some characteristic features, you can determine what exactly is causing the blood: implantation bleeding or menstruation. There are special signs of pregnancy. They can appear even at such an early stage. The longer the fetus develops, the more obvious the pregnancy becomes:
- Strong feeling of nausea. The duration of the illness may be short, but many women feel the urge to vomit. This is due to the onset of pregnancy. Before the full development of the fetus begins, the body perceives the fertilized egg as a foreign body, a consequence of intoxication, and nausea is felt.
- Dizziness may indicate the onset of pregnancy. Sometimes this is a mild discomfort, and in some cases the dizziness is quite severe and causes fainting. This condition indicates that hormonal changes have begun.
- After fertilization occurs, painful sensations begin in the chest area. They are not fundamentally different from sensitivity during menstruation; the breasts “grow” due to an increase in fluid volume and changes in hormonal levels.
- At the very beginning of pregnancy, when the egg has not yet implanted inside the uterus, the body spends energy fighting the foreign body. After this, the most suitable conditions for the nutrition and development of the fetus are created. Showing such great efforts affects a woman’s well-being. Weakness, high fatigue and a desire to sleep a lot appear.
- Many women experience a frequent urge to urinate. This is explained by the fact that the enlarged uterus puts a certain pressure on the bladder.
- Every month, the female body prepares for conception. After pregnancy, a slight bloating occurs due to the creation of a nutrient medium for the embryo.
- Excessive bleeding is not a feature of implantation bleeding; in this case, it is better to consult a doctor.
How long does it take?
On average, implantation bleeding occurs on days 25-27, less often on days 29-30, 31 of the cycle, a week or 2-4 days before menstruation.
But for implantation to occur, the egg must be fertilized. This can only happen when you ovulate during your period in the middle of your cycle. It depends on the calendar of critical days.
Considering the chronology of events, cell attachment can occur at different times after ovulation:
- average (common): 7-10 days;
- early (rare): 6-7;
- with late implantation (more often occurs with IVF): after 10.
Women expecting pregnancy often wonder whether it is always possible to detect IR and whether there may be no signs of manifestation.
The next cycle will answer your questions
In this case, it is difficult to figure out whether it is bleeding or menstruation. In the absence of obvious symptoms, the results will only be known before the next cycle.
Let's take a closer look at the basic points to remember:
- How many days before your period does implantation bleeding occur depends on the menstrual cycle. On average, from 3 days to a week before the onset of PMS;
- lasts from 2 to 48 hours;
- how much spotting can occur during implantation is manifested individually - this is one drop of blood or slight pale discharge;
- The maximum duration of embryo attachment during IVF is 10 days.
Pathological bleeding in the middle of the cycle
In certain disease states, spotting in the middle of the cycle is not associated with ovulation. These include:
- ovarian tumors;
- inflammation of the appendages;
- bacterial, fungal, viral infections of mucous membranes;
- hard sexual contact.
Diseases of the ovaries and appendages
The oncological process in the ovaries is accompanied by bleeding that is life-threatening to the woman. With the development of a tumor, a rapid proliferation of atypical cells occurs. They destroy the walls of blood vessels and change hormonal levels. An admixture of blood in the discharge of ovarian cancer is observed after ovulation.
Inflammation of the appendages also refers to a pathological process that may be accompanied by bleeding. The disease has additional symptoms, such as:
- nagging pain in the groin and lower back;
- burning in the genital area;
- unpleasant smell of secretion;
- sometimes - increased body temperature.
Consultation with a gynecologist is required. Only a doctor can determine the severity of a woman’s condition.
Bacteria, viruses and fungi, infecting the genitals, cause tissue destruction. Pathological processes involve small vessels - capillaries. From damaged capillaries, blood leaks into the uterus and vagina, mixing with normal secretions. During an infectious process, bleeding is observed not only during ovulation, but also in other phases of the cycle.
Aggressive sexual intercourse
During rough sexual intercourse, injury to the vaginal mucosa occurs. Blood from microcracks mixes with secretions. In this case, the bleeding goes away within a day after aggressive sexual intercourse. If it continues, other causes should be looked for.
For ectopic pregnancy
The first signals appear 2-3 days after conception. Doctors call the onset of symptoms to be a decrease in immunity.
Implantation occurs on days 4-10, when basal values change, pain in the lower abdomen and discharge are possible.
However, there are also tragic life situations. In 2-3% of girls, an ectopic pregnancy is detected. In this case, the attachment of the embryo occurs outside the endometrium.
Then there can be no talk of implantation bleeding. The process is accompanied by severe pain and dark, brown-black discharge. It is recommended to urgently call an ambulance.
Pregnancy test
How to distinguish bleeding from mild disruption of the endometrial layer from menstruation? Typically, bleeding occurs before the expected start of menstruation. It is not difficult to recognize the specific appearance of blood on underwear. Menstrual flow differs from implantation in duration and volume. Also, implantation bleeding has symptoms similar to the onset of menstruation.
Signs of pregnancy often include feeling unwell and some discomfort. There should be no bleeding after implantation bleeding. After a small amount of blood appears, many women want to determine whether pregnancy has occurred. However, standard tests sold in pharmacies will most likely not correctly determine a woman's condition at such an early stage.
The main indicator for these tests is the hCG hormone. Its concentration in the body increases significantly, including in the urine. The question of how long you should wait to receive reliable information can be answered by any gynecologist. Typically, the greatest reliability of the test is noted on the 16-17th day after the onset of ovulation or a few days after a missed period.